Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 5

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SFOR 'WIAKI * BI$KWHF.AT CAKRS MADE 0 ýfVER - MILL$ BIJCKWIIEAT FLOIJR i Purc Maple Syrupi I ~HOME MADE SAIJSi l'oR SALE BY. J. ELI TrRJGG.1 phone 2e- =AS FRON fi And AGE s - Phone 3 - --" - -- Il We haive a ot Cap@ in Cordurosj, Leather. Phash end !Fur. ramging in price krm 25c to $3.00 AiseO1ued GIwes end Mitts in both dress aiýed work. (rom 25c te 53.50 A large lime of Overcoats, Duek ad Cor- durogll.uned Conts end Overcoats, Over. simees aid Lited Rubbers, German Socks aid felt Boots. IJiderwear (rom 25c up AND OUR LUSUAL. LINE--ONLY A LITTLE BETTER-C EVERYTHING FOR MEN." VOU ARE ALWAYS WEI COME TO OUA STORE. J. B. MOnRS-E &-CO. Laverythng ltirien LIBER1'YVILLE. COME AN'D GET SIXTEEN CABINEI PlIOTOGRAPI For the price of on. dozen Beswick makea the alias, 10 t-ou ail for '~'Christmnas Phot pires. Nov MbCr 25t and December lOti GET IN IN THI G000 OFFER. BRING UN VOUA PICi TO DE FRAMED. BESWICK'S STUDIO- BULKLEY BL, LIBERTY VILLE. -----------U 5 W i Here' your opporturulty to make money 4 earn a good salary. We have smre gond business propsrty et Efgleside, which mnust lie moUd at once. This propsrty ernisa net income of over la per cent par annum on the amount investei. If t-ou wiII investigate this now we canquote t-ou low pricmus and vert- easyterme. Dont vwit or t-ou will misi. SCIINAEBELE & W1IEELER REAL ESTAT, INSIJIANCE ANDOURKEI&ujE Office in Luce Building. Phone 18 Lý3ERTYVILLig ILL. Speeial AssOMMent Notice - _ _ _ _ Noticelle hereliy givea lu ail pereonai M. E. Churoh Servces. lnteresaed that en inatalimnet o! cen par 10:00 a. m. CI»@ Meeting, leader, Ifev. cent of tie aseesment le aow due for j. 8.îlacouiou. draiage purpas for ch. yeer, A. D). Preecbing by pascor, W. 1910, opon lande l.vlno wthiu the Whipple.,.suljecî, "Wormy." Seavey Blougit Dreloae District la lie 12:0 . Bible Scooal musonary Coonty o! Laes and State o!Ilulinois, Day; obenec. "Peter's Lenie.', and tie smre muet b. peld ta Frautuin 6:45 Epworth League, subject, "Tie 8. Kera. Ireasurer ot eald ditriet bis8Herti tflthe Gospel.", officeset the Lake CountyXN'tioneu Dent, 7:30 p. m. Preacbing liy lic pastLor; lbertyville,. ilnute, an Ur ictore th auîîect "TPhe Blocked &y.'- lOch day ai Mearci, A. D).1>11,.ad tatW la deteult ot sncb paymenl, the sevîral tracte ut land opon nehiluli@Msd titl ment of itaeeamet remlas unpaid will Notice to Trespasers. b. «old accardlug ta la* u bpaythe Notice la boreligivenîhet ahi bontiag, amaint tof âmac istI ncati. Dated titis 19th day of Novenuher, sbollna nd trepping upon eit landes A. 1). 1910. 0 Wu'asd byY'the underiigned and flahl nl FRAN~KLIîN . Kxcac, Treiurer. Lake Aere hta @iively torbiddcn anci c-9-3 sigY'arO paated ta tiat efiecî. ]'ru- paissesMay cansudef chemsolves hiable la arret. A reu'erd 0it $5.00 wilil b. iEech lady viiting te Iýyictbatreon peld for information ited t - tha, -Tuoeda nigit le preiented r aret and conviction o! sac:find cetery pooa. On Monday'and Pnldiy nigitto oflender. A.P aL1D, e hell doaepoons are preeenled la lhe A. F. BnLnaN, ho"d of.Ibe lucky numbercaupone belng J. E. Bocoutn. Tre an Independent Went Ad. to Bell or eucheli;.'most eny nid thlng. 8.1ithouheW tA. Y.c ah ýle eau a mort t îsor "innor e "me ahi b. b. cQii aunline separ- oe ah with Liliert.vville and Rockefeller rela- ivee and friends. 1 Mrs, W. W. 6 rumitt caimeiborne froma Chicago nehere cirelied rsccntly under- gune e enceeful upratioo for appendu. cidie. Ber many tricno ewill b. pleamet tý, know tiat ehe Wle Cnualêeing rapdly. Meinlers ufthte Laks Caunty Agri. culturel Board bave been notifiai ufthce aunuai meeting ta b. held uethle 'Pown' Hall on Wedncaday, Dec. 7, et 2:30 Wcltîck. wien otffcere for tic enming ycar weîli e eiected. itapid progmes sue leco inde Ibis ut-e on tb.e ewer and ivater impmove. meut wort in ths sout sat part of conen. 'Peiugditcblngmachine whieb jut flinieed cufting on tie publie seu'er joli, wae mutai tu thel section uftlonen. W. E. Derker @pent 'Pueaday bn Chicago. INDEPENDENT "Want Ad&" brlng reulte., 25 cents mn Insertion ond you reach 3000 readers. hearer@ acunut but lie ciermed and iollow bun, trumthu ie bumuroué ostti patetict-, f muai tieIeroic fo tie dialect, frmrn Pieuta tic lumber remion@ of Ceaverak; Coaut '. - fi lea uoed, an orater aut a cciuse tonuinsd. At imes lie is as tender as Coweper, a patriotie as Wiittier, as mnajestic as Bryant, as funuy as Mark 'Pweln. 'Pie Ncw York Worid ceys: "Be@ no nitymster; fies a voeu; He'@ ao recicer; He'@ a great orutor!fies@ e geniua. Col. Heurv Wattcrgou Say@: ..I regard Braokam Picletta Ciearge as tie greateet pueni i ever icard eut supaior tu Mýçnnayâouë' Cierge outhle Ligit Brigede.' - Reetervcd scate anud ticketse may lic lid et Decter & ton's trug stare. Tues. day, Dec-. dci. If lte camera beglnaito "gel a inte wey lanlte bouse." sellitI-or ex change It for eomethlng lxavin a nov sud freeli Interesi. A camer a fi a- ways "sable." ItN TAN> -BILITY Are the beat guarantors of tabiity. Besidesaita ample finincial strength, OUR BANK afforde i depositom's additional assurance andi security In the services of an abls and highit- efficient management, undor the supervision of an active and responoible Board o! Directors. Particuular depostors and Investors wiliIfind with us a safe depasitory and altogethar satisfactorv banklng connection. - lhç Iirst Nai loak of Libertyville Next Door to the Posi-OQffice Open Starday *venin&% Wiea the "Rail is calleti up Youder' And u'c chah gather tiers, 'Piey wooldn't lot e mail man in If tbey tnew be learacdti ta wear. If yoo nant St. Peter to open tic atte Wlicn yonr rural carrier kni-ke, Boy staina nd don'l lie guiity, Of putting pennies iu tbe box. To Whom it May Conoein. Yuu are hcmliy aottfled tiat traping or epearing msrats ou lake kuonea Butieres Lake le etrtctly probîbited, vilation of ut tcluwill tue prosecutpd. E. S. KEEY, J. W. BU-TLER. s nrtde: p!lk, Celîsf, Il scari-et, garnet, laveu -yellow, dove, rose and Mers isat-aur chance ta make outiat-. L ull in. of Fieisher'a Gemmai ITHE Libertyi flight blue, medium bine, cider, purpie, heliotrope, d white. ke nice Christmus presents for uitie Rnown, Saxont-andi Spanish varns, FAlR yville, 111. -I Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Oposîte St. Paul Freight:!Depai Libertyvilke, lflinois Maçhine_ SI-op REPAIR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A .SPECIALTY Engines Overheuied. A Fuoll Line of Saundries. Tire& Re- pamrei. ', Wh en in Trouble TELEPIIONE UbertyvUleExchuae 661 or 1262 TheFamow:As. h the Limpof ReBea becauso t gives the bos it of &Il oye - because le cannot fildor.-ý You cati use y eut eyes as long te you wlsh underth h.Rayo -llght vwhoÙ t an.' The Raye Lump la low-priced, mnd f even îhough you pay $5, $10 or $»> for other lampa you may Cet More expïensive decorations but you cannot gu- a' better ligb than te. io-rcdRaegv.A mutrong, du frb e aehodrbo8 h ,sadat on fr n- rc hi oie new burneradds strongh and appearnce. 0«*, a Rffo Us« mer wyOa ______ ' ý ý OQINTY ,'xj U »N T# PID&Y, DECEMBI£R 2, II 41c lB E RT YVYI L L E B R IlEFS 1oti1 Putillentc i 'rby vnNorth Shore Eetj ae rcpîytyCm wee that c ieCut> Court ut Lake Count.y,, lcrcM kspiial yc m , U Ilinois, barerouilerai] judgnient for a Good Showing. Intereste and la domInated b> s_0 L AN0 PEqgO ^_N£ T O peeisabsolument upan property liene-, The Immediate management fa In L. O O AL. A N P E R O N A L M E N I O N ted by the folowlng inîprovemient, Gra searaings of the Northi SborebadairnkJBaefo twta connected s>stein of seweroe Eîttic Cma ad rFakJ agr * T mur pblcatonmnth I teer . fed u'lagmai P.P.of tett ente-neto iatICImithe village of Liberty. ended September 30, accordlng -ta the etockholders willl leheld 1n140 poX 0 dont, copy muet bu in the office no 1u Tued.yolgbt et a roamt plg supper. 'aW ad connecting wl ch a macîbole 1lr iedy 0 then Tueaday of ah Adair- lire. Frank Broîwn hall prepared the toiebuli y the village ot Liljertyvillel 386.000, or an increase ai ,vrtually 38Ï 0*0 tfundi provldsd for that purpooee * tisers, *apecielly. art aaksd to, teklle etebles, wble consioceil of ailtb tr the n yaeia uesîet i per cent'over those ln the prccedlag Thee wll bie e match bivllag * particular notice to this .ffect. accelléorles neocssrv to ineke e deinty cenier of!raid mnnole lieing located ut 1iscal perlod. Operatlng expenses in. betwesn. the "Remablers" »nd St.W *porker must peleâtelle, and the moter! a poit in a percel of tend aerluir.'d by ciuding taxes and rentais, lncreaeed, Star»." et Mellay's icy an i7rfdly ey. * i.ed ie . .BiÔpsetwaa enjoyed ta the ]im: rait din r aid village:of Liliertyville by deed dated hoee bot50pr et ta ttal 2nd. Ladies snd gentlemen ar4-ioT .l 1ondat in Oifega. a arod f a e eke xniza g rta the feçtt serid vilawColLietlie, whiei point for the year 48,500,or an Increase HarW..Lunmile.E ê J. . ue sliie Ireti Jeu5lue iold tue peper business north fine f North Avenue producsd, Ater the dedction uf te bond la-King were noltid n mhrrige et Ilu W, * tu Chicgao n Tue0eY. t a t John Lester which s ut su. the tliisautieat corner of lot 15, block 1 eetteews aacif$6,0n'E asng * Borece Butler, of Chieago, openattepeper buiness ie stili mine saaifbhm Wolrldge's addition tu LiertyvIllle tra hr a ablneo 6,0 .proeeTu-ey evenlnge at ?71 * week end wlth relatives hîere 1lieen rince 1i. boogbt it uf H. Sheeler and îîcbh seid addition la pletted and or 5.36 per cent on the $4,964,000 out- oeloek. Mir. Lunla employed ab ow Iut1uteatc fo nsl twl recorded a the Recorder@ office of Lake standing capital stock. Promn this1 E. S. Keeley faria and will cantiaunt i r».lDatiel Leend lur@vnso. rA.i ssul..,,C- tra bo oint eei«eewei, balance, bawever, there was a deduc- reoidence thora. UMm. King, a native 09 M lre. L. Ki. Colby and children @pent FVetJ]ILEY .Newafi Agent,. hh a westerly 121 test tuae point in tlii aof $80,000 for depreciatlon re- Cacgo,,ams ta bo ns wlch Mr kq« t he cnter lins of North Avenne,,end in serve and.- aiter thie dividende thelend t eiewth hlm liUbertycmiq, * Sndaby wltb relative» at Diernd fake. An ntereatinq teature o! the bazeer 10cithe lowing etreets evennes and oompeny carrled $42,750 ta surplus for They were unlted in merriege by d»~ Mis Rme ecerutEvenston, was lie belli by ths Royal !teighbora et tbe court@ or parts thereof ln raid village a * LiertvîBars rDeAveueMii Cortthe year. Ils,. W. L. Wblppls, pescor of thnse, 4 * vlslclng witb relative@ hereaver Roaday. Town Hal an Dec. 15, will lie the boot beyini St rthvendutre, MipCorte I dlfataiaIiIso 1076-Cif Kiss Herrit C. Grldley, of Evencton, a rse al.'lswl wo i uSremet, Newberry Avenue, Biley Street, 431, the companY lbas taken 0,cr pmo @pont Tlieuksglving witiî bome fait, and types a"d drsssed in the beigbtb 0t Bigi Street, Mlwaukeè Avenue, Lake porties subject ta the fallowlng ot- Do you know that fls esasy 1 u l es amhin. 'Pler. wili lie the nsuel verlety Street and Breluerd Court, in raid village bu afn. rof Liliercyville, asu wlli more tully appear standing banda and mortgagcs: nvun- @Oft coal, (if lt'e good ceai>, wluhaut têu * Clarence (Clby lm et home irom ah0 bohanale fe u r nt te etiffd copy of the. judgment stan Heaclng Campany bands, $125,00; ennoyanTe of sont end emoke. jus lb» C olorado and will spend the wlnter witi t bingo foi"sale end good thingo to eat. on file office; thet the warrant for La Grange Service Company bonde, gîte tie Ore a very littie air on top Dîsprns ick lielieon had hie @tri g ofthce colletion of @ocb assessement la lu 2600 elett otae,$, hi@ prylovlesr a tKoent@raciag stock sbipped in trou the @soutb- the banda of tic ondeialgnsd *4,00 el saemataes Do't cbeckthtetsstote pipe damper bt Etprbod lm ureto vsitKnoxli ue aid amarrament in duvlded loto ten 000. Tbe interest an theie bonde and6 olooeely Use Pyroliti Wasbed Nnt, Ton Muoeum eatthie Royal Neigibors lincear bwest lait weoàc.Rosa, K.. one ot the instaliniente. the amontof uttho trer mortgaies le trcated as rentai of prop- enugeti t ftram the Borne Lumber Cm- . on Dec.li5st'animais in the burwil waa left et installament ieing 81839.27 ad the erty and fa inclcuded la the operating pany. Ithle cloeely, but llghtly, *Ad t) i>ils t reovr fronu a mpreinea leg. emouuît of theoceeding oins moae!!. M tr. and M"r. '1'lomuean,of Frenkfort. 111. lcleon ipped out tbree cars ut mente being $1400 esci; tetsdrétnss.ieseenaugb air spae in che lie-I. Indwr 4dyget fM.adhi srqu ody n a udeferred instaimento beau' luteret et the Report of the President. ;bouralet tuegises tliet wauld. otlisrwls Slr Ad . Reidagt otir. and icic atorau lo adat,. ukne ar therate oft Ove perreencum péeTanouni; chat Inbis report'to the stockbalders, mate soot ad amolle. 14 tia.E.A.Biia. traor eotert. Ili ad te i rat installiment ut raid assesemeni 1 Mir. and lire. Md. B. Uuliv and son tbird tu Emineace, Ky. la payelile lu the year 11>11; the second Samuel Insu!!, presideat of the coma- tieIen cou-lu is Flrene ctiiz i~ riigedinstilbnnt thereof lu tbe Jear ofif191; liauy, called attention ta ho ag The Independient givra you al 1fine Chirao n.Tv;iait y.h hr isaietteeo ats~ercrease ln both the connêeted busines cws of ail the county.O Chiceo on Pue'saylier position lu the lsu.~-,'~offie 1913; the fourtb inscalhmnt tbsetool inandtihte grass earaiags. He steted that. Thle Ladies Aid o! the. %. E. -brcb and gonetu Evaston, a Lire elle wiîî the year 1914; tie- fitt instalaeur, jwill meet eîtich boule o!fire. J aiesi mare ber borne witbhberi un-le and aunt, tbersof in the year 191.5;. the sjxtîu the lacreanse in couaected business Pai nTumy ei.(.installaient thereot in the, yeer 1916; had been mare tien double that ai the Âdetadltr. Paiso Teac, ci.0.çMtr. and Mre. J. E. Downs. Thle sth te seveatb insteliment tbereof ln tie Prevtaus year and thet thre IncreaIse laîsdLet« Mir. and Mrs. L. H. Bryant1 left on PENDENuET îcgretted to u -ic SM ervice. of yeer 1917; the .eighth instilment a olwn aaRto etr eien Tueaday for Long Beach, Cal., wbere Miss Evileizor, as shie uas a muet tbereof in ctme year 1918; the ninîli grass eâanngi bad been the îargest lnna tidf riaw n heosofetrere j omîb vandemly, eiem1i. uayon flaliment thereut in tic year i1919; the history of the campany. He ada. d o i h Uetyul0ps tiey will @pend tlie wintcr. via allybsie en on nd the tenti inotalîment therecf u nthe ded chat'th company lied extendai olMes an Nat. 28, 1910: lien Kingia bau@uurciamcd a bt in lady ut agreeable peraonality. She bis year 1920. ist transmission linershtut the laite de. lire. Cora Jobnson W r. 0. Mm«g the Daniel Les addition and is heving e e bos otf friends bers wlro wisb ber ail 0Ail perpons interested are bsrelyiy oMnrbasenilir i mend UlsCatetrine Xaupp Joseph Schubert modm otag eecedtiren. manner ut happinesa 1n ber new borne. iotifl5d tu eall and psy tie emount' trlct ofrtiesheastera forInali and thet, moenctaeectm hro.asesed et the t'allector'e office un for the purpase ai caklng cars te h ate almgfraaswI la One uft te interesting featores at the Mlwauke Avenue in the village of goc h aia tokle îe a ay 1'advertiesd" end gire date. Don't torget the dance lu lie given by lan shw bChtcho capiituallogLilertyill. Lke onnî,In.inisC. W. 'PÂttoa, Poitaisr. tie Royal N-ighbore at the bezear tu lie content la whieî the persan gneseing thie 'itiîn tLlrty dey@ front the date bercof. crae 9400 n he bonded la- beld bib e Tow'n Hall un Dec. 15. Dated! chie 2nd day of 1December, A. 1). debtedueses.-,000, He also called _______________ 0 number of beeu n ae jai tiatO ha 1910. - sttention ta the tact tbat for lhe pur- F. Topai lecone ot the rment purchusere Prescted wibà a Ive acre orange grove J. B. Momuc let d ilr. Zseo '-rn irtmr pof a lot on the Dan iel..Lee farn end li in Butte tbuaty, Clilforaja. Amung the ________ oe0 ellglrtmrgage bands OF lenliaving p modern cottage srecied. conteatante waesB. L Uaugill,utof Bx, arend o! thg aequt -o tefl beC p c ELMdiso Florencie hruîen and Mirs. (C. H. Evaneton, e bratier-in-Ia of W. E. The Penies i h oL lr ed ftecompanY a aew firet B R tR S I> Sharmau let on Wedmueday for itotan, Dcter, of Liliertytille. Mir. Langi i n 'mUncle Serne musc fatorsd pet, and, r9funng mortIrage had been A BE ' ho Texan, where tbef u'ill apead the u'iuter. gueaaed the exact numier o! beans in thse l'm heerty and Vin hale made under wblcb $1.981,00o bonds Lawo Fan«g, Peprietor I Rlay Andretas came up from8pringlield jar-there hein& 7,223-but arrange as it V've uatbux ng b tis worud tu do, bave been laeucd, retiring tlierewlch Js run b onro pau [ast weektuto pemud Tbanksgiving with inay eeem, twO tthers aIs, guesaed the But gilde 'round nillithe mail. $1,976,000 Oýirt Ontotgge bande and Street, hai txthe b. oeibuhui&n homle toits, retorniag on Sundey tO cie exact rumier. 'Pis deed ta h ti ve But une thing almuet break@ my heurt' 85,000 o! ather underlying liens*. lux and opposite th. ester c&"ct.acres nees therefore made -utontu the Andmy certu avotem ooka, 'Th. terrltory now servedl by the bleekemilli $hop. Miss ReiesieButler, Mise lGrâce and naines o! ail tbree. Itla the everlasting penniesin the box. North Sihare Electric appraxîmates 1, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOfb Etuel Wbeclcr was tiere trum DeKall itliching on the scwer improvement i carry stanîpe atici-'velopoés 284 sqluare miles, ýira connrected bon-d. _______________ guqelwo* ua at wet.spcnding Tbenksgiving witb workbas been completedi, the tlling -And postal cet I.. i-1 scb her.exclusive of rallwsy ipower huai- Cigare and Tobeo ubeir parents. la sud construction ut meuholes tîing And i woold hi..- i,. I u f % nese Sepetember 30' 1910- W"5 emiol va Laundry Agecy MeRag otm "is W.E.P t'Laier j oct. Will pueb5( furwerd am rapidiy as possible inlithwonld fi i.l. P- len~ t ta 453,238 sixteen candI. power rT XEnery and Ehli eDoneld were emong odrt aetewr opee eoe BtaMucl tus tgLilierty vie velore eatthce land ceai raid Weather sets ia. Street Coni- No matter hou wh,. i -i u' tho al Chicago ast wesk. musoner Youug la proial t he bueteeét Sol1 bave ta tesp ou i ir . Daniel Herick and a ou the joli and it Ile due ta hi@ For the pennie-s lu thi lu\»le ln. ex~~ irttn Clarence Weil@ constant attention do duty thet the fIa' ail rigltith le surlngtitel- -c s. eeetr ev uigteeryprofwort bas licen doue inae saliiaatory Or when quammer blzeau e tl n d o s ea offer neut mamtb for Florida wisre eacb lies manner. His manv years ai experieuce But a different P!Çpogicion t PUrchemed a ten acre tract o! land. in tbis lanseut work and bis practical Whou ici thimytîwu lelow, ht ad l -i tContrat-tom Bond inlailinig rapid knowlerlge of'cbe mamier ia which the Whenaail your fingere and yor tues OS Progresa On the construction o01Ilie work abould lie donc, enailes limtaiu Are frazen bard as rocks,at 5 ni n building for tie nzw ice eompany, and it give it mci rritical inspection as ta Il's Most enyching bol foany A 5. 4 5 5 A wi x- all lus pmcically cumpleced next wesk. lueurse ttheieconrpletedl job will camle Scratcblng pennies tram lie box. lire. Jennie Logaand daogitere, op toa althe reqoiremeata of the And now qtilte conlidentlally and it is the best made -Klelsher'o. It coîste hweck tu their home at Rock City, Ili., A rural terrier way out Wect 8 et'lwOeaefrabxo 2sen;2.e TURES e! cen a pleuaent visit witt relatives and Brooks is Next, targot biîtauad iwure, 2 - friends bers. Frai Emerson Brooks ban been niti Saysb ie n su tandible aonrdriftwe, cent berow wholesale ought to make a fair-sized j .OCK Mis Anna Mae Cronkhite letton Tune@- the Central Lyt-enu B iureaunriver fittiesa 1enu stand the trouan locts, l day for lier borne et Lovelad, Colo., yeare andthre management gueranttes But hlast tbemeasly pennies- bargain at retail.. We have it in a1 dozeî,,gr.more iow i - aler e plleasant viit o!fererai wests hlm t atisîlf y bis audiencea. Hisi la the blaited mealy box. . .-- 7.ý- m :i

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