Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Nov 1910, p. 2

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~a~qw.s p- XWv "R uhn.@ ilI~o DIPHTHERIA POINTERS. a Deiays ln diptiierta mean *Poolq death. * pue .sans Spare the cure-kilt the child. Negleet te dlpitierla's best 4,m4liqsiUJ!J SpoeJ SQMQIU tienl-anti-îoxinlits worat en- 1111 Su;4huher i works while you uilq aeep. , GOet away from. that manns ffl ( Op UMD SMlqUSOqUl habit; get the do-it-now habit- .od~q IP.M 10 JA!'1~O3 especiaily in the presence of dlpii- ~O U~STfW~ S~O S Whiat orne tbrifty (?) people keep front the doctor they give ta IMIq p"MAOI 1uo3J!p the. undertaket. ý11qp Qjj U UIZISÇSVj n Poverty deprIves no chid of the necessary caresand troatment for 2!$plie OS!ISIP :qDDIq3 dlpbtlieria. The. poor con get as gý OQUS u'I P gond treatment as the rlcii. (4 pp~u ~ i>!q;~uo~ Anti-toxin le free and medlcgl Uo1».,!p 2UO.x Qlq ttentiocan be bitdfree-but funral'-êstlots of Dioney. ~~1), p-J! I Z Sulqj We wonder how many parents r ealtze the. prt tiiey bave payed TflO .U!up0q SPZOU l theîr baby"s deati--specially p à: Iejd IqZll t, o1U, lncases of dpltierla., Neglect of simple sors throats spà ilqs uDiqi puu AON slmply means many-a job for ti. undertaker. II~ ~1NUnderstand thîs fact: Apparent- oiqI sDim a4ni-WN ]y volt people ln contact witii r - dtpitierla patients may, and very 4. often do, have dîphtheria germes 1tÂTUb W R&NING la their tiiroats, These peopeilon ti and do spread, the disease among Lbetyville People ]K t tiioae witb whomr they carne la i 38009n» ad 11 d It contact.1 RaçOgmieThe pers4n who nakeo ot a! a Kiag 1ilIcorne qnetly-rnyserlousiy. dipitheria bouse and siays tittie i sature alwaja w&rusyou. chldren wth dei germe lie scat- NieOtîia kidney mecretiona. ters ls not one whiit botter thon suée Il tii. colorila uahealthyý .the. murdever wlio sneaks into If tbere are setilea and mdiment jour bomne and sioje jour sleepin.g Ai passage traquent, sctluty, painful. babe. Wlien wl the community vil les tilDe thon tauos. Doan'a Kldney awake in tht. tact, and demand 1 ftbl ~fttlng punlsiimeat? .1o Vo ward off Brlgbt'e disease or dis. Mont chldrn who spread diph- P om , - ~therta are flt lck. 'ds1 Dosa'.have doue great worh in ttus It la the man who mikes hIis- ineallts. . esse. iavld Raecket, Ford St-. Geoe, III. A dipltiorta neighboniiood ilaa i-i oI ufered from ktdney trouble ba.d nelgbboniiood. fo Mr elgist or ton jeaun. 1 had severe Bad ntgbbars are worse than t pouar le the.suaati of my bock » a bafi treets.1 *» b et tu doit ho.dacbes. Tii Look out for chldren wth tiiroats ou ne mmto» wee fOled with ftdi- lied Up. uojad ioaked Innataia. 1 found Dno SorO tbroets spread dlptberia. O uaW tit & loy weeks ago wtaeai1 'I4iUP4 of Damis Kduey PU.anid Why isdl.rorn dlptberia-i4t la ekbmd Î box. -I1bave Improired unnnceary. P = »WelotOtaM#U . 1 bave but ~*lgw la passmanad I1eelbettev IS e01iy la«M w w. 1 ami very gratafut for R. Watts Josîu IYD fElgin, sPesklng dn( mle* *t I deuvmrou Vasa'.Kidney -ta the Commercial Club of tht clty M.» -,on tlig question of the. llegalfty af thei. lut sais lya&Udeaiers. Prce 50 cent.Ill inois ot autliorising citiez ta adopt c ~teo-Mdhbn CaBuDffalo, New York.,thecommilssiou ial, pigoveranient, Wsuen be bUnted flaSoutesd. ea -ta eeO char. -82 "ccrigta the decletans of the H supreme court remote ad recent, a Pl Ngums e u' ae. btla order ta become a hàw, mnuet cc he oui!a three tîmos ta,<both the. sen- 00 Qouairaate and bouse aid yasaeil by roll cai, ia*s(ruIt Court af Lake County. sud that the, journal of bth Oet2u A. -D. 1910. c<aaqi. ans »VI. Jacob C. Hlans John &ae.and the. house shouid show sucii E, Ban. George Umaelan Miler, facts. The jreslent 1mw was not sila MsslmeCaubeue Regiorai, Hnr passed by the sonate, but alter It libid ,J. d ltejia01011, Bubl :Roai!,boon arnended by that body andi sent ?,Md oflaMad Wllaid mon. ~over ta tiheo, the, latter rejected jqjoýp"éoà,EkmNu.4808. Public utl#olaay ienn that by the omendments. vfrbof Iuta~r:l:bLEentered lu »"Wlioa% It came backtet the sonate g boieneti*e t a sit! a Circuit that body stanpty receded fror the. <ift Lake Conuy at tii. Ocober ameudmonts and no one kaows wbetii- A. 1). gl0tbersof, tho undorsigned Xjaas0 lai <>acsvvAM àd Court, wIiiel It wouid have passedl the sonate or ensu lb. lOti W«aofl)oember nt bad 14t bon put ta rorail t. It cor- ~.. D. 91d. et the. hoor a1 OuP o'clock lu îainty dld flot pos a nd the. journal g»#ftrboonai sitl daY St tbe 11.5 faits t abeow tbat 14 passed. Agintiie Ibaovoih e Co t ouseL aeland! billd!not ernbody the body of tiie .usiiilllia »Il.ssiet pu-lic auction law, and arnendod It b>' tîtle onty. te U tbtant d beat bldder for casià haTt -was a fatal error ln my judg. t». iouowlng described tand and reSimet, accardîng ta the decisians ai ïlat, tuead lthet .County ut La e e rrnno mdtaiIPaeofllin0is to-wt: Tiié But te iiee ort. If the. builaIl- bof t ii. Soutii Ïaat quarter of thé. legal and thea'. ta no ila nfart, wiio -Niei rasutquarter 01 Section twentY- wli buy the. bonds?"' tho,( d tUb South Wet quarter ri_______ et *lieNorth Wet quarter ut Setion Id__________ " = %4-auir (24)* ait lai Township lury. -.-- C ,Rangs e-on 10) RailtL DIAMOND, LAME 01t Principal Mridian.-M Aep ofland twa (2) rade wlde OUf Abert Ujer iii working for Annas ai tb South Filet quarter of the. North Itou".. Wf* c aterofSection twrenty-faur (IQ, %%upap and Range aloresald, The Dlamoad Lake (emetarv Aee'n. au =1M81 Wil hh, ad a"Dg tihe wilt licet with Mm. Harry Ronce Tiare- K Rak offidSus utqarir tday, Dec. lot. 14 will ho au ait daya aro a South Rast qarter meeting *and everybody leinvited t Ékt t te cnter of tho nad <eding camne. Y*<rqsien tm o Wsucoad, linols. d at a pont tweait(JO2) Sat Wa ornewr a0 tbo otb t quatrto Section hC ' w-f ur12'>Tonslpfary-three U Coq oflD Nortb. Range tan, (10).Haut of the t~dPrbicpwl Ihflsi"*' tisae Nortii WA I D R StiOP -r (40id) rode. thuenes Ï&et tony (40) Ltov Ftagg. Propnletot E 1»6.1, benceSouthb otny(40) rôds. '<b Wat tôrty (40) ride te, the Plare 1mai around the corner on Sprague ~ ~gi*IPgiseptiif hiriroai at Steit, s totathe BIoehm build. convy*yd by ,tacob as ta Henry t ndOpp)Omtthe. Pester ~ ywarranty doed, dated Jutli bisck0mith @bop. il, 11 s d econded li the Recordere LISERTYVILL%,ILNOS S gfLae0aulti',Illinois. ina Sk lLfiO no Dmis ou Page 221. p w~ u J m vaa cao s, M st l'taC g a e n d T b a c c o =+FKLLa ompitnantgottertor. Laundry Agency Raxo-s Honed ROCKIITU.ER I LLO Conmenolng Nov. e, 1910, wîi roeive deposlts andi be prepared to tranuaot a punerai banIdng buiness. Ing tp ita patrons and the omnmunity at large, every taoillty and aocommodation within the bovinds of good bsnkIng.t laI the orgachtation of Thi. Citizen$' Ronk the management has Mdopled aucli policiez and ruies lni .very department of the. busitass., iai the. bock 'patrons and depasliore wili recelvo practlcâtty aevar> protection given b>' aur Nation~al Bank&. ' We therefèr. oici the business of the. public et largo with ,v ar>' assurance thal yqu wtll find ln us a eafe and sattafactor>' bankicg rela- tion and depasitor>'. 0 a Per Oeut Interest paid CEIUKING on Osviftoatea and ÂOOOUNTS savingu. * S. L. Tripp. sn H. Mler, S. L. Tripp, Plidceni. DiVITED. PARtNERS ANOD IRECTORS: R. F. $tous*. J.i. TaYyor. OFFICER8: R. F. Rouso, Vie Prosidant. Irving E. Payne, J. S. Gridlay.,- Irving E. Payne, Csier , -,w câM IANHO Ibr. Bletty Puller traoated business. Mien.-Emma Orahbe returned borne i Chicago, Moaiday. tas$ Tbursdsy tram sovorat weeks visît Floyd Carr, ofi Barriaglon, spent- the with rteien l ihland Park and fret of the. week heme. Libettyville. Barry Geary returae4 ta iiraysaaire tr. Kuebker waw a Chut-aiguvi@itur loaday alter two wceks' vacation. Batut-day. B. Malman yialted tram Bahut-day ?lire. Jensen and Marte have been untl Tneâdày wlth Chicago rotatives. ependidg a four dae with Chicago Neanty ait the teaýber@ ta aur viclnity rltv. %teaded a teacber'e meeting ah Liberty. Mir. Nehniicb and Louis Itadke went lte, Saturday. West on a bugiets .trip lbt weeb. M-r. Roy Sampson, af Waukegan, B. C. Psyne le ta Chicago asslettng bis Êpeau the firob of the woek wittibar brother with hie Christmas greens. parents bere. Grae Dolph was brougia borne tram Ed Miiileiras a Chicago vîcîtar tiie Wankegat hoapiata at week Thurs- Landay. . .1day. 5h. stood' the.ttip wett and ber Miss Mary Meyertt, aiflclienry, rnany trienda hope that abs rMay gain etuned homo. Sunday alter svendtng a faater nov. lew days wlth ber uncie, Mr. Maiman. Tii. Sandav echool have begun tieir Mise Vera Jenka was home over prepaatians.for aChrstag ntrtai- 6 Sunday. ment. 6 Dr. L. R. .GoIijg, aofLheny MWle, Rosa Simpsona le visiting relatives peau Smday ore.n Red Ladgo and-Blings. Montana. * lirs. D. B. Murphy waa a Eltghund J. L. Chambertatnean ad famity are@ Park vlaitor Mamday. eintantang Monroe Bryant, wlfe and Ravi McAaidrews, ai McHenry , liddau4hter trainDakota 4h18 week. 0 onfrienda fu thls vlctalty Bunday. A littie son came to giaddoa the. borne Alvin Kimbait, Floyd and Ctyd CarnovU. 21nd Mr. John Shephord, Moaday spn Tuenday anid Wensa nNv 1t Cb"ffl*Drmss.d in "Black and Y.iiow" Afine meil funnace busbaai lstatled Nt"aohat ciG "btti.clra nu Trausiguration church by M. W. ttmcanoon JIColtin ore utte'a Haneyfe Hughea and le cer*alniy a great Im. te anTrton hat"and folyet coub: pirovement over ths aid atave and @pullsanaadyfr tch u od ae. Do mot a com.Ianteror i. atblo.a ulag acpt a subttuts but se taisyou get a nid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h fratrroha i enutas Fais>'a Honsy sud Tar n l ye aw carton vtth bWla ttere. a A ile %Vant Ad wtil1 do it. F. B. LOvELL COMrPA11Y LOUIS J. YEOMAN TH~E OPTICIAN e e e e C e e e a e e DP v DI OFFIcE socas- T/o Cup t/uitContains Vigor & Vilm VieUlle i .1» mlg am sagbt, wbtaesrj0hameto THE NEW HOT FRUIT TABLE BEVERAGE aval 1 C&*. thé. ttmes & day lk to. muat fer yoiir aeva-tesa Ioprobubly Vog»s, Mi Cca, namichoéots are t.. nlch for the atomacb Dut BOUSano iigiva ys 74e Midvin. It aViliput asIrs agIolta.puar srvead n yeur *bèle-00m0. YToemif gat kmore = aaIy*a*yka a Md jus vili va tl tia&uf Nomnolas a s J; utL InfWso M nam 1 n uuIi@ cmtu onâ a. mi ulbm 0 a MMeu *#aOM a M idluupt- Ilfore. 0 Itlkase ly hfrot mturai bana., barv aind-idiifain tra «pi, thm mtota, pmubuland nesaisi aur oospada1 y m F a 1.0It tal.. »a aitera- to ift o i*iasa-tuk lb.paust of PUr"foods, fronotu thé tffl ila UP. 1 ut hast aofail Bonario vilulivyen a car aju, célem arras, rosy <"t4hna fueling of "go." It mû.. rai bkl aa activa iraà andm vidorous mïuoclas Bonano ailideilght theé blldren. It vil!gir INTIRNAIÎONAL h15 »wmout nid plsue. Thay Wavili t bot- DANANA FOOD COMPANY, ster .i&M 065,hboum-e hchdiss ornai'palis lW oeic0oo. IUNO<Lm sa- vsly prafara dmt hlch je gooi for 1h uutm. Plame.suiM eM MPie ofDONANO I Cet a an frosyeur gocor taya-a 25 ont cal a mBi Et. w avlimare 75 cap-ni ës e ttforbreakfast tomorrow. Or in ltb1hbaclouicopemi Mdws'il undi los a Add" frm ample ani a booklet telWag y.. about Bonano. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. E. TRIGUS E. E. ELLSWORTH- WM. WALROND ..s.aess..e aioa l umFod.e hcao u RHEUMATISM9 SKINBLOO NERVOUS DISEASES : Successfuiiy Trested b>' q Phy- : sichai of 35 Y.aa's Prao. ticai £xpari.nce. e Dr. David' H. Stern head of the. Sternbitedical Dioponsanya e wlehes ta hoar persanat>' irom :s those, Who are fl. Ntfrte the doc- e tor. It mît cort joli nothlng. H. 0 Ill tell yon facto.s : Every patient la givea tie lni- 6dividual attention of Dr. Stern. : wiose experience o ai ny peara s 0enables hlm ta, correctly diag- nose alimenta that bave haffied* the. ordunary pa-actîtioner. CatI or write STER I EDICAL DISPEISIR! 28-269 Dearbor. St., £H ICAGO.e The auctic onen lieri 1910, 1-1.. - r 41 - D FIELW PALATINE ]of 12 'Mr. Bale sud'daugbt.r Katie, have The W. R. C. bazaar was a cnt-ea. aid, returaed tram au exteadeal trip o bath finaaciatty and oclahily. His Missouri. Ma'. George Wilsoa s l.tin l a Chicagco 4 Mre. F. C. Biederotadt aud daugiter hoppitai. Geld kilirea, eontSnnay a Eansan tth Monday evsîîing a Mission study t-tnogelg Mir. andl Mr@. R. LBaskin. wt-, gansed itb a ebesip 0aid, Ber. F. ootd hbu purctiassd ths poay fittuen. Mrs. Cady 18 the leader. Ni, aud carniage foninerly owaod b>' Mr. J, Mr.anal Mrs. Kit-chiahoilet Teda Kobler. for Fiorida uiiere tht-y mîIlepenal the Wog Bavei Mr@. George Beckman, ytuten. a baby boy. Dan W. Steepea', con oi Adetia anad Min Juste Woodrnan mpent severat 3. F. Sieeper, former residents ai Ibis laya duriag tii waok la Wilmet.visit- place dted auddetly iu Sto*q ton, CW., Nov. 14. He lsyeea yîte, ng w~t~!Ialv. Ma. K54.Paltino Loalge No. 814 entertained a Fred Beckmaan d lMr. sud Mrà. Fred Damier 01t1 îleîting bretusru Sslurdsy Soronhergar atteuded the tunet-alt i a aiheveonn sud evealng. The, sublime reiative, Mri. (lenye SchneIder, oi degme was couferred en tour candidate. Evanstoiist Tharadai. Mire. Davis la ontentalatng ber iseten, mis Ana. af 0h10.E Z I Z ~ Z ] Mr. sud Mre. Palmer. of Oron, II. N. Preha attendeal tire tnerala h zpet Sada, wth . B Meer ndBavnlnghau hast yeek, la Placeofiundea'- quaiSmaday rit F.R. Mjersudtaker, Bleck, avho ia under the dot-torse iiinilly. e» S. P. Rutchison.and Frnl(n'Peterson Augnet Froohletije puttlng a etabe quai Saday u Wausgan.b-smeat under bls harn. Oea. Gierto i TAn 1 Olt GROVE la dong te von. i TAYLOROROVE.Fred Wolf, mia ororelyrau a e"ton Mise Edais Slsty. oi Wotiteffl aid IlPalatinead Bima Island, la teading E id relatives bore Sahur'd&Y sud Sunday. bar for Louie Geany. ~ Mev.Janse speut Suadai et Mm. S. Ermeet Brsuadîag, boa bee> employed ilbea's., lnLîbertyvithe a leurdaysfut met. Ise @Mianiet:Faulkner ia vhitng la Wisconstin. misa Ruke Ef, ha. rturnealhome RCCPLE froi DoKal. 9Mr. and Mre. Joba i Wt' are eaht- rom e Ktb.taliag theîr siter, Mir. Wm. Trou sud Mn. tto êiit Milauke, w~, ~ daagfiter, o! Chicago, andl tlaa r ind, pole>. Hans>' n &i Tu an O UIt more Mr@.F. - W. Rit-b'anid dangiten,tram ttbsa the but. 8e write s, M"Atlt hou 84U JO", COsilOiov. ihstbaughtit tbaI-lt let be et f ' ________ a--sd total, tuer ever lad sud 1 "Mnddy iroter wou't de for s min- bobe . ailauoretlandu hast, O1mnl"an" better tuan paeo « UÉmal ou ata" clrcutation Windo for a-m t me&a AUCTION. be underslgned.mutIel at public tian an the Mary J. tiurktn farin. mile north o! ZIon Clity, an the 1dmn Road. on Tuesa, Nov. 29,1 bglnning at 10 a'ciock. the foi-1 igpropert>'. to-ytt: IHEAD OF CATTLE-Consisting 2Comm gtvtng tallit, 2 Fat Cows. 10 td of Young Cattie. rnocttY 2 Yearm la cati; il Sprlagers, 3 Bpringers 1caives at aide, 2 Butte, 1 Graded .tom Bulit.- M-EAD HORSES-Dark Broya Jig 10 yeors oId, Dark Bay Geid- 11 jears aid, Bay Geidlug ll jeors Black Yearling Colt, standard ie Shoats, One Boar. PLEMENTS, ETC.-2 Wlde Tlred gne, Three Bprlng 3111k Wagon, Covered MiIlk Wagon. Two Seated Sur- 410 votes la the district ln which Jon- rt-y, extension toIp: Siagle Buggy, 21 goason was ruaniag. mai jUe.s....lgnt airavang- na-ai- , iat- c-1r--aao-i h-ta so--'ar eus, Set Double Hornes, Deering repuhlicas toa omian. au indtij l diran- Moirer. Sulky Plour. Breaklng Plow, cbisment ai the- negro was reaionsie Grain Iinder, International Naonure for the- doit-t o! Jorgeason. Wbite ffpreader, neur tus yssr; 14 Lise Paî-t-hie grandfaîher at-t doeaa not deprîve vrier, 2 Haînaurs. Sulky Cuttvator. ail negro oai hbeir v-,l -Il eiilinate4. 2 Waing CuttIvators. Cabhage Plant- ailthae aider anen. whose anecesers er, Four Roa-tata Sprajer. Hay wouid have bot-a slaves and thitsnat Carrier, Fark and Putteys. 150 foot ai citizens. Ropo. 600 iii. Piatforr St-aies, Cauld- I-ad the- largo nuamaaer of negrot-s rau Kelis.Fonnlag Mii. Grindstone. nua bt-on kepa frona votliîg. Mr.rJiirg- Bah Sied, Alanure Boat, 12 Milk Cano,cncan woatd have bot-aoeleil. ,ais he 36 galt--Clina,00 bu. ( 'crn. Stock ai wa defeatod by ouI>' hao volt-s lntho Mtraw. Quantlty ai Carn Staiks. About wtioio -distrct. 30 Tbas Wiid Ha>'. 8 Tans af Claver with Rye. * And man>' ther articles Iaon anmer- Adjudication Natice. ana ta mentian. purlic No0tit- t- heu-b'.-cire" ,at tha, $ub- Umuol terma ai soie. .,-,iher Fe ita,,of telU SWin btuaTeatait Fret- Lunch at nona aif Merlah W. iBrown, ,i--eeced. ,tl a50, li the- W. A. CANNON, Prap C, iauiYC.inu¶olekCou iu,e i a.-aith.reo HENRY SINE, Auct. aid Vou,,aa on tlb.- O ,,Mnday ,,f J111r - -et. 1911. wlen anîdt- ail.a*r-i.,' alnne .1.1,,,,samci nît FlEate a,,. u ansd esByTwo Votes. a . nlereua.aah, .., ..1o1titu,,t or AlîaneyE. . eydecker bas lu- daicatlan 1.1 CiARFNtC .1li ASSIt-i-. i-Xe.-uaa- aecelved ai letter frorn Attorney P., Wau,îtaa. N-,,n-hr 1l. 191il >- Jorgeason. formeri>' ait attorney In! this count>'. statlag that he had been ! defoatod hy the. deîo<ratlc candidate1 Women Elet~t Officers. bit the smi tmargin of two votes lutj PtarIa. i. o.1.-h atra he district. Mr'. Jorgenson le w('-1l, Oday for aRt-ors o! lie Illinois Fed- kaown bero, bavtng iiad au office la oratlon of Womena Clubs waa attend- Waukegaa. ia h oubia nî-ed by many of the ieatiares !ofIt-c- nee for (hoe tate tegîsinînre as repue- h osonrmx hre seutatîve lu Ihat district. »lle ilves of lrickery were mado sund tatk of la Anadanko. Oklahoaa, whoa'e ho sll"machine" anal -antl-maachlne" candi- practislng tam at the pIreseet. Hlm dates wns frequeataty Indulgoal lu hy deieat lc due ta the sa-caller grondin- the fair delegates. Tht-rt-suit of the ther oct oaithe 51040 o!Oklahotma, haittingilil lot ho anun;çed until passoal la order to doprive. the negro tamarrow muorning. eternent af (ho state af the rlgbt ta The foiiowlug irere the candidates voteel.te ouh for tie varions offces: lu mon>'taesl the uhtefoot-I Pmeldent-.Mirs. 1. S. Biackwolder, îng ogeiamt the negre a îsos ong tht- Morgan Park; %Ira. 3MInaiet-laira wites la tic.. States wmuid denytht- Vige r esîdet-irgeMr.P.C suffrage tailt-ela' clored bhrethireu. uInJuelce Irspoîta- lirg. FrakBu., some States there us an oducatlonot l 1'_gn test. before the nogro 1con vot-. 1cordplg. coayMr.Rs The grandiather act o! th.e."tate aifNturfey Chicago. Oklahoma la an net whlch states tint Crepn-n ereay,,-s .8 no negro la tiiat stat-e haîl have tht- l'arosndlgsceay- o . rlght ta vote unbess hie gradfather 'Piesurer-Nîrs. J. Harvey Broya, iras a citizen o! tht- Uaited States aist Dîveruon Mlre, C. H. Thompson. the time ai bis dcatii or la noyoa cit- .«ueai ferotiona stcretary-MNrs. izen. Thts tom does away mii about. Frances D. Everett, Hitghland Park. Blooded Stock for sale at prices and on terms. to suiteal Inspection is invited of a quantity of pedigreed breedin g stock which is in excess of the requirements of Hawthorn ,Farm. The ýstock is egistered and consists of Brown Swigs bull calves, Brown Swiss year- ling bulls, Shorthorn yearling buils -nd Berkshire and D.iiroc boars. Hawthorn Farm (ANDREW EFINGER. SnpL) Libertyville, Illinois - Talaphoas ibartyrile2733 Yod t Offca - IL F. D. No. 1, Praire View, ID. PHO )t.rm. J The ri ht-aril o! te ver. Na'. ail over suc Flmea' lhe h1,ît hi-. iili t-rîti-ni c, Mirm. .A pn,-u [flua Ira iW) M.-,Ibo. r h ci Ji 41 O*1 00 - --- - -------- ---l , -1 rw Dm Dy 8 ej Y G 2 ei c B

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