Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Nov 1910, p. 4

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OFFICIAI. PAPES 0Fr LAME OOUITY s ?elTepbnueeNo. uitor's RaeeeiélphioneeNo. 1141. Libertyvile EStch&ngO Entered i tte Ubei'tyvlue. Ii.. as Second Cas Mater lîuco DWBUL, UVRTISIIG 5tTU MADZ KZ0N ON icAPPLIOATtON. 'ëU39ORIPTîON PRICE 81.50 PER YEAft aTRICTLY IN ADVANCE ..................... . ........................... . .................. Editor M . DeAN NA.............. ...................;....... City Editor FRIDAY, NOVEMBIiR 2,-, 1UlO1. INDEPENDENT VOTERS ON INCREASE. Streltght voting of party ticket* la net as common as lis. orne men i ut"eeu tot ram a favorite newapaper the complets lst of party candidates, Mld talcs it te tît& poils, to b. sure ta vote the stralght ticket. at It W»a commen at that time for pltical orators to refer to theirprt "faitth." Party allegiance-was about like a religion. l'o me.ny eider men, who reçoi sacrifices for party and national honor, the ilsappearance of this point cfview oees 1k décadence. But times and tosqera change. Progressive party leaders wliilt seek ta bind votera by focmài loyaity, but try ao te deserve support that the Intelligent voter muet uedIer aleogianal for gond work done. No doubt the old days of traight party voting sheltered abuses. When thse cadidate had mereiy ta get by the c4nVention, he theught was more of téedà. and bartert by whoh ho mlght Win delegates thon of alertnenssln pub- lelatereet. Too many of us a"e Inflwtoed by tritling persanal Impression*. A citIa- on a ovth e average ln intellgefice, Muid ta us the other day, relative to a certain candidate for lhih 011cet 1i11 k hlm. 1 have met hlm several timon *d he a leou gental."' Regarding the mians political beliets, hi@ public, record. ha ltnew nothing,,but was mereiy Infiuenced by an prahbemne' Whn votera are turned by such chaf, how can we ýget goad government? In tI¶ese daya of Independence many moa the mnitake of thinking the two Parties arc abot alike. Nothlng co'tid be more untrue. They ore 0.0und- ad ln topposite idéala of eevezerc., the!r l'istory la dfferrnt. When we thitfc of votitig for ani opponent, let us retiect more carefuIly on thia bicck- ground of party têndency that ur.conacioualy swaya public officiais. TOLSÏTOY'S INFLUIENCE ON OUR LIFE. Compal'atively few have roadk the works of Caunt Tolatoy, tlhc Russaan teoveltist whoae ilineas and métal disturbance la tirring the world. ..And' yt the "simple life" doctrine, whlch a flth of the American nation prÏach and neyer practIas, and tour-fittis practise without saylng anlything about. If, owes as mucli to Tolstoy as In any other man. . n hi& "Anna iarenina" he teile the afory of Levin, the weaithy pr.oprle- tor, who ln £A idéal -home life waa dlscontented andl thought of suicide. By Ieamring to wrk with hie handa, lite again seemed happy. White Mont othei Men of lilerary genlui were spendlng the fruits of their pan l handsonie li ving and broad social enjoymqnta, Tolstoy mlghf be seen rn hie cearb, shirt duldlng the plow, or cobbiing the family shoea and perfnrming menial tanks. Mis dotrines have been stated with sucli consummnate penetraiori into, the motives cf tifs, with such whitene4s of inçeritye, as to have affected the wirld protoundly. Ail through our more radical wrltlng in America one flotte eehoesa rom flua gréat; hearted Russlan. On -oconomlcs antd business, Tolstoy has. been astray. Division of labor ta noedt. it la Iliogîcai that a man of vant power, capable ot ,napiring na- tiens or guidlng a tate, shouid &pend tioe l n cobbling that wouid be e use- fui in greater flelia. Sut hi&Sgospel of the' dlgnity ot labor la badly needed, wheç hoto of ye14ng rnen* dsert the subtantial and basic manual taaks of civifration for Positions ln which they can Wear "store clothes' and keep their hands dean, when se many of our wealthy people are living for moere social gltter and nerve stimulating plaesurs.1 H-1W TO AVOIO THE CHRISTMAS RUSH. The wtd awilof holiday shopping censtitotea auch a atrain on the pro Prloterae and clerks cf the rtait Stores as to have eniated the intcrested sup- Port of Consumer*' Lagues and other agenciez for a change. Sue white thece tend has thus been a lttie btter distrlbuted, there sti11 romains abriormala eilon of business bef cru Chrstmas. theallure 1to ate any greaf change la due ta tht unfortunate face that ui ehilanthropic motives are weater thon Ihose ot self Internet. If the mer- ýchante ccî Ici t-t -- 'kr the r>' Piltc lelieve It la for thir interest te boy early, a *mre' radical change mîgît bc effected. If à marrhant ln Novemnber would fate @oreoh etIsot git bargains, -fsuethum by, liberal advertlaing, le would draw mucis trotde fIat now walte until the fcot bal lying.wedges and tackles of the final week. The people who woutd visit flic stores 10 capture these bargoina wouid inedently se cther thinga that would attrset their Cash. Any Intelligent1 ehopper ouglt ta know fIat attractIve gifts con bc aeetired et any good store1 et any time ln the year. This tact ie nat fuliy realbzed Iby the gererai pub. lie, but they coulil be made le reallze if by consistent advertiaireg of strong festuresi e Ne doubt purchates f helbday goode could be lncreased by auch a policy. Where'the Wbrt of glft buylng la lft f0 fha last weet, many people becoe no discouraged by t he attempt Go buy ln fIe.turmail, and are so dlagustod vth the tousied array cf gooda that ment their oye, that they do not boy aIl thee gitt thcy would have under favorable conditions. The "boy early" pollcy cetld be se devlopsit by early advertislng as ta swalt the receipts cf the stores, besildes aavIng the frazzIe worn nerves of the, Clarke. WOMANKIND IN THE RETURNS. Fmong thc teographic teaifs f rom election la the news s fat Mrs. Treva- thoan ha, duefeated tIe regular Democratie nomineo for Clark of Angalina 'eenty, Texa. Mrs. TrevathaWs husband lad heid the place, but died. Hief edwdow was appolnted o fil the vacancy, but the county commttee delined tal ratlfy tIc nomination. Thereupon Mrs. Trevatîan ran independent. A fete' wom4n have aisa been clected te the' Colorado Legilature, and no doubt have aise been chesen te carious positions elsewheret -. ., 1 1 t - Many people wîo regard a Suffragette as a 20t1 century treak, who be- lié"ev domnestip achlevemerit offera ample opprtunity for the activity of fthc i ra tjôrity et womoen, would giadly sece hem clqaco frequently te eloctive Very fcw mer, have intelligence tlhy onougi t ta aim liferior ablity on the part cf wcmcn. Opposition ta waman suffrage la based i smply en the feeling.hat large r results are abtained by division of labor, mer, apeclaizing ln polificai endeavor, Womcn un- domestie and educatioaia work. Many viorm ouncver are an littie ted by domeallo caron that they wetld ho juat as f rtc te fate up appintive anti elective office as mon. They could not bu permtted 10 vote without permttlng ail wcmen te vote. Bol t hay could fili admirably mény appointive and elective efficea. It sa the glory cf Amrîcan lite fIat it opens the widest dpors to wecn. W. men have ou, ton abot mere man" belng crcwded Info a corner, but the fact remaine that business openings for unmorried women and wldows arte îlli far narroe' Ilan flice pcnings for mon. Democracy of equal op pqrfunlty, as teetIas chivali'ous sentiment wil finally threw open' f0 woenO a Wy position whatever bl which thcy co show eqoal ffIciency wlth mon. 'I Dayigh Buglay. univer a callei there were no wtt- DayghtBurlar. ýesss tatcoulti bc caîboti excePtiog in vew ofe miiRen andi wornon the mtan bimiceif andi the niatter waa »treamlng by, tlleves tole a velvct ti l'oped lyrequtat et th etate's at- sQuare containIng tilaitonds v~aluedat orney, wbio toveti thatte indictinent $5,00 roma ee i- fontof . W li e nole îrossed. Ciiiver wanteda $lO0fi'it 5 AS, I fontofil.VI Itrial andthIe presectiti refusedt t 'Beattie'a iewelry store ln the obti Arj gosatteat i wth it. The lnditinent o cadet lu C(levelandi biriay atterucen. ,wat trîckei fremte trecorda andi 'Te thievet broke open the ease Cîtiver lias ne retirem," lie sgbd. Outade eatie'sdoo, tre te eoth Jit W t atbearing the Smith hear- outade eatlesdoor toe te cotbing in Elgmn bati on the matter'is net Of diainenda frotolin 1>ool, rOlle t iç newn but attor. oye lu thret case gvel up se the Jeweba were bld anti left. out ysteieus hînta f rel in îete to Not a titan or woinan knew that bur,-uem that Iiey art oobcng for a mati glar ~er vorîna.~ ~ h~ bltito teatify there wbio could.Chrow soet glardwee wrkin. I wa th bol- lghton he matter. It le alec gssert' ost andi mont Inexplainable robltery ln cd by the frIends of Conner that the Follioing no cleaely ont the haul otf'eittation at prtsetit andt iat hati they fIAO ront a Jewtlry store ln steu- B een fit te brbng their books into the bageile,0h10 detctivs ar In nri:ur a long lime ago hat mattera be»Ill, (indetcties re nclned1moulti bave been atntpbtfied, but that to heleve that dlamnndrobbers. lîke "b'Y do'0netintefurnish evidence »«e. ciachera, are voin g nsga ai.nt themseb.vez ln tbe alloeed e- wsthOhi . ctie as hei stapli batlug charges that have houa ubveit wft 0h0 ctb~ aither ~ outt trougb the papeura. That Smith p~iflda.coulti have liaS the charges againat hitm tilaistseti three weelcs ego la as' As BEi1n Views It. ierteti bat he aiketi for sotth action. -1 - 1t1 thtetneantliie Coneor remains lIn- Aaother phsofettht joseph Conier cognto àli there la ne news - rom can. preved tO e àu faco Thiuratiay. him.-Elgin Newa. Thtea time the soome vas aet Waukegan1 #M ûý tieWtrcpl actore vere Charte'sutslwy olo ta la7ervho i . .tus f Foliy Kidiy Pli!@. Tbsv saralatiaIbIa.aIesar pbuldieng, treingtbemnna andi cf ee a'otbla. sootbing.'- Tonelu iiaction. e1ulck in -g .ce 0 b.Popev. * le F. B.LOLCo'AX Y,,our Iiusband may bi a 11it t1 e t'reeFs, madaîn, atndq ishow&t how yon Can l elp him ketip hU hlealth. Ptit a Bradley FuII.Fashioned Mufler on i t li , k. Gk -(t tIt i' turlie i. iiue. The uiiutlir Nill fit bijo, beeiie bitit, antd lee1î lus îliîl p,- ine. o- aiîd ehu t M t i ii eIl i o eid iS' ~~'sale ouf I )Inî'k (oats vt'îy Cheap to Ilot'tpyt. MB.COLBY MERCANTILE CO. ONCE C. ;q-r t. Cet the mad.RICHT - ~o~'a wthexperimentse The . 't 'iormgCoofNYr -. r ~l<C ve 23 mammoth fluor' t t1ie sfamoui Flatiron 1Buidh4-, New yorja,AlI.t d bmadgfihU ty madrnt~.zo c! Iîey suitia g» uated t. Look over the. ne,,va4l.-,tel 'amples. You wiflb. mtou- johed &t thiaitLeauty anid QualitY aMI You'I b. surpriud aýt the aOC44seuf the Pices. VL.~~ H.~I<URST SýCiiANC'l BLOCK Sharpies 'Separator in your dairy, is as Ioliows: lst. If romparedit I&Ytayiter malle ,f eparator. te gain hi yieid et butter lu f&v'.r et te Sharpima s eparator twlli ztseat sufliclent ta psy 10t Der cent Intemeet lon the wvile ire# eSt o1thte supear asci, year. 5ailite gain nier mois u10er separatort il tll ie morts mort. titan tii. 2d. If you, at te p lieent Urne, un e of th 1e liest rsilty eresmerw. under the moet favar aitie i'ontlLltit. Tour gain lu yeld of butter by the e Ofli te SiarplemTl iuilgr SePartor WillI ti- lit excesnoften Polluas for everY itundreil pounds pîrevlauetillmae,. LIl 700are luttait even te beut gravitr creainer liteder favorablecofndtliti. ltat la. jacknii veryel l-i ester or Ire. your gain wmliibe au exem of îîenîy poulndq. fi Voitusue su igeriar ceamer ne Pans., vouritn lu wretra fin twiuly-tve ta litypoulotsdepeildelltson 1noirllerlor tliey are. ad.*01ithlie Point of qualiltY Oferreanor butter lit ln more dlit ulto mati, ai iefliti, suar5ttt a l, hardi>. a y twl ie arym en use te inm e am nunt nf rare bout titeir datiWl or #ra ge te "ime iuaiitv ei butter. but. thrrIhiiuis e PInir equat. lut euarsntee tth& ue the te dairyman ili 111,1 au imbýrOvement lu the quti o fti> islt butter eoulvaielte t lne cent»te 10 ve ce'nts lier potina b>. the use 01 Our BeeIa'ator. wsie the averagce lm c areful daîrymen mîii ecitre à butter morth fronmt 90 pert(cent te In per cent more titan mitot th ie id ofltte Tubular Seitarator. Tueekitiilk, m li ewsrm sud frelih. iiihi' machh mure s's.usbli, for stock .food. [Stwmil be woilt fruontmeuty-ive cente te lorty-tiie cent%lier hutudredli ouait, for itek ettedilios.dependilug Iargiiy on it e aite of tite stockt tii tihl t lu loti. Sot. enil miliitu wîictl about on,-fifth ofn titis 4tii T hte ,uîiie lu haudil fn t i thei, liii mr aviitg ithe eparatiru matie rlIktt helide titeclit .tale' amite etim-milt ted rlian titi tetnckiile Itlalewarm. te eavii u l utpatte. palis. etc.. sut litewaslilug aud cacltur ame, dit a ltundred am neue titer littie lactos. Iteeit lie estlmsteitBta mugit litre nal501ma.5 ceaI t aiin te agregst tit. T ers mlii be s es i ft0f e , If aur le Oed. ani thie lIme sud ne aenftni taitdltg titi Ire. iI 1%ue t'es sary o uiy ti oe n u ia the siîsra t ed iresite lit the y eld 01 butter suit tit e, sou r- anteed lmiirîit'emeit liitiîaîiity Utii eatie yna tii meto isWtitunitîteilnei-eliarv Ila apriver l.elir- toi. te a dairymat. aeut hum 011<er lt,. riruiaetaiiro,. taio .hi- > uL etiî'îî-e ittiniltuttoitleab ti 'Itlle. SoId by 'M. B. EGER, Libértyville. O 'O I. 'l' e- o PhONE 47 iLIBERTYTILLE LUYIBBR Co. 0F IRRESISTABLE BEAUTY, ehosen by an expert for oui triteu. 'hoO Down by the 0k! Depot0 CUT GLASS-' 'O j)- îtji vii' uitifitn tetlîtrîthtniti, 1t" r m .\) %,AsHED3l AT OUR i; p~.. ir tra' gii li lrit- itO ' 'iNG l'UT CLEAN COAL, i t f T V.O t A HUS~ THE JEWELER 0. ' .L.At WE Libertyvfille. 111. -1O).mnE 01- TME RED COMI3 POLX-T,,YS12PPLIE~S The Most Beautiful FAL IiANDI WIl'4IIE MILLINERY .t . on Ynla ~ STE~WART STOVES ARE GOOD LADIES' SWEATERS IN ALL COLORS1 A full Uine of *'Parisiafla Corsets" Cati ta suc aur goods M. A. PROTINE Lim"MYVLLE. II W. lie APPLEY Auctianeer FARIl SALES ONE.PER CENT Libertyville, Mi. PHONE 1431. Y-IC.STEARNiS LAWYEB 218 Waablagtefl Strest Waukegan 'Phone 2761 MARIlYlC.-DECKER MUofice opp. 18tlî St. Etectric Station (tfiee Phone 5834 , Bes. Phoe e9608 NO.tTU CHICAGO. ILLINOIS A Comiplete stock cÀ 3.îse Burners, tiot Stasts, Oak Ileaters. Stoves eod 'Ranges. COMBINATION çjAS AND COAL. RANGES LET USS 5110W YOU SCHANUK BRose DR. !L V. SMITII GENERAL PRACTICE Itour 10t 12. 2lIn and 7 go p . Orel LYncit Bruk. stnre. at.gLIAL AJI'FNT4ION TO TUE BE PAUL MAC GUFFIN ÂTTOURN -AT Li.. PhRO"vIlse fln JUST RECEIVED New stock of pure Wisconsin Buckwheat, the same brand 0 we have aIwayjs handled.o Q redephoe No. 30 * Corlett & Feeik LIBERTYVIi LE, ILL. People who intrust their money ta a bank want ta know somethlng of its finan6ial strength. We fully recognize this rïight, and gladly furniali dep'ositors with a lizt of aur directers and stock-, holders Thon, from time to trne, we publieli reporte showing the condition o! the batik. Copies of these reports are kept on hand for those who wish to sec them. cake gounnlç flational Bank C~apital $îî i. Ou iii. lui, ,Sto oklold r'iu Liahi Iitv iy )iî111 Eixtra UnderskirtVUes We have done this Fali a very grati!ing business in Petticoats. Our sucesa las encouraged us ta add ta this liie and it is naw very complete. Speeitil Taffeta Skirt@,, @oit matorial. mery durable ltrttwn and black, a very rieh garnient for ....... .......... 2 9 (apar Slk Sirts brudsomt' ittbroideri cîîîiu uc 5 cilly, ".ernri st»lves ail.... . .......... 2 5 Very latent Blaoh ltistliug Siru.uepp accordînp aited i tilciîce, Persian trimnming, only a lew at .......e*.u..t>... 10 SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL CALICOS AND COTTON BATTS UNTîIL DECEMBER lIt NEMQ CORSETS GROCERIES JUST IN NEW AND FRESH, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. OAT MEAL, ETC. Fruit jamsaail kînds, Maqoua jars--------------------------................25 Nonesucb Mince Seat, package-----------------------------................ Oc Finout Mammotb Olives, 163 oz bolie-----------------------.............30c Fres'Haloett Dates package-----------------------------î........... ..... oc W W.Carroll &Son o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 15e o i P E TO Bi BES yolirI farm. f rom I Vo. c Sready tien, c will tic get te door. esat. Officî No, Notie .bitetiug owrted 1t3 L.ake Ae@r siguis are Itasteer Til Co arreet. jîgid for arreet an oltt'îîder. Eacbh I Tuesday opoti. a hall do boîtier ci gfvon Sai The ha J. M. Graves Oices AUCT IONEER Satilsfaction (iuraflted OffiCe 2M N. GeuemSt 5. fflitence phlons4m R es,14 lU insiotitiAve. Il imL mi 1 iR 1 WAUKWAN, IÈL.

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