P.wli 'e Vt t ie &Bl . ranegano. i .2 ,P. Hawkins and wie to C. J. clip. t on the West aide or Grâ.~e -1ay road. smuoth of Deerleld svelloe. Xigrlsgld. sPrk, W. D., $3,000. ,U, hode ta Catholic Bshop 0f 'Chicago, lot 7 blockt 6, WVshburn S3ýrlnge. Vsulegsn. W, D.. $600. J. C. Wolff- and wi! e &o TimthY' sýMËIlot 9 biocit 8 Lyon & Hut- cW'subdivision, Waukegan, W. D.,'j T. .layner et ai to City «e Lakte Wiote5t. trip 66 feet wide thro he qoi*t.t quarter of the =.,.et oupe f section 28, 'Shields tow'n- Shpfo treet. Deeda, $2. A- P. . Sbeldon aîi ife to Mary A, 1massbell lot 35, Ravine Siape, Rocke- ,ller, W D, $250. 1J. P. Smuiski sud vite ta AuditOt'- lum Company o! North Chilcago. Part 29.WaShlburn Park North ChI-. t!msetioîtCompny, tp of 617 acres in tb. soutbesst qurter' cf section $33 vins t6wnusip, iv. D, $1,, ,&Jdrev Westblirg a"d vite îb O. y. Petersan. lot 14 blockt 3, 1*dd & Cleorgel& addition ta Wsnukegss, W. A. C. Thomuson and wite ta C. X. Wee4k@, lot 5 blacit 87, Hlighland Park, W, D.ý- $2500. 1 Wm. I'botpson ta Roop B. aSitp son, .3 acres lu section 23, Premout tovm&blu W D., I1. Atanon- a tuaAlois Klapka, 4outh 00.58 feet uortb four acrea lot 7-, ec' ilio 16" cuba township, Q. C., $1. kdwin Ausi4 .and vite ta .W Kunite. lot 9, blockt 1, Wriçht's sddi- tieni ta Libertrvile, W D., $250. iFAIai A. Spunuer ta icholas Wick, hum.. 20 acres la nortbeast corner sec' tien 13, Cuba township, W.-B., $3000. W, B. Smith and vile ta Ida Schloe.. sr, part urthweat quarter section, $9. Shietownship, Q. C, $200. W. IH. murphy ta, J. ,p. Hunt, o1, *"m eut hail! lot 3, broc 25, Wash- bu34 Pailt North Chicago. W. BD. 81i. 100,. yp . P. Cralzdou and vitle ta G. H. Bry-: amI, lots 10, 11 and 12, bock 8 Waâhh burias .pringsi. Wankegan, W. D., P. W. lÀtch and vite to Leonard - à*0blen, lot ln sauth hait section 22, *est .A.tiocb tovnship, Q. C., $100. . HMurphy ta Pirst Baptit ~Churh. -North Chicago, lot. 41 and borflth 4.5 tet lot 43. block U2, Waah- hmPark, deuil. $16. ý Hellen S&.Coule ta Anns I. Screurs i fe 0 letý lot 40, blok 72. igland fr W $6.000. BýG .lSidryvad wife to W. F.Gir. *r.lots T and S. Bocks subdivision. Yfig f ,&tioeb, W. D.;,0".delu It8,Syderet ' l ot >22 and Part lot 23 *B~1t 1, Hi land, Park, W. D., $6. W t% e 1 i amublston. decease4, ' Saie F. Rosenberg. tract af laid mmmstb o and adoinag Raviflia, deed, ,*EMa'A. Spwiner et -à ta C. W. $lu» 120 acres in sections 14 and 29.Çfn .tonshi.p, W. D., $1. MaterY la ehancer4' taO0. R. Haz- mdii, 61 tracts af ]and along Chlcago & Mfilwaukee lectric Ry., deed, $163,. ýW. 13. Smith and vite ta A. W. Gage, 'Veutlbalt lot 2, blocil,1 Kirk & Pow- else addition, Waukegau, Q. C,. $150. C. IL Sayler and Wife ta Nick Jad. 119k lot 44. b(ack 12, Narth Chicago. W. D.. $450 CouutY cdenktot W. B. Smith, part *ttbvee ilquater- section 28. Shelda -tonship, tax deed. Anna C. Levis to Samuel Martin ad VIfe, tops 9 aud 10, resubdlvision 0'ia5, 8 sud 9, block 8. Exmoor addition ta Hitianl Park, Wý D., $1.. W. B. Waleatli and vife la A. J. las,, lot 224 Shawi subdivision la "etoan S5 Weit-Antioch towuatiip, W. S$100. ,.....su wiet Herusan Waaiaa n ie John lenebmru, lot 11, block 5, Cin.- mlgtM à Co.. addition, Watikegan, W. D..1.5600. T. Il. Durst and vite ta Frankt Rear- ,des,, lot 4 and veat fe teet lot 5 Beru- *W &Drant'. subdivision lu block 2. 'Tiffanfs third addton. Waukegao, W. B.. 82000. Mfrs. Frederika Wibrde ta W.. R. < V. Traction Co.. eust 100 feet of the asoth haf of the tiorthwest Quarter af 7the northeat quarter of section 33,' Zia township, W. D., $1. M. A. Cheibas anad vite t» Mary Eurtdge. lo 10, Ovners' subdivision o f lot I135, Lake Forest, W. B., $1.50. 3. Id . Devey and vite ta W. J. Wy mon. vomI 12 let of te eust 62 teet of lot 333 Laie Forest, W. D., $1,300. AmneE. Marsalal and huabaud to0 . Wainvright, part of the east 4 acres of lot 33, section 16, Wauke- gan. W. B.$1.300. * tanllav Wotou and vif e ta Josef Wiaetarcs>'. lai 17 M!ocu. 15, Wauke- Saua Iffianie, W. D., $$,750. Stantii WaJtan sud vite te, Jas. ~e* WlyVo4ar<ic lots 2 and 3 block 10, ad lot 22 biocIt 11, Dreyer's subdivis. Nctorth Obleago. W. D.. $1,000. Adjudicati on Ntice. ,,UsEmeeuor of kthe nwtl sud Iewu e! iniaa O.HlkueL decvsse<l wlU tiR Csat Oer o!Lae eunr.m'a cOnosuWith MUpyAd Bargains c, 1 T e tid 141ôb, 1 %uge 1 5 C enu ý iR . .d 1 inter Coat $10.00 Goats in black and mixtures, full lenith,,special for this sale Laie'Out mce f 3,98 Ladis' ostamad ofheavy melton kersey, wortli $12,1D) to $15 O0) special for this sale £ 5.98 Hfandsome lUne of winter ouats in black, navy blue and mixt,'i: at $7.48. W. respectfuily Invite you to -compare theas wfth, au" thIng offertýd at any other'store for $18.00 and S20.00. Speciai reduction'for dur Thanksglving sahs '7.48 One magminiftcent lot of Coats, formerly bought with the inten- tion of sellng at nQt leua than $22.50-' -- They corne i silk fimished broadclotbs, handsonrey lned, and some very choict, mix- tires. 'Spetial.for this sale 12,48- RIch ft 'Séti 19, o let uoIty $12.00 black French lYflZ large A.5 fancy pelerines sud muffs ......45 $15.00 Marmete-Kink neck-piece 59 and mufs,,U8.01............ $20,00 black Russe Lynx,lag falicy ne*k pieces and mufis....8,75 $20 genuine blue Wolf mufs sud pelerines -extra large 5lcted Skins ..9 $30.O0 Jap Xink pelerines sud muffs, fuzcY trlmm.d, copies of blghest 137 grade modela, eachi ..... . 1.. . 79 $50.00 rà!une Ii,k pieces, odds "d ends, scaxfs andmus237 each ........... ...... wwwwmw w-- - - - Ohfidren'is Dressestu ail uz~ to 14 yeais, maoe ofeeawuu- n5 othera ask $2.00, o1g prias....... Girls' Outa iun OveltY sud plain materiels, $2.50 values Gr1à' Ouata of aau, plusb, oheviota ,5 and kerays, vaines Up lu $10, tuilatale at Exoeptional Lst' of $1.0 pîush, velvet and biraadciath bonnets, l.d for Ibis sale ......... Ladies' sweaters, extra beavy(» quaH:i t 9e .......... Lde.sweaters, absoluteîy- 8 $5.00 values. durlng e f Ibis sale ............... Lot of nese beits Worth 7c, during Ibia sale et anly.. .. . ... . . .. .. c One lot of beavy qualit>. Shaker flannel nlght gowns, 1 full se, 75e value, for.....4 1 Ladies' wool ribbed union suite, $lm6 value, 5 thîs sale atI...... .7 L.adoies fleece 11usd ribbed e underwear durlng thîs ..16 galeut .......... ....... lu Over'200 silk auto scatfs, monm oi Wli lae than $1 .50 end $2.;aIlpe0 clal bargain for Ibiss@efi>. k, 7&I your oboces nt..........-- MS I '*\( r.,iy,4<tt.d Olo l.r BY PtJRCAAS'- ING NOW YOI.>HAVE AMPLE lIME FOR ANY NECESSARY ALTERATIONS W-i nter Suts Junior, Suits and worth fuily $1000. We nevere offered sucli a bargali before for- .4,98 A $22-50 Suit, one of the best ail-around suits made and only 8.98 Warm, fine looking Suits of twu-tôned chevron, liuled with. satin and ivarmly lnterlined, the skirt la circular gore with panel front, an extra bàrgain,'onfly 16.5 0 Fine Suits of imported cheviota, broadclotbs and two-toned mix- tures Coats are nobby 34 inch modela, plain tailor- ed or mlitary braid trimmed. lned with Skinner satin and in- 'terlined. Skirt is circular gure, close fittlig and hobble effects. Special for tomorrow at onlv 19050 Spociail fr this Saisý Fancy JIabots, durlng Ibis saost5 for....... $2«00 hair, swltche.s drn thiasa"le at only............ 98-C Genuine *5.00 and $6.00 switches of fleuffy huir at ny ............3.75 $35 atswitches durlng 1 9 du gth s m aie 1198 5 for .................. O Ladies' pure siik hase, wo"rth 01.00, Ibis sale ............O Ladies' fulli&as gngham aprons, made of the genmine AMnOS Oak ,gingiiam, durIng thî. 12 redubtion sale .................12 03.00'veile durinq Ihls great 1 9 sale for ... ...... Fur bonnets af genuine akin, special for hs age...........1,691 mots M ilir tie There are su, many different styles, and shqpes of hatsi unr millnorWY section and t% pricis su extraordinarl low that husts of women are attracted daily to thia* depart- ment. 200 beautiful fur bats ranglng in price from $6.00 to $800, we are offerig.39 them duning this sale at......39 SATIN HATS-Ladies' and mismes' satin hats, trlnuned i the new Persian effects, ma to seil at $4.00, our 19 a * price only.............. 19 eXAUTIUL TUIRBAN HATS-Showig some French -an& American modela,, draped with silk or satin, reguar $500 bats, our special price.......... 2.95 Ail Trlmmed Rats RaU Price. RÂTELTEflWED FREE., For -SN1MR Fu rLadies MIS#Eb' DRES â SO i0-ise patent Isatliei droes Shoot, »MOrehav#e loth tops, j I nlon* Wort sth l» bn $Z7% for............. LADIES'. HANOSOME SUEDE $HO ES--Mac e h. 1..&I.1..... $.0 vau, for ., ........d .....3...50...... GIRLS' AND 8OYaW SHOUS $1RO9-oIrIg, and boys' button and, lace shoot, gun-motul and box cafflm ieath.m a fooed th. 049............... LADIE .104 IÔE-sd fgun-mOtai o, VilI-lid, -They eem*ê inbutton bluohar. style#; mame Woth 0$.0.............................98 $30.00 Seal Plush Coats for X1RAr 18.00 Caracdl Coats of evcellent quality caracul cloth for W175 *~ FOR 80 Inoutb 30 FOR 8 slaects FOR SA and SO LQdeki, FOR Si FOR bi Wb.120 sabldt, FOR SA irrigate< ldiit toig barg ft., Wau FOR SA hiot tlais blauft b lAwetyl FOR SA addres.. FOR SA bouff ai 1ev. 1i f rie loi FOR SA Horde w (irsysial o LOTS F Ilnglabau, ber,, je 3 bave th,. $8uAsIB FOR S FOR SA elill o' biet, gual'aut liS. na..PI mntelbani, quick ma LOTS f ..ub-divi, eli.tric r FOR SA * .ar.CIl Mt the 61 cOR SA~ *-ars. iPl *'UOR SA 'bre.. mn FOR SA Austin i $5 do w FOR S, Wrigbt't FARMS eounty fi luvIn a FOR SA - driu'.-.. a lm.g 125( FOR SA aIl imuprq R.Boye FOR R Tate fair * plySt ti FOR Pl acre et Austin o FOR Ri nisbed rn o ihout WANTE able li 6, per e over w WANTE at tvF àt facto GILS 39