Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 5

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LAKE OOUNTY INDRPES-I)BNT,'.P'RIDAYO DJCCEMBER 9, 1910 o 40 40 40 40 40 o 40 40 40 o 40 o 40 40' O i i 40 o o, o FOR BREAKFAST BIJCKWtIEAT CAKES MADE PROM FOX RIVER NILLS*BICKWIIEAT FLOUR Pure Maple Syrup And- HOME MADE SAIISAGE FOR SALE BY J. ELI TrRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 La laver oft imbuf e lirs match more. lu# literlor .iw Ilàerlor e alit "me Iry'unsi wl "eur tuornit Latter sorti. deruendîsa le %te rëoi Duses, paiig s, ued nost th fli aar- i9fier *ept. lotat unte as *Preabyterian Churoh. Preacfiug by the paotor. 10a . iii aubjct, "The 51b. Word onuthbcr('nus." 7:30 p. ni , enfilet, "AWVital Qîul@giuui. Cao t4«er'Rugh (iniv p vitiiont the Mirp*.',Sundsy echoîti 11:45 a ni. in. IL Church Services& 10:00 a. n. Cams Meeting, leader, 1ev. . iMcotinu. 10O:80 a. mi. Proaeilg hy psst<îr, W. C. NWlipple. cubject, "The Cros@." 12:0(1 tu. Bible Schuol. subjeet. "The c 6:1,5 pvorth league, subjeet, "Tue bluiccnger sud tua Seviour." i:301). m. Praacbing by bue 1ie.tOr; suifjeet "Fear of D)atb." Âdvertised Letters Folloving la a lit.o! lettere reualnlng ucallad for lu the Lihartyville Poeb offic onDe. 5.1910: Lucien Anteline Mies Allie Bruni Md Bradley Depsinue flinsePPe -.Do Palmatubito (linsePPe *&rd Anderson pairties callng for abou..alil pless Mey advertised" sud give date. -C. W. TAvriou.Postusabter. The secound nuîîiber of the lyceunu course vii bie 'presented at the Town. Hall tonigbt. Fred Emerson Brouta, lthe noted t6alifornia puat sud itum,îrist tueing tlie attraction, Brooks il, a remarkabiy uine readar as wel s a agreal pnet, arid ail o! hie selectionsaa givru w.ith a liaturainese that alvsys brinIge biuîî mb oimunediate favor viith lh audience. Idie appearance haeeIbis' avsoing le lu the nature ot a treat that nu onc should mise. Oua ut thea most lleasaut social events ot bte sesun vue the dance guveu at tbe Townu Bail lest Friday uigbt by a nunifer o!yonug ladies out bertyvilla. Ail the deSsuls o! thea fat aîled been srnangad by the teminina sex, even tû th. uîstter ot vbam their pantuare sauld e be'lt the dance, sud -albhuugh Ibis parbicular feattira ut the attair msy have ficen the occasion ut soûle Ieartaches, Ificre vas s prepondemance of pessurs lt ail, and merrimentl reigned suprehue durlug bbc enSimee vening. There vas the beal quality ut music, tfie congènlal e oclety wbicb matles for cujopuasul as ail ies, sud Il. conaclquence, tb. sien. lng vas anc o! nnaulnyed bapptness." To inaure publication ln the Indepen- dent, copy must b. ln the office no later than Tuesday of *ach week. Adver- tisera, espétially, are aaked t a te part icular notice f0 this effecf. MVra. Scbuyler A pilIey vas uperated ou st the MeAlster Hiepital lu Waukegau la&tThuraday aud lir many triends will ha pleased tua marri 1liat she ie recovariug rapîdly trom te aliok u>f tie operation. aud le Dow couvalccýirîg. It cpu uDot be obatiel definitely îvln'u eh,,' ylteable to ire. RH. Cole spent l Miîday rin u ora Chicago. The fi rst réal a i.,w ,torm f thce auon Chares Frbrch w, .. .tanie un flatut'da,%liit, tbe gronnd ('hcaro ou tonday. mviiin ibeing î'ovared to tihe' de1th of about two (licgo o Montty.inches. Snua' Ijurrie during the latter Mr. and Mr e. Inry iwri'uee pîe~lart ofitheii, yak add.d souechat to the Tuesay t Chiago.accumulation, and if the preaent cold E. B. Ellsworth traomated l.'iemes in:aeatber continues, there le everv Chinago on Tuemday. pirospect of some g od mlelghiog. Mr. and Mre. Albtert Kunke spent Suw I Mx Wlukler bali a vert' usrrow day witb relatives lun1emplaiues. -ascape' un Suuday aheu ekntingu Mr. sud Mire J. C. lIeuse spent Sunday Butier bats, UIc ire lîreaking audimi- lu Chirago with Mdr. Raus@'@ parante. . ues làl the iey vnter to a depth Mir. and Mmre Paul Ray o!fltoeketeller Siproximwsy uer lue silos tops. vioited with relatives hereu SundaJi. Chas. Kaiser wam thîeliero of theoci'asion M, _jL,_ I --, .aud eved lMax lroitiithe hîîrrors of a Flora Staple-sepent Surîday lu Chicago. .'lrm. E. M. liAnba and Mime frêei a'cre iiting lu Clilcago un Nîr su NIs ,auiriilWalk..r aie vieiiog Ins . cc a til frinude li Milwauikee. miggsi. fRoso.and Florpuee Haut, uo thieago, veniîed hein oiu uday, gu t e oif lire. F. F.,tBill. Jiru Harrisoîn and Lou Parker, of Highland lPart, viiilihe Sunday autete of Charles Acers. Mise kFlorence Enîleizor rame up trou, (ývaonàton Saturday nîgbb sud spet Sunday with baer parente, Mr. aud Idre. W. Il. Cola of Mlton Junetieu, Wln.. @peut Monday bere witb. thetr son, B. B. Coleanad vile. J.T. Ayars, Win. Schieler andBHermau Mteyer have been as vor u the Armnour larua this veek miviug frises. Mr. and 31rq. U. L. Howe have unovsd froua the Whitney bouse on Firef Stet tu tba Uoldeuherg cottage an Second St. I>aley Dairy vil nt put your fart tu Il of foul'seed and va guarautea 1IL LiliF.c[Tïii,i LunE oaa<. 11-2 M ro. li P. ricliaebele eotertainad ber eleter, lIre. Ueo. Hans aud futIle daugh. ter ircue, ut Barriugtu. enverar days laat vweet. '1irist Chapter ot the Wetmiutster iffild viii a t uTuasuay, l)ec. 1là, wrth Mis. tnby Treptow. Ail merubrîs arc requcted tu Ce prescrnt. I wiii uic at Parkb.urslu. store the 2ud, lrd and 11h sturduy,, n lu Iurnr to collect for Miiliunu laurancue Co., foi, towue of Liertyrilae uni Shields. P-11-2J..llîîii. "ite regular meeating o! the W C. T. U. will connerie ith Èire. Mary Uýbrcbil ou Tuesday alteraoon, liacamber 13. Conîîe andl lîar Mrm. Ariitrog. of %1, ilmwette. lire. W. %V. (ruiiibt le convalasqciug rapiîuly lroiii the, effets uot ber recant o)lucatioi. aundlber many trieude vare very u u ,lr aoed lu se lier ont during tlîe aarly part of tbe yack. M re. Cluas. Herriaigtor cama hume on eatnrday frontî Waukegan where sha bus bren l inte bospital for several veets, anîd lier rrauy triends vilii itepleased tu 0brar titat @ee l iuipriiningrapidly. Mir. miii %Ire. S. P. Enileizor left ou Mouday for lrbana. Ohio, v. lera they ailU viiltir a Ina' days a'xihrelatives, ~ticuj-ilj. u(0 egul'tbon apIa tri p. Tliey Ai ha away about Ivo weeýke. ,Tlié, biilding foi teii,' u vnLiIirtyville lev Comupauiy ile4ouî uaarly complatad that t le rî'ady fîor tbbcetorage utfie, and witb the cenrilunanie of thîe pre8eut cold weatiter, ctting villi[wieominmenced nery slîortly. Wm. Baker, superintarideut o! the bridge contstruction work on thisodivision o! tlie St. Paul railroad, vaut toChicago ou Tueday vitb bis crew and wililieh augaged lu couutructiou vork' iu the Division streat yards. Cliriituas sale ot baudpaiubed china arîd baud deeoratad articles ai the haine o! lire. Kimbaîl, Frldsv sud Saturday atternoons, Ileceuiber lfith sud l7tb. e-11-2 tl.ev. and Mrm. J. B. liacOuttin enter- taincd a uouîpauyv ut six young peuplse Tîîureday avaung Dec. 1rt, who erne to celpbrate the irtjtday ut Miss Vlata ,lnliicla. A very plessaut evening tees epeut vibb music sud games. AH i vsied lier niany returus ot the day. vatery grave. Tha rai-eut laî otlsri, wbastuauued lte rahbits 10c, owoun n luiîbers cufficeet 10 tanin tte local ulmroid, aud in econcaquc-ii.-înaiîy outhtiniarc scouring the fields in lui îir efforts tu lulatettie burinice 'ltliough asyet îîîîr Very lleubiluf, liii,' ure enouglle lu evideuce tu>.naeirallit a frequeuct die§h1 on, the muenu of ou, r infolk.. Clarence Wells ii,,l )aijn ejrrick left on, Tuecdat' for Cil r. (Cuter, Fia., lu the vic-iniî ts of wichi, tlace tbey bhis- purchased land tlirielgithIle local agaricy otýDyuiond & Anelîîî. It le thi inten-. tion to @pend the v inter there, set outi fruit treei aud -imp1ruîve thelr land ilu othar ivays betora retiirniug here lu thea oprlng. W. C. Sanhorn bas juel complatad the construction et a very liandeornet modern reeldence and garage for B. E. g«e et Wilmet te. ,,It la s pleasure tu Dote that ail the materlalforthue bulding. vas secured troni tbe ibertyville Lumber Company. an eyid.iu,' thatounr firmtéE cao aasily snpply ail thut leu ietided lu the vay ot building cullilie. A rather excltinàr înaway v iurre.di TuesdaSy mornina a liin.rt.-Ji .1. 1 Triggo' delivery le.'..s-n, u'td, uîver the, probable uis.. itsa 1,1 price ot coennodiu', stattd tit a briet mun aluîug Nowberru SAecou.ansd ndedi up by turning ov.'! the wagon. Will ltilay m'as lu elarg, ot thie retive eculine. butt escalird vitiiout îuîîury. Tue uaiiy trieule of Johnr, C, mliv ILl bc pleascd tu bear that. altiiongli th"ee bras teci nuosuilstautial improvemeut ln lue totiitr-l o1 an aggravated attack of netriti'-hebas@riot rerugaded t,, aon aîprftciable citent. He v-Il Itrîbal 1I-goAtt)Hot Springs, Art., vithin) a tea dîiys and racuperate there under lte vondertul tuedical iniienee t, ftira %v.alec. .Sieittf Greeninbs paîd a ver.,-îcirited complimieritru Danois Limblerr.y by rcappooiittiiig lîlmi as une of île deputy eheritie. 'Tlecappointaient le jii the nature of a iel commandable eridorse. ment lithe' uanner lunv'blclîour localt oficer lias 1îrformed tha duîîea in.i- cuunîberil iupon hli lnhisolficial cuaaiti'1 dnriog th,- îuanv yvars Le bas bern inveeled v Il, tbe poa'ere ut an assisitanit t,, lte sleriit o!fl,.ke coliatu'. Btlof .1w lie lIbauke and ail of tue unnraiitieeiabieb nl iberrl'ville are aîlistod in the monu.venieatt)Lii ellb etaînlîn unidiel'li for a penn a&.it. aid vlîicb mc" tlleplmced bpou cat.i, lu'ter I r packagecen itduriu îg te Crisîm[as aJeuuu There s nlreu'dy a very gooî<ldcian(t foi tbe litile rid ecals, aud auid as each oua le a buliet lit the figluî ngainstthie "the great whitiecplagua," there lieavuryi assurance that Iliere vili ha niany hua. drede ut theun soldil u ontlovu. Mic. aud ire. IH. W. Grummitt sud snu Galle, are viitiug wilb borne tolk$ Ibis veat, aflter an absence af Ilve year#3 lu Canada, wbere blîay are tarming lu the pruvnne ut Sancgatbawau. lMr. Grumniitt ba@ proeperad inegolng loto that section as a plumier. and 00w owLii consideraitly more than a section o! land. Hr lasomavhat entliuslaetlc over the opportunities Ihat are presenbed lu thegreat norîbveet. but sys Ihat to auccecd requicem ncb bard work and a thoruglu tnoîeedgeot tsrming. INDEPEN0ENT "Want Ada" bring remultt. 25 cents un lnsertlon and you reach 3000 readora. 1 I~W e have on uand and offer I ~ four ta six par cent, which we Ipurchaaed for Our Own.,accoqnt and rscommend as secure, con. 4. j vertabîs and remunerative invCst- ments far individuels. j We invite flue inqluiry of thoas having money te inveet. f[bc Frst NatieiBank of Libertyville Next.Door ta the Post-office Open Satnrday svenings Are You' Coin~ Foré the ne%çest and best, tlie Otiginal ide.." thef modern thonghit in Chriêtmaa Gifts, mee où Brighit. Freeh stock of beautiful and desirable Holiday Attractions In Qilte for old and young, your wants have bos anticipated AN IDEAL HOLIDAY STOCK TOYS, BOOKS, AND NOVELTIES, FANCY filO>S NOTIONS EMC LIBERTYVILLE BRJÉFS LIDCAL AND PERSONAL M"4,ý-rON flaxar wilI fie open to the public at 2 .U o'clock on Tlîursday atternoon, vitou ail May haveanau îitortunity to investigata th4 mysteries ef the "NoIaI 'Musaeui, " whiu'vh ilihe ujuder the directionoutNlIre. Malt Ilay and MNq. Jesse Porleons. Therc viii he a iterary and rmusical prograun preealnted Bt i8 p un., at th*, conclusion o! vhicfu tbr raille yl tata place. tino Candis arid hundredil of aIl kin large dolle, a itaudeome sofa îiUuîv. a COME ^NU SE sel of igure china plates antd a ilk skIrt ta Uc awaruled ti,. 'îîky one. Siuîpei BESWICK' VARITY STORE v-i Uc esari cil '- - ,' lu S, afiter _______________ wliîlchdaiiîi.' ' ireof tic. cvaaing. anud . ..tiiome Who hava nul Io'ii'i ,of taqlliou. le le'I',-. Sny of the old s(,lc.. IrjT giverib b e _________ Special Asasmenit Ntie,..q ub erF«t Speciai Warrant Na. Titre. h osdrbyhge bnlt V Rubbaa'e arec 4 .coadaabyhgie bnletyn NoiePublic notiee it ereloy giveri Frequently aeme cuatome-a"ks Have you Da cheapair tbat tae <'unty Cuurt uf Cake counb., ae eivtihyase.l ubrdabtdn Illinous, boisirendered jndgmenb for gae aeinaibyaser arbestebm'W speeial assassunent upon pnoperty bane- -. lest eny Ico long end cheaper grades are the damnai. whaa lted ity te olluving irapruvameut, bo-vit, a cuunecled systeni ut seweril-.yfou take wearnng qualifies la conaldea',ion, We know înut vith ilees, umanholas aud bouse con. ofa the store keep such brands au WOONSOC1CÊT. HOObu, neietion sIanin lthe village ot Liberty- ONCIU AAa L OOYwibcs rn vile, Cake Cuuînty, Illinois, ase tlluve: CNETCT AAo LDCLN hc otfo Froni aou] connactiuur vill a tunnoie - 5 pet cent ta 15 pet cent leus than the atandard qualitias, lu bc lînilb by the vili age of! Liberty ville- - ounIo! unde provided for iliat purpoa - but dc ycu hiak he subber cm Rabber ut ougnit to other tha,, yity peeial nosmmuent, the be spelled, doa net getamlthey are worth fer them? Thea* ceolerout ai(idulriola beiog located 51 a point ini a parc.el of laud aruîuirad ty - ilst one make ihat i. auperiair ta any othar Finsi-clase brand tuui4vilae ulLuhIyv4eb ýseeflapal ý.asd eeh pair has a-GkLUJANUEE i"ekkttachté ridge aud Callile %Woiridga i ill sald village ut Liiurrt.yniiv.i ls îuuu SE-Z W dJLBL E RU l 22 td 'at'Iv froîi1, aai u nîîrtb une of Northi A u'ouîn pruduued,~ fyuhv abyavr'ara ubro vrios thie srîutuîraat i.irner oft lot . I ouhv t u svrparo rOerh Wiiolridge's addition 10 Libeurtyvile,1 a'hich said addition le îîiatled aud recorded lut the ttecurders utrIica o! Cake Conîit.t'.Illinoîis, li Book t0 of Plats,1 piage 60, tronti hpoint said saver shiah mrn veelerly 121 teat bu a poinb lu bue centprrline of North Avenue, and lu the !ulowiug streets, avenues and courts or parle tharaîît lu caid village of Libertyville; NortIh Avenue, MiII Court, Fîrsl Street, Second Street, Spragua Street, Nawberry Avenue-, Rilcy Street, Higb Street, MàItaueaJ Avenue, Lake Street sud Brainerd Court, iucaid village o! iertyviIIa, as ylumure fully appear fronti the certified cupy outIhe udgmenl ou fila in muy oleie; that the warrant for the colletion o! sncb atsteesment isleiu tlic bauds ofthIe nnderelgnad. Said assessenuîb1ledivided lo tbr inmtalmuents.e bcauionrit ot the iret istallunt bcbng $1839. 27 and the atnuuiTofutheita sccvediug nine Instlil' uerts beirig $14001 eau'h; that aaid deterred lustalîmenle fîcar ioterest ut tlîe este oft ive per ,enum per anlnun; tlual lte first lustliment ut said asseoemeuit le payable in, the yaar 11911; the second insîaliuîeuî tharaut inithie 3ear o! 1912; (ha third insîsîlînant thareut lu tbc yaar 11)13; thuafourîi instailmeut Iliereot Iu the year 1914; tefluif11, lutalîmeut lthereuu! iu the year 1.915; the oixtit iiîstilnîeut therco!luntlîe year 1916; lte senenlh inetalîmeat thereof lunte ycar 1917; the eighth Instailtuent luteeutlunbte year 1918; the nintit inetsîlrunntIhameof lu tbe ysar 1919; and tte latb inebalunant thereol iu the Ail pereori@Is terauuted ara biereby. ubifted to 'cal I sud psy the sînount asesed at te collector's officea on Muilwautee Avenue lu the village of Libartyville, Lake Citunty, Illinois, wif.hin tbirby days troni the date bemea tf Dated titi@ 2ud day o! Dacaniha, A. D. J. B. MousE, Coîktetor.1 If lt's a Job for a want ad DONT TIAVE TT T'O A PLACARD buy at least ofpair of "ROYAL BLUES." then comffl - the * wcaring qualitics of the dilatrent brmnd, We will *sen have made amother cualtomer for SEIZ md for -THE FAI-R Lîberty ville, 111 T1he preseul cold sniap has provided excellent skating fo r thosa vito are de-1 vatees ofu that foriu ut hetithful exarcis( aud lunueonequence, Blttlr'e ILake hbw Ceeu fhe gatbering point for te kating1 enthusiacle. The i e %over tva loches thRet nov. tiinegivîng every Besurauos thaIthue greateet uut violer spoîrtb le nowî'Ohi. B. J.ilut, 1,41eor kuowu as'Doet,' sud ouîe iof tiuilocal flruî itof1101 liroth(drt, îe lieie frouu Toronto. Canada, and viii spendthue violer WvLhrelatives and frirfude li luis partrotflte stabe. Mn. Huit bas intereets lu the Calgary setion o! hue ,Canadian uoithwesl, but as tlîay donout requiremauuclo! bl@ pereonal attention dnring tae violer muonîhe, hao.le ting a vacation and rencving hie sequstutauce vltb home fuite sud flms nany frieude lu I bis 'part ut the country. THAT NEXT NEW. GOWN laM b. the niceat, moat cheleg. moet b.ons Ing anc you bave sien oWvusi-M you devate &alUte tine t> o thegl store eds. befre y" 1doioi. uponIun ruatertala ta b.l oaci. ;. CLoerlyvilie barber. ae " lotercsted ilu Ibe action o! tbuei' crafîsman lu New Jeftey, <bei flarbere have tornëd e comblutet1à foruiuiated au sgrsienîta o th are to be chsrged the unifortit p filty cents forsabainr et. As u .U o! r,taliatin Ibis ide& scensto. i vili, particularly Irristible foies1 tuneoriai traternity, sud It te vM that the local barber@ viii adai ssuîue schedule of prices. Notice Apylxudy caugbt skating an u* psietg over the tee on th.eL14Ç lIravel Company'& plt or cw;t l lng etone ou thtees vili b. timâ to the luîlex tentof th.%lw VILLE tuai Co., O. A. Newaot,Sst way in tbe bon4 Mad frsh atru e TO BUY SOME OF TIIOSE W'I TiIIOS.D0NTY0LfTIIINK:O CotSéir n wae ot. uBiWEVi GOt EM. Overcoats. Oh Myl and Bheep-Li.ied Short We've got Cap& too, WoaI, Leather, Oorduroy, Plush and Fur from 25 cents up. Uned Gloves and Mlfens in both Dresa and Work. f rén 25 cia ta 03.00. UNDEffWEAR? Weill1 guets yeti In light, medium and heavy wel aght , and in ribbed and fleaced. in pece and union suitsai t romn Bl.oC to 04.00 a suit. Woof OvershirI s. warnolsan.t i.0-00and S.25 each. Wrmer anes se Seach and Real Warm ane* et 82.5é. Ouoradey Mufflera are fMot TarnaIs. ef 60 cf$, 01.00 an 81.&0 8th. For Comfort and Style f hey cantbe besf. in alilcolrs a, te. Tryone.. Apair of Wool Soc"r.wif h a pair of aur Hlgh-Cuf shosa, or a pair of thoae 8hebpskin * anagans or Moccosins are just fhe thing h... cold deys coan fa coa. We also have Feit Boots, German 8ock., Overthoes and Lined Rufibera. We have our uaual up-to- dat e fineaot Bhoea in m&H of the latesf styles and beat maires. DRI-SEAL, a new preparafisn to water-proof shoeea f ail kinds, we oeilIif. VISCOL, a dandy oill ressing for any shoe. We sel if ao. JB. MORSE & CO. tig for flen LIBERTYVILL IL @0400 o o 40 o o o O0~ E~UU~îu1W~ 'a TO eit for your Xma.s Photos Beswice haa extended fthe lime t' f0tésit for your Xmvas Ph Mtographs è ~16 Cabi nets wil be givan for the urc f anc dozen untill DEC. 15 ONLY W* LSC FIT SPECTACLES AND EVEGLASSES BESWICK'-S STUDIO - BULKLEY BLOCK I ~ ~ 44IBER44îIsE. Hlere 's Your Opportunity To Make Moncy Earn A Good SalIary we have amine good business property et Enguaide, w hictu musf fie soîd ai once. This property carne a net incarne of over 13 par cent per ennum a n the amouuut invesfed. If YOu wif I investigate this noie we cee, quote you low prices and very easy ferma. Oon't wait or you wilI mies if. SCIINAEBELE & WIIEELER REAL MSATE, INSIJIANCE AND BIROKERÀ6E Office in Luce Building. Phane 18 LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. \ 1 Ulrban Burrilge. tleîi ,ît.d l'hiago violinlet, waq vi.etiug ,vîtl home folks here during the early part of the week. It le possible that Mr. flurridge eau be prevallad upon to give a vioua recîtal et the town hall at gostie datp a!ter Christmas, ln wlîieb eveut our people wili bave aulcal treat iifun nurpasing exeplleuce. The êhelving fur the rn pblite filibrary vas instalied luaIiecker A&11,-nd's clore this week, the books liave lecn rpcîivPcd and the work of iirrangiag n ,,le progrepcing so rapidly tl,îîî c,r.itliing viii be in shapp for tlhe forîriai op.ilg of the llbrary to th(- public on Saturday afternoou. Tino ocloek lns been decided bpon -as the- hour, and the libray committee of the Alpha Club, consistiug of blys. J. L. Taylor, Mrc. Paul macouffil, NMMeWaYne Colby aud lMrsEdlth Warren, will be pres@et.Thore., will ha nu elahorateprogramnof exerelar.. iu connectlon with the opening, It belng deeuued advisable to defer that ntil our city hast a library building sueh as la comrnouurat"-ith tha impor tante of the communlty. The Alpha Club, through who@e efforts it bas been made possible for our peuple t0 have the advantagis of Baipuble librarn, have deviard a Inethod of (bictmae giving that vili appeal to many who are in doibt as tu wliat th" sehould lîî".entt l oîne l riend of loncd one. Thoyv cuggeet as an apprn. priate lireauet a maîiberelîip lri the new lfhrar 'v, anid have ccureil a large aceo)rtmtent of îpoct carde. ona of whilil, Inecribedi witlî the name of the~ donor and ahowing that tîhe reipieut lias been prascutnîl vith a membership luiliah librarv, vilI lie mailediluamiple tinte tu reacli the Rercu befîîre Chi istiax day. Ail that let uecemmarv ti re merber vour friande vith thîle moet appropriate aud appreciable drift, le b c lave a, dollar and the Dams of the person to wbomt the memberehip la to ho lesued witb Deeket & Bond and the 4lpha Club ladies will ii-i do the rest. Judglng front the luterest manifeeted Sud th- work thât leàeing doue lu pre. paratioD for the Royal Neighbore' hazaar ta bsd a bUis vi h all tfots met Tha ebdyth tLswleonehllof tefmeat enjoyahle avents of the season. The lIAS GOODS GRAND OPENlNG Our Chrstaa -Ooodz d Are Here And Our Now On DIaplay Taysef allkinds, lmpartedCihina l4and painted Chine, Manditsr- chiefs, Books, Toilel and Mon- !cure Caaes, Capdies. Fancy Gîff Boxes. Xmas Ires Decoraf. ion. nds o4 articles of grades &ni prics SEE OUR DISPLAY.'- 1LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We offer you the molt desirable lne to choose yout'presents from "«r .j- r 1 1

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