Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Nov 1910, p. 3

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atIà u~ omt %o o9UUm '1081. ni le. ire pled pm. &vAgoeoY.bA0PALUMW OryiitOU 0Yg5 5. . WOie ZL"t. sOUMa-?1 *10 a. m. 2 10 4 sud 6îl #£Weie-01 ii rosiduay. opposite Park. VI. K. STUME LîBEBTYVILLE. ILL, PH<NE 10U4. Frank pbaasssbleliCarolynAmbon aud Florsoi Meyr ipent Bauday ovin- log st Lbrtyville. mmMii. C. Neyer visiteil bar alitai, aI Palatise the laser pat of lait wesk, SMiss bris kAmbnam pstsItTburs. day &sthome. Mi. flarney Amnnid son, Barcsy, #Put Bond" &It tbe A. B. Nibi bomi., W a-dvis ta meb niMIs peauins Plut.barbck bu ,work at A. 0. chirer. ma's &&g&lu alter ber long Ilines. . Ed Meyer suddaiter. Hilda, osiut Sun. da" evecnngst Fairoleli Mis Barbars Amson entertalsed Mis i>rotly Bei. andiMlu iiiel [Jlricver Bonisy. Mis Ea nacasey @peut Saîurday and sunday nt hoine. 000 tathet cam lie iylsg [vint tras- rha he de- 4l triumph.s tny Yomi a diid et hl* nue, Bondih in., Novein- Nov York in lntauey, s H. Miller'. n tb. vicia. le, anmii rom te old id ln Cou. gît lufâtry, vel 'tu titi lie vas pro- iresut. At aniim lit the by a buci. sud carried permdn ever auflciently MA i elute Maluei vitit nabi. for coutrements ýt tb. battIs saUt Bflua id, ergeent loi Ibm ccii. l1Ita. of the' i fler ieasii ni remoyei 1 bus mince irai la bu be Idence Wed- te reusains eam for ln-. after. 0, Wiî,1 s la OUI,1 more s. -Ail thine lb. btest for i bai] moud 1 las bie. Our Seured hlm Iln *t Dtos Poster op- lrsI Iioned Grayslakt Operalus THtIJSDAY NIWIT. NDV. 24 AmmOs ftL ORCNo$1 ai IE A. Loflus Restaurant. BAGOAGÉ CI4ECKED FREB A geind time la ausw.d te a, -Le aftoai. H.H poeuebers *à* la W4àe«Ort6 on bumbewnsmltniay. Tboe. trang sa dWiie. of Wa4uorth, vetd frimudabers Sun<jsy-1. Pillip fluenslgr sud uit., o Waiki gan, visited M RB.B..Btaug'sthetiot of tii. veek., -4 lreN'agv"- K'IU, etof 'sukegas. vtetd Mrs. MCuiiouai aturday sud D. o. io&I*i, et Waukegau. Opent miteri dai isivlaitwvesk uorklng on ji h»Bennett mlii isechineni sud englue. Ashir Critenden, oni Ruleei, Wv@as viitor bure lte &rsot thei veki. Clark Chandler vas lu Chcago the ri of titi uiek. WEST FRBMOI4T. Jobs Deci*z spent lBandolaahboue. iss Thies aDoit: la un thei" lekilt. Whiie drltlug honte fromnrcblet Sundsy morulun Frank <>ier's liais boeesa efrgtened by a iog, rabs sai. sud the occupante were tbroun front tse bmyf, Miss Ada sustaiung ra biokeft I.g sud Mes au"sisbeiug soieuhat injuri. Thos uho lire on the rural routes caO medue týe [skiCouuhy I PSSDEST sud the Dsiiy Inter Omian for 14.00 a yesr sud titi Wiekly Inter (lé sa m à alNttmuinmnfor 0-85 aBisai. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OAITERSIIALL'S GRAND FALL SALEý PrieuS at ttahe verg Iowemt netch on.depo able Mercandise. 0 GROCERI ES ~2 Ib ib (rsîiiléiited Sugar .......... ... ........- $ --I-S .4. 9 lb. Huit Rolici Ot....... .................. 2 9 Baýrs Swifî's Pnlde Soape......................... 2 71 Bars Galvanie Soap............. ..........--- 2 8BaieSauta Clans oap ........................... 7 Bari Wool Swvift?& Soap .........-............ 2 *Faiibank'#>Gold Duol, large ize................. 1 18 Bars Calumet Family Saap............... 2 Dakeita premium Chocolt, lb ...................... BKerg 's Cerm aSel lt................... 9Caso Bagle Milk ............... ............ .... Large 10 lb Poil Syrup. - .............. 4 Cano Choie Corn....... .................. .. 1 Dozon so Boxei Parisi Matoheiî ................. Wizard Carpet Clesuer .................... ..... c Bon Ami ................................. * *** c Sapolia .............................. ............ 2 Bar s ouene... ............................... 8 Heny George Cigars......................... 7 Packages Noos Heur Tobaco ................... 1 Packgs LaTuike Tobacco.................... Swéee Caba Tobac-co jb........................ 4 Laitteu Globe@s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. Large siSeCoid Biaot Lauturs..... ....... 500 înhrua&ional Poultîy Powdcr.. .. ..... S 1.0 Ialeaahioal o od................ ]?*0Paial@ htersationai Stock Food. .......-ý ôoc Piatts Food. .............. DRY GOODS stoudaid PiWte imitable for Couforls, yard ........ o Spools Tarea................. ........... 4 Pair Rokford Bocks .... .............. indigo Bine Pria», yard........................ iLight, Shirtiug Priait, yard.*..................... 1 ,American A&Gamt ae......... Linole.unt pet Oqtaie yar'd................... Fe ) 0., BATTERSIALL IRAY SLAt<E IPA TME NTI FI . j.D I1CL MmNe. I OYrdeo alonfor Jit ob W k MU Jn Sa On Applicatin PrmS WV" je îpsug ofew day. wil lbbis faaaly at Sotb Port. Indiana 9. J. Lao t rqnacu business la >1mwo lmot, of Waukegau la vlatlug ber danghmur, Mvi m oy Kuebker. bore Tuésday. Kr. oe», eo? rnee, ueo bers Tues- dsy on bulms Leomard ý)ooleI,ot Wankegau, speut gasiay ulth bis parent.tiers. MiU, aMis . Harry Smithi etertalue4l frensis it *t C1Whuo. Sunday. , Mr Mdami .C. B. Maceliad tran - ot4 bgwsin uchirago> liaturday. Vh Io fooring la helng put lu tb. ,fi* Wb*lw* building tlii. vioL ý lu ouisu'. Club mt wlth iss 3éM& Oarby. Wednwey éenmung. of Mr. and Mis 1'ul Avry's of LakeVil&la . lck vltb pueumoula Mvii. Lien Bumners- wae a caler bore MIr. sud lIno. Ed Kapple speut tiundaY at Mlburu. à sactel business boesMouday.9 Ur. audg'U~josph Ltwler, !ôf LberyvflI., wsre sien on our streeta Ur. Forvuc, of Nebraska, la spendiu< the. ututer vltli hie siece, Mns. JohnI Wleks. *Prey Gray, of Chicago, spent Suuday with bis faniliy at the boise of Bd Kapple. Fred tuebker i. treation bis stori tu a eoat 0f point wblch gneatly -improves ite appearance. Athail yke bas bien under the cam ufth thi. past veêk sud unble to attend echool. Mise Buby Knebker, of ivashoe, spent liaturday snd fonday with ber brotber fienry sud tamily. 0amruaod & Webb tbe eectrcima bave rented tieWi. 1vs d wardes tore foi their rork sud display roous. Doolittle à White wvu gis a Tbauks- glvlng bail, Tbursday. Nov. 24th; Misait'.full1orchestre wilU furnish bet munie and a xood tione prontlssdte, l. Tbe pia"n itlagiron by Arnold 1 aud bims spdsnte atlte Opera Blouses last Frlday evsnlng won well att.nded and a&l uho atteuded ejoyed the. musge and th. social' dance uhiblolioved. Mi.' Wood, 01 Dakota, luarisitinu Mr. 60 Mu erank Lawson and Mr. anid Un. m Piker. trous Chisugo- spont tiunday vftb hie brothse, Wm. Nooe sud tsrnily. Dr. J. feimer vas a Chicaga visiter Tib. 600Club viii have Iboir usaI meeting vv11k Mmp. 0. Waldmsan, Thure. day evemlng, ec. sth. Ise" tli&M Dsrby visited fienis lu Do'ilotfià tb. dase St the oper» houai. Timakeling sight. Avait DàooTlbpresched as ny able seros ta tIeIbm Mqitin lait Bunday etoint I . ,'he skersI" aI the Cougrsgalionai chureb u* » &Mnded lait Biatuiay. lqulrulbslin le ssiiously *u lckvf pneu.omIsait hbie homne usai Fourth bio aI imWrand Lillias Daibi spot weodnsay evening of lait week vltbfrisnds la Liberlyvilis,. nvUe automnobilse . godiveIsilout fhou CisdInet Tmà"dy.. opevlag day ni the seu Round Lake «boni boues." The sebool- bouse lu s gond sisei building. bult of brick vitb 'te0 large roonts.but one room, viii ho usai at préenst. Miso Ktty Blley, of Liberlyvle, ise becs sngsgid as Ieebi. lgisais Joseph Doter, LeÔ Boni"sud «liafrd White are the <Boetorp .1ft ieexpected thst every duilma of Round Lake wbo lu ambitions ta du. tbeir toirn proipor twill put forth tvoiy effort te maue their usw ochool rank musthe b bt. A"lesMeMiu, sscretary of thi Odd fetoiiodg.odibhis toun lift Mondai iMlbt for Sprio0ld, Ill., sas a delegaté bo tIte raitiLitgesesson nov laklng plim ite.r.. i MMilion vase ade- gatl astyea aM i lleevident hiemai s gond on. sa s hibaubecs chosen &gain. Adjuileaton Notice. Publia leMe. la bsreby given lIteatffe 51, veiber EXeuea- .110 mi i i d TeMtment a u s Wmi1 . Dupdecem.ed. ettuiton ie On* ut 1 i.000uy.5ikt eint ihee tu4 e t4un cuS WIIH fflftla W5êk.mi §am COM on ot xMoudmi à «Jsuai lient, M.vMen aid»ÉvOire il pes..n ai iem tesai £" Ntealsm n uflam ;.esis e Meste Uame ta sa1dloM tfor Onuleiu. CLARENICE J. BABOSE.Eecuor. vausegm Noveubee 14. 1910. 5- Try an Independmnt Want Ad. Si I. LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE JEWELER >0 2 1 25 25 25 à5 15 25 07 25 1 8 30 25 40 07 07 07 07 25 25 25 36 25 65 36 70 ý. 40 TAYLOIR GROVE. Miss Dis. Brewer returmed home ater a risit viIb i iends lu Astioci. Misa Foretàs in rlsiting lier ister, Mra. G. A. Osborne. Miss Mande. Levin. of Waukeffl, la spes<llsg thie Leek itb 4, 4embt. m rp. Mary Moians epet the lait aflb. week vili ber cousin, Deunis iteadlan. lieu. Lewis, Sr.. had bis finger badly cîushed lu a sulky plov lait Tbureday. Mm enrcy Meyers spent MondLiy la Mlwvaukcee. GAGE U7D Chester Croker ad Miss (race Croker vrimlted relatives lu Chladgo Busday. Born to Mr. itnd Mrp John Nîvaleir a baby girl on Thuredsy. Nar. 101h. tpn o Mr and Mr@., Gso. Norton a bby itl on Tbursda$', Nev. 101h. Mrp. WiliIO'Neil viaited- ber daugbter in Libentyvilie titi- firâtofllie uet. Mise Beri4% Glîmare, of Waukegau, »Peut Saturday aud Sauday viti f iends lu Ibis vlel>51t3. . Mlss Annie ilosiseer, of Wan- coude, vas b. geSsl utrelatives sud frieunis bore a feu day. lait ueek. 8. B. huessiofetChicagom bas eina vlslitor at the. W.. Huson hume during the pa w0esk. Harry, Lusk, of Oraysiake sud Ms. KatherlieDousil, of Wet VFrimant, vwers lla twOunday afternoon. Mmi. Ada Ruosalient luat iuesy sud 'Weimssay wltb relatives et Medotibi tU. ie. 8. J. Bossoil sud dauglâter, Nettis vire lueuH.ry, Baturday efternoon. Mi. andlUn. LV. Lust andsitus. of WeeI Frencout, spnt Banday lu Valo. Mdre. Henry Wegeuer, aofloury, vas a Veto celierTburaday of lait veik. lMsa deltpe Froit. of Chieffo, se spemdlarg &.6v voks vith ber grand- parent$ bers. Mmp. [aura Huson bas gene ta Medot., DL,'sud viii hi thieutet o relaives Ibe'. for atev mie. illacimy oint tk ihie cf Mr. &a14 Mire. UaM NWIffeoisere Ut. an m i. Franit Iubiortf e MeneryUr. ami M ru. *m. ichoils, a ofsovlljs sud Mr. aud ise. Fraa4k O Mnmnue of Ibis ple. Uri,.'W. ML Buson sMissmi.Bau Raymnond voere McHenry callers Satur- day afiernoon. Mr. sud lMre. John Hirouimus sud dengti Bthir, sud Ur. sud Mr.' Abert Kuteubeig, of? Wsnkegsn. vers muete "of Mr, sud Mm. Jobn Waton over Buuiay. lIre. Chas. Bsugh speul part of Titý weik witi ifaukega relatives. Don't fargat lbe basai Frlday ulght nf Ibis veok. -ysier snpperservei fr0.s 6:30 10 8:80 o'dloc.-q Warren Siver, of ifaukega, caflla on fiendi biee Batnriay. Mvi. B. P. iver sud Allee Worm ifauke- gai viotres $ourdsy. .1 R. 0. Marrie ami family voie Kenasha vistai. Bsluritey. R.-B. levin &pont Wocinesday nlgbî witb bis tatber- Dg. Lowis. Boyand Chaie Alock, of Kenoiba. @pont Sunday vith th*irmother snd VanNes. Young, of Gure, ss on our street Sunday. Thei unsiny eltool wviii ommnence 10 prepare Iboir Ciristmu. cats oon. T. R. Quayle viii opsk aItltse cbniah nxl Bunday. j- - Frisuis sud *rièt-,,. i.. I nao. a0mers, Autlocb, WIut, g . t 1fi -cri. 'ilie tumded hbefunsealul l. i, LTuM&dy.. R«. A. W. Saiora 4 ated. Thei eubmens vins:Me,-. i. K. BainE. A. Marti, J. A. Tlai. W. A. Banner, J. KCr m i Zoiglar. Tii,- louewers onbieutitut and Mmp. &ot LeVoy mug tva seimqevloiWlIh ve 'jin. Mis Joeepblne Mahhes entetMsed su «Unt trou Roiester, flnn., thi voik. They wlli soon lmet for Florida wbure tbey vii spm e .winlsi,. Mdr. sud Mrp. C. W. Ruesol retursedi trois Iowa' Saturulay. Mire. (ferry sud tazily have Cbis vssk for Gary, Indiana, thelr future homo. Mrm. Johu Banner 1s'vliting relative. ln Pions thi. veel. miss-lum:Pollock, of Chicago, @peut Meturday sud Euuday wittbehr mother. 1Miss-Alite JSË*Iesof u ilrwyn. 111 Ï visited Sstsrdoy sud Sunday viîh ber parents., Missvivien Donner le vlsltlsg witb tnlends ln DeKaiti sud Lily La.. C. E. topic, Nov. 20, "How D)osa (ld Wsut us tobelhankedr' (Thsnkowlvinu, YORKC OSE Wm. Poi1matir£ uho alibis Tarisa short tirs. ago bas msoved te Wsukegan tu live. We were sorry te hiur of the severe k liumsot Mrp. WUIl rin and hope tors spoody icovery.' M'ss Sadie Adàins bas accepteda position lu Friduan's aulliinery depart.. meut,. Mrs. Chartes tioldidge eutertained ber Ssci. trois Chicago Su" &y. îEuery Shaw bai accepted a position at Lake Bluff wonbtug tor tbe Northi- western îailrond. M. sud tMrs. Dontittie, of Orsýymuake, drove aver tu thelr auto Sundal sud vlitoi their cousin, lire. Ira Holdrdge1 Mr. and Mm .Jo. Brachi n havq s sew hot walo beétlng plant. Mit. BrocWon di thi. plumning. M. togvra oslsi ta Kenouha tajitl= bhni y he ii IIms. of ber brother, John IroL. About six veeko s ige .vus tirimuru ieisblci'lé-and hart hie. km., funi for blond poison uot lu and they vire afrsii ho _toU l 100. bhllu"b. ReBea siprovisu at Mis. lmra oidrldp oults&uoi lMe Loyal Ledise Club of graksga Tuse- der. atterimoon. is. Baury Gould eut., talnid the L*1 le'Ad, Tburaday. Dou't forget the remder at the York Boue churci, Vriday oveulug. gHi lia young insu trou Bvauitou sud cam vlI& recommndaiL Adults 25 cents, chiliren 10c. Tb@f riads- 0f Arlbu.- Moultapî-were soeked bu bôar of bis sudden dostb lut i BAturday et 4 80. Hbuh.l-roi bore muet of h» bis te uaa mil r.epeasd citizen. Mis. ManItou basthi sincere tympahy o1aIl the aoiauunlty. 1Word vwu recolvai beis of tlb.*dostit 0f Obaris Minler, a rempecbsi eti»m wbo,- mgo. 114o bas long bie &sufferer aofcuriture 0f lte splue.' Their m»ay "WU dahe *ezteud tbelr sympatby luin sr sud Mr. and Mm. liot Banon visitai ovr Suiiduy St Mia. Emmua 8uuioeisk'g ut Libortyvillo aud mcon uoth r ind. Mr. sud Mrp. Lainé Ilauchad, ot Ksamsnoo, Micigan, have bsn vibt- lug ber bhmtherP Eumoîy Shaw u t >ayld Adamoe'. Thie 1h. Sciiwartm. Coulng attrations at lb. chwaila Theatre at Wankegan, BI. Nov. 24th, "ovaDay..", Sundiay Nov. 27th, "la Arisona. Mati nessd avmsiq. Cars for Lllul.ylte leste W"kmhos tvery svemlng itlililuds il:1 p. m. coomusc tinslLeukaBluff WU a bm 11:42 for Là1bertyvlllo. A Want Ad wull iltt. Gond Resuits Alwyuti OWW The aunosf Fol.y Kiinsy PillaThsY t.ri uûldlng, atrnggbmm..ami f oothin Taule 'la action, qulcitla il' Mise Olive Wels vislted uld frisais Frank Taylor, uaw a reliienî 0f meeting;) Po. 100: 1-4. Virien Bonner, I bore lait vsek. Site viii go baci th Joliet, Ill., bas tb. position uofuigneer leader. Mebrasta tua .pte l. inter. - . os lie E. J. & E. ralrosi. .Ir A . .1odspn M ays M Mis Crves ss LonSBitale oit Ur«. H. C. Towulsy viii preacithie Tuesday lu Chicago. ou a visil. lait sermon of tie sertes os -Facte 01 Miss Boniha Cravtord iited Mouds& Religion," sext Sunday morang atIil tDr. Taylor sud vite. of Lily Lake, bers Friday. o'ciock. Ticlihe cblu"avmin"vtited A. IR. Stewart, i isae sud The Ladies' id Socity met wllb Young peop1)e@8m-1049caime.ln tihe tteuded the tunsral of R. L. Rtrang. B.elusSite Wedsesday, Nov. 16. 1'hey înenlug at 7:80. 'Stiagel evlcour. Tis romalin et Mnr@. Amanda Lewis wulli hold thoili nnual baglar la ' it-The Ladies' Aid Society 'or the <iagee Hockaday vers brougbt bers for buri Deember.- Cames and buy yanr XSma Lae M. E. chDrch i vii iolula basai .st WeddesdaY. Mis. Hockaday made bop tiresesti.the.home ot Mr. and Mrp.Carulcael ou homeln ifaukegau nulli as short it liseSoenrenlate onu Fday, Dec. 2nd. 690o vus ber grand daugiter, Mire. ______________________The eocity site yen U te hs]p buvard. Editi Stewart Scinie u ot be, to hie sa ueu ndformer r oni luDuluth, Nis,, ubers shq dlii. H. Winters simutisday inbàM*lvndents via bave mo-roi taobor parts Siethe luIst aofhbefaîber'O feuiy ud kes, udars Intercsted lu the vilfare oethle aitdIti laist af ber oun tamily. Fallien Fnîey lu entertalulng is bic. aburci sud ueigiborbaod mamutIby d f fAls a ily àndisg .onibitîions. Tii ladies IXlllburn NutUal- aurano Fredlia an famly ave movd .he iest liat 8il articles b. sont in a fred t)kay bave m r' esweek before tii. tie ime bu gîte frai lll.bma.opporbunity lu arrange eveytîiug%% Tie ircineo f lb. Mibuin Multual ilemsiibr tic dance Thankogivlug -pnslîliqn for tie saie. Insurce Company bave levloias is'vulir for SI. Patniak's chorci.-. . amusent for 1910, di thrmS Iolsn Ja.Wb adls to ismDjad ÉlIty ceno e seh oeuethosiani altS shb asi Raily, 0 Rciisoi,[Z1,j Jýdollars ln.nrei to pai the loues.oe Zrtlsett.Broda. aeRy ippe. -al4 oi111.598,05 ltbal'. qoccnirsidnjrlng' kBartisyB. slpiacnada~*lte year. Mosilay. ~~Lincoln Mu'ray, of Eranton, le visit- Aueet iih miifri ut au hin b rothîr, J. D. Murray. dAys. et HIb aidfo ntit TeacherW'Ex, Mtou ls. Harttourg and Ms.- Bis HIogn. Miliburs, Nov. 5l, 1910. Au e.j xaulinatiultoicetddamefor <o! Vaukegau, epet Susda si M. A. Joux A. TnMii, Becretary. Ieehirs' certificat.. vI ib. bihlu myId 0'-7-2t Soffice Priday sud Satutri ay o. p.a.2j&riffu tKenoub, bau rsnted oiulng. - ~Jantes 0'Ham W"seburidIDluSt. Pat- Molasasafiai, tri Il. Sou byLiur-t T. A. Suipeir, CO. o. ulcdk'î cometery lait Saluçday. - IL&L LogesCo -. arc RIJSS!I. Lilîlber Yard For FIgure. on BUILDING MATF.RAL My prim. are îIt #'umis- gond. Wbether you buy or sot get muy flgrems. PREPARED WRITBWABB: P.S HEABD, Pro,. Tomlmven Tius hi a naim p a ..l- TitI# Calumet. ta- SajIés vers Liberthyville o&%l , kJ M. Bpring esilsi obil J. B. Oom,ie, ftl01aon9i vus is ltre Siud&y. Même aWelTbmoa stoug»M n, I., oogm4q mlouaI a"i 14= e Aw4d go. viesla lieus Ielor4Aw ]Mr. anidlire. yta er*suibeéhln. -W. f& ffl t iS ML "X iaumaer la hbiopo1 "isaEntIel 8pulug, ciI «Pot Tsmoay ami W*q" bortb N-Do. Ou Moda m i endYli. a "Ha ious scouamisprefiuul holier of tho lucky uumbeidonp< giu.sab oeoing. 'fouton esaily Bell or btey th! WaA<I d ---------- TEkAND ý,If FEE I Deitour lius or Tem in4ofuu belore the. pitof o! OoUs 3idadvaoed Mid Ià tion with euth POUND OF COFFI Purcha"od bfooeNov. 117, joo, in, I iJ S, and wlth fflh POUND OF TI3A 1 wi igivo TWO o * of h«i»os. lelrA" i tii... éhoks witfr' MM O*WTBand 1 wIU xglv* adom Uckeu*t 10 RE3NO THE ,AG3Ç! eno tii Ksgo ian 1* At t h. Gra%0 HIOU@%-I UUESDAY, 1VU»e, No" IRegular admiasion36pOetpiokO* 12 y'er28Q7 MlENRY, KEURK o o o i o o o o o o o o o o i o i i o o o e i o o o o i i I E E E E E E i i L. 1 i» ýimb mii a - - - - 1 1

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