Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 2

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rhbere amc thousands of caled just as- goo&ý- u1sion,~s but they are -they arc simiply i mi- ýons wvhich- art neyer good as the oiinal.r cy are like tliin iilk- oTT's thick like a ývy cream. f yoin want it. thiri, do, roursel-with water-. dônt buy y Wthimi 5...1ur UlAR S1EAU1B ,or Meair We noId c et efiord te o e tronit' 'en4oasezigl"8" air ToulnastI AoUPIW te unsI lbai v@ de, ifl It i -M1é do lail un daim It viii. Sianld sçgxr enaiians carrceus ae,, Md $00 1198" fHair Tout nnos ulv attre woWâ3n nte tisénore., biet' oul ié Wath la ns sudounr tatementeý, mwd la cosaiquemea or bueasiprestige - cale"fr. 1 eèaiate yent4saiIl your hat lW .toooutna teomaturalît'jau oui or Il ona lavaeamym"#11>troubla, Rezail -f'W iariToai i psompily erihsi ,4eutIr ustmulai* heingrovli &0 prevéwemltubre balas., Our W* a g etali-W98" ait V-ouIe la b0 teoag sst va ait "yen t t -o1 u Positilvea muste. tisaItyont ,ýiame cvIi ha ehairflyt' roulel .1 i 4M. Dot deocese v nai. Tve ids ~âa'q1i Sol onlyeaout tore- oa te. Di Dcter & bond. ge@dW tcale lsmenui on Bran, IMM., ttem otrlsý»rmile bvic Y 91089 <he cuicenl thse it' lu -M'eu« l-te iron 7«mr bd-=- ravtatripe viibcW VSIUL to Yeu Muet Raid hbi ifYetu Wantthtes BDaeit. JW. eGwrin. rmeavoed. Lenifar Ob »Vmereasem fflumbago. -"Tise vr niii> C1paW"ibm emel la uo WieIw.Thees hIq*k.10l1 tr*dOaty iSeean ~!ll~I2lOsuhloIe i -meanui ~~iiyw 1 bw uno lo nert ai1Daglte 1h51 ad Iessi r« 'e epeciaflt'Te. »lMsteuwt"a taat4ji-st la ou a AU luttatlosbauto aquWl led Cetub PismtY lad. liolIid 'tise LIiEirTy. -taeLçuas.Co. -1. Th Tis ndependat <uea vou aIl tise r4fýf u e -ont - Mm Ux, ofBaemawood, Sàndar wfth ber petents, Mr. aa4 MWv C.W. eta larandma 'Ypit Inevhlg ln Deerlel Misa e Mrle and Lo*%ita Kessp matucday and nde la Cicaego. 1 . Ur. ad Mm.. Mawmn, 'cl Bad Day, epet Monday viti C. B. plaiton. MmRu ommaeluiitaIWne aera f atds ai Cbr*4e, Bflflversacy, Pti4ay. Lunebon vOs aavvd and site rftold sous plt ti gRi. lita 1Ibt O H b«er euiartained ,tmefmn4e liholeInu oner of ber birtidaW. A lunstchon vamre and As. toceivel everalpretîygUte. Uima Ide Seert underwent a aliglit O*riiu ie W De nm. *1'lmIane ltakenbachla recoverlng 'ne. &ad un. Riard Dddles aitended the laad show laut Fridey. Mise Naernl Vaey, of Vole, la a gueit ai home ol R. Rilchardson. flev. Dale will preach on the Garmeni Maker'. Stiue, nazi Soinda.y mornlng. A cordial Invitation la extendel to al. to corne and tieat hlm. %ma. 0. L. Chamberlain and Bort wpra Waukegan vlutors Thuraday of lant veek. Loule Rade. epent a ev laya In Chicago recnti;. Minne. Bertba and Elizabeth Kuebker viatel Waukegan faturday. At te iba nal>uameeting oftiÏa cbucch Saturday, mont ai tbe-old officaca weae rq-"etod. Thonvwua alargecrovd tunatmndance ai the Mdyitie Warker parc, andIal ce. pnrt a goodl tii'.. Fred Sotse ad bride loft ibis week for tiair new homne ln Belvldoea. Mm s.Vanfloruent ed elrlative@ froim Oak Park the pet vuek. Palatine Lolge, No. 814, A. F. &ÀA. M. bild thir annua'liclaofaI ffier, lait sbtordey avealug. lit. anmr W. L. Hlcki anierlalnd a nu9gbar of ihai friande at a thîmbie par uiy Tndeerpoon. The tassliy lat Wdnuday for Plordé vhere they9 wSi aemd thintIle. htery leu nd famzily bave moe& latte oppe fiat of the Woodd aidonce cu Plque Grove Ave. Tii W. F. M. S. mat viii Mm. VaHar, oWdnadayafteroon. A. C c a deviellad the lita stock stock ebaw lla Chcago. Frlda. H arrï Mitchell of RndupL Montana Je apuen aoga natis vlh%te parents. il ilTI l teretnmedFrlay mcmm a vi i ii relativea ifflo. Mm. P. u odmiler aeit, Tai algisiand Wdnaiday vith ber aiter', Mmr. Stacker. i àr - reg K»uIof Turner Oneogai, a1 Wlll preaci ast the Gim obcureh SuadWEy mrnag st and *aaig. Mr. Kneillla a Qu eode'.No. 2,1910jau Chicag occuretis e marniopaof Pabrt W. AlUsana ff Um ia. iriJ-. Suai at the hoe.of Bey. Vgn le Enta vho ofllclated. IThe -bride lthe dangiter af Ut. andI Mmc. C. 0. SIall*of Prairie Vie*u. SIte bace ruda ber -home lu Ubirtyvii le thsa peut It'est. viére ue@*made matit friaeviezi«emi ahacise *vlu hti 6aireIlel vh happmu mat' b. hen. The groom, le a yeung muesterlig quelilu aldveil sud favojablt' kuovu St' a largaclrçl '«f tqnelt.eevrho vkshi. e"d tdc brideaNmnesmuof bapplusean ad becee. Tise, vIi oai ei bous omeou tise Ailanepu femai Lalitton. - â dot Thak&. - To lise triode and staigibunm via e mIl1 aYelatai isa laout bmeen W#et« ezelout sicaru ihausie; Den 'o me flat I$easy te hut Soit Cooal(if î'a ouI cea), viaoultiseé mumoyvanne1O eoed an mle.. us gîte lte a#Te e veeP;llttie a&'"çatop Don'i cheeh tisbtve pipe lamper lea closait' e$e PrvlIia Wuiid ut. Ton cen aiil front ti ome Lumbar Con.- Pau;. Il bais ckeai, but Ilt;l, aSdi lestesoelleugt i a pece la thsa li, te bum & ai .gaies ltai vonilothei'vle osake soot Mso mie.igk. Trystar Wcut f0 esiom V«Oe e"muleefemIn NDgNi.- ffl e' mt DAic M' .; là it a, ts bnlgbuutnoand soomin aGrc vlted R. F, DlRgOTOU~ la. - living F. Peyî M. J. 8. OrldIev. j; t Uni1que oaliis Cuit Wl Tic Ilyta« oUçr*, vitli "Esminh -u4 Mary" Md -4il heï iaitpumag Ckiy Or tola &monuty, and lita * çwuly vii hel AdiQe on. t li ie susctaent eofre&«kCulte, a"tbaugl oe feature- ut tise lytug Riler col- oDY, th.e amusement Park faature( le pklng a nov location. Martllue thea "IsceallieHousie o bayld," as thae olony la called. takes a unique vew ef lis evu Importance, me vIll be a e .b thse .fOllvIp ans- erte the ISUN' ïquary as te witi. ethe colouy viii rèsuova Ito ZMon Cty.. Wt4 i te Plylng Notion'gSay. Bauten Harbor, Mîcit.. Nov. 28i '10. Thse report t'on, telagra !peek er ne doubi &mes touman article la the BaPton hiarbor Nevs Palladium, te vich wvanswèveain tdental. W. bave a beautîfu Park bers anl the put %eft00 accosusodated 1,500,. 000 Peofia. Thtis featurt of our vertk v. hava couuldrel movlag te sema localit vhart -vae au reach more pao. Pis or have a longer sessom. W. have, pot coaldered moilug oui' iseal. quartr. troim here, notvitsiian<ung maut' reporte ame cîrculated tote CotrarY. lus the paat motn yeari on aur account, Bînton lHarbor bas arieu trom obacurly(scareely te be loçateut on uny map -eofthe Unitud *&ates) te tie enviable position eoflj- terbuiareputsilon, whîch state- Ment va have navapaper lpplugu te prove. Our vert et apreadlug ttitdiug of the iMe of ths e y iia tue lugatit. aclng of tarent ai Bonton Hacher, ouatry OÙ the ffle, an04isabu !nspê d the vi.iB te tUmIt lcUty e« Meut EhOunM Ofetpeple *ho otbevime could no iiha"' cOM. ý tleamMoffplie ba.e lteÇ Ébu 010 «4 etins tlo i-..a " md gt&is3d t w ihBoto ara i6" Aet eout te ha ftilly avake't To u nly, ILMlAZLRr OUISE 0F DAVID. Par P. A Simple Sifoguard for Motiteis MMs.D. Glkeiou. 32'tInlglea Av@. Youngs@tevO* lo '01, faînel -viedeut t noi sd cugid ImitIiàconunual hly Mlatir recofiueudel Faley'i Hou eud Tan. Tii fret dose 1 gave hI clfl etaIntismleatmu ln blu has io4 aud afie, tgo nly -eoa býttIe bh thcosi mol lubnge e n ttleIy fri r Inflammtio. ince thon awa kupabaillmi poles ouet'and Tui lu tsa oue.hcept ne suhetitta Belbyal lglt. Adjudication Notice. Public Noti ets' taciati. scriber. Ad lulsMatorn ttheiBae &nu Sadai. d. WattednU A4pidletlon Notice. - Public NoUDes bhebOPOY 9VOchat te Suit- eecnW. 0f 1h". la viisud Teitanten 'ronWIMCecsas. Cvàtliast 12 t'Ont f Cont'ste smlsuot Iotn=dnu iaCp Hoean vaket.n ssat Y Caas'e o sa nudaret .Unars' u Mti 'ci I. ere est ensons aitln~ 10 Iaitoëtt erne te aui onurt for orn.suouj.SiASEeeautor. VieINUPWONT bas more tuh. Focillrie ha ll 1 hat fvertlolne LOU1S,JU YE0MA I THE OPTIC ANj A feainre ahow vith Illeusratel conga Every It e 0 n1lu -ation vhlch and a biautiful eonvoulr foc lite lallea, yen glean ceucernhng ithe clty lu ail for an ordlnary prie of admision, vilciyen lve ibrough yogi' makea the Lyrlc a plae ef attractive iverlug tripe vllie USEFIYL to yen latirait. RMf-perbapsi n unexpectad ways. Do,'*e-parîÏenIbut j»e, ry 1. e peclai salai bis montit u Bran, Sure . ";ugh 1111k produclog lied. Sol Gluton and Dais; Dalry. LiIIERTYVILLE only, il 4AIETYVIIdLE LuMnEx Ca. 112 Lvu acnt nCo. 4 F tambrefIlins andI illustrated iongu a Thie INDEPENDIENT bai more ani. iii Lyrc.sutfileran d la the Imma dvertlsing A itle Wnt Ad will do i. Medum in Lakte seuni., T*iWjôrry Heat QUM.kly Did yoÙ ,veu atopté thint of*the many wa*Ysa lu wbhie a b*AIaoIVales'I you wantt lslhpvithb ur wln- do* opunu la tîyou« rne gai aufflllent berne tram S01Otbuter whevIlyoII wsIu e ut#i, sd dieu rn le off. -'pIly v a~ lu the mornlng, whcn vyo'igiotu boit aad y g1aiIlve heawhUo O S&gor lose w 0 a ave de s ariy beatase before theimm, a a y~.. liomimd ne mepe ai DONANO - d Seuo&h. Nome M« mi iwoè&-bp utwry dk the Mmd bible fg,.ia amra hiig rb i BonanMoMbe a brn«sM vetO wftb 7M frosu taly ou-&a wd bat 00tu afr mn070, resy dihooLUIamvigou b.aitL ý1 ot a eu At y='r grocuàsa tody-a 23SuosIou WItMak. VS7 ' cupet a Ouolifflbot ilk, vIth thé. ann e 09 s f i h.itrqo" là t. 9r forpurm'felrthe eot9tA"a rol m aro uhobebg m siI A . E. TRIGOS E. E. ELLSWORTII WM. WALROND The D%çtor's Question Mimb Sida....Due to bowel Mewoders A docoer'i rSiqustionu vian con- elaI by a paglant la, "Are yenn boa ais raeia?"He kuova ual 98P. 01 Musneatlaatteudel vus Inactive boyaus aui torpil liter, andttiat ibis cefrition mut' ha emoved gently sud iiorôughlyr bdeoreiseath u c e . 'norel. B",ai Orderilea are a positiva, Pligamai and iafe remaedt for constipa- $fonk aMibovel disorders luneral. Wu eade certaine!f thuir gneai curative value tl*ai va promis tturu tia PUrelsaer'e monît' ln vent' nasa vha tb isato a epreluce eamure nlfeln 8#e"Ui Orderliei are eaten lite canIfe, tiy es mi netly sud havea a sothlng, sirangthenlug, beallng linence un thei autira Inteetinal tract. They do poet purge, gnîpa, cause ususea, flatulence.' 4mmailvre oasaues, dlarrhoaa niobr r anueylng aeffect. Tut' ara aipaclalît Ronfor fe ildran, vimit parsoeaor nid flIt. Tvo amea, 25c and i10e; Sol n]3t' ai est»re-Tii Rexail itora. Poultry A.umecatioi. At. the meeting Or the litePu- try PandfOrle'AsmOcatlon Thureday llîght Plans for thse annal lsonhry andI Pet stock show to e h ild*_anumry 6i (a 13, vere Practilcycenledl Tie Premînni lit vili b. ready for maalllng lu a tev laye. Contracta bave beau closel tfert3se COOPlug and, Armàory. .The Pet stock wlfl ha eatured vert' heavlly. Now le the tîme ta commence to Sot bInas up to e vlgaumm edtls. Tribot 10 ZJudg Wrqt Evîrrytiing points a ter aci .s' Pros J uiga C..,l oH n tt c aud bitter show thaà euaWld ait Hanry ceuty, oauo f hie sasoctatai cn Yser. a Ii hcce up the circuit be»clI:and ila varu par' lihowse 'i caate sia eui nnl frisitd of a quorter o et acamn. J811Y te ImProvetu t. neds et fo vs te Harvard ie rid bas obta ai te toUlovîugs momate et the deeeseS ef ail descriptiongansd sionl be an-»nut ist tge Robent H. Wright for', euraged. asile froin tbels' relations s lawyer suand ue, tiers vas a common boita -FAISILV CARES t frlensip lu tiai bth excelîsi lii ibeir conrident'attibliteam u i " bave beau tu a crilped pisysical con. Tihis Information ay b of Velue te diltiosor yaar. Wbat Judge Donel- Many a Mother in Libectyvlle. 17' *&Y$ Ofis decessea friend la con-. tl 1m a 10 ti lovlmg: Wben ihoe e e d tlt é muxe, "Jtudg. Wrih as a Citizen, iavyar cltidrffnliâad flicton of vosismai1otie nl ttie cpmmunlt'., te tidneyu ami auziLant'Organe, th"As a Citizen ho, 100k a deep and motber's lai la tafr roma h appy ou, i. eltTtl b»mitr hc Tla onditon eau b. quicaît' fissgod cocecu tihe public eal. ,Ha as S send ahsoluteiy curaI b; tise use Of Stan or hep Conviction, bat pro. Daa'a iduat' Pille. Wbe1teIbile aenuMced Oulonsi and the Courage te kuevu tte motheci bunden vIli be :xPraii tisen. lig uter sud ber liesbIapper. - Au a layer he vas ratelig. A Mcra., 915 Waiiinguju Isep ut, ith Iea perception Ave, &O-eauIl.,au; -1 , cwand eean cnt legical minI, ha vas le set tisailisae nel Doon,'@ K asy9Canul, cantieusan s qlw, Pille lu ut' amlyt'sud hava foeumî tie nd Irauel higi as a trial lawyr. I Oniy of enoremen. 1 taI cou. "A$ a5 Dict i i. ad the regard sMd fidet tht thy wi pro 01 etet cf the bar' andth ie respect ef filanstuatdet' iU rove e! hindi b taita Hi pessemad a dean, £a.a às mn ie d uflrlg fron iuit' troubf«.lytîcal IMInI, a plîasng uiemeanor. a inaIlorrOverel kîa d sys fe rt t alisîiposition, vas fi luI bun- erm lita ]eanand compklpcd a <niaiest T1osa.qulltleu. adaIto iu le deal cf lae ai vst blt. is îesrug AUi vie azenne ai kidmi; cacrettons vers-aieutusrallie -bar, Mad i h sai i. vas-an aid inflammation aoftt i ballet «i@"e.lOalula" Wetnlarid aimot en'iI'v a ed bknw _____________ o f s d c o n u s l e ld c t e t , b u t t u e L A»I E J a.e t a l gg1e aveul. A fîw vii g ge vaprocuraIe ryavrae eaenc olim 1)0-'0 Kilu»Y Pilla sud @alunetaiklng -ft taasrt f"PUaLICI? ROd uND« ibêaOu an aecondition bai Impreved -tABl"a naa tr f VLCrumî tall -Fen cae byalldîuuers. Pricea50 nati. "tien'. ne disputa about place.". Foster-Milibura Co., Buffailo, New yunk, aolu agoni for tie.United Glatiemi ~ , ?. lJl~~ Ila p the r. t-us,-OJ5'a.5< ,i , -ýV m'il j.. ni1.i P171b tilts ne otisor. 10-2 vi.lE.ï tIL ..i --BIoodêcI+&oqk -for sale' at prjces and on termato suit ail Insec ~ti ed of a- quantity tof pedigreed breeding nokwhich us in oxces of the. requir-ewtm at horFàm. he stockir s rcgitered îind consista of Browisn $wiss buill 415e$,,Brown-!Swîsqyar ling bull., 8horhorn yçarlrng bull. and Bcrkshire and Duroc Iboa,'r. Hawthorn ýFat- ~Emm Lib.ryijjJ~~ Pom OMM F. D. No.- - il OFF motta:- ailler Mii Ubarl~ Irllay. C-il Chucagu J.c.. Ibis ve - esenI * eaU.,, Vis huilas alan B Iran lug ait lu China W w. LIbeller 1711 TISE -i i o e '0 o- O!! Oc O O,' Or o. e. O o O .4 o £ i 1' i t O OO O o o r: i O o O 1 ! l'

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