Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 12

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ýExtend l'te Cbhrk Yows5V è Ti. twbl PhueL ,or uhet, wbb bops th F ; tins r Of them baft htfa.It 1s',a msSo ~ andnd pg f o bé s1w~g i te lstten days. l be iearly -willisure a bette " se leobete#~ve moe omrt for 7yx, ariviwl extehldtbh Ch#Istmas. blâdsngi of Good WOIl and Péace 3o that, tbey ln- cld& -1yers and seller. On/iy Nj>eteen more sho#~iug days b/aeClrisltmas' pCOM f-OWO$S Qa' p tyfrape ry Gows TQ Ckarnffs Gift tUaterlesetts 35C àda Colo)red Ourtain-.Madras, green, reyellow, the daintiest of sha- dinga that wifl blend witb any deera1olan ideal Christmias gift to t1le home lover. Speeial this sale, a yard *lâc Pretty .eolored 4JUr- 4biped, or ail over? patteM4,t h e k i nd tbiat makeS the pretti- e#, Christina pre- eats, au, 'd re .sser ocarfs, b ed spreads, eurtains with border, bandkerebief ba gs , çte. Special at this ' sale for a yard 15C 69 aras ()Ur rçgu ar 69e Madras, a mna- terial that wiii hold its color bet- ter than any other o)verdra'pe inaterial, specidllYpriced-during this sale, a ygrd for '421c Made To Order In- %he drapery depàrt- mient you eau have the faetchristmas pres- eitg mgde up. Al the trotible of pining'aUnd g in one awa ih Get your order in early for you -do not w'ant tO be, isappoiifed. A bg d*splaymOf e Up.#r- gps shown in the Dra- pery Départiùent. Special orders made up proinptly. tleVY cretonne This beautifuI mater- îal -that a ke -he nestest of Christmas igifts1 is to be had for MM0 a yard. The laun- dry'bags, paper $agsf, shoe bags,, plllow tops,, aprons, work baga, doilie roils, and many others, have a richnes about them, that every. one ap- preciates. * - I Rnujs and Carpet Sweteejs-Fine PreSents Snth's Axninster rugs, 27 inches bjy 54 lucheb, Or-ienttal'patterns, extra heavy khap that will stand the hardest 2&50 wear, this handy size to go for .................... Axminster Irug, 36 by 72 luches, Oriental designa, ..:.. A long knap, eacli........................... An ideal gift to every housewife is ýa Bisseli Carpet Sweeper: A. mot reliable and acceptable gif t; Mother 2<) will surely like one; $4.50 down to ............ I Christmas GIfts From. Thifrid- Fr -In the Washington street window you can see soine of the prettiest gifts that eaui be made with the baskets -frow the third floor. 1 oimported Baskets A n ex tra 'ola, amortmneut Of retty imported waste baskets, fiMnke the finest Christmnas giftÉ. Thwy are inade of orc staw i prétty desigîîs, worth 50c, Speeial for '25c Work basketsceuaily be madeby linuig oneof the smail toy wash baskets. i- Itra strong basket aud tieat- l m ade.' Each ....... .. Smau l Bkeets Pretty little 'wtirk bJas- ketis, 8so1ie with 4evSrS au&-,~ others plain-, beautfuIly niade 0,f the finest materials, uni- usulal colorungÉ, Our regolar$1.00 baskets, to go during tia sale for 49c I ge.< uts WauItIll ,er~ @ MIlvatIkee.~ le VMS. qed O U~ad la a 15115 1<. iaêb~ gily IIWa~ vi laus U8158 I 41 AUooE fis S h a ieo~d lia Se.. a rz .uA.f 1LStk............ lO iStmk ...........90 .........eak.....iS Its........... ..... .... .... .. .. . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . .... .... ... .... ... iir Su re Xui4<niO..........180 Md pl sconMÉ...... la liLi i rdi-. . ...'g XètW lWdéW Mt ..... *1&, li«Oo 8L LO ......... L ..... .9e and pa not3o ffSc e can4leo, Pu w ...an7 . '< * of. .. . Lw smiatbi ........... 90- I fer e:fr -3 1 ftpgld brthdap vasUeleatu< t steplow'u haieSI il0 't~ rk, il? ïf I8~%ppgjual friend». Who 1ietIlt lln NI ~ ~ ~ troeatTiIttedaY, te viii lOs U5 IRmi.= 0 h W3,mure btrtbd*f«t'hosiobus id- "' c x y M r. o ip m u a la rar. w r lte r, a n d gëed R ew uu cos ulI ae t 'alla 41,11 b ________te be rasvpat 0et tieCIVIl v WUMd Ud mUajor 8us* e i lmbir and wIuUU v.a Modue minisifirta ViUUC eft O -Max-« #lou 31-#PftsCa Of Stép ceIMrIIs i OLSTGY VtEY ILL *it5*v -hr baIla eIpwbliu~ uteftRa lle introducud la Oume te Cam ln- Otbattitl.'gnth* Cbleins, Nov.'30.- -tettienient of the *rete Dasusul CeuI. - tn o te gio nmnt ena thet-workers'atrike, vicb le nov f$bQtl ton 'le@ CUntr: U9M I 4 Dith weg, ad every dm3' nd- t. petaruurg. No. 24---0011104111 MW Pse«10 ai -ort" bu Wu 1= lt g t4.L Il ng l e l uu1lg ofthle 46,M00MeuaTOW lato u goi.selul til lO41 I* uiir ralivul. lu pxpectd aua ruteg I. ireeU..oia eba a efuta On, tbe pant et major Buse 51 am e lme. cbeba iuband. cusme #MI 1<nred e Nvarme faI OOM,4eume t~ e th e gTSut Mxwaey té, ber tada gere te f oce ~ 11 n Sai i h ,h mo the Ciy coU CiI. have iuu.,d sc d ive bW i a pp uP i - urget . i.This la *the rsi eliclal reeml gon utug nu i nal m oier te c u a mfOralC - f eet ia tkle aibar lIas hi the Poilice. 'reltoy. The propoualu, vilciare ICSI Pauo, Tex, Nov. 80.-5een kllel lthe mve belug maie ai lbe Istace hoWees ora adopto. luclude tlh. bur- sud 10 Mlmaltki lua *arhUppeuOd t'a er Aldrnman Carleas I. ilrriani, Pro, fa ofbis estate at YsUal'a POItaqa. tb. tederai treebe ai Cbh ahli, ma. tuseur oe toloogy t the ludxvet1i7 ad bis llterarJ productions.,s-d ge ordldi; te W . i. Ipta ley of Bop Fra*- f C icago. Humides th e mayor ad tàblU bI ýu uuverltlul ame fftinu aa cou. ,1M. Stuâàsý4 ho arrIvai hure m utu the co mflD teci pfluU J t U t mgC W. on a Nationl a ll IYà "traik, mud tbat '- oaus tCi Cek rm cl O.C i 0n13' sevleui ver. roported klled os the cr n ieie iûl .Da reault f ithe batt*.but tbat vheim he * @Y a~ Adr e lO l .D n Ilitiee oldleatet PeRtorlover, comtfStu A JURY and William F. Ryan. 150 e slrm ae . -f10foi 'T hc cjmntte. after a prelllnlnaty la , D.50 . e warmis ain u WislS. fru .O.S l h Io Kied sleeping Inveiîgain 9thlIe grevanesa or the ~ I D. 8 Steart Youg Autraien.lâno 0- - Smth trikem is, vierruns»msacoxierenc l.n vie ua bau Mplrd ou0itheCoucha iiubend, ivas' Mer LbertY. auatrl u ue 1htL.~ rier dam. 10-lpu s angur. aad thora -raprecatatlvea vlth a vlew ta effat- lon .uc Ibbdl<ve.b a *uq Ianoe. Wl'., Nov. 28-ýWeing *a Ina' and leatlubis ttlament"ý uspl e d. 11010W <ltiUahU-IL ceimd n e ,-t u , tbIuk ýpt ucusent e Théra r*e lduliOb cal i ft fr un IeluB TM1~lba iobolOS vet t or,'s ob ba4 ieidlliwiqaau 0thetisaien, whlch won Pau"edunaii7 Th~ee onedy tIIaufer iw.Yuù 0 won tie dociarathom lu a letter ftraingallov5.' s-id the torMan 01 Iao Jury Ir.a"le liai ..thé W es of thayl,~ -IsuemrugtwTs a promînent Amaériuc» sW . hc cqltd Mu.C . m t t coweil ef Cleago 11.1eve thai the W "lA lauis i -Svary mam, vômao and chlld front lihe mutiler et ber bumband. yulcuSuUdmnlaaei g g~i~ee TeMouachI ta Cihiahmua, la up lua .ludge Prmale lutrictd fe Jury t=Wauotis coeily Induuirlai dis' arma., The Paule la Cibiuabu& have tiat they muet fiud ber gulllj of mur- pute" un Idag, hew alloUE lie Inuirretio- der lu th* firt dpe ic un lu ~ -ypresvebv big War. Ttlw vi ýii t r o upeOOlU lty tiat ia wetld bang, or acquit ber. toîovai the proroameoft h*b. sli» duya te, dean ont the cauiemi9. vbere Uri. Smit1 hMot ier iuasd th uugi tiat théalto tebugaleu bas bu a tie y' a aa »fitr nc u ear the lead ia feW W000e M O àsug o a lai e ai fl et o a w eei. or ne rIy quis Midies...ou Prday, 17S uoldlrw uleeplu boid, id vitile the evidese 1ôfl.»lu theagaw.gate. la .. AlwyIllebons fIêlaêUl a wre seatceut trsuad ail tut tour of was poaltîve. the x7urOudld sott mme rImoe hatrikar, wvia Prmtuaut *51VIkwm thom vere ikd % d< 'vien ajbuabed by bave the huart te couviet bar. practioehly , ie entire verklua force the lavirree . 'Ti . vaer oqu ibelr on ib» «t 000 uiepa, bave loit lu va- vai te (luerrere. No train a baveM A' £NT.TUOEIRCULI(SlCRUSADE «ePsuraholleS..M l Ml amuh m S e& f e tm e o et e a rl kerl ba v e b eau Pr o»_ _ _ l~ ~ , I h Ioo we Isna lu Upected for a week. 01% .tarinGoverament Otaru & du' vidai wltb other eniploîmentbut lIhe 21. 0.79 fel'-U" t 'T h e r a r e A U ' » ý t h e e b u t m o i n i . r u f P r l eue.e . m a j or t i l a n o v d e p e u d a u t U P g n c h a r- et tie bavebu~ iuieate." tlnal rer 0f rlcaleu Vala. lufor a bure eziataucu. 1vo badl laid * tICEU 0 * Wtu tiie isbattis, Ibis.mas maie: -h "Praoer bveWe botit 1 i Ottava. Nov. 18-lh. Ontario g-v y mythius fbr a rulur daY bfreb S.T~ ItUE maw tree o ilus. à,chd iouthmuai bu supportai. f they are 10 bol Wf laaitsl iiig iut thair ioder- auil4uberculesla smVSIfl iI Uubge a"bl' in"rease. w- eiotblng, ausfl hey Wbauoscaptured tIen vhlch la te rea<i every rai vay istlmluo upisl ae umelép in,âi, u eme mtl. pint lu the province. gommetr ix c0faupilsl ade stations A laer tie rUWa ç auyoï tbora Th. goetBut ftbauluased a ear menu of QasincommS tatlfm;a bau bes Obltuq5i4 t tataIla fr0. the fanadliaq Parîfit- ralvay. aua 1 oitcml" rn bilet 1e.Dp< p-bltU*ilIwihvi Uisseu wlb aimtbe Chicago l'eddrutiot ef Labor und bars iamt ibe Jiaxkma4vfuni plate iuei.tllPalm ibit and vîi 11e m puum Tae Uiniau q&pp" ud Fran a der o &Mtr ilailot pled lu charge of experte. l'he car gon rA tonitObéi Ip* bàà bits l àrià- lit t rt on ts tralb. tisafaul "Ber,«vho t easet*lteruk. w»domlido JobsJolie dM Ju oh la Mexco Ci. bI et 5bellevad- arranglng for transportation te Mss. fiat sncb report% *a% ëotrciatud fer -Vandeilt Father-linLow Diseu. lo,"baven't y5 ennmatàilg spaifur, -* Ile li prci i erlg sb- crad- , New York, Nov. 2S-Rchard T. Wili- t ie nliti et th i lranut. sud lu R muas- onle dead. "sNe ate i h ~" rqmniedte ticket agent. I mguje Saem are etaulattu noitea uthâ revei.l YenorKras. CorneliusVanderbilt and "Patio. me. but, i bave." chimea u la~u wd ..W Thotthelb.0MI"e efueruilis uM ru. 0511.1Goelet. vho e veai& te.e* tieappearilug t thal ma- Iooki5 fer 1bil a M evdeuceil bore laedolde vbeu ho dicil . f1e0 lapi tsteel bracelets; Judie e uw a Pxet dealf -#-r eveTex. AOne In pi~er.'eW@wmotbug apeedlifor hiew q5êaI551rtou. phaPl Jo& ba» M adero.. lip ý trilpad$ a 5 Squ ul t. suppose Yeu ll ',."Cyt. go unsd bu bluseifMtgm Li BIutSU.W tdAadTw& tha 1%la stil. Tha Meba" goveru. mei aeetestbnk le raile l« b place la I0blId Wth CirlameaShop. pere. but Nome Seiluel y Hurt. NeucusUe, a d.. Nov. 10.-lhe ou- tire uysteui of ebevint oit eue aide of ....... l*aeNet-Burt dry g90d" utera crashed. Thie soflr asful tic rycri mas uhopplisud ssleaows ut the tls'e, bute one vU se.$18Ilsjuffd. ineuiTem oietage to'ila villa la s- mgM a uthe cise eofth 0ie mluaP. Prudencea iand WOaMéfiAre SUe' peotedoetthe outale. Pffvldeuce, Noe. 30 The o f fyenu.bave amy im.teaste wbere Ib iet vaues and lowelit VeanIs, long the' pride . xdProvneineBut r t Prk ou Prud p'ildom& vW"tomsid S ?IU II U tW tro m ,atluue* Mf tuaSpi1t lave Uof *a scol froetv 0, *.39 '10 Zup*0 roaBiai...... 13 ý F' 71 M-=-d

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