Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 8

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-"ff 'a Mroeiai lutwee lW MM 1u4 - l te -V * leega. %Ë60of laift be- M* v eoduomnmal adwmaloi>. go If age 40.1er break avai' tram »tMil ofee thxe socled trust, or MW preliuers breaka ay. -the M5 vi wreràthue market f or the ïo-ea on? "Id tte prce of mllu InWauko-1 ý,ba lover tban 8 conta- a quart? 1 Whit lappefned On Danie,. lie etory of 'the oue deale.7Ti7 b, M.s *ad the couuni0fet llk, e Poasbath te producerasd lbe 1W, lu tbm laiIntance, seema Wir'o ta he SW oignalgoat-hut PIth a buci lublnt stilI, if W tbefret place, al of thie dealers lii e exception et* iis ane. ap- W obe memberi of thecombipe aIo fl to îeep nu the. price, lot Lsd. Mar Du"t Dam. ESCAPE- InBamn Tvac boys, agoti about -7 or 8 Yeers, an drap ont of a barD vlndow toai the graund,- e distance of twonty-fivo fo reet, lu au ýefort to ev, themeelve. ne from being burued lu à fire lunitheih harn lu vblch hai' vero pîsyln,.ul va the, exciting 'experlence at Donald sb Woods sud anotiior boy iii the uai nt (ohen, Saturday afiarnoon about l 2.30. cn The lire vas lu the aId horu lu lie Pl rear aofithe former Wattermsu prap- mty on julien street, nov ovuof iii . C. Sldel. The barn hald heen.ugdb iii Honry DeKay' ta, store he auto ville o vas lu dia clty. Inuithe barn vas a oty-gllon can of 'gaolene, «2 wich lie fiante! tlled tu explode.XIt la due ta thfi tact uhat the. houe. nbar lie barn vas flot bnroadea iad lie nmuuu, rpuu t ,.u.uvma would -- ostiia sout, ada tvpa eleg- have taosiith sente vai'as theo barn. Xàh"XOf e 91.iOealed trust Tne aionuof!thbo fine stilI remains opaplylug mllita a large cont- a tayteni. Fron t aones of the tva f or plans. Fnmornem*ea"an, boys vlio wveolu the ibarn, lu appeaua t 40e. no' iatier hue, lie th a Harold Mangan of Steel court iners 09tth.ditritbhmee' hâd ba eo«u lte liern vth Woods and o1e thir mli u lY sud Oe onh(cien and lIn n iad gone ot d 1 a"Oa sud.ainsI handad, gt locXiet tem nl. Tboy vent up ta the ýPOtil4 beéINdd It viti ieon uppen flcon, sud upon arrivîng ubero ad £et slxti-eilit Ouher vo- foad tbaitIihebarnuvas ou ire. Thon., tu #'Wu* Il, Ivovinstit tihOi vwuno olipr vay of aicape-opon ex- bave a duansa. cept the. vlndav, and the, tvoa lds a , Caldameting. opened the smielI ndow and drappad thaS, i otefs, called a to thegtound. RU Idte Peticluers aiqd tuai Tiie vlndow vas al. of tventy-five , ý amte"oi' ven. qu, bj final footfronthle graunuf. andnotvlli- 0fj h la aeporte& wva tuaI standing theo tact that the. tva boys of b u t-bsi Maor mi thte oùa la" 0ontthe bard ground neluhen one M"tt amer, vho isti - nat â hart. bte ui to suy 0frithe counctlg The fine alarm vas turned lu front w 00,f trus. the. box an Julien streot, but b>' lie %47 tberafore telepioeto the tirnsth e departmentearrived It vas rand aaied If ti.y cauld get seon thet the structure vas doaniai. eM t mII. 'lh.idealer, Whoi, Fan nearli' tva hanrthle fine naged lu tua barn, until t laut lie lira bunnd 14 vai', laatckilg ut e tu fte t oon tivt'a scale, sud wio heu naio an ta ay dtailto eep p wth Fonthe, tonIes ofthue tva boys 51Wdatll a iap p vli ha made thei, anatonal Jump fon rat tiaugi au indepondeut pi t Iiihi as ihaught tuiie ,Morane 4 tiree Penz et mlk af one firnt " igg itecountadti ud edaboy iad stented the. fine and then run Mg te comodIY an mae. avai', eavhug the. other tva ta tiieln stia* eU u te dti"~ fats.. Nexi moring uns. Mangan, vM eresoald tu t» e lxui-elght motion of lie boy, denleti the soan, Outré for aiconta a quart. cleiing tiat ber boy huid not beau lu La' 't la clalimeat, a no Vholaton the haro that day, but badl been pîSi'- à* agréeeet silageil baiveon Ing wvhiitvao oher chludren ln the, laha amdi mers, but on the. buee t of hlieboome. -six viioe & n'untber o! quarta on About hall su boun belon, ithe fin are od the. pice mai' b. siev- vas discovenoil, Mns.. Morgan saId hon D'VIL boy vas iding ou lie sidevall paît liImm H«01h. Réb. the barn andti m e tireron vaboys Woto, 1âei -tus tronle began. lu tiiere. He calledt t lent ta came tyo'dealers vhie cnstonins ont, but iiey nfuged. That vas thie pI up ounient, Ilu la allegail, wax. lasutdîne that Harold Morgan vas an à=-! liemala wviie iY an. aad Julie treet until aften lie fine. &Ira doue, sud vbhch appoans ta Tiie auto blouglug ta Heuri' De- r liai tien, la a combluation ta Kay vag Dt lu tihe rnat the tinte up lie prie..sud gavern théof the.lire,.lihebauffeur iimvlng taien dir of OUi: ot tbe machine asnirt tinte betane . ftelopheed, t l!e lgod, to the boys ent.ned. Thon, ver, otiiet ,a fare*ffl sUpplying the oe,.antall articlos toned lu tiie barn ai 010r %Ith ..,uaufor.hi u ,a lie timnt a li veadstrayeti. bMt J boycott hlm end net ta ~ly snyimoe ,mlii. a. ,2t ammxtate edealer Who #M Meid hlm th. feU>-scan en **M àI la allegai, andi wsind asm t te suppy any memsmlii th «0e nadealer. &M M.Ihe"Ma-den ltea saueat the lii. ag.-enen t b.. e ,bm*m linstapying th eone deal- )lI 0 mwliii Md thaï:thte ens inle slilag th fouacacesa ,-O Wosu mmng lté puica, MM mliSupplirron tfel..'doal- the libee denler vas ct or.~ It and the. one dealer baidl t teWi.couslafo bilsuippîy et ffl muosa aday. LuclilyIdei uabus 10 hlm, It la allaget, -th* exetion ihidmadeý bbdi Ma eunthe Oprice oa i mll net. O la 1111i Ta. iI? i dealer lu ma Interview ibis bu"" reu bta h unaeni olaile cîa aquart, la toi> ' la urasesble. 1He aya or,41 hbeurot af tii. .1k, la "a yée, ou$ are choaper, dbP ual generlly .la Mdl bW ebhie a bit bicher, La e 'M wtu tIem ml Arrange Wrestling Bouts Hoeas. ella, wvi a .tnylng bard ta, revive au niernat ln the wn.stliug gaznelu Waukegau. reports uhai hae han justilelddeala vblcii elîl givo the fas of tbis clii a trent fot De- toember 8.- YounusJordan, via von thenmatch ber, lut sturdiy nigit, la' lu ibis clty and expeta tanromainuboeapen. maneuly.. h lu selli that b. vill go lto buinsas boe.asd b, blîleti fan ail boula ironxt ibs clii'. On Deconi- ber 8 he la ta vre.tle a finish mtatch wiii George Sciilp of Detroit, Mich., tbe tva nien 'trying for tiie welter- velgt ciamplanshlp of tiie UnItof States. Neither min so tar n luthiricrs.! vne eutlen have been tbtovu, sud the, match bor. next moth promises ta be one ai lie hast evor pulleti aff ln the tate. Aa a prelminany sella bas simioti fan a match baiveen Youpg('anti ' a Chicago, via aloq appoareti bore liai Saturdai' nigit, and nome featiier- welgit yt ta lie namnei. Tii. tve matches vill h. pulledotiaff aithe Cube' bal Thusda nhght,,-D«emben S.' Thea îNDIEPSNNVT lbasmare mii coribeand ls te. hastdvaMir4In auadum la Lae aauuy. ShogunDatie Iiuml>or of hantera, nome 10 th* @Outhi ng, 90a itciied battu iln wlii utrge ht othort tb lhe nortb WhS e E.Wug v er. brouillt Into plAY WU .a1flit oai tii. osvlpeusover, boti laquirles ht ai thie barbor loe Bund&Y ait-, aides of theba"o>r blaze avaY, no 0f vhiio n. z~apîa ! litac tietthramatter viiet tis. oaion of the birds bfr, alively fusillade ot abat. for gev- may lie. - eb minutes, n n a kle r Soveral une«.,iati on both aides of la nov Dut atou, v oa ag lUed orthe. larbor, bave tItthe. alots tram she lait hurt, ~ ~ ~ ~ th gaiul ot a uc~ n uthe opposite aide, in quirles1 tu severa-l places. ti ires moni ln a boat viioso namnes scatte>'ing .~t - - them about tkieir four or dnot ho loarned, vere-.crosasig cohnbig e beWr tOf hanar la a rowbaat aftr a <m>abrt., e May untlng an the. nortli pier. Paul ahnema or f tua ýclty vas aoatèd eou-the haeh Telocatati hplot vaiiibg for the. docks tu Tho police ot Wankegan roceived a McLaugî andi onelof the mon lu the, boat communication tram the. police of Irv- are tv> w up ha*aiiotgun snd fired both ing Park, neas- Oloago, tg ithe offeçt Ms laoyrligr' ied Ti da that a team of bai'... b.d beau pfrk d tsC elae oeUmes lbtad ' The Wup ln tust city whteb, It la thouglit, atraat,1 * u M m. i l.wth Mai hava beau Stoqn ft hua a ret X taomtortably neax tha Mesice one et ti.he i 0! oftiie tsAm 15 a >1er.~~th vjlig nelshbaniioo foy minutes Inter the 8110bot hi lisebatt tL,500/ paunds. In Ferbî earound. theoend af the pion and the dirt wagon, ta, vici ith. liorses that ha ýon. of the mon ln the bot f v on, atiaciiod. vas tound a bag Of a day lger on the. pion. This vag ,nough oatdS The teent was found lace. by te , teadofthe, road and, la iiolng held lUger, and es napidly as ho could ai Irvlng Park valting for some, anê newa ci d bis gun ho pouned ahot aften ta -dcaintthom. Tiiore bas baou no en had -ilnto the. boat. Soule of the, abat, teant reported toa tii police 6f Wau- the, rail a ald, passed clear thaough the. kegçu whlcb ,*ould fit t h description wsy. to 0 f the, boat, but no aue vas funnlahed. TlIhe d med. TheltstiUme the, man from sad be( boat, vba atantedtii, battle, dîd SearohÎng 7or 9Siter. Y'oungi take pains to lire over the heati Charles SanijsOn 0f,,Waukegan, en- veryp tUger, and many of theabsiios gaged lu an Intereatlng a.earch for bie ho,. os id close to hlm.' . siptor, viiom, ho bas not see n for aven fram bh la no $malt wonder that snme one twenty yeans. follo*iug hie motiiera 5Sh, nat boon killed or se iusy burt doatb and the. separetion of the, chil- I th, harbor this ye.r. Tht largo dren, theiistaer biing given ta an that it hta of ducks have httrectedi arge sunt ta rais. andi aftenward, marri'- imagusi 'upted at the SIL A S mr7OçLMP.,its _______________Flint. IR EDTITOlP. reomain Do you know, 1 thimk Myor Buckf - las the rnost amiable disposition inag- c inaable. During al this tirne that thee jolly crew of easy-rnoney.getters have been operating on the ity batik rollllhe lias reînained' as* sweet and serene as ad lake without a ripple. Some men woold have becorne angry, said harali thinga, or even atteînpted to stop the graft. Not s so, Mr. Buck. W1 is so fearful of offendixug sorneone,P * lacerating thec sensitive feelings of a fellow being, that he bas bravely, aye, nobly, withstood the tetuptation to 0fly at their greedy throats. The mere fact that the men in questî 4n are close, warmn, bosom fi iends of the rnayor's. should not be dis- cussed at this time, should not even be considered, as t is simply a coiïncidenice, that's ail. Now, 1- will prove to you that I arn riglit: When Moran & Compaüy started to lay certain sew- er pipe on the sotith side that ;was purchased of D. T. Webb -& Company,, the eity engineer prornptly rejected the pipe as flot being up to specifleations, and Mr. Webb took the pipe away at once. A long winded article ap- peared ini a local organ the saine night, telling us how our noble city engiÉeer rushed ini single- handed and alone, and at great loss of life,-%,aliantly saved the q'gty frorn a terrible. outrage. Oh, how our'hearts throbbed with admiration, how we longed'to grab this heroic of- *ficer by the hand and in our feeble way express our.grat- itude. Were the achievernents of -Dewey at Manila, Roosevelt at Sait Juan or Davy ÇOrockett at the Alarno to be coînpared with the rnagnificent charge of Thacker, at Washburn SpringsI Then the tord of Locbl Thiprovenients found out tlîat that pipe w'às ail.ight in every particular and just what the specifications alled for, so they washcd Ben in the "blood of the lamb" and lie came out apparently pure and undefiled. Mr. Webb carted the pipe back to - Washburn Springs and it .was used by the contractors, Now, here is where the conincidence cornes in: On A8h street a sewer job was going in and t called for twelve inch pipe. The contractors put in ten inchi pipepar of 'the way and the engineer seerned perfectly satisfled. Mr. Webb did not furniali this pipe. Mr. Webb is net in the combination. The ten inch pipe was not noisily rejected by the hero of Washburn Springs, nu fact the matter was not mentioned at all-Jpurelya conidence. Ail of W'iceh goe to prove that Mayor, Buck isa a man of great fortitude. +4 1 read with considerable interest the decision 'of the council in the Mreuraiîr aloon inatter. It 'Beens' the three saloon keepers in question appeared betfo>re the cornmittee and plead guilty and then the eornmittee got ont its fuîl fal Une- of punishluenits and invited, the gen- lemen to choose. They showed the v'ery latest- thinga- iu ail formsof punisbrnents, froin fines te the revocation of licenses. Well, after lootfing themnail over icgrefuly they thouglit they would rather close up for fifteen days, so the commttee wisely agreed, and the matter passes into, history.1-..1 Now, of course, there is no law that provido an, tbing like that, the law s&ys that the liei*é shôuldbeé ifevoked if thýete is a violation.*- But it would sèem that throwing an aldermnan inth thestreet at 2 o'clocla., f rom anuopenSaloon la not'agawat the law.- WeH. ghe coundU ou ht toknow! Ing on forema Cape edat lIera c ran am a rosi ileade NO MALARA C11EIAP LIVING NO BLIZZARDS NO -SNOW EASY TERMS=.MYou cao bugp this land et ribicu- lousl g low prices ý--q$55 te $70 per acre.=uone'4',Uth caski, balance ten pçars, 6 per cent., andgou cen - pag for the land in cane. t is worth- trylng. 'Ask for. descriptive advertising. Go and see the country., test iftý productive powers, Excursion Tuesday, -December,.6. 19100 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. -1-1, but 0MAIIA9, NrA Wr N ILLel us. Of~ IMM 8 AUZPAYING FOIt --A p l MA Pu QUAUT gun tsha - 7cents-a quart ea 7e - cents aquart t'ëd :ra - 8 cents a quart -ul I~gn - 8 cents a quart. of hi 1Unger - - centsaquart north sy,a cen grow sud vire finetd Tiey aa slt tabave' u obicono laugulage luaà,publice mannar, ta bave rezused 10 psi thoîrI reckofng mac ana»'y to beye upraiaod a choir and tbreatoeod the ovuer of the caf. vitii t, boaldes sblyig plate. ai bis bmad. Oyuters cause Pain. that II;le bard ta tbaco ber, la litrostina 'resuitaIteam bisj se and in&du a lot of relatives M. existence lio ditflot know IU found thaL uissaitera nain>( Mn,. Charles, Tiylor snd that tt Gand Rapide, viiere bjisn.i boSsu, for Aaiiland, Win.,,about rfive, years aga. He hoa nIIQW ito Aaiilend ta try, to locate Br. With ber busband and son &Y nov i:e in canada. second cousin w>bui ho bas' after many y«aan1%laMn.. john IghiiU «f Grand. lapida. Tiere ono tire. mtoe among tiien Cathinine Evanaof 6Spage Grand Rapide, and Miss Mar-, à001 thO. saïdest deatii magse lu cOmm to Woluk.egfanlu many vas that vhlcb cama tiiraugh UN ana day lest veek when the. carne In a letter th t H. A. Bow* dmet bis death. m 'sterlousIy lu llsd yards et PIttehung on the, 0 the bedeideo a bis dying father. latbl Mosasslg a rticularly ecaes on ubeffldy of the, deau man vas found thip picture ý>f a Pretty Wau.kegan:gi rl bearlng; me, and, it la neponted, a letten ber. lCOUld flot he neaciied iii'tel, Slaut nlgbt, but it 18 believed it ould nfot b, atnetcing thE nation very far> to Picturea dis. ilov, story. ve came bore tbreeYomrsago il-te ng a profesonal hyp subJect witb Pýrofeasar Horbeni He realgned bie position tc in bers andi aften a tume et work )nPublic Improvemeute becami( un of a gand af bnitiera foi & Company,. Ho waa emploi' thua vien death overtook hlm 8oldim s Get Gay. ke Rysu and Tom Brown, tva ol0 of Font Siiridiù. Saturday nigi amuck lu the, joy *ah La. choi culte on isonth Genes. street,, a iiit of vblch Dent uuorning boil ld 'guiltY to dîsonderli' canuc eny one business man vben chioce1 muât b, taken lu refeence ta thingi priblted lu the, doyen iiundned year leasqs. .f Business men mgit bave a nîglit1 as fan as their deedi niay restrict, for1 ail w, knaw. to atant a dance hidi, sa. loon. gaminltden,. theatn etc., buti tboy voîîld not bc vise to do no. Theyi vould bave ta reckon witi the ciy ondiances and tiie people. They nîlgit îlot be nesiricteti lu sumie thingseveen bi' s clty ordinauce. but when a business man la depend- lug tipon the people.,viii' aionld ho tur davu tiiose thînga cheriabel by thent for the salie oai%. evdollars? EILyort.r Eound Or.,> After mauy dola» Wlliami, .f. ys- ter, annasteti sane tinte agolu connec- tion wltii attend tiieltta&actheiplant oft tii. Thomnas B. JeflerY Comipany of Kanogiia, vas arraiguei lu the munie- ipai- court Baturdai'. Attorney Calvin $tovant appearaul for hlm and he vslvod axantinaion and wae beld for trial ai th. Januýry terni of the municipal court "lu bond% of $1.000. The bond'vias furnlsbed and Bystan weq relmaed. It tu probable it viii b. tont. tinte hetore iith teao Elylger la talion up as tii, prosetUng attorney la anîlous te have John hlm. lis sa vîtues. lu Nimtitz la nov avaltlnr trial on a sîmîlar char$e ln Chicago, but h ,la probable tiai ti.he arlng of that case wil lot ha, reacial for muoiy.ekg suad thi may force an adjoumumeut eoftthe lys. ter cae lId the courts af ibis couaty.- Keoaha Nova. Playground toi ChUlrer. Mr. William 0. Nisan of Eveugtou. one of the baln at alSleut James Hen- r' Suilubi money, la pneparlng to add another ta bis benefections to the yýoutiiofiEveanhi' inpovîdina eplay'- groun for lb. use af tiiose living et the, sog>h end ai Evansion. vho eau. ont avaîl themmuelves eltiier aofNisgan park or Foater field. Alltheland fi" not been 1,urceaed as yet, but negotiatians are lu prog- ros and enaugb ban been obtalued ta assure the. succe... of the plan. The graunti comprises alait e te large block oai land lylng just nnti af the. Wshington achool. beiveen Main sud lee streeti and Ashland sud Florence avenues Tiie ichool bas neceflli'acquireti aIl of thie fontage on Main street b, tveeu thosblockis, sud Mr. Magon bas hougbt nearly aill of th etsa!o the, îrop.rty lu thoi, boundaries. lt ln bis deaire Io .',tabllsb a playground something on the Ilinsthat have rprovei no succeusinl et Foster filid, and tthe teofle af that neigubonboad kwill essimialli'appreclate Lie gi tbe- cause I, itlsoug such genulnelY help- fuI lhues. yon >egs puouul et the I.ynle eac Tueaday.. h --4- Tii. Zon Indepaudent la griefi strIclion ove tthesale of oystars If ZMon City. It aya: Some people lu ZMon Ciy may thilk that- bacause tiiene ara people ln. our ciy Wiio bave taken te thnselvee the. nmaaiofludependents, ning 1bai îhey do Doit stand for Vollvalan snd big inj»Uatlcasd n=scrptural harangues and egiaulte on viou ha canot coarce Into' subjeetian-eoMe, va *&y. iney thînli that tiiey cen valli vltbii >punlty ,over the sellent or prominent teachinga of ZMou aud con- tinue popular an get populan. Dis. abuse your mind of such atuif. Ani' citizen Who vIfully attemptu, ta luduce on, cîtizeus to do that on theln ovu premises whIch wlll vio- lae their igbts In fac, or 'In sprit vlIil have to recrkon vith bis situa- tion. A. mnuould -be just as populan ln, Zian Cty Ilth the word '"5aloon"' ver bis door as the, word 'Oygtena." Bath are candemned lunZVon sud bath briug en diaeese. Tiie oyster cannfes t>. phoîf lever andi trichine, etc Tiie ludepeudent stands iii'everi' business man ln is attempta tcr lit ourqity up. but It stands bhei fund- anientals of the. clty lu preferouce ta, de go lii ai la 'w Il IP -1 1h 'a SIOhLO AVERAGE Presideot funk, of the National Corn, Growers' As- sociation. sayjs the alluvial soil of Louisiana -should average a corn crop of 100 bushels to the acre. We are selliog îé6âi there at $60 to $75 per acre scarcelq the value of a good corn crop. And y~ou 25 TO 40 TONS Of CANE to the acre, worth $4 a ton. The demaod for'cane cannot be satisri'ed. Sugar milîs want more. -iw . SMo 4ht lie l w SPLIENDI1D CLIMAT! ws , 1 ý

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