Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 11

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jI Mtie licardofj Ciorcb or I"tce Mus.,~ i the Parihai âlei audime, ne ti ~idby 'Prof W 3 et~t caa.e. aioï àftu hoal- $MOI fflm r.Pro., noutf r i diacoe tboS aiu Pb talty tat atu .veyq T4aca" 1hV jî itd t55tt lalmeci lica. 1 1i t. be-i- lsB n meateso. in Io~ andaur tm Montand-'d deblal q net unde ratand wi thîs, tiat tbic be t matter, oAi. s bd la bqmlaie c1 ea berdity. envir e se mm Z à" 2.~ 1 A 7 i m, dm4 trospt- lut 14imd ok t Mi M. flgfi- oae0 fc sltac IV mw ,4t dueseail Me wÊtfrjpWIflo xriai keii*ticla Wu. disiblié 8<dsti' tMth Moilaitheré ta lire sai intcl1 s3 , 0t8iu rà . NOO Tl Nai of femetlýtile MOUl Wbat ý dfla neb¶?thi c 0port taeI . eui t = 17, god lu. ow lmpo -uforun W o lerly410.- il taiu d efaatamtiy 4»seatlats f that w te ilvine Mini an"wM ont1 ada- 74a14 festutiomS, andlthc mortel huama iMnd lalliec MW d btt ea. As mis.Uiiy l"Ys aTe ("Ila a wordloof au in mqàonacual- riti. Ity icatmlag ho a Vmater devoi- g)oda, Opient of po'wei-It la vis. cebrn 1tie etly goe oasder victtier Ihis thc >01a11- baumesolid or th* divne Mimd relst which la iteioclg Owe1Y à tichle 810110"1leMincd. tbals Nind. li 0ys Ilai é, a"misIlstegci uaonhlbysala tbou Ob, neyer cvii. As roi thiahint la dci- the ac«tvty of Uic divins Mimd.thc oDhY rai tliotgâts oaI- h isare ci Therefore, eVrytimgtit la0,ce=»«er- bo bd»Ino e vii 43r reaulta lavii la at ,t Mât- -Mimd mr laied l id li omceIl f nO Dt real1umam.thcukt WvI i over brownotins ae annopale f c g ea-bopea are mot Mimd or the actlity etf V laMid, amc mt of (Md. ami no are MIt P'r' tend but esscUafly sml ntirclly el. It le ealing Metiaiuo oit The différence belvm e icnitlod c a f bosangastii- o netaisuoS«t"m rhbl- or hypnotiai. amd that of thaï divins Mie imd. Uic Christ heallag. iai ie ehte~ l bolid g bi aby er an- sugga09 n em t mb n Be ot MU tbelev'. thi Io lamoai. lne m"<- ttemPta in change tic belief but Uap i thc caune of dilace remat insula àlima luema* ma»tu lisa sitaveu ha vin-sefrai O"r, The ptient la no, botter off_ h. -lias et hL o rimben la tie maie 01 blt: IVIwZI 0~ aoCn« micoasah or i-oral courus., ivimO a*'0* cmot 150w S«Y morm i0 ge etcf &dHi hit ÙIL - lu Crlt tienbefore. ion voh.lil pelbie fer amyoeitebe- etc'y'ave ag %as:licouapli.tiat chist de la ~ Jeus <ëkw tthre 1%u'aota, ve bstieoom fil 0 activlty .tha ca Mb" ladinI, atim 1o dl> trLa uea noverftbg la to-Gai? lHe nat! of "0nainecv sl OWb aa. de oulus -Thc litiez liumelie. mcei doti the. vorlis fitMay b.anefein tBay tuat thI teekpi 09 Ob c d< U si~ Sie"«are la9 se or no 'Wise tics»acas tbçe. O!qlte ne, r ex- Mmmcl eh"rl Kvtia.14,6 pe- arre, ecetora cf tiat aceetticiaeivea ,loue- haempatcaU $.lrtifI. Chritisài Uneugmi lm". Tich* e =%~Ia iet mou igdvs, 1Welhmiii th ige etq4oi. M" U ntcpl4s C am. trmi sa d8 ticilr ltyotlàt af- cvii and no 8ta tatM" lamohi mtbut that tip patient la aite dfe- la luagt ronam afa el rthe Prom liaI g luire correct Uicer ,.e make Truth cf blwsi harmony onma baei eive hbi. sec- Ticeptient ila a ur Ph'tY. Ubut tthe au Oeli bacause f4 0 ider-ba r ed ieibi ilng bellot lan ter ca mcam lessened auiti .tIX ir o ,o and ons- cMW" w fi t ise ilt bat ia mils il. 'Pila'Ilabt'Pf -p-~ qWloli i -uuOM ýierd.î homthin lacerat inu I~aers cdWl en, aldmpea, i ,mmi., =' -*Ot ~re It mot for beýl t a i*Milyi fmotter;met oulm4é *h biel br1ioth ler il t:c cf tic ntille ti~,auud f Ihose discorda sc lr ~ ,s beliefad their « AilUs -iinlabeautlul "and Ir tg r e'piUcv y op] miWI " 00Mthewayla cmr mamflec c réoeaem'.a np iea.*'c biali belacli Mi a __4 tami 'a<s urtion,-a» tic «10 lréA*ofalb #cd heaven and maa.I (Sèiod &d ."thp.NSt) 7 . i idod and Honrd, It he mt th Ic Wondcrcd at, Indet Il Ï -tâf .l5 ah iat Chiatian Sc Wu Mrs. Eddy for ha tmg w mb 40 tOc *crid tii.s li awmO6 Iavtip,$ truc kacclieimi 4»d tbé plrltual um4u ~t0f~ scriptua'c 'I* vilfi lceê~ta beaww Wçi levo-.bW ptcly for tic, 4w th. d@doltuble Ch msT, 10i111" 13 Ocitahiluhaber vomiori book, *Si«oe uni Heahi iwu Kt tôe b ci0q'ailer cher wve =but S 4e.OpusecratIon lai 19 sIlag ta 10d tic pu îltei. SUaiwï Les aliapi tejre iVi UIL et lûcfaduti-avlep*lmo ' I lb#trimt,.guide, adlim. adumniala i folle-wMd' te bai ce ber gril Cause-la ti t at*y,,protron.. o fofut Wb& bave, Imovna i Wl leaioidsre. 's," 1w, vs lb Goaua be r l le s ho~lu n1ty 151 aid l feliow t ticdxp e UcM< te = =aeehrStotia nke bc thc gmMatLeader tbà&eiéke 18. .Mr#. Uiiy di = etowy ate ho1 dlscseryta the W _l.- Sbe sî don dssiptahsl cie gpsailmkip »dç ami* iCarit. ai mt ah aalt ta orisOc tudtova asi Mi d aireaclala iecnoe cfbcaveaY" -,0iéry be-ta Ge,~ï peaco t lOi, affl ic ahe;L fi-c atif c ati< dfd ioc evelation amideiomtrationC atone-meit ll4srli 'a su#».anid bIû l ý 1o - cm 11F1 lemtohd -avay mdta psibloA villa Truth 11~e h ieu?-dougtratci. -41U'*,gÊr icha aiaiaa d tic'M aN itvad t h" 4iet8 >clongé e acc vo la uecelved t 1oti Sea.tcatlaiiny. bu bahehctimweaI and.chokeof a5e It~4* Everythn at a boy,*weateet a, Boy's autcj zr ove1ts, tb M cut, $645eai 00ys veIvet cohiar dnm ecoms Boy's recter co415,w4m&g swte ols S tes3 16 years Mô*Cour,w i e6 - Bys' Kpçker sûIte$5 00 nI$tM ~~ piaiu!Ip ii faffioue. mole'asjd Boy' ~rg~tpont <l$wôt,3 St lewog'th$&.Qw*rd s&oi Bqy's extra pan*iWa,gçlmd W5 ~iAv Prc e aât poke la PW -8tekfl-15Merci pIpcauuno - bobeue l lcsthat. 4 larsu Is-aiieotnmas atIligat ,adil- cf WbhatMtic iuma MW i isubal ceiWgp*e1Mfrec bd 14AACrltIsM la b.trouc nM,#b liaggacm aa la ,'c alotn. tWc AiU knocvvtth vlaadoter, trei a atedal = 10 t 161le té -thilr belle MtO t1fri gqwl ut l W Mrt M. ami tattoufal tia ~ hum dara@M tici ver. *hma M -tMte é80eUm-thsie ctruth. amI oss., iiq opaulMWmdelinga very ocutin tu * 01uioyt cé 4cps- h l IQoes dariacca tis» Minma ~ ~~gs"ni Bience cSous ia .H.tuiolale o <b t f Pal UP Of theur blchelm t*utluyoacf mat.ri OMMes fiat Cbe Re, comâly bilai W~ Mout. Ooived thereit,. ftearho Miela CuMti the- c Ciutla imées tse tisa oliviice tr laid mterjal ecatuace aru tifc a"lti ucema et MiaeMin& im1 cca il i * Snb mv euitifc aithacitkhcugtic pi et0rcIt à,ochp idh i onu seusmcua, - ummatruolby &Une& oau tbc voahbg OtcMl mcs uchai cf me actualita'.l tru âvi etifastamlhwy au imitatIon or cowatort trou-cAt. trou Nov i la mot tic appearame *W~fi hll eS lic îoriginal mmicior , tsltseciamisumsanaceaTe BOa ai <tta abelsavi mi tacha. eo ii .Tic objecta mactm a"- povey tbe Pro""lu a "spov lnapture" am *0cé a eth *m #trl0 ariturabut vit sale, vet. ceraac tbtie"r, piy latciatceor tie opccMe avatica to'ieall co mc but l i -Ê1 ï 5" Mt" Ilmi, tie oaly cause amu PriOl 'thlât :! atdm6 be mcW untbo.wMi Wla"vs- ici odas tis la 'bMu*ic cdiy cause mbeire c ir ne luta, ire am cmt m bu mierw kultema 9~~~ ~~ ahemc. a toise Ua.m-sis *--sWied; JoAilecodat, iMMlotu '»am a catoe.4luaaier., daOi. la orle tu i 0ere vii mat te smisrstamdcauusUomi It ls Existeace 1h y' baho r z wor se Oce igiibiihv, f cl "sata. or potlscces op tp ake up oui- univ e vont I nsivsao, c0%*dammsoci «xItence, aur cansco sain the cvei ti.emo00, aiti evl svo As ve0gSUD our cometi.ot «xW4 lai-*lp, tbrg e helà «Mbc iaoritare d h» eamve h v maleq, Mli because It aecua ho b. ano, v ~~ouae-mu sslatmuçs-d«eS uana mapro becaumi I -~4mueolveS. <bt t -1~itu, ~.asc earina. ti huocca5iue Vo'scloaifaib. 'Oditlisbershm a p y , teIpreimuucirib s ~ ~ a ouamcvcs i-cm ,11 m.Iadiaig iiiytiVw hcii- ia tt.ghth u T seo T mimd. standing. chiai j atieot accor »L *Ofte u on o a*«lm a,.-ta thce 11» ac n A. - by's M#~itogt ~p-leglot ac i t=l ýu 11 theisal. Sel6e.ti0 "Thore lnanmeIlle. truth, htelil- gen il, n o ubstance laii aatteï. te ij nmte. mlà IVibul 1 lai- > 394 tâti il, er "b*sad 'si Se[glttI O ami ua, la Ms u a . u LýQ soeoforidt e gave t3oys' pat éathr dr* he,$4.q. c. Ogod stroýp Iao es sIs8b1~ rt$a5L

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