Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Oct 1910, p. 9

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GAN iLE, ILL., 'FUJI INDEPENDEN T E EKLY "SUN OTOBER 28, 1910. gave th. Impreuuion that there really two of the doctors preseut votiig ln bad been nmrneallgbt trouble. W LL N l IJ farofheb. Fatber lýelnasucceasor wilh be The renson for ihis act la eaully ex- Father flchhdeu of Chîcago. sund T1 IMCTJTUTJON plalned. ln etteru froml men frn Father Leialng succeedu Iaher Thiele UtSI IJW other states arbere tbey bave BucII orf(Chlcago, who takes charge of St. 1linutitulions. il, was sbown that ausoo00 -%fibles'thBuburch, B uth'Il larger one. FR M UM TY Sas the state took step lnthis dlroc- SWhat He Said ln Sermon. I ~ "dld preacb -a farewel sron"esse Wat renolved onto the shouldors thA ue priont declared, "but 1 i)erely toîd Or. Watterson oftsCR R.orheaaeadluidaleot.l the pre entuit aud cure of the pIague the people that It ay lu then, w make trsFo ovaiia spoi Il Pleanant or upeasant for their tua ImCueta-e ie 11next Pastor, and that they should try I alisberg well Pleate4 IWhlle tbe defeat ofl tIs bill wlll mlot to srnooth bis Way lflBteBd of xaklng give b théstte Boy coutrol over the IL bài-d.' dismet tbâe other 'bill. whitcb If wwA À 0 Later tits afternoou the atorv was Wgit#bl iigCiisihiaudiWi#ve the rnuniclpallty the absolute friction there hied beeci a To Excorise.Police Powers 0lhLL conflite ail cooslirptlves. la Co Hsriheed oÙt wen a member) as- 1 egarded au a long @tep ln Lhe rght du u a:ierted that while there had, been no Gygi Patients 'directIon. Wltb the clLy possesalng llght rulebte asran iatakat Talcon From Fort of ýStory ef olarm nt With hok, but that the uatter was ne ver; rýdWeouoaday'u SUN) 'heyd t l heat lc lti çj ~a i seliFO TSaIRDAeN ' slt te ndsrteeupe. Arulor a!d tir. Wtt::son, wbo attended tterigh uara n$01Sultan of Sa nocuuy 1FIok hi Proouced a False- Q .ytaigi irte rmto.saumdea etn t lsuge«ort Lq tu -Kep outthe pliague. It ls Positkonsof inneredod r tet hi ekrtrdt ls terrible tleath rate PostInof onr os byMsnbis.____- f SUDee.r)urodtothî lY Y- frein, this source wilIlsOon le leu- (PomWdnuaysBa. uIg aera sul, 'tS bror ors Baoî f îhpnoPietHlshfWxe1ngyNEW STATE BANK eerend. Waullegan la sonie day 'te have a: ubere it luatt hie proet t iloe. whîcltMrs rvs f Flpn rét-I OfWae nrWiea h etn ftetbr bahbac oh lal iewould lbe glad te bave dochage facilîl- Fighting Races, Got Them OvOr Rivo and lnsists on1 AT ROCKEFELLIER cubas ssectiou of the <oveton, lhe hubi'. accordî,ng le B sentiment ex- itien. But t th. prectent tInte It dot.0 iae rt en nW.f-redaiae ulldte"'rlu byCogresaman (George Ed.! ot se.., to me atalitrIL la extheeillent sUNIONS, IN ROW ,stand im tu u litleview n WIaIt exptpr no 1and ludifereut, CoBuucuptlve.'asai a TL K ~ RS O U M i r e o r t« '.îu a n I n h t e r te ; wwl L b u p p d a r ea u m o n a h a b r T h e c o m î a d InV o f fi e r a t F o r t f( F r o n t W d n e d a y 'a S u ri.) d n T h t V i l g e T h s W e k I r c u t f w f l h a e r t h r v l I e a M- 009 e pt e -fla i n a k.g t m rtew le a o re u for a large !Sheridan ba u had tW o of the fa no s 1e n T h t V lagjh s e k 1r ittto f ries e si 1 ther ae l og s t a u lt e m F o i W e h g . Batnga lgl Pr.ea a pproprations, of wblch h jantakas capturod by the TwenLy-uev- Father Leislng of St. lMar> ctGer. S. IL. Trlpp of- Rockefeller, wlllo SerftesFon éks Ille agitfâ e w a sh ou ld do o! n . f te ry e tltf ntr uthe loro cam pa g o 1 manu athollo church t Frem o t Ve i-l-, M d N cw; Institution ,latu e t the next session askig that 5144 rïi b t IIcCqiuw k Ëre Iilib t fae ne w s;11 oua ts ru ehe W.i Sent of1902 p a ed oen lI her aide o f the! ter. th s co uu y bas teen transferred a law e passed. in M s tate by w bc b l s d oc t L PuInr. Mna apuproprd ' itidon aoI the1 sLecagoua LLe Lwuduone steps at the entrauce of the 0f-. front bIs patortethere th the larger the ecoutrol of the carelosvicLt lmf ArPlOf ~ 0 kaa u pporitin ortie4e a good thing for the manufactur- îIScoe' Club. ;one at St. Francis church. l'welfth (Pro-u Wedusday's SUN.) - t1 wIt.plguewII h regOeff Illl braucis for' rour barbour luit suteres totethe uoutb of tIi. proeut Theue lantakas are beavy bou..and Halulead treetsýCh 'icago. whcre TeSa ako okfle iîthe wipole ws oflte rutatedaud owb m ias the eople l our ofthe abat, rI hoacudb.a xenin.pecs ujoved to have been used ewl unitrL antilies Jo- be oî,eined lu fhlt villuge ibis week. gîvinfi Lb. police of a cuîununity Lie(ro WdedasSu. bew m tisi th huauma f Lb ha, ut he dcks o tase l Liter plcest ouLie hîpa0f te CbnesepIraes l i sead f Lo lxtya. l Lak <-otit At mOfugtoheiedock*oîdra yu- ,îoInrf0 aroutapyoe(Fronto Tho Waakgan totmltSun.) i n vlI d.rsntLb.expndîpre , he lroanilu id uga relnry Jthe uoutbern Islande or the philippines! There are two ut orles Cont-letetrday the followlug oiteera were ýdecîn wil comnitier liat ioad. t w,'.emplo et teano bIldIng ut "I ou d i et i a iet wg, o udthe aar ge rd e t o th p rt y ars eag. T h e M o rne captured t eme w t i the tran fer. vic i as iade by elecef d : P e î e t . L r p ; vi eN e d C a m d ePlain I iia,' l M cC o n k theLow uild nofo your cit Il ill il a bra ch o f h e barbr ndd I th .W.ui *oisey trAnge moe l Pleces front fe pirates A rchb îsop Quigley. One r f îrs îe l e snt. R. S. Lou ie an vi csier.e l i e e S fl n a o d M C rm c t L k o - h i w eou l' a ooîd e nd l y bo n ah efl u eis fiu ge hetlt hetp en tde d I ft t i a th tT h e trla orv if ora yt h e T he oes so ftf o ref la n e eo r e taela wBrd o p s iBo fd rn dl e a ssso l M oM- There are niant. I la utaunffrttofthulSutanIoLBlaaUrwaed. fort'sof thean Sultan) of lieTan.diehtro orasLorsw atik kllsud thatl shtw. The olTichaverte darnigof s a rsulw obthe wlbo they were captured lu tue engagement; îîreached hia fareweil sermon ast 8na.flie eomî,osed of the officers and tLi powler of c9u1rol over dangerous lu-Lwe hvomnofWk.aad ~~S OUTLIt'ES 0n c attarmn of the meeting 'I ay 2 1. u 11, this battle Adjua- d:3' e told i eu],IL la aleigt-th oattfoowug ceifotheviac N oraowyteC heo. ormen o aed vtis iaed bndiewkt auer gahesorttaf.' H.1.illel fro.S.tGuhey vidlgr . T>- s a n io 'e areno reangweuaCtocagn io. oice e b re ileL.pplve.vlto for geanIt George Woods, TwenL>-seveth The (liher report was tisat lie is ah- lor of L.ibertyville. kl Fosu W :30app ear u b. icoe . n an r . st t o e t the fort. e - ýleged to av e Inter e a l uIn the alto on T he fixture a of the b ad bave ien the public e fare. ou.t . fL. eîago ta nerat uer . lam in g C AWMl Twt'tbg aFus a cd~eelved a cert fca of erlt s a Te- busIness.îplact-]dl u the nt h p ort he sor~e Thi o ' c .osid red qu te a i ju t at Lg erir o nt wueO l i m u e - DIIELANI> PAR lX t r rut He kâte e RIcmdi:: iecpur ftis lbea li-*~ other etor>, lutthat ofthe jleitthe bànk %îlliemaJn until the nitrera fil 'Iisgreat ptsÈue. The state no r uLi arçl nmch onjoyed b>, Lb. bearers. lr wedbyno crpetlng of modern fteporter told hl1o@91eatr18b0011- ntîîf rbss ortW aLun aîd tel l oeoer troàbe ee lqu tse Md ~u Iev Meting -da al desigi, 0ev aud more cmfOrtable fur- ai ibr ddaest.i îoft aualie- h »teoryî otr' onu. bat il of as n ag lu e]uaelgsh-Ctli H e t li I o .. lu b l s speech ut hned Lthe t uture sd bo tter lghtl g fac l tie@. v B L lir a d e l a tr >, I. au a bsof - T he a g ad la e Vo e " , rgaIl'ilaat ion. o n e ther la tuo uble i lg en t' 0f la II.,.CatNlbthy couseb. asW .kolah~aprmp t tLb quarterl>, meeting 0f the club Iuefleodad uarue.H at- ndrke orb es raaoli pro-tobcs.bienL. lmese fois ami Ooferthe a paîu 1*. 1010 Ylb aitsveursiLa hastwek Second'. Ueutenant Bayard :alan declaresi Liere ball been tthbto at, otne LecndIOhtroubDfet..le acl e for tise sin m'eaeor - - o Lb.repuhicanpart lu ie yeri Seo as elected erretar>, lu place jtoil evenhm dis hock dt or te legilae frthîcadi- Teoter llitîoeffrtl o i tLs rsn ieIeel oali Lia tse, aY éhlitishe relus of the ilOf CéPtain Branihiha. vio leftt 10jlin ' itroebthe trnsfr0ilca otaBrl.AurtneLnd hiei hlf loflcdi'on rclv 1 ia the oetluatîfrtlée "Mut rol s-s gc eolteât. The b eitisU itaLake I bIs rgm eu u Le Pîlpna a lu tattete ilrt 1dt fo th eiitr fo hsds Th te eiltv ef rt fte At W p sn tm thrs %noa p hseuvnd Nedeean Grencounl>, bau received frontbis ifforts ___________bIc promtotion, as indeed il lau I ier the auspices of this league sndsupr.Ivatoai0feerlyL bakULajd.Attisie If ~ s Cty Gave Short ta* s l ere g ien fu Il Lie. H ç told of Le fecattr. '111., Oct. 2 i.-T e Illinois 1,adluitted to leb i embers osiufeppoSl o L a n T u a ay m n r. ofL i as e a t mLL O o lavr ai Ye o r e C akout an a y. e ts e U siLb. 011 conerectlalp of the naval station. talîlitBLtDaIIY NewspapeiFAsSatlon tliLe an-.jdock. He also denied tic farewel uer- evenlng t 8 o'cloc-k atLic corner of f0 Lie legishature. by whli iehte u<LB JOlb and expect to romain. Im puton renai Warkga. C ice e sd W ashington l treets. Sec- as t0 esta lsish a tate Institution for stctlng a conmtuctlbe to draw up a 1Various nientiers of bils parfiai were retaryJmsK hed (Frm ednsly'sSu.) The ever presouL question, the hilgi aw penalîzing severol> bth alitît>tuiteu lutervlewed iy a S (IN reprosen- sud Prof. Alvin Thacker, Lie grtat Wbei tie utatterfInahly camne to a bau tblondorsemeut of Lie Logiuli- (FromWeduschay Sun) I Oof living. alâo came ln for a few llgo as ov eot o n-tative, sud ail o! thenseeied to agit bansa unger 1 inte Unile ate a, WIîvot i i-tonefInI asdfa-Lv Vtr'[a1 btLsr an Ti e a p a g o f i r p bl c a s lu Im in u te s o f b is LU m e . H o a ld l u e - ie i O tI, iY O f ta lk n g a bio u t Le m a te r bu t l s n g . a y a l m o n u t o ufof ui , p s u e l, u t thaW l lI. e S e D o il 0uanty opctied vti vigor t His- gard titisllemater: dbauanotmmeivt, lyplU a Md Park lest nîgit. viofi a imae "Illu net go mach a questIon of Lb. setlng Ives called ati(Joldberg hall ilgi (Ot Oof living, as ILlu a propoi. t11lep Lu a addrcss b>, Congresg.-lion o! Lb. couL of higi living. Ir ~.~. mn George Bldmund Posu. Anterîcamuvere l ilng 1tuiU4eon the Illily i theeveing he cngr sauc "e social plane that Lb. people of Md beldi a mteeting ln Deertild, atudi foreigu countries. tiey coald live ju 1a resaIt Fous was lai e luarrlvln u I -)y. The nmeeting tant evening das, re. Sthe. meeting et- Highland Park. gartini as a great succens. Canddaes todt -tour hutidrmennandi vouen nj gatbure lu the hllîîto hear Lb. wetrld, ehiHdeoand ort a - mroasman frolntbl1;I.district. Thse Teeontitndga vIgJI b taibedB _____________________ y tore f lblu arMr -rylake toulght adWaakegau vwilii , - ou~~eltertain Li e speaker t ian dat, * . IIi1 1 ~ T~* Dnt eek IIRAM, FERRY LOMe EYE BY OPKRAI< ecent Candiate foi' Ceeu Cuk SuifesLama et FollowigAccident leCè pala (Front Wedneudsim sua.) Hiram Ferry; recenti>, candia10ë uanty clerk, bau sutféesithsa lée la eye by en operation, pon4L iday- lie orlgiail>, gai a clud e bie oy, ville s±Louing Liea »LW reunlon t Grarslake aidU luter caused an Irritation thati utai la an abeces viich ie i, lilingu or tise eyo and lmail>, eveihim obhilgbt. Hewu le j for three vauha dtuthelg L.m Mng and bas been sertiuliy inca Dr. Onyder of Mlwaukee peroro i Lih. operation, Mu',- erry liah ment. The remaInLng oye ila OrffldtW ho al.. Mr. Ferry lu i Ing &long as vei as c eau«ieD«p AWamn Young mm iWh# WO >Citoago during Lbe vorîda Uf d Wo uiuep al ight lu, Lhe Wl reet station alLer misng a tr« A fortunate purchese of coats from a larO eastern1 manufactu rer brlngs these vvonder fui values to y", et a frOdIon of' their ra -worth.' The lot Inclurdes black, orey eo brown broàdclots. and kersey coats mode I the e eiftc ullnt tls ýmany linerd throughout With, satin. They corne In @il sizes, 34 to 44. We heve kW the, entIre purchese Into 2 lots to sel et1 $10,00O and .$12.50 and wlll undoébtedly maete even a greater sensation than our Iast meent purchase. Alterations on th se coots free. stoo wl.eW* I o Issu' h.asu Pli 000 on- lg b= ck4 %y SfAC iats ...........J.. 9Me teaed colors .......-'$ 2645 I..................79e m.d*T £ATlOSI~Ft Neyer lo the bistory ef ouf uthinery degiait- ament huil we bees obis - 1 .iffer s»Ch elegaitt tmed bats m -aM la- ibaded l f, ltk b, ,$1.50 PER YEAR IN "VAlqý% VVA roux PAGIM

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