Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Nov 1910, p. 3

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____________________ W lai v aChicago. F. J. ORItCE. fditoe D.0F.BT R11L, Andrev Amanu apent Saturday ut Odn aetfnJbWr VMB1YRYSUOFU. Round Late. OrI sTknfrJbWr aBRUIéT éTATS VZTRsateuataî. Mn. sud Mn». H. C. Reinke and lins Uhartyvllie. ilino. Dalîz and deught.-r suent Smuday aS Chicago.. Wnît. Rebbein tranéacted business in DR, C. R, GALLOWAY. Edvand Cookt iswiîriing for Edward Chicago Montiai PrICE Ovjt5 LOVELLé ataL'8Tions. Payein mi tiago.. linsd ire. M. B. Alvel ilIi eaveý uoita-Iront 1 toand B O o 8 p. ut H. fHsrgti neoiveti acniuad of SouttIafoida naiS Mondai viterethey Libortyville. iînols. iDakotsa heal, Selundeî aid le golug out viii stand te vinten. ______________________ o!fte dalry linbines4. lire. li-butiout a valuahie hos'lt DR. GOLDIG The basket social ut Fairfieid te luth weat iwth lock jav. D&NTIST o!fNiv., ves veil attended. About tl - ,'ord ha@ iteen eceived fmin te itours 86te12 ii.1ta f5 Pi. va - lared. Pi-ctoi';, vita recentiy urured la J. EliiTriggBuilding Clfri n hyrpr eypemn wit Dr J. L. Tayta-Pitutie 19j A. IL. Sebvwennin & Co. ai-e mailingi aianasdîty eotvr îasu ItLes. Phone 1092 iuw prit..' on luiutrn ou ecotus o!fvi-atitern d are ejotying teelichutS. Uibertivilie. Illité o g ut 01ai tinemse. Misses Lilibtu sud Editît Darîispu Thiankégiving viththemir Iarents: at DR. E. H. SMITH. WEST FREMONT Wiinaî, Win.i DEINTIST. Mn. and lins. S. B. Kimbai, ai Round Mn. Wiiniot. of Wanîegen. viited ii- aV*a LAKI 00157v TYATION~AL. BANK. Lakte. spent Sunday wiit reatives her.'. daugliter, lIns. Henry Kuebuer, laten ovsa-to te *2Ja. ni. and 1 la 5 P. M. Till Tetatuis. ss#peu ne day lant aiet Part 0 aais eet. s>aILY. withli er parente bise.. trs. m. WAictenu. t Lake Vila, Lbetyville 11IlLA.i5 John Ihiler litent Sunday ut honme. transacted businemss iere- Tnesas. Miss Ida Suyder reSurued home Sun- Sktiugit excelent tfi tie fate and DR, 1. L. TAYLOR. ds.tréedu ekvi n éte bayé sud girls are laking advantage OFFrICE ovEs J. ELS. TE'q'i» OtteS, a (hi nier,@odn we ibfred fItL . Ni)uUt:-7 t, oe . ni. 2 ta 4 and 6tr* u .1uir White Pine ('angit Syrup vili cure teSt SP.n. in~ Broadway. apposi se Pari. EAST FOX L&KE congit. Thte Liayailake Phnmari. tî.-, 'e.îtîîî. TiteKait Fox Limpnetnserî Sutiety bM.n ad ,ira. C. Bl. Hanihluanmon - -- - ___ ---- - wil nient viitlins. Canla Bantaiîle @Peut Sundsy et t liebonne of Ed Kappi.. W. H. STUDER 14,-. let. l'ieulcdinner aeired. Coine - E. J. ,uftum transacted business at SCksV!XOR .esiy samtera vill i he ciug Lu o1. I Antiocit, Tueeday. Siu,d.viditîg, Farn îtV. rif tisilura veirome. Fred Webb etrîriieîi Saturday front ad['raimage Portu t, P it, Mrli. Webb le the l.1it IETYVII,. L 1,.RUSS~ELL .i îroud atter.i<ijlt lte daugitter bai-n PHONE 10994. rhi, adie'Ald8societywvilimentwvithj 'ruinliisio iitter. MIre. Jo» ierriiie, Thunsniay niorntig, YORKHOUE. nat t'u. i.-. ~ ntenste ar lueitei~ Wu. Brandmtste-r wiio Mas geîsîug h-,rscltt. writtng. itcytalnhs - Mirs. Jantes t'airigatitleares ux W i le,. 'T' R. ilinyle' ibrea(î-iil Stinlav n1 F1iah- n ut'aen us nemday fon Fiorida t @pentd te lutter. iiiornitig sud evetnu. t-ri 1.-w ert' ruitt 1dayl li1ao lire Auna Sairdl. i l;rbra. visite-Il iii t'e ening on aciutt oftFr iremu. 1 ro. MutCinrago. edbsieia li1 ra ini ofeMmnr.tren»l. Knal f Tte b&aai- ud oymter sul)îper W5tt Chie-agurTumeday. TiseIrlede o lir. (. W.Ki-ualio! eil atlendîilanud a rite suti ttîtted. r Staiutuin, Met , yl l e. veny surrv 10 R. G.Munii.-xtt,. a ili-a&ru vîsitr Mlr- sud lins. (hua Krumnsser lie haar of lier sérium» ilinesé of typhotd Frity. îîui-t-ased a lin, lw ice ano o!fte lever.iitbaif Piano l'o., Shi-crglithem agent, fe yen.~~ ire, iW G. Murrle enn..rtained brM1rue NInr. and Mire. Wiuiired Finni-i visited;sd ir. .Sue-n. lsFlorenuce D- -e arer Suaday viit tem dangitter. Sir. . sloe uri td aîiiy. oin1ioer d rM. Spafford -nd lMir. %fannuo! Floren e Siurpby et Racinc. Wt. ,tuil.y C. i. Shuhani and vile, A. . t'. aukegau, tranéeeted lînaluese iiere Flmr Hwkis hd biil i:ilët ,,nnue and lunîîi til John Moi-riefroitiiTueoday. utitrMoa ving.iada leba aig enî','ramaa.on Titiskegivinir.ldisoi- Wpbirco! Antiothu, tnuacted Iiset ruandaî ernintc.anauto-ai t kit Sire Chaw s inîud-i iuipruvptl. luîiuu-s lier.' te It ratof te wee k tbe Itons sud litrewilutdoirnasrt - t e J,,hîî liomeu-iied at A. C. loi-rie tht'!I Sre, Viola ilurge. managr sud i- iit v atntt.l'lie iîoner.- iin a very.liraiuoiew--.liiétor oftuhLie litoon bs ilcue crîticonditt in. ber mt ai01good for a tivo quarter Si-a. Ativi.te enr i, k itî t 1p-,1,id tet-stuuv vIiw itit iluetrated songe; pntunouîîa. rufèd a lwaetuli souventir fonrte ledit'», Ira lfoilridice ynuit-l11.' shirt tv r1111lorenau rulnary ppnite oidasmissin. deer. îuute wvctg5fing 203 Io.anîd te ther futtrtes the Ls i-laeae, w'o! attrkci' -- - -- --- - a J L0 U 1S-I 311 10 4 71 91 13 Gr 31 Da Sv Price Insurance You are insured against high rices for merdiandise 'if you rade at Battershall's: GROCERI ES eresota Ifour. 49 lbs sack 1 lbs Granulated Sugar Ibs Oriole or Richilien Raisins E> Ibs Buckwheat flour = 0~ Ibs Conl Meal - - 0> lbs Graham Ifour No. 2 Lamp Chimneys Bars Galvanic Soap Bars Swifts Pride Soap 13 Bars Calumet familg Soap $1 .45 1.00 .20 30 25 25 1Packages Cream or Wheat rape Nuts - g uarts Cramberries - -. - utch Brand CoItee in cans2cZ - 3 1 0-cent Ptugs J. Y. -Tobacco- -L~25 ~L- 25 - 1.00 iweei Cuba Tobacco lb F.D. BATTERSIIALL GRAMMLAE, ILL. nsection o! laid lu Kanras near Garden City viith Leonard RuaIt. The gentie- n iau viii nos continue lth,- business but jýiposa o!fSte stock ii tire near future. Jndge Fitih LranmeirIcýd butsiness in tChilcago We,,nesday. Mise Bannigardner borîkkeepen et the e annîng lactory opent Tiianksgiring aI )ber home near Itockfonri tJosepit Sehiopser aiid !anily apent Titanglgving viith relatls e lu Cit-ago. Mnr. and lireHenny Kîtehiter sud son tVans. oent Thankmgiving vitithlit iformoer'@ unicle, aS Iranhre. - Andrew White ane of th.' i-ommittee pon the Siokie canal bandeS lu hi, report viti t1h.'otiter comitî telast vesi. The vont lé nov eoimpilt-d. ISr. and Mm. A. W. Thonmson and 1fanuily epent Titenksgiriiig ont of towu. lirs, W. F. Clarkr receiveil word Mon- dai ai the deetit oi ben grraudmothar, Ir. McNely, af Centrciiurg, tibia. Site had lived La Ste ripa aid ae aof 981 vears. Rer deatit vas eaused l'y pneumonie. BerS .tobnson. nienager on Ste Mac- Fanlane fanm et Taylor'@ Lakte vas kickad by ahon».' quit.'bailli Saturday monning. M.ns. Saules, aiof irrîia aled ou fniends hi(P 'uesday. Cea. Tiormonvas tIlaiveli Tueoday. L A E Edv. Warren sud faur vý§ted athe itome ai John Croker iast ,;unday. Du nos fal to attend tite bazsin sud citicicen pie supper ta le given under lthe auspices af thiy Ladies Aid Nociety o!fSthe Gagles Lake M. E. ChIurcli Friday, liec. 2. The supper and hazaar vilI te held et tise reaidence of Mn. and %Irne. Carmichael on Ste Sears EBate. Cli risttui ahoppané v iii iind iLta S heir ait(itage lto oo over the nany pracîleal sud neul articles desirabie for guits wiîiclî vii e on @ale sud rery pleasaut saliedies vili teset youn service. At 8 ucilocitp. ni. an entertaiitmentl ii t,' eld vticli viii te taliawed by a chilk pe suppar. YEOMANI THE JEWELER.' FRMONT, fai-bars Aîîîsn te pandmng aw v nl 11,sm Clans Lux miment Sonday at Chicago. 'lrat.ant Prairie. Ed Wagner and iBerthas iehîn @pent lins. Elien Curry s-isiled ber parente Suuday et WadevoýrtL. uriday. JaeRiaupir uof Buffaçt Grave, vas a Fatîrer Foley veut Si, Chicago Tue&- cailen ber.' une liay lait veet. ily. Mi-. sud SIr.,Nict Caleter. nf Long .511en vîiîing s'unnetinie vitit nelalîrso Grava, speltiont' day lait vesit ber. aid friendsiý Sire.itery Crsiven tai .Albert Staii. of Long Grave, caled on r-turnied to lier haome in Kano"a. hie master. Sire§. Mite Wagner lait Mlr. sud Mn». Geo. Caeitmore aud Wednesdat. -hildrnuvited Suudu3; lu Kenoaha- Arthuru it as a Wentegan caller Mbl i sîg luis onces ban lait SutidaY. SOnday litlîe IHobert Luxteel I-oi lthe Mi-».Adati 11-n isln't gaining "ai st lsy lt. thurtiuglitisheatl. Bei» gleltiug aisier Inieurds u isit ber Lu. iong ulteli. citai-cley s l.rebuilding an addition liMre. lar Kel-@pîetta 1ew day» vitit ta b's barni. i r aieR i lchmtuond. Bernardi Beitn. oI Ariingtoo Heigit», Fred Rtay sud fanîiily have nioired hart sud Mn. B. Deceker, o! Minnesota, spant roin Oklahtoma. Wednesday aui,]Tiursday vitit Mr. and Mrs. Sehener, tuho lias beau sicit et ten Uns. NMike Wagnter. laugliter's iii Wauuegen ha» returued1 lionne uuchit npnîited. WARREN 'ilrm. Ed Litx anti daugitten Edua, Thte turneW. C. T. U. vii itod a ureu h ast Tuesday froni a !'w wves dinte social eItirhe home ai Mn. and Mn» vi.-it vitit relatires lite utit. Ellsvorthr Metu-ait. Wedneedey eveniug, liMre. .1. Penkinson ose Aunie Strang Nov. 30. At gaod irrogran ili h.' giren1 tis itouglît lien.'front Chicagoaend and ail are rardially invlted. lrne uS. Patrick's cemetery. ShIte -M.1.8 u-lnver naJeahbusiness trip taý as veil kuovuShi-ougitoul SIte caunl-y;lscauI1îy titis vent. Sreing a devtrted vile andti alen. Site1Tite r-,-riietërY social va, largeli tsam tanty-seven yeers of M~e. Site etUedeansd over $100 cieared beeldes ]Paves tutomunlien bs;as sloving Ste donatiotns irdti hoseenos memberé. iiîisiaud sud Iva ctiidren. _________ A Wani Ad will st-il il. Mir. sud Sire. Spanenhorg wyenl Chul-aglr 'ititday on business. îîî.nSE Kils: c, 1-11 ru i tIle aghýýRUSSELL vanIl,. lr 7. t ish mi i u it thehall J. M' i Irs findai! Joutg tistanice I IIII 1 11 teleptoce lput, iris ruaideure- res-enttî. Lum e ard cbsri- a iiuv'rs la buldling a uew ForFigunes on hanse un tire r-55 hall o! bis lern. BUILDING MATERIAL A nurtuber rl4 utu peuple are- arranging Sa attend thelsnd situa lu Chticago titis Mit-re engt adrde veet. gondl. Wbetter yoo buy or Mn. autu id i,' ,- . NYnIltvisittril finda itSget îy figures. et McBeunv lad s uent. John liateer, ai Ciciago, nisiled et :PEIAtEiW HITEWAeH: -J. W. McClurete it Sof lthe veet. Tite cold weather o! lest veet siropped Ir. S. I1!AD .Prop. the vont on the uev Bensaâtahi» build- -v in g for s 1ev dase. BIBE MSCROLS POT CARD ?113 Mr. and ir@. Seikrk, of Norwood Convention W ill Protest New Combination Will Booql' Park, iited the Iatter's brother, Wm. Âgainst Exclusion. Price. Thom, last Thuroday. Leon Strang @pont several days at Itesolution, were adopted ait the As lte restt0f an Industrial battb Urbana, returning horne Tuesday. fiasesoltPhadpieNnayf between the American and Gorma Mro. Tillotiaon, of Kenosita, will @pend the worlds Christian cltlzenshili cmi eailes. te latest tarit! conceived truat te winter with Mr@. Jeanette >IathewK. ference aittiorzilug the holding of a bias heen boni. Tt is a combination ot Mrs. John Stewart, of St. Paul,,&and sîteelal convient ion at a near date In tire licture postearti manufacturr#: Mrs. Editti Stewart Shiof lDuluth) Illinois toelrorest against a detisioun known as lte Leighton Valentine Coi. Men., aecontpanled thé rernainm of SIr». of that state îxiiurlrg tihe Bible front l>any. wltb Milices et No. 118 East SIX- Wm. Bockaday, who died laètIw-. n tt the public srhool exept as literature teentit Street. the' home of ber grand-danghtier ln and the prohibition of the Bible 111 1 The new trust comprises titree of D)Uiuth, Minn. the sehool lîbraries by tire state super-:,tire largest postecard otanufacturers la- -sert Wineckie. of Syraitnure. im visiting lotendent of publie Instruction. - the eotntry-tbe Hugh C. Lelghton bis oncle, Scott LeVoy. Otiter resolutions urge the referma- ('oumîc,,iiy of Portland, Nie.; Valentino Mr. and Mnâ. A. W. Saffurd and Miss@ tion of divorce las s, ethical instruc- & Sous Publishlng Company of NeW, Clara Foote @pett*Thanksgiving ait tion In thte public ichoola based uPOn York sud Scotlan aud Sackett Wheatan, 111.the Bible, peace congresses between Wilbrlumsi Company o! Brooklyn. lit Mr.andMrs l'te cl)nai o!Eves-nations and limitation of arguments la raî,italized at $9000.000. ail pald hI. Mrn apnt Mr.ovei day wIt ofr.vans-and a vider study of Japanese and 1T he, combination vas directly torn aetveraonng. t Mr ad Citinese history atnd literature i lit e Lrouglit broughi. about by lte Payae- Ure.Dav Yong.publi c seools as a safeguard tigainit Alcjricli tariff, witich Incre5fied thte Mns. Herbert Mathews and aunt. Mrs. Internationsal complications in lte far dutv on liostrards $2 per tbouaand, Vosburg, lait Thurgidty for Florida tu east. îuaking ri impossible for the importer,' @pand te winter. The resolution ountdivorce request. of tire (ermian cards to compete with Mr@. C. E. Deuman and %Ir@. W. G. Mc ing the National Reforin Association te nericati praduct. Gnîre visited] Friday with Nfrg. Harry to undertakre a systemnatic campalgu Probably the largest lmportlng con- Gleason Bt Làibetvîl.In the ta Ite législatures for the Cern uilte country was te, Hugts C. Mr. Dawson af lowa attended te Sae reformation of te dNVorce loae as Leighton Company of Portland. Wb.m ab C. W. Ruemili'. on Monday, lie pur-' objected te by sonne of the delegates tite tarif! vent into efect thte langeai chased the fart front Mr. Russell andi on the gronind titat it did nlot go far ;portion of titeir business vas déi viii move bei-e ln March ettougit. Tt was sugges ted tat the stroyed. Tiere was an avfui elusp Mn. up nslSayRowandsud conference redîteelte grouînds for di in, German postcards. As a rosuit Mr. ianp lite.Rowavthendfota, tlbervorce te s few sliecfilc causes, but noOthey endeavored te Increase lth. do- fRln e oe s ek o oatru uch action wass aken. and the resolu- mesîtc fmannfacturîng end df tbodr, futue hoe.tion was silopteil witb the provision business. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weil gave a enebre that tbe luterrîmurcit federation and Thefir greatest crompetitor was the party on'Wednesday. Miss Ruby Ciii. other lke biodies ho asked to co-p- Valentine & Sons Company. ln artay luge and Mr. Armour won the prizee. A erate In securîng div orce reform legia- cases the pitographers from thé rival fine tiSse reportied. ltlon lu al the States, concerna esttered sauI tawns et thé-, C E. topie, Nov. 27: My favorite nis» The American deleglsl s'cn aeLiet e etso oa sionary hemo or heroine and why. Heb. ference wiii meet ln Las Angeles lu views and necessarily bitt taira the Il: 32-40. Helen Safiord. leader. 1911 under te auspices o! thte Nation- sanine pictures. This' meent a inua- J. M. Strang returned ta Tris horne in ai Reforrm Association. Thtis meeting cial imss toe eith. Pasadina. Califonnia, Monday. wil1 be preparatory taelte worids con- Aflen this bard happened everai ferfflce teo ehaield lu London lu 1915. tîntes tite two coucerna began ta talk John Henry Neihans died Titureday NMany speakers vere beard et te- of a combinallon, vitit the resuitt Ilu afirsennoon at the MeAlliter haspitli day's session on te progress being tite trust vas formed. The. Sektt iuiiowing att opereian for gai1 htofl. made ity Christian vorkers lu foreign & Wilhelmns Company, a large litho' Aged sixty-seven years. lia leaýves 8 lgîtds. rping and print(ng conceru. MAs wife, son and daugitter tu maunahis Joitn tenitani vice president o! the taken in titat thte trust might huve S lasé.- Rev. A. W. Saflord offliated, International Register C'ompany' 625 complete priuîing plant o! lia ovI. hurlai at Millbn cemetery. The poil- West Jackson boulevard. owes bis life "Wilx aur lncreafod facllltieé.e bearens vere: Messrs. Jlohn Martin, Fi edt iteiteroism o! blis wife. said Huxgb C. Leighton ta a reporter Welle, A. Javik. T. Kid<l, J. Rose and Tt was \lns. Benbam vita discovered for the New York Wonld lantitve*, (jet). Miller. Thet iowerà were beautilul. lire lunte Beuitafi residence,. Sieri- 'w. expeet to vrast te controlai I be Ail extend their e'Ymikth.V taete dan road sud Kenllwortit avenue.,lKent- pîcture postcarni markt fron Ose' bereaved lamiy. Ilworti, Saturday nlght. Tt vas 'tirs. ýmany. Witite nov proces of C00W lirm. Annie Straug Perkinson, o!flieoiam vito rusited upstairs titrongit jprinting wiih v. contrai vo belIee Chicago, formerly oi tii viciuity, died tite dense smoke titat rolled titrougit1titat we cani turu out a card muech%@m at ber homne Friday. 5h.' ias lister et thteitouse and aronised ber itusband perler te thte Germein praduet and 0el Peter Stran.of Miiiburn; aud Titoma.. twa ,ls.Ienitam vio later, only it for ls Maney, and lit niaylho Ut Strang. of Wad@wurlii; she ha. esetrir. .tity drassedworked side by side vo viii invade Europe." other brothere and sisters in Lakne with ber itnsband lu tnying ta save __________ county. Buriai vas Munda.v lu Miii some o! tite costly ftîrniâbings oett XYBTERY 18 CLEA.2HE Creek remetery. 1 bouse f rom destruction. The Ladiesq Aid Sciety wiii hold their Talcen by and fear thee tire In th:te Details of Waukegan U"%' re2ular niontitlY tin l- luthe citnrch Benitamnesidence vas spectacular i DORt.h p.triar, Thursdny. 1 I . irmenorts vays titan ane. lirst tere vas dinner will te , .te rescue aoftMr. Beuitan. George J Bowen. a traveling me. A. . SevtitLater titere vas the sigitt n ite chinat nov iacated et Gary, basseoff A. . Seivît rl'~e ..IrngKenllwortb vounuteer lire departusent, farvard ta dlear one of the on witlt iis daughter. 7fi - i i-ii),r.every niemier of l5it n iuljevealng plexing mysteries tSut W uIeff = of Nortit Amhterst, Ohii-. resa, immaculate shirt. fronts, te bord lateiy, the tinaccSiafed fer dis- hltst ! vtia tes.glssyshosappearance oi H. A. Rayon. vbp t hitst f witefie, gonn shesturne ont vas kilied on te, rajlrog4at State o!fIlinois, County a! Laik , ri .iny sit bats and ail te other para- pittîiturg vitile hastenig ta blg In thte Circuit Court o! Lake Cou.. t'emBula titat gens to make up a fatons' deathitod. ty. October Terni, A. D. 1910. ans evening costume, strlving beo-1 Friende of the former Winuko- Ellen Lamb vs. Cathterine Kiibane, i ally but ineffectualty te save thte gon young main wiiI hé grtied te hoar that ho %"s kiIIéd .in a rail- James Kllbaue. Brldget Kilitanae- Bextiamre sidence. rond accident the cdétallé of whists witt L Jounes, as Trustes, and Ralpit . are .unnounded with mystery. Thé J. Dady as Successor lu Trust, Bill toeo  t wnrgénerai appearfncé of thé death For A to Owers. la that It wan en accident. Foreclose. Cen. No. 4838. The'brother wtes: Public notice la bereby given tat Says tbe P. C. A. Record: "For the benegirbi Sie friands ofILE by vrtu a!an rde an dereeen- The ususi number of! daims Illed G. Baven, fonnierly o! Waukegan, ît by vrtu ofan rde an dereeen-for Colles Fractures, and tber la- vii1 oblige me and otitera If yan vii tened lu the above entitled cause in Juunes, conseed by a "baci fire" viton maire public tbe follaig: salit Circutit Court o! Lake County, et craniting, justifies a word o! caution. '«I find et this laten day papiers vhick lit Ocobe TeniA. . 110,titre-If -bath tte sttrier and tite titrottle were taken fromi te clatbes of HaOM theOctbérTeriA. . 110,thee-are returned veil ta te étartlng point lBywen viticit I bave !orvansiod ta bis of. thte tndernigned, Master lu Chanc- befora crauklag. a. tacit lire le Impos, parents lu York, Pa. Accordlng te ery of said Court. vIlI, on Monday, the sible. If the driver wili rememiter tese papers ite tefs Sategaa Octo. 26tit day o! December, A. D. 1910, et te neyer. neyer cnank the car until lien 28 for bis boute et Yorit, la an. thehou e -Oe 'clckIn heaiir.b» bas looked at ite position o! the serta a talagram i tiitha recelvé4 thehou o!(tu oclok l th afr-sparker and titrotîle, be viii neyer tite sae monuimig aad wviehcitre- noano! aid ay S Sie Eat ofo!bveabacit lre. Titere, la reaily nto Came lhone et once; fatiier le dyisq. tite CourtRoune'In te City o! Wau- ne.8 xus o rnkn ie ite-AltierSG. Doyen.' kega, i theCouty f La s ad prken lasd(Ianced tirait titere would "On thte tornlng o! the 29th the0 b» for filling lte gasaîine tank wlt body o!fte youttg man vas fouad*ln Sfate o!Ilîlinois, saliat pubilie auction a Iligited cigar in te mout. O!fte pasoenger yards aS Pittmburg. _As ta te highest antd best bidder for course a nman nuay do th latter and nearly as, we cati find. hois d~ cash, te followffig descnibeti land "get avay iti Il lsa oly a change cars et PIllsbnrg for te 10:06 question a! tinte until whîtt aiuld be 1).ni. train te Harnlsmbs*rgiand prob- and réeal estlsituated lunte Çounly etcpecled.vil! itappen. atily vas crossiug te Snacks viten ho o! Lakte and Stale a! Illinois, ta-vilt: Titere are enougit accidents titat lwas ru ou Tite Soutit bai! (S %). lo! Lot six (6) cannaI be avoided sud agslîtst iici "le body was found 500 tsfom in , E Sudelina SbdIie o! no entount o! precati otican :vall,'lte station, nîuîllaled beyond rocogni- lu ~ ~ ~ o WwE udnis udvso itont adding tate h ist b he lion. Thete ltgraut vas fannd togetb- lpant a! the Norîbveat quarter (N. W. carelesuesa. er vitit s jiclure o! a Wauitegan titi, %4) o!. Section Twenty-eigitt (28) lu Of course th.' P. C. A. expects te swlh the naite but no addnesé upanit. Towshi frtyfie (5)Northit, ! ontinue la PSY for suichItnjuries, as "I itnew titat be had iteen living te Townitipfort-flv (45Iîîbas lunte psst, but tera la no ras- Wauiegan for rer s yearadfront Range Twelve (12) East o!fte Third son vit- suici accidents sitould net be ltters bis faits have recelvfid durng Principal Meidian, according te te lese frequent n te future, ltat tinte il appears that te nmade plat reconded In lte Iecordera Office 1 Accordug te te reports o!fteniant- niany friends lu vour City, but bis o! tite Conuyo! Lake sud StaSe o! Il- liuois, lu Book 27 o! Deeds St page 2518. EDWARD J. -HEYDECKER, Master lu Chsiucary. Daîrd November 22, 1910. Auction Sale. listing declded Su tluit !anîniug1 vili sali aSPublic suction ounte Henry Meyer lai-n, 1 mile eoutiu ut humer and 2Y, miles nntit oI Laite Zuriticatît. mencing et 12:10 on Mondav. Nov. 28, 1910,te folioviug d@&üribed proparty to.vlt: 2 vwont bai-se», vt 1200; 10 cava, itilit, 1 tear> epinger. 2 lheilens, Holstein bull 1 yr aid, 2 Holstein cuire doubtle berne»», single barnese, brouit sov, 10 éboa. 200 huai Ostal, 5 tons gourd opland hay, 2 ton alaugh bey, 50 busthel cotrn lucib, 10 huabel seec carnu,quantity of!crn iniibsoe, stan o! crin sisit», 50 ritictene, fumbet vagoun, rnck vagun, lay i-set, miii wagoin nearly nea. buggy. niaver, riding culivalai-, eniali cultivttu, haut plow, Peeder nearli uaw, 2msetion draee corn planter, bob leigit, 2 galvanisai tant», 2 nuIt cané, and otitenari-SeeStoc nuuuenous Sa mentioan. U@uel terma. Miti. E. KLtt-t, Pi-ap. Wxt. PirFresiru Auctionser. , You gel sitons aS lite Lyrne escu Tue8day. aitI iaulîre are niore automonbies panante are tiot avare o! titeir ad- ovued by d-oïTôrs thau tiy sny alterI dressçs. riams. su titat l la notSîurprisiug ltaS "Theabodly vas sent ta ltae home et lte P. C. A. lias feIt lthe affecte o!flteYoi-k just befane bis father-and my "automobile itazard" lu a mucit great- !atetr-dled, and titair funorals toux er niassîre titan ans' oltr accident vlace together Novemier 1. Insurance couceru. $UN on Body of Dead Man. 'rlfu nd one o! youn papera lu hie clothes dated Octobar 27." Thea letter la signed by George J. La RBoven, whio -sys hoe la a traveling THE ADDfISf' i niacitinit front Bayi7Cil>, Mici,. a Tii E IiI¶~IuVr4 v so tw settln&_ip_& a cri SATURDAY AND SUNDAYHemehtnlim.î THE S1000 PLAYLET lm the uiatulni af GeJ rmetciennura. ns Of lthe. îiîany Valuehîle illitradlente o! FleY's Kîdue>' Rentedy. !texasmsliy. [ORO AUNIR OÏ ienetmtnstui1ine le recoguize.d hi mediWe ITS WORTH SELING atrid Boivent sud auti-meptiefotoeurin. d TkeFol.'y's Kidney Baniedy pi-oMUa IL SYLVÀN & O'NIEAL et theitirst élgu of kidictrul IL Pantomine COmediants F. il. Lsti OC d C11ARLIE WILLIAMS YSiT NEXT NEWGOWNma1yb VE T TUol n i n e d ev o te a litt îs t ine t a re adt a g NETTIUSDAY atone adi. belons you décde " "TEXICO"P 11a0iasta 1e uaed h Thé Sensation of Two Worla Featune filmsanad illustratâd sooiq tte Lrnlc. vitici Jan- soutii are li ilfran- 7espouible a. Witlle rat deprive elililual. anecestars d tibts not o! negraei ,m M.ltîrg- cles. as ho oit-s lu lt e ,c tem, t,' ,iof ;.I.tlary -rheiiu' bavtue nr'itti miel [cers. e balloting rinis Fesi- vras attend- es o! alec- ax. Charges Ad tait o! [ne", candi- lged In tiy suit o! te tn;çed util candidates lackveîden. unie filair; ut-e. P. C.' raut, Bis, s. Ros.' L. -NIre. J. S. ey Brovn, paon. 'tary-MNrs. id Part. 0ê000OO@@OO~00000*00000B0ui~a

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