Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Nov 1910, p. 15

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TIArE "VO ICIi JHéSINYKIN, Manager. W - -, £MI 3ySM*.E BEG N&- SATU RDAY, NOVZbMBEP. i9th, -AT 9 A.MSHARP -Stock 4Uaitest and Most up-to-date Meig', B4yt d hildren'sCltig Shoca and FumnshngBogf or CASH osave anovrocedir fomgigtth waUl, we. bought at a ridiculous sacrifice, and are about to give the pepe1&f this co munity thé bènçfit of this unusual investment. -Not Qout of dteo sheif worn, but strictly new and up to now high grade godi.s. iaddixqg this to our already large stock, wve bave so crowdçd Our store capacity that we art compelledt nodi tpoi-hrn prices. Note a fcw. of the Xerr=a4kable hair:raising bargains. _____________ I I . I e Itsrep Immau. for a large seleètipn of -f men's good. suits, da4 -D iixtures, splendid. wool niateria le, worth dbuble. $7095 o men's handsoinely ý faoredfal and 'wint- er suite;, made - Up of fine M'ool sutu1gs, popular patterns, woTth u -*13.50. for en'sup-to-date.- $95 inter suits, Made p of wâ Interils, n net rty- li, atte'ns, perfect in fit and Mw# rkmansbip, worth up to $16. Y ur choice of a 12.45,'endid line men 's fine cuits. This season 's la test cuta, blues; and fancy pattei-ns, worth up 10 $20,'sale'price, only $12.45, 1Af9r your choiee of a mPA e.Jneat liue of, men's exclusively tailored suit%, blues, grays, and neat popular mater- ils, very best of -workmanship, suits that usually seli at $25.00. VreffuMmes'. uth s3 or young rmen 's good e erviceable suifs, a gôdd eletion of patterns, agea up to 20 years, fuily worth from $0to $10-00. $9Sfor your choice of our "6" best young mien's sUft5ý ages 15 to 20 years, blue ger elsdfiancy patterns,s trict- ly va clsagarments, genuine bargains, worth- $15.00. 'goya 9«»e a# tom Man .t 1.8for boys' nice suits, $ made double breasted two-piece styles, in bline, grays I and fancy mixtures. sizes 8 to iri. f $Q Rfor your choice sele- 4.~~tion ot boys' high gra4~~s,.ages 7 to 17 years, haMoiiily tailored of. faneS cassimers and- cheviots, double breasted'coats, bloomer trougers, positively Worthx. $4, sale price "12.48. $ foi boys tailored suifs $3045cof th e finest pure woo 1 eassimeres, -worsteds -and blue sergés, bloomer trousers, double breasted'coats, positively worth- upl) to $6.00. Jr men's strong cottoxi- aetrousers, Worth $1.50. $1.391 for mens fine trousers black; gray and fancy patterns, ,,Postively Worth $2.5Ô, sale price $.8a pair tor a good sl ïf '*ool wor#tedtrousers, aflnew r3tyhish. patterns, worth up to <4. $i vork or fine drcs-, oue a pair for men's good' sboes, blucher eut, regular $2.O values. $19. Your choice of men 's $I7J fine dressa shoes made of, gun-metai caîf, -in lace or blucher eut, this season'èÀ most, popular lasis, $3.25 values for -A a pair for men's fine $Z48 dress shoes in gun- metal, ptent kid and Russia ret- en t caT, reular custom made, newest fall and winter lasta. ýworthli p te $4.M0. $a'39 . pair for boys' or m'imuses' s ho ea for dresa or sehool wear, all sizes. îÀUYour 0hoic0o ofialarge -ue s., iO- o ladies' fine; shoesf, xwoih up fo $3.00. <«III; a pair c s,~v mues,~ule mal. MEN'S liANOI<IER- 3C. tach for your o.c 0of mnnsfaut color tue-by ead, indigo bdes or white handksrdilefs%, 119C a pair for men's Me suspendiers, a splsndid assortmsnt Of hssvy or light wights, wsrth NECKWEAR. 19C for your choice of a hindsoms lino of man's fou'-ln-hand. tisÉ, ail thîs amuons Intact pst- terns. BOYS, SWEATR 4.8e . sahfora largo lino of boys' *Musas.osais, 48ç tach - for mon'. good hss e wsatsr coasa 'v CAP&. î~ 45c offor menls hsavy fnsrCps, fur lined Jia~,rsgular 750 vol- MU! ATS. f# yiir 01,01e of' an I large ~piniyfine bats, #Ut1 or sftschapes, Ialaék and colora,. @I ls*#tles, .Worth from *&ch for lareo ie rente, lni plain and %icllerbocker styles, p..ltvSl worth 75c. GLOVES £ MITTENS. 22c a pair for mon'* hesvy Ilned mule skln gloves or mttens, worth 35c. isoYS' SWEATER SCOATS. a#oh. or a l&rio lins of boyslea&H wool sweater plnray 01oW. CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS. 69C oach for children'sailH wfiol ' swater tesrts, Worthi $1.50. Salebêglis atirday !tv. 19, at 9 a.m. id MtMe. - ti fn nwstock cannot ast icis, Comse erly and get the choies of Press Work Sch 001 Shots 'r ~oa splendid line of $ 1 -97 'chit.dren's overcoats, worth $3.00. il cfr hildrens neat au- s$2.4 fto ovéeoats, navy blue, cheviots and fgney grays, positively worth $4.00, sale prie $2.48. 4eqe48 for your choice of ail tru .our very best child- ren 's overcoats, made in double and single breasted, auto modelsl, st.rictly ail wvooI materials, in gray, brown and fancy stripes, fancy trimmed cuifs, worth- $6,' very special for this sale, $3.48. Underowear ed underwear, siirUs and drawera 39C," " « '" in gray, brown and bine, ail sizes, seciai at 39c. 0j for mans. beavy ail wodl under. 8Y wear, ail colora. full siss, posi- Ma.. ve4y wDMs'f a, wa s £ for Mele' heavy blue overshirta. yCC double and mi .gis breaated, don- ble- front and back. large- Pearl buttons, regular $1.76 vâluesý 4& for men'. neav grywstsrs'and mysatere acté, plaiSMray. r m bine edged. worth $1.00. 9 for men'e beavy w"o swea- ter coati ,full ises, Worth, $1.29 $2.26, special at $129. * ~ for men'm fne ail wooi swea- ~~4O ter coati In silver gray, iod brown and navy blue. i'Ogl- lar $3,25 values. for your choie of a lrge $1 645worth $2.50. 9cfor menulefine negligee shirts, white and aIl colora, ail mis«,. 3 c speciai at iSSc. 89C fora ery lage, election o!I men's fine drevs ashirts, plan id pleated, ail new stYles, .Worth Me.. ers 'hIfau Olefhe 9 c for mense haMy blanket ined dc coati, binait or broWn, ail aies regular $1.75 Vaines, 98for mensi shoop lie"d brown duok coata, set ~Wall anade bis brsmstsd-tYles, tnily WorthI $400. 4 ) for inWss hsavy -vrails andd c mprs I lu, black or etrlx, ,4»c il ssem.posivolyWorth, 76C. f~~ or yonr Oboles of a largs lins et «t C po&woeking *tio, 1>1.0 ailnss regular 75o values, ale ptfcS 89o. MmsOveroeAla« $4 5fo r your-choice of a $4.95lotof good warm 0v- ercoats and ulsters in blaek,gray, etc., nearly ail sizes,'fully worth up! to $10.00. - gÉ& dM fo r a ehoice selection esU.7-0of men's hlgh grade overcoats in plain and 'new pro- tector styles,, standard. keruYs. and, fancy materials, never soml for leu. than $12, sale price M.95. fra splendid Uine of $1245me nye overcoats. made on file ail wool vicunaf ,nd f a n y c h vo ts, s tri tly h a n d - taio e - a m ns. Thia'season 'f betao mdl, presto collars, worth $1S, choice $12.45.e *~ 59r your' choice of a $ 1. *"9large lins band- téIl- ored overcats worth from $22.00 to $25.00, njade of very bpst,mat- erials lmported, serge anid satin liLled, latest auto modela. One of the beat bargains ever offered. Vue a ~» Ovesomee &j- or your choie. of a *43, arg lne of, youing meni s wèeoats, sizes froni 15 to 20 years, fuily worth $10.00, sale price.$5,45. * t for a splen.fid lin. of $845,w. yougmen q auto ov- ercoats, gray ud fancy inaterils' verybest 0f and gnishdig ai laizes.- YNov. w OM, FBIBK s.O SUKR -O aoIa No 1L10 NA Congrea mit oc Waukega likely ta r Congresmi ln conflscti station ait present chi committee, &teps down gett of Teri While th now veli MtAn, end ger ta the wili stili be faire, comm the progriel paissent line ln soins do, head and b' pledged ta local ischoc; Th.- rpli-f nlîan,ùiliof fee afro se(< very iafl;<u nsai jpoile wbat an i n. world-wtde beau. Thar lie % navial comnn ai gondi sigr naval mcliii 'ýlow ;a a lion and li Padq Ferr il ly, the <41r14 ai a conc lsionj ocratAe lear )Olicy whe,, hoieas tli thie minorit . In tire fw' Lilîuel P. proliably lie rairs conmx dernicratlo and ha ail Ju' ntaval ai of thie sirop oeratie sidi aggreisuIv- hinuuelt mine tail the ria, M1r. Padget struction ci cepted, as program fo minorlty i-ei Of cours, members ar ln fact, RE Ilobson ofr enthuslastir nav-y. But vocates on than offset son type. 1i that thie pr two-battlest crats In c, encouragine R Even ln t ent congre corne Into for the lai course, Ithe the campai last electloi Roosevelt, supporters, longer wil much weig] the clirs. ot trimming t now turn a whlch Colo readiiy as tbey titougi the mout p Ta 0f donnai ilicomproir the two-bai

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