Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Nov 1910, p. 1

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5 t 6ÇJ 'w U. J6. - '- _ WAUKEGAN- -w-EB<L SN flEPI~NV~ ma .~.. N ' 7 SXTEN .êGS -LJ13RTV COUNTY, ILI -9tIDAY, XOV.CMBER 18- 1910 Oum trO 1&IGET $17.50 PER YBÂR IN &l m soonate, irt f t el ~ POO~DIN B menbit 0r1ste eoiseeas UetityU tied.etothée Aleu H«» Ho. 1'iiet o LUGISLtYZUtors grl s om aThuvray oer ci CamndilIOmi We aéi. t wui. blld»I . bté cndtie "deaii01 il% miofiier la alive «BM ilel l and t I h ouituat the. f. of the jlittie oiie la IanDo danger. seeria AMndorIon'. mectiola pa day1 ago t geutother wa: ism tube 1 Itvas .touglil tiat she voiald srvive Tbhasection In The'. the ordesal, vtaidb mbel voulli bav, id Diacard. itflot issa for tih. unsmpoison Discalii hihbes*t lm. il r. 4offen'lias been th. eati oofithe -- f 3ke* i;;iW UnlvershfN for a. perli o! S~>igfild li. Nv.t ErndaîA. 0 ~epjs.eanti as ille andi bit One zufve.nov 3 rear of aâge, Bcroglu.,legilative superintenihent ofver irvahltn uEurope viien the die. &nu-sawoon Leagu., âmaes that cail froid the. college et Lake Forest the. Andi-Saloon peuple voulti have 1 ri cmete hbina.-He returne tu bthe ai 1nted ttea-andi lookedthettcunIve,'. ma.irtil boili houises of the iula .oalty oier andi decIdeti tuaLsieept fhe Iaislature for coutr option, vhicb position. Ie thon returnedtu t Europe ilue vIn b. puabsti orward t tiie sud broualat bis vite andi chil4 te tuas eomu »I son cetith. legisiature. Jcountry anti they took op titeir reul- . ec uLake Forest. "I Win not give onti ai u "r.."«I Mr. Nolien vas one of lb. best Mr. Deroginu, ,but I1viii say that thmer. lnova professora In etucatonal ma vilii b. a al zn*.orty ln bothe! eirceles o illnois. He tu a4 soenatle sudhoua. la favor of coonty e Clifithi nenCla Club, aThe ts option.- ILmenber o!fie Prembytcrlan chareb la the.SPJrtUaftll district of the, ot Lake Forest. Tii. couple vere ~-Anti-Mc= u Lsgus wbet comprisegniarried inluProvidence. R. I.. Septem- tufli»»c«iditicso te hr iber 1. 1908.Mrs. Nollen umaldes( tJ-ix neinbers clccted In tte lorer ___Mis____________ et 4 bOseý t'wentY-elx are pletgedte o Vte 1O E HOSEt for comty local option. Jossphi E. Audeteen vins is e tu In the .egIsslîsre by 68% votes.. GWndsud Petit Jurra r The. ,mctal rtrnts on the, legisia- Promut Term. tarefrein threecoutreenverify heyond, alI cavil the, election o! theaian trou! Tihegrand andi petit jury 1lsât-vhlch Laie Phrcat, prohibition represenia. Is tu e h.uset thtei.pregent terim of1 tive of Laie couaty lthe ireult court- vas givesn lSi- I H-ie election le conelsd toi mnaan urday. Teii.t1sfla as fol.owâ_2 a vote for county local option. It als" Grand jury. laua - w - , wls Jobie Ca ullmehen et Sprngiel. . J. Hopktins, Beuto.. *lAie conty wviiot b prm-g Prani Hucker. Antioch. jIn the caucusea sud ImtIngs or eith. Irving Paddok. Antloch. er grsat pariy sacept fbrongh Shuri- Colon Osîrender, Grant.t 'off andi Vicier, viii Oiso, andt tit John Wlcke, Avon, 4alt connfy bas tle or no chance iW. P. Clov, Warren.a ir anything tuat h us>' deali, excepi .1cm Normal. Waukeaa.w brougb t teme f o. - John Beley, Waukegan.b The. detalled ofomcial vote: H-enry Hogney.r, W aukegaîa. aHUI EFF.Peter Shntons. Watukegan. -oone.......................... o Fred Wilson, Shieltiti «,r cHenrY.......... ......... 5471% Rufus Dai], Shields. Lai,..................... 2204 fR. W. Bulkley. UIberty,,tlle. - Herbert Davis, 1lremont, 9625%1 Uço.liensen. Waîacouda. VICKERB. Geo. Froellich, Cuba.r Bone ......... .......... 2043 ~ Chas. Glas. Vernon.a lc ............ ...... 9 Henry Blunte. Ela.. .a..e..................._2208 .L.conard Vetter, West Deerfeld. - Fritz Babr, Deerilei. t 9340 John <'Keefe, Deerfielti. BURNS Petit Jury. t Boonle......... ..19 Peter Eyi,,L ein McHenry.............213 Lois Peterson, Bentoi. ..................... 2445%j E. E. Snyde'?, Benton. lýWop4y. Scott, Ilenton. 6788% Frank Clark, -Newport. a ANDERSON. IM.8S., 1iaouAnioci. a B5a0e.......... ...........12q5 B*n'Co*.a, vo0n. McHenry .................... 1004 Ed Druce. Avn. Late ..................... 4557% Win. Barnâtable, WVarren.w - Orpin Chittenden. Warren. 6856% Roltie Mclure, Watyen.. MAINS. IL A. Bangs, Waukegan.N ..n....................4814 Wm. Dow, Waukegan. . .................. 51 Win. Fincuiter, Wauiegan. s ................. 968% Jmo. Lovejo>, Waniegan. t- J. Muorgan, Wtaukkan. 1418 John Powell, Waukegan. STEARNS. W. J. Reartion, Waukegan. V di» ........ ............. 15 Abert Schultz, Waukegan. xé0eHnry .................. 69 L. J. Stevart, Waukegan. ...... ........3862% E. Wells. Waukegan. d - C. D. Flini, Shieldis. r3936% Geo. Bonds, IAbertyville. EGIER. Jutit Moore, LibertYvilie. y ,Eoe............... 18 Henry Llchtielti, Lîberfyvîlle. pl ~,in~................ 40 L.IH. Whitney, Libertyville. r ........................ 2195 A. P. Aunderson, Ifauconda. t - W. E. Davis, 2253 Augusi Kuebker, Wauconda. i 1COUNTV VOTE ON, f85. A, S.-Pavera, Waîîcontia. th [Tii o0eclal riturns 'On FMlseullenn- H. (iarbisceb, @Cuba. W pu and tiohérs: Jas., Warren, Wet Deertielti. ni ............... 1310 Ray Brapti. D.erfild. a ........8. llalph Grant, Deerflelti. to ...... .................5 G. H. Hall, Deeridldi algi5aii...................8 9 Win. Antes, Deerfisii. t WEEI<LY REALTVRtcontD. Dapoen feoras Lab Cont> TtIesudTre ..We are disappoînteti beyond ex-.e 's.*o presso rM Ionl sti. aalocal tiaiocrat lm fg ea> epr 0 ea' fl , vie hti orked il1k. a heaver for i Bu"rnoexpressei humnelf last veek, s Ô£ latment fied Ilh ifwulIrat i kown that the t 'à<oistrmeni 5no.m*. y a5leeiaator wvas titeit. 'we lent enougb tiellocratie votes t10c "4tse ..... Pou of tii.repubiuan candiltie for'13 _______________ lIi.lataure, who titionot neeti tbomnt aIl, tb maie Dams' election o dela ictebat eci SAtove gare. and fftiat remna m areu1 b; aBaTvnaL algi~ersdisaPPontê,' ie vent on 70to as.-BBarrsrti Irat. PATAL ACCIDENTSAT IBAFJIOTON ÂN» LAKE ]BLUFF UNlE TRAIN ILI T!O ThmeeMon Hurled Into Eternity on North- western Road seldom vorklng'gu a hart! drinker. In apu. of ail tuer. vas an air of re- finement, wiic yesr of dissipqtloa tilt not Lover. l*e vas et on. timeý prominentiIn social circles of New Yorkt, iavlng bsn proprietor of a large biook coneeW a thai city. Ntattev GUsigbqt wasilled ti he i sa"n train Sian4s'ay Obi. Gallagiier hati b.en to PstImites sdtvas Ier Ing on the, irais. W be i.trauin ar- rived thie bsstatien, %Imlovatgutspp.d_ off j ttred do" tbe tracis sheat of e tawto a L= we0Wsn the train startest te tgpoff tie iraima but nileulateti bte distance, anti the. train stmuci bina. He vaà desti vihen te was icke4. ap. Thc Inquest vas belti Thursuis>' sfterno)on. DÎàth CornesSuddeu. William Me100, a lýesdent f 0fLae F'orst lfer bis enilrq liteof55 years, @oPPed deeti at tii e k. Shore Coun. try club at Glenéco. Tlinrsay. H »a- ----oes u Ch. faan,, ov Ira gang of laborerentii hegroundfthset Mirs. Amella Whtifng eoflîlgivoot club, vhelt'ttbsuit a sounti, ha drop. tiied t the cJane %IcAlister ltospital Janei(iuol,40 )eara of age anti pe ta théit grtfind. He.iras deui by Saturda>' afiernoon about 4 o'ClOck, a carpenter of Lake Forest, met ticathi tbe tume. ouher vos-mien about the from causes vblcii may lead ti. lit i ai Lake Bluff ai Il ocloca. Safurtia> Place reeela.d hua aide. aiglit y jumping front a tant train on Wilam Mlody ves, elt uap ln claimeti, to thc holding of Dr. A. Hein- theNothwstm.làie Ftorestntat a year ago anti ai dol 0f Chicago on fhe charge of mn-t tic ~ ~ ~ ta Noiiefe iitinte vas severel>' icaten atout alaugîter. fiannon haîttiapent lie day lu Ciii- the bc« I. f la thuotat tftM bt Front evîdence brougit out ai fhe cag? anti vas on hils ay to Lake Bluff nover fuli>' recoveret froua tic effeefa ta mtent hia vite, vie iiai been af. of the blova ho recelve t ten Tii. laquent yesferday momîing fiappears tendlng a party lu L.ake Bluff. HUc euv hoassallet i bnaiatthe urne uni 3frs. Wbltlng hha a i legal bave neyer been fouo. If Je fiougit operation performeti, if la allegeti, ty toai uho 10:.30 tirout<i train oui of Ut tihei. iovi caum'aclet to forai Dr. Heindel of Chilcago, andt fai tbe Chicago, vhich maltes anstopts b& on tie biaif te i. Wureti man anti noxi day aie vas 111. A physiclan vas tween Chicago sud Wauiegan. Ih vas ibat wvile vorkIng l71msday tiec dot ujoeD.Iga orHhln bis plan te o lpfrs i ranvlebursi, causiug hnat4M deticf . Tthe moei D.Iga t -iia îîvssoîup erufie cri nhti lqnt.w1asheld ut tWseWnland un. Park, aud the wotuan vas rentovedtia svift-h i Lake Bluff. Tic train jury returning a veZ -c ýf deati irOom Inquest Sundsy. contes front Chletage ty nay afthe sPOPlexY. Saturtiay affernoon lrs. 'Wbilng <'lt-off throtîgi Iarfaix and ilMes Cen. . iofotiot oann run rn fer, anti atrikes the, main truait ~ " ' the opration, se Dr. Knigit, viio vas Laie Bluff. caliculnb on tbe case. dlaims. it order ta maie tho curve, tie train T1)1»»vu~~u r 18 With-- Coroner Taylor tmpauuIed a jury ;Iowo up sltghfly, anti ln nan>' cages inu]hWa j uech Suntis>'moralng anti he, vif hDr. atapa enfirely asuteflIag las agniifiFoIe>, asiena pbyshcian on lthe case. man>' fîmes. Ganuon evlienily ex- Thainkaidvlng tàisis tbis year vili performeti an autopa>'. Tii, autopa>' pectedta tdtrop> troute train et Laie cent eu uban lm 194 .For turkeys atoveul tat îîrs.Whting val aat ex- Bluff, meet. hlts ite fier,, anti returu are more plentitul, Iheteore, cieaper, tremel>'ie.ih otavi1alri 'oLaike Parent on tte atreet cars. andi Do on. tas ntsttg a cor-ner ln viilciiveigii.d above ithe normal1. The; Inthfe aiue car vhth Gatnen'vas ~cranberres, 'pumpltins or mince mutaIbody stoveti traces of biot! poison. Mlfton Kmsuse etf tuis ci, anti t, vblct Ttaniaglvingnecesasartes nia>' IDg, huge.,b1isusait coneaiei blool -.-a..leave bis seatandi go lie ptuieti Stnt me &eId Ptic: -. ,,,vriug îî. oui auto the. plattru. Gandoun sieppeti ln conirast i vihtat year, uer. Afier tic autopsy 3ira. Jaunie of ibere a mtoment andt lin stoope anti viiib. plent>' or tori.ys in the WBU- igt ood. a friendfthedui * liftdup lhe plaiforna under thc door, kegan markt ln holiday dtue. accord. mg, v o! edta tt, eaoethevo openedth fe door anti steppeti olut no ing te sontdealers. Instusat of pa- *Jury This la ttc sior>' viict Mrs. fhe tiarkneas. hng farniers exorbittanti lrces for a 1anebdfh uy Men lu the car teard a ahrlok anti fev birda, anti nakIlugtipe miles ie o *A aeek ago Salurtia; lrs. WhuItng a Souindiof a fait andt 1sfOie train ft.e country, tie buicier tif year nia; came ta me, anti toîti me fiai ste vas vas stoppet. The Iralsuten, goîng remain ln his stop anti procure ai- ln serloag trouble anti askesi me If1 baci oteic icne of lite accidentiuosf a-y number at reasonable prices. kmcv of anyaue via voulth ielp ber foundt tnG<annon ln it rping front Meat merciania are contracting frotSesadsn g tkna ac fie train iad @truck tte concrete cut.f ie gobblers anti they vifl probably Medicine thuif aie vas afraldtiaf taie tonr anditati rolled undeu- the vtcela retail trou 20 te 22 cents per Pound. anv more. sud 1 toIt! ber et Dr. A. of lie train. The bodty vas nlfangleti Whle fhis la not a record 1ev pricn, Heinol of Chicago, vhanî f bati'vin. tint il liere vas lit tIc semblence of bu- iurkeY ma t pocrer quai -It retailed ie d once betore, anti offereti ta goi inan tot.' fr2 et per pounti lu 1909. At viii lier Monda; ta se fhe docior. fils vile vas notifieti and este hur fhils early date no set prlce eau be Moantay ntorning %ifra. Whtitng anti 1 rl'-d fa the econe. Wten ah. arrîveti tgiven o. ducits anti gees,. veut te fie docfor's office on Nor t andi foundt iaitoertushanti, <ho vas Pumpkins are nov ta De fount Inl avenue, andi lra. Wiflng toldtheti te mcci her, vas deati, aie vas pros. large nunibera lu local nMarkts. Ttc; doctor ber trouble Sic tien vent fr-afe et! ii grief lanti reqaireul ttc ai- ý have giiowo no change lu prIce, selhing vît b C decter lino another roont tendance ef a ptyaliaq). for 10 cents each. Crauberrien, viii- vîlch looketi lite a belirooni anti vas hi a tiouig fiat Gannon, lit order joui vbici aide tuai tfurke; le conali- oeaotli.mnts to et bord ie ran, d prctastiered t5steles sitI remnalu ai 10 cents "Wîen site came ont she saiti ste s tic'ket for Wauh.'gan. tptentiing te a quart. Mlince nuent prie" .bave ftit ail rigit anti y, lefi fthe iôuse. dropt off fie train ai Lakte Bluff. At!stovu no perceptible change, the pie- Sic left me ai' Oak Street anti vent fie gaies lu Chicago ail pasacugers 1 IlIIng atilII being obtaittable ai 10 centstalrsserniitiiD.ache are iequlred ta shov.-ther tickets, a paekage. Cehîr>-. usuaffy thoughi cf taghratannd 1ii ic s n o ne saylng anti aIl vio bave nof tickets for places': tu connection wiii tic Tianksgtvlgta i a I.A afneddMs ai vilcittc train stops arc refuacti dinner, bringa _25 f0 30 cents a bunch, ýVbiflfg telnevaftcdctrbt ehtrance. 'or 5 cents per sialli. Al extra mnydoct e vile lutcotr rad i If Ganuon gai aboard the train he'fruits3, sncb as adora cu'cry table dur-1 Dr. Reougi of fils ciy was flic woutîti tcaI1i.elgiif, as fie conducior lug holiday Unie, are holding f their ncs.t vifuess calîcti. Uc toîti' e clg w'lIl not conte -tlrongh tic car tdtaie Owu lu price. Extra faucy table ap. caîloti lnto thîe case buti tearedta do up tickets tinttl tie train a nearl>' ta pIcs ost fie consumer front 40 te 60 much for tie vomn an sfi vas evient North Chicago. ýcents a peck. Malaga graves of the htseaduero nIlglopE Ganuon a sarvîvoti by a vife anti fincaf qualiy arc qiiotc-d ai 10 cents fiati seid îdron niea p six chilidren. He vga a carpenier t; a Poundi. crt o. a erttoGae frade anti vas presitieni of tic Laie The prîces given arc nov lu effeci r iigtaititcvyinvs Foi-est union aithetctinte of andti hat tc; wiliI ual showmuci isDr.en n to cr, th w rs. Whit- Tic laquent vas 'teltiai Wenban an- change turing the vcekstatiInter- îng reefuacti ta naer, butîîîng lit- deriniing roania yeterday afiernoon. t'ene aui Ttanksgî'ingh feo In. frfaetasic voulticarry fie sece hon of a leadlng grocer. If there la a te ter grave viii ter.' Af no finie Tva men met dcatt b; telng ru lututation hetinis fiat h vîlbI ein nom fa anyane vouldtihtic onan tel tiovn iy fie saine train Saturda>' andthe fruit pricns as large tropa et ai> vint the operaf Ion Itati een. Sunday nigius t 'Barringion. P"arc cxhlecfed. Tratle Journals prie. ."Ailtith ushanti of lIrs. Wtiflg~ Saturtia; nlgbi Oscar XMaynard. 50 tilet a siortage lu orangea, du' ta r.- vut s'vsfa evn4lei ;cars o! agc, vas valking along fie jcent dlsastrous tone ln FIentda tint itioui viy a dit t" sa ldlt.knhgtf ralîreadt racks front Palatine le Bar. I t! esy,90 per cent of tiis 'yare Th,. e..... . . ,.... .- Wht# WQXAWs DRATH lAID TO Bu VUS TO KAL- COIPAION BLLSSTORY Visit to rPhysiclaiVs office Ras Fatal Termlnalou 'iitf aanti vas afruci hiy a faut train jusi a short distance front Bar- -lngfon. 'Ma;aard taI been f0 Pala- Une ail day vlsllug"in the saloons bher, untîl, îitnesiss daim liai be was hln astate ot Intoxication. Me issedtihfe lasi train honte trouaPal- atin, anti tartedti falahiup the.truci% to bie home. Tii, fait train vt lul lue ln Barhngfon af 10:50 sinuck bim al lutt the c, crusting ouitbis lie. Thbe ftoident tappenet! rugit on tbe ount; lIne, tueen Ceci ant iLaie couatlez, andti io Inquesta ver. Dec- ama,->'Omt.waa telt.Ihn Cook ceuni; huntia>'asud retunctia verdict cf aecitental teatu, vitb ne luiaai acieti to the, ralîroat!. Thae Laie, county lnquest vas bei!liaMnts>' ai Barr4lglo.n.t The. man beaves a vite sud seven chiliti.. here la coiiderabloe Is. er>' te the itetifi of Oscar Ma>nard HevasussI4 to-be sort of a vrauai Boys Hold Electiou. Th. Allentiale boys at Lakte Villa telti tem firet cil v lccion Tuestia> anti muct Intersf vas siovn utrangIaýut fie campîaign, fiere belng tbre fîciets lnii fiell: 0004 mcv- erulat, People's anti Indepe»dent TIe, printanlea a-r. icîtia veei,/ago anti ailparties vork iet ii an ilto get remuhia, 1The Goot! Governuient ticket von tva aldermen, ci;y cleri. municipal Jutipe anti prosecuIing att orney, et>' aurveyor. Tic Peaples ticket von tbe tt555'om anti eue alderman, wville tue!en i fcet won oonî>oe adman.. OMre Munroe, te nayor-eleci. Controleto vofetthe aldermen anti vhi maie a geoti aiovIag turing bbe yest. *The greva people are ver>' veli 118#0U.4 ith fie election., Tecause c ,of ,ti ititdet o ra. aut- Ing, accardltîg ta Dr. Kuigif, vas blond poisoning. Charles Jainke, tuebanti ofthte vo- man vWio vent vIf b mn. WbIfing te fhe Chicagn doci on, vas calîcti te tue stand!, batis testimon>' tevelopeti litt.etfIntenest lu fie case. Me sai te tadti nef nf on vbai purpose bii vite veuttofaChicage that day, Nid Dodtor". Card. ise Lillian Wialen. a tehephone operator ton fie Chicago & iWlvaniee eleclqc, fetilfieti et lie fading cf a dard of tiec tcor lu fie pocietbooi of tue deati vonan. Ste sailira. Whfing bad been ver>' mixious tint tue preseuce et tic canti te kepi frout bier iusband, but tati tolti ler fiait the c-dt vas lven ter b; fie docior e bat seen lu Chicago, I. J. Whitig, the bumbahdfth et, 40desi omai, vas put i nlb.stand anti th14 tiai ho liati novu laotig eftise 9999 unlilaller ils vite vas v't"'01 'kt her boni. Mis vife tadti oit hlm tiat iithdcior vas careless anti rougib lu, bi fm.%tment 0f fhe patient anti ltaifie Instrumnent useti had 00f been e;t#lzei. - .After'-tli testînsony of 3fr. Wîîîlng, t48 Pury atiJournei qntll Tueaday att. emnoon, Jm(ýnu flicremainder of the &ustmon>' vastamn. The. fesam. aOlan vdrY case vent b fundîcate thai an Illegal operation, hat beau per- fornieti andti uat an operation cfttis j4lt w vas not essary te prmsrve the, Ut. et the vontm. - v.enase vint be uhougit voultibl don, lu the case, nid ths< te hatioutîlDeti no Plan et PrOcedure nov anti coulti not tantil ail ttc testniony vas ln. 1Mrs. Wbflng vas 38 yearaeto age, atfti a little aver five feet ln beight. lIer hOabanti la a canductor on ti.e electrie lin.. Ttc couple have one cli, a, girl el -7. years. STOCK Qp ODEL EBLDYFPARM's50 NEW '-BUILDINGS PLi Improvemenit t (Jout Over 'FIND LITTLE BABE ..c-f 1 - - - 1 Hereatter 'theesilte of'Lake Blte, Infant Loft st .Zion- Olt &t 'surrauntiîgic> y ul fot baire Home. fieir beautY uap dlsturbed b>' ith ev. A visit of!.lira. James A. Nuifle of lnge!ottie fn. rnt tic "C*W Mion City'to hemraiter la Waukeganof »Ote-pie atk'8XP vas pou Poneti. lait Thurada>' In f.ioe lz atw a pectliarmanDer. îî vas a cîrciu- vwici bave taie mazX100 it*P 1 Stance vel l It isopingvii t t.e mati- state faire. . - ,rn Mleldrsna-tbc linMlg ef a bas- Ailtelilve stock oUI. Atjti 1 ' et ou the tioorsiep, a liat; Inalde. theuetî ai $1's,»o,. vsaet'ioOthe hliie4>U adoption offie, vsif bt heý kind-i. icarleti people, antis a asti aeet b. j bitider ant th e luira- et the fo1tii'ý tory conneciei viii t." j ovuer. The sale of lhé atock 1% nvuli, Airs.. Nuffle. viiose huabantileha anecessar4j' rougi fe ie .wMà d mailman at Zion Ciy, tai l ien a stroyet i alte buildings os t1'$Bi card fa ber aiter. lira. Johnson, te%.r lasi veutk..'~ tIng'hler ttat aie voulti b, there laut a.. e-Pa-usp Tianada;. Later lu fie day vord Lonf. *o& . camethbst tie vîsivoulti bave toIle Oui of the asies ef the are viltrise po.po.,t S a ab hit nrvet atoa model utsM, vbIcb viii b. Weil hoo.,eaater vadeareti Ltt the IStietifr Oie example eofa»Y fatmer bouse.anT'i vsteraid. ndda>'thein he cuniry'. bUtead of mUe or tie, vixole stor>' came eut. buildings, wvieh wei:e used tu lious The coulée ve r turnlnggrlurtoe9wd tieth dairy . baid business section tfZMon Citi tant ettSetili)dvg,~ tefa êse"of .MOIor feu buiNtiangU nesdBy niait, anti vlen ilie; gtt, ogretewiu& hbsir deor lIe ethm-,"*ea emla- lolnghbilléieon the steps.He Ttm ôn viii be unInlathi [bouse. VWbleleiisvite looboti on thi et eirt u'o. huabauti uavrappeti. tue bundatil Bt4oudfrt hi lepmestcf Im, ,trelu foamL4d 'ibecn a fia>' baby girl. Theii. u h'sat fte hee0 cfllt vas appareitl>' iTht uwo bse i.gestvl e*.* mentis oli, 'but .va8 go omal l iai litternPi.B att ls s% t- steighei but atout seven Pound$. tam.. vmnsAtlfll Tic kund-harted people vho have ip-vnob tW O Docîbîdren efthieir ovu iooic in'iip Tbe new Ilaprovemeuta en tbeBe'p in>' vwtanti nov daim ulat tii.>' vil vilost ear1' $9.00. And Ia$.fer keep If.LIra. Nuttie daimstuâtai e tue bildigs *011 tbe terntltsin bas touneu out iaI t. Ittor>'oftthe Europe. ln erder te gain tie plans haie, but ail sie vOulti Sa>'of ithe mat. Mrs. Durant. vîli lbave lu gsoeuple or fer la tint -'lutbas a aveef, nati bigler>' eeka fer tue Luropean coubirbo. attaciedtit. Il. Si, sali tuat i tIeSihea vei açqaalteul viii tbe man.- cîilt hulongedti tanoie on. la Zion ner cf ibis iia4 eofaring lia Its. Ciy, tOO Poor te keep the chulti. rap,, itaving statute Mtes- fOr several years betors e aliristed.ber fart in Lake 1Eits tirs, Dursitti 15m, ixtum*iw 18 DemOoratic Reorganlmatiou veem salul: î au planning ait tien, 1Will Exolude Hlm. inev flmnrovementeonMy ai acan Tic demecrats, et courte, vWinor- ganîze fie natienal tous, as.tfe Tribune, anti Vosela fa las, is chair- mansulP oethfe naval committeè; w-ich , mn; affect fie local ntaval training actool at Nerfth t1hicago. Agriculture, Lamb, Virginla. Appropriations, Fitagerald!, N. Y. Baklng anti currenc;, Pujo, La. Cenans, Jantes Ha;, Va. Election et Onesitient. vice presiiett andi represenrtfives ja congreas, Rack- or, Mo. Foreign affaire, Howard, fGa. Immigration anti naturaliation, Burucit, Aia. Intiea affair, Sitehns, Tex. Inferafafe aud torçlgt commerce, Adanisan, Ga, Irrigation of arid ansud, Smiti, Tex. Jut!lary, Raine', i. blerchant marine ant i lsleri, Clark, FIa. MIlita-y affaira, Suier, N. T. Mines ant i mniag, Poster, iI. Natval affaire, 3'aggett, Tenu. Pensions. Ritchardsmon, AI&. Posioflees and posiroada, Monn. renn. Publie landsa, Robitason, Ank. Rivers anti barbons, Spariman, 1Ela. Terrhlerles, Lloyd, Me. Waya anti Means, Untiervooi, Ais. Public buildings anti groundsa, John. $on, 9. C AsPirasfor rSpeaker. FOllevers of Speaker Bt!vsrd D. Sburtlelffvia joinedth fe democratu ast session ID fie bîpanlisan carabina. tlen th fe leglahatare bave dlacov- erou tiree aspirants for the speaker thlp vionit te; believe the>'comuid Support, The; appear ta e e nxlous o,'Vrevent anoiber bhparthsan demi and -friende of hunIleRiln Chicago eclare ibai Repre#eniatîve Lucas u luita of Peorla. Walter Provins et Taylerville or William Tudor Ai> tiatoticof Chicago voulti b. tiiuber tbat applea tte SBuriff relpa]- Ilans.--Cao News, Ilh îî Il Lits IT asia" eai ti si T il fi eaflonai teatire for the. Amteçca tanner. Ail tue improyeaneuta vii te the masi oe uIs4eot.fe~ comnt!d., Rt the sasm ine 0tue>' vii te -almsimpleant i iexpffllvg 6Ma * an; farmner can afford tem. ', beleyê fusai am lustloe u r a'. lng that 1 bave here the modael las-n. In America. I have speat &Il my tite On ni; fartai trYina fa sce tuhepbaues viiere 1 eau Iniprove upon lbtaTh Il- ihe six. year»a tai Ihave ra tls fanm 1 have mien lusi oee »Mtulisu a vacation." Littlo Faith iiTest. Wlten aiet Inl regard te ber vlevs on fi, tubes-calltatest for ciaWs% Mms Durant sald I4 "kfii es, la mom. leti tW lesniitien Us ar$y li teud utt u,'. h sceniab> te me long es à hertibuta a iui1look*And, la vei 9 on ifs feeq. tIiés-s la athIe danger et ecatagion. But >'c.taDa & covutb*t l cet est Adstsflsuê.u lookaand 1 tunitint Il sigiliti b diaposeti or, ", dg ot ieleleve In a sate laipeeuti gelag ay oves- the coust>' sd kul- lng off the ftasmers',e," 0ubost ibe tas-mer recèilng Smnee onpo» fron thlest.. Paul ROuse, "a 13 rear , oll Iiaý ý rt boy cf the. Qpuld schoiAul. ar lng abot ad 011.4 an eti e te a.7giaaa f ~ * Neer BuretMonta uthe *qsk alginti Atlie sebcol, Md rqW' JNT

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