4a O~~~.i>4~E,~~~a. One week ft T W b of 01M ~iUs 3 wiII want ob.T »sIrfryut day iMnmnyprici TBLesQ<d Pretty SiIk Waists Persian sik waist of iight brown, trirnnîed with dark hrown siik and hromwii silk eox'cred blittoîis --some othiers of -hhîe, biaelk nntaii green siik, triuîîned for,....... 5«,7p C»ND IV-Ail-No slgar niiints ar, kulown as 1ie st satisfv- iîig ITId Ire absohîttely pure. Apotind box foi' oflY ...... 25.ç (olor01ed Sugarake (iaid eys that inake a iiat -table Ldecoration, and manly îretty boxes nt the eandy eonlntei'. Ladies' SweaàterS During this sale our white il wool swecater s, éd- ged Nvth bie or -.rlay, sateeni favinîg.large peai 1 huittoins, the regullar $5.9s ldc49 for only .................. .... 49 A. Iight ftting brssière, the onl.ý g timnent tlia t foi ...................... ...... u Our regullar $4.00 cormet, hlenvy houed(, 2.5 6 pille-r, miade of fine coultil, for.... Black, flee e ined jce'- sev ittens, kinds that evtéryonc xviillike 1w- (aise of (heu'ir arnîthu speejal fori tis sale for, .... ..0v featier ilt enls wit h fur' wiist band.,lee liîîed foiýa' 5 pan' .....75 BIýANKETS ANb tOmptlkts Prelt-v eomforters eîvered Nith fine <rr'itde'of siikoljno% tiei s;tvouigly, filed mitil soit batting, ii1i -ize. îaîîk o' bine, sale prîce ................. 0 Blankets tlhat hiave been sellixîg foi' 85e', 1 1-1I .sîze. extra heavYv otton, speejal for........... ('t glass imblers. shlapei, îpost hottoii SOc) vallite foi. oti.' W'atei' htut le te îiate 1ift size, for euh'.-- .Xappy, -4ini size, (h à regiliaî'*1.'0dishi dluve or pit'kle dish, handle, spejal for Sredudoos Whlte Enbroidered Waljs Prettý, xhite waigs with enhroidered fronts. eollar andi. sicevüa ani vtket'iiînd wit.h- laee inîser'tion, higli ueek aind3 long M1eeves,9 'or................ "tioùse Hetps Axiinster' î'îg.-,27 inv hest by 60) juches, tCm!best Aize, ven- heavy inap that wil with- stand 1th'e liaMd'st kind of wéar ...... 8Staiî' eaij-iet lé-egts that- nake very handy rîlga, *27 inelies4 wWeù,, bordered an eheh.,Ride, 1-M a l alan if all tr .......... 15- eniîbroidered eurtain sw'îs, 0<'dors uvoven, sppecial at yard ...... ç > MESE 'T QOn seeond flonr lu the drap- cî'y depaîtillent yoîî îhd entf4made ho order. Aptonis. pillOW tops, tabie qprends, bed iq'auias, iiot' ni8"P' J;pei miany others. det ô" rerî iii eariv. LIN~ER TQ1WUS Toweis staniped with pretty designs, any initial. deqircd, at theélinen counter. Just-the thing te make for Ç rt- mas. Smnail gucat towels with pàtîtem, ýtanped for eînbroidery, speeiàl fr &50an....... Large towels with hematitcîhel border, stamped 6 hroidery, any initial desired, 22 inehes hby 44 iuhesspcial.fr uiy ..................A Peari utl 'ti o f being able to get these pear1 butûns that are a reil nëecsl1tx Ii.,evéry hoiise heid at m4 legs than reg'tfar-A- #ar wte i doli but 4*ýeiaJ for enlv.mâ fraA Irto22 s.tai' eit. cither bel] or Stra"uflt DNE EB . (&iêUSh~okSe. Viena Brand A i a na nner ware, decorat- ...B............îee~ cd in bine andi pink foral de0!isgï)ld striW !4ë (if~ Ta jt if6r. ..... eh tîumblet', tlîî'e 1~ and detecple te dinner serv ice for tw~i.e,!ff- JJinner. Plates, set, of six for ............ Cepeutglss ~ 9 pie, $25.0p set Fgwiallyat fil4................. . for nl ........... Other sets frein $9.98 lip. ofil i Golti décerat on, a set ttat is a staple, t3'ie. et glas-s, uilu ' ppýnap#ins with turkey andi pîmpkin 8tai't the sët'e YPVnds inih for Oui Cotnfiete ( 040 In the Sout h Genespe wîndow. v "be able te sec the miany helpa es < an o6fr for the Thiksgw'viing table. Don t nnilss 'eeing it. Sée é i the north <excsee w"indowis a iaI *y b i i Qus thât a'e prit thtuaany etiler timie el' the vear. ~ ~ ~ "' inr r tnydrs~a b lejfii fthé lât. yéàr Tfirë, re mny tEI,4 a ïort punis l'rm the 6 Kjnog Pur».. Ne p'.Nov. 12., - - »*an f uwii làkovitz' Hu p1r)o seikIc& ja -thé Bronx l roét buite itKey a young man. wio iooked elaiiorer, "; elu îan îgmek efr w*tr inscul ~ u *t>. ha b i-a i t bn. thi WnOkMttbre. le«tndigà~ted. *y tuerie, rawled -n'limpHu nu. 111 omrne c,'; sad the yoùngj ep aI t 3 â'clock. 4hda bav e b-ntraaàtM dby tbt t UBý i~,odat.noretistsa04out Of miglit àcarKedça, oye feu tapon l1eatcame 1ii b. pptou ta wbom the ther 'two tiort were fi44cessed. rb.y were Sotét slimply te "Mr. ftockefr-lier. * ._JOed ptpu imd two letters ËeUAout' Ina.te have îr.nblattd etis uté; 1.0 à Wu l g o 1Lin, ytrn. N, mu bave p in>r&.Ufitih ae, ~o * ' cC, au m.1 soe!la hvéUrigW mku@*i.sts" fou"Ykeiu. *m. éther two laitiers Éer. é> sepactbI tate" yrit kol tithM %Pam :.., 1814lau IBou t .u_ .If do lteire le this uffmevWMh àù C vea" unàltetaslud 0 otçeq, h" ur- th le, rnogy. 4wit ($uatpz'. Ithandi II , ,4 10 la iulà uaL box.. WO ul PEO uh~i~te h *1 tbljh@ f lor the. ef1it000? tlu"toni !Nou i At31 *,bIeM j eluv.4 teck w a& the lu na obIeaan Dis- LwQv.a Wife .tner Supluf Mit Nad De elded O1 0,tiP amliq Day in iSitaâry 6leuslofl. St. Petersburg, Nov. 12--Cant Tol. Uuei ~ '7 0tb , iiaetr- a à eterf 1W ÏÈge gb elàà M â o sper nd. bi emay ini. MI- ÏMe {ltCodiiems Tettu> à nruoir Setis. A 1 ttiliitâ*te - M é, àw* Ndh#*aefil led. t4t Lulkin, Tex, Nov. 12._-Fuit, reuMS -Ai-tab Mu. Brltt Tmaba nomtats oi 1couati don erkAu.mIbp. by 209' - 1M. !Worob.s'o hubaut .5.14tg ,> =7nbutdled. Tii. ,ony tédeclineod Le-. noWluqte -,br-. lèr lat1i luise sam~c ljeuattIoIas ta candiditeg ità.sp ç. ~ pugtw Ntitan S Bott, ~m~ $6. or $8.0 saved on ça ew -suit Why not g et vour suit now so -voitxvii be ail ready for the day of' ail davs. It is easy to get a suit xvhen voit think of this miuisual saving.- In4lth is spèeial ýlot of pretty suits are biue, hiawk, and brown serges, sonie with ait invisible stripe, and. eheviots of gray iiixed,-.il ai theni Our roguil.r $15..') and $18.75 slits ani voit eau havwe N-o111.ehoie for oIl% 9.50 9.5& I 5IItfens LINENS Battenburg table >squares, 18 iches square, beautifuil patteri.2$ this sale for ..... . . . . Bîîttelbîî'g st'arfs I o niatel1 hlie sqiuare -s.eth....... Mereerizec ile linen, 63 nlîs vde, fleur de IL% or1 stî'iped liatteru:,' e sp)eciai for àa ard dOaiV . .... Napkili ns t a tel is table lînien, for a dî»zen ........ ..~~ TTîîleailel table linen ti at is 2 vaî'ds wxide. worth inuelh more tuan tAi .rc........... .... 1 - 1 - .--l , - - Il y moi