r $9.75-Vade of 'a fiu âliitv caracii1 eitil,ý beau- .'tifuliv nîar-ked., for tis sala. 9.75 'v.. fi I tw. *I=C lo goumto de.00 tbt' ort1 ls wie lt ectblmeb r. £p ali Cbro«i'U» .g'id *W bswoudab» Md Ctu-"",hg -Nnud ww,d o kW, Fos, *e s mt.(-Ce iz;z.t-W>.fer -l'a e v.ertnl ths the &sisM eo. Z" e milse QMIF M ero 4 Z»imu Ct. mu divuwsoibII fo i4 o4m, --iiktmatvm 1 huM«éam ium Smes i w tho sautS - tijo$di th *sl etisa owiot is lbiEdqa*dwi imn ieso . m o proposIsiIo *w"»M bab th siA M "~O e ttd euS. e ea lly sud bi * bb tteuéiu. Vbu,*mWUo* am twO fosirom MI Oi U - Oê Cuti qFum Is- nu5 S, boutS*Y u nom oc l Iwo o-bmI.mo thh vu Pa our < Ui05 GUO. te < tâte V tUs8~t e 0087fPlntu05 10.0>gunsi ilaés for- leulity pofty skias,: itinmer lined, 37 2 in. long.. 5.............n......- -ii ytU ij* o#ti-OuT stock of junior and Young $$1Mto s u U 0" t &eptM>-Thisn lttImade mi~~et;g lm wiiit faý doubt t he greatetààtstoc-k îp of the ver'y newNut mato'ribl6k ineludhng thê unew ii, tAis une that <4cr hs abeeri biought to W4ttkeg- xîobhi, inixtture e1Ye4s. Ti*, styles sand mmti.d au. 'Wé baýe every ligta eavitiad are f <harater to plese 0' the ùogatie r *ê cuitfit eoevryody. .Jnnior éoats wtomaxI; and 1 the îuakng lm perfection iM~ e mÂd uptabeilîtifil J#r"sysor- >C4~ these tilored coats list mixtures, Wrth $1(i, for this sale ... .......o..e.....at... *¶iblet eMbt, bandsunme einbroidereél shawl collar, worth{$10, ................ .. Wviotstqi7Wk and milte, sat WOO1WOT0qW ti-AlhIe vilai ortriimmed effe-ets, wortti' e0O0,à Jun>lr ouits t a îay pretty istyes ~.Jsizps, vallues lup to $12.00 at. Fl-- q pi~..¶1~eauou@eveuug dresses 5 ~ AI'O1% g5kID de liato Ilbbadut mi",q"ýte mul oin solu,................ *1 .V wý-eatm aabsolutel> of t'1o$ n" a bui....... .......... th»5 "lm $2.00 hale switcbeo Surimn ia et unly .........c ~wCo ut i 5haiT 7 at ont> ............. 'e.)$O bar switcbusdurln* . utoi.......... Oood qualtty hber nota. durng Ith[£s-le -m-, o .do......... ........ .. tIdeS.. pure. .11k homO, Lmw d i es' lg mAs hiarm. mad il ibO i e"huiookfflZ pO vçleudu1tit Puàr buut tgni. iiexc.ellenlt grades of worateda4 i-lothý and id gli weave fabris; 30 4ty,ýle. newest ofeet skirts, 'apli lhpte regular *2580 »nd tnldn mrestealna.. skiÉitj, «,- ife ÀI- ooI Pana=w 11heyeôut in pliianfd mnd thre asottet luchdes Worth -np to $6.00, for this sale.... ..... 'ladies Il »w falit Pinatia sk44t, ýkb,5elatesi styles. jý'ïw Voflm .u4 Pausn-<ew fa] 'ékiÉts of fine Menh voile Of th.t hm rri& variety; aloo a great many elh1! Panawks, lu an asortment Q~ and colore, Worth to $9.00, for ................ 8oine of the best grade voile, pau a nd novelty niture skirts, worth to $1 2, at..... f rolnit * .Wo ar fr the i pr ngtiff' sale at ...... Stin g*-J.dies' anîd misses' large ainlastriumed tin te new Parsiazi effects, trade 4> sejliat *4.00, 8 0111 Kpecal prive otnly ..... &U~U rb. aa-Showiug soule Iretuuh'a" Amerkin Melf, dr&ped With-Mllk or satin, regular $5 hats, qâir special price ..... fôr ........ ... w plum4nes for,. .u ms.............. ............ bockt ptgCOS su -Oei.blne WOR surffl "4eîetn. *W M w u*> ,"ac h ... ... .. JSP mlfiSsol.IIqvf Bci 2 4 tritu é. 0 nî<115 ocs lfu new lsa s sesme havé 'ai $t2.î5, for. ý.. ýmade in ail the\' Nvalue for ....... us lfitt~.n aelae silies, gli Metil é n i tial or vitk4 <j, les, ' $1.00 blet> ateon l'Otusis, and MâI A trlmmed lis. wort> $1.50,et . ...... \ti §int Usti~ and16,0,torSf irdosiX4, 'ban wechw iloe ibemet............ Worth 56.00. ag.ew aS........... Il *4 3 e h at tbla Omo m'Ob with