mit aS on on on Pc Ne 'ni WVs a Worthy Objeot of! âesdïrou Work. Obllo you are re<çveiing froin the, micha ofi dlgi lolowiig the eltI upon.the Tlianksgiving turkey, 5 paninig what yoli will get for em ý'or"elatives and frieuda for the., rWtmàà, tiiere lies at the tent col-! F of the Lakte County Tuberculosise Kitute a helpiesa crpple, a vctlm the dread plague. who waa sent Lhe Institution tat January. N lit . Augusta Mollue, la the name of I awboein. Skie was sent lant janu"! y to Mw tuberculais Instituts ln th,I cend stage of the diseuse, whlcli! >u men a course of trentment of mn bine 'montha ta twqg years to. re. lier liusband liad been dead c r neuly aYmear, and sie bal been, ;*tIg Wwth aillier tten#i t10sie x -her ltimpgfor iicreelf amilier rim clfldren. Ob was sent by ithe nlted Chari-j m of Chcago and the, ociety told 0 p:$»lclan ecf the camp that there kt eêanugh mony ta pay fier ex. U"ln the colony for a period of ree monthu. Her chlâren were soid ln the Home for the. Friendiensa ~qbtage snd it was lier aiP ta eo j r recvr her liealtli as ta be able .Mé bler oidren out of the, home 1 ià care for theffi lerself. Lb the end of tva montha -she hat ft recoveréd ai tolie able ta do a »Ul Èmount o! workF about the col-i w, and at tic end of the tinie skiej s Sirtsent there for, ah, vas able1 .vwork ln the ktchen and dfnlng ta. aad-o ake part of tlie burden ber kéeep off the drectore of the doy. M theb end o seven montha skie on tAken vith iappendicitis and cas ainved toi -e cty hoapital. T1he Ueo n l charge performed the, op- Iingratis. and vhille thie operatlon un jeuccaaful ln tseif lb 1left lier be4gma cripple for Ilie. The trou- ýe Wef U.ri. Mole i sucb a candi- on thasite l isinble ta moye about :I aha la innoedoaia spéecial nurse 3d attendants. XaL on, cent han beau sent a the Me County Tuberculotit Instituts or 0u "Yother of lber beaeiarlýeastic, sa 9M, tires ontnbs vers up. The uOge wtia oleirt upon ber dld lâ abré la,hclping the coman4 tbe Ot clmy and the. tent aolony doce h oth ddi ltit share; and t hé gkpft vere nt belad ln their part. 1*fw, t'à brlng the questiqn home ta os vitat have you don, for ber, and tit ol:on dot The, led Cross Wiety ba opcued a goodý field for *of tIs blaf lu the aseofi the bi*maismis aan t&iU te raeffle Fm the asieof these setasps vili go > help mast mch womun as tirs. Jia- le. Tliey -sîti your help. and l( la et up 10 you, not in the fornu of a ga Me check on Chistas day. but î- epmiditure aof ee cent for every i.emt you give o December 25. ~', E GIB!E IK PT ht4tIcU toî Compute Infant iXorwaity. »Osestie Sedo uaL s-giter btIlnli tte Tifltatees ih la impossible ta Compoea a demîli rate for hables lu aUY *tt or ilaDmy City lu lhe Unitd >ý lu fiaucl s vay ai La ha camper- bilé th Le Infant det rate ofa ls ethe itilteti cuulrv.'- Ziutt&t mrtalits' cannoit e.- stated, as .édut monallLy hlut1nratio ho tIe 4alIlipored Popa~utlan. Theinfant 4sath rate muuet hacomputai lu tiie ratio ot h number o! hnfants bau-n *i>ve auringte ycar. 'lrica ab notalmaso bau-laiil> -lu relation La iu!all>itlie. ,The ages ar protecisi civilisation uBauli ret lipo te Infant of Aineica birt. - ati a pu-pcti-ecpnd be mde afthe vital erenis of Ils lita for bis person al prtetion. lega s]tieai ifor thic mo itismportant, sanitars' Information 'cI-b cen alune lie* bteluci froni - ekrecords -It le the fault of lenlent rcgiatra. t icS o0fciaIs lIat bbîtluaare pot rei, 4u4 dla thboastatea anti cities vhlic bave operable lava, lu Batimore. Iboh Atleuii ihger medîcel eduna- ti, te regstretion o!fIita la sheisliy deicicul. Chilcago asti -~Orleans are suci close rivaIe **5ril couli ha difflcut la decide >-êIà*i li e carat, bol cerlainjt'hlicr ,,is cannaI le faunti lu ai t>'oer eOaS»try cher, vital records are mins- lthpe&. Tbe ramai>'la Lie auiorc- of lava, diiete gSot laWa exlat; Ilteçtmneat o a avfollowet b>' eewvcuea eîre adequale a" m ot on Lhe statute books. miý w Agpoalc âtion Notice. rebyiWe att-e at lbeISi,- rie of these siate cof ascIE. - v iii attdut te 14. e aSea9ie0 tmom Mod MndJntî Tro CE K O B a4W andDui s h h~d bi U~mii leafer ~ O 8I H r I.Dw te t ~ ~e Waukegan liai bat inieiied pîlaugleaclir&anm re llgbL you'ogld net TeCO0iProditasbbt down SMtois 1Ilinois help aIn g j - feigyoreV VoV-o voliva May Purge Zion of an Important part. thraugb Iwc i Itsi glg -afein oiaNwin Undlspnted one af 1h, mont Important depwrt- Couan4 et Lk objectionaples. former cizens, in tçachig the Partit- mv«o asd Harbor&. a"I8BOIS ODStroL mente et 1h, cOncern. Lthe dry ataroki Otaboterni A;À. 1 . Iunty.h osrasa vsfl . jaeoub . HasRoue guese goverumet to respect Anierîcaui Tuedayv he. Il. became knavu thet - departuteut. Ths section o! Wauke- . ".GOgeHn ian & rle. Spaontreports from Zion IL Y malur, aÀrcChicagx, lied bau llotted anlY *34,000. Za aIe i.acn ogrgans great Industry employa nearly Ls M et r. Oi 'goBebiaHn ire ta the effçct that John H. Bayera. Tic tvwta fo rmer cîtîzelia are M-r. Calumet $10,00,idWucanpO-ci b oplu oIltnt h f1>mn n at audyalaitep ~ ~ ~ Aby .12, ýWesîe Eaer.aud lier daught.,r Hel. 000 lu the apagopriations toelie aaked i cy of the. foreign devîls." men ver, laid off for au iudefinite 8111 foi' iaeia, (jn. !Nô. 4m05 Bditar of the ZVon lndependcnt and en, tlie latter a tralned nurse former.- for river ailiarbor liprovement by 'l'iai, er. the varda uttered LY terni. Beige of the PubrlLadli irtu.otW le q re ab ivtose tssd lu Dne af the bulwarks of Ziot4lttdePeiid ly of titia City, andi the mu in Wlisau! the aecretary of var lu hie estimaI, e er odb addcé nedl mc, shows some lîglt symptoma of fcred for a ime liy Portugiel, lIna- ta lie asubinitted ta congresa aitlis GlauerailOverteer Wilbur Otan Voliva their farenien tliat oai far ai ork In« the laloven$$entau esaîtdCircuit omng aoier te tic Volîva aide. ticn vas Dr, Wesley Stover, the hua- next session,zacys the, Chicago Jour- at a meeting of the faithful ln he lte dry starcli department wan con.u- Tam A 1).1.Slty. at thleuad oerne it a eprte tatIna cnvrstio bnd-o onalvadu adahe onrofalvtaeracenBnsndlaaddtinea fatToherD.19Oa! nal.o"ine Il la reaorcd LiaI lu the other.That Chicago and Illinois have u statement lie said! that nov it vas up O covrainh1 tbral udy. diuntnL. eud Lva ne o vr Muastl Cith of eu, o urt, vii witi Dr. La Rose after a meeting Sun- Tnie latent neya irons headquartera disclmlnated againat in te report la - The Corn Producti héeatter grl il. 1.1910, ai thebeof Oi na 'clo0gklu, da.* surprise vas exîtesacd te hil, nofLtheÂmcricaii Board of Congrega- thie opinion of eÏeryone wlio knova the taeLieenembers oa i iii Rock to help conine lisait ta thimanufacture ai ts litt*OODOki sld. as lt@. Hast" aiheattendlug, a vollvg meeting, tlonal Foreign Missions IlaIliat er.neds of river and harlior improve- hlm ta raina the required amnounit Of oroîeCutfosalIhCiyi ket thiiloeno glucqae,, vkich baislicen found ta ei Waukegan. llb.theConty ai Lake snd eien lie la alleged te have sald by a, Stover. accuaed o!f ulninatlng agaînat ment. Out of *30,000,000 lu chicli money ta eeptewaaenvthat ILthe mont profitable ta the OanPany. lât of ni*@liest birrc ashlo bystander vho averbeard the couver- tePruus oeue n d- te etosaefvrd hcage l la in ie lande. Laut jreck.iL la sald, the oompauy re* the followtcg decribed laI&Msu id. îng tentvst eot a hoq u elÉon ilsaeIatcly Wa h iinfcneo i tt-clea re aation, "Yes, and 1 arn glad to corn e the nafotoivetareôîtndlia Lhrletsudte. mengtii repaclaly wnla ethesinlcaTce reobis E-clc nadrfroni a Lonlou, Eng- ensate, situated lu the Coulty ai Lake effrtao! ie Itesudclashir l! tontmen va laualhuon. Ic ecodsland,fiIrm for seventy carloads et and &têe.oai llîinol..o. 4wll: Tiihest ot te, the meetings. y heart, Yeut aud theastate department af this caurt- The fourtcen-foot cliannel counect- do nat show liai the trausier lias guoe dohrainnv~lhallNofthe gasthquart u teof he- kua'a, la alvays vîihZion. try tiso laé tc hares n iie 2)sd i.BbWs ~tleirZia aileat u sirl kicam -runtedta il- vi, siisud glvlng t-iIs divan collt e the do nal thlnit tuatil averlithas e hoMill running for nsmut ime. Tis tla lte NorthWet quarter alcio triomphantdauglter ater motlia oi anoylng Per- îllaaoissppla steuade an tDiSOsblty Tic traniter lias dragged 'alOnir l i irla eIaiLelre t lui tw 4i3aRuissea li z 10) B upft- ssii re qite 0er te tlie ld etter aonclgteny for.1be protont atcaan ciilong villiont anythlug dfiit0l îepartant arder wblch the local plant tl'h<dPicpaMede. conversation and îls alleged sneaning. sîicaka ,for teeIf: frt1 vA aolte.aa !slgl ruaUn httc isee be ald pnL itfr Âîpo land talo (2) rode vudt, of VolIs Rlcu indpefdens, WIi espct Mssl4are1- The $10,000 appropîriation silU dc Peuple ot Zion City are nov ready tOor l i iaRksWiiRse ttle at Southi Cli:ago. Il Vil helP.thini thLat uothIng viii %èver,be danc. Se conîry.- laili Wete qurer oEelant elt MoutI The tteua.n,'ofSayrs l rcgrd-'Noveniber 26. 1910. t:) continue tlie o f ni redgi!iç the' Has Voliva nov learnedoaiBsanie- Seon t(24t),in.Wel qu bparte da Seaingteoîyor as i spcll îgifcace ai Vol- Wt'are lu receipt af your lette-r of (a ivîer c-firn One- Hindrel and îhîng liaI viii estabial i hm asicahthe, i ho dry stapoli <24), topaeub iat Range eiarethd, cdl aofepca infcudprmnofteagrrlnrlaNrnnglna f«du t vht uaargtee iva yesterday raked th, lndcpeciilts the 22nd tmat. rcgardiig Llie lateat l'witi.iistrè1î O to hit tla1<11.10» asrulci- of. destinles l ione.or waithe dprnela bua cleyl Nrhlsiadot in urea avr heeelBclrgugtheni vIOth devlopmetits lu the case ai aur is- ~ ot tsltrl -<lcH:de îtmu tseamî acie uthe second depsrtmenî clilcit bas sld Nartb Wmflqarrter froat>lte Northi ove th "a@ haring wl iliefors a aPoit ualCgifHiheenl taWest mae eory s c euon estcorerofeidtout qus" tlite belng~~~~~~ repniiefrlesl!vs sosy e.Wae .Soe. l 'dThIt-- third 'trget. Lbe people aifibi flant' Tlielatter o- asecalii ta suspend operatiolis 112 Hatit ho centrai of."rami leadiug key. tobacca, oytersa ndi allier thîngs portugîcse West Afines. At \Vaut<dgan, v. torf . 0.000 lias luitan la tlie anc os niai versaglly se-I bn ie.Vtaen> uo ed trouni tcago ta Wauconida. Ilituois. ta hlliDowe blcte l Zan il "A leiler rametaelbond tva 'laya ].-cad3ý theu spent, $10,010- wiltaum- -epted lby ail Ih- popl <foa om.h lca eya opllecr.oFaofthcne ot et.ceryner>f and ~~ao oel nokey arlge ai iniDr. Stover lu whtch fhe ma à . lt, îEgsp îthe harber iu ><>aPe ibougli there are a .îev vho ldaIm 1tane ar u nw e ode lu he Noth astî quartfr oi section at>isîntlns aievrykld. thal every okst'cle taelii rc'urning rd exî.d Il>ý -taînci 1g i"I>' lbe on the fuillue of ht ellg nIeIohrdputendgaewodrlgte pîvî~-14.Tunii ol-b abmntious"af weely huin o! a-elabis stationad rcmalulug there lias reî>.uîy -vIa caire that Iore tf ebitsasgiaitday theY viiili e cÂiled upon l( 48), North., Ringe tan (10), EatOf the nonchinî otvelate ccsIî~obeen reîîîoved. He lis as irée nov as eTil e i <apt t eta lwAtl serions ariacu wlilclihiIlonmihat nothlng rive up ther jobs. f Ty(40)Prodpalt, he ast heuerth 0 rap isont etesdys oiater ccouîca evr aslago and coute, aP4 more pirrîtton irom i iîtîiîï I tirresis cau no eturu Xollva front is Plînioe Tihe abut doive of the Iwadifferent iort 14<1>i-aitieou' Eau(40rtrode. e -r a 0jrode,teneSub ony 40rda lncldeulally acorlng guns chewers. psnéliais Ikat, thIe l e biîcmeenlbs 0 bp->~~aue Imas verî sre'],t o se, ganContarezi Iie ctal. ccin o'iepln ie icartsu eiirt 4) re lumtIs paie lcularly usera ai pepeiu guni. by quaI- ;reporîci1oPar tially talhlJakilsancotplete- exoneration kiy ts ornethe hi4r a Irai-er sud eila as osInIl omprsectiZoion thorael. as1rc ta einli e îsmreLiatic panjoth la I aI binîn exepntisursiîn ltadJIX jing tropei Dowi's sermons o h lb ion the r1><bcni nd at~iow l aoteraclonaiZin r vusentrcofte u inplantyta Argia, le1 t i avydb aal alh an Ilires differeut maltr. nther..xctI - ' 5n. ev i, I $Pi.Lastirecoreilu intse Racader'os Ittasai ia te i-seteut-oa- "Aou î inraIaPot Tobrlice f, s citer laare: nt, Lb, leader ai aneoft1he mai17hLbcompany, liovever. refuse te sigle ai fLake Coucty, Illjis,. lu Batik tea inth it ia ecithhe Nithega-prononce actonslu 1, cty eclrci lu t h it s.tte neanlur of the mave. I 1à ai ces on Page 221. resîdeuts tial >ludepeudeute have ai the Concellia af Ballundu sent word; $5,. 00.000; Ludington barbar.ipreacuce o! mnany of kils hearersikitat Iite plant .houi dsec fil la nave EDwAIID ..avu-gs strl Iunnd t Voiva buines p trons ie i ea- tà recelve Dr. Sto- t220.087; Iisi-ciîette larbar. 8100:Zion City vas doaned La b, vlpcd ta Argo, ît vill menitat'800 dienu bncr qui te ir ,usinpaes atraons asuci le o(the Cbfe) iad îianiaîlque barbar. $131.462.; Sangs- off lise face ai lie map a! Illinois and noenz, ayed lu the iactory wdl tci la<ed Noven ber 14.19>10. 8-41 and dscussorgsa1dyag rçceinci word regsrdlng Dr. Stavera tîsrk harber. $30,000: Grand hachor,.(off ithe carti as veli. tier have la seck work lInsnime olici- su tav tiatee fr si gane cset-m adaIs e feaequatIra$34J.0001 Detroit river (genersilusm-1 "Let me recal 1eyanr Ministhe 'fieid orIll leave the clLy and follov Bath Speedy snd Effective and ownthestrot fr sd isain aio Porîliguese West Atrîca. -Dt.Sto-ipoeet,$7,0;ligtnca-goyo h uligo h o-t 0ft,. ,,rtt h te iy hpfgdege h cino oor the bilvalves. - ver accordlug vent preparc d i-cPrave],, $75000.igaai ha-aly iIn the iiniea. The oepile The blcbe iyTtslul-tslt ~iua uc To Purge.tha City. sent ail the documentsanmd eviience.1ual. $210000. Babe luriber.denWlimes.TIc peaptaThe niaite orcoi-nlaPronscletocok .hdna Pill as . " ansosbau Volivanasasert that Voliva vili, as etc.,but the Chef, iecelved hlm qulte 1lilukeas- ibabe vr, ,0. $8000 dun ter religa oeran icm endea1r s ea 10 indica e cumuaion by ter andI3i-eek M di., l e orae: Iite to n wona * auarlu 0Pssesiln d icclives ormaIlllv. read ta lim the OfficiaiI ndiana-Micilgan City bai-bar. $23.- ,i-ach cleas t heLb avens, no Ibat I - L tkere liad been noaidngIlu cuber muidreldierutel. l o-e i o ia lespugetlc lî c le bjcoballettruufîgbusa i -au-000. -:co uloti. by clîmbl itpthe laver, ge i, issu,. lbe comsmenauddenly became -Theso cursi me euh-rell of milmyal aerges o!iofatdeosunion siento the province sud requesting; ('aliforula-750t: O-go. y m1ho-am bae Ti 'acieat i-r .0 0 00î~-snat. i vastroublI cuwit h aeaIea - silso fn n oguPO.ýten ' tentfYD.Somi q so: ahnto,$=,0.1 n eerasbooting painsilt W uy The fiuai t-auBier tg nov bast about IeCeel alyD.Sae. 90.0: allgo.$7.0. knav chat bappened la the s£inn ( saday vere Irsded lu. Ttcenmarket lng urinai-yIleg larte.Il-ite ae "Thils as ailliaI vas sali. ____i____ gageti lu Lbe erectian oai thie tovo 4 advanced altgbtly sud tle huylug ceas- nuse oiFuley idruyll id eeîtl La hoe maie. fIlla icclarci. The paplers "he renaluder oi he tinse vas ar-1 eyKryPil dmeotoy are ail but slgsted.' The ictail carlt eupiii nia- onesto WleI R eall te TraM eodse ut> udedîhem hal Lieyr Ilcl. There vwu no further acîlvity ofial] mv forter troublas Thetbave piedIn odinaY coverstionniyte.hibet reconinendation'" las bean iniakici. , Chef, Ireaici the natter as If lic ne- 1A. .J. Soneand vife ta A. J. Bang- legan te speak dilfercut languages untîl afler those wvI alaipuchasei y i . B. Oa. LCosiî'Ase., ~ ~., ai-iciIl as mci-,fnrmallytla hlch inieri-et al. Ioto il,. 12 anud 13. Sîasansd vhilc son, ver, trying la buid -for a lui-n andicoucludedthettqmai-kelt________________ Why .sii8Y e Ilassanlîn ffiia Imas is y tai sbdivIsion Iu section 18, Avon tovu- np Ikie laver, the otbers trîiait t test*vas uat goîng biglier. 'leu titeis- varions tessons ai-e gWnu ky appli- irontai-m * shi. Q. C.. $1. it liown. The resatîwt vaa'bLthe tOw- aies vere abaorbed and t-bei-ewva censafor,.enlstment luinlte United MainnesNwBi.c. E. Sayledasui teite 10 W m.,Wat- 1cri vas ticiten iran lieecaiti. eaauaîvî u.asotIeid Statua uavy, as ta he causes toi- Ibeir er i -ion lvrcs l r(- is, iots 12 aud n,. bluckt 2. Ward & "Ths la exactly tic state of affaira i wîîlout auy -show oi strengtbIlie mar, enilatment si-i i-li Amenicasila b-- u-DIv- r £ suLdi,.lr>ton, Wankitcauî.W. D.,i! îs Zion andit le nov bigit limethat 1tbigav-qll Out of thesetit100 recrultsait et p(ri--o.langer. In foat, bi ' ew, aaietelthebtact tiet the paver 1A shoi-rtUne ga il vwas anulouned erutig ffie,<n 1sa1:.. vnted tra-îs eltinslufea-nIliue-en m'ad vIfete taTaillas it Zion lea athfng o! theliait. Wben" hayislonpu vsgiulg à. la lin kienav su wrte , hot urît i-crelai-tionLth the gans'-11- J "rr ji -r s 1 secta1di . M Iis dty vas tinet fandtIL vai fup- -bulils imoin* da."icpre-eai ,le tejon henvvan wIe boko et remoecordial thaonlev'er- i ' bogrheisV \ofr corn ELei teb, aTaver a ieanof about IL s0 I couli show peopleth ia-j asaîclas Lthe goverment Ino1,-s'V.. ;1.conl wabu45abse r15 ="Ok il nvylano vaisae eolelt'beîc- ui udcaîaîs i~ r. - .1K-------> aR. H. whlel ail vlio ieiieved l Inte toftch- mmoin -ov bao"41 aamibe o10*1w ,, thi-ayl twitnomePopleaiai-y otivad es. nsbi !ýPrOie. -l-ug-r atlv e ofaiZion and ite leader, John Ai-: cents Iesa;Ibsîs it vas a yeau &ga. On Ahnotensaib, ol -no at> ar mtIbive sne bsr'-'qrîarter of r'. - - jtq toila- 'xaudcr Dowie. ver, tego ta heaven. i-lidaifeven 100,000 huatels s day "bath ends meet" ou accourto l i -vnts omtiofnthais .eshrsip, W. D.. $I7. - aAs In ther caseto lte lover a! Be-" giv -y u he In or at on yt Fe ns n I, - -. t N . 'bel, this city bas icen ters vlth dia- 1 the cea t a! Ils iav m atou- la uan coni- bigi cast of living; osue sai the navy Native Teachers Scande. 1pri wt n-ea g h traie, 'andkie vas attracteti iy b}t-îfeîlenqover.Dr. Slaîer' a ugî,. -l is>-hnaithüi., q ar.-, : : -irlîs2. 0tauhi ec 30i e uareswu vbc teanipny - pay and short bouts: hry-inc mmii regayding ber woi-k. Perisapa 1cî, li W-(men lovualîtý.-'. D .,. o1.. usPO5ii elica, tiat tortllecate, tac- oleratesIbrcotdleefcis they bad frieniao eltvs ut quote fi-anpirailons oaiit leavIng it Wni. Thoiniair: osije toi. 0. Npikirt tien nMaye i-'igoa utti Ihtealnga e *4, 'service vIa boi tlotithens thc uavy vitb you t>e ut ilif yon shiild inSud40 sacies luntesouthwent quarter of cty tle allier. are trylng ta tear Il tt esual aaamietbrtr vasa god Place for a YqPug man;Ilfi asueie layonr paper. Pie vraIe 4ectinn îI.Nrw-irrî owusbip. .,) lowî.Thils clly. vhicb vas ai i-st tIsaI atthougb the profilasiay lie gamadi belieei la have been ordainetiby <ou sales tIey muet b, considerably twcniy. Ihat tltey lai heen atracîci On Ilie 24tb af Septeniher about con-,'200 :D A E E by thie nevy postersansd aller advcr- menclng tlb, schocole,"We ,6ar vn- Piaiciaka Wasaniesî.a and Isbaîsnd i la o s m-sipel tu-oi agwer hen the gvre ony Iaroar, tiint nieller; -an. thal bie IParents r .gmt hî e h ofo s-l aJl' sere, as,5 2sulotsk i oiîss1,unalor 2atGdandI a nvld«I! b geLlImpov lREock.. . bai aivIsci hiite enli; v,.that tii-e leacliers as so mny are aay l90, North Chicago. W. D0., 1.20. -onfassîded the peopile. andit il iialcodlio inetcrîsn i hAIIM N LQ Liey vantai lteaserve thei- - cntliy; ii,thîe interiar forrabter-. We bave Auna E., Qreufcll et aIlaeD. R.Ii.I u oe, hen ith uhe s tnarpalcirthtvirnt h wle N ton. fitt tey viabeti ta gel an eut- ta fersne'pcalIdceet L l'enn lot 6 and. outh 35feor i UIlech Ir i libe no t'bat inaiersarai-yplcting up tle stock.t cation; tva, Ibat thefr parents vere lb, teaclers iir s er -In lie. feroin f'Lie ica1u ln nî Isdl', csZion(City,.nasilmîtthe st-ela a!f th _________-: NERVOUS DISEASES deai andt îe>' atiteti a bome; eleven. Portuguese fessons. S56 ny aitton usw, w. D., rity VII be lurneet egain under the Sueing Eloctric Lune. ucsfli raaiit i> tbat lb,>' vîshedte a se the vorli; apeakt halsa sguage lu a vay and:- E. C<r. PInt-c 'halsaNovesky. plt>v' sud ail the buldings dinh va- Wlth tva Important vituesses for e sîlrn of 35 Yeare pi-a.. onie gave a bis reason 1't vasilci tathere ta an Incieaslng neci offil, no loi I boct 21, Wasbgusin Spjrinlrc-._ ta riclacli en gcl a chance taeniait, aomclilng-of faiier vanta theni laa tai>' Ltproper- WaWtîkcgatîr. wý .H..$250. beaven vilI ie razedthe bgi-ounti." Mary A. McCarron -agalusl W. Irving 0 inyel, t~li a lmol mpssileli Iy -l'LItr asregini is 1esbi 'Theac slalcmentg$starbted lb, Icai-- Osborne, et ai., i-usîes tthelb, i. : Dr. Davidi H. Stem bonailo my> bt>me vllag"; four aserîciLb,>' sud la huay on the transllatin yack.PlaIe ai lilliinis, Counny of! Late, a r-. Te la bibeae aresuncgs&Mlwu.eaeo tchîla',e e Stemu lledicai Dlopenssr, are f ut ~~~~j)thilI but that tIse city voui eveut- -cametu tri au onMonda>' in icîcral I:a het eticaulyia vantai steady employmeut; ane,.tat We are itdy lu neeti of ucv (achoal) I h ici or fLk on lilyrliat h ahI hc tlor tMlake hs h r l.Wietede hts thteeolbrer, tva cousins anti su boots andi tIses'do uolIIke ta reprint - rst eost h >t uvlIi oIa leiwskeeters. Il v1IIicent yau aotling. lie onlewee n hetay nd1%V mies.5Iaqo»a -s ýIrt sterLeti, but Eider Bryant, speai- MIa. ?IlîcCarron aliegea aell v as viii iell you rfata.,e nIevrluLnv su spakýthIte li d l oua aveu- agaten ville ti th. n av. Ctei - ibne. alira ,wths larara ion o byrmvdfrmacrtril e vr ltetl nt highly, of It. sud ires. thal lhey baii-cvîsed edit ans ai-e belng Iranslaici. jJamnesaRubane, BrItiget ]Rubane, De- ;-Agas e a vtf1In-a aras retivea ta support, anti coli net do White Peope Fow ln Number. tit Uh.Joncs, as Trustee,,anti"p lestiron lal le lpe off the nap Keungos sd iai la vHarbo, Il,ti er 0 choe exleniono Dr.yStero se on the, wage tha>' vci-c elvlng "t speut six veete et lb, vacation J. .Dais'as Succeasor ln Trust. Bill te Ifvkio yulIou e lutinooff cuphe. " cbîda amil bale nwlalk Iin. Te : wo xenail lmtacorecllg ilsgea lu civil lre. These donutaL ludne away ion lahme, faur t iem Inluur. aedoe in.N.488 - lv w ily wntheislad b, qpu pil cni et e e Ic rest at i. Tte *ue lmnala aelfi men vIa re-clîsîtid. principal outabation, Epanie. Ths rPublicenuotice la leraby gicu iat sish viii arise lInt cols,, IlVol- lau a retors ticket, vilci vas refuaci Lie ordinary praclillosier. THESE MA WED. lrougt mecfadoo doser toucbhihîle bY vtrine af an ortier and tecree cnen-la gains conîrol fi-arnVie r«,eivrsSicailta $9,000 damagea. a.OI o nt Rest MiZEn CiAY>'- .egîaenativicesthan 1 could gel ai Balunin tereti In lb, above eniltîcti cause lu LIen the chances ai-e tiat be vil avu The agent gvi sli tbe ticket sud :STERI ER n1 DIPFISInv Rovern ay, Moiiity-------Legai age lu ycars. - a w as'junysai CircuitColuni afi Lmke Coanty, at tic land aud cmi do vilb it as le osees tie couductar vho teck Lie lUctet au-es283-269 ... bornt, CIîCAGO. JosernsAdmebI, ifcinieesud 1 vas quite atone thre the Ocober Terni, A. D. 1910, Lier,-i. Isi oh ei Margeaet Graham '. -- - --....... 26go etas. as n> vhite people ver, cop- ai. the undersigueti, Monter la CtIanç- .e eee eeeesee m WiiIa Hignite. Ktneaha-....34 cernai. i expected te lie fearfnlly eu-y of sali Court, vili,'on Manday, ilthe .-- - Gertrudie Vasdendlhoar-----------. 2 iouenoine but vas uaL soet ail. Onî' 26b day ot, Dccemben, Ak D. 1910, at Charlea Rose, Racine, Wirs--------- nc Portuguese cas neally oser us antid b a !Oeo'lc nLeatr Auna Kuolin-------------------3«Il lic a faIrîs' <lcent fIiow. ' At preaeit- ioon o! sai day et LieHast Nar a - ' Ernnest Welils libun............-2:1 aEasctudlila ielnfhuîL siithO Hanni Plci Ruacli-------- nec It b aTilnda>' l ain bbc heCourt Bouse in the Cite> a! Wau- Gaig, Patchî, iRussell........2 s ere is allude lis' cmi tram egan, lunlte Ceuni>' afLakte anti --UER Géorge Powll, Milwakeea........i38osevice la atepubliey rondtitn MnuitelKicin----------------------I20lthevillages routi about asti neiW t le bfllhino stl l pblier fae Pal'a Witlheri, Racine, Wia-.....2t baîf have tg ait aulsîde as lie baud-tehebgntld.oa igrfr t reaeMarlou------------------18hIng la tc, maIl. VTbeinibel, vbich ads i, îefoivlsizdela the ai Imn Departments---Business, Shorthand, English, Penn-iaship La wrence Haien. Lake Forest -. - - 32 ceaie aver Iwo ycars ago sud <of vwe udrs hIt.aitae elIeCut Auna Farrel-------------------...22 ltaes cver>' preund, ls rang for tM-o! Latte andstiPaIe o! Illinois, lovii: Matiy New Studentu'W1ll Enter ait This Time, WiII You Bc On. oflThem? Henry Lunu, Libes-yrile--------..34- ty,mlnuiea au- no Salunday evajing 1, te The Southi liai! (S 5%) or Lot aMx(6) Rima Ring. Chcago------------.. 23 nolifythe surromdng ountraaa ut In luW.: B. Susdrlns tbdvWsou of!ECES Basa Vîlgan, DeKtali------------..22 tle next day la Sunuday. Muai people Peut of te Nrthwé*t tilirtlt (N. 'W. Day and i NgIL ScItool entîre year. 4Rinienta mas' Tiey asu-etal u>'experencedtouLeciters, but exper- AntasRalais------------------18 start carl>' In ilhmoruîug lu aréenr.teI-M) af Section Tvsntv.eit, (U) ha ýnteu- et an>' tIe. leaceti Boabteeltaras MdStenoqepcra,. Hallon Coole,',hibcago----------.21 airive ai chai-el Ume et 10:80. - Township fortî-flve (40) Nprth, a! EQUIPMENT. We leadli Lie Pltmsst Shantbddt. Viola Johnsonu;-.-............----20 - tger fou- Schoing. lRangeî Twvee(12) ButaIo!the àTlrd EWe talai Lie Grogsg Borihanti. Pauîl Muller, Puebla, Cla-.....24 "Myily adeii me foed mareiatroag-Prinicipal Meridia, aooordIng ta the ah ,tudent bliaieLie o - a fRne oak dieai t vii SUCC ESS. '1astec. iglit iodera offices« Bank, Wboleemi$Houae,- Noy-er-l ~Int imLa-y ai île W. B. C. lave liere Elizabeth Fltzeu. Waukegan-.....1 lythanngaver LIai ve muet do mtueaforplat rcoeli u it r«d<e 0c la anothestlelaFrlal onit tesi benmaefalafo-ceaanilUeauid aug m Kari 19I'Ôpfu, Maisoun-----------..28 Lthe oiileatioits, clerce thoaigs a! île Couniy of Lakte ssiitate a! Il- Houa,, lia al sais. Lumberlng. anti vomen ttan turing Lst athe a~ Tabl Kuoeson-------- ----25ualty in sdilaie coinitioýn. Book 27 af Des t n apae W. teacî use o! Addul acheine, Latter Proe aanti Senti fataur hantisornsentaoiegntJoIna.i aller FOR 8 att-es; Il ireso; g> suitîl2 1- seii tory Po< r pari 117 $bot FOR S 2 ustbl FOR SA &Hl parts DemePot jr mtuS bois. 0*0te Fan si At1 luisi FOR Si sith lit FOR SW ailiS FOR Si hslir "s' Meni-... birao FOR Si b--s-sà *t .ta-.lts LOTS #utlsdrvi J1. (;iSu FOR Si yenai. 9 at the ,C i--OR S oit 's OR S FOR e t', imil FARMI Cauuty lu vici» FOR S lig l2* FOR S mil up FOR 1 FOR F p.cre 0 Ausftin FOR F nisitai wl-hou WANT abie 111 6 ps--r> uiler V LOSI lu bis thes -r ; 1