Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Nov 1910, p. 9

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LAKE CoUNTY,,IND]..EPENDENT. WAUKEGAN -WEEKLY SUN VOL. XIX.-NO. 7. PART TWO LIBERTYVLLE, ILL., FRDAt, NOVEMBER 18, 191(). BIGHT PAGES. 'ýI.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. FROST PUIS OVER smwe. DEAL IN BUITISI COLUMBIA *.ysOOOOAcros of HeaviIyi TIb.redLand -la Northern T. errltery1 1 Fermer Rallread Magnats Closes Ouf Alaska Itorosts- Fer Canadian Suys Heavlly of Ceai Lands ln VicInIty of Massey. Brit- lali Columbia fIým Weulesdatyg Su2.1 A. C.'Frot, former owo'er, presideitît and manigjer oi the Chicago & North- western Electric Rallroasi CompanY. hua ut brougbt ta a auccessful c-on- ellson a Seal for 600.000 acres dif tilt- ber lapd. blnBitish Columbia. gay-s tbe British (oltîmbla Bulitln of Information: Brtish Columbia, Oct. 13.-Tie itae upert Journal reporte the co- clof cia St-aI hvilch the faine- diate tlmber areas on Mresby lalantl belS by the Canbett interesta have * àe p issSlto the banda of A. C. froit. a vail known capitallat af Chicago. The "emI as connummatod there. Regbnald »le« of Vancouver acting as Inte-r- àidars- lu connectlan wtb theei. -I The area. baS heen gone as-r care- ftlly by cr-uers lnIDtiseemglay af %fr. Frot who îmit-If ba@ #Tient a day or two lin the cils- In compmny wth Mr Brovo. holuconnectJan wltb tht- lImts !8 a saw mill locaied at Queoli Charlotte City. Thia mili, it bas been repat-td. vau ta have bhecitot Soya . Tt has cotinu.d ta operate. bowover; anS Mir. Fi-st beforo leavlog lest evonlng foe2e south statod that hoe epectecd to tinue the running ot the tutti. Tii. limita are, et course. purchased as a speulation far beond the- capoc- Tiror e! tilmlI at Quieén Charlotte <lty. i*aa «lnolved la &bout4010.000 4" ndauwhille the.exact prias ie zMmodeSokuovo- the. oaIwhlcb ciagedbanda in connection iti t e $M000.The. ar- la verylsy- ubered ad tii.lnvetuntb a on. ofte betl northern Britsh Colum- bia. Mr. Frost la a man of wealtb. Il-' la interested in ceai m.esilreatoi th vicits- of Manuet as well as le tise timber oi the Islands. Farmerly ho vau vers- closely IdentifloS vîtb the ecealields ofaiAlaska. Mr. !Prot vas farmecîs- premident o! Lie Chicago & Mlwaukee Street Rail- vaand la accustomed ta Seallog wtb enterprisea of a large cha-actes-. IHie acquisition o! the. timber ]Rude of Moriebs- Island will mean muaIt. for ttisa nortiern pontIon o! the province os hbe buhe ieane andl the ahililt LJTTLE BI o USE:POLICE NEOLECI i$TE ODTO .CLEAN OUT 4 TDESE ESORT~ fi liftlebrowfln7 houa. by* ft,a. d TWlth Vnes runolos up iD th@e ava.. TWhere tiié ominer long thora oers huraeIl ofsng A.tda f o f vîgi ln the lt-aos: Oh, 1 tho.lttle brown Lous vas merry .he de» tla a ta uad ta e. Wiien tii. LoyBa d girls. iii their muni-y cOns.f W... cueet tihe mothers gObée. But the lttie brown, houas by the. road la tasse y 00w and stîI.l For Robin ta de"u. and Ail" e And Loule muei bide eitithe mlii. Pglier laarMan d alnt. And the . muhera fot 1. l.w. And s-nu hear tiie dclk vithtlie feint tiek-lotk Au.Fs . ou;d nt long sao TbéIMI is brown houas ythé ti.rose. IroM the owlft train flasing b>. 1 iei It tand la the. quiet lanS. Un&-r lthe quit sky.. Prom thti to f the golden dataie$ Te the. hour of ithe fallIng leee. Pýrom the. tinte or &«dSto tihe vavins incaS And thé. flush ofCthtiiripssseavas The. ittle brown houas bythti ois. Whu 1 passeS itst eevsiu. auddonanduS oeet It laugiied to groët Ms- ee-a.wiui e a azling uhasit lier. were lampe ln the. twinkllng Win- dlown; t kn.w au 1 rattied posa Tiaitihe ira wa* bt-ght on the hlicaJtb allgh AnS tih chIildren homenst at . Te teltti. iirown houas b>'the. road Had cne hhankasivlng day. AnS the. wintrs- air. If t toifl t it*r H" the .tender warmth of May. Tb@ fallt-stongus w«s lo.e.d AbS thé. motbss-sloue u as lear. rr t e hulasu oflove vas peured abats The home ltet.e wwag s-ast. The. ttle brewn houas by the roaS: Ob. ipther. oid a" a#My- Boo..tandS luge ties- toto te s-oYu. Tb*. dilidran howbvut vas-. And &av. vie la ce lainthe arlpy. And Atchie. afar tiieIme bi. oe t-amUi». =shthas- wsteet At thle ambers ns o& Prom lutie brown home@ by the romd iT- ftrength u u a, tarulas brauglut. Paltri their uîay frutt day tu day, Sttrpi-d .-I ur Is ihOgit. 1I he ciof utansd ThsuuksgM.ln kirom homee. lb.-tii, aicerds Tu the glu ty of Miie t.eYuî,d iiiun. .?-Margaret E. SgapW. UnE I1DCDVICÛa-DC fi CIIII DfilV P'i fiÀ FI'm K ing For a We. T h r e e Alleged iorderly' Houses Sald to ho ln Flour. Isblng, Operation Reportod t. PolIcm Who Are Rallier Dllatory la Taking Neeed AetiesIt Il aid (Fromt Wednesdays Stin.) -Inhabîtants of tbe wear cide e wondering 00w If someone i, planinlg to estabîlli a a"edlght" tdistrict In tiai part of i. cîty. sîmilar ta t he cllgbt' district oai Chiuazgti and the tenderloîn of New York.,.- iAt present llhere are thr- alleged diaorderly bouses"l1n one bloek, and o ne ln another blockt on anothç-r street. wice have the police ho.e notilled as ta the prottence af the alleged boumes and bath tlmeel have tbe poice refused ta take aîîy noticeý of the- affair, It la assert-d. Tht-e I placem. It la allegt-d, are patronizé-dI maloly hy soldiers front Fort Sheri- dan, Ont-In particular bas longc beena nuiance ta tht- people ln that part of tht 1»lty. ln that place the- keeper of the rt-sort has establîshi- t a piano and the music, singlng andS dancing ln the jbace keep the pipe awaki far * loto tht- nlght, It la h.rge;l * Police Refuse Aid. Matters came ta a climax 'î-cterday wben a man living next dloor W haIT a dazon soldiers go loto the plase and ho called Up the police. tellîng Tired of me? ltatner have an automobile or one of these flyiog maebilea. themt that now waaq Us, tine to catch bey, Mare beanîy àabÔut tht-r, bey- More faitbful? Y.Uuu Saut belles e that. the habitues fl eTai4eil.,lHt- gave T'ou know it la flot fl-us. Isam stîli man'@ beat frleîîd-have bt-en for a long the exact location tp -te police and time anSdaill otnet efrtes ay ayyus mkn ftl ous te nteafdj r nthe, asyut.a the animual bre sbow ln New Yî.rk tity for a net-k. Soclety ylil The station refol eg b end any or appluud oty handoome coot, my noble bead andl lowlug tait. And tbeu I aie teplce force -ta th. scette. syl goingt t mots on ta Chîcaglo. where you cut t me fron Nov. 261 ta )ee. 3, ithatln the mom-ng " tiiey would oset ' thet national live stock show. No, 1 amrn ot a lbnck nuinber. I Sm king for that the place w,, lonyestîgated and I. week dt .eest evory year. Ithe keeper chaaed 0oM towo If the Evei-y night. no the. peaple slu ta' 'pu section ef tie., city claie, trous tiireTe W8 N UE M N T R PU< TAN ta a dosens oldierp makê ýa 1visit to O IO tthiolige aSd reluaiits tieie 1tilt the- i ell. hm laof he pice.'eft. ,JERrenORiý,POSTAL BARTY DAMAQEI> place that aveu the o=lîS'pon the býsre ave ben heard te uisah men- SAV1 D B N SIY tion of the rTat, It la asbel-ted. S V N S B N S y E P O I E Tht- ather twa places are aiS ta ho les-s ai a nuismoce, If. thatte pas.- lî Ù BEELET-ED REC NNO DEM R Bile. No mualc or dancing la ai- IN .TUE SPRING AÂRRESI FORMURDERj Th.- resence of tepae'h'ebe City Entitled te Two for Flrst Çoroner's Jury in tii. DOath et stonget hold that places ai thia sort tu handle t ta the verys-taiadvan.u M*.ulfuafr Mr. W lisihwod c 'te anS Das lclt- nUt 4M ~Population and OWhneng..forihod c Ty-hcoedisorer-ly boumsesin ane Evory 2500 Thereatter Turns ln Verdic c rsth~~a aiofthe city lookuhamd. Oe ofthe. cuocta laq ____________1 Ikept hy a marrieS voman, lh la alS. INSAN MANKILL SEL wboe e band pends mont oai bIs IS N A I SSEFWeuld Malle Waukegan Town RecominondS That Mrs. Or. th tteo a 15a om. Ti Phoos If an R. Ioar Sot , y New Census Entltled ta 1 Hoinle 'f Chicago b. HeId j oasan la aleged ta have taIS a noigh- .- About Mine, the Report - Fu.lbeDeath Saturday tje boue Smrt hnctn o IhÎt CausiffHJMS eattk- . l.lmtt~ (Prom Wtdnesdayas Sun.) Tht-Ilaut-t over tht -a>fMr Tasapoerrs Insanits- Asslgned ae the Vth tise federal census gving~Vo Anislia Witlng of HighWood vas te-O V L ME H D F Suday aiteruaatî. Dr. Ingles of High-R IIG "~~ Pray of Webster Cty, la. lgen township about 19,.000, tht- land Park vas tht- lrst wtness calleS. c chances are that this town wîlI have He testitied that he vas tht- faml' 1 1 physician anS vas talleS in on tht- Cleveland to Try to Collect Yen Webser City, a.. Nov. 12. - Aftec maore supervisors tau tlt-ct inî hi- rase 1ai Tiîtsday. tie fonS Mcas.1 Ceeuts From lEvery Inhametnt télephonlng ta ls vîfe that lieoIu- sprlog titan t-s-tr befoce, and that tIhe Whitlng iii s st-lous condition. Ht-1 0OfCIty for National Rd Cross ten.ded sctirg is bt-ad off, R. . nomber froua places In tht- coruuly 1.tecribed a iew ceintdit-s for ber anSd Scît Pi-a-. 0 tuacli>. caneS viece tht-ce bave bt-en population lu- laler celled lus Dr. Beren.aso of Pray ofthi ely. arred ut ic casss wll lsobe oosedIligLIlndPark. Tht- two'Soctors lu tiireat Immediatel>', Is vIte heaclng c4ae,000asohobes duotutatlop advlst-d that the-vousap (F'ronmWedntsdays SUN.) oer the phone tht- sound of tht- thot Tht- cule la tht foc thse Ilct 40bu- taken ta tht- bomîtlîte t-e, whili Tho campaigo ta be couiucted b>' viecb tnueS ber huabanda lufe. Tem- population according ta tht e ft-cal wsa dont- on FriSe>. the Cleveland Rt-S Cross Society- ta poar,> Insaniity, It tesauppoied. causeS ct-oBus tht-rt shaîl be tva supec'.'sora After Friday Dr. Inglas dIS not see relit- mont-y tovacul tht- $2.000.000 fund th el rs. Whiting until Satucday. viien besugtyth-aloîlsit> lio tle actanS ont- for t-vers- succeedlng 2,500, fouujd luer et tht- haspital oea,- defith. postpaned unttillspclng. Other Cleve- Mrt%. Pras- left the honse early Ff1- nu vlth about 19,000 b thîs tovn tht-rt- Dr. J. G. Paît-y of this cîts- vas called land charitable ocgaolzatioos vîlI need "ys anS vent te vîsît a marcheS Seugh- vauld ý ie n-al taIS, and an Inrease ta tht-stand. Ht- testified that ho vms so rmuch mont-y durlng the vîiter, It toi. In the aftecnoon ie aisîveced 1n the number al avec tht- couty present t tht- autopay hbt-d Ôter the vauhd Injure tht-m If tht- Rt-SCross a telepiione cuitIanS recognîzed ber tvsl pooto titerpoua tmaIns of tht- Stad vaman. Tht- vock vas stertt-d nov, latii. tesson huubantls vole.Inlproportiota kIlt tîit Increase.autopsuy ceveahed that Mca. Wldtlng cgîven foc the delay. bubei. a IS thvoies. ce.*'l'm aIgtn alinS ln a periectly healthy condition Whon tise campelgu starts thi e o- z"l_______tevies._______ndoî.tide the- operetion. mittee vîli make ao effort ta cOloct seu vilI hear thle &bat." TeatpYrvae httew-1 et ri ahpro nCee Imeiaeycaete cn o ENT CO4LONYl man vas sufft-clOg froin a despecato tand. Thilt It le e8timateS viii itlng1 "lO, and the telepione vas dcopised. case ai bload polsantng. induced. as tu $66,000. Tht- sointa be riaseS b>' The Sauster. vie lIteS severul mille DIRECTORS MEET .t-ans- as Dr. Fait-y couhd state, fronthtie national soclety la baseS on a 10- lys>', quiclchs-telephanoS neghboci af the lleged Ilt-gel opecatian Itlu i-cntcollection f rom t-avispersan ln Mr'. Pras- te tun tu thse bouse. but ha- logeS. the United States. fore tiie>'accIveul thes Inureé man, CeMMîIte on C lU - - Dr. FaIt-y vas asked b>'Caroner Tise mont-y taIseS Suing tâta cam- vas dead. Abpt Taylor If lu bis opuiion tht- operatlGui palp vhi le useS as an endovinent polnted to Meet Te'nighlit te vas nect-smary to preserve theIllfe of fund'tho lntecest front vfhivlI h. Mc. Whiting, anS tht- doctor repiS useul to Sofres- the- oxpense ai seadingj RUSH CARS FOR LIVE STOCK Appoint Members of AssOd tlit It vas not, as tht- voman vas la. aId ta greet ditasters vhere ontaidei - ______ - atlen the Neext Year a periectly healthy condition, aIS la necessars-. Cttie lu West Raperted Sfleting aud -Upon tht- conpletian cof the- teati -________ * ShîporsAre emplanlng ~ ~mans- oi Dr. FaIt-y tht- jury turneS hon ahiper Ar Coplanin. Mns edodar su.) their verdict vithout retlclng. Tht- U.S FLEET IN BRITISH WATERS veridct ai the jury as presented cec-____ LOttawa, Nov. 12.-Tise CauadiafI Tle directors ai tise Lake Counts- ammended that Dr. Heinhe oi Chicaga nog eMu tPae urailwai' is cns-hîng carg, to tii@ Titbarosis Instituts vas él helSaiLe h ifta tht- grandulJury on the charge Pt-lace Henry' of BattebrteMn vetto tak e eof et ii.bas-de- 0550e of Dr. W. H. Watterson Manda>'ofa ahegeS murder. Admiraml Sebreeder et W.ymouth. znnd, f h aiper o iv eooeveilng. A committee vas appoInteS Mrs. Whtlng vas 38 yeara af cge.- mand e!tii uiîppea o ll'o to &W apInt the othor committeu ItI Btsd er he sband she Itaven ont- London, Nov. Ifi-ThQ llrat division gi-»ête nt enougi cars 4a Wlnni- ses-vo during tise sec. J. W. Barvehl, daughtec. aged 13. of the Amecîcan ieel wtt due te ai- pg ad cattle are reporteS to e h o-M. W. J. Stobbîna, Dr. W C. Bou- ricve t PotIaSd this mornlng, VacI- 40rlg severels- vhlle ahisppela are' ton. Misa Belle Donnohîs- anS Dr. W. Invitation Doclined. oea festlvtles are ht-bez pt-part-S foc meigplainsngbItters- ef ti.heu.oislui H. *attermon vert- a ifanteS on tisa Tii. iellowiug note ivas bandeS toaate UetnSmnaWe ouh velghi. - cemnsttee. otoacher tu a public schtuIout long a te e agod men ai catoo i ta rne tep- TIi ietmet t ii cravut iiTIei somminttee vîhI meet &tIL e t -are1of-cbr-90"tly ecusgJanis deWc v iict-Pct-t. Ilea d eUais pa emloth e !cars îer puîp IfieofaiDr. Watterseii tonlght te ap- erTnh-KdlexueJo'01Btnbgwi eev RaA. Sta4 iS aote ofarse fonda et poit t î ole hlvng cemmtteesfor - ahbsence tcttui achouul yestecduy alter- Mirai cirotSer et the NtIsoh exhbb- -OIe ea«at saud le 1cauaîng tegt- b -u- dctanl ebril,»O h t-ome8 ibcoorn-- dln-ilôn vh"cla nov heing bolS ai Wer-' sen *cr- àmeg, adision, and entertaln. thet- me y3u0u il kîndis-obligoelia tla onmo.e nut nther» mutl Plan and Scopo of Institution Toi'Test te Daermine Higi Energ'y BSeaEtabilshod la This Explosive Effeat on * City Warshlp - Man Cao Doposh As Low Asl: Use 200 Pounda of Glatin and Ton-Conta and As High as Damage le Roported $500 la New Bank Critical (E'rom Wednesdays SUN.) Great intereat hau been shown by the people of Waukegan in the move- ment by Congressaman George Edmond Poseanad Potmaater Charles G. Wat- roue ta moite the local poitaffice a savings depoastary. The chânces are that the deposltory wlll be deslgnated here by March 31 at Washington, as nearly as can bej learned. Pekin beloz the test office Ini this state and other citles benta named as the 4cperlments, one I n each state, show that the banks are a ucess. Beneflts of such a bank Ini tus rity are ail admtted by the- people lu ad- tance. Congresman Fois ha& sent as- surance that followlng hi ro -eleo. tien test Tuenday ho will bond re- newed efforts te soeurs a deposi- tory for potât aavlnge at Wauke- gin ai the carilet possible date. The law creating postal savings banjca. whio~ was silgned by Presi- dent Taft June 30, lest, wll become operatîve wthin a iew weeks. Since the date of the approval of the law the pastrnaster gegjeral, the aecretary of the treasury and the attorney gen- oral who constîtute the board of truste«s, have been dillgently at wonk, asalsted by a apecial commlttee of em- ployas of the postoffice departînent ap- polnted by the poitmaster general ta perfect the details for puttlng the postal banlin In operation. The speclal commttee han had the advastage of the laws gavernlng the postal savînga banks ln Great Britaîn, France, Austria. ltaly and other caun- tries, the result being that the cules. and regulations ta govero the poatal savings banks In the United States wll ho as near perfect as la possible. Es to Open àAccounta. The postal banki will h. canducted on strictly hanklng lUnes wlth the ex- ception that there wtll he na pas books, certîficates of depasîts belng Isiued lu duplîcate. The openlng of an account wlll he a verY simple Pro- ceeding. Any persan 10 years of age or aver msy open an account In hlm or ber naine for $1. The smre prlv. Linege applIes to a marrieS woman wwe, account " shaliho eiree from aay contrai or lterferencq hy her huaband." Uike the dIme savîngo hank, how- over. yen may bottin your accoant wth Uncle Samn by bui-ng a 10-ent _<Contlnued 0on Paue M Fort Monroe. Va.. Nov. 16-îLbe monDitor Purîtan wus baSbl' damaged la the erdoance oxperîment la Himp- ton Roade ln a test to Settecmiie -the destructive, onecgy cf a blgb PoVer explosive InventeS hy WIllard luiiem. an ordoance engîneer. Her miter tur- rpt w>s a hbJs~s.Injre farce, of the Ignîtiono! -N ~îuàds of sx- PlOsîve gelatin tbat it wili have te b. rehu lit Tht- aide Plate of the turrot was blown lirward about 8 lnchon, fromin ts normal pooltlon. The top plate was b-ulged, mehty riveta broken Tii. aide Plate was cracked ln set-oral places. The Sdamage cotiseS hy tht- explosion t ht- wat-rlIme armor bell vas vers- serlous. Tht- plaIes were SenteS eut of shalue and much danmage vas alao lnillcled on the huit below tht- vator arnumor bt-lt line. Water iuouced lote ont- ut ber comîtarîmentl and she out- tied capîdîr Tht- quartt-rdeck eas awash e 1ev moments after the ex- plosion. lhe Puritan wihI be towed ta lise Norfolk yard fac docltlog anSdi-e- pairs. Tht- test was ht-Id hy tht- navy Se- Partment b>' direct ion ai congrets and tîpon the request of Mic. lEhain. 1'wo chuarges of 200 pounda eacb o! explo- sive gelatin vere placea against the monitor ln unconlned -condtion. The purpose of tht- experimeut wasta St- termine tht- force ora ig o wer ex- plosive Ignited ln an unconfined con- dition agaînsat cîor pIste. bic. lebani vas satis-lied vltb tise grentraI cemulta. and esîtectalls- wltb the. water lino explosion. In the toc- cet test, 'Mr. lhhm ald. the charge baSl not developed its full force. Capt. IFltb;ht and seversl other ordnance ex- patte of the navy admît ted that thse exploalve Seveloped fac urealer de- structive energy thon the>' expected. When the Pucîtan la docked et the. Norfolk nets- yard au exhaustiveex- 1amInalon wlll h. maSe ta d.t.ralno the extent of the damage ta thi e Ye sel A large party ai olllcere ftoD Waîshington witouead the test. A Lan orase For a Long Race. Fst Imoflel. au a cule, are lt-ma hable to cewbat the- attiicks of dIses. tii. persans who are ceiuparativeLy tual. GALLA6ERItCASE WENT TO JURY THIS AFIERNOON John Callagher Accused of Shooting Lorette Doyle IuIy 9 Was Main Wltnss Case Blon te Jury Late Thia AtensAtter Instructions By The Court (Front WpdeSnPsulSunil.) The taking of îeatimony In the case joi assisuit witl i ntent ta commît tht- ermlot ifintîrder agaînast .JbhutGalla- plier of MWadsworlb watt flnlsbed tis efternoon. Tise main wltness for the doét-ose watt aiMuer, himaeli. wbo taIS of belng 4n Wauiiegan an the day of Jîîly 9. the mvenlng eof wblcb wam tbe date on vblob the &puanit la supposeS ta, bave taken place. It va. bis Intention thon. he aald. ta leave thîs part of tbe-ollitrs- and go ta Aherdeen, Fouth Daktoti, to ty- to vin bi& fortune in the west. He attendeS the dance ai Wadsworth tilat nlght, golng frein there te the, depot hoe othe. dance wiasover snd l.av- log on the. late, train for thi eut.- He claima that ho 51 ot seo Iâretta Doyle*fier the. dance flor Lleber, who vag bt-r companion an that ove- nling Ha id Epfilopay $Ince. Wieber maya that after the abontait that nigbt lie vas se wrought up tiiat ho bas beon a aufferer freont epilepsy I tver sînce. Ho saiS that ville b. Iwitb Mima Doyle. wore en thetr- vas hoime tiioy sav Gallauher ajisaS o. thepi in the rond. He coulE ideettfy Gaiahor. ho saiS, hy the pôpultar sbrut 0f hm uboulders. Wblle'-tho couple Wor romo76%to Ï00 foot away Gallsgher la alleileS 10 have stoppeS mIl lu iarolot, 61t * buggy saud delhberatel- liceS aeveMa shots ait the ougg. At-til, a t the buggy vas latre d "cd- evdone @ bbwtng hp tiie SaikotbMarde anS otop m4#ld ipl whib * ere apparents- asaer is- bullet. Altor t4e teet4nsay i at GW*ïW the lawyqrgIsto .uth*e. eii* ment -bia -leuectt*id. i £rglments bthe case w«ags t nIt-cas. attracted meuh Interost la that par-t lot the eiua0fr. Eptbl 0WI» principe*q are wélh. know$, hquvib lIteS oén djoîlng farina #MIt of t1leiv lites. 1%>0, ourt room vas -omwfod vits friéepda of the couple aU i 5Ï5gb thft trigi. SMOTS FilOK AOSH. Wors Aimed at Itallau Laberers on Road Construction. Monoy stolon -Frei Pas-master Mein Solieved tii Have Deon Remnoved Frein14 ildlng Place. aret Barrînglen. Mats. S'a. 16.- hive siiots vore ireS frein he oWso at a parts ofa!it,lan ahrera. socioguls- Injutrhug ('liC.juit ai the. place viiet- Pas-maier R. J. Hein vas boiS up faut week anS $20.000 âtoien. Veto llartaoellli.vite vas driii apikos op the rsilcosd consruction Job. vas 1t ievîclmnaf tho second bal- lot. H t-el-l lni lhe miSat ai tieaien. a bullet bovinsgognet isougi ils rIiht vnist anS loSieS ln the muscles ef hlil absdomen Tht- camop becaine greatls alarmeS ai once Foremai Tilaua biS a nercev escape i-rn bolus fatals- shot viien ha atopped forvati te se. the. cans eofMartaneli's inlsiiY. A bote In the ground. Slsetvered ils Harts- Black a iev bundred -at-Isi teou viiece the holS-up lok place, la he- lit-ted ta have ht-en theb. hinuplae andIl l b ought tiatthe mOeas-vas lakein a*ay-. A close vîgilila bolus kept up, Onie issidred Italien laborera anid gaersi afficers St-archeS île woods carofuily. Lut dIS net Sud ans-- thing. NMXÇAN INVASIONOOTED cev. Ceampball Qîond. Rangera te Riai spi-Ines. but Dieradits Report& Austin. Tex.. Nov. 16.-Tii. preapacta e! ans- attack an Rock Springsbalns madSe ils an allegfed Moie*icaslvâdba force.,la conaiScred titue Ots 5Md rldielu 'u &ils-Gai. Camspbell te ha vorthy et0f cacous thougit., stbo*gi ho eomaplieS vith the noquaat et Shefif Hope anS sent rangera ta the. tev". The governor la of tiieoaO. hbeL& tà4 Ran armeS farce o obxcseavo"ISRot fat long on tuis aidé oethUe bordai. SkIie-lfRobinson, of Val Ve"OMMoet- wbibi ts armed hW etai hlaes le alS ta baveoraIsaS. aDOMM *0I ternol- ibat ho bS touaII me trIe. the roporteS Iutgje,. rated a the y the- iu the- ?et ta ids oi man. ort oi e aId o ppo- -corda r bas- and a 1 tu-at m.flit ni.'e ruls 91 eu lu-e. i i an- lty. 4 prt-

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