Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 4

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OF LAKtE COUNYY YD.ENTI me Telejdb.m No. 1. FAiorle IRetdfenoe elephone Nuo. 114t. Libertyvîlle rxolu.oie gtcîed ut the Pe-toffle tt bertyvilllc. SeCond Clamé Matter *SV0 5K[LY. ÂUV«YttlItNG ft1&t 50M4 09 NW1ON APIC&TIOX2i ascRiiPTtoN PRICE 81.50 PER YEAR îTRICTLY IN ADVANCE Mll< W. JUST....................................................... ..... Ecior 'Nt OcAHNA ........e........................ 1........... .......... .City Edtor IRIDAY, DECE MBtIR 9. 1,410, THE'RAILROAD RATE HEARING. tise tittimate Consumer, that formerly my~thcai figure of political econ. y books whose rebellions arn becoming a pelititi force, faste sorea tie- tion with tise case biere the interatate commerce commission. 0f course "0y turh but tisat ho will have toi puy even, more for traniiprting beef- isis and breakfast food te hie kitchen door. Pormerly refucid ralltead presitients get toqether ln torne palace hotel. N*t a goricus."endout frm onlt of tise werld's meat ekiled cooki, and thse armer #ppeai of the cap that botis cheersansd inebriates, they would take up lioad 'rates. Thse workingiuan and hie scanty table appeared remete. onc, thse Coneumer faite tomne- satisfaction that hia case ha* et last bein rnttd ms competerit testimony. h 1 ot~ u~ t - ap<s Catb siqtfieiteec esuefxn tl ha t 1l; -ia ud t lutsmore probabeta ii amrpe Capitaliste wiiin. becm iteretd l th ri.k tts ewrira n rprIse af ithmeanly a r1. e nt . yorfiawhnth eyca gt botP.a fo dayvr.ti lin a dvontper - a nothdrsu-aprmde v p e . t h s e o p o' ir e. ifth e a r a d atn t g t i i e r r t s *k(CWorlcmen willI have te take leat psy. Many roade are unJustly asking iraivances tisat are making loto 12 pe cent. THE SAVINGS OF THE POOR. five 'gis ce de nlted erest tgot issfr A gtupendous gold brick gamne iu chareîd by tise goviroimont ýagabnt Cain New Yerk broes, Pottmaster Gîneral. Hitchscock figures Cht tf eoooeu have gtten away wth $IOO,OO0,OOofethtie peeple's money ln ~yeMare. Whther hia di truc or not.>.urly eue cause of higis cet of livin the teudency oif hate ef peple t« iseip support tise sisark tribe et beoker Tievictimaetfthq traudtuient promotions ln minlng and tiser stocki -net ueualy l11W on.eue cioce realdence atreetu. fletier thîy are toelilng chdianles, hird preusd tarmere, snd loue wiiowus. Feeling keeniy hoir lin -.<lieU, tInoy doIde hat thir tlny fortune mnut bere a higis rate of Inte -an.ted they ake riaSe tisat ni man of wealtis weuld cane te assume. Thue invMtment of monuy le à sciencaetf Ceeif. Even tise keeneel .lsteu nt Cims. People wo wis Sci utinqoft manie, butseise putt meey Imtetise wilipool ot mininqstuockt and oClier promotion,- stand si A Mues aiance es tise îhlid making muid pes lu tis a ptisof e fia angine. Abouttheis only thing tor people who Suai. nothlng ef businese Ia C< hor litho usavinge lnasuch banka as ere rucommend.d by thse mouC pruder Chi.'homo business min. People who have some conception et businless preperiy Invit lu certain classes et stocke and bonds sud réela stteI quiges but ouly after tise beat advice or calreful pereonal tudy. An1^# excellent maie fer tise novice lu lnvestment s:» Never put monîy RamyorporatIon ht hos net pl dividende rebuiarlyfofr a paroud of t1 Ion yeore. Anther geedtutu ls hat w*in uyou pet ove aper cent, yot mlluy pet It becau»se peope who _Inow tise Insde of tise game cousider ta eeécurity hm selementa of risk. THE FARCE 0F CONGREOS IN DECEJIBER. X mong tise antlquated Cred tape wltis whlch Uncle Same' notions ar» bled, la tise awkward arrangometf ceugregsional sessions establihe thea hoar>ir uatot4le et a cintury. Our national. lai. ma kers are suppesedt t anewer pneact ttIis cei wook. Were they 'workingfer omre privato Party, every min net disabla ilisims weuid b. esat et hie dock et tise heur et assemblage, suxieust Ch bldding ef hie emnpoyer. but only *eabout à fortnight intervine between tise assembiing et grie. sd aijourment fte isioidays, it le predictcd there sel bi ne qui tutil Chritmaï and New.Yser'& dinnirs are safely tlcked away, sud couf min are lu a mood te de a litile work te.easn tise libîrai psy cet their lut gent employer. Perisapsoui renssn for the long continuance of hieubuines 111 rangement, la ditrut et Congres. lu tise businees world. Adjournmes Coqrs la usuaily tise signal f or renewed courage lu Wall &tract. 1 ent bearecthoen"in te &cent tise Iamb ohearng, and tise duât'le bru fiiom îtise ticker. - Accoeding te Wall atreet, hia dîstruet le ehared by leunus ceu'munitya.neraily sud marchante and menufacturren do net1 -tise courage te sîgu checks sud fi11 eut bulging erder book$; until tise clot heetqnid Cengesîcunal action'lu dlopoeed. 1. Probably thie objection le more sentimental tissuniai. Tise Wal s bull, May üe tise adjourimuent Congre#@ te timpt tise Iambe jte tise ei but It la doubtf-ui le they put up any large &hare efthoir esen petsoheeb: .1Tise fait romaine hat thse preseut.working ime of car national loi; are le everleadeti with tise divirsity et nation wlde probiema awaltîug a tiCen. Tie labees et Congres* in Deceniber are a farce, aud sheuld b. ni te tise i*vel ofetehnpeople's cay's work by aunielien meeting Ime. THE LOT 0F THE WORKING'OIRL.. - Tise mont patisîtic &tory of tise seasen ls nt found between tise cv our emYotiofi fiction. Our vote for tnet tragic pri-mineuce wouct go te tis arCticles on "Worklng Girls' Budgets>" 00w cemiug eut in MClure@ magas- Oe'@ eympathy ip augmented by knowlng that hia je no mirs effort ef a witer eeeking te support a famlly by creatiug Imaginary pictures of people la a tlght place. Hors are fait recorda ef working girls greund between tise upper and nther railsil tonie et man'a greed and tise cty élum. A very cemmen- incarne ef the Newe Yrk tcctory and &hop girl la hore alsown te b. 0 te $8 a we.k. Attr e tlny room on a squaiid etroet and a »Wltfdly scanty board has, beeu palti for, tisé mjorlty et these girle have nt mere thoni te 82 a week letCfor ciotises, deotor>a bille, vacations sud ail ai.. 1 n4'e pty f6r tishe tagh Jelof thoesiserved &jeter$ l, isewever, llghtiy .meud~fe by th*a quqry uliy mors et Cissm de nt scoept tise comparative coom- for f e Meeic covice. fagade tise grat citîse. There le issrdiy a sixemble Ceeru lu tise United States but la enxioualy iamenting tise scartlty et servants. Ttup ordlnary iostemald recelves In cash as much as tise average sisep or tac' twi) girl IluewMoi.Vrk recelves. In additien te that, tise iousemai gîta for nothbIg a comorratable roomn and tise bet of foodj it wouid b. s rat philantisropice chievoment If a campaign of educetion * oupta-be startet $meno tise irls tisat herd in noxioue ctytalume, eettlng forth the C4mpa*tive ef*ty and comfort et dometio eervice lu thie emaller cites. .rto1 reison for Loi. wagelu great cities le because ties epply et leber ix- «mb tie smodend. Tisa empoyer*, alwaye able Ce fMI1vacancies, practically -lW lWr own prîces. If hia surplus coutd b. drawn Inte a more remun- -*#ev* fiald, employer. would be letse able te dîctate terma and wages weuld otim to Trespassrs 0 e be"ett givuthist ail iiunling 8 " te rapplf>g opon ail lande by.te uonigned and flohing lu da lu peelltv vforbidd.-n andI e potd tbcht .feect. Trou,. ime eoffeeetisemeelvealilable mAtwate6 ni *500 .111 b. W, iwStîou IkZ nt. h mv e t ua0 ýeb and I ers Letix, axes. q Ogaoasx. The Co.i11 Corner BARBER SIIOP Law Fiogg. proprietor .ioe anonud the corper on IlPr5fn stret, elt te .Boebm ball Ing aud opposite Ch. Peer' blacke.îlth $hop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Cigaresud Tebiece Laundry Agency - I*zors iloged Special ÂAauseinNotice., Noti.ic. i>lur, wid--, o ta ill tër$ou'i i,îtirvrit... fttii u.ttiit .of toIt Per cvIi t of i b. 00e cteut ïi î)v itwde for iiritlu.ltî _ îî 1 on. tr i , ýi. r A. 1). 1910, ipi li îtîlyi 1 iittillIl lie Seait> SîIttjil riniaige Vl in luti Couniotyr 1,.tko and St rt.- uf. tllliie, titi thti- mni. tituo>'t bepit.',tFrank ln1 S Keri t i Waîîi.rtifntîîlt e r t iluI otffIe ut the bLiii. Ct 'i tt titnailttik, 1.i.ib 1 mtl-,Iliiti -u or blere thp, li Ct tiof %ut lîcivf. A 1) Itti-,îîandîtha fil dtfautlt of uliî,iîprilitit. itii4 uerùl i ruapt is lan ipjoui st utttiîlul iiiifi 1qîi'ît r'f aAiîti. u'c uttroiîirîiti îîîîiluoid tell tir MtllUN tetrdi.ig tU)liiiv filpay tire ittiount o uetb l volm.îtt t u 'i ît,-Îl ft - àýi i , p i ,ou ber, Z4 At. 1). 111) Wm5i LAYCOCIK Co 11IT !± .L , be rt De p iois~ IMachhine Siiopi RePAIR WOkK AUTOMOBILE WORk A SPECIALTY- Enginie§ (verbantei. A F-qli Litie of -Sundries. Tires Rec. paired. Vhep in Trouble T3L.EPIONIE Ub&rtyvillexebaug 661 or 1265 t w yaraýntee,. by thi proper m 1 Of oui Sharpies Separator in your dairyï j, . as followks: lut. If conmparait wltt LMy ollor malle of eparautor. the gain lu yield ot butter la lavr, of the Oharuloas Separator.wll be nffircmtý,O ay 10 Otrceut InteMlou the 1,0sbole lins eue Of the. separetor eapf i-car, Andth Ue «&In>over moetnt oUi. icaura .will ne moet moe thanl Ual,. 24. Il Yclu. aithetOroent tloc. useonue 0f Uic tient îrer#y ercmore, toer theemoue lave& able toiliouai. c,,ur nin alu rielalof butter thUce n 01te iSruwlet ltulbr 5epaotai Witt lic. lu excelle, of feu voundn for overy bîtidredti otinda Prevînuliymae1d. fil YOUu e nini ve,, Uthebien t rr*vty creamer under favorable eondljtiuu.Chat lu. lack 0f Vert «Olti wter or iee. i-air gain wtlibcau cxc.>.. of t g-ni- poundu. If you une au ilafor creauter Or l'an$. Tour auto i oli non fronitwelutY-five ta fsty pouroIi. depe!Ldtilu hObîw lolerlor titey are. Au U On the polio of1ulity oft ircan or etirttt lui.more dllfloit ta0tasse sfileilite gu5iautsy. 50 arîlly auy tveo uiarymn uuse the hioe ,oOUit 0f rare abouttualiirt dalrien or mnie othceurne qualftr 0f butter, but. ailler thlughtomne cllaI., viecuarauzt t eovin ttheleu t dairginan wil fini au lmltrvwmenl lu the qualtir of hie butter1equivaieut ta tht cent elitlve.t-onta. 4"r ionti bY the une nt Our nopeator, whte the average lenu rarofull tirriat i mi"ceure a butter tWorth from!O0 rceont tgoifS tuer cent more 11>50 wtfout teUic aIdti te TUllar teimraktor. Tte akla*milk. biong %vorel andifreni>, wlll fte rach more evîtouble fer stock food. Lt wlll bu Worth frain Lwcty-flve rents ta forty-llvo eteiler huundred ponîtix for tort feoting. depending Iargely ois thc aSe of the stock tia wlîlr if le fr4. Sour. rîli l mlé;la wrirtb abiut une-lftb of tl *41.Thc avînx lu tantiluaof thetcée 1, y beelti the separatLon mads-rhtt bulule itheCO gtable, n i b niu-muik faitnlgb$ te Uhc stock while It ta warm, the %aile% In 15115 peaus,paill, fie. ani t atug aMd collent fou trsame. aiti a hudreti une otier DIllonsvissif, ,ioedDnt Sie eslnmtenL eltl»aucb Iber aenant ta a grest diet ttc Mîsarogai 3th. Tiereilîl le a .uVlog 0Of lie, If net Inunad. soi te time aud clii euof b4airfo fiI unc-ereâY onlY tai "ountte gýtinatocInloreane b ite i-bld Of lîîtter Mndithe flurC- auteeti luirivinetît lu qtialitY toi niable vy ouser w boaiolotelo i'e>oerv l.a a rper e ra ti ta a a iîrmàit, ntI tow îider ttlro uair i eaui te icsau ,ier-uitWltfitlutone 55 Sodby IM. B. EGER, Libertyville. o o o r i o - - - - -- o;--- about f Into LIBERTYVILLE be teat a Us- thtLUMBER, CO., tu 0F ifRRESISTABLk8E BEAUTY,* Down by the OId Depot ehuinenbh.olin expert for mtîlrfro1, tti ho-uiotmënt of - id by n ,o r bre c)tr-ou f I î0 ti, i - h-! I 4 ' ut tht- ialtr'e iii. - I N.» )<OF C"CA i i icpiee rcetit>di-tliîi'f1 lipifoinî -t, n / fi.-. . ~ w ,~ * rdbyvi t- ii'itriiuil-îf uui-ul - - A O WASlIED AT OUR to do n,1 jli, thei, luît l o n ti. l rî~ Cou i-hnb-lo'd ohile elýrifg n rii * <' S b, iIO B T CLIEAN COAL, res-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ :u:r-A-A USHUSS. A, SEE FEEDS ut etOf LEN WE Balla THE JE'WELER HOME OF THE RED COMB shad Libertyville. Ill. PU.vYSPLE y tiseU.T< UPLE havi ýud of Thet li Most Beautiful 0e0000000000 00 ?» >Z c ' brn. CHIRISTMAS- ,aiae Vols Hadscarfs and Ladies Fuen- STE WARTr STOVES ARE GOOD0 0 ishing% for tise holuday tende. PUtFIRS and SWEATERS A complete stoc of Bise Burners, Mlot Blasts, We alec have about 0.0 dorieniLadie, i laerSoe at ags Misses and Chiltirens CeaIe and Jackets. Some etoflhem lefi-overs. necwili aeii at one-haif thoir ceai. Calto sec our g"'d M. -A. PROTINE W. Hl. APPLEY Auctloneer FA RnI SALES ONE PER CENT - Libertyville, Ill. V - PHONr J431.- A.-K.STgfflS LAWTEB . 23Waahlgtmr Sre8 »Phone 9761 MARTINr-.DECKER uttlce Opp. 1851> St. Electric station Office Phono 5884 Ras. Phone 3608 N>)3TB CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Henry Sie's Sait Barn 5714 ELIOUA SION8011OIT!, lu. tu eliene R*£15 v. ýM4Bg DR. r. v. 51111 GENERAL _PRACTICE iOum o 12iet. 2 ta udt 718 5P. M. tflire over Lynh lire,. store. SPECIAL ATTIENT104I TO TUR dYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUPMI. - ATOBSET AT? LÂW. Lbertyrmfe, MlIots J. M-.-ravés -AUCTIONEER Sie Me 'Biefr.-Midng Yoar fDaCe satisfaction Ouareuteed Office Ms N. Genems t. Soaiene Pihon. m «82 0. 164 E lîc vontA;e W AUWAN,' iiL.. JLJST RIECfIVIED New stock of pure Wisconsin Buckwheot,. the same brand we bave alWags handled. Corlett & Fredericks ,éT VLE,0I Pr~ctca Gllt Sulggestions Piobably nothing ia more apprecîated by a wonan, or girl than the gîft of a nice dreaa for Chrîstmaa and what would be- nicer than an IEGYPTIAN TISSUE We bave just r.eoired about 20 stles 01 thes. Ail handetjuue uewv 1911 patteena riglitfirtîutho mille4. "TiowboienaleV price on thew le several conts higlier than Init'yoear, 4 but wo soul thom et the nId price, per yd ...........25.. l Ic TABLE LINEN TOWFELS UMBEIMLLAS NECKRWÂR B1LK8 GROCERIES Leal Herbii, ali-kinds, largo pli ......... .............................. S Olive Mjrnmoth, 16 oc bottie ............. .........0 Ieanut Butter, quart jar 38c Fine Spauish Oniona, per b......... ... ..... ....... ...... c W.W.- CarbiI&soi, c .Get them Imade rIGi 't', -tg vzth xerorn.ts. 1h. -- iive 2s mammoth floors P - 'ào. a famous Flatron Buliig, New Yok) ad ,aal -t, - the making of hlgh quaitis c - -ery suit is guarateed toi>. Leek Ovec te. uew z- -vampe». You wlli h. aston. bl.4 *t thirLeauty n r.Qaality ma d >cUllb. .urpriud it the Lissaie*. of the Pricms E W. PARKlILIR$T SCIIANCK BLOCK TilEIR LIGHI TO K.NONV People who intrust their money te a bank want to kxtow sernething of itî financial étrength. We hùly recognhz. thia right, and gladly furnish depositors with a lat of our dfrecters and stock- holdero Then, frem in re te lime, we publish reports shewing the condition of the bank. Copies cf these reports are kept on hand for those whoý wish te uee them. cakt.,Loule nfationalImfank -Stockhîoldtr 's Lipb liity 50,001 .oiII Trtal sui 80,000m)e COMBINATION OAS AND COAL RANGIES LET US SHOW YOIJ SCRANCK BRO8.- i . 1 "f - l

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