1~e s God ewsfor you mys aud Girl&l: W- Yà tfvme , £' V hm Ilà.Waîk.dntei héeere DringYw ~LS and We'11 Show ToU Ala bodTh - Tb~~a~lestspotil' hewI9lctn ise ToyJlid, located ini our Basement --- and why shoulds'f ~ * Thot,ýtigathered here ever btzg possible tÏ6 pleasethe youngsters--dolls, toys, games, bs K pq ç $1d in uc.pIasn~ aretyastor' ,fale theèe fec boy and girl dance with delight the miuitt Now, Johàey, Mati, ad 1al the test of YOU boysand gfrI, Take jour mammna by the hand tonmorow, anid bring- ber right.clown to the Globe with you; 'she'll enic arlln through Toyland and secing the sight as.much as you wiIl, and youtll both -havi- jolly good tinie. Ol047S-ain Ii ted aighis headquar sherbcuse hç lctowà we have the b!gest DIe of toys In thé ctvy- Polly Dolly Toys-A nwst axntqing toy, can-, not he knoekexd down, various hratrsand 4eonrings, 98<' te Oc Dak.aI4 Chair-bargit A'ize solid o îk. rnsrnon .11: il vahie .» Am Prfnting Prffl- A very instrîîetive gîft for a boy ~oplçtewith type, hs,> ill rolier an d h7k n nsrctos. I7 Toy Dinhes - Tin, granite and ehina dishes in eoînpletc sets-will amuse the q-i'hl for hoîîrs; priees - fÉ$4.98 to .......2C liard Wood lframe, re volving î<ehart. speeial98 value .......... ,IZlt. oy a always a favorite with evervl 01w horse and iriver. ,.......... . O i~loea-Nogift Will proyide more et-tl- a ehitd than a.magk: anen; we'ba%,e2 vagii~i rces from $5.98 to... 5 Gft.' iland4erchlefs At l*-Yu-Ube Uriiwied t adsuch ai elegant speretion of these daity 1111e glftq ai his prlce;.ssiem rioidered WHl a ilpetanit henstitchpd edg- et. other% lae Irîmmed âtut smre aiUpure lin. ,choice .......... 5 At 25-Fxtra fine SaleS êm- broldered wiîh Séiliopeitandi he.mitltehed etigi't. mrnewili Japanese itrawn work, andt othà- ere pure lînen wih inititl. choire...25 At 50.--n elegalt setêcton of embroidereit Swlee3 band-' kereblefs. sOaliopet aitherntitche e50cs MAeié» t&wuv orkandI pure Itéken. choic ... Giv aToiet Set, Or (aftcygods meflenenables ottChur6*r- priate îft for auj meuber of the famoly.. Thei. telectilon Itbroad andt Ile Pricea fi5Si 1. 1(10 OLOV'IS sio- Pil ou1ieOIA Kit loves .wlfl m pri,îLi. thiy art tutti' a stoi! colora, tv eCI SL l4DMOCItA emurote glove, ont Oe suitbrwoutexcePtimaa raom«.,at pair -ý... wmfB.a imoslliug. fur t< 1VetUeSat. pair ... %.. Z., -t-. att"acttv hréeapie"e tollet set. cel" o ick wltt, goli or mterlàrnntVrqî pe- beveloit mirror 1ae MU.TAftY gI1'-A hlghgrade miltar? et-Jutst th<ift -.forte *O«,etrt, iver tIact. quadruipte 4 0 ?* âQat.î:o.fne brlaUo......... .45 -r sir traeore Stationery sal lî,o -siaw otae plUcaMl T on are swas sale ln glv* brocadei sattn. les bloxed stitioflerY, Rs itlm pet*fait to pieute. Our I neWett M rUe4 ery extensive, anu T (o ieauiwetful .range lu priceut rom attrativ~e colo spectlty pricit miro< *be (aube MWIRCmiZUUSL« 'I M089- Plain *buit te 3i bo lafaoBat .50 LUPooPair pair ..... ..... biTes -À Ms it.% NOMl-Pur aedul sbl frbuoen _ doule se*toait ob5ersn t s'.Ar uip ~ ~ p. lu. -ied S0 c Ten Pi~is-Will provide great entcrtair~inent foi- the youngster, polisbed iniale, 5 deoated jiied, set ........ Etoe1 Rages-Toy steel range, wtl i ekefed' trimmnings, large Bize, speeial value at.............. Expr.sa Wagn- A gift that always ple&a' boy, 1Ib 24 ineh, stéel body, OE painted red, speeially priced ..... Steel t-12 inehes long, Pie painted white, trimined in red the litti, îflmpl( te %vith înast and 15 woo, siils, 25(,value for .... 5 .Apeeial, ad- See the Fretty flous L88 OOL-18 loch detdoit. rtY M12 îl heit.datntlly dresuei't. sboem ar.d stockinbs. special ývalu..." - Others from 10< to M1.M0 COASTSH - Ttiia W'l» muety nt th" boy,.Weilimade, derott, ý eltop. SOc value for 4..... ffle up to $4.60 PLUSH HOMSS - 18lunhs bigli M o u i i e o v o e m . - p li t t 6 o ? 1 t o u ' heai al S aItIV ttei -t ' &Mi t.ruei ......... QIliere rom' e1 8u .f &t\04111f 1*.2 ric. A Sensible et* Rut mneîi 'ls suits now ratheu' than wait intil after ('hristrnm i lîus elnabling us te make a more voiiptete disiiesal thn would hepossible Iater 011. Itf you need a suit for your Holiday trip liere is the plaee te huy it as Ïfic prices are jiist gene-hiîf. A nobby stit. wouId also make a înost satisfetory gift. handsomely3r'tztl value l ift e, M'~1 TRAIN ON Tg truik *wltli* M n etefal tilei ttert 1.9 T 4, et .........S ec.... Auy wpalaîi wbl la lpteW4i laher. bain@ Witt l l i O e t1i* grpSt.1l fer a t l eee f roinivurart 0»4nept. t#tleof - liaa bopem6 a bond bliu't.M h~~.. work.d. apteumili aues at:18.98 andt CLUNV 0516615 SCA9PS-64 liCISdrmper am linon bands ad loîny Ilnertion. efltatlW wite clun 1yYace. vl'y rl'fle tOli PrIC6t.... ___ ROUND CENTCR PIICKO-64 luolbOIMtt-U2 oimul fl two rowg or lugy lnuaetioai lu tue tente? sand lace oit;; Jattractive conter ple a nit ;ee;iýiam tu -ri ....... ...... ..... t v. 1- neekwear t'1100 eiulaces ailt t ie.n, ensaait lti'; .54e*frqnOn@u Perao, Ogurtit andtptIM1 elî holce ý....... 018SlIRTS,-lill lwe mj nat wth wa-nice treo e0ffo'W ebrau t.Wo titnw ait elqSl white- and tancles aL 81.60 and ..... coNismirioN BaT- WtliaAau el ffaut elt aone ot tb eo » W *u U A lit': 'o iit at sf uaiielàd tt. -iv l' ters jet arn list. l'ut uplut attractive Chrltuas biox . .................. M .r tis pM nueh abo id: the fai aly fine qiu ps in the 1 ef s, ages 't 'pi t *, ~saI~ e at