i-'Rlwht haro i j al 8ots 13t et, lace Amy. Ab- tenant thé i. lqtrm *the-bo" *14a the vite tmabliin« lu oni borne. TIIo 4yve Itve 'utu In le h tu bouei« fiaty font ,iut od, bm~1t *nAu plq#"op iQ ber limabauS frorna $llINr the r ety 0"0e tiy thi e RqWeý S4toq*d U"!Ch %ý>aa44aobflklst ornployeLby the DUui*dI A&.*r4cOS gul, 1»Mate .telk roK dis appemred'. Today throui ber attorneys, Onh A sbemie. Mlei.PognB t i dellty. Bbec cimp .tliat.oie 1 e 'unab to k "04 Mu& O : M , a i e latlv#.M wltï =ee ZX or'Iu îiâW* a Ion# Umne, but jiow the wfç,la IW deo«â lq car varleus Inieo -. Suits m $1IM.-Tefallsuit» x ete ehevios. Thee isubout sitand ~ ~Reguar *U5.00 Threre are so y es au hn so hat luurxnilney ~etou ndthe priee iiisý)e L traordinorily reaaonabl that, it is Èea1I.v litie w(en- d <er that hasts of wS»fen art a4traete to our «om1. M00 bautifid fur hata ranging in p.iee firoux *6 ta "" ~fe Weare offerixdgthem du ring thi Pamm.DM.s- Inx order tkx etart the season with al whtrl ,we éffger unusual induceinents in aur drms departnqent and not tJie leàsat pxý seWArt of hé ¶»~iipybsi~giu p eetty fafl dreas îad dilff nPw am w d143y pfttle tztnMed, worth $14.00 ............ 'i O Oak D»"-C«reat 10%Oi 0ffine sioudres.e, taff.4s~ iue eaIxand po#gj«i t, 1t were ôrxghiar11y made to seil ai; higl i; Spec $15............. 1~. m te mtIo4~ the off" o tie i. r- m ".uï4.. =bu i Ity 'ofa feýOn3rne tb&ie eh« q.*~IW~ir lU..er*MW ber. , dieIy trois emb 0 ther ________ b ie Ure sIthl& re w~i ti t omit0 1fS, foi. divoce j~ ? ' là twi bObangu lty 'I t - -. 'j"g j - -- dur' àès well 2,fti DC