Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Nov 1910, p. 8

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Thie maor dlis came ovor and atnd Alderman.1ohn Morrow. piesng ,l I le alwayB intondod tedo the. right W aukegran, New thing and wau to ho consdéreit with the board la the finishi fight which lt At ta believedi l about to Opien. teane _________________________________________________ The. adermen wr. ail rather e1-th1 clted and heady, but tuis wan tram ti tDI M SAIfV~ l M O.uM ENTuu Ï' he conacîouaneu that thuir béat dey, A11)BRBN AI iMA1~AL L~judgment approved wiiat they are do- the i ing. lw h As the matter now stands t la the. o! UrIL (romFrdays' ail SU.)unauLmapi board of local improve- him ci Bria (Font fldy's Daly SN.)mente aganat thé. Bairstow contract, thie1 Wiie o a nwPlan of hurlai bave - Tbree aldermen lait night declared, in a for" ,aimest- and the city of Waukegan agaluat t, Th ~aUvmtood pt s apild ~ing of the board of local improvements, held at the Cty repreiiensLble conitions that preced- WMMn .ad it woulti nt b u.dilt l la d n bcueofthe , du~ It the City were woon ap hall, tha*t they had been indrectly approache probably tact that the mon who la tri'lng ta get twc a r i~ . the.cotract, wth .others, Io salid taCalle selcflby representatives of an un. Ibrough u dpatwith offers o! bribe money if they have horne'a part ln creattug ]-ese , 1W eoupauy witii an affer t attuitdcouditions,. s*LLo oometery. L lahhft.,t wold "look the other way"' and permitt he city to be . enitéeBaoutn Long Ago. with tues ouid lterily le -lad on the obbed the 04ar , by eanoof iittedNi&readeutin are redell re qua a ntedntdtto drlnt o f bd utriy dlaidh gon tI. rotW aà hw be. re s eanso ntrace i~~pt rn itiithe dtais of these Conditions 'W Hovenssàdc uiltdL Ton. . nte unuu pllg 8 &CotC.and how valiantly the hoard atruggled hic, 4ev. Sit TonThel* lderMa who made the flr statement inth" re- against them frome the tiraes anthu éuorts troin southera Wisconsin, <j e -a .Mr_ a go wiieu they braIte up the. sewer gi 1 gagouewure bae beenvori-of the ûM a D.'spécificaton trust, rejected the firet rust for a~yararctalower bde thon aubmtted, snd flnaily aà thtton i mcciInseuus 1wo1lh AId«rin8Crali, ahn ud t10aeb"* ~the ones Jet thiecontract t0,mQran &Companiy. Sboult, ail without psiblIcty' te> hom a tip vau given tuati f they would nt arard th e t la l of dths nerhai eenho t'fry on thebem at Uic e --. oit yla Itereat hey cold '"m ke" a )hunarea Pr tWO tol& d. nthat 1w,ý ail the détails ha, Wn a Sc eI. auaan n town Public -r1ýnnation* would cîty Th ha Sb re li e. oe XP*.a if.enet h. haIfet e î.punialimeut forthe ['ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a acan ubîtt acm IbleeIa lw u beefl vuinig 10 iccOPt di- thé actOrs lu th:;3 aodern drame ot e aMd muke a proposition te the. 1 honeat money wePcould have gotten -thà ansd more,'" de alleged atteumPted grat, futrigueelat For l tn lada tpubiyce ory ommncae Adra taatl, Simply, "but vo do't wattoui' Question Frontage Petition. no 4d 300, bodiest. Th bilin olmn'he y.thréeefossue@on which the boardma 14~~~~~~usin th 00bds.Tibudig tti.frontage "petitian" sand th a structure would ramave pros- g e second alleged bribe charge came like a thunder- Its "majarty of frontage" are:1 Itâ55 oniios i tej.e-clponth ees fth ca g fTo u eIg o à . Thot after a review of the tie ~ ciowod oudtias l th cene-clip o te hela04 ALSamIYgeVA SWA& ~ of he petition botweon twenty and thir- be tY and do awaY wth the. objection 'William Xoran Company of Joliet Twiday niglit il an in- ty agents are found te have signed! ha " slisldeclaredntIn hthatudfor frontage. Their rlght to sign î boes ta ldb Iner ent l tei rluàformai etigof .theO boad, whenflit d e tha in matteru of this kind laste be ha% WWgbi ite t the, aides of the. a materil1 mmi had offered Jiim $300 not 10 bid lpon the înVestîgated by the. board and If* s uM hshra del n nln & ým fpi îwer job. attorneys. Thé agonis atteet their doi mPm. Tus uridesLaa acen v 1 ,aA 1a..1right with laffidavts accompany- h Deina rvîvea.0 ~ ---T e alleged @adrmanic bribe ofler' cme oùi the bleels ing the pétition. tno wlo t »qe*l urne wlh anhe* of th e ý 1 . r a2. The, board idtoorwev th uff e urnae wlie aube ihlof th.eactionof the t.brèeealdermen ln. breakuug up the who have sgnée the. péttion nesec< ah.I coul ais b. eal0 wL i sever specilicatiou truat,"1 whlch made Il Impowsble for ownors for îirohrty for wiijch dre 0 ouflZia. they are moroiy agents, it tL th ,)lSt of sacb a "btrial" Je said te any othe' than oe fr1 0 soUllthe city sewer pipe for im- ci ai med.e I 0 aboeut $10. provemetu, and the aldermin, whone knowu cnet 2. 1n@ormo case@ the frontage i 'foaloCeitoyRules. 1l te boetrndd itetntve signaid in sud te ho double the a 1pa emaoesuspicloi u med vow 1thedentupthve actual fromage. b' Itla te udorstoo.ut Ilh&connoction. offer f the bribe and iiÙ termadea4 ÎWt eenUpte The questions were brougnit up fol- at thc clvai seie cominssion la f. r~ta lowing a review of the f routage Lu Ci makinirules for the City cenrptery a "'e S l of biddng, Ifmtos the courity and Cty records by the me i th sexton, and that the Job wiii PTOpWrty owners who attended the meeting of the b- i clerk of the board and the. iembers. g S»nMer ivil service. Tuecdty on neca lm ro6m.±aboad laut negt found that 1118 lIUll- Alderman Marti, intelling bis Ut la ntaktng up-to'dato plats of the osysinlgvn h.w r 0Gore Blso ,story ta Theodare Dursi, a ProP- a mooaoty sud tryingng thewetk100 Gmoree Mâ"fromerty owner uho signed the. froutagew lagent for the proporty owuors,1frn the Mayor lhroUgh ipetition. cbarged that Aderann Th g t.o the lmiteld .1. 1i i. aCrapo iiad seeu the. contractors ILu the 10, flstecommun mauvolein would thI a rdV . 1Batretow office, ail together la an ai- W te a, ciiapelInLu conection with it AAd property owners very few lu number, who had ýleedcauncil, lte in the atternoon of il 'seul reprenant Uie beigt of the Intereet in the malter and lu their ovu pruperty t t bide were offered ta the. board sud re- h la15clalmed.tedheb rdd1a-tedaouwicti.algdpod tendtbe oardmeeting andask questions, a ssorted 10 iected. Other aldermen stated that eh h ~theY. boa. hsd seeu the cotractors Wrad l Beor ob. hav= uaway 'withî eir mids czae.aac s ofl'7 aeY sud material men lutereeted i t g etas the lbUegd fronts-un petition, it CI aimed. job wltii theïr iieads-togetiier. Crapotr Reporte bome torrent oariy .. gan e à' èiî U.o a ndrStit e t tld of seelug thora In the office. la rwm Waîeteint frémthe p.aAo OA bS .ru- "Wheu 1, asea painting contractor. go et i yfater a big Job," he sald, t'I don't cala ~uOyowthd o o d rtrýalIlthe. painting contractore. Lu the IW ~ to h, s't o, Ful ta r. was added at the. board feu weeks before. City together sud tell tliem ibout Lft or cmut étom fu >1 0v 0f00. o oa mrvmnsma gtst Dvri togTl.adior consult uitb tiiem. 1, goMe nud di ooes .tes 0pa etane@by te. !lclLprviYt étngli io . togTi. ikeep mighty till about, my bLdd s nLgt wiidhinLuthe. open meeting thi-.. Alderman Dver tirringly cal. my information.", -tfo*twof, Luuyon à CiiWord, et the ademenmemberi oft the boardi attention ta the. needa ai the. hour Tii. point scored wltb béeemw anithme twoir pipe new laid on decared that tbey iiact bean offered whon h. toid iiOw the. hoard membera _______ *ê f'et. hle letonluibe.An money, bribes, indirectly, sud Couild put iu the. bard long evenLnge, at U hlT er mi»% whcit lat- la" i bava baho 100 or 1200 apiece iiaé tii.y-présent wtthout any pay beyond te Uhl hi iiiiiy -éan replaoed byflue ais. pciffed let thé . speCted pool of contractera fé, as aldermen, Lu the, nterests aifiTii. license and police suM Iir ~ swr i.înec a.ciia- g abea sud "PIC#roff" the, Wasii- the taxpayers. He called attention o1iect cucl îi la »» nver rdiftffl N IUC4- borSprings sewer job et theii. hg t the unanimiby, of the. board on the committeesofteCy unlwhp %ieon, *'MIi«h1twtive Inceh pipe. rata Oirst offered ta the.hoard, whien mtter. H.l demranded that irontage t Mayor Buck, lust week lnvesiigated n noue lon. ithe. Ove bide wer, beiow $19.- aunersansd taxpayers give the bhoard tulîy the. incident at the Hotel FrLd- I The ranire came trai o 90 ou' crédit for seeiug the entire lengtii and k ure. tbat tiiey Cannet be' douted, Tii. announcemeut that tis fOmt breadtii of their duty aud doiug Lt riche Lu which Alderman William Mc- 8 aarseatoaLu tender et bribes liit been made came uth a rigiit ga<h will. Gano h ie adwntrw urtA maim untr. ýt the, finish o! a mont dramatic aud *hot OrtlId. out badily. C la brio! the reportait Court order excttng session of the board ollow- At the. end of It aM.Drtei: Atra xasLepoe0 h pointé on the. beel. of man ungry, doter- ing the. appearance of- on. or tu, "I did net undertaul the. matter that fair tiie tue committees ld net corne pisl and riguteon. couplant, fili proprty owners along the. pmpased way at ail." ecuer route and their raquent for ex- Alderman Martin replied. "Yes, aud tasny conclusion formally but ul [nt>. fora o! a proboaât before the pîsuations. If w. bal a man ta go witii uioever have a report reade! by Manday nlghb I 08,ty litige, te the ffect tiiat the ITii. ldeýrman who caid h. bai bssug0t the frontage signera not hait of uhen the. council meets. .,t mur ai o te tr.tua Il M -offred.a hndrai or two" ta let the tiiose uho did aigu would have signed I".Mtters were mucii wors. titan we s vaiso'ihllaid ensthepassethenhaard andta up oni heailng aur aide of thLe mat- ever aUPPOaed." sai ou,' alderman. t bmo laid w* ton Inchipipe lsteadildIlb use Alderman Jack Staatz, sud er., " f "Tont whuawe n eer of the t*t3lve sud that net even the the otiier aldermen uer, Martin sud Find Flawit InPetition. 'laida"Ta a i itb ~dha t th ppe ai eenceeatd CapInl regard ta the frontage petitLou, wauld say. su" iithe pspcael ee cte mesut sWa SdsPstion la. uiwiLchIif proven taolbe Lnvalld sud lu- Witesees Lu the case -uere Mr. a»poIed eérle ftereut ua result of the meeting, tiie Comploe.knocks out ubatever cdaims rdch cft.htean sao, wer tha contractai-a, t la aliege, aud hoard'. position on the wgsahbumn the, Balretow contract has to consider- Alderman McGraln, Officers Davis,' th. City osficais. Spiinga job Ls as fllous: ation. Clerk. A. L Rogers of the. board Nelson sud Barron. sud msny otiiers.8 Wiu i Rspnehl?1. The. boar'd itdlbored hard repemt.i that nîne or ton of the. sîg- The aldermen are determLcied te Whole espnsileand llitWiully be break up a'pooi naturs as aents irere openta ques- iiold up the~ dignity t tb&Ws--.boy m. - fiJ ld tht we n n&Ci-divldually sud collectively, sud' Lt lb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o aL uenLyo&CLf -fc.iitrectors wlo sought too tien. as the. agents really are beieviul dnth *rd wreet uorlk an the, job, they the jobr and, JIle malloo, n se do. ta have mereiy a commission te -soirtisngIfti, or- ttscveré uattiiresas inggo ourugouly ntoth pok- the propert'Lt they con sud nat to rective ta b. recommnenied Moniayv 'ao dt ve i ipe lu attere ty" uîtb et ot gouxay o teu. - eceenmatters liLIe these under wre drestLc. Jamtsu aie no telv Inh ppe I th ciy" ith 2. With the contructorsIth conaderation, alud that paslbly ain Police officrs h etadtate lhich te finish the Job. Tii.> coutld not tupco oo d.gnern b or en otiiers uho sLaned as owneme uitii Alderman M.%cGrain testililbtatF ~t ny ! ateialme tie re ar- usc oland einerisimngi1s really did net own the. praperty, the he uvsa tam franibeLng under the, Iu- u, I t la alleged. 1-ayar Buckt, City sald. Ll e en utrnma u lec fIqa 3 The board broke the. combina- slgnd as agents. Qbber flaus uerer fbq»I h.e Tciier, Aderman Moraw tien end aaved the. taxpayers of found aud the, clemk 'uaInsbuctei <3etg (C<w and Caif. 'sud men otiier aldermant, Hart, It La the sow~ district U2500 hy hrlng. by the hourd ta tabulate tii, frontage ieil, approyed the substitution of the tilg n Williami Moran & Company, a ba ole, again uitiiout the, agente Tii. case 0f 'Mmea Mari, Desnedtt front Joliet and letting thon,, às hose signatures might legally bie Lu agaînet Freemont Ptcher. a farnier ,icbeoer ton Inch pipe for the tulve ti ootigi idr nte doubt as ta vliity, aud asin wth- tesidlng weet af Waukegan, se Upu.4 that the job miglt b. finahed job, have ti. contract. tou signatures of tiie agents uho fougiit out lu the, court of Justice Mur-a IRtbe litcii net teit apen. Tiie "for- 4. Ateftheb contrant la sward- silgued as outright ouners. rie Satumia>-. 9 XMr o calisi thie matter te the id the proporty ower o teîds-Daueuîn Thera. Ta1 i.cs uuihahud sibecnet tho Uce stre board wusanot titapshih aolimn'Attarney- Beaubien, represeutiug tii end Interçâtbelaloged te ha direct- Bartou lutereats, ua présent and er at thé bouse of Mm. Desueit, .pon *îià tâmbhro luiy.A> alled wth the bidefe who Put In a trea" argument for bis aide hem refusai to mar i-rhL, uent ta the, ". ý Sewr, the Rub. poolian fthe job et frt and who o! tiie case, whicb la tuat Do matter bar-n sud aboie a cou beionging to thei. 1 Th. propert aunera. ubo beau a are eald t. have pocidsome of uhat bas gens before or uhat theii. ng msrss n ol tt _____o toan rewllal e thuo otsor job*, signsd Up te Conditions uer,If tiie Bairstow con- Phrlnghmsutas , de tt or ua udareuei aI.0 Prto: let tii... Internats do thie wor'Acof tract han uedgedlisai lu iegally L ttin r ii ui a ugiit by tue tig tbeir rigita. et once arf.l in n nti yso la ia- ts atpaet nt eacpe. Wmuta gain possesaion of tihe cou uitn iiy isovredtI. rik y of t boai o sintedo te.SBard T -es.Stand, sud a cal! uhich hai been homo Lu Auwhlcb tii.>-did net benifit et â aI, tohad rtrlgf os. Tiieboard for Lb. Part efused te themeantîme. Il The. board la unenimoual>' cansîder that tiiere la s Baiatou con- aewsfrt ruh pi 151lai a putet befare the. conuat againât Ponte and peeling. con- tract sud tue mambers unanlmousiy Ttecsus mtrogbU ix trectomu. lbt unanImoual>' ha. avrd that as far as tiiey are con- thie court o! Juctice Bals, but an, a finaloeo on goui autiiority tuet signal thé. conrsct for Wllilam cerued tiiere,ýa oniy one catract- change o. venue uase aken ta Justice 14ran A Company' and aeptd that sgned ind seaed fam William Mir, i.Jdedcddta is ý's'atter Came before Uic court >e& hie bond. The. board unanimotm- Moan & Compaqy. ureThJdgdcddta M. L oulma o 0 tc our 'tefore stand with William The>- also tli Mmr, Beaublien ta "go Desueitwuse entitled te the cou sud1 o - U l i c edistrict, wiiciilactation Monan & Company' to the tst sud do bis uorst," ta quote one aider- the 1Catit, sud the. tuoahamala uere i-aLWist îtreets as as Mick-. ditai man, sud that Uiey ueme wlliug ta returued te he. - ~~~~One of the. spetacular features of tand for principfle Lu *iiatevei-u> __________ >tS'Ot, Mil that the, Court, leita- the, venlun e i, ecitai te Tlieo- the, need migt Cai tfori. _______ et thietrick, whcb uase Ltended dame Doura,..e o! the. slauing front- Mr. McHugh us, calied upon but 4et mi beattuep.ope, rde e owanera, by Alderman Cari Mai-- daclared that tiir. u no need of Botit Speedy and Igffectivo sew oeas tathepo pord dtin,.a board member, othtie history resîl>- enterîng upen, an argument as Tis Ldicates tiie action otf oleyt b" bcteis Inch pipe, uhici la He shouel the aîieged crookeduresi. tract sud tiiat ehded the moter. Cru,,L. llich., lllustrabes: "' Ib'ave beaon g11Wder la bbcé.p.cflcatîon, b he tiapparent mean intiiguing, tba Tireats o! mandamua, Injonction, afflictei with aisqrvamo ce," 01 hidney OO&OM wUi thtrlve Inch, wbcb playing of the, uouid-be ciever game ta courte, battis,,sud otbier dire tiiings am bladder ti-aible for WlIeci 1 found tiuart the baard'a ends. uerlu the atr and uil probabi, ail _ne relie. If utliua aie tlnvPill. Dnouha M19=Ras Shoulder IBroken' kt the, football gaus. between the na et Waukgau sud Kenasha at 1gridifron La ElectiFc park Sunday r, oue of tue Konocha playerc b>- name of MoGehan auataind a bli-d broken siiauiir, ubicb ll iikeep n out o! the. gamfi for 'the rect cf season. Th. accident iiappened intuithesec- hllait of the. game. Tii. ball vas sun ta the Waukegan men sud tiie ,o teama Iiued up. Tii, pisay -as i sud tiie mess of men @truck Gehan, thmouing hlm to the. grouni [h tvo or tire. pisyei-s ianig on &iien tii, crimmage, passed over üs the Kenoaha man la>- stili oui the ouud. Players ftram botb eLdes tiied 10 hLm sud cariled hlm off tiie RId. He West brougbt futebo tan lu àauto. but usable tu go ta hie tue city uith the refit ci tue teani. This la the second accident uhicii s-. marmed the football gamesLu tuis y tuse seasan. iu the tirst game of ae sesn on, of thesaliei-s from i-rt Shieridanî sustiamed. a brairen ese sud otiier Injuries In a scrim- iage, fton 10 to 5. Up ta the lest tua minutes cf pisay helocal baya bildthi euaanha team .ateu te the. score et 5 to 0. Just fore the, uhlatle bleu uhich vould ive'endei lie gante tiiere, the K. iosba tam scorei one cls'au taucii loun. Oi thtei. econd touciidauu .erè wscousiderable ioubt as te ie rigiits o! the, Kenosba men ta the eore. One o! the Kenoaba teaT ew the kilk-aif. The rijI.s say tha ie kickem ahall tep back for St leasi i'e yards before delîverlng tiie kick, ti! that the baillehali b.e touched fOrs )y one of the opposing team: lu thîl mse tii, man uba delivered the kick merel>- ateppeut bsck fam enough te get a fuit swinig sud then sent the bail doun the field. Tii, bail] was captured bY on, of the, Keuîsaeiamien, who prompt>- <un to the goal liLua Tlie reieree, Oblean o! this ciL y. ai- >uwei the touchiown and tiie locale wre beaten. This lc the.second defeat tiie locale have suffered aithtii bauds of Keno. bua. Tiiere ls a achedule of tiree games hetucen the two cLîle%, sud tii frst usest 3 te 0. Tii. next aud et game cf the series vIlli e î,layed et Renosua uext Sunday. Tii. Heu, sha team Le btnuch the heavier or the vwo teamesud fi wus due te the eîîi,1 Iid work othte,-stars cf the loal squai thait the team vas nlot hesa warse tia isu L un. -Overcome By Ga&. Robert J. Reei. pi-anment clizeu sud on, of the, lesig officiais o! ti t'lorLda Evergîsies (Co., wae fmLda3 mornLng fonri on a couch L in iff Iu the. Stroug building, ni-tii Geneseq atreet, overconie uith gai. How the accident took plsce noa ci kuowa. It le suîposed that 'Mr. Reu( came te his office from a lste thiiîagi train and lu>- dowu taeiseep on tAg His 'Lt. sui tiihe son, Wifll Reed. sud faniLi> SmreSai n Fiai-id lb La beileved that by accident hleJe the gas rock In the coter office of th suite tnmned partisîl>- on, pertiaps J the. darness net turuing the g& whaliy off, sud that tiie escspiug g. overcame bu. Witt Probahly Recover. Mr. Reed us founn by Misa Den ha, bis etenagmapiier, uben ac, i ported for vork ai 9 tipxt mamuLug She gave the Sisirn ta Drs. Danil aud Thiomaa, the, windows uer. lm mediate>ý tbroWn open sud efforts t revive the vlctlm veremeadse, but l valn. Me wvs Onaiiy reuovei ta th Jane McAiLater hosptel sud viilpi-c ahi>- recover. Feu men ar&eas Lgiily esteentei Rabert J, Reed. Fiormeriy s Cbîcag Post office employeesud oeeof th Inventors of the mogern eysec routing mail, later au empîoyee lu th Cook caunty clerk'e office, sud a pol tician a! note Lu Clilcago. h.e uasa usys proiminent Lu cburcii uni ml sien wark sud vas for Muse yeame char. of un important uni bigil sntcessfnl Umission Ln Chicago,.hI preaching beîug chsrged vLth powe sud bis message bing always cia sud forectul, se that hie maie mn couverts to a better lite. He us J luet veek. Of late lie has Idenbtifi himaeif uitii the First Baptiet churi and la Imuown as the faunder sud gul lng. spirit o! Randout's i-st churchi Baptist churcii. lie'la prominent Lu local affaira. Mmer.,Reed La at Danla. FIoris, as Caîttain Reed sud famlly are St rFi Lauderdale, uhitiier tii.>- ut la Ther, le not a »ner man any' plis tiiau "Bob" Reed'Sud Waukegan pe pile are reJoîced taeiieam that iie w recover tram ubat vas proaably Il LIllest escape ai bis lite. Newly Wedis. Wednesdsy 'evening at 'St. Joseph churclt at the hour of 7:30 taok plic the marriage o! Mr. Mattiiias J. Re tenuald ta Miss Mary Melena Mu ph>-. Tiie couple uere attendeit Mr. Géorge Steiniorfer aud Mlis AnE Reimani. the latter a nlece of Il bride. Ouinz te the. liuess or the. b'Ide l«I. EDITOR:- I have been rcading wifh considerable in.- terest the published statements in votir paper the last few evenings of the doiîîgs of. our Local Improvenients Board, and strictly speaking I 1am, not uî's, rnerely astonisbed. The "Fetke Bidders' Association, Liiiiite(l," refcîerre to ini m last letter, seems to haýre been a reality and not inerely a. figure of speech. Aldeimen Martin, Diver, Staatz and Crapo handed ont a few nude faets, thereby demionstrating tlîr own honesty and singleness of pur- pose. These four aldermen have "made good" and that, in nîy opinion, is the highest complimîent iat e'an he paid a public officiai: It' would seeîn that for soie tifte past oui- puîblie- imi- provelîtents have been the persoîîal pî-oporty' of certainî mcri,l that these mnu nîet aîîd divide the work up among tlîemselvcs, decide -whïèl 6ntract each. will take and ,vhat price shail bc bid for the sanie, and ail Js 0. K., if they buy their material from, a certain firm which is ae- -quaînted with a mnan who knows a chap who is frieîîdlv - with a person -ho).has met the city engineer. Tlwîî there w'otld be a coinidence- The spe<'.ifit'atioîîu w'uld <'ail fol'- itatt'îials tiîat are for saieyt' w is one 'firn îanîdcould lie pîrt'hased io place vise, theî-cby giving a nîonopiy of the natcîialhîîîs to this fi-ut and in-îeasiiîgthcîî- adirîation foi' the, etîgi tîîcering departinent of ouîr ity. 1 ont(- tinte('agît AideiiîMartîi, issist.'d 1w-soie other iinhers tof the IBoard. fored fltceif4y (_'iîgiiiu't'l'to îîiîîkv' openl s<<-lcLto i' 0that al vottil id 'on the ilila- tet-bal, and the' <oin<itlcîi<s <-t'st'd. eAni t iriîe to paîss that a large st'wer.t'î' utitîautt Wams f libc let. Moran & Co_, a firnî tlîat wtas flot a jiember tuf flith' Fake Bidders' AsÀ,a-iation, appeaî-cd to bid for the' ;tw-ork, thinkiiîg that aîîyonc couid hid wîho woîîld puit iii a eurtified î'iîetk as 'equiî-ed blî w". As Mi'. î' Il tîgli, who wuas the' agenî t)or',Moî'at & Co., apprOac-ied< t the otiter tloor- of tlîe cti' hall lie'w-as lîailcd hv a gcîîtle- 0 u nai wlîo ijliparlîtud tlii,'itfoirîuatimîs that tlic piu' for ie noii-biders that evt'îiîîg wîas -.jc(K).(X. But Mr. Nfi-- Huîgli, liot heiîîg a uîon-idder. îaâseil on îîpstairs. -Mr-. Me'IIuglî state< ltilt'aotfatsiîaswru a qulesfioiuîîî1w'Alerimtîîii ié > iix"1 i ti îîî'tilîg uof thu' Boaî'r i M,),.laifmiîuui ls i î"ted& liglît. a l tg of vkuI luîî'î-ibi>ltaiIs afteiitiuuîîtu t1i fli lîiî'waic'itsl- nlor'ml1)i1t1î1111) îîsitof-îiss hili lwsî!!t 1bii. 'îýti t"- e ig lt hie <ople of bis w'arid. O Mu uati & Cuo. 'as thlit'luw'st hidih'i- fdt, î its .ulit kd <tîtl set'i, aiîllthiîuîtei'taiiî gentlemi'î en 'idudieîv w'oult takie if aN'aN frutiAflicheltw itdt'r 1 fii îig a i e usfitu >itti i-tirontthe îroperltr utwilers for' 10(1i n-celît 1uss Ilian ilîheiwest hîd, 'anid tlîeîîthie gu.(- ilt1ai laidth Oe 22k u'ggs iîît'it'1 tthe' slitglifel-. 1)iu, iitz îd Martinî v'utv'd for -the ipeole 'of Waîîkeraîî. aiîiliv th'ii' vote tIii>îsî~'i iliit it 15 possiblle' tublu- entlier a piîîm"o-a law'vtr aiîd 11 1 ilut' lîul('st ili en 1lllliu-il)iil alfa'irs. hg, Aliîdinîtht' îivie~tiiiie, Mi-. Edtîr, wlit'î. e', < ce '.Maiv Waikerî'ftuffie Fouii-ii. W'ell, if seiîs liat *eJohn 1u-awletl lau'k ilîlo tht ' Nlayuîi"s ]laiid ulsaîd i netoo," u-el'v tinte' hI l io o1>s>t.D Iiver, Maî-tiiî andu ei Staaîtz. iiiîtt w'o iavs latei- *JIolîîî got iîîf(ithie l:ilisit'Lîl K, bits wtlîi the î'est of tilt'ho' adsaid h l itl î iîdt'î1e- te J. stand wtviat it t"as all abotif no'lit' îvouuli!l havu ' utu.d af rglt" frolnthe' stii't t, i iik out-of flieprettiest pie- te titr'es is tu see Juthîî gaziiîg tri-îstfiilly iii) int Ilis 11Ji lu or's eves witli that look of,Ollo-cî-pea-vu- as gi-caf-utile Ai FÏ-ed scîiies ant i sîmilt's anîd smiîis. The peoplue look af ,Juohn aîîtl itîîîe, and thte rest of the Malterîîîeîîsîmîjît': infa-et'r iîe as sîiiled vu't-u'î- - - Julîîîîmt the MWaslîingtoiî tlkgatioîî. SWiîen flie Granîd Jîîî-viîctts 4p1)Deenuiibei' wt'slîail i- udoubtedIy kîoNv' whtflî it î atteîîîpt tut bribe ait ali- lui t'î'ia to give a coîîtratf- ftt a certain mînîî s coisidered lie a érjîninal offenîse lu Lake ouiît'tr îot. Thrct' altier- Ob.iîeir of s e'uit-v stafei inî ope'nîiiîeetîîîg thaf cerfailîmt'n as ail ofered iieni a <tulet of htîîîdrc'd dollars if tliev he w-udel o uti rtthhiîg tflit.fybut thîe alteicreîî diâ ai îîot havaî'< 111Vbîrglar tools witli tlini, 50 tiC<line(d the Di offer.' If tiiese thrce ldorimen arc called bcfo'e flic ai- (luatîti Juîry and iîîake that stafeîîîent soîuîcoîî wiil btc 'h-init:';',Iid1thiîik thaf -Rallili..Dadv, otîi-States' ve their sfory in the circuit coji't. 1 have every cotnfidei -e an in the ildermen ind in w'haf thev have stated publiely as i a fa'f. The people u'xpts-t this nuatter ttî be earr'ied tut .ei ifs logieai finish. Id. 'S est ace )eo- wili the i's hy Ins thie le'c al- 'e. md- Ba- Inil and It semnis, M-Nr. Editor, that lasf Sunday lnorning lie- twee thie hours of one and tîvo, Aldermatil Mc(Iain w-as tlirow'n out of a hotel wherc a bar is run, as a side-line,. or perhaps the hotel is'the side-line, but n inatter, -lie w'as inan-haîîdlcd. The alderitan seys lie bought a hottie of beer for evidence. The inatter is now being investigated by the cotîncil. The proprietor of tlic hotel says McGrain wvaè drunk. This saine proprietor lias beeu. arrested and fined at least once before on charges of violation of'the saloon laws. The Mayor could take the lieense away froni this place without a mnoment's notice. Instead lie refers tlie natter to a commnittee, ail of which proves to the satisfactiono! the people of Waukegan* that there is nothing to prevent any îîncnployed inan of the agt' of twenty-one vears or upwards froîn applYing for thlic Mayoralty of our city, pi(ed'aor course, that lielias neyer given birth t&> an If hisplae n qestonloses its license MeGrain told the truth. If it does not, wewil understand that thec alderman was drunk as charged by flie proprietor. ,Yours trulv. - ~ StLÂS GR1JMP. ci Crow The, meuàt t) tH. clii main Bou o h.vBru t. thc Afb. et! store a labe va"i police clos, Ornt toua1 tbbop yod LA FI Ta* 94 41

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