Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 7

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uY, OCTOBF4R 9M 1910 ca8uyight1910 'Me Houi of Kuppolmarm 'WautI NONE RêCEIVED FOR LESS THAN 26 CENTS fons, have -(a. exo- pub- ereit par. cou- rouaI ig of liant POw. dia- ding ro of large e fa- aber- ce ta any MY and fume- tiri tif ta Ihere Mlon. ;>' as ici et' ublie fIds F~ FOR SALE OR EXCI pa % aloie Rauge-mi Rag-wth 1111 focal nt fori .Aimsron 2.2814 alec>lpair WANTEO AT ONCE-Young womeiki yearliing gelijgm wadi rua aoier ixteen yesrs of âge desiringitjiiovpe,)Iosare aHisrs-d eteady employment. '-Atîwork is cean, 2.2si. taie dauim of thee-vo. lgut and pleasant and easily mastered;'iiiart.. Th"- will Is- sold a good wages cara be earned, ideat - attie or mhs-s-p. For fuirti factory condiinhin a cleantonti ad.sCrîL TlM board arjdnâoom cari be abtained t, Groai,, 111. very rea bnabil rates , Apply pay-#eo ~~ master, ZION CITY INDUSTRIES, FOR SALE-CIIC&1I. Lati- XMarshalt Feld & Co. Proprietors.f Iller touriug car wiîfi iti Zion City, 111. c-5-2t ns-utAs FaI>' s-quilpiww No b-t targrain i Lalo- GIRLS WAftTEO-iuci thes- pa-litg roua lranti's- coit nr'w $241) uft ibe Fouid la aaroir ac tur. i iras aei>lî-idid butrrni sut r fi'sn work Rad good pay. Gil ucaia odto viII liini rt iýi -îlntrs- -an oiiian board q uiicsale' Ai n Xs 1\, Kt th lus twsari rît Boardlinu$ Hs' fie. c--4 7-tf FOR SALE-F vo- ro-o WANTED-$i-reral goîuuf men and boys tirehard Mt. and Park Pliu ai lihs FoiltlaiIaearuiii Faitry. .ApIpi> lt>. Will taLc ie elo0 -w eti factory. ü-47-tf sale. Vryy vheap. T. IL Ki MEN WANTED-The i trfiariier - t'oIîlieeutfcilîrago. Ii.. Want lîilin clFOR SALE-5lttins-Cîjesîs- us-m ribr irade-'isyof'rsieîtt 'lnitbiatii ra&ti idlnvni-i'ni ami, a short terni vniiiplets 1 Aix mweeks Olaf.aWNI. Al Tin-y umailfIce a is'autiful Citalogiii' andIi I.Te-ts-phore 124 Round1 nast aitounr readers tsi @end for it ;>-4-2 j FàR SLE FOR SALE-Houiesasuritn u aet ie, une t>fae:k from uelilis ecluîo, in moud - conditioîn; cii>' water. ga suad eît-r liglir; large barn, frt rx3tt. Part cash, balance (in tfinîs. A f argairu Ifi taken et nii'i. nqîiirp ai 'gere clos-ing store. L. A.,ttroiitte. 'Phone 9188, Waukegau. p-I FOR SALE CHEAP-oix rauru bunga- low new. lot 50%187; uv arenen, D. A. Scor'r, East Park Avenue. 4-12-r FOR SALE-Wfl ssii about 30 n-itee wyandott lieus If ealted for suron H. Ilkley, Lfbrtyville. p.2.)tfd FOR SALE-Large modern s-vs-n olli1 bous§e sud barn on Piret Si. Aiiuuî e new, lu a vry desirabie location.t Frite faw. Termmaeay. SCIENssîîEn &t WnEELES, Libertyvilte. C-52-tf FOR SALE-Borlqe, wagon sud hamnegts, Hanse vif f vetgh 1300. Cali or addf ess (irayelake Cresmer>'. C-42tlf FOR SALE-bot 10 intact 1f C. F. Wrigts addition to Liberlyvifie. For particular wit E. R. WonIlidge5 fInr. chester, Nebr, c-4-4 LOTS FOR SALE-lith- 4uh-division lui Litrtyvili elsetrie ranjnuittNireaule- J.. (jalitse.ovuen. nFOR-SALE-Sait boust, Isa year. Cbî'ap ifl aken ut r FOR SALE-Acre lots or sutîdil-iïqirnclose tota cnn cars.Piiiceff00 00. Dylte ON ACCOUNT o!fîîy bsait ing o0utftins borseshusinm ceut nu> faru on Sbs-id. cash or on @harem, if nul enuin %Vouid prefer mu ent mu i doer. Miy land im in ins n( resut t tu l alnu>' iorses., Tbree btumnofnares about if sigint ins -youug lmares in o!fbn thns-velif naich-d as ireni>' as-i made iusavy har lu -1 yeam.-ouil; six flue J drivers, n-cil bn-d nand lint ws-l-brokenn ats driver; aid coaf lack Ps-n-bsni eelgns abhunt ans- rtou. tinres. nu>'homs-. arePcunud. met o!fiisavy rlriviug hbrui ut tiret mises expremss hume a rare chante mu get a fin yenur n terme. Rl. i)%j', Phone 0004. FOR SALE-Lots filithei Dyiuînd aniId 08-0--- alIOousUslsjsP.UL F W Hatcb ani wife to G. Hf. Ni- Austin suldivis,Iiî. -(xl40-.el(u) -acb;fi--onad lelo nth enî iato j$5 dn.1 l-r tîuouib. iiyaosiîî&I a Real Estate Transiers * nadsteltnthsothîff ' AIUBTtN. 40-tf aabm :. b.dB section 22,.MWest Antlach township, Q FOR SLEUîo o-- îtâ tri c.Fau bt anyTitis &o I rugt Co. B. A. tevens snd aife ta G. H. Net- tWrigini s additioin. 701150t. fir-r -ý24I0 4)0 iitsracts of TitIs. Tiîl.-s (uaranteed' sont sud alte, haIl su acre tri south f2:l.rO udjSIî it ti ~o' &Ai .TN tastîi-Temple RldZ. n aulëuiu, 111. haIt of section 22 Antioch township. HANGE-Ttie ' 40-tf lli>irJ. Gu R E E, ýec.y C. D 1. îrsd fi>'Criset . _________________-- - it 111 fout b>' FARMS-Se bars a large list of Lake P. tD. Dewoody ta 1.1111e B. Dewoodyv ofi.-he Theu connt>- larmesto oeilf, alésibuses aud lîtalJanies Clark to J. J. Clark. uouth two tracts of land lu the southelasr lu vilageeI>yto ... 4(i tý 4ts bug3.original IWaukegall qiiarteýr or section 32, Benton loren- b>- 1-11l.n_________________a_____D_ , $1. .sîriji. W.D. $6,00A. i tradi-d for FOR SALE--Or wilIt tradi' fuir a fiaItt Ente MI. tjoodwil to Dora Biauken i.. 0. Turner and aife ta H. W. lier jîinra- driver, au 8 vear M-d work Irrîin, wPi;zll- t.,îrg. lots 71,577and 't), Fair Oalis Siî.lt1.hok1 ubkers eub- , )s~r lgiti 20 .WELrK asrk. subdiv ision Lake Zurich. WV. D., $ '0.ditvision Libertyville, W. D., $3200. ,-4-l- P. A. 'Baker anrd rife to C. L. E. A. Ciîmmings and ale tu, Staiity model Pian, FOR SALE OR RENT-Moderu lrrI,în..1 Harder, Jr, lot 2r1. euh b of lot 290, Lake Pleczouka lots 2e,. 147 and 148, E. A. 10 imirri)ru- atl imtrorsînets. l'entrally - lais-C. Foi est, lW. 1).,$2500. 'imnajesîdvsoî ot -f ~~~~~~~~~11 tiss IeH oss.Lbrv Ie I -2u-ti R. A. Suiîh and wife t WillanîuaoW ) 1 unir- Wif ~ îiiigge. lot ss, rrr.1, Rockefeller, Johu Robertsoni sud elfe to. W. R. is li ferfi-et Q .1i1 & E. Traction Co.. strilî tbrougb part sac rP ifii, r OR 5ET Henv lan Noire Sard ife ta Wil- sections 20, 21 and 28, Ela township, 1 lantK ngge, lot 2, lock 1, Roche FOR RENT-Fiîuisie.i rîîîii -n flrW. 1) , $:: W . tD.. $2. 1-f,,ird fur two umuglaiiis. Cali ai W'1.Iasçih Praunenstili sud a-Ifs tu K. ttgreuriis roffics-. 2-tf William i nugge and aife to P. G. jC. Soreliseri snd wlfe, soutb 19 acres c. hufin-toc . Ry os21arl2.blc ,Rc e hail souîheast quarter section rfi for cuicl FOR RENT-Six rooiîi cottage oîn feiler, W'. tD.. $12,J110. 12, Freisaout torenbsip, W. D., $4000. iç - t,-hio t et. Apply ta Mns. Pries-, on A. MI. Bryaut sud reie tuoilt'. j.' Estale of E. J. Lehmuann, deceased, p- 4t Sprague etreet. e-- -1 Hembletan, tract of land ln south bal 1ta trusts-es or scboot district No. 41, _ _ P. #e~ section 21,lI",,, uro iansbp, IV. D.. lot ln village of Lake Villa, W. D., r Whîite-and FOR RENT-A brouse. bran d une$.24 $Sr) %îsîrp so ac~re of land. lnîîuîms aiftymoud & 324 (aela-,Austin cf' Rirbt ié-h, Lit.e rtyville. F. C. Spa]diîug affir ifle ta Hermann E.P. Allen aed wlfe ta J. 6. Wsiiî- Latke. -52-tf Hille, tract of lanrd îortb ofaInîd ail-! wrlit', esat 55 feet south 62 feet 54tiu Laie ISîuf, W, D., $15,000. blo i , îîrtrlwest addition Wauke- FORRE Tî; uooiu aditae o ea- s' 1 S Ifolnio auliand l1e to Eleanor 8. gui, W. tD.. $1. tusraAsJ..vifil ts-fiulfruae hat. i u. Wi E«iîIlii il Hotmes, saint hwai i of lots 4 and r Fi Fank Duanuansuri ae ta N.,t'. Jeu- s- foit i lcoci7, iuhlaîid Park, W'. IIý, $1. ý sen, 4(1 acres lu the soitheast quarts-r avenu .BHFOR RP-NI -«e fhave a iew gôod mod. John Johnuson Io (icri Beisse et ai, rit sectonr 21. East Aulfocli towensipt 15- f s:n , uses amidais tu rent aIea tfr-lt7i-as Sniahisl routas. wreirfi a-m e-ét, rith or lt', owrut fisiglitri, Fox Lake, QIW-. D., $4,000. Sfut i i-hjiout board. tiioî & ACÉsTiN. C. D., $1 71). 1. E. Mill and a-île 10 Peter Blootît- nr'-. Iirjiire 40-tf M. J. Bartihel anu l reeo -Go. Befs- -tronu. 11) acres lu the northieant qilar- 'no. î-40-ti se et aI. loi -,, flareard Heights, FoxI ter ortsecion ?2, Beuton tow-nshipi, W. ilinîud~ OS a~ FO NDLake, Q. C.t)., $171) D., $2,1r00. udT cisc-trie Rate XI'. 5oadwiiî 10 C. W. Andrewes, W. B. Smuitfhsuan ile (o H. H.In- Nuil s-i lots 6 to il, Goodyvii's subdivision, galle, lots le, snd 17.,Ilartrav & Hoff- 40-tf LOST-A gun barsl between C'range Lake Zuirfch, M'. D.. $1,500. mans Fourth Lake subdifvision, Q. .'Hall and Gurnse, Fînder ihîsase Iaveat Rate W. Goodrein to P. P. Clark, i C. tD., $100. th, i ai]gro- Brucbsr's store, Gurne-e, ii c5 lt-od1ls ~ ae îr egu rad frîr5OST-A pair ofsholgun barretIs, Tues- Ich, W. D., $1.500.- THESE MAY WED.t Id byJan.1. uorniug betwecen Rockefellfer and if > dn 1 ad f rthCicg.Fidr îlir s-a Mary H. JLiudsay and husband tri oud garon ir h Chic oFny ilie r aer H.W. HRami sud a-ttc, lot X2 block 14 IJohu Paquet,'Miliwaukee ..... ....0( asf'tos or phonue 2756, Libertyvilte. c-S-il E=oor addition ta, Higland Park, W1 Baibr Barteli----------------.49 eaeaCalife Bp: ., $975. Iving Pecb, Racfns-, WiIs-------..23 oîfaal ous- LOST-Sec Col n-f lb hwhite tri p J.B, Panue tri C. N. Kfmball, undi- lireîîe Scinoenieben ............... 18 nn bouken; meoes troîn 1 largo young iroken, (nue onue 4-year on statlon, Exeetîug 1.)ne gaod less; One met es,. Thiv la uBO tesu n o Wiaukegan. C-5 2 , -------1-I1 FOR SALE-A number of gond boises.F Dratters, drivers sud poulees. Bason4 Stock Faim, Prairie Viere, Il. e-4-2 FOR SALE-A range coat slave geaf as nere sud gas plate. Inqu ns at Iis office.1 FOR SALE-Ten inseiruod sows-and 40 eboats, R. DIA Ii, Waukegan; phone 9001. 1c-5.2 FOR SALE-lOt> acres ou Grand Ave, tirree mites reesi oftIuuee: inactsalit 41 acres poseure. turiuire F . E. Book. in lleInc. nit colar wie ti-npuuon e tati ailli four wehite ft-et. Answers mu the nin,-of *'ing." A rs-ward aili be giveu. Cl'a thelire irStore, GIJmaLpuk. r ec-SI-tf t MONEY TO LOAN j aMONEV TO LOAN-On ituproived farine. Dymoud & Austin. r'-.O-tf MONEY TO LOAN-On iprar-e farmsaet5S er cent. f)YMONo & ArTiTIn I. 1 MISCELLANEOUS I v Idedf hait of .1.72 racres lutire north-1 w'et quarter of scion 26, ISeerfiefif1 torershIi. W. D. , f2.791 . F. P. Hawekins and f le to C. N.9 Kiminnîl, mildluiifeni hait cg 1,72 acres1 lu the norîhn-eaî quarter of section 26, t)eerefild towniship, W. D., $2.793. J. H3. Paytne to C. N. Kimbal tract of land In norihe-est quarter of sec- tion 26, Deertietr tow'nship, W. tD., $1.719. J. B. Payne Io C. N, KImbaîl, 1.75 acres ini the nothwecsi quarter of sec- tion 26,t)s-srfil-d towenship, W. D., $1,128.75. J. B. Payne tri C. N. .KImbalt. undi- vîdeit hait oI 752/f 10Ocf au acre lu Gurs-e It.---------- -3p-S8'GOLO FILLEO SPECTACLES-w-In narrwret quiarteýr ai section 26, Ijeer- careifuf test iucfuds-d for $.00 and up. fit torenship, W. D., $1,128.75. ' goata - ave your premeut Jensenesbauged ion P. P. Hawktins sud reife ta C. N. Kimu- ilion FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-A stock bave nov iranien for ounr present J-uses, bal, undivîdeni fualao 7525/10000 cf 1We sud diar>' faim, 154 acres goaf sait, '1russes tliat bafd witf icaufort, tram1 an acre lu lie narthwrest quarter or uvu. Improvenieuts iret ctaes, Tva mils-n 81.00a suno. martkeusios drug store >il, e: .tof Rocoeler at Ivauboe. luquire tirs ResaIt Drug store, corner (lenems sectian 26, t)eerfieid townhifp, W. D., 2-tf Uni. E. A. Dean, Rockefeler. p43 ut., snd Madtson Waukegan, 111, c29-t $1,128.75. George Turyti, clty-------------..42 Buzzaz -Flory-------------------... 3 Fraîrces ('iaucy. Waulirgaîi-....26 Sarau Thonufiu5aî---------------..19 Chai-fssP. Studley, Wsiutsgan ...-1 Anna Ban-r---------------------- 29 Freri Valtuurcht, Chicago---------- 28 WfrIîniired Bs-fer----------------- 24 Jacair frefelnt.Grant-----------..32 lilie tletter----------------------..-2 Robent iCenelr, Mlwaeukee-...24 'lantha Bmi4tuuîsîtraf - - --.....20 Geai-te Milvthi, Moainmouth,1....I24 Ildttu iýl ornitîgstair--------------..s2 Ray Iliaitour, Kenasha, Wis-....2 Frances Borurer.sanme-----------.21 Edreard Sactruan, city.......... 29 Ada Campbel------------------.20 Edrearrl Iffler, Milwauukee-...2à Alga Bergussu------------------.20 INDEPENDENT >Want Ad&" bmfng resuit. 25 cents an f nsertlon and you reach 8000 rendurs. The Overcoat Question is Before You. Y Q01T want a coat that bas snap and character --that makes you 1look just right without being overdresued. And Iast you want quality and good value for the money snvested. WC give you ail this witb our absolute guar- antee behind it. It is aur wish'to satisfy you. - We art here ta stay. Its aur loss more than yours if yau arc not pleased with your purchase. The bouse of Kupperiheimer is conceded by al ;udges of ciothing as the peer of the overcoat makers. Corne ln and *ee what a different effeçt one of tbeir coats bas. It wili be, a revelation to you if you have flot had one on before. s $15.,00 to $35.00 Don't overlook our bat showings. We carry the three most popular makes, the Stetson, Young and Gimbel, $3.00 and $3.50 Tins Sfedou Seinarat, bIdJ at lisprincipal umhe, on the 31111i day ut dune, 1010, pursuant lu Itîe statute ýlu suri cases made suif pmnvlded, the capital stock uf The Sh-Idtou Sehol vwas inprreîd froîni one bnndred flity tbîîupaud i$150,000,OOî dîîlars tu trea funudred tiionsanif ($200,000.00) dollfars. More iban eiginîy per cent uftihe cnu)iit4tns-k of said Sch<inl e-as representeil at sauf meeting and 'oisif nuaniruoanf>'l ayon of said inicreamf of Ibe capital stock, A." F. SIFELiONo ,N. t)uIiANI t. PATrIsrîr. Diiectors of Tlîe Shledou Scboof. 4.-341f Railway. Mail Clerks Wantea. The Gove-umnent paya Railway Malt Cferks$8500 ta $1200, aud ather emnployeusa rieta $2600 asuolfy. l7ucie Sam ii iiholif spring siami. lions ilîrouginoul tins canutr>'for IRail va>' Mail Clerko, Cue5toun Houes (,ls-rks, Steuogratîisrs, Boatukeepers, Ospart- vientai Cisrke sud aiber lioverunueut Po- sitions. Tinoussuda ut appulutmnts vif he rade. An>'nîlsuorwronuovri 18, lu cil>'on î-unimy ean gel Instruction aud Ires infornmation b>'writiug at once ta the Bureaui mof nsîruirtioi, 459tCBHam- tn Buildingr, ltoebester, N. Y. POLAND CHINAS We have for sale a number of show pigs that are cornr. A young boar firet at Liberty- ville Fair for under six months, roady for service this seazon. Prices Reasonable. Alil Stock' Registered. LIBERTY-VILLA FARM N. E. GATZERT, PHIONE 27M4. ting lu tbe neorganlzaliou, and lu tact mlot mucli la kuavu about Ifhe reor- ganfzailon itseif. no uines viratever beiug given ont lu canuecticu with plans (o rebahhftate thre road. Saune assoit trI uW1en reorganisa- lion takee place sud the raad ls btugbt et fthe sale ta lake place around thre irer 0f the year Froit vili he etthie beaif, ebileo ilens s>' liat Prost van neyer ine more lian a stock-' bolder. Frost luluself, t lalesauf, damia (bar lie will beau (lie reliahifitsted,à noanf Tbe pirysical conîdition of thre raad la stateif (o le splenldd Under lthe receivers fcr ibis year th1e systeun as a wboIe shows e gaod, tif>' profil. snd tIre former dellcit bas been vipeit out, sithougl It lahalreays taten Imb cou- sidenation f lait he eceivers bave donc ver>' uttle or no nere construc-, tion, bave barely minuainei tire road sud have ual ai ail improveif lhe serv- ie. ratier cutiinîg iltdoren, The attomt' ey for the reco)eers yes- terdey sleted. thet 11e did uallIna-w e-heu or natder rebat conditions thre sale of 1the nosd voulif late place or whien thre atteIns af the noed vili camte toa sClmax. Notifg definite canIf he fond ont et the Frost office, Ail lu all la nai 'betieved t ta thons willi ie anytbing deflulte lu re- gard 10 tiere osi util about January 1. STOI{NI SAS! Don't wait until the luti minute to order your STORM SASII In one season storm maa will more than pry for them- uelves through the SAVINO IN YOUR FUEL BILL We make a starrn sash taiat will lait. We guarantee Our wôrk. Alter the firet sewap Yon wUl save on hall of wbat eognerally pad for fuel fllLs.Think o! the profit on your investment. ORDER NOW G.M.HlARRISON&SOIý,ý Box 2»3 LIBERTYVIU..E,. ILL LOTS FOR SALE-If yau vaut ag higb building lot lu a tiret-clans tat :~re ie youi opportuuit tget it. bave tbs maost desirabte anelunto SCISNLEBELE & WHEELEn. Libertve . -5z .1 11 - 1 . 1 .1 Chance)ry NoticeRO EEL>l A AW State of Ilfiois, Caunty of Lake. mu Circuit Court of Laite County. De-1 cemnber Term, A. 0. 1910,. Irving E. Payne to be Ca&ier Eligi-ne WVliton vsr. Hir-am Parker, of New Institution. fluisîu-srfaiSchoois of Township NO. 4. Rangeý No..-lit, Charlotte- iuintiiug, Frsiiccs Burdîet, Cordelle a ,kful-r undest hope ns to beome A. Steves-s, Alun Elizabeth Stevens,. a nî-uitcv. Th-ecrinmunity je to hairea the 11iîlniow eiihirs saifdevîsees 0f I îiOrfîlîu Stceens, ueeeased, and 1the ns-n Ihr-î ilaresbas;k eib nue of tdm unukuûwuu rvnu, r,u of the reat estats- lur-,t lriartur-al i uganizations tiossiblis- descn*il)d i thei-Bill Of Cornîlaiîut jIrotur lu, th, - sin.!pinto f uasafead filed llntinscauise. fi t'lancery. No aniniuivsd su Institue 4917. sutuîur-ofr Satiefactra ffiaict tirat the d, %"11 ,lu r rt t. I-rve th" neede fendantq, Itnnru P-rker. Candellia ý. 1ti -- riuiiuuuliv ai lare. BSteus. Amiuliza1 ii eîStevens, ths- 1 î,-,,g klurr.,iuru(ifthk! Clîrseus' Bank îutknown î dr-ranid des is-es orf Ho- - rrnru ,sr thiweek lu> S bL. Tripp- ratio Ster-eiis. uiees-seil, sud th4-.aun kuoren on ns orutheire nai esqta 5ýluhounili lu,- Ill-ident o! the neow institu- dr-scrlIred l Inih i1111c f coin tlaîlît t ir in ililue farthfer ottcereif by lu ibis cauise ili-l, ntiot ire [u inE. f vabns, hier and R. F. fourmi ind Ihat unîon ulligelit lu-n. uî-v-cu- îrsseîrt. Tht' haut viu qtiiry wrehibas hiu-m nalle Iîur tha fiais a regiîlnur hiuaruI ai Dire-toms con. purpase, tbelr places of restidence car. i- ituuif thne-iinove mentiruned 4ote ual be ascertaiued, so that lroneý es nud ite rîlien;narnuirs rhu are Ben H. eannOt be served upou thenu or eltber liller, . i;i4tyadDJL.Tyr oft(hem, havlng been il led lu the office , -i.rnul'>ailiJL.Tlr of the Cisit of said Court, if L.ulurtycills-. ;Notice la Iberefore beren>'given to TireIbatik ims -.îiuiiil dtu be mn lu thie. said above named asdud onutua rîis-s-y wa ru le rutivîtrvy as our beet dtuattthet (lie ebove amed Stute andl Nationual lustitîtinîlan sd êOmpiflaiîuaui beretatore fuil bhi.Bilt af Complafit In selCourt, On the iil' u uiressice suri rempousbible people Chencer>' aide ibereof. sud that a snu- ai lis bead suri expëen-cci andf careful mouts thereuijon lasued out of salit menTi support. it wliîî have thre greateat Court agalîsat the above nameif de- fendants, retunuable on the tiret dey conftidene aftie public ai large. - Of tbe terni of the (ircult Court of Tine valuni utschs inoiitution u thie Lake Cotint>', tulue held at the Coort village sud is urroundiug.countrv la Hourse lu Wankegau lu salit Lake iuconiîntable aud crs-r>' loyal mnember County, un ilie tiret Iltonday af DI. ceuiber, A. D. 1910, as la b> lawre me o!thpns- iumuirity aitus' iitprested lu qufred, sud a-hiei sait la stîilipend- lis ailllie s-thes tan)ks poKy; lng. LEI .BZC'WY lr. as snnunced h>lils presiîtent. talue as Waukcganr, Ilinuois, October 1911,. seîd tin e -s ls--rst i i -@ îiôneut A. D. fflptitësm(ftev mnty WHITNEY, i-APlY & RC'JY8RD. atý 1large, LA l1rcss ilt1reti(i ('ouiiatuaiits salfeltuls. linsraitlajjoini, andlis able sud con- Charicery Notice survatiivi'management i é,Intitution 1f, $tats of fIfInnois, Laite Couiity. ilit.Un surei>'deserviung of tine confidece sud (he Circuit Court of Lake County, ihearts suppiort of s-N'5l' citizen. December Ternu, 1910. Mr. Pava, relIt rot tu ables toatle Statilda R. Ifiodlfeson vs. Frank T. charge ftsrot i-oeJ'iity1f Iiddleson. InI Chaîîcery. Getieral _ ftewr eoeJnaylt No. 4Vt6.iasd uîntil tirai unmie. . iGridey blsa Satisfactory" affidavi t (bat utuon due beeu etigageiftoa8asiat lu the- organise-' auit diligenut iîquirv lande far that tion sud to taes charge of!ths office. Purîase. tins detendaut Frank T. Iflul ieson caunot be touud, Sa ibat Tire tuant will o:en u fr business lu the! Prucesaccnnebo be ssrved îupo: hirn; nordfi Part af the store' noacuPied by that thei ]asit ioren place af residence Winu. Ns-hmlicbas cou aso the ueemar>' aI said delendaîri resbLibertv-itle, equtu-itu ieire lntalled, s large L.ake'ount>-, illinoini; ibat upon ili -lrPotsl aigaraybe gent Inqiui-y nmade for that i-n bngarpoo el naîg ieaybse tig place- aI resldence of seid delend: pu it. ii aut caîluot lie ascertained, Notice ia bereby given ta tte esaidNO AL BEOI JA .1 Frank T. Hiddleeou (bat 111e above N A EB-OEJN narued coîîîîîaiusnt fifeiflber Bill of Complint lu salol Court on 111e Chan. lar !Eecro rei cer>' site thercof, sud thet saummons far f'lcrc iei tiieretîpon Isued oui of ssid Court Indiefinite Shape. safîret tishane usnmt defendaut, ns-. toruebie oni the flrsi day af the ns-xi terni of lte Circuit Court of L.akei Thingeaoaflîar ta have cirangeif s CooritY, fIllnois, ou tbe tfrait Mouday greS.i deel lu regard ta tbe final dis- of Decenîber, 1911), as la b>' lawre e position of the Chicago & Milwaukee tluiîred, sud rebicb cause 18 stli pend-o* ytun O uie ad Itr Walîtegen, i Iluois, Oct, 19, 1910. receivers. sud ih le a questiau wluetiuer LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, Clert. or nul the turnover cf the propefty CLAIRE C. E)W'ARDS , - wil iltake'place miiic before Jaunary, Complainanîsa Solîcîtar. 1, or ister. Notice. Witb -A.. C, Frost lunthe West, vbence 11e returueif trea eets smm Punblie' notice ijeiereinv given mhat et1a ont>' tu leeve tbe day afier bis reture. eps-ciel meëeting outrhe etockholdere o uita in.i h.,at feur li h..

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