Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 3

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Prolessow lCarde j DL 0, F. DUTTBRFIHD. VCTUIIARY BUEGEON. u»5515T vT a U UEIAIIA DIL C. IL GALLOWY, 0771cm Ovux LovzLLO P» a "Ont. gouU-tioDi i o 8.1- Iltôo 8 P. nm u»uboel. Monis. DM GOLDING DENTiaT Rouis 8 %o 12 Llfl-1 ta 5 p.M. J. lli T4 Building wltb Dr. J. L.Taylior-Pliane lU lies. Phaone 1092 ULbertyvllle. Illinois DR, E, H. SflftH DENT! ST. COE AK. niT hATRON&L DHK 06Es0 8tc 12 a. Im. sudl 1 to ôp...m DAILY. Ubertyville- Blitlos DR, . LI.TAYLOR. OrFFtC1C07E9J. ML. TWq«BOOS1. îiocm:-7 ta i1i a. mn. 2 ta 4 oind 6 te 8 P. nM. -me'~iî. Broaav. opposIte Park. W. HL STUDER SU.RVEYOR l Fi.,vdig erm Wurk and Drinage ,IBFBTYÇIL.LE, IL.. 'kr. and Mr@. John Bonner sud tanily spet Thauksgiving wlth lire. R. 0. Munris, of Ruâeeli;' also Mr. sud Mu.. L. J. Slocuin aud iamlly. Mr@. A. K. Bain aud Dorothy vieite lu Evanoton trom Thuradai until Mon. day. Mr. Bain wpeut Thanksgiviug with thein.û A. Il. Stewart returned tram Ohio thîs week. Mire. Thomas Anderson. oi tala, Kan., vilted relatives and iepde Lire the vapt week. Olîn Clveland, of Chicaga. and Mien Mfande, oi RacLester. Wis.. via' ted their parents a iew days laut week. 1Mre. Ethel Dougîse, ai Lake Villa, returned Laine gatnrday alter oeeding alew-iwekoe lh ber slster, lire. . R. L. 8trang. Mr. and lMr@. Safford returned trom Wletou, Friday. Mis. Bae Adamas, at Clicago Lawn, vislted nieerai days witb ber grand- ,parents, Mr. and Mis. R. Pautail. Mr. andlir&. GuY Hughes entertainsd Mr, aud lirs. J. A. Thailuand ianily and Mr. and lira. icott LeVoy and tamlly la«t 1'huraday la dinner. Mfr. and Mir@. Denman and son ClaYtaii. of Highlan~d Park visited C. R. Deum-a and tamiily. Emet Wells and §!tus Hannab PatchI were mgrried ltaturday. Nov. 26. C. E. tapie Dec. 4, "The Whole.whilp ite,' Prov. Io:'17; 22, 2.1. Lucy Spafford, leader. L GURNEE (~.,,,.i AIL Cl lra.<'halesCape and dsughter Ethiel, ____________________ ofa Racine, viiited iriends Lire lait (,earge Bucean, oi Evanq ton, is vinit- Sturday. Inn big brother ies. )Ai@Flay Iizon, aiflRussell, viiitA* (haorui Hollaud Lai .old hi tarin taf relatives Lire the lait af the week. Mir. Anderson. ai (iraYasake. The MiesHawkins wéeîhome Satur- C. T. Northrop. 0i Chicaga, plant day and Sunday. Saturday with C. G. Northrop. 1 A ian arrved at the Lame oi Mr. and àdiü Mamié Lewie,, of Waukegan, lIr». Fred Steadman laçt Friday spent Thanksgivlug at J. 1).. Murra'î. iuorning. John Wilhamou elmu Thaukogivingt Strang and Bartlett elipped a lot of at Elîbbrn. Wln. cattie train Lire Monday maruia«. .NIre. Sarahi Faulkn er attended t , Venérable Counsul Campbell enter. ( wnddiug in Bristol lait Thuns.; tajfld the Woodmn B aturday eveningt .lav. i,with a fine supppr and card vaty. ______________James Farrell Lad an auction sai ai cattie at, Trueidell lait Saturday. A tatue sow it lluitate eogi Principal Bullock returned tram hii and a beautitul souveuir tar the ladies, b oivnvýto ail for au ardiuary price oi admission: husiigvctinMnaeeig makes the Lyni a place ai attractive interest. artf Try our Wgnt ad column. B rd t attershalI's Yo1 b Guae insure agishgl 3pb rie or WinienRhaise f y2u 0 trade acket fattrsh30's Ce10ebooGaha lour .. .ac . 304 7.Bs GO~IteSuga - 1.0 0 2 Pacgs no emo f Ri hen Risns * 25 0 % uchBrn lObs orIM e ns * - 250 0,* we Cubrs a ancS ap - - - 35 0 D,ý BATTo * 9 arsSwils PideSoap - - 25 GRM E ILL tk~ia.~BER 2, î9îo r RAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DRII'CH Editot Puma No. Il Oederas Taken for Job Work Advertising Rates On Application]J Otto Johnson te the vil. ai lagnlppe. 1 Kappis eud ismlly. Mln.,sad lire.EàD ruce ase epleaiau tly E. J. LaItue ahi r sunprlsed Tbanfeglvlng nlgbt by their aihi a carload ai ci ueighbbars loug the Lake fSLoretDrive, aeek. wbo walkid lu about 8 o'clock ta @pend E. F. fihaufs, o? t tLe eviuing. Thi eyeiug awa @poin lu s p pppsd trou playlng pragrei gaines. Ail aho John EHaok, Jr.. hl atteuded eajoyed It greatl tban o auat carrier, The Tbaaksglvlug d.nte given by ait the vacancy no t>oolitle & White wa Dot Sia@ rell ignatian ai Oea.à aitended ai wae deminîed. The pro Lonr Ro, prnetors Ladl everjthing in the buet0ai echool at the Armai shape and dfserved a iucet latter @peut Thankigivîns attendance. Lore. The firni of (arwood & Wbb ernet. - Wm. Moore tral a fin* ulactrie sigu ion E. A. Laitue lat t Chicago, Tuisday. ae. M. Miller, wbo il on Tuesday îveuing, Dec. (liL the dmîfrent echoola If Esetenu Star ilîl hLd their animal lecture ai aur nebooc elaction ai ofilcere inn thLenuung year. Sp.Snpan. oi Ali nimbera are reqnested ta be pissent. pt. ac oalLreTe MilCs n Lobdell, ai Evanston, @pont We Lave aur Chrie ber Tliankegiving vacation with ber vaun luspecîlpn ua parents bers. , cordial invitatian te Mn. and lire. T. A. Beyuolde epeut It over. You are squ tlWir Thankegiviîîg aithi inds uin au.Oryl Nlayaoad.. ý.Obit' Misliancla Wheeler sent nseria daysof he a@t eekwit frindsin quire Shîldîîn ai day,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 11,1 aiaepinekaii ned u sd dledNov Chicago. fort .ir.r me ltn Mir. and lir. M. B. Atwell left IMouday dey. In rc ton Flarida *bore they aiiepeud tLe t Lleft. o, ai ainter. t,, mourn his, bu a, Mies Etia Farepeut a part ai ber vacation with Mies Lillian ljarby at Witmot, Wie. Mir. sud lire,(lPu. linNamara aud baby, ai Ruseeli, epeut several day. aih lMrs. lisNamara parents, lin. and lims Walter Oodiry. Min. Lilliaèn Turner inangaeted businessi lu Chicago Mouday. Mise Nora Blilirand liarcia Wbeeler attended the land showata Chicago Tbaufigiving. Mn. and lire. Johnù Wahburn wira guesta ai relatives at Osf Park, Thauf e- qiving. IM, Otto Waldmnau vistted ai Chicago Tueseay. Clinton Mendie, ai Round Lake, nad returi i rui the narth MUWItig-ile lai0t ,ai bs lai.-ville. Ladl 650 the W04t la8bweek. bas ý'.eued, the poi. a n route Na. 1, ta -cutisnmade by the wlîo le attending :ir lee4titute, Chicago ng with hi@ parente riatdhueinesi in tav.-ls about ta the ecc.u ring delivered a el Tnesday moralng. :fWaukegan, visited day ai tennoan. ltînat stock out for Ydwe Sive yau a tieinlu ad look nff lo fine eamething lak Ilharmacy. tiary. rai iorn January 28, ,.br 17, 1910, aged m worndî and eleven 8!2 lie wae marrued Vauond.Hi heaves wir.- ,.d six ehildren. Flassie, Ena, Sylvia, Et ta, Robent sud Irving; three sistene. NlIn. John Bilts, ai Ch.cago; lira.Audr..w Straug. ai Waukegan; lIre. Oea. Noies, ai Edison Park; threi brathers. Charles. George aud Fred sud aunaged inotber. Card of Thanks. Wî w1eL ta utbauf the relatives sud mmieds otonieir kîndun ehaaon durng tLe illuie sud dîatl of aur beloved Lusbaud aud lathir. lins. LLLIR BREïLIX)vA \11 Ceît.uii;. ln Memory of Rene Vant Woud. Bled two yean, &go liemenben lot. llWe know tLe sUn @hall riee again. And skem e reveal their bIne; But what ecas ethe .a ing pain WLin lite denies -you' FEOM Lovîtea WIFEANit.PAI1ýN.î LOUIS J.-YEOMAN THE JEWELER tLe mistonune to cnt hi@, haud badi>' lait Tuesday. Dy,. E. V. Barvîy aasaChicaga vieltar Thaukîgiviug. NIr. and lire. AI Thomsonu upeut iTliaufigivng aliL Iriendes t Columbus, Simon Stoffel, aiflicHenry. i iq wiing Mn., RoacL lu tLe c oiu ut saleiouthe BouTon ,tock. IMieIva L Latue leeîauding îLe waif alib fied, at Waufegan. Mis. Peey Gray attended the wedding ai Lin cousin, Wllbur Toiy ai Chicago lait aief Widnisday. l rNnd lira. B. G. Webb, lleses Luce Webb and Ada Miltimore aIllai Waüfe- gan, epent Thaufeglviug with E. J. Laif nad iamily. > Wm. fihanke. aif LaCrosai, Indiana, la speuding a few dayi aitti hi@ brother ai Haineeville. Mir. sud lire. Wilbur Toiy, ai Chicaga, I pent fiatnrday aud fiuuday w4th Ed Water. Water, Water. Water yee, pleuty afi h, ibis la tLe taîf that le Lauded out ta those wlîa are iuiring about tLe nia aell neeuntly dug ion îLe Candening factory which the lieKenua Co., ai Burlingtou are isoon ta ]ouate hene sud whicti ans teited lait Wedueeday. It threwaa etream ai 200 gallon. a minute tLe bull capacity oi the puuip nid sud cauld havi doue bitter witb a langer pump, ea Mm. Zweibo etaies, an autbority ail aille and a ripreft-ntatîvi tram tLe McKenua Ca.. of Buriugton. ,Buning îLe-finit two houri they punîped Wedueiday nîaruing theLe lt maid tour -itut lusteicd ailowîning. Thicanunitte aiese @oeitet suddplea"edthey lew the ire aileanul called out part of tLe citizen, ai thé toan ta rejoie aitb thein. That tIhe.aetli le a succesil' - a settled lact and Imueh î'edît ledue Iile cammittie, Mesrs. F. D. Battershaîl L. Y. Siles. tua. TLauîaau and F. C Wilbun, wahaeta.lienon e irôi thiei ôw an business ta attend ta unie natter o o Change Plancis O TIi1E~ BONTON O o O o Sacrifice SaIe~ Everytning must be sRld CLOSINO OUT COME IN NOW and now the. reward bai cam e, and every pragressive citizen wba Lai asslsted tLîmin l the undertaking appre. clati tbeir efforti. ai well ai athen, who perLaps cauld ual titI tlîein wny cear ta cante acros, but Lave tLe interest and Lest wisLesai the town at heant. Even îLe add tight, pesilinits aho have eaid there neyer Would b.. any water is prickiug upLineae an sd getting readY ta con, tefor ii@hare ai tLe benefi t. and this NoY, 8OtL will go dawu lu the biitory oi Oraysiake ai a nid lettpr day. L r?,OrsLKE Rev. H. C. Townley vill preach next Suuday morulug at 1l a. im. on the subject, "The Chuneh and the Cild."* Th!@ subjectleI.oaivital lntenrest and importance ta rlîur,- members and clînreh goirs atnd everyauee hould attend tLe service next Sîuday momiug. Bath children sud adulte are cordially initsd. Mlisa âmse Dunnul, ai Chicago, wai at Ler parents home lien Thankeglving. Born ta Mir. and Mms John Ellng. Baturday, Nov. 263tL. a daughier. John Roiug aud danghtor, Clara, and Mies Lucy Raslug, oai Round Lake, attended chuneh Lire Sunday suaruiug. Cývrue Converse, of Gary, South Dakota. arrived Lere Thursday ai lait week and wjîl îî.eud theî wiuter witli relative, lu Lake eauuty. MIe. Edward Luek and Mie, trenc, Vaiey epent Friday iu Chicago. Mrn. ard lira.Frank lard.oi McHeniy wers guesti of Mr. and lire'. Sylvester %Vaguer, Saturday night sud Suuday. lire. LosaPtvery returued Weduesday alte, s:tea week's vieil at the homee ai hemeo eauluLake Villa. Mm, George Buson aud daughter, FOX LAKE C. H. Ostrander and wiiî retunned Weduesday iroin a two week'i Lunting trip at Prhîin, 111. . E. B. Seott and wite returned Friday irani tfein auto trip ta Chicago. Mii Ada Sprng, ai LibErtyville. epeîît Sunday aith lier tathen aud iseîf Lre. RanIs & Miller rec»ived a carload oi Michigan potatuWethins aek. C. M. Spring vidited Wedneeday 'vith hi, daughters at libertyville. Mrs. Win. Peetor wa. n Chicago visitor Wednesday. John Erueser, oi CIivago. vns a calter lieue Tueeday. John Bailey wasi a Chicago paseenger Wedneeday nîornihg. Dr. E. F. Shaffer. ai Grayslnke, called on J. 0. Brown lait Thureday. lire. John Bslley le confined ta the house with neuralgia. Mis Florence O'Boyle atteuded the teachereo meeting at Wiaukegau laà,t Oood Resulîs Always Follow The use ai Folî.v Kiduîy Pille. Thev are upbuildiug, strengtheuing sud ooathing. Tarle in action, quitif in fmeulte. F. B. LovzLi. Coàdi.A-y. TAYLOR'GROV. (heomgii Hiiland Lai purchased tLe Henry rMeyer ihome. Mev. Jouet, wax entctained- at tLe Lame'ai W. H. Bre-iwer, Sunday. 1.iou't torget ta corne ta Rosecru Deé. 8 and busy y:ur Chritmnai presenî». 1Mr. and ire#. John Gelllug sud Mii, Maggie opent Tlîanfeigiviug aith rela- tives Lire. issesl Millie and Blanche Edd pmnt the latter part ai the *eek at Lame. Harvey Osborne who.liai bien qulte ilek the peitweek ie lmproving. lDn. Young je atteudifig hlm. W.n H ... Bee n . C.AAm < rein bieao viito@. Wukeau o 6usiii»-Mi-'day.- lins. Wui. Hiranimus, ai oun-.d Lake, F .Wlyetraudrltvsta aja lu toan Fridsy aftrnoon. F.IR.yel ue nkslvng.rlaiesf Mr.insd Mis Chai. Parker euietainid hneing a number oi relatives Thankogleingday. We havi arrangi aihi The Wely Earl, the youugist son ai Mr. and "ter ocdan aulJ Fariner au ihsi Our lira Frank Hîronimus lbas bie quit@ Patrons eau secure that sterling papen. sick ut l @Omwhat mproed ttogether aith aur own.utatbeeifding- prsn bu ecmaa mmoi tly ow priceoai$1.73 for ouiyear. This pren r. alAvr, lu a rare appartunitY sud ,hould thi VilM u re Paul Aivîr ain fLake hi taken advaulage ai. Vill, se Tankgivng innr ai th, ________ Paddock haine. Mise KRate Frost waean aven fiunday RUSSELL guest a% the Fard homi nes, Waucontia. The Ladiem' Aid Soicety met Thursdsyt lira. Laura Huson liai reiurnid ta mamning aiL MMa Jaislienvîlle.f Lin Lame near toan aiter a iew aeekî The ichool apened on %louday alter vsitt aith relatives a& liendota. tLe Thankogiviug vacation. Min, sud M re. Ii, c *yNichalilsand lire.ClIams Effluger, ai Waufegau. opeut a John Richards ,, --t Cnnitaî Lake lia daye ith bL iser, M>4. E. P.s oui day lait w,.k. ciir Jin Ha1lpiiin "-1 .!,.. ud Mai !Melville @pont Sunday wahi Linr Weduiséday Iran, il 1- i ýir ai to.p brother. Will Melville aud iamlly. Cbis'Dillou boule ut MW.IlU!.-- , VanNesi and Verna Youg %peuaiia dayi calliug ou iriend,. C laude Nellen, Myrte Crrle aud Ells [J RUniD LAKE JCarlson spent Tbanksglviug at ir' home@. The Ladies' Progmesi Club ai Rouund launHoorbinsrdaLs Lake pneeuted a haud made flag ta thetC oluenia Tuosrf bs t. tabi Dow 8chool lionday, Nov. 28,."- hom inN e Yok sate Mise LilaL licCormik visited Elma PEOT White, Studay. FEOT o. Cobieule sud iaîîiily tram Liai Mn. and lire. UluleL, oaiiao,, @pont River, III., Lave movid iu thiflat &ave fiuuday alIL Mn. and Mnm.Frauk CîricL Ro@iug Brai. @or. and iamlly. Mn. sud lire. Oea. Rogingattended -the Lizzie Heel neturnid Loin, atter lamaiehoa lu Chitago, .Friday. sending a weef ai Waufegau. About 150 couple attended tLe dance Rase Freund, aiflohneburg. le aidi. at Amann's bail Tbaniragiving eve.nlug. log ber aier, Mua. Will Aman. .%Desa Thiele bai neturued ta Round Bennie Wagner, oi Waufigau, . peni Rake atter iîuîudiug ilîrai weef e aîth 'rhaDkogiving zeit bi@ .brother,1 PhlJji4 Lin aunt. lire. Sami Tannant ilu Cfîcago -Wagner and iamily. Y Elma White visited Mts. LuI i Apple, . Quite a nutuhenram bihpy attendid ai Lihentyvilie, Mouday. the dauce at Round La .4 Widnisday T. A. Simpson was a pileaat ralier etenug Alrepart a ood tine., ai oun echool Tueda.y. Barbara Atusun ns urned Lame Tue@- Carnie VagI viited ber- brother, Frank day suter spouding aiik lu ChicagO. InWueaTliuradayv. Ervin Wagurm, f Watifigan, epent Math Glosain sud iaiuîiy visited St TWangau in il y. rohrMk Will RaigSunday.Wanradfmy. Cha". Jorgenmon, lPeter Fiant. Rittv Reilly and Frances Roming viîited Franf A Want Ad wi I soii il. l)awpll àud aile Thuroday eveuing atiS Lily Lake. WESTFIýEMONT Miss Maliyme hîeyer @pont inuday at haire. hlagdalen Meyer. wbî, le att.endiug ighmechoal lu Chcago ipent Thaul e. giwing witL ber parent@ Lire. M re. i)obnen and eau, John, called au relatives at Raunud Latce. The birthday parti givien lu Limonr of Fr¶iees Meyer wa atteuded by about filty Young peuple ai thie viclnity, aud ail repart a fine time. Auna Rammel, aho le attendi-j callegi ni Elgin epent Thanfegiviug ai ber. Laine Lire. A black Lîlier came ta îny ianm abc, 1t two aeîf e ago. Owner may Lavbe sane by payina or antLiesad and lied bill. DonNER BRai, Rockefteller, R fi, '.ox 89*. Dnîased ln "Black an.l YsIIaw-~ Notl"'Football Colore Lbut tLe colar ai the cartoon îotaiupg' Foley'e Houe> aud Tar the beet and saiesi cougb remendy ionalcougjs sud cold@. Donot accept a ,ubetitute Lut aie that yoù get tLe genuins Folby'i fous>' sud Tan lu a yelhcuw canton aliL back letters. F. Mr. LLoL oîapàte. lbfi Very Best Oat Moal bo lsRice- - 'i cans Tomatoewî 10 ibit Buckwheat Flour Pillsbury's Best Flour, per eack FAMILY CR This Information May b. of Vmus Many a Mth., in Lîbîrtyvilîs. ~ Wiien thene le. added ta 9s caves ingeparable trainthe nearlugi. childreu that affliction af wsêkam the kiducys sud auxillary orgine, mathere lot i a ar(rom a happyq Thie condition eau Le quiekly eLS anîd abgolutely'etired hy theus" t)oanne RKiduey Pille. When known tLe molleF, burden aMi 1j lietiter aud lien Lame Lappier. MIre. J. $. Foreeiter, 9ý11 Waeinglç Ave., Waukiglau. ]IL.. gays: 111 am X", ta eay that 1 have ui.d Doan'a KIdas-ý Pille un my iamily and Lave baund itbW warthy ai endausemmnt. IWliii c.J: lideut that they wili prove aifLimaiti' anvani e uffering tram f idney trouble. My son Ladl disondered kidueys er it an live yenni and camplained as gs1Ia deal of a lame and waka bock. The kidney secnetiane aire aluon, nnatuerI and inflammation ai ibe blsddor .z1sêq' We tried aimait ivmrynu»sdy w. »é ai and conulted doctois, but uO1 1avall. A teawieke Aga as proci*4 Doan'. Kiduey Pille sud ame tsktr., thein aur son'@ condition Las lmpmrv lu every-aay. Fat sale by ail dealers. Prices 1 ent.. Foster-Millburu Ca.. Buffalo, New York, eai algent ion theCunitpd Status. 1 Remember the a.-N 'a-d 'taki ne alLer. 10-2 li tLe naine ai a Geurwan chem Ina, ans ofa the uîany valuable ingrlmnte'ol Folîy'e Riduey Meuiîdy. Hexhisty. lentetramins la ecagnhzd by medkWa test books and sntboritesmean a a acid sol vant aind auti.-septlc for the urine, Taf e Foley's Ridney Retnedy prolp at th e f1rat aigu of kldney trouble d avoid s setious malady. F. B. LovELL CoMi'rny, Io Days Fires T# la Tour Owui H.qbe fiand Vacuum Ci*& **The Ciesasi Thst Ciema.Ci W. w t >ta sup- ply ountImlent <v.,> nighbanhood wahi s S,,Ix~Vacuumn = *mnnfoursd&en. isiug purpose. Wnie nsday fon the nsi liberal ci- fer ever niade. The '*Simp>lex", iguarmntmnd ta do es god avk sm elnctnc macine*, tmstiug $100.O00sud 'ver. t sià4t je£ weight (oui>'20li>e) Tne. errusel> y by one persans WA. WItL ordiusrr anm the ',Jape il lu .s a1=217n Ileters *ad Aieais Woote Io bath bur bond ad uieetwsob 98 .iaoa. bout, CEICAGO. For Figures on OUILDING MATERIAL' iy prices ai- migb And grade good. Whetiir yon buy or Dot gît MY' fiures. PREPARED WHITEWA8:: - 25c 29e S-1.55, AS8ORTMENT 0P NEÂRB-CUT GLAS8 AT 100 AND 15o PMR PIECE CHRISTMAJ5 DISHES AT 20PIER CENT DISCýOUNT 20 per cent Discount on my stock of Comfoartsr My Uine of Ladies' Sweters in Complet. In £Mlu and colora and the pria.. are right H-ENRY KUJ3IMER ' GRAYSLAKE, ILL. 1 CaUrl %d 21, inilea ct lie 240(1; 1e lîav 1 >eeii plua, edder, agpon ileigi. ,zther meal Price for One Week

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