Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Nov 1910, p. 3

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-'4 wvitbraptagen saeof Ut'1*00ai. ira Hoidjouga e««m W*dpsedafors te ho gob <u D. li Tmi W&ii haa rdfront ]oqeost- et liii York Bons* qbfà on Irm.7 'svanng, ov.1& £..digidos dle 5 T e ig*h ra b09 oMÙÏX gOrumr ;"d a bv othani Iw*vMW Mme@gnu mten, a Var oimm pdplson )& é* «M111 tatu lh. [41w' A1êou Iisei., Nov. 17.1 Ple&" ns@ lea 09?Tinday Inteati a 4g W.edmoutw ttie isnlis. à -XMi gIW HP% .Bà aton visiti ltest tu adeIsE kWê ltors, Mmr. Herriot C~jdg o ie pudn a lls&w.tomo t.hvek. Mmra. AslePaami.ld vai a ciien egil 6 aurday aflarnoon. lirâ. Gras. Kini la efanding ihi veel witb relatives ai Rign. C. Billon, aI Waukigaa, epent Suaday vlh Mn. sud Uli. Wm.. tiÙon. lire. Fanny Towor, of tibago, lavlait- jus at tb. chas. Rangitihome for a fait weskd. lire. Edwsnd Li entatainid Miss Armilda, Brome, of Llbanlyvifle, ove, Sunday. Mrn, sd liM. Sylvaster Wagsr ere gues etofmia.MargaretWard ai liC Haery Oaday. liMe.J.anC.Cosueusud daugitor, Miail, o! Round LaIe, tauledi atthse Kirvin home Sunday. Mnr. "d lire. Cbapncy Jsppasd cildrea of North Adam,. Nasa. eollad I r r- Lest yul tb. Young people r.edftd On frisnd@ boi MtlaI vee. as linitation te attend a Hsloo -parte att b. home o! raqwa boom. At j T abl~ soult oty eo!bhan pg gfisade U répâtrad lober huma~ilai hh.Wy ftoun nors le MM dlots.LAreIle Book a Wkw eEouly by Jee l"16M lupos aterles the bonse lhay van.mMolby a son, lalrday morning. gbo.l vboe llenlly ceonduce$ a C. M. Bown eud vif. reiurid frm lbrough the parlon vb.r. anoiber gbout IndianaMoodsg Ovenlng. poelthe b. ay op taîrs, vheromother Mn. and lirs. Bd Smith are enteniain- witoh la a very b.witcbhg garb and log lin. Suitis' sister fie. Omeia. itgb bat vas althng te sbov tb.m the Miss Ethel Munt, o! Racine, visteS -draosilng moto. Whou ail bU annlr.d friands er. lb. latter pat of lest vaek. the gbooi disappear.d sud ove thon sary ,r. Jas. DBUy itumed lui vwes Mimae SalaI. Bacon sud Clanm Purdy frm an axtentta&.rili la tise eaut viîb for tisaliraitlime. Prises ver. giron on ~i several pl&yscClana Purdy mreced liret ThWarneetUscy ilav prisese Ionpinuin hng, I barre ld -nCia aybotceyhalltie wîtce. sbrouta issudie, hhlndto1ded- an, old fêéhlonid sca tlb alI JsuelaBernisaebooby prime; MargartetF ajîol. Bork iri prise for lidinlg lb. mut RUMSLL corret Uv.nalsente vhieb' *or. plnned &Hl about the rcome. The bons. Wm. Corne hba.some fine ponies. wuva.prettily decoraled vllbcor, whist idu;rie BDm. have another carload of aud aun leaves, moiber vltcbe sud choies0ove. bled cralster. elfnmlg aIlt ~athli evli, T. H. Quayle visitetiinlu is com- nooma; Ihere von. bears itlisuialioue's munity flundar. fortune on. The iigbth grade b.lped Tt, ladies viii have a bezear sud Ml,. Liteila sOerra lesecasta, cake sud oyster supper iu lb. churcit Frlday oves- eandy. t 12 o'clock ail departed ing. Nov. 18. Everybody comeansd boy voting Umstella sud Mise. Nellie jour Xmas premoet. Bupper servod et Brooks mout, admirable bosteses. 0:0 sud 8:310 o'ciack. lIer. andtileit ltowu for Adjudication Notice, part% usknownhgat Monday but b. titi se o tskebis yean'sa Iary vitit hlm ai Pulic Notice lteiterebçtilee taithie Sitb- as reponted, b a .h1juiltaI»asue irriber. Ezeculor Of te Lait WI-I ai .Leaolan rpee aed tsCuuCourt niof ks= oe=l091I7 Wsnkgia" ,a00unr. on lChe irI mondsJ The Independint &ives lion *Il the of0 .lauury se»L 1011. wIiC5 Md chere 1,1news of ail the Coirnty. ter*onshatilutu iSimi a sistaI alOmtaiare _________ uoulle su rqneied10Preseal te se1 N ~ out ti dlnicILon ls.lbhail garme ai the Lynlo, Nov. va.OLeb» Os. 5HLim .Eeuor -- a- le a-t4é@U =,- esait of ob Coui gelklion rlo THE t. Plhy 1m=ds rho endS t. &Pst. or F. A. fl. ia -bcit OPII i ,*erioo (mntO O O o O O O o o o o o o o o O O O o O o o O o o o o O * o o o O O O O o s o i s i O t" 'ORAY SLAKE DIEPAIkIMENT F. C. m e MwssNe. Il - " for %lob Work AdvM@WOvthu lt On Applicailoa Bani Lot» sylshied frsiansai Aniiocb Coin»e 411,dWs'et bis home nes, Tbureday. lihfbuiu, Moedây, Nov. 7, 1910. Hi leiani ladhm o0f lb. lovu voled br. wos e distmrelative of Ueo. Stras on eloction day. of liin Ph»e. lira. Rd Bixlon ent.nlalned the 500 Thore wMiibý or rally of the Epwol aClub, Thureday .v.nlng. L*àetio theo Auioch SubDistrktcia r awl L oflus lasatid ibusines tthle. Giajial. Mthodiml cburch Sundej Liberly"il. sud WaukMga, funday. aternoon and .VmniNov. 131h. A B number of tlb . L.uq oflicera Iron .uthl Baldwn andtamlly have re.ied Chicago vHIiiattend. Everycine le cordi lu liaiU above the 8. L. Canlield stor.. ally inwtid Io coUO. WOueTovs.ed, of Lake Bluff, calied dunThebaery--" utlte churcit parlorm his datr, Mmn. Ciao. fiiang, Tnseday. of ithe Congregatlonai churcb viii bo Màse Rt Pair M e n MIsLillien Berbv Ibis vaek Satuzdsy, Nov. 12, inamd ni spit Tuaeday .vmlng whit friands oatnc la t ardoas ît appeareti la our luti 1of love, issue.,W.éom aurealtaos. home-made P. Hoshonadie vas bore Wedniiday cakes and pu. wiltaite nl lte bellot looklng liter hi& internetut e b.cannhng frton allf ngatoîen ws.k. faclory. , Tihé pawo reci niaIth. Opera Bous. Mr. aMd lire. lOns Kammery vlalled ni idag senig, Nov.- 11lithpromis 'Id eleis a$ Racine fast Saturday sud 1te boa mtrait. t I iib. given hy 8'ndoy. . aeoàd de Laviliuliasd hie idents of MsMolly Cleveland ls nursisg M[,.isandsudw U ioés 6"ltsd hy lira Fred Mlniord vbo la vry HI1 ai bsn home Leonora Hugbse, soprano. The pro. lu Chichago. gram leavoy Intl.tng and la folloved by e social douce for -ihos. tbihulge. UmssZela liasey, of Chflg Po. spsslr o ret Nov. 111h. from Fnlday uâtil Monday mornlng vllb friende ber. Word rasebiE relatives bers lait Mon. day of the dsalbà of Major Cleveland, of Invitations dr. out, for lhe veddisg of Ganait, Kaqme. lin. Cleveland vistod lils Battie'Bagse ad Carl)ficbreck, of reltives &ad friende here Ibis ful an d Gagea Lake. 1. - appaqw.d te ho. là faîrly good healtb E. B. lgaiulaand Fred Cbtrdbave andbhisdeth camma ahock to &Ulnl merketed nome extra fiue potato.. in Ibis vhiiy. Mn. Cleveland vas a (Orayailake bis feul. soldie n lthlb.Civil ç#âr. lie vas a Lke lile asfaie Miltimore and Mine Luchle coniy boy aud .oullaîed ut Waukegsu Webb, of Wagkoffl. were guets vf'us hmay otkers from bem.. ne vent Aida Lofus, Bunday. te Kansm oS alter the ver and bai Chbai. Watt., of Heineuvilie. sold bls alvai made il bis home. Iarm of 100 acres to Dr. J. if. Plu»me, On(Yu eaeWovenfng, Nov. 8. i'ccurred of Graysiake, laut veek. ibemcarrifge of Det Lonard, of Round Jeu 'Longubaugh. manager snd Ie dn nd àBalaie Bates,OfaIOsy, proprleoenof the Nov Huli madie bis Ill. Tb@ souple aicomtpanieti by Mr. sud nsuai WdnWidy trip to, Chicago ibis 'Mmi.PRA Brovn, Misses Fraucia Roaing, vask. 4,b»ansd Ada White came lu au Whben slartlng a lire in bie coal steve automobile party fnom Round Lake sud lest fSunday wvh bkerogene, GèO Stagvers marld by Jobs Longebaugb et hati bis face and bauds burned qut. home.0010-Mr. Lsonard Ie favorably badly. kaovu in Round Lake and Mien Bales Hienry Kueliker la doisg some nordl la a populai yonng lady ai ber home lu aetegwork agein ibis seon. B Olse.T 'Pho youag couple vIfi meke advrtI0 gthelr home ai Round Lake. tafila you aIl about Itlin anoîber COlumu in ibilas.n. Mn. McCénns, of Burlinglon, Win, Jobs B. R-hrdî, of Lake Vila, laevisa la lnierealed lunithe Condeuslsg moving Inta lte Jusin uBaldwin houg a lulr. 10 'a but ber. In lbe near whih b reenir ureâmd troub he utuevas linGrayolake, Mosday and viiitg e c e Jonntl punchast iruit met lthe commuttees aute beoa parlons, ageuy o Joh Logabagb.Thse velI vIl b. teatedt Iis week and If John R. Sîke, of Springfield, Ill., ba it cm produis. froni 100 t'O 150 gallons e.changeti bIs store building lu Grays& 0f vater 10 lhe minute. M. IecCanna lake viit Bermes J. Mayer, of fiprng.- sayl b. wi et once arteInt oundation field, far tami landi ln Clay Coonty of the tactory. Theo volI dlgge.féesl Minnsota. .aieurred ibat lb. voîl cas produce ltai Tracy Daris, Of Halseeville, ves amout of.water anti everytbina look@ arrettet lest veek for sboollng prairie favorabla for the vork 10 commence In ehlckeno sud pbeaanta ou the aid sag. the immediate futur. Te le for sncb au offense insîald la b. $50ea bird. .W RE -Mn. andlMre.W M. RFillePnt fiatur- The Warren Cernetery Aiaoelation vili d"an su iday et thoîn cottage. Mnr. ment viih mesdames Clapham and Elles baislllircaoed a Ford automobile sud Hckey Wednesday, Nov. 19. for bis vile sud sbc run tb. machine out Remember the W. C. A. social et frorn Chicago. Gunee ll Fidey evenlng, Nov. il. Robent Sirang, who ormeniy meCarne and bave a gondti ure. flupper titis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ md loafr l.S iMerau srved from 5 ta 7 anti ai 10 o'clock p. LOUIS Jl. YEOMAN THE JEWVELER FOX LAICE Eti Tecitler vas a Chicao paisnger Tuesd"a. A cloe rus et elecîlon l la te wnship1 Toesday. rotiesbeing Poo@ 68 sud Finnegan 66.1 Mr. sud lMrs. Boward Scotland sud daugitter aillnjoylng as extended viei througb tise veel. Chai. Wolbong sud Iauxlly bave moruEd ta thein home sean Wooster Lake which they recentiy purchesot. M ra. Ray Morrll sud tiangittir roture-1 et lte iret of lb. ivesk from aviait *lih relatives et Racine, Wis., eut Round Lake. Frank Gerretien sud Iamlly have relumnedti 10belr, hom.etalter a ihres mastite stey et Steugiston, Wis., wher. be vas employsd by J. B. Converse. PREMONT. lire. A. Behm, wbti bas itepu quile lck la geîsiug. Raùlgli Mejer asti Limi. Ahart epeut 84undey et Waukegen. lira. Geo. Beabtu, of LibertYville.s@Peut one day lest veek vus ber Parents ber.. M. anti lire. WIilStilumllier, o! Chii- cago. speur Sundeyvih lb. latter'@ parentm.î Derothy Behm reiumued h6me Monday aller mpendlng e esk et Wadavworlh ae Wankegan. VitIoi. Carton, the bult ook ali* ceai. Sld ouly by LDE?11 LetsnsaCe. - MILr-URNj MieseVilla Larsos la serfuuuly liviit ivphoid lever. Franik YuIe, of Sornere, WIs., '"ent Sand"y with relatives bue.. J. B. Denmau le asrvinog on lte pot jury in Weukegas ibie viol. Mr&. Lizzie Stewart, of Curas., visie ber ister, Mien Agnes ][onner, luatW@eok. Misa Ani.licCretile, o! Wibukegau, visiteti the home folks Salurday anti Sund*y. TPhe bazaer helt by the Ladies' AId Socholy anti' C. E. wui a inena sud a fine sutu cleareti. C. E. Tapir: Nov. 18, "'The &War AgaisOt lte Saloon," Enliel Biah. 2:1-20 Rer. A. W. fiaffarti, leader. -Leos Stnang reîurned fromtu irbmea Sundiay an accounl aI the aurons 01110. oh bis ftuler, IL. L. kltraug. MIss Berthe Crawford , liavîng open several mosiha viaisg relaivea Inltbe voit, reluruet borne Tburiday.ý IL L. Siraug dîeti Mouday st 10 a. m., e! iypold lever. The cotnanntîg10oua ralusd ecien sud au estuansd nlisir. W* extent aur iteartioli sympathy ta thse heoevel famlly. Thom wvbolire oslhe rurad rougte.csu secure ibm Lake Cauniy [spwm. enud tise Batly Inter Ocela fon $4.00e ~ ansd lte Weskly Inter Oumassd jINpEPBiErT for $1.85 a y. Au evening fet siti pleasure lae esent those ettending te Lynle. ati .1 IF>BAT1"ERSIIALL'S GRAND FALL SALE * Pices ast to the t-erg Iowest ootch « &dpend-, &Mabe Marchandise. GROCERIES 21 i bo (ralulated Sugar ....... ...................$Si.00 9 10, Blk îRlld Oas. ............................ 25 * 9 Barns Swiftî' ie nzc 4oal............................25 0 7 Bars (Isîvanici Sap.............. ................ 25 8fiBea" Sente a'. oip ...................... ....25 O 7 Bans Wool $caîs op ......................... 25 * arbank'o Gold Dust, large size...................I ~asClmlFmI o1............5 * Baker'. Preminni Clocolate lb,..................... 25 O BMaeor' a riL Uvea Chooolale cake ............ '0 * ë 2 eogg'@s(Vorn Flakes,...................... .... 07 2 Caes Eglo Mili........................... ...... 25 (;Gtape Nuis ........ ..................... * Large 1.ûlb Pail Syrép............................. 30 * 4 Cana Choico(Corn ......... ..................... 25 1 i Iozcý. 5o Boxes Paris Maîclie................... 40 * Wizand Carpel Clesser...................... .... 07 i" O Bon Ami ........................................ 07 * SaPolio.... --...........................07 2 Bars Scourene ............. ..................... 07 w8 Henry George Cigare.......................... 25 * 7 Packages Noons Hour Tobacco................ 25 7 ~Package.LaTarke Tobseo .'.. ..... 25 Swèet Cuba Tobacco lb................5 * 4 Lantéru -Globes ................................ 25 *Large sfio Oold Blaýt Lestons................. 6 .0 âoc e trnmionL3oultry Pawder ............... ....35 0 S .00 nterai"oua Stock Food.................... 0 * $8.6o Paiîs International Stock Food .............. * SOc Pneu'.s Food........................ ......... 0 * . DRY GOODS. Standard Priiit aujiable for -Comforis, yard ........ ô poeThre»A .............................. *4 Pair RokfoiL Soei ....................... *2 Paires OildrWe aliqayHose................. *Ligisi SirtiÏig PtiÀt., yard .................... 'O Amaroau.....B..................... Linoleum par squatsyad. .. . 4'0' G1MA-%LKEO ILL . 1 1 11 riq b l r é alaireature filmaand teluGraysd .oge erIlreing r meuWt,. l Dla Cahi bsepsîits.o Thot>plie wil ylete ag to n bil on P&BODty, opuairhe ês I <£ ve~ L rle f r i M.and Mmg b.0t1 l Tda fr. Tyo.Telyngi . e fBoadbayfutur prb et ud Mr i r. aid lia. WilYOnD a Ba etbu conetcro e wîbyor dol- of The newloy wedded coupe . laC io . @Peut7ch lyTuai o tepulc îray he b hirn w Ie. 1r Ul A YCIP am 1 vstig freds FTh e il tmseand now, try ed o b a au m ly e 0f the Sie . Palr le ca leait " t 0f t11. e t h LNDE. C11 The brydeng ema0f srlg ywoft u D* The Ldis' AI wa s t. r toyaî nter.1 aO p ri . of amisibc tth on 1haslbon rs eredt l ep hooputuu daived forlir. a o. Tsam' atT urs nd'.a mpîh lpbae al pct re l ibe o Irai to ot d Don u.and Mf@the irm fllSndr a Rave inh er i a o. dollarou lle «o h o t tte B h 'u* ba i rl 08e MO]. publ, t l ra r yth foru on. jebar . Cfuhem lsg attract o upMlbe t a v r d lnrii behoef ber nce, Mn a g e ti fbIs dauht, r a.Red rn. Tu reday Nov.0Uth S , fls oke Mi. e" bas o d 7acre o n.laa.F. (i.C l ouee l ia (1a n g anda ofvtelingh, "th an l i eu an e lutbo fhl henmeaely hgin Lb WsuesdaCo.v c-br7auhi -2w Pb es itb Bary Bth ecre. 119 f The Lades Ad Bocet are lanlr ng er Umlps ofa dmisson tCo.,he or onre wleep ban » Mln he w bt.léd A m dre intannunem]et Tomwlrl wu al u hi maserhpice o t oi n *oon ih, "I ree a.. dy beend taher. uer thev.D421. Nov.-2 le onMaob01 hefiinof ine Ju eîle," h n dlaspIe 0f uThe Mfin th."u Ar0n t M e. pst. tte .E buc lh public fib oro nes. r CM n ils.. suduevenlng. pe r.cande. M@@ ttund ay flg as le Fnenk tile em rapofLdngy rcoverlng Chat.frert yvuk fi li.eveWakt or th nr tct fbreo, The aoc fle " froma lbef f hte a injur s n Win . lu -edeuhNov.ucludlug Si odyai 1:2 * ddreuBockta old 1aiila m. Yu, g Cr. cgsos i Cevwesan wihicagotrnk11:42 f or ietve. 3h "Te iilf erybhodwlome. .eyboint e We Mch)yo el ; berfllcaugher, "devi o yu wthaylg. s eBe erci. su à d li illes h r a oen.l IluaIeoeing rD teEPcso enâ oiy N v 4ENheài tc The Ladincompuociryyvacationningng mtshda aCoyfoane 0f botand aimioe. Jihl foav. hea y waslie leaanly lu si in g over .a ob puas et the 'nte iliray":vTeJy litle airl"nto lmde at be r id a oeo Jl, Pures o! the'orhd i ca pof thp Dont cho. b. tre "In. sipr 100a mb a i enjoefetes ot.lB. oucasin, asebl ge iel Sie sows ai aton .land Pyrolît.Waed ut Carsglhfor lb. HomleeaLumben on, Thelr mtauytfrlenlg ib"ThFcof in."uîy Lyicn eMefcndayf njuriesNo. 1. iuadlpau. it eiIelbu llg n ty11aM prim.ce. o! admissioen.uff c.6 th eole,@d muianly svceranatoêns. .leaveteuugb ir paceIn t caor, Mr. d Mr- 84 8 Wrght eSnty luThe FllrtlnPrE icewllab. ilb.a hum it o, ges t ha t wd old iéoss tii col Zrtedthfrgldn ed g ive-cbwart or fvcin a ain.. ad gt a k e of nd e ande. oite ,1f ______The____________________@pont_ sndeh'. a jbpum.d=lirer." Beter piton. to Atbreliv ivd10 ama bs fieadhveyu et eservakPrke ffyd. tchrecklte antiraekpie l bupe Warrn Wlllmeo la islinglu ik. n eu alîfainsouveIr trl b. low aie, ohlg LIet IIt r it e H meLumber C ou boer, Wl.. e a bi cmm a pi ors o dsinyp. o amiel n I bd eoelbu *2,a 8. anîkuconr atdulat fion t, ae tt Lrea lce0 ttat ve Tr n fug isp. n the lirAd. Seechudawvartrzbr. fser o rt. a atn s dDgt ot otad u 11: m tis p ie.a d hav beh. I. gel tna longv oy Arthur N Xeloneatos anobr anyfrCnarwîG u e n o tA e,,Mist Lo L ae A f e tr s hoiely. WauedsogéInrtelegan O riIntallt audg t e preble t I a r e n lC o n h e lv t n g le d a n d au r v i l l e u 1 . v e u p o t lad l e s . ' 1 aiset or190,lfbfodoe r an orai nlatie o d misur sion,. O 0-7ION IN TH U. .S. alkfcnr osdeacb noflMonCty and vothe rougboutlcoattraive uT- Dyn nOVeM8ennA. doerSay sutre apytetoso uhors. I neet we'shse a<>' Bner the . y IFanear. Ge t t e rbr Mm.W. . sck, wif o.canat tocis Asseesmenla wlI I tlidfo uhrty Blse lienta. Sage i Oraetaong 1 WliTE ig thb bridet e'rnts li. sdlre .J Sg.IaukeganMWOVdwACO. TheDiretre f he iliumMutel Each ln ay vlmiln off0e Lynlu ietre SÇhéareAMIN P AigYer. spoon OuiMond1 as Inu A djuiCo m at ve .Nlev', an r vhillageath ote po s oe areaJý Mflurescnt fr of910, lait ii dollarsuosnora. Tblte etur.ynuerote OR A au NNNGTHU andnty cets ak osn at *e trmiedývt bgotte cut lle pb MY OTIONER PI dollb r l ud a lu , . lu the keuîn.01 bas] un Iwe' s u 11 Cs,59.0 t tiraI Moncrd 3 idecing C arl . Shre .onofoiI we a lasa odshweti.Snsn te,11,he d wbreai prin.hi e rr r icuytePlfl C u14 1 oe. tedeId atresenv. 1itet te homoiofCouht for 0 Millburn, N', f br~~ide@rens r e »d1m0.80, S ge . A VE tI o WILLL&..M lady viIi Einulthr sermon, "The InfluenceMo! aPLII.. W DkaaO lber 17.910W Ittde cool ai îIj:45 an rn.EeIng Adudction NSale. sermona ait7:45;ie t, Hors ibe 8Eii ic? e i lc naurctin nth Oliver J.ofth ncynubr, MANX t*K LakEet sud 1. mile euth Weattend .EtCuchSrics ufh Belly CouroLed ourmb er= 3. e 1000e.nMOCTIONetiglede, 1e. YrdE ai 10 hleato osharp, th e gllwng . B acfl sibd pry.op tert: 2 ed caiof e 10:30 a. ni. Prachin syhpwaetrhW. L. coext9 hstu ohd8wh cereayter blr e iWhple ~teri, "RConchnwî orFgrso -6im haysint , 7 mllkareng; bul (and" ear I, erln elea 4mne 1:0iii. seic hoo1:, oul.ject Te oLINfATRA aIdLL hfe, oies ERn .a aie .sermond'Tep lernce f a Lon." Waean 3 y ra 17.1W920 4b-3ho s îr nd holate j:uile . m vnn Chamin geais der, Deutelrig 1owere Cmet Ine i..' RUSSEtm LLue Belkl 2etinhlrl uck wgon eOliveJ.~ dral, TPrairi Cii eeder 211, sulk1po 00ILL a.unm.îîCo.eMeig laeRv et10 clowakin sohrthle lw _______._B.______ f. S. I1bADYrd 14 scib opplctor,20 oelo hille. 1:0a i rahn b atr .L ý- 20sstn r ode, witchi ckle W lr e 0rde Try 0w'FWrntFiduresuon ho:6 re grindeto, 7 vise esd h ili - leuie, Icueltonw c.mId , s t a 'ga aý, ýr. , double brns , m ev; ___12 _)ol._Bile________________-TUILDIG______ 15l is g milkcan. pst hle igg r, daTmeae es " h 8pande13sho l, bos.,2700;hushel ores, iiýsdHt ulr il0 d5k,1 eee ee pige eani- oldAN1 COFEBE IVteE byo 3b-ol d f:3rp. tu. cansisîig g aIhmachine, Chainndtbes hidr., erinenyothen'ujc 1'drPlte* o e yfgrs aries 1au00 u er, ousnt plmnton. ay rck, 2lu nch t eai@ 1 Do;oos. ai y heUsualr e ertterm e. HI E W S Cnveies. 3H. Brêe Ta zer, 3Pecton Btor u !TessdCthsi trn drg uioeCtyldesayle. before prieo. !c- e1-2 avacd u u d 16 bbc :aucing mlleosubbeo nei.s- 3.m- ,vg Eu-u-..q . 2e0 aon, 3 mtetehcnurtit 20so.rue I OrWat d1oUiiNU I Tnesdayir, rnov. 51, vcanclngiet csminea, balaet double rao, 4 1y ndwlh a 1 p îng ileu, po ois igll2 r o "l o l bryseam 20o beavy c atefi bodroitrcosin gj.od, acks, std ctag2ls, caids, anrd by tdr artile toog baeros benotsix onbi I Wfl iANDWO Cf tsse E etur twEo breeuc tamtottn b., oub d hs termet.~NCUT wJ1 ieyo a Jersey H.dBro g Sowî l 10E acPIt, u u ie fT uadC ttui & 1a Ds.g gELAid bnee gcr s adl lo the oket toffe t* m rcs " CIy1 oa. sederno laey cors rc o ofe a dane n i di plantann 8 miles ir of ulv oe nr T5edW, Nov su c iva ncios e O N F C F prrty lon. sulky8low cf9tte 5W calk eo tua gov. 11, l atto G ulloke he lg pios, blacfoot Daore, 4Iisyr a., Boume ThUDA UG, OVN ' I aNdihefruck WDg0ll5 2 lties, 80lb. scls, gaydtmo e arrecarle fullo eua Nkt hd i iter.. 25 gand3s 2 ia old, eurnePOUdN D i~iaOF ,bi le he 2 rs. , slppl ctanard wrdtoo rghresk, 10taclaven mobylus iwl ieToa h»e o=too 800 babl0 f o s, 80 bul balay.iL. Uuete Re. sosi Yt150euh ba* se ne ,Ob r J oN WÂ Ne, Proiieà dI.I I City 14 b or e , Aucîone. D cr n b»

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