Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Nov 1910, p. 5

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We- have veçy cheap price on BALDWIN APPLES COME IN AND SEE TJEM v o o o o o 'I o o * o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i *1 Phone 25 Phone 3 ~oooo~o,,oo,,oooooooooooo..B-u au,-- - toIt. tint Chi mort. ,et te-r relt be- jaick ni lulerlur Ilulerft.r ubrauty. ha ue Mu aîi l t-r pinaue or worth 1 twll t'o eeuiill h of ciii. the t-tue un, uisls. need ntl haunliug mea noir- ier '.epar- at Ot ab PiIOTOGRAPIIS FOR Christmas Presents f6 GIVEN FOR 1 DOZEN Beswuck e-I give fou le Cabinet Photos for tht. pricu- o-i-f 'Ont dozen in ail sittings _________________________mode between N,%ovembr.r 25th and Decemnber 1th t.ET IN IN THS GOD OFîrEi. BRING IN 'fOUR PICTURES TO'BE F RAMEL. BESWICK'S STUDIO - BU-.KLEY BLODCK STOP Sand consider. Ils flot necoSsary lo go thousands of miles away from your prosent homne and friends in get a smali. frui t. truck or pnUlt.r farm. Rght here near Libertytille you can get one of any size you wuh from 6 acres up. Cheap, too. I-ent- you know that the ct.mate is right. Voit d:n't have in spend time and rooney clearing land and getting il ready for the plaw. You dont have to worry about water rights. irriga- %tion, or crop failures. Yau will always be sure of gond crops, and you will flot have to spend your profits paying fceight charges in order to gel your producîs tn market. Vou witt have a market simost at your doar. where ait your produce wilIl bring high pricea, and --- but iack of apaice prevents us from wriing more. Corne up and let us ltll ou the rest. Dont watt, corne now. SCIINAE BELE & WIIEELER REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND BROKERÂlE Office inLuce Building. Phone 18 LIBE iRTYVlLLE, ILL. Notice to Trespassers. Special Assessment Notice. shooting and trapioing ii ,,. lii lands Notie le hit relv given to ail perSa)n.. îuwned by the unudeI@igLIL.. ..,J îilsiking, in inte&strd tîrat an rntallm.'nt uftotn per Lake .Ara i@ pomitivcly forbiddenuanit Icent 0f the- i.-spserint le rtow due for sige ae îoetd t tat ffuet..Tre-drainage Iîncîo'e-e for thé vear A. D. sigrs ae potedto tat ffec. Te8-Iooupon lande lying witti thue liaccere auay eoneider thein8elvee hiable 11Seavev Sioni Drainage Ditrict in the to arreet. . roeward of $5.00 wil be Cotty of Lake and State oft tîlinoim, paid for infornmationi leading to tire I and the mame muet be paid t.o Fraukliu arreat andt î'Onvition out cdiand every .eru r~ue fst itita i o-droffice S.tht.r Lalie Connty National Bank, A. F! SUELDON, Lbertyvîlte, Illinois, on or before the J. E.BoLcoIu. Oth day of Marci, A. D. 1911, and that J. E.BoLtc).Ni luindetauit of sncb iayment. the saveral W. lîRît.. OtBOlLtfE.. tracts of land upon weith said instaîl. c-7-8. ment of asesmmen, remaine uupaid sl tlm soj>1 accordtng to law to pay the Eac lay %ýsiingtheLyrc teat...amonut of such installment and cost. Tueaday niglît la preseeted with a ilver A. 1). 1t010. spoo. Onltoday ud Cidy lhe I FRANKLIN S. Kguua, Treacurer. a haIt dozen opoons are presptéi rte -9-3 boldar of thelucky numbpeouponobilug j gfve eah eeutg.1 Try an Independent Want Ad. ta sel The bot sdvertisiug medium. or exchange 'moat any old thing. 1~~P' t*W.~~~iit àr V »DÂ,NYSMI ,1.0 LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS ORAINTRRE COMES TO LIBERTYVILLEI I...OCAI. AND PERSONAL. MENTION Tc, ieure publication in the. Indépen- dant, capy m~ust be in t ho office no later thon Tueaday of each weak. Adver- tisera, espsclally, are asked ta teke particular natice ta this effect. F. C. Apî.ley @pent Mondiay i Chicago W. E. Mailler @peut Wednesday in Chi- ,eago. L. A. ites.wiek elpent Tuesday lu Ilro. Lynn Culby vimiei.tin (îe iaut week. Mr. and Mrii. %m. Wàlrond were f Chicago on Tuesiday. Mr. and lie. J. E, Meredithi epent Saturdey in Chicago. Albert Barbour returîîed Tuemday from Loi Vegas, N. M. Mise Blanche Ely 'pent Tt.ankoiztving with frieude in Chileuio. Mr. and Mre. Win. Schley epent Sun day wth relatives near Ajtakiside. .limm Mabel ltudolîutî lient Ttiankt gi'.ng with home foliks at Icterrew. Mrm. H. P. Law!Fr, of llOwnerci Grove,1 calleci ou triends the iret of Vtie week. L ti-orge Iieiardc§u, (if Round 1ke wuei a Libertyviiih. .iîor on Moindajv. 8 Tie Anici (lut l, h]ave tiieirThaukt4. giv.inx danre ut th-. to wn bal! tonigtit. Mîîe. U. J. Wrfgllt unditeriC, Ilit flanehi- pTrigvs. *tiited i Ciciagou on TirinC'laiteýrcthI,- (Yl a.~titi.e iî nuil iite,'t n.-!t Tue,I.v riwiht with Mip. .1 luitleti. ni w ut,..t. , gt auuund1j .,Il vrltv-iu.-.lifte.r a fouir wi. ln )- n ireuriti-. s Mu..liJu,rino- Lvi', re0t Satur- 1 dlr a.t-,iînd nitua wi th rplativet3i Nir-, t C. C 1iriîl it nddute,rAr o!t, i Fox Lake. % î.ited ut F. In Trilî.'.. une a iqtatowpevk Mrs arri.. A-rs and ! i-ns.. ijnt Tl,1u,ivi lg w îu ii M1, , .A,. ',brot h,11 lt-i uanitd c..Join IMueGuflin t'etitnt Ttiusi, kscgti,r&r n Wauk..gnrî.gnii. e tuto M.1r uît i.. G.ý- . f titian. .1i l'es .-ter hc l iurvtulaueiltii,-cir- -Iiilaititi l,îî..jn..s(il the. Clîlago dailies i .t-tv illiefront Fred Jelley. I~~We bave a of Caps ini Corduroy, Leather. Plush'and fur, ranging in priCe ;rom 25c Io 53.00 Also lined Gloves and Mitts in both dress and work, [rom 25c Io $3.50 A large fine of Overcoats, Duck ami Cor- duroy-lined Coats and Overcoats, O%er- shoes and Lined Rubbers, Gergnan Socks and Ifeit Boots. Underwear [rom 25c up AND OUR USUAL LINE-ONL-Y A LITTLE BETTER-OF 'EVERYTHING FOR MEN." YOU ARE ALWAYS WEL- COME To OUR STORE. J. 13. MORSE & CO. I Everything for Mien LIBERTYVILLEIL Sou t though a Wan Adl. The fuiteral ut Harry How-ard, seho dled in Evauston tact n-euk, e-as held bere ou Satrîrday, lint-rotent IUeiuîg lun Lakeside cemeterv. H-e;eurvived iîy hie@ wufe aud twu dangluru-re, lite aged mother having died tht,-wcek, deuttirooiug e-hile mu.-tietiiia chair at t ie beudide of ter cout. Local baie bbl tarimiris a-cll ai the genralpublic hait aguýirînPtcealat the iyric ou Monday niglut we-le the. ipictuces deplcttng tle seules of Wurld's (tîusuiuiun.etip gaIn@ees icshuen. The. pirtîttes were unu.urrullly ulear andt lIictinet, showlng manjy of the brilllant .lay@i made durlng the gain"ie. The. lfit of donations i tirelc cent St. Jioeph'e u-lturch bazaur îîae eu t eniphy thart t e-as unlv nîtirat that sonme tomission@ seere made' iirintcntionally. The fotiowing donatiins iould ke added to the listeas alrt-ady publtebed: Boume Luniber Co.. une torteliard rosi; Mr@. Itîlen Chabenougi, $5; Nlro. C. Albriglit, $1; Mise Gertrude Mue-ers, handpalnted plate. Ltbetyu-tlle friende of N. F.»(Clamber- tain will kfi terested inuttre rejport front Waà the. ctr--t that lie tuae, been granted a patent rirporu a vecy ralurable inventiun lutirue chape ot a self luieking nut. LJsîit-. r.y titat tht. invention tilleq a long frit î%,tit it a ilI be-vtry profitable tiu It i, rnfertain. àtre. Edith Warren. 'Ilu auraTalrur, Ire. -%atble . Iluflii i mji rs. Clara C'olby, - cOrip tituntîar ti,.- ltbcaryciuini- u)itfe'ot tiie- AlItItIu luti,, were ini Ctii'agu saturulay rondt ulected 1lM0 volumnes of fiction fou il,.-nia' oublie library 10 Uc cpen-d lui-r.' next montlî. lu addition tt teMc 1 wlu ui Ubetlfty snpplied frot tlîe stst liliary ut tipringtlitd. tw>.or puliu.lirry eill UW iuauguritted urîdt-r rw-t urîu.oi tondutittns. F. Il. .Iîît huebti-uarîî,,iîiute ea metter ouit rît- duratu,i ,îrîuuîrttccof tht- Lake Ct',i y ITni.itu,.-,lutitiite. Ru-v. .tîî in Flan,uot N,.; tiltiu-givazle charuîcnutaiît f this -i a îîr-enîtthe- nu-a uit-ing otftt-heii-tittir.i. l%%i-lu iî-ll Uc bl-d ut Hitghîland Pa.,rk i hi ît'i te st-cond MturuinluJauiiirr. n i b.'in c-hargeouit tt itrirer, f i ru. nuttee. Otlict- br atit -'.of tIJý,i ii itr utre are lotiri titiere-i, it,,'if uMriant Blesley, Tr. A. Siitîitîi.Mc W. .1.Str'Iiine, lDc. T. S N..llen. 're Iig'i llt uir@rceil a vcry uîsu-tul and htandtrucertouveuir ru .the cutis- oiia finieltr,<kut knift- pr"ietni-tdli the- Illinîois Utrruxated Metal (Conîpany. Ttis eoiitany matnufactrer, a r-nlvert (if iigt i in. ruiver a hiaIl million dollars uuorili of îîhit'li are lu use iii Illinois, and tluat tiire qiaut.v of thu-ir pîroduet is uneerv-lld, rut ciileuced Lhy ttîe fart that uir itg ilufluitt-n cars thiey havi- luten r rte u- iuruIany lia&.it rcaer blit-callcd îuîîa on rt-îplaii-iiue. For aIl purluoses wfierc,- î unI i c ii e tidt-d tlie iouctt oh tis o i unupiuiî îiii tuillthe- bill ani lrîret car lelaî ii, - A runusii uî.ý n tI.soi.. arnîîurng teatnre-î-liail,iri-it Stînidsy uizlit lu the ieuinity (t i fr.ada y and Wrighrt C'ourt. Thcce fiiccgnrr.froîntWaukegan uftî r punrchuseirg tire fine hirt. pige front the. Gaizi-rt ..ttiilk acrm. aec.- pasing tlucougti trýi iru rut lu-ir hionuearant n ut e-heu tti- rei."rit-i-uant-unrulv, run the wagon tin uit. idtr-liun thue casit ule tuf the- park. tliirrriui,.-hewagu nover aud, unakinrg a luetrcigt-ntus misturi' of umen andr irigs tailif- gruî unît The btie' a t-ugb.t Ihi.-rrtînt l uit 'ry tar, tire ttigcer. anrurl d itîînpcd ni) lu tIire baudritaunut inruthe- îark--lutre t tuty miade- ntrr.î utfia qulality tmnapiicaclicd iy any tiras. itart-aiitthe men maduiLie truc-ks forri neuîi. M. E. Church Services& 10:()o a- tri. 'lcnseMeting, leader, Rev. J. i0. Mîlinttiti. 10:30ari ir. l'i--ut-ling Uy pastur. W. 1L. whipil- sîhj-i- Msocîf anditOther-.." 12:0 tri. itilile Sehfut utt bjeect, "Tirle Trialri i-i. 46:4., i-wortu Leugue, leader, t0. If. ]3avi, uî: îtjct, Temp)erance." 7:3o p. iai. l'.u-acting tuy thu ire atur; sntijtct "Tfiut Laitder of the Angelse. If the camera hoglus ta "'get ln the way lu the hanse,". sel, lt-or 'et- change It foc tornethtng havlng a nese snd fceeh tuteceet. A carnera luaia- sesys' «Iaablhe." UONESTY ANDJ ABILITY Are the best guarantors of stability. Besides its ample financial strength, OUR BANK affarda ils depositors additional assurusnce andt security in the services af ansablo and hlghty efficient management, under the supervision of an actIve and responsibte Board of Directors. Particrular depasitara and i nvestors will findwith us a safe depository and allogether satisfactory banklrug connection. MlieIirst N4tional Bani of Libertyville Next Door la the 1Pst-Office Open Saturday Evenini Decker & Bond Makes an Important Connection With lTe Largest. Cou0perative Corporation in America - Backed BU Men Doinà An Annual Business Amounting to $75,000.000. PEOPLE 0f LIBERTYVILLE BENEFITED iet-ker & Bondl of tht ceity.uv, av witli characteriteeniccîtrse-. derîîîîIsrîected their ability to kt.ep wcll abreamt of tht. tirnes by Connectiug ttrt.ruieelccc aitti tht. largest deuuggiets' cooperation in Amerira. The men crnnrted eith tht. ent-errie do a yearly business aggre-1 gstiug over #75,000,000, e-hidieh wll empliaizes iti couanece sud magnitude. About tlîree thouutaud retail druggises thrunglont the Uuited State'. have or- gurnizeit themselvec as a co-operative company for the. purprise ut pruduciugsc reromliiad, osolutely guarsutee sud back up sitti their osen name and persoual reîutatioue. The- formulas' of f lice remedie@ are thurougbly kuown to) cve-y one of tht-.e druggiste and tht. ingredientée of eacli e-tIIlUstrulhfully itrerribed tu tht. public. andt tti- remnediepi colt eith the distincvt undcctatîdiug tlîat their purcliace price ailIl e- instant- ly retuadeit withrtut qpuestion or quitiblp if tlucv tail r.> beneit the user. fOac thoueand itdfforent forula@u.e ere turunrd ovr ituthe- tompany.1 fl:at-hfor- mula heing selerited hîcaîrce utite tested unit 1roved ivaIue arud estâblishîed relbtftion. galucîl ulrongli vruuirnu'it anîd cucceechul unec ty îronrîinut pîryii- Ciansi. AX irseaLrcli vonnirittec utfcale-rt chu-nuii-te anditPtiysiciais nmade ea muet tturoninb andiexusntive te-st utft-ar-t one oft tiet- une thoncand perseriçitioue until tht.y hud eeletel about thre bairdrerl asbiug thc vcu-y Utet and Inujt depeudable knowu to ineitical science, ecd for the tri-utilct anîd cure ot a liartieular ailineut. These turte hunduit remedîe are nue- mauînactured iv tte cutmfiay, fhicb Ite kuîrîNe ltue I nkiteit flug Co., Bostotn, Masse., ini the largcrut. îîuuît rmoudemrnandt Ut-rt t-qn.ipited itubranicuticai laboca. tu-ries uin .Arreriru. Ttîe t remcudrluns ,îtpît erit thic t-oui- îituv cuabls it to u îri-tiase drtige. hFrcbsanudt rther nect-eeary mat-rnulla very large quantitice. Tht. ro-olueration aud jtrotecional advic-e ut 8000 lcaiting drnggiete guarautees the higli uuality ut evtrythinu e-rti! il guauteee thiat only furnutam cii.i. ,rrliniarýv menit are irsedit i, c c, c-if tîr'il prn-uîts. Tihue lrelînrttiu 'r -- Ireut shiptucd direct to u.l- -.rr-i e-ho are uouuu-cted n tiifr -- Tins their aUr-oInte rsr.- it le impossible for thîir quai i dettriuicste. there are nu middlu-au-îî jobhe-re profits ta ie aitted ru, tlia-, tact. and tht- puhîlit- van obtain th-îr prîaduetm t atctual cuet of mranufacture. plus a single rctail profit. One ruticu-atle f,'atrrcoh thte buniies., anîd a vecy contndable ont-, iii that un, ont. remt-dy nianutai-tnrr-i by this voint- patîy te a "cure-al."Each une oh the 300 differcut cu-uediet.. a kîoe-n sud dceuîrldatulp sîueifle fuor a ltirticnlar i.iluieiit. Tii. confidence tif tiie- irug- giste interectedit u thim enterprlce tn iinqnnstioualily iemonstcuted Uî- luis guarantet-, ahiehius printeit ait cvecy package: "The Ufnited Drug l'o, andt Tho Itcxaill Sore sellung tiis relara-1 tion guarantee it tii give s@atimfactiîtn.1 If tt dtocs not. gtot uvk tut thle. totire1 e-lu-ru- yru u oiglit it unit grt youlr nouey-it hirltnuge rf yrin, anit ae nant yîîu ta hart. it.' Thuis eertaiiilv aui innov ation riat musnt appt-ai tothîtit-oîleut Lîbertyvilte- It instucem catety unit uatietuttiuîi Ur-anse our tuen loala druggtists. t)eckcc & Burnd Wuho anre50e-cWii knowli atid higlîly rt-ctted for ttîeir integrity are vont- ncceted aithit tuc cterlirise unit arc ctahing thuir utao pereonal rnuptationi ar th tIqjulity of tliece rcnnutdiec. and thie very tranknee;aitt e-uict-htle.atake tte ritulule otf Libertyvitte ttu their î-îînitenuv.- meures an uupceceiteuted cues for thuece reutcdiee, w eh are cotfutaittr the traite nainte itexail, ulîtch mnus Kiug-uf-AII. Frouuu reports rouuring tram tiioneaude'if towns aîîd u-tiec.i, the Reaîl Iteiedies arc certainly deaiousatrating ttneir full titietu-theti nurule. 'rliuscnliho ave previouuely refuset to tini îurrietor.v medficiluehecaune-tien-e e-uc rno uy uf asccrtuuinnng thatr tugre. dit-utc, raunue- pureliasc Rexaîl Home- die, the formulas oh avttieh they eau liai- fur the asking. Itetidee, thîey are suIt by a cîtuceru peneoually kuosen ta vttn and loîated riglit here lu our oe-n City, e-lîugarantffc tîtat they are in Cujet nruthîiug. liexaît Orderlies are une of these brpee hnnid rer nedies. They are for the treat nient ut conctipatleqi lu evary tortu, excu-tt it hue of a surgiàI1 nature. They are caten Ilke vtsudy and do net cause griping, excessive ooneanea*or uther anuysnrc e- hafever. Thcy conte ln f wo sire, ten sund tenty-five ceuf.. - Det-ker & Bond are no welaud tavorably kuoavu for tl4alr sterling lioneetY and squrare- rttalrug tîat we a greatetI--sforctheiu wittî the IexalIternediee, anîd thuey arot- t lie hearttly eongratulated iii Uciuging ti great aud modern buctuese entt.rîrice tu Liberty ville. We Urge ail]eWho may b.- lu ueit of prsrpared medie.ines tu t'ait on Decker & Bond xand tearu about the Rexal Reinedieé. Enterprise of tiis Port shontit ké eucouraged. AdVerU»sd IUttemu Fuflowiug len a flot utlettera remsling uncalled for in the Likrtyvllc pont office un Nov. 21, 110f: Victor SchuItz Mcce. Edgar Jordun Mr. Pactelaul Johnî Macstopme Seirrro Pacenau-. Partievalliug for abov ie etI çleaFe say -ad rcrrio-t" and gîve date. C. W. Tua Luit, Poctniaeiler. Mirs. G. J. heuiuîger f ia. ruiveditot tiie Maximin hbouse on Iig 0 ereet. -%ie Pearli t»ljy vigitcd withu ru-btivis at Sjytaniore itvcr>Tiiaukstiving. Mies Ltlia Wehbtt epenr uvîthi relatives ut Antior-fi. Carl Schireck, moof rîtleharit St-trctck tif tiqtis V, urne Irarrier tr ims attit. MNat. Sage Sttt' juirift t ut-tuides I puarents at i3îgeue tCorners. r-ut eîen oîvlîîck on îWedueday, Nov, uv. Vau de Erve offiiateit nt the veremony whiclî e-uc witnt-seod try umerous relatiî'eq and fiicds il theii-eortractirîg luarti,.-.. Ai t Oio coneluiion ofthi.e.-uryet a tîonrîtcîe aî'îiding fi-utt eai erved. Tht- btride-%iasattîi-it in tlut. elli and cacrird a houttohfiwhite Carnatirons, ter att-tdarîts e lig tht- grtoufne ictér unit hnud rl I. and Mlre. Chas. Wehi'nr-rg. Ttii, yîîurîg couple cpenrt theurr iuturr'iourr iii Ehitugliarui sud n-Ili riiiku- their hîtrie on a larrurtra4t rof Lihertyviiie. fieing rt-ry plular andt haing a liîost of ficndc they haval mîanifoîld gtîod uî lwtut.fior t heir fiturel llnitcleriu.v anit laliiut-e. A Householit Medicine To be ceatly valuabu- muet etîoe- equally go(It utîe rouî ach i uember rtftht. family uming it. Foley'c Houey and' Tar dons juet tItisi. Wietlîer foîr ,-Iirilutrnurgroup ereonuuFolt.y'e Ronay tid Trar ie the- leet sud safeet for ail ijigliëi undtcolts. P. B. LOVELL COMNYiÂîi FINE NA] S Twenty Sample dozen of! LINEN NÂPKINS from the]1 *such merchandise ini Chicago Slast week at a figure that eni o hse goods 25 per cent be pieor at about SRegular retail price. Eve.: Sdifferent pattern; aises are < 2I'x24. We will seil you hal Sprice rate. AN EXTRÂORDINARY 1TH E F Libturtyvîlle, A voryluterettugseauitl tfachers waa h*ld leut Saturdal, i atbool building bars, th.e- etIn# one. of mur@ than Banal Intue«# reason of the large attendaeuo interee at ilfested and the e*as U, erîperior quality of subjecta cmais, prograîn. whlch wuas tullows- Drill in civic-Supt. ffimpeoni. Pcimary Reading-Mis Esther White, of Highland Park. Literaturo in the. (rae@e-Ps.l MeKenzieitavinta. Primary Numters-M.issEEther Whte~ Tparhing (ifography by the Study .sý tht- ludu#itries-Mism Mary Pol*wetec M-AliFter fichool. Wankegar 4 At the, couetusion of the program the. exécutive cot.muittee out officera foi t*1 enguiug year was selpcted aa4oloww. C. R Pugli, Libertyville, ubairman; Floy Hawkmnu., Lake Bluff, aecretsry; 0. N~. Matwcll, Highwood; Misa Etta Parr, Girisyaiake. The uext mieting wlil bcbe ld nm tirne iu Jaury. Do you kuow that ive. eaq t 5> bwu Boit cuai, (if It's gond coal), withot th*, annoyance of eoot and amok*. .hl g Ive tLhe Ste a very littie air onto Don't check the stové pipe demper tue eloiely. Use Pyrolite Wasbed Nut. TOU cau get it from the Home Luunbey Con.- pany. ft bedsecloeety, but lightly, and Icýavestenorxgh air sîîa-c-'iu the Sre 50 burm ail tue, gases fliat woul!] therwise, malte sobt and .uruke. 16-tf The INOZPENDENT liÏas more sub.- ecrîbers and la the boit adverticlng medium, In Lake coutity. Don't wait umtil the la#t minute to order your STORM SAS I In one season storm @a»h wîll more than pay for them- selves throuxh t he SAVI1NG IN VOUR FUEL BILL. We make a storm saiah that will last. We guarante. our work. Aiter the firat seaaon you will save on hall o! wbat you generally pald for fuel Bill .Tikof the profit on your imvestment ORDER NOW (i.M. IARRISON&SON BOX 283 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Residonce Phone 1112 PKINS very fine QERNAN largest Importer of Dwere bought by us mbles us to seil you Iow the wholesale ALIE Dry dogen is of a' 20x20,' 22x22 and li dozen at the dogen BÂRGAIN! A IR MISIONFURNITURE As an appropriate Christmas Gif t noting woulcl be more suitable than a piece of Hand-Made Mission IFurniture. Look over my hine of Davenports, LÀbras Tables, Morris Chairs, Music Racks, Ftc. Orders for special pieces wilI be takén now and delivery guaranteýd before Christmras. -HOWARD BOYSE One Door North of Russ Shop. FOR SALE BY J. ELI TRIGGS lice Wilhlit- GriWeie. urtuit as teeîî ýislit frwi-r--t. fu-ru- ceturnia-il set 'luitait tut-r lîîîuc at NiorEthICr vstal Lake-. Thiki runy tnt-nde tuf Mcme lt hi-i Wauni uiliL.- il.afsedIo rt learthat sue ri. sltuwly rer-orveritjiziri rti aamrnu-rnetrs îiou WIV.1: D -k-r ntteniteila tîîniiî rr,iii ru unitri iiuksgiuing duiy ut tirle oîr, f Lie iesu-i-r, lIre. Chus. l'ai la-r at flury Ifavis se u,l-,,nai,theti. i ,ri 'Monida ' v rigit ani e-as ti i-i-uIni tiiettmet (ilut ry prett3 Mr ifrtt if Mrs.t'ulI lav(iuttin lu-ttoun Wrreiiifav ayicor ttoava, Kan . wheru- tht- viîill î'.i a itti Nitrs %tt-(jufln' liacen te. àlanrum tuulI rueutIl us îrerty Chîrist- Musuî ea'ite uill ie lichou n ut thie toyal \r»ic'Iiliiir< ici-urar. to. it-e-l e,c1, îat tri, tue-n hall. li-w Flugg rî-trîîrîî-îh tact Friday trian Sprrli-h-ld i e i-r- aatteniteuttht. granit iodgu- iof OditFulloe-s asmitulgate from î-urtire vulIudg. Mu-.. F. li. tCi aèlanl ert to) ficiagou Tni-stIuuý toisi it lier daigiter, Mcc. W. . - ' icuînurit t. uî uuî f..rtild von.tu , aleeririg tcrîu a rceci-at altraturon. At u-liîkeu diurc lIlie su-ci cd by tht. t'rcbytu-rianu L.nti-tvtiit idSociety ut the tureicciThursdat evvnurîu, lji-. lst. f'rii e 25,. Tii-rt- uilUc rriscellant-oue arîie colt. c-9-1 Tii. ditctîiag ruachinu- on thie sewer i. rrk ut- un Lake-Street in tht- iuiity ot thé,' îerautery. Frotnitht-ce it e-lItha îuîuîveitto ftraiiierit Court andithti i- 1ruveîîent uill lbs pcactically rompleted. Sa riauy chancue wec.- crlti un the large (Joli ta Uc rafftr-d Uy the Royal Neightuîrs tiat the Urooks ronld nut at-eoriiuîodatt- theni al, cu if e-as tauni nreisacy au ohtin another doIt and b.,th ofuirelur î niIIl' e gleen auu3- on iec. ~o@o o o o o o o o o o * o o o o o * o o 1.-tu I .95 .50 .00 ATTS 'ORN .... 30c -ioc On

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