Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 7

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-.------ ~*t-v.J-~Ï.-- FUR SALE-Ny #briu o mms; d»ls. iUl,»sd ba trees; gBoad arid,bsfiGI ga)Od bouse; oQan PSU@trkmNO and 2 1.2 mille trou; Wau sailivery resceabia i'"Ieldi For pricults lwdrita 11 il Serwa OoUlt, FOR SALE-N Wb. i red la ', *01l uah ha sating r ets 4ekla y- for t urtt Icantion .edm ils" r Smit. « ron- « Jues- lhe et- tfied, aMOTs ait.. ni19 s'seW - gavs-anmt ps-ltini 0a10a. la ibe Ious. Ihe praicailro lamucclthl. sam* ~~~,~e me 1L.4I5b5 FOR &M»-A %il blouil oaamai> baug yvears oai bgood p0pbles @Iea-sa vesit9 At uet udwoffie. '" bload OMMues Jaog$Cam. Ml. Tiiosas LbestYvnlel FOR SAL"-I iili slion trriatailfarmo lu Idaho, distriet. Thias lerm crausisi ^Il iomproved. une tbirda lu eightiemsa.. 1 iied th r iiiisdisibcl inveatin * tigbrgaii. IL A. Noasdinq FOR SA rAu o all Mil, shasider. asd four saee addrees (. J. Laça-s. tel FOR BALE-Bava, Wagon Bores vili a-aigu 1lm). Ce tirayaa caeanerî. FOR SALE-iChfap. Lat» hier tourinit car a-mit Il mtente. Pullequigpeai.Nt hast haraaiu nLakoem fa mte. Oust nov 240 depisodid motor sud1 qoleit sale. Addý XX1 LOTS FOR SAL-le lth- eub-dlsion of Lia-Wrtyvil ek.-tnl rid on Mulasuteý .1 assoner. FOR SALE-sai boaf, i18 yesr. Champ if aken eai0 ut tlb. àosAILAiL P»unta FOR SALE-Aceftiotsaoc abdiviion, closetu aown rans. PsiS.300.00. t>vuo FOR SALF-160 acreaclo sbrf. mils a-est 0ai lrs 4-1 asers.raura'.. iquire 'OR-SALE-Lot*In thîe1 usilu subdivision. 50x40 eim. doive, $"par aîoutiai On SALI--Cboace Iota ..*rigbt*'s addition, 30x 15f #250.00 aud $30000. IlYM PARMS-M e bavea lari ceÀ-unty faranto ssi, misa hi ln village. DrAtoiu ;t Aurn FOR SALE--Or vili trade d ri ver,.su S8yer aid sork 1 1I250.H. J. WOICELOCE FOR SALE OR RENT-Mc ail l.pravemenls. Cetralý B. Bayes, Liberty ville, l11 FOR, RENT-Idodaru pali lire rua, fIAt. Apply eai il FQR SENT-A boue@.. t acre'of ainda. lIdluire ai Austin or Robtl. Bis, Liber FOR REN T-Furisbed i wirli or atithoul iboard. loated. Appli ait Ibis oaid FOR RENuT-We bvg &le a ri nous.. sudd taetW i uiahs.ioomas, aith tean vi houboaril Dvîaosoâ RAW FURS WANtE- bisbest prk ie. B. UixtLE FOUND-CaIlsd don. &bol a14; vwhie stippe arolm 97 atio tali. tlvur psu na L OSTOSTOLEN-Ot* t4&sy mare, 16 baude, nei Ï, s vbite bind slet, star Inin" oT pa1ote ueanabu. Rew- sailliA.-W. Knox ,PliOns LOST -le Lib"styvil. Rlg~i.11.vaiuable, ïp«ku tgiDtiis oilics or pili Luti$oue onb excepit tat an i is are laida aos- tu hW eawbilecaliatwith l atiket e lIèd the "hopper" by the mein- WisuLad f-ur white -boet. Aswer to, bers ofterWig them. The cferks tait. t lb. name of "King." kieTwsvd WVi bOthani freux ithe hopper and taks the mt.OIUisq10,7 e". Colletithie irug Store, Gravslaita. udlrcra ýitim -ehu@êdta l 61.rds It ~May reoutre a short "campaigu", MONB TO LOAN o f vaut adveartising te Sud the kind1 Of vOrk YOUre booiillfor. But, it oeil D.10 MONEY TO lt.OAN-Oa lw v04ed oulu requirea LONG campalgn of ferina. Dymond £ Austin. e-Ot, any othar 'looking.- Aeu. T UILePLANo1N j onor to Late Judfie. ryours nut. i Wth Judges Doanlily Sud Frost au rinert3 vale. GOLO FILLIED PCALSwt the beach oitlie loca circuit court, c1tic&aLu lou ded for 91.00 taad op,.avatot Choir betveu them ta' aig- woo-mo .m Hu-rs jour p ruensat lMoss .bafigsd or lmu- ,teabeceb bue br are o w laffmfor your péssait bes. u iY tMSr h bec ydeaah Pu-11-1ad ]ruussetit lad wth coniiort. fron, of JIldil Robeart H. Wright, sud vith 0.Ooandu. Nkaîsl'e droit store th vItale boéh draped ln white and - - bis_ L Roaiu Drug stars, corner Oeneffl blak mouruing Colore, circuit court fedmliraaestn 0 io WakgaII Piconvened KrlYDinoon. Judges Dounei- aido " ý ibe miq u Wýroat umade fittlng reanaris rer 0 id. lunquireRailway Mail ClerkS gadig Z d ltecolleague, reyiew. Ing le crnerandpayiug bim higli irIbbajietgraine, sud thon court al lm______ l30orned natif Saturday at 9:30 sitar Apply to ILUî ilwi a Wk .b fllavlng rasolutions .had beeaý a naed aud apread upon te records. 1Phona 2%~8. (iiks*O800i. 111490. and otlisr the auire Lakte county barsatend- ,~emplojas..un te 41160S anually. *iag: ms of my four To the Laite (ounty Bar Associa. Twin Faleu Uncla Sain viii bold sprang sxaail- tien: i of 80 acres, tions tbraugbout tbe cauntai for R4il The comanitee appointed by lte cah, balance t'as îîiiîCierits, CustMonn userkLaite 'o.nty Bar Ass«ociatio, 0t it muney for ut. This lesa Stebagraphers, llookkuersi, DaPSt whicb vas 'aliotted the ssd duty of 201 Usaeo~ mtulCleabs udOtbaarGoveruliî'tPO'>I)reseuîîng r;esolattons of respect to c.8-4 itions. Thousanda aiap4ioilent6a wil the îuemory of jfiprable Robert W. boiejads. AImm r aano r~ Wright, late deceased, beg leave ta sauhes coru êk.. eali Ur lajeiYor cauhtYcOt$i7 iSf ' t ut!D ia iilthefollowing: elspiauns "', ad râe linfiïtiitib '0t Ag5 ~ solveil, Thot t he bar or tht5 cils- .G-tf toilas Sturiea uOst 'fi,, ,1e#Han- trIct sud efleially or tizia ounty. ln Building, Roceeatar. N. Y. wwwoo*w~ unite ln an expression of profounci a and liomnes ___________ regret on account'ofounr brotherond ai o4drss'iîed il ouorable Robert W. Wright. I. L1~IU~SU'..F V Mi useful service daring the psriod Pmodal item. MANUPACTURER OPF jet drne that lie was upon the bench #10 Itubrovv- of ihis district. lis great powere ai Kow Lile The a discrixinsting and aayia uit WIII r ble- and.Grjanite Ibis bonesty of Purpose snd bis lair- 00. Iia car __junesau s Judgs, bis bau*est record lu la11 psri-Mf' M oi uUmeis ,Publie snd prIvat e ife. bis loyalty of i 5OPEKIEI.Tfriendihip, is nobility of character Cemetery Worlc of Ever) aud bis even_ sud evar pleasant de- Descriptiot iennor under the most tryiug dir- 8l. J.ti arie resodec 2 l idcimatsnces, when sufierIng excruci. avenue. ûo Crrsonene oute ing sud agaulzig pain, thé extent 5J . 1 6Genesee St or wZhb n:mmud, an eve w a15, huit ibis Wankfflu tage aof thisjudiclal district sud have once. lequire endeared hlm ta, the bar of ibis coun- àcv. c-tO-tf ________ ___y. We feel Ihai Ibis bar has been n Ilmonia C NGEE8 I 8~8ON. bonored sud exaiied by bis lit.sud a anda eiS.inrieaxample. We ltnow tuaI as s public go»a * Aum man and Jurist Robert W. Wright bas 40 Posibl Legla"ton Which bail much te do with lte characler WW*000~ AfhloaTila UectilD. asd standing of the bar of ibis dis- )n Grand Avé-, te: black sud j Congresu eonvaned Tuesday, vbich trict, and luniuaiu taIng the igb sland- a F_ 9. Raak, la occasion for notice for the bagisia- ard af proesasionai duly sud etbices ar P,5-8 tion whicb Waukegan sud Lakbe coun- the profession. 5 s ty expect et tha 5bauds of local cou- Resolvai, That lu bis, lite %,e recog- 00nui grassional rebrsentatives. nize lu the deceasail a jurist pas- huY»'D is that'are now Introduceil or teo essed ofai seope sud power a! legal 40.ti eIntroduced that are ai vsryiug de- seumen, aoufrais aud learning Sgreas-ci local Inîfireat are: equalleil by few sund surpassed by C. lp an I. Fer a file saving station ait nnsll.Haeituaw vItalt thelaw ought , for #20opo Wuitagan. ta he tram Instinct; ha bues vbat il Moau, &Arien 2. For flah cutural station near was tram study. He vas s man ai 40tf Chicago, ntndad by tae aurior, grent force af character, lirentaluid- ~ COorMge ont~, te b. Iocaîed usas af heart sud of great Integrlty, e fliai of t.aks in Wauitsgm. sud bas left the Implreua of bis lire itises and lots 3. ApMSpratons for ilhe naval cpon al vho itnev bimi. As a Iudge ras.. 40-if training staion ta th. amouit of lie aas paiustakiug sud canSCieullous, M_ about $100,M00 traie ta bis dotiez as a court, lu bis le for a lWbt .Hrbrapopito o 1. court clans And distinction vere un- b oras, veigb- - e.aporslnc 1. kuowu. He tbaught sud sîaoie for i, Grayaas, 000 for Wtubceoan harbor. bmsf avslyit i v L- .possible appropriation for the covili. He vas loapst, h ae ly, ..e.~.., outh harbor Channel, Wauitegan. true o. H e *sa esaoent alym odeabouse, , I. Varlous mOlitis, nAval re- lu ail places. He was above corrul: Iy iocated. t. serve, Postal gavdnga bank t en. lo u up~o.lenihrbuh . 28Il sen Fort hardan nd alinrualsold. He fort bis famlly s legacy bbis grealer ilian wealtb, s gond nareneud jTihe bill for the Wauitegau lirs sav- uutaruished reputation. Ing Station was Introdileed tast ses- Resolved, That we coudoie wlîb his îtfurisbed salnan sd referred te the carnmitîee faniîly lunltail, great lois, sud that bi Offi 0on bore nesd fos-sigucommuerce. Iltframt au saruest desîre ta show êvery osOfke -t ,q probsbly be reported oIut of dom- mark of respect duestutahIe neuory 'MiitIes ibis ternza o congress ansd is ex- o a i sdtingulshed rnan sud citizen, Dyu nda and ans treuteLY likelY ta be passed, whicb au honorable upriglit sud couscien- Prtyville, Moans a tidy tem ai1 about $Z,00o for* tioua Judge, utauifesting the bigh c.Z,-tf Waukogan. esteèrn be wasa ld In by ail classes S TIhe naval station la surs afitilsadi- ai aur citizens, a-e report these rgso-- ooms to et ditianal rnuey as la Wataiegaîî har- lutians 10 Ibis honorable court, nov l. CeutrsIIy bar proper, sud the fats af the reutain- lu session, that -the deceaseci. Dlsd. tee. r11.1 lug fealures. localy la Open ta coujec- frn ogati ihdsIglbd -11t ure. honor, sud Ihal lhey bla pread ai lagomi- The routine hy ishich tiseta-o leuglt upon te records af thti court, haslt, vitb or 10118a 01cangifees tak heid as ad thal s capy aifltesasme be mallad & Aceviu.. t rmeuters sud hring them t per by the clark of Ibis Court tetheb.font- 40-tf fected - legislatla 'ilnvalvsed anc. by aiflte daceased. Sasys su Hasteru aruer, but nothiug lo ResaIs-ad, Thot ss a furtlier marit -Ilait indone ta maure lb. s#ucceesaf ii or respect. Ibis court do adjaurt at OPeratian of the legisiaive machine the coase af these proceedlngs- until ai al stages. The rnîSPiacement ai a Tnesday morning aI 9 oclaci, sud commta uay Involve lhe constitution- thst Jhe bench lua ibis court,- . aialty e a lav or change lIA PurpSe ai main draped In utourning for a perlaci -11ti l i flo00000appropriation"bi«iand lu of thirtY days. Sthe-multItude ai anieudments vritteu II nto lb, big uteasures il la ooly tonaNotice. easY ta mispîsce ana. Congraes. tries At uybrdy Paught skating on or trou at al ltimes ta farefend Isait against passiug over tlels ou the Laie Coaanly - errûr. Gravi-I Companys@lif, or cattgbt tlra,- ut 4 inutnhs When abtibiinln iroduced ln the iug Atonese on the ie wili ha prmenated *ek, White ou Ower by suli* eeusla tbe senatar introducllt# 1ta ihe fu l ent 01 lte lais. igzlctTY-- o-1- rtliotnss, addressea the chair and',as- vILLE b1 Co_.0. A. NXwso,a, ecv.- ns4.d. e sances that b. aifers ttebîL.4Pue '1.21 0 18sEbriglat then ewrres It la the. desitoai il, prto. 'r 100wt 2cipllggilatv.'cierit . The preidw If the riglit tenait le not Iuclined 'Fea witaret.ti oaeanune b a sesi yaur property, mako yaur' )0628. s v ithout -Objection, ft i - s-op.prOparty ssit the teanst lbrough a 0 u wo l ed te sch and snch 0 Connu=a 1csapaign of dlassified sdverticing. k . 2 vw Afiar lbe egiasive lrk has remoo* Sather e net 1h.w a the b t ilat ~ased la Ism bii ply. inquiet aid la- i ai ?as-s &uwdsi H, e 15 âpQm 404> F prsyoi , Xte yôur - - H~ôn~bu~ion TeC-.haul PRO P9 E R, A HOTCHIKISS B, ANA WODBRDC ~Copyright, t91iby Amamican Preas Copyri ht 1, = lirA nrta use re. Copyright, ifMO, by Amercon Press A mot aai on, tue relguy; aheautngs wltivard i vsa tthe rl a ing dw tir. Keating vas a bouug utun wa -o "AIlirighl, Imagea; l'Il ha with yan et Ulugland. eturho ha ae bad a natural gui tas a finsuciai ep- as saano as i an fle on my veit. Hava that John' OcIgtroe. saîoY-9are- enfaso. Ouly tventy-alz yeusa ad, thl 700 your gôggtea'i' living lfa tilecounly ai Kent. met Ia bd carried tbrougp severaldtisslu 'Gaggles? No! DO Yeu sppaaa1i1; bas aet4 Mary Grlggs etaisMayiug socs A ilmet Mise Ethel Lamtb. a-ouid alale »self hideaus by vear- bu. H can eei a thberpassondforhe vIa won qoile a-iltng ta marry hlmn. ing sncb thingsli" - qa han fi dsceda-lb br aoun t e Mt tînt ho badit a-ed iber for ho blid magen a-eut ont tpthe plaxa. vers lu Mflpol. a" lookeil at bar lauguloha nt;h li. egl lief nbt ingly, bat. bis madesti and i dt avih t etbhifl el- at the fontotfalthe stepa the antomo- la strengi t lis Ilova lied bis tongueso ter iascisi shape befars doing se, bila vas vaitiug. sud said la the al tIai ha coï» » sy nothiug ta, ber.f *'Ilf.Keuthig," sabs aite fi a lm ane chauffeur: .iut Masy bil eec kepiu ~ eveulng, 'Ilsut se au Ious ta malle a "Y«n needut go loday, Williamt. Fu yul Richard Doyle,.autaker a o are, 1 lu4uttin but tIéc é"D hiaidl ayes on Jon:ppope. tssteiig cau'tl l ~ es'a le'- - .,.. Oýehllt-'etDale 55w that abslvason tu uabout, toI'Ibs-yw! i1 1~i~iIng a, r9h% ta hlm lu Levas- ai bis rival. He uirav tell auy ene. Toc si4. Ibère arte'v rs uaî. avaynsulky, tAinsleasing tleb. ld tuamuiai fus lateresced in tIi .asd i1avoldi "on oî;eslaof"v the mon sfiboibati supplauteti hlm. :t ha inslilInlu elliîtg their secrt.." MiCame oryluets hontftf." gle The day airer the. lsying John *"Certainly ual. Saute social asiate, adasl e a-e hursud aîlonut pai' tr si vafeai fornMary te coma out oifhanr suppose?" glosa-s aI tthesautelime, asaoinew bat ol ftlerla ihtched cottage sud joined --N'o, les ual social.- diMfiult tout ta pertorut. The la-o galI rl] ban. Hie mtaded taea-lIe ber "gaad *"Oh. joli ore goitug la for sautaofainto tb. aoto, sud the utudialna chug- morning"eccI. _,sald Ibet 'lie cropeaftleat fada thermihwaueîn aecskiug geti dovn the drlveway l te h te. k pcouied te! ho gued sud filat on.etof p-votiln vollug. ilpiug a-amen op- Itwoa-us uilalspiagmo uins thet bis eave bail l aIedbut besldes 11i s aIvas a-be sîrike or samething oi ronde vers fiue. Imogan won* Q ito l 1»seMi notlag. Mary a-as a eil aif tt ibd." a»hs o ~ ~expert driver, sud thern vas notlI ' storttasud WoUid netlelp hlm os. Eh. aublnVU : ta mur tbe p!easureaofitil. trip bh »Id ta lerue4flincht hoshould toKk te ;1 w '~lnalesanetlay. lii thba ild ben out a couple aet ber 11k. any Other man or sIte *oud nuav eii»a" vr oa abur 'asd a-are soute tblrty mils Il levae nonueofthlm Hie coulna-dte ta Andl aie did.They *ririg a outrs e hcaoaa if ie show ber hi bis airweasion Ibat fe n euji F djra-d church. suboidei sud lt h-t las vesita which t(1 vs euamared of iber, sud a-heu hao Tnlsa lacîdable ahieci, sud I'd b lt î elanged lossu on la tue grouaci. iPl Jlokleul nt ber bis cyes lids&mean- vry amenualetatebelp you. Would an 101i.des r:' exciaimei iiaiy. k eîoîy expression. -tidreil dollars do9"I yajtsjr - -I Nov, ns sontaos John gai avay front r"Veala a ae e tosa4 ebre's as b or stalesor sorne- w iber bis tangue sal; uctlaosad, aud ha" Nov, il siteins te me thct Ji yon woaild thiîîg over chere; iei's go aven sud t( coutl asy whe hosi ffl ~- Ie-toid bis .Agiveu --a o a ui1r ?"a~Le~gc n cp mothar ai his troutoe sud cous-inceal "A p"Harng plact-adhebasia on the aidea Il ber tWs lvst*osbela a 'Yen; a tip wbeîîsonie stock youare of uthe rond. tIi-y bolli walked the hum- Si sbould.tebi Mary lisa loveansu lit ber tgoîte 10niake lsoaey lu a aitt1g Ou5.dreci yards dthulrscarûteci ttheurn itI ta marri hlm. sa tutI e catboli is ofaiIL We Oie hanse aud fonait a muai ln ver- 81 eau malle ail a-e wýitt ails tinkeraaiwth un automobile. fi "TIen," said lits utather, "Mary "l oue fel, saoou.:.O.hi olîttr xlie mui roos t yut""TYes. t'a 1a. Wiltaout having telailly. "Ils a garage.' "Sha -ul uas--r #do liaI." sigieti ha: Il lu litis lots, gel np taireand ..Wrêive gut a pundtume- or somns-1 Jobs. ilfiltIsort of titl g.lng," sald imagen ta theiman. "Weve P *'$ho muet lo mais lto. My 90ou "Very wititlu mthiukiug af a uitIle lefl aur auto ont there lu the moud. Il wtabes ber for sa-wlie. Aud ha muai echeme Dowv. If Il Coorae anylbiug Woulai yau minci comlng oui la ses P bave ber. Besides. Mars- la a golocilIa lt you knasv." a-bat'. the iastar?" el girl sud nill bave a good dovry. 1 Not long sitar fliat Mr. Keeling caal Tlheoumanu lait bis vomit. aeutt-hi >wlsb ber for a dsnghtei--l-av. 1 au Miss Lamb snd asked If ha oullIett biret.lsalilcaalel bave mode up rny uilndlinht, saie esyu speait ta emfiritout lbeing averal. au id:- E 1are unbie tea uni Mary ta ho a ii Elbe abat ail jhe doars, sud he a iite1 ; "Iil nor a case ai pundlura. Tberes b vite. aIe abail Cdamyau ior berbais- lier lu a ioa- folie: srip lu tle ctire." band." ' If i gîte rau a hip vili yonsure "Oh, deaLr!"'ex*clsimad Imogen. "Cali 81 "Andl boy viallyou do that, umath- nul ttl A y ane?" litle fixedr" arr" *"Certsainly." "Netlbhers. i haveu't tlb. ols." t4 "Never Bminai, so lIaI I do It We '*Weiil.ny Jtmherjuv Leaci. Tau'l "What !hall a-e do?" n vomen hava te geltîtraugh the vo-id nallea your $10.0(K. But if yoa sboulci "l'Ilput enaugh vinailu Il ta elo n by exercisinlr aur a-its. We are ual leste l'Il stand yoîm aluiygeil'" jourmautchine fillea my garage, sndg men, ta force auray, sOea-e have la Misa Ethel LattaI IhauketiberI' n-lIera If muai lis lait iii ibti dan gai 7Y plan. r fomerthoug absaaid l a-nidutha mtie-tire. 1 ssnyen have no 'i Thinga veut framt lid la varse lia- quite faim for fhlm ta stand eny ions t'" - ei tween John anal Mary. Datermînsil ta * il since tbere wanidu't heanu,1l59 The man utanageaft ir mcl diffi- a tance hlmn te deciare btuaseli. ahe au-' there voulnki lhoa syliing for hlm ta cubty ta gel theautno into the garage-, ceurageibrfemr;utr TI s tand. thon ho sala taeIteon: ima"a Jobhnil1, sud so great vas bis j The nait day sitevient ta a friand 'Il viiil aite ou ta your home, aud 9 &lnfg lIat bis moîber feureai le vou~li ho asa siackbroiter sud tld hum jon -cao sentinoute aout a-icI an dia 8h vat t Mry udlefll~I bat ellehbail recelvedal a p an Jimber- extra tirs ta toike your auto bacit." ai ber oi John's condition and the cause,Ju Lacsd itihllainsle "Do yau tîlikt 115C hhe ouly thing 9 begei br l d ltaIa-ldv osai thîe stock f2r ber. Bht baci no mou- la do?"ï eyta pu l g etl pecteai af tle stea'uer nmax-sitJohn 1t er orami in ,"T)d"i 5.Presse vait MiiI 1go tae the be br bsbad. ary owe tht b lItatIif as vaniti cocivince hua bous. anal gel air îles. avemaiis. FU le 1er ubane .mary@ vf ol ied that tue Up a-as rellalile ha wocaid boy ho back lu e mouteut." iA sbg ouit ha e inu'. -ifsa-hoha e soatockc for ber vîtîont auy uargi. Ha vent op a byrosti aud disappa- A al lte courage te skI ber. aud. Missen Lmb remamnberel ber promise, e&Thebta-o girls accuplel themsela'es b thougb John might dia. ehe vaulai ual'but. causdeming the cause aea-as boiga nlpsn tnina b do is part for Élut. voa-tiug for warrauted'har breskig lilt top of a bill. aitIte foot ofiabldbuey Il Net-long aflier Iisea sheep halong- concinde ta lu sl hautprovided lie voucivateal. lng ta a nzgglir a-as fouud lu John prtbmise èolemnly naltat -tait a single "'Tbat'a a fiua bouse," salImogen. al Oehiltree's faici. John a-sa arasteal persan. He lîrctuied. sud sha- tld "Il voulin'l minai balng et the bond of t or sheep steliug sud thiown tata bialintat telie p bacil cansmain lia-r. lIabouse--tha i. If i1lied a luabanal prison. "i'e lad bas lentbis minai for Kalitg. 1 ta b*"- izJ lave of yota' salal John's moîher la He opsasti lis eyas, but muid aothlng, "At the faot." supplied M11011. Mary. The iass a-a seacretly troubled, aad the nart auoralng alite receiveti a Iu a fea- moments lhe man returneai A but tasse-I ber hendan sd saidti laI a notice ai tle purchase ai 500 ahanas of lu Chauffeur costnume. mnua-o sats afralal ai a girl hld no Jimberisa- Lenti. As @ou as abe biai "Il shoulci tuit îou'd ha bungry," mind te laite, lot te cilice tle brokean ld bia part- hoa aldt. "Iî's past nchîlute, sud John as trieti sud @fleted sud nana liai Keatlng hati tippeil a lady yau'l uat gai boute beiore 3 o'cleL- senlenceilta ho langei. he (tbe braitler) lappene te ta tov Kent- Pambaps yau'd botter go cp la dasi TIen 'Mary began ta regret fliteleIeig wat-atentive ta liat there vas te0-sommer bocal." pouting ltehanbose bâti refusatesc luhapersuadei. But il ha a anavemeatlnlu ldbien adutiring, "snd gel vas noit too laie. Sha hati drIven This a-as dans lu lie pmlvate office, soutsthiug taeset. It'a Dol yel openeti k oJo biasaîîity, ta« she lelleveaila-lare no ans excepcts theuthamrs of far the sason, but i thinit you'll fluai wvièt bis mothler salai, or a hald unin- thaefirut culai bea. someîîîng ta aîay yaiir appetîte." teuîiauahiy tiesitulea im lut atho A number o! costomema doiug busi "Wlaa asul isite for a limiel!" laidstoloa a slteep. $ho eal aI bouta ni-as it th e lirut avere quuily ad- axcliueil Inogen. ,We tbougît Il a fnùiisritg b fer sad fate at boviug a Vuseil la buy a lit11e ofthe stock witt- privai. boume.", in nu defetive. John's umother Oatl avlag beu givan the sourde froua Tbey climbeil the bill, a-enaadmit- 01 braughî a reaupteat tamlier son tînt a-lia-btLîeiforti-alt_ suat I tt caleted by e mai Inluwa-ile aud bledk Mary ssraald ic praseni ai bis ezecu- But tle dle.r4s, sating urge oradans for laniforiu sud shawnInu o a dining 3 lion. Mary de-lareil liaI aIe coai!le shames golag la t4Wthe excsange roout bss'lg noue of the aputearance ' ualet edurs etsuc aiMgltssnd voulti toalu flers aîudconfiletttlly tld the af ona beluttglng ta a bolt. TIers a net ga. But sileoa-as at Iltpersuadadci lerta af aller offices. delidiousnaaclea a-assors-ad. On I to grnt Iils ast liou tea anuase Varn othe prica ai lim-baria- attemptiag te a py forIl 1he maci vas nait persuttiedti he lad ana-en taeT.ead beauln mixe. et final sioaby, but saic thal thera a-as no oa n lthe the scaffatd. andaoau'ltae mornaig ai lu time rspldly. Thou il began It> hanse ta recaive cash sud they woulti lbe lsugiug sito enst fthera vitI beÎ JnmP. Ona mornl.g Missat.aib a-as bave te psy anoîher lime. lova-a-'inoîler. .luformec by lier liroker flitI a bad "Wel Icare Il athlte uman Alibie A ca-ais ti'as gaîbereal aroundth îe à profit ai $0.000. Would as g eli? garage dua- t ers," said Imaga. culpa-it. Johnt, wsthîe nope araunti She stauiaseaouid lfinatietlaeast her *"Xesu t.hîe ginl asseuleci. bis Dock, lad uscenalsilàsfev slops oaiIlipsa-. LItetelephoned Kelteiug for lu- lttnuig ta the garage, îîey foonti a the Isalcer. lie sieçpeaiand,. seeing formation, a-lia ld hem ta bolal on 16s inu waling fan theu tana Mary halait,sai ttera:enad ie avouid guraîy roïikahber$10,000. auto a-endy. Thay entensal il aud P "IM.iry. savesnme." - This InformatuocnsIte communicatel te atanted for home. On the vay boute b "lHait an 1 daoIliat, John?" hem brokers, audl radialet lni maay the chiauffeur bedaine mon. communi- Il "It li te la wt bitIf oeabout ta le durections. cative, sud lutagen reutartetisottea f exacuteti ha cialinea lu marriage by Tftara eeelarge sales af Jimlerjaw voeslatealolly fible ho c a-amy goad ri any itouan le athali go ra' Leac for a fev dasî-s the stock gain- language, for un auto tmiter. Whon "las tînt se?", Mary esited ofthîe iug sud huiug in price alteruutely; tbay resdhed tîhanbose lutagan look abortif. lien il began la go doavu. SuddenbY out ber pocitethook, asiting hilm haa-d "if yan daim lIaIs an'u mannIage a Isa-ge lot a-as drappeilou tle marit, much liasa-harge vanit he. Inclatdiag n dane uel bang Iîiu" sund Misa Lamba profit as vpel tbe luncheon. il ",Oh. *Mary." crisal John, "lave mer- Out. FVa- arn liUnie fora-ard It sauts The Chauffeutr reiea that tIare aad 1cy ounuta." sass-ly nli a il btstans 3,000. nu charge ýor tle ride; ou tle cas- "Sasve hlm," wsapeniai lb. cuipnIt'. She seuil for Mn. lkentlug. mèary. lielad basaonmnchhonarad. Au anotler. "lWhat aitali 1 do?" alle mopueai. for the luaicîco, ha owueth îe lanse 0 Mary besItûteI. ,Na." @oMMa slai «"'va elstmotaay i csu't pay." lu a-bld lIer, liadt uncheci, aud lui luat; "let hlm bang." '-Dudîî't i tell YOD 1 wonld sanai jour Mhe, toc. tltey blilbouarea i hm. John ataggered, lIait seemeai reiev- legs?" The girls loateet aIsd aller in ad. He climbea ifuibly up the othen "Yen, bail Idoa'tilutse tahavaenoiconsternation rungs oi theboîtieransd tb. sberifff 1o0 flit. Besidea. ctheccurelàl' "Bol rau muid," lutagen protesti, C vas about te swinghMMairua-heu "'l'I ietacars ai île chutab." liant tle banne asa asummer b01el11" il lîgry ortei: Tisa omtevat reassurei ber. *"1lied lIera." sald til.minu mp«s- i'Hald! I ciinibis man tu mar- 1"1 amn buudanly alla la give $10,- tunbahly. ne." d000 la ro-i ard urhpraieci ts i1 The bres ast ragardug eueaucnta- fil Jaouna-as takeai dovu, anal ths-la-- bave saiti out abaras that bava-bffl tan a tea- moments. Iben bus-st ent "My dean." msail Dr. Jed rs le Ibrea- off bis coûandai t. ng bus iteavy drivlng glea-es loto Ittem, l'l'Iha langeihI goS slan tanigît if l'an causidly s cilllonaire!" "Oh, Jo,l'ut so gladh l'eu Ib 4 uliy tIrei, sud jusi thinit 1ev a3in e -'a- e d. 0quiet« ";Rigbt yoit Ans PaotVIM aion hi vae iactet,tau1on uMy easy it dowu before tes. blaging lea, vu esida , sud vs'U tbav- Id Lanhioneci eveuiug--ik. aur o g cinys, ci, Rswaethesnlt , Hae titeaiteilber esur sud airaes-w "Wou't ut lie nicel Teu eau ait uk the big chair riait baLye tc 4 'bile I ait luauty litto a-s-bin Nid. you sud dar lIa. stockidm "Oh, no; don'l danstocint 1î idu'i duraî stocitîngea nthase dys" Au soon us diuuer was aven the ddiW ton puiedth Ie big dhair np ta île tte', IaCa andi ci-ca-bis a-Ifs dova on b»Is aies. 111e lad avelgiiecia huaidred, wnasaheu îhey counleti. Nov #à*' weigheila Itutdreti andi lity. Bemnai, on lad huidserilt obstluata Camit'ý Surlng tieîîuy anal a-s- ls-d. Tt, -agu't Oe ienutes batore le remRtasb M thnt bhadal sraineil a muscle lu1hW-' le lait a-bn gettlug ouI ai bis aSolo. ilasping on a bit of tee. *Ha iboughtk tai they'd baller ait aide hy aid. id Mns. Beuterton gaI off bis base anil witb su effort succeeded lu squeohkr t basida hlm. - If aho bad gainea i OLly aunais ho a iagaineimore. go îlot astaa oaithes ggregate huik of 21M pounds hata-sen lthe 1 ~ chaa-. us la Ibeir cocaina CVY lu -sa-e nov a3M.However, 157 ey ma. âgd ta vetge Ilemnela-eslu. snd Mmr aemartan leaneal bacit on bon bit>e- band'a arut. "Just as uic. as evsr liva,"ho Raid gsllantly. TIeyst chaîtongs-osa-bile,but tils tpica they taltei about au loyaus dii et seutotaris. np a- he le spsia Dey ai formerardeys. TIare ealong spe luiIle conversation. Tb@ edoclp sawneal. "W. dou't neei te talit ail tb.ea-bie," sh eaid droa-elIy. 1"1esmamhoer va? a llter va usial ta tep upr "i vondar hav va ail IL" "DIa Iil 1We duda't du h.IL Ttdi il.- TIare vas s luIl, duning a-bld Ils dtor's eys loseai, sud ho s. c ilnuing 10 drsa as eha-y bs-th,0f lumber wa-blis vifsestartoil lu unea-. "Do yon kuav, Jo." sab*aam., tit wnîetci dbnlcbar ment la the uneS Aominable steak this iaanbia-ell nse sud grnslar "l'es. alear, but nay anura e ampel. If zon'u rais. s bit l'Il m"e " -a Hc Inoviai tle aasandsud v. intiug kgain toa s noaze a-Ian the telupbuos bail rang. "l1'Il go." saai Mms Domeilon. start., î;g up. "Na; yau vonlain'?undoestiebL- à d thedo-tor vaut ta the. telphs Blepty. "'I'm pratty lirai." Itepli. "la la?" Reply. "sufferbug .mucI' Reply. ",wall, I suppose Pli bave te0gp." kusm Beutarton. vWah as w uiasm dglia. The alactor oame tact -lata te raoumthe pictureor etae. "oJoe, you saal yen a-achdut go aIt again taaaigbl ion a millioab& You're lirei ont, lu anoîhar manu* voad'ave abeau asleep.- Wby didat' Fu refuse?" "liaa-couiti 1?hIf rau wa-emufo. îg sud calieti for a pllyslcian te la- saeé you anal le declînsal te go,.wbili reniai yau Ihint af iman' "Well, b suppose il cn't ha Ielila" WlU yau ride?" "Na; il's uoutane. l'Il valit." 'h h led ltaepaoon nsu ou yul b4 r nrcoal. île gave ben a partiag kl% lal as haa-eut out aial: "If l'u gaina la la delayed lIl ItgIs, pboue yrii, and lyalf ae Dot tbe lt wi bat go ta bail lit a deun, o ,WM roman. ani 1u1 coins lua -ithaout urbutg yauanti abeep ls my own tmm Ta-ta. awoaleatl"t BIra. Bemertou's regret vas ils? 1eé tega lard mont go eut sits a ".,r daa vonkto ba cosa igît: ta uc îaore respanihllUy. $hos aa cal a-amen anal bld dWscoeretl Y" coau Ibst bhe tetun tacuptig- 4hM mouid ual he a seccean. $hWsWUva - itnefore tutu-l teda isthee-I an tînt' licount ldeol, @tu, wu r" eveal. As soauneaishelefront doms deoeed bmd blua Dr. ileaoerton bistai stois. .1 fea- locka aaaayvu lub, andthither lao aent U éde aserevateaille dont ncom. be lbâ tIec Afé anal thora tow.d Nichais sud Gllson, a-ho balie trance a-h *bouts eta "«Wbet alid 'on mena. Demetn to a Nichio, wa-h moS ly, '"hy teiuiug me ils? Ihe s muffaningand 1 anat oS ta rel laealiitl"

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