Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 11

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ntln k ± -C Wit the folfowling message ta contM g tdai:)le . ti enmeandi Hou»e af Iepre- tiA auttatives: $« Durogt rie past yer tiie forelgn r.- I« Paiiq rthe UnIted tites bave cou- Mnué upa a se i frieodaiip at iT.ycar bas been notabl, as vrit- u assinir the. paeliSe settiemeat taitwo, trg 3Important Internatioal cantroveromies5t 'befare tii. permanent court ai The m, Tii. arbtretlan ai the fifaberies dis- ýu tetIjetween tue Unitedi Mare antid ret ntai, whinh bas been tie P jaerof aiunriy contInuons diplmatic au correepondeuence n.thi hlt-e. con- es veaiti9n of 181&, bas giren an aïvartie wb IR eiaatisfartary ta bath partis. au Pea. Comission. Io Appreclatlng tieise nigitoued tend- & encl.a aifniodern trimas, the. congrus 414 r t tiast session passeti a aw praviti- tf lngfor-*ie éppautitof a acommis-0 eon ofI ve membera ýto b appoiteti là tbe ti.presitiet ai the.Unitedi Statue 00 Oenation ai the, world by Intimastion- th eI greemuet andi ai consttutlng the.lil combineti aunes of the vorIti an Inter- natianal force for the. presrvailn ai tu utiversat, peace andtet considr antim epoa upon anr otiier mn»ieun adîifit- ( z thie .ipeutitnress afgaverunent tar' a ,mtlt«7 prpoeu anti te aa isntii.EN %w.babilities ai var" tg Tbe wùnk ai tbe International ieab-Il Scommission appoînteti laiJ" S ýLrthe.trecty ai April 11, 1909, tween Great Britain andthte.Uniitedi * Btate, bas resultetilu h i formula- If liait anti recoununndatian ai unifoa i ýffliations governulg tesb sieletfgo she boadar waters o aOniaanti a the. Unitedi States fur th. put-pou. aiete potectlng anti taereassng ths aupply el ai food s tin enchwaters.t The. Fer Saut. The cter of Iptere#t ilu far- easteta fttalns turing rtii. fat jear bau again %ea Ciaina. ;Il la gratliying te note tint the ne- «;otillas fat- a loan ta tii. baus covsiument for tha canatructian of the. ýbzlk rilway lin.. trom Hankou? pcutbwrd ta Canton anti vestward tnoegb thei. tagts vlle>, knawn a ith Hukuag lban, wer. concludeti by 4-M erepresenative. ai the. vt-fous suactai groupatal l a cati tth. Ikesuti appreti b' respecivet 4ovrnments.y TariENogeliatleou Tenev taif lau' ta setion 2 te- Peelintg the maximum anti minimum e 'tatiait h. Unitled State. vhieh pro- Visions came futo silleon on Aprîl 1 1910, Itaposeti upan the, presîiet tue il«onsbuit, aiftieterming pt-fr ta biaI date viietiier or net any undue dbwdnmtaatlon exltsd agatuat tiie United Stateant irawprodticlufa ay cmyof,. ithe Wrlt ti bwhliie w iguatan commercial rilatons. 1The. ponley af brostier andi cloue raide relations wlti the. Dominion eti ýC*»xdd *11ich vas tatlted la ýQétst gf the maximum anti min-t 7SumeU ft-r ofa.etthé, tarif aet eai AuguittI, 10,bas praveti mutually heu-1 'eficl it justilu« furt-ler efaorta fori ,the rectijntmbit ai the commtercilf a*htIaus cetii. two coïainlgosathat Icomter-ifmAY tallaw tii. ciin-1 ta natural ta contiguouta coatrim s ~a"i hacommepurate wtii tha teady, expanson ai trade at Iindust" oni bathiide tlaithe bonadary fIne. m. flt at.mft 5W Lt. ju iltarff negttatiatt. ou vital ta Ot- commerceni fltutry. antithe. dtr of jeclauutly gnaiug t euitahie ant bout trectaient ai aur pt-adts, capital ýànd Ilnduat-y abroati tivaive upan tie ifeprtment'ai otate. Th eforts of that depattment tase- ue far citienu aitii. Daflet ti equal appartunitieslft. nicnmarets i 4tie Wrlti anti taexpani ÂAmsnicc ioauumerce bave hein atot #aucceail. iTbe vlume ai business ataineti ta :jew Selda ai canipefiiaitanti UPOD new Unes fg îlroatigvery aréât,"At coagreu leI.urgedtu tacontinue ta aup- prtthe. déprtent af tate tu Ils en- deavr. for furtiief tratie expansion. An tastt-umeatalfty Indispenabe te fIe uniiampered anti rraltcfdevela ment or Amenican camascs aje- ebat marine. AIl maritime ant IcOMt- utercli nations tecogniae the IluPar- taor itbisfa cetor. The gretust coin- tuerclinations Our coaPetite(s, led- oufy f.eterIbermerelist i tae I altdd te tbia mat himpotant uh- et lanta, lest annaI mge.It bas uitein hou beiGne yen, andi I need, PMt resepitulate t.e soas fer terecaut- Mendation. Uieus prompt action ha lo*la the. completiait of the. Panamat ecauiii fin iis haie ont, gret coin- mclal netincitae t. avait la tlW maLtioa tarl rtImne buiness Of ths gast ecnributon tuthetaisOf lteévoeU commeial Itueent-se. For ---ny reuimis1 canno tuaetreng- q urge upen tb. congsi Ie paamas or a£ Mail snhalor 011er senption, udequate ta gusraste. ils esibulsmt sud rapi e ieslpMM of cuAmenimea merbant mainme,tMe Mogrationet tihée .maemaduate iUs arfor -tii.ortiinai'ieenss»u 0f ba ivyeruntnt includlagtithe» for pnb- lbut1ilus. river. ant i brbons anud li nivy building pragrit amoUnIt tae M04,013.12- This la 20094.35134el e than the. approprlatlftnafor the W lcui year ending JUOe 30, 1911. It lae t toill$.4 e. han lthe total Oes-ti- nates. laciutiing aupiementaf isti- nates sunInitedte lacongres. bY tuep tesnry for tie >ear 1911, anti la 85,- b t4,Ot.30 fenu han tb. Original [tes suimitteal by tiie truesnfry far 111. b Tisseaures do net faclutie the ap- >roprfiaip for the. Panama canal, tha piiey fa respect tae ilci ana-t ta b. td la ta apenti ns mch mccii YOer au ma ha eauamictiiy anti ufativ.oir zn- pendedti u oder ta complote th*e aalI 8 ie praniptly ne possible, antitiem.-tI ire tue at-tiniry motive fat- euttlag il àovu the expena. or the. gaveraméot cl lqo&a$ nos-i - ta appropriallais for if ,t ttibeaa(ted tat the la ý foür 1h. Panama canal for la t,#mW ear are mare tien 5M4- qi aver the. amoqut appropriateti fur IbIs n est'. a tilterence due ltith tact that hb the estimates for 1912 lci titI.sains- tI ing aven $19,000.000 for lb. fortifies- ln ai tue canal. Agllat the.estiluate. ai eXPendi- ai ires. $404,013.12. we have -«U-- 91 mitiltrecel pts for next Jear $». i 000, makina- a probable surpl us of h ondinsry eeipts aver omttiýt-y es- tU pendituros ei ehont 50,000,00,or. a tatig Inta sccouai: tii. eutîiiteti for oa th Panama canai. uifiihare 11166,- tl 84.09 ant i eh vil oltimately ha p pali la honda, It u'ilIloave e de" itq fr the next year of about $7.000000 f if congrus aboll canelude fa forth if? dmi anal. Tiie cout af the. fortifications 1 la about 5900,00 ioul ffi er, ab Do Appropriations tuse yeàr for for"a- * allions tien thor. Would ha. aveu le- P euInta iPamnmacanal appropria- h tion, a surplus of about =$12,00. O It la not essntial ta the preventinasn if smuga-lIng that cutomu district$ n eboult ic nesietilun stch«. Th~e c rwlo etaitue costan. lau'.eau ha ile ai eusly preventeti anti mincia mon. ecaonuicaly hy tiie revenue cul- e ten 100rvfc. cu ytihfe Use ai tue ope- s eia agent traveling forc, af the tirusa-t try tipartutent. , Veni greet Iiproveinents bave bien 1 madie la respiet ta the n=ftu ti a0s- iaY offices. tilitalsieti approaphel 0 bave beau aieti for tuose wvhcsé-î tnuanee sla nefesery.ati thia f ~eustimaté af expé 526.00t les titan lwo Ye.a>gOi. la fie bureau ot engraving anti < pliatia -test eoatlusbave beenc efieteti. Usefeis divisions bave bean 1 abolsieti, vti the moulît aetmevfgi #44"S000tbf. *x- t penss.of the. bureau tiespfte Increaset< butnes Revmeu. Asti th ecsUry tipartment la the One tiirongi viibbtue income ea i te Overtement la cectei and un expent- bure. a"t- tiluusi is »Meusa paaper place ta canaler th. opltion ai tihex*istin atrlÏM bl, vulcu ho- cama.& law u' An. O,1»0. Au en lu- cous prouangmeaur.the exlatag fuiE bill bas neyer bienu ee*Weti sny rustota îmfla fie biatary a01lthe eanntry. The corporation excise tex, prapoir- fdm"u tahlthe net ignmet averi bel- »Ms cat-poratio la fie couatry, bas venketiveti. The tua ità boea eu0 cofleetçot ie tuprompt ieymnt tadl- et t li te lacligece ai tb. tex ibs mat bien bosavî. It affers, umerve, an oppontanlty fat- knowledg. hi Up soverumeat oift -u enrai canQfStIa andi husinéet ai alorporattins, anti that meani hi far the taent importent part eStii. insinuas of the country. la fie at-laina'set provliinvas ci t-or the publication ai returua. Tbis provision vus aubiequeutlliamne" iiy congrescuti tue natter leitte t ie reuo3 aof te predeat. 1 bave di- liie tesue offlthe needeti nigule- tis.dand bave made i. tpassible for lie public generally te bau' tram au el- umInetian ot the record the netura»ofe ail corporatioas the. stock ai wbichle i liateti on auy public stock exebeuge or, ha atferet for sale te tue nirai pnb-, le bit atvertisement or atiiervise. The. rellIrneaiofthe"w corporations viiee stock l al sa noutai or ofetetifor sae are dIrecttidta ha open te the ta- ope$m *antiexaainctf.ti e edItors >eand stockboldors, of lie eorponalian whaereord la sougif. Tb@eiesa at ail 1corpoaion»a n. subdect 10 tue Inspection of 9" »geermenteattea or te lhe examinatonaiea *y court. iln vifcitue treture Aidatehes orpan- tion le relevant anti compelent e,4. douce.i The Payne TarE?^et. The eciedules ofithe rates af duty ta lie Payne tant c et bave besa sue tsele5 ta e greel SscI of cnitIcbzsm. soineaoflt, stmore.oaIil funlenisi andtie aueb miurepresenatlam. The. cet was a4qpatO, Lnpurunpe et0fa >#ar#fl ytOparly wvicitla r.- Ss*;or Ilt tpt a Cstoms l411 r l isl*Mnif r lte protection aet home tn lul. tiie meaireof tiie tpoeclion te b h li dfenence belveen "tue uit of prouiiagte Importait Br "ticle abrat and tua cost ai produieing l et boue, tegether u'lh snoba«l- liinteltat ifference as. tai tglva trit Io tist ih repect ta caBOnimbr e the sciiedules the. 4ecl*ret intsrs ora@ not followeti, but a itter tiufer- rce retalneti or uetted iiy way at enine diIscrimilnation ln favar of cet- Ln Industrie@ andi manufactur-e& Litle. If any, af the. critilim a ofthe barnt bas been d1recteti agait tii.1 prttve piSeiple aboe stateti. but the maint body of theiti. tlu bas beet aif on the. charge Ut thte Battpt [ôonftortata thei oulre f pentu- an wu celt iioneutiy anti eicensly ad- bereti ta. TuiE? Soard. The tInte fn whleb fhe tarit wu. pro. iret utttoubtiidly WAS 0simrta ta ci. jit Impofsile for the. congre. kd fi taepurtsnta cquir. the Informa- non necuaary, sttictly ta confam ta te dcaretimeeure. lu orter taavaiti jltlia orafthus bind fli te future anti ter the. purpos. aiUteon. a.rly eclorce- g4to the. party prt-»I congre.. At li Bt susifn ad pe provision et MYre Inut for the«mtutuance ot a bonrti r. tted putier ltie autborlt ft atii he au;- um andti nimium danse of thie tarit bI anti autiiorlseti tbf board ta e«Pend Ée maney apprapislted undr my dl- rction- for tie ascertainsgeat of the. koat a$ praductfaa at haine ani abroi utii.varIoue articlea Inclutieti la le ,iiedules af the. taritf. The tuel~ bard tins appolnttdl andi aittiiorie buem inMilitent ln preparlng Ituelf for te neecsary investiataneTii. hope ofthune wbo bave ativacate thte.Cnm pf titishbord for tarie pnrpoeee la tuat te question af the. rate of a dlaty tha- oued shail become more ai a butnne question and, flesu a a pofiticaf que.- Mon, to h. ancertaineti by experts of lng training anti acourate kaaWt.tige Th. hait hn business anti the âaioek te business due ta the. anunnmnt tuat 9new taritfill la ta ha Prepareti anti put la aperatian wfll ha avoiieti hy trtag thie echetiules one hb> one as ocaion shah aria. for a change la the. rto of each anti oni *fiter a repart upan thi ie eeby the.tarift boardi ompetent ta make sueh report. It le flot Ihiie that the. board wiii ha able ta make a report dornatithepres- eut sessioan af congr.sW an îaüy afthe sedau, ec.banse a proper examia- in invoivean enaonnons anmaant ai lotai anti a greatdent iofeM but I hoit. ta habali.nt thé. openingoaitii. new congre..,ý or ai t at dortit te iuuloliait t âtcongiesa.te irIng -te, wi attention the. facta la regard ea dias. sciedulea ln the. prent tarif tbat May prove ta Bndtiaientiment Ti. curmiins ountaetus"pDbu, of cours. Involves the fai caoperatio of roagrees1fa lintina the, coidere- tian tatarifeinuttera ta an. e edulle et a tinte. hecause lIa prooueti ented- mnt ta a tarif billlata In valve à campletse euederction ofais1tith. nchedule. ant imaotiier revisian tiien we mi .ouiy repent tii. evIl train wiilciithe business a isua antry has la "ane pont: sufreMstatglvu by stagnationanti uncetainty, Pz.ti ftg a rumttletofa a làa aetin ani insinua ltirsedty or tndlrectlj qant the ~fetoa -wiifeiine wiae in su nma woldiIgnare lanoner pro Jeta anti ewInvesticenfs. The laquirlue wlùb he .memberu ai tii. tarit bhuý adesd0 tonatti.Iat sunmer It thei methatia pnrtued by atiier goverutaiitawtii reference te tii. eaieS ef tartea ant ti.déitermina- tien of thbir eqset amm traie shaw' tbamt escii govuemeteast malntiu an et- Se. or buren. the. Cofers anti qS- pl oyai of wheb bave matie thoir lle wu* the stutiy af tarif mattera, ai fordtianti home price. anti cet oi article.1 Imparteti anti the e~etof tii. tarif upoc. lie, so tiiet wienever a ta ha ec.saary tu tins tariftau IR iitâta fe. h ii. surc af tii. muet rlable Informa"Icste the. popar ofety a ti cange ant ietaet- 1 aun s tïïonly caincet4ëiffl , uà-esa noeti la tus gavenment just sncb as offce and tl*tIt h au bha euedotiy uaklng the tarif board aireti! ap- polunei c permanent tarit commisso. witb saeb dodos. powers cati fio-e monte buIt cmseuxntWia, to coogve teagive. than bemlau rpciedtt. large the board frata tbree tu Ove. Tbu present numbier la coivenlent but 1 do not kna* hbat an lneres. aof lvi memiiers wattS hau n4jecttapable. 1 neSomnetthat cogreu s talihf a cotmimia ta busdtermtiae u a lny tu Precticcis. a eamtbmm~usve paitl'for the organisation,. uuolfstiouati ad- umiaitaonofthe réguer armiy. tits organiseti milif 4 and lte voluitéei farces lu lheavat of war. Ned E., MdW" 011OwS.. Dorbmi tt bIs trip lu ehange tu openel fie opeeltii Auflhc&a une. Suias, Pol immbw t Mr case. Lied siiot gav' ta e Il 1-eseisa.. moila tet be Lus anti ha. markets ,ha At le ln*ks6do coloinelGocetiais, the *rMy egl "lee t u arge or lbé, vok e thePaF5manaMaal. 1 have out mnatiea YbUftothé ritfhbunu ta là- upet fie ve- l* ai s in ô coiat wu film 0a tfIs $au t st-oune problema wsiçpne lirlI tu ais. 13 the «r ttum e pruffl lf t Wa* la monsS, 4ý t»q, if Do u ii- expictet jug.uufii sel i lie canal ihhl lievali Olinheii lima sied by T Ml " ta vit, Zen 1, 11-i5tiii etmt ai caut, 575,O* SAmang quesiegat-ilang for presOui ointhh le tfie eolélon wiewth* i eals ill be tostàf1 b ave alrecti statudta thle «$W mo ilit 1g trangif taai ortilftes*lag, >md 1 gow reltenle luIs opinion &»d A 'ur conitiiratic< ai the. auject lu <Ioi ll tu te nepot- àlreedy btor. 74c mid h a ramp- tent hoirt. If ta aur tilceltiflt vq billev"moi nu totitfictlins tt, e Ut9eyta the siequteiprolspfi »A Poum i lii.b canoal, tien Il la. w1v u*i le conoi tuet tlSeu. W bave luit-lécanal. If te Mnr Properl5'. 19Y monv0liaw. bave t&Mateti ur del, faorp#M Indeud u- dertalen l¶a midftO Uedinali use Il t bio veIf k»kaettcone et lie cliiet oahiectulathe causlttigiat t li osal iha#stien4P ler$MUetbe mii t"7 eféuevet Of ur naly. Juuhlnre tafotuit t .cani vouit lm.*fthe attalament oai bolilthose. aime a nthe.psitin aofligua uot oh- igeilous vifi vw sfo eiuf povenleu ta emirce mantiebl oil i neyer te sny otiier %vuy habaile y eguati- ed ot ainete dupéatu ati lrempas île etaemy.' 'Ia determining -pialtitahe Nla the et" a sonitf haW.enstamly ought -It te insist teat for a v6ud ma" yeyare ta, comte hhey aoulti «monIt enaui teP p le ite t lon lthe IuiemltoOt a« #M000000 Wbvitalle uli "tés 's .made In lie cOiatruitIea or tie enal. W.e ¶1t t tteldo thit fat, iecauee bo.iis tu e the nem pendittin ae et-. o te tuxqud bo5ite b a retira MMothIe laestise5L My avunIpresim 1a tua- t lstouts ongbt maltexeui51 per nt In. 0m an.1,1, joli. etoilelnla le e cma are ta ha I7primes-pS 28 eptilf« anc net tan b, Sue.s éliagi .e.Un9 laimbemeuardgeMt Sellmr & tan vii su u.»CM tWjune iiv a grass cnnai tace ta UpPaneama canal or nerl 1#JO05 ne .051 or malataucce Ud 4PMeu leeeaU- iclte oeFeuêd IOM& th lhe ranlteéR4aunSameàOt DIW gnon cantrel 91 tbo cnlamIche iM itremce.te us"Ivusoa paodng tirodthls caat- Nev.J<ie gevsutu- dmntQ fornl Punval la, toadte- tale ta ft-iaihe m eu m ai.ta fie navy. anti they sre conystmec uorequirsi by rcmMerefal ve- ubere vwouit sm eei t. slnam resanu vby tii. gmerltmtgt hOiiot t es avenandli acailuit iteMR"&a*e menthle iurauitag *01 anita tue a&v,, bat to tiie publie, dnicb t regaIns$hop MfttiB t lic sle of coal, oui mhéq5a 5a5Ilme. The manteniance ~1c«nai cf tbencemp l é 4pi»spawC Nie7Po- late coutrySM i trplr% iere Spô*em., Ire tý tih %@ , v«, e. 3.-prees i vot robfl Sm 2 c tritb thé -M à*e .procedr. la lc =tsi coausba s ayot lmat ie n te- 1 am #strouger canviacet that the bee Motbod t M mvisg judiclai pro- ,sgiiheAtIlau'fa -taempover lteesft- Pr*M court ta edoil thrangi the me- 41*11 et fhe raie. et lie caunt as la equi. TIl a tie 'v a nvbhi t hait isea toail n ant. Relief -ofStupreme CertaI rom un- Appuais. no maxi ougiiltlabave as a incIter ai rIait a reviev 'etbiasraesehteau pruinée catt. Ui baud bh. satiali b ne beering hbeaeaccourtaorauêt bince anti oe revisu' by a haurt at appapl e.T. preper ant cilai uen- nus of tie supreme court. anti ugo. claity lthe signai. canrt oi lie 1Unile Statis, a tutheiieses vbleb came ha. for* 1150o ta expouat thie lav cnd ispe- ctiflî te.funiansiltai laW-tio con- stitutio-us ta fsnmlab pescedontaseo lhe tafanlor courté tu futur.Uligatlen ast fer th. exounlve th tLa caocntian et Utate. u s" hile Ver- tormuance of theIn tagl dtuile.. Tieme tomns aY proisvlalafor e rvi.v efesa by the lupteulipcournt fielCa apen luit cout the tdo i fpaa on qu.e- iomaof evideiteand the coutruclice et pénticlar tonn= et Instruments, HOre lodletomslsor ville on cantrata*, de- rWomé ot et ofganappWlcain or Importance. msaell cbog ad ionIen yo emnIanS retdirr. dilamlt aI ilgiefotonu, Wb" citaIeus.- portet Agpa et tb. faasvmal et onrtiioreramnut. The. supremcecourt la am, carnslus un UnneteOmr!bundas et t$pl» o f tdis iufl4,anSdIenaesdy uhg. liait Il ha nehusuti IudieitLaeci. 1 aillher aeomauei tae ongress La Passae orth*iabil "w peutint La dts hlnfea-inesi alisl ofithetuS- ledi jaSgs., b, viieh t. hef gejste oftw siuaprfeiC OOKahswifrfwuve ffle MOd A"S tie sumoclehe jmomoseo Lae cicuit Judffl eensttuUte acfa- e t ««M"a mit ta par alL be ff ion 0a"87n e bos baa aihepu et ta ie euau'. l lua tüýinym te repart,111 ii nductioli tua he dtOil i buigmn a pliff siiun mmfimonlil .uoetmhis aSPont- mmsefS vi ad umBnci hii'iie utdhil aet hIer OMMaBandtu s male da The Puualaung Plvilsge.. The uareslnfteulmannen la vbiei the frankina- pal$leae ila 8- 0ibe uset by the sevetai Seeral serluvi and by congre"us bslaid il opa. ta sq. niani abucu. Paruqis Pest.- wu respea the l~ p ipaut, m e. .laloi m ua. m a liaI au eppropnIetiaaof ai pSý SOdé ta cover lb. aeeessern epenu or onganslg nt and e yla s nh $&MeY Applilasee ndi Prvlemé, Tbe protection ai ralirect tram pensonafl ajuny lua sileel t tie fflbe.l Importune nd demande eantinunina almntian Nefge. laxipefa. 1 Mus rmwesMy redammOetlf fi aes istain obinate lea- lut diiiàaue. expwdltu mla wbmea lion eta i i.diih *I nerani i li ismulma by Un. Ltlnofaituee muene Patton praclemian-m Nohiing con ha mus. important ta lii. mater of canseiatian lies tus tifflment of aur fe.-eet lansa. Lpei- lut ge-mr1, lii gaerismeml asfe.e serveS.of lh. pautmg ferensaabout 10 pt Ceit or *il liS IimbsemadsoettLa pwreumet« wIthin Umm Éthl n- 0 uiudlmg 1&00O~0,00acrasla Ivem I Sb Ala"a es12,«M anas. il vbbcl MO0, &ees.are la l5e £00.060 ec.tlutI ieong teiC, flglb4 or te prteiva Iduela. Ve lIvs limee-udtn asasforese a tala of about 144.3000M Acous of foreilu ieiac.lg tae lie gonnaet italw are- boisa trestetila seet vwit e -eu- t ,f -e5.51-1. "- - Lae deprtmet et agriculture leriaifS la tUpsestatm wfl ba bbifl la t le lf~stMN miommesi d e.Scae5Utiltt taatinbossa In*oeed b.empuM hIe paseet fu resrme h faite vItalaremat« ropm lâand wud 'il ougiite la CeaiLands, Tbe nest opbilumd ntue potant for yo u oslwmtim *"eOaiwa tm rtiae om a" m United Blte. UAsud lWMika. boaiutnt et tbé.etafflubttt w. etume icooiltend$ *Ot aS Stata amouatla to5,4ffl unS tien. Wou, wlbdvava bi ter put-ficfela caaiiction acea. *boaibailis tusse b C bmwa tW mirorier tfi t simmaion 78P7.?4S cut. e andlp h. TIi sq tiwre a- leaging appt-areî rruiat vitale "ards fer hiledte *èvre mi thimermwv inigegi th tm e .r vEiaiadobe te for au l""i epl un«à,- a biave afiesdy ieic4& atiy SIarI. mla sd me- end trou e . eaùi la lus six me on t lIfed l Peliui eýý i; -fiey wero il t f t'o ** x1 * m t La ai "disés tiNtueoe*111 uge lu tbe ut-Rmi S W *ot à @ae& la , ., ,- ibsue am Wiuud Pts 0blsuTho7iéCeuu.u #0*g sileett mtactu lu-vet ai tit d fl pfflnticelty 1e- on.l Le5t» Sqed il fit-. the lW$# amOnalat dee *0 110,0.nleptiutmesee-~ L uset» Tb e lowtt . ius si t17ti. BA09 id ! lit On. Iw, bt- bave Wo. .i v:uetitas, lvil bac tuvn4A' no, e-ems otbé UeteO Li s UUoie aitta ila5WmbsId ln PhilIppinee. mm1 euw %e ip aerwiieimd Zasoaae it fflifflcadir» ver.le e antMdpreeau4 mofl * vié»w do»5. fIa. langr Part et itn*sai,*bsnq. isra ttoyeid. ua ae Tub' eusf ont boa" vas itee mm tofaiothier Inilllng titma*-gI gne.$A* anti mzsS. Tbe prapet la.. vll(t4 a ami-to mmI SSI mis1 F enuis presaiot fSte *0&l*W Nov Tort, tDoa. & Oaa teu vie u&JimMt badbeau .aor mouk the aItPms" bot"k » btlvesthe u. sr- m boasai wW bii is e$ et temêe.. 71 1amagsud temai g- 0irariatiensMmie s1 of ajuslie.the lanr

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