Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 8

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iNews :5 »ts UP lBU-RGLAIlS ARE ACTIVE W*,i Thoir Warditobe ml N noxpome ier robbery lu the 'chain ot M tiat bava been parpetrateti tenu la thf Past fev -yaeks 'Tbursduy ishi.1 ro Wisfsclothini store was Li "h15Ume. Entranco ta Uic ta gaineti by op"nlg the rear ,hI ýlfbA L'tamy antiprring ttha tint &art itvhs ahurebeauxn M fou" wuylnglu the allai. tâbouw vi ute the court lu ir 'et thse store anti iomuteti ML Wth aM trof l inti'they tbe e.S-lealnov luathee-stom M wW the lien barse tiat àwo ýtAS" thse wnd ftvias w.'Me c eiflgthsug mate > muti tbat on» 'a ver' sulim a «»U bero'coudgt tbrougis. en vest tisrngh Uihe penlug i the back por and unlockedtt 'tu bIs companion in crime. a tise thievea got Into the store poeoed tu taire front the « egh lathlng hi last thent iul. Tva sulteuss n a rt attracteti thelr 'eyc as a . f csrrytang aff tisaîr bobti'.- »5 of tIes uit cases vas locked anti 1 i0« -ta oen It Uicy eut thlock. shah vas founti on Uic floor thîs mar- pg. Tise valne of Uic suit ecasela sd at SIM J'rom tisai place tbey veut luta Uic ba mom et the store anti removet Om tise books tv. overcoats, ona of bih bad juat lic osli the nlghtf dom. ona coat vas valued i at$25 W thethor ai $35.* 31008l"x on a nan lnl the rnomnt tliy =0 the coat vIsicIs belonga ta Jobn Uoue.1 a clark lnuich stare. 'Pliai flt tise ocisets of the coat, tuklug 1 tisaI vgaln tbem axcept an 01gb- * Mei rafirosdtticket helanging tu r. Pai'civel ?arcehich Isaacson. là ottiod Uic tai' bfera. Thai' 0u4»«yi' iared, that tIse number on tè tiket mlght leadtotathelr tlscov- ,»ffles Itsearticles mantionci Uic dovo took tva 82i5 suite of cabuSes j# onc ef a, cisaper grade. vIdhh Wy W Jithe icalnr barnum. vere ý-ê touai Ibis mSogu. la Uic h dia-ver tUi eiut $11S.80vwisch My todt. Mani'anialler articlea 4" iak.a ltlilag several avegier1 S40.., bats andi ahbu. ,-bo aise remoedaitUi door lu the %* partftIse vintov, *but dld not moe «Yaei' the Uicvndow de-tra- ose 1Ua lesin eatmated t a le- rosm $150 an $200. An1 tisut e pouice bave ta vork on e be fediprInts lu the mudt u the ut cf Uic store. For Loop systemn. PupMs for a complet o bp aystam cf UTest cm s beut Wauktegan a brancit go ta Uic proposoti uav di' park, noser teuiherber, anather ta the dme mli..anti thers -ta the natb bd scuýIs;est, bportions ai the cty are Mt e ha iucusact i atan Informai, .lffli Uicheofficiais oaI lltaWauke- m.l Eockferd & Elgin Traction Cons.- l i h the Uiclty counciliandti mi ou 'mmnanti citzons. 'The nteotjig 01 be belti at t4o citi' caunucl ciant- «e Wedneday nlgbt anti a general aitatien la exeuteti. 1 he sentimnt ai Uie meeting vîlI s Incorporated Itub an ortiluance tiols viiJter ha offredthlitaciti' cunel ta pus,. vlth the peopleas ap- Tise diroctars af the nev road i vih me Saturtay is IIt the Geneva-Syce- me uIne te luspt Uic vamkiuga oi Mlâne socombesc. At thse meeting haro Weduestay fflt tltiacean e laaskadtutasug- oMt the. street the road la hi run WM inWaîtkgsi, andthUicstreeta rvbàh f laIste antet tUic citi'. mlavmeu. vitCils itou' treet omsuggetei, as bau wasIing- 'W WWMLOtisera ara lu vlev aIse. Svys EusDomain. osiOterseer WilIur Glenn Vol- *k Tue»isY bocalno'*a tan on hamac- z Uter lli, and, tountot on a wfvtti i flaNitul gi acPenza, = X~ & A. Walker. likavise ac- roer.zion ostale, soon 0. Deh aesate hi' Uic comupletion of 4 i puFoin. LiSe a lard ai bb ý8ort, M tr and tovuar ai M* sxpt on bIs mrra uag iront ana tue e dit tM ts er th i lu ~e codil4eê 09 etilot anti ai acryau,«« trat.&sudnta tcthlit S 0& tvus luposuible for hlm ta ,jbe iHarcan ut Rusali stunt, ba- be lo ton Wou XMM.vbut ho so neasato, 8 as ho dm4 anti meh t to ept neo'WasWvili st the' clos.«et ttup ~issg&4dmh.suma. ]Kodel Sutiers Lois Prom i Kfaranderu Tva roliberles oi tva clothlug estabi-t lishments ln tva successive plghts la1 the record of the Ibtf r gang of1 thiaves who are worklng lu Waukegau at the present tInte.9 Tburaday night the lothIng store of1 F'ox & Wirfs vas broken Into ando goodaà anti mouey hi tise value of near-i ly $200 vas stolen. Frlday niglit ap- p¶f, otly the same man or meni brokei lut th.a Mode! clotblng store. Ent- rance ta the latter placé vas gaîneti by craviluetbrough a coul bole lu the bassinent. anti pylng tha amaple that bote the padlock on the cellaur door. ln the middeaof thse hasement. It .vas Impossible for the propretor ai thse Modal ta estimate bis aos next ntarnlng.Hiasuaitis vere of thc uev winlar stock anti bad not beau checkt- cdover thidschov many vare gana. A bundie of sboes vare takcn froin the racks ant il!!tbe mauey, about $4, taken out of the safe.,1 Thle #afe, whtch la under a iesk ut the front of, the store, vas opensti Whetbar the proprietor hati goneti bIs home and, lait the sauto unlockcti or vhathar Ithe thiaf vue an expert vltli ocks ofitililst, tIs a mn lu charge vas bot dble ta stuta. Ha saIt that if lie ati gone anti nat lockcd l, it0 woulti be the frt tinte i bis lIte.1 The casher, Miss 'Raukîn, saidthIat ý alia batl seau the manager of Uic storet lvimling the locS an the sale mat ha- fore clasing tinte. Attempted Gray. Store. The bat slioP of Thlomas Gray vaso alsO the accu. - aua attaniptet rab-1 blent la iught. The bar wblch las placed over the rear vintiows at ulgbtt WU toundti o f place Ibis morulngt vieu tIse store vas lrsI openeti-The1 suppoSltion la that the thiaves Intenti- et ta rab the store but vere frlghtan- et front thelr vark liciome bauc-t camplishedti teir entrauce.4 A box vas faunti placet againatthIe1 rear Wall ai the store anti the Windowva s>iavad signa of bavlng beau lamper-i et *I'th. It la thaught lii local marchants that Uic roblienis the lest veek have licou perpetrateti by a -gang ai organ- this stamp go luto the antaller cilie l he region, f et Uic gdi'antimaare Iinjured Steaing Ride. Josephi Jenacker, vbo resies ut Rîblauti Center, Win., neair Racine, anti lismarrleti, triet taubathie. Vy ou the tant 10:30 Cannon Bail train ou the Northwesteru Sunday, by bld- lng beween vestibules of cars on the blînti cuts of cars. Caught lie- twcen tva couches, the firatanti sec- ond, ut a point opposite the Wauke- gan depot Euntiay ho vas batily cruaheti anti t la probable that ha vîlI not Ilve, kcecorditng to reptorte. A greatpool ef bloond ln Iront af the station next mrng talti of bie lona of vlltality, vhich grea>4' vea kenoti htm, anti ha vas rernovo<Y'ta the Jane MeAlster hospital late last nîglit, O«- car Nelson calllug the, company auO- geon, Pr. B. P. Gayin, vIse attendai 'Phe accident hapjîonet at 11:20. vuaMOr sa WP 'vr 5uflU7 Actording to a apecial dspatch Us the Sun froin Elgin Tuesday, Jos- eph Connor la from this date tiroppeti front the roaofethte Elgin hospîtal for the Insan'e andtisl no longer con- sîderati a patient. No formailetion takea place andi ha la simply flot àny furtber recordeti as a patient. However, the fnrther statemabÊt la that shoulti le b. appreheuded at auy future tinta andi regurtiet as Insane lIt woulti nat requfre a legal proces le put hlm back loto the bospitai, as lia coulti smply lie taken into.custotiy anti taken there without further Pro- ceas of lav. Connor Now -in Mchigan. Au neurly àascman la erueti, Con- nor ta nov lu a Caîholle tiatention hospital lu Mchigan, vhere tIs e ttl- od la la give tise mentally 111 as ntucb munt ef daors van as possible. Ha la sid atIli talic a ick mn, equlva- lent hi belug ceusitaret Iinsane, ant the defeaue for not tielivcrlug hlm la thta condition. Conotr, hovevar, la fer iront liclng Wlth Je nucier et thse tina ai tiesaeU- sale, aven nov, as there la a state cîdeut aa Walter Saunuters0f the aan uniot for bis arreat that las 5cr- Sauntiers-Felker Furniture Company' valua alîke tn Chicago, Elgin or Watt- af Indilanapolis, a labarer ut the kegan, or any ottifer place ln the state plant. Ha vas lieating'hla vay vlth vhile lie la atili ln dangar of relicar-. Jenaeker, il la sati. Thte englue of ceraîlon ut Elgin hospital, as seau thé ftctrIan but beau taking vatar liy theabaove tilapaldit. Hence the and[ titan liuckiug ta the train agalu. montant ha -entera Ilnois bis out lienped tha cura together anti Janack- descends upon hies sitmîtirs agutu. er as equeeti. Ha la citargedti ilithe allageti cm- itezziament 01 $5000 fro theItaElgin, Old Boudent 1eacl. Joliet & Eastern Ralîroati Zàmpany. J. eore San, aeti70yaas ati Mai' Produce Next Week. -J.Geoge tan, aed 9 yarsand lu connactlon vîitlte ssuret up- oua ai the oldeat German setlers ai peurauca ai Chare E. Crlver, ludlet-1 Wuukagau anti Lake comnty, tileti cdfor theaullageti ambezzicment 0f Mantai' marning ut 4 oi aId age ut $7,000, Il Isla ugbl thut Connors the home, 502 Market street, anti the iriends ll ii produce lte lutter alsa muerI vs laitwedastuy. if bis mental condition partjpits. Thte funeai ws bld Wdnesay. trials are llkaly ta cama ta a hearing The laIe Mr. Stang wus borui 1831 naxt yack, Navember 8, wben the and came ta thia di' aet an early age. trIal tarin ai the Lake couuly circuit For muni' years ha vas master baker court apana. for Henry Wacbenfeld, befora tha lat-________ ter retirai front active Ilite, but for SPORTS AE !INED the last seven years ha beau gate- keeperfar the Chicago & Northveat- arn rmai ut South avenue. Poker Players Ante to Police Ha culoyeti the respect aiflte au- Judge. tire cantnunity anti vas belti ln hîgb esteent hi'al vita knev hlm. 1Ha anti is famtly.vare prominenU ln Gerinun- Anterican affaira anti ha vIll! ha tncl misd. Hi vute tilet ycars ugo but chiltren survive. The survîvars ara Margaret, George, Leonard anti Cbrist afis bls dli re. F. C. Martin of Chleàgo, aéra. N. J. Grentan ai Fox Lake. The uerai Grenten oi Fox Lake. a theough round of Uic tavu, anti Will Ange&l Intervene. t vhen uSai' have cleanot up oua tavu 'The archange! ýMichael, orý vlioavar Uiey go on ta another, returnlng ta aise ai an angaîle lUnalit appearet Chiagovhn Uc vntr .etetuant -betore EIder W. D. Taylor aifZMon' live on Uic profitasaoftem cr-imes. Ciy lu a vision andt lit lm i m e- main lu Situait House. Dovle'a oit BBineUs In 1ProBelng. residenca, vIl bave to2ge t açhuslle on0 Le 4icreastngli' large la ltae Wau- ta prevent Taylor iront bcing austet Segan business ai Alçx Hein & Coin- as thie reel ai a lav suit taelie Iiet puni' on uorlh Genesce streci tIsaI lte lu Wuukegan Suturiai'.'Te action la itegun hi' Wilhur Glenn Valivu ta ovuar, Alex Hein, popular anti leutllng gain possession of the oit mansion autîre tinte ta il anti for Ihat reason Ing.1 ha bas sait bis Intrasîs lu the big Taylor lae le iader af a seet of Or t ofHein k Hope, Itacine, la hie about tlirty members vba cail titani- salves the original Dovialtea anti vie partuar, Geçrge O. Hope. iarmerii' 0f aim reliloualy te, fallow thé teacit-1. Waukegan, te sale lineluffective intge of John Alexander Davia. 'Ptai' tram Mondai'.'Te cousderalîan vas occupi' ShillahHounseon a mout-to- ' large antilate nt numati. Mr. Hein 'miouti lease agrcamant lut are saldti vîlI silIlie te buyar ton bot stores, ta ha leihnt ln thir rant. Notices,. hie alitti'lu this direction earnîng vrîls anti puperso aialI sorts but>e hlm "a repultiton lu titres or tour beau servat on Taylor, but ha vlll net tatea. ont, aveu Iliaugitail Uic ait Dovlet lu un'interevlev iitb the SUN' re-. furniture antiMosof iltae fittînga af porter Mandai' li sait heha iat soItli te bouse have beau removed. bis Racine Intemaut ta Mr. Hope mare- Se Attornei' George Filîtoa Wau- i' liecausa tae onderîn! n-avili anti kiegan, ut ltae Instance of Willlur Glenn succese ai bis business banc bat fore- Voliva, hbaliegun forcîbia entri' anti cd itel te tep. PTe business ta t ttaîner procestiluga aguiust Taylor, se lucreaslugli' large titat ha muai de-.vito clameltai an'iogel appearedtet vole bts ctire lIma e ta a oia-hlm lu a vision anti ortierat i hm ta Ha annauncedti itt hebase ai remlnti theu Ib aItDavla dvelling. no et an Option ou tIsa leasa fer lte tore malter vba t bappanat. next soulh airte Present quadrupla front ant i vli Boom axpanti loto h, Will Open Road. finit instaUliug a nev unlfarnt front. Acting under the directian aifliall 'Phe store ls nov occupiet bi' te Han- lte Nort Chictago cîti' couneil aut tes candi' store andtheiaEnos ntill lte park beurt, vhicit contraisFos uer' star . Park, on. the late shore, Ci' Attor- BXC,,ng aUna ay. ney Martiln Deeker ai North Cicaga Excltng Rnawa. lasPreparing te sdart proceedînge far 'Phare vas ail hindi d& excidemant o penlug a uev rond taelie usati as au on Grand avenue near Ash street on culmanca taelte Park. Mondai' uaar 2 vlie4,a borne attachedT 'he ronâ viii mun iront Elgitteenîli late aiif ihagu tp.Luv Clarke, alred ta lte eParS. croosang the Nert- ltae paîntar, dtaiet i iaWàfhaIt treat westernmud tiElgin, Joiet & Eastern anti oui" >onGrant avenue« callitilng ruibroadt Iuka, anti villiha kuovn s vîlli à uen w hlcb raie MUra. KIrk, Grant Place. Itl le -namati for lise miss KIrk anti lin. Parter, ail oi grealteat Amerlcan gaucral. Wate. street. Illen ant thlie uorth andranca dte Jusi«praviousby laelita titeut o! the lte park, vilI havaelbranches unnlug itorse on Grand avenue bIsàbvuor bd hiittraug thdie park itsait, vhlch le <no bruce-I hîs tet agaluat the dalibearti ai lIe liauti' spots lu a rareli' t- of te rlg andi attomptadtehisow the liful tarrîdori', anti bave anexnso borne' do a stop. Insteati. thaetas- laethe Unîteti States naval traînng board gavavai' anti Clark.eitcl eut. station ta the sautb. 'Pliansintai plungat onvartu anti cal.- Ovuars et Preperti' taelte snth Idet vtUi tise rear OftisaKirk aurai'. bava agreadtelaput -Op au ornaemental' sMaahIPg tvo vheels of the rig. 'Ple concrets anti reluforcedtIran anti steel thre vmen alighdad trotn the rig, galevai'.11 Ihair avu haric coting te a stop ut The Park boardi la: Robiert S. Grice. once, anti mat as tbeY ti theUictwa Johin SBi-vn, aiseamai'or,,Charles rear vhacla et thicenfurey calapeed, GartIly, F. W. Cooke anti James as di the rlg 1150f. Tva daon effa Hayes- vare net tamaged. Th«te Sms veen ver. unuurt. 'Ph. surroi, ila ereport-. The Independont gves yoss &Il the cd. la hardi' vansh rdpeîrs. newe:of ail the cessnty. .Mayor Buck bas at least beard the ratle of the poker dhipa ironi bis of- fice lu the city hall. Evan If ltai' vera 0f papar anti "couiint ratlIe," u s ona habitua af lta gaine toit a SUN reporter recent- ly, the police got sitar thea gaie ltaI ltae chips signîfieti anti matie algli arreats la niglil. Furtitemmore, ltai' haino trouble uIntmaking te raid anti for a tInt aut least lte coun- cili meetings yl l lia tijturbet by lte ntaing aiftte "itti," I TPhe gaina ias beau lu pragres yacks jmat Dcxltaon otahea diyhall sud ovar a saloon. TPhe follwng vare arrasteti ant i flet, Offcers John Welz sud Barron muklug the raid,'l vblcb vas vîthout apaclacular faut- mes: B. Armsitrong, keapar; ('harles Walker, Fred Hill, Williamt Jackson, Oscar Satterlunti. Oscar OIson. Et hiacklem sud John Joues, ling aliegad luntates3. Sutaîl fines wana impaset liy Police Magtstrala 'Taylor, as -the n'en viten arrastat vera not playing but Juat naady ta play,. Il la lialiredt litIlte raid vîli bave a aalutary affect on alter gaines titat ara nov runnngandti ltIthai' vîlI suspend, at leasl for a tinte. il. la untieratoodti iat soins ait bannis are harboring gantes. 'Ple joint naxt lte cti' hliIl!libe vaîchedtotapreveul a rasumptlon ai opeationa. 'Phe keeper aioltaegante promîseti ta quit forevar andti:an tatke up ltae gaine again. Titis la vithe itaPenalty iras ligitt. Will Report on Drive. Attorney' Lesie P. Hunna anti Johnu Douglas, the latter assassor anti realti' expert, nana yatertay usmatilInbth caunty court as commInssloneuîa la aci witit Mayor Buck lunlte malter aifltae ILaka sbore drive, tlir compensation ling fixet lii'thie coifr. Thaîr dutl Is lookcSover Ilie routa 01 thie proposet luaebshre drive anti ralumu a report on ltae praparti tamn- ageti andtihle amoutof damage, und ltae praperti' linafitteti ani Ils amamunt. Routaeai .Drive. Thea roule aifltae tfiva vIl! ha the extension ai Gîllette avenue touich lake. cmasalng Northvaeleru sud Bell lins proparli', titan narth ttheIlia li limite ut Fluer rond andti ouita l te gavarument itarlior bine. 'Pliacii', If l Puts ln ha drive succesafulli', vil acquire rîIpurlan or vaier rlgite that Iara Invalualile Itlmla sit. Main Opposition. PTe main sud undlsgnised appan- entsela lthe sciantela ltae Elgin. Joliet1 & Estern raliroati, the main factor in local barbon tevelopmnut, vhiei vili proliabli' figit the mmprovement; Uirougi tIhe courts, Thle lutant ai the dli' le do blltia wagon. tracS sut no mare tlahlaite k shore alone bayontithe acquisition ai the laut. CLASSIWTED ao0veu1tlg gives aven ativortiser a "peneret posItion" -It la a sert ai "PùaLicm tY uxpNI TrABLE;" sud at 9 round table, "theresno ispute abeut place." tob lie caritc are dry' gootia, ptscafea, ladies' andi gentlemien's furulahngo, sboea, a generai meut market, hard- wvare, cutlery,_ china andi tnware, andi later as the store grave lu business coal, -voOt aud lumber vID beha udeti. Botter Bervice Needed. Street cars of the luterurban lre overcrowded late Sunday afternon and It la learneti froin regular pat- rons that tile the rule every day Hamburger Steak---------...10e Round Steak-------------...l10 Bfrloln steak ....... .........loc Porteërboue Steak---------..14e Club Steak-----------. Con Beef .............9c Sweet Piekled Picnic. Hams .. 10e Neck Bones .............c FANCY MILK FED VEAL. Hlnd Quarter------------...lic Fore Quarter-------------...9c Leg ..... .............. ...-14i Loin----------------- ...12V¼e Veal Stew---------------...9c ÀAJV -UWUVB vuJ~ikb U55UM Railroadm Want Ton Cents More. The agitation betwcen manufac- turera. lnciudlng tho se of Lakê ecoui- ty, anti the ralîroatis over the r- posed iîîcrease lu frelglit rates on coal front hfliiols ant Iindiana mines ta Chilcago, wbicb vere suapandeti lest lune, la ta lie reîîewed. This vîi lie Antloch People, Plan New Institution. Sinca aur laist Issue wbercin the plans of a new co-operatîve tiepart- ment store were matie knowu, says te Autlocli Âdvertiser, a veekly. many of our cîtizens anti farmers bave entllusiastically talien Up the work of booating for the new enter- prise. On evcry baud one ean heur our people bafldug asut ibe nev itore-the goond resilts It wouid brlng to Antiocli anti of the hundretis af dol- lara the store vaulti keap fron belng sant ta mantgamery Warti & Ce. anti dears, Roebuck & Ca. Too Much Cataloq Teade. it ls surprlsIng ta, note the business the catalqg: bouses recelva fron thîs commnuty. No anaeaulinblame tbe mail-ortier bouses for rcaebing oj# for ail tbe country traite tbey can get; nelthar can the country people lie blained for sending their ortiars ta these concerna, as on every order sent ln they receive the htit f attention by. traineti salesmen who are careful lu selcctlng juat vhat la ordered. Then tan, by dolng business with the coun- try people on a large scale the con- cerna mark thaîr prîces tiowu ta wbare a. reasouable profit only.- i receivati an ail saleb. This sanie methoti of do- ing business la ta lie embodleti lu the plans of the Farinera Co-operative store lu Antloçb-not ou such a large seate, but tbe lovait possible pricas wIl! lie nîantalnad on ail gooti old.' Stockholdera to Profit? Th$J et thte end ot every six umonthe or 0i year eacb stackholtier iu the conuemo yll recelve hie shore at tbe profits by particlpetlug lu the dîvieuti paylng plan. The alhores il libe pîscet iat a low figure anti a lînt 01a ahores will lie set sontliat not one o1 a fev stockholticrs ahaîl secure a con- trollîng baud. A presîdent, vice pras- Ident, sccretary anti trausurer, andi a nuniher of dîreclors wtt! gai-cru thE macblucry andi ses that ail thînga ga rlght, anti a thoroughly cxpemlenced bîîycr anti busIness manager wîll sce that tlie stare's customers recelve tht besi are markets afiord at the loves! prices. A cre<tlt systeru wIll flot be lnstall<t as the ncw store vIl! start out frou the firat day ta sel for cash anti gin the formerm cash for butter anti cggs who wtll then aiso buy for casoh. Much Advertlsîng. The next big fMature of the nev store wil!lie Its advertlslng campaigu Mill-ortier bouses get ail of Ibelrbulim nas bY advcrttslng andtiheicnei store proposes ta kcep Its patron posteti about prices on ait the dîffei eut lhues carrîcti lu stock by jutitiou andti beral advertlslng lu the local Ps pars. Barguin sales laya wtll lie ai rungeti for anti tbi bg crants beruld cd lu the sanie maniter as big depaji ment stores ajivertise thelr sale daisy The ig stores wilI surely open baer anti a meeting of the people vito vIl oparate tbe store wtl! lie calîcti fBri the nar future andi defintte plans vî11 lie drawn. ThehUnes of mercbundîs Roast Pork Loin----------1.. 5e Sugar Cured Ham---------... e Pienio Hams ..........12c Pancy Breakfast Bacon .....9e Kettle Rendered Lard .....15e Sait Pork 17 and ........13c 5 lb..pail Lard-----------...73c 3 jb. pail Lard------------...43c SELECT SPRING LAMB. Hind Quarter------------....lic Fore Quarter ..........ea Lamb Slow ............. eg Pork Sausage Pancy Native Pot Roast ... ...1......................... s an 6c Prime .Rlb Ropât ............... -........... .......... .. m 7c Ft',Ii Porl Shouider................ .......................Aic q - 'i. - - arount thea morntng work houre, the a relig of the action of seveasoruthte tunner liaur anti the auppar anti home coul carrylng roads lu flinig thaîr In- cantlng Ijours. -creasati tarifa vwltb thea tustate Sitreet cars iront Rockefeller ta commerce commisaion, affective Na- L.ake Bluff wera jammeti anti puckad vember 1. ta the doors Suntuy vltb pasangars. The ativanca proposeti lii the routis 'Phar e vere upt enodkhhosauts even fur le 10 cents a ton, or $500,000 a yeur- the vain, aithocui the large nunt- for the cutîre traffle of the stats, erli of wvainu vtb babas In tbeir vhlcli the coul dealers bavaetieclafati nirmas managedte ta Sd scats. Otisar unreaemvcdly viii have ta lic attati vainuBlondi, duc ta the inefficleut ta the sclllug price of thaîr product If service anti the teck of cars anougli. thea atvanca la allowatet go lutac, f- Pei liapa It la thsat cars do net run cf- fect. ten enougli to tuke cars of Uic put- ^or@@.te Walt for Coolaon. j tans or that the vinter euow seuscu TIsa nev rates ver. filet origlualli' ichadule ivas put luto affect toa seau vlth the Illinois commission hi taka The saine conditions vers foundte ta ffect on June 1, and i wth the Inter- prevail an the lIne bctveen Lake stata commerce commission In cases Forest anti Waukagan sud on wack vlierc Intarstate rates wera affecteti dayp on cars lunlte carly Marlu lii'b the local chargea. On complaut rush houre, the noon bour, andti Ielof thteIlîlinois Manufacturera' Asisocl- qulttlng-tinte for the fadaor'tmen. atton anti the Commonwealth Edison Passengars 'urge tltat a liciter ar- t uinpani' tea state conmission untier- vice lieaurrangeti for these boteraant took au luvesttaullon. thut wbcrc crawds ara too, large te lie The rates wera stîspentiatilii' grea- jummeti Into oue car pasacugers belian'entt sethot thlit forutaity of an or- forcedte ta vat tntil the next car, or dea, of the commission anti hy a geun- tat umore cura runnîng oftetter lie t-mal understauding the coînîinlston'a proviel. ticrîsion bas beau wJltbbeld pentiîng the decîston as te the geueral rate atd- Plrominent Merchant Dies. rances nov untier couslderaUjoîi b Etigr ~<unanvaî knwu u bse-Ilnhrstate commerce commission. 1 Egar'ýý-ntn, ellknon i btst- Rathar titan watt for the ticcisioti. nasa circles lu Chîcagoas hbaud of the Iba ralîrouda have nov fileti the sainie fgrocari' firin ai Stunton & Co., 6,9 Increases wlth the faderai comision rWaaluglon atreet, Chicago, tilet On adtemniatr r pI re Mondai' aitarnoon ut bhis Lake Foreatid ai cnufac turera ar ioar ae realdanca. About titrea icars ugo dca gtttth aîota bv à NI. Santn wa taen 11 ad a tiaitbroken faIlli. Mr. tunon as akenil!audut hut Conference Held Thursdsy. E!lIme hae retîrat front active business At thea reqîtaat of the Illinoisafailui- i, andi hallbleau canfluedtetahie home faclurars' Asociation. Cbalrmas O. t'. 1 mot o th Uni, ece.Berry of lte Blta commission am- e Nr.Stanton vas wval! kuov lu tb'- a cnsuar ervce f he nitd Sate, rangeti for a meeting ai the commis- i cusuar ervce i ua nilti tat',ie otn ouThursday aut br-ba conter- as~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~l hasra uI o ltc ar a- jlie held i wtb the ralîroati of- fore taklng charge ai the business SicIaIs andth ie laatitî,g coul usera, out à finr whidb bears bis naine. lie itas whom It. la 'daclaredti ha burden of the * boni lu Osslnlug, N. Y., Il) 1844, anti ncrease wilî faîl. i came ta Chicago tan yeurs latar. lia h olofeaogaddaeshv l, i as aducutet Inthe pblie slc sdoos, 1itliken lth- part Ilu the proceadîxiga Igraduatng froîn ltae blgb oolan sd; bel-I thus far befora the- commissiont, iompîetîug bie editeation lu Franroihvncaea areetwt h andi Germsny. mounreds oltaeoppose thea atvanca pro- - '.mI. Stauton Mr. Sato iicn-ndadthetbcdjîîaluuant af the rates su!Bllut Bristol, Englant, front 1s70 ta vere made au a sattisfactary basîs te r 187 .5 anti wus tranmferradtiel Bramen. prevent dîscrmmîîaîîon lietweu coin- is tiemmany, vera lia sarreti untll 1881. ,paîîîîg coul districts. rHe vas pramatadte t lie consul ganeaul _________ s1 tsd runsierred ta Si. Petersbutrg, WEEKLY REALTY AEVIEW. labhý ealhasarveil rîntîl 1885, vitennha r- eslgued fram tbe service ta take Thle Luke Coliny TIlle sud TrusBt t- 'charge oî, the fin aif Planton & Co. icrompaeîys ireport ai reg]I -staîî- irans- t- unaral services vîi lia hblai tthe fers for thea wai-lî . Lake-aFore-st rasîdence Wednesay N~unýier oaInistruîments led ... ; eand the body vîlllha shîppedtietaOssin- 1lleetis racordati...........$.12(- Il lng for Intamment. Mr. Stanrton býans negoîlatleti.......... 5..1734 ýn eavas a vîiovanti tva eilîdren. , W___ Il gar Stantoit anti tIrs. A. A. %jliche~i- &n i-venirug ni auj-! gleatsuro lu at'tuireu al son ai Chicago. ltote atteuding the Lyrie- :Mt Waukegan, Ille I-evlng had 3,000 customers lest Saturday and hoplng to make It 4,000ithis Sat- urday, and being the only Waukegan laket buylng ln car loed lots and selllng to thue retall trade at wholesale prie", we wlll save the public 40 to 50 percent ;on ail meats puiehaacd at this market Wankeg Mibor. au rfee bî imwndF wN roi "mgal Wheê we iihJeq W. Pb"u in ta ahi @* brass s.à as 'l boseme çw vii a 1t 'ht von ir Touri e built. 'lu,; SIlitel et oa Geons Hum!y i 1a reauli thse ume todt -leur W gatber mgrasmnta ty allons EL à e 9 t e e y n y e !t e

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