Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Dec 1910, p. 8

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lad at the station h tund the man neary frsen e ath sud nake& d«Gve M Vrso Auguat Gustabmon In Dumper Th. mai &a. tacon tu the. pouce"Vril ïIýort at suicida. station and thie" est and retuoed t* Luis on the tract. aet the Chicago answer af î aukegj ar? ria v & Mlwaukee Blectrie rend at EdIsOn mouth ta say anythuîg. He Bat ,,go. ited the. SUN ell. icesu gave the, tam Court, Waukegan, witi i bond la huge owl captured lu thie day lime, ers'aBIde of the ilk question ln full on the. rails, elotiied lu tbe4 btInkng hie eyesM a the dlock. lie clear and tali' manw'. whicb show imanier iu wiiicb Adam dressed w as tata'. taken te lhecoaunty lit that tiare le a Wiioie lot te o Bat woi bjven lie roaaed ini the wvar. spots and»ate< a mmie On the ia'.lir's WIiBU, ofthaelteGarden of Eden. and iiald- Iwat# iimm all taui>ub r ug t o na iutahelt,-Wapkegan lace. wt of 11w I lis-a Bible tu oie band, August Gui- ha ewud ehm drawMaleisItamilt-onpy ida talion wau plcked up by the. membera 1WhIiîe the. mai o ment ofeIlS .11k lh Chicago If al of aithe crev ai thiit mI oulh bound lew moments, G misfonaietoua the.farme'.. caRnnaIma'.ket the] car aiflte elëedtrl Uie about :30 ibis. me.aid took the qulIt tram tii. produet bore. tiauday nmnlg.#bi. Ist teviov 9 The situation I.t tis: Burris Au IVlIUt The mai bad evldeîtiy been lylîg ane corner et the quîl th mtingPurdy are hipp0gMiklu Thaie ron the trac. for ome Lime, an bis oerth wndwand wut. dyta ile at iMlwue.Tu body va. urlewitb the. cold. andthie other end aroundis. ieck viiejiformiera aid iu. dtî of .mikle.a ho ws D«lY e" fein XPOUre.theattendait atappad himi. Tite man, a day la Waukegau, âéési tua. ont< M Y UIWtbutaatltch o l in nbmeven viien lhe wu stoppod rot'.O t h ie ul. aif îhdr itL .Tiiey M hojy nàpile of unew on th* tl'acic.i Ig hie iii., uttered ual a vo'.d, aid ciied ta ho Xe'.~.MGratlu.OG nw TM VU ith* the.evideit Intention Of illig hîaot aic, me'.ly remaiiiag on iii.ha. id nee ohe..The resuti.ti on. imaeli. iHe la suppa.ed te have been kneea as Il p'.aylnt, but no saunA cai the milU tii.>'p'.duce lîainthe Let ufferlng fromt an attack ai "religi on-b heard. !bads wite lerlik le, comig hore lao 11hs." He reiusd ta aY a word ta Prom lhe Lime of the secand at- Wscnsi. Thias te farmera regi lhe crev 'oi the treet car o'. ta the. empt ta talc. biseIle, tbe vatceh OU as unJust. ba. just re- police when ho vas bronght ni>lteith Gustation ha. net reiaxed. Ai atten-' They say thgt they viii alsl aip1 lelta fortune clcy station and later ta the couil>' dont bas remaied an the vatch7but'Chicago unlesa&It oi the an an ratep-brotbe'. JIlI. the mainhbu made no more attempti ket here aid daim tiat If they i rev dais ago - Taken te Station. at -suicide. The. police ho'.s are talc- ship ta the cit> they could gel 16 cen ine vas rirt lauud by the. car men ing lhe matter Up vît, the autharlttes a con mare aid malte a few. cen one tire kept about 5:40 H,%oliday moruig, viiei at Chicago wlth a vlev af iavlîg the: even ilLtigy,,pay the biegit, as ti ib street, re6 tbrougb the. darltîadb ai the eariy mai takeî train the lu ber. aid re- Wauid have ta do, wii.le In maîy tcs epbrther#.n haur lhe .mtarmai aw a white ah- moved te Chicago. viiere lhey uow t'.ovet frrat tour bd u a re.ult 1ject iyig an th '. acki. The car Latee Monday alternoocILîî as au-s- eéBmilek ta WikeganIfu tî aumoîla, and waeitopped and lhe mai vas taieî certained traoioe ai the elevatora'.hlpped ta Chicago the electrlc Il to-lui. of the inta lhe station ai thie ramd at Edi- men at lhe Wesley haspilal liat Gua- laid the rallroad are very near at$2,06 uson court. Tiare ho wae lound b>' taîsoi iiad parents livng oi the north itieni, mucit îeare' tihon Waulcegaî. t 200 luOffice'. Wrts, wha bad been notilled, aide ai Chicago at the preseit Lima. Tiey aisa glate tiialwhiîe .d mi .00 marks lu shiverlng hn the cold, but withi neTii. elevatar mai had at oie tirne 1 be cheaper, tie>' bave te buy' It eria, Ccme clotbea ta ke.p out thie cold. The '.oamed at the. arne place as Gustaf- tibis>'ear, leed crops b.lng aimentn pr aî oli alceman tiirew bie avrcoat over iii aid taId that lhe man wa. n hi lc Inlcreaies theieicoulaitii.mi M.Johsnah hm and ]tar' brougitt hlm taete (>> e habit cf arhslng at ail heuri ai the. producla. clgjutat ats ere dis- adav.ig h tie.liae b is maJo'.îtY covered heside the traclcs Just north aitof as yelgî i ryî a O T YC UE sot f~a Grand avenue. Wbeî tii.>' ere tiie top af hi. vaice.tenahda- -ôprtylu igbrought ta hlm Gutaluai iiaW.d ne It *1 thoughtî that tem Otf i shoaaw de.)re ta put then -onanad it requir- tended oie oattii. meetings at Zion Where a Cbriatmae Gtm ot Hinglors ed tiie services ai a policeman aid a Cilty and had beei aroused b>' lbe ex- Gi've )Iuch .Toy. ate tii. arts dactar iia bail been summoneil ta hartations ai tiie speaker] ta t'.>'ta Wiieîiou are makiig out YorauI ,.At lithe ed put tiie cttie on tle maniac. )LUIi bliseif. Appareitly hoha til ev- oI peersaim vitom you are ta remi a wauld have 1 Woutd Not'Spouk. e'. attended Zion Cty meetigs befo'., ber on Ctrltrnas dey, are yau gol irauly, rceîv- At the Police Station he refusad te aid iia&-ges tera inlthe hop"s of la farget tbat thora la ah Lake Bl peuk at'ali, merely ittlîg ln a chai'. findlîg mone lclnd'.ed spritsei that oie ai the wortitle.t abjects of YO raiualet ram aiud viikig both ayeî at the. dock. City af tanatici. cimrity ln l..ake caunty or elawie sane position te whtch ha baila faicy. Tiie ot%- _________ rom IbIis couity tiiere ave atpri le or Hua-yard cars t'.lad t learnuiomethiug af hlm, eut at tb. >lethoiialt orphanaga red mai la but ho vouid Botl >.kte t la. Fowler Congratulates Us. baite Bluff seaty-sîx unîortuîa leader ai tiie When earched aItii.e station, a Bibi,, New York, Nov. 30.-Edîlar Wauke- nhlldren. Of lias. sevanlyslx fi 1 te countr.,,,a New Testament, the. Book ai Acts, gai SUN, Waukega, I.-Chicago are trra Waulegai, raigiag lu ag be Young main sad tva copias ai th>e Book ai St, iewapaperi just arriveil ta tell af Irom in iy Ifants ta boys aid gi t, wbeaideatii John bealde a number ai tracts on Lake. coaty's great growtb. 1 rajolce 14 aid 15 yer.aI àW '.elgtuqi subjecta. - vth you al on the. showiig. There l Orpsanage-ýÇroiIed. 4*IÏu IM a.SYetad'.eigaui anjedtu ver. rfouid. ~ me..homioud ur1 .h: MadWorked ln Chicago, Mt the flr"ae.]le wousil II.fA number af empt>' enrelapes verg ,tb abmd saMd iii. hefortu, msa fouad lnubisupoclet.. Oie vas âiaÎliltte'. fCO teave lie mat- an uimalied envla>. vih theuanain. t.W tiuam«t ciauattMOrtuyh le ofaise PA lizabeth Flood, 46 Grattai .t tae lte - mat.'. up viti lie street, Husilegoni Mch. Tii.atiien gtle@ lu Fîland lu vev af à vere ail addressad la Auguet Guutoi-t Me.01 vithout lthe uece.ilty af son, 324> Phellield avenue. Clhcaga. iobmmc croa.hng the nouai. The police lea'.sed thal ha fo'.ie'.ly workei ai lie Wesley hoapîtai n hCi- ?Teue ()Ver Kilk, cago. Tii. haapital vas -called up ont Mroas lu ai e>', vhbie uanun.thie telephai. thia ma'.uig, aid the id - I i. ad ta have '.uuhed ioumekeepe'. aaid that ihe ail varla il. Purd>' airy luntCe basement tiée for about si. x moths but bad 4 North Ccuity treat Oie Mro- been Ahcharged nome tine ago. Ah. Md baldi>' talai a label tram One sai salAI that the. hospital vdjt.d as miii cana vien ioii of the hlm bacc agalu. as tie'va. a vacan- 3, ~Mope ere atout. Tiio move c>' tiare that b. coulA Stl. eas b>' the Pirdyu 10 messataI Wihiae at lie hospital ha had been a Umzbea olite sa-called mfliigood varier, aid iiad notat ahay i>'Il :4>'li t O u sdta uot train vhat siavi asi aof Ihithelîhe'. uu V b Wlucnluhlb Purdi. ara a religious a'. lu an>' otiier va>'. H. ping "k ita supphi iocal trade 5 no adoacial the vark lie>' had gîven , f la aiiegedtae suppi>' ma>', Ifuita do, aid tieý vere vllilng la Mis, ia cul off. Tii. allaged minlîl î'auiaan le iv ii as.asln c ti. iite Nothingoaibils personal blîto'.>'was bQpîaee tram lc ie hePurdys howaviaIhie icîpital. Ha bad rouie =L Mid th. PirAya au their part lb,'. six motis mgo and vas put ta &14.b it hie>' ilI put the viole waric He iad neyer heen khavnin, as lnte bande af the statea ah- have vsted ZMon Clty, mthougi a ey. tickeltfrant liaI ptace la Waukegaî suriesMayrpove Ftal. s 1.uid amang the tractelnibils dodo la changehile Seat iraut »t', ta lte front of a wagon ai -Ite va. ridng Wednesclay ight P te ftalInljur>' of Wmter Ili c4W damier o! Laie Forest, 4à Aemba t.feared iourlî. SSii va. rtdiig luntea 0'mat l~twagon ita Wedn"ayp 91-9 Dearpathtavenue. Mi in chan e bilsposition la lie ý%« m, cUf mbuig ovar lie bal egr » lochbils balance, ies rau lé bg« et he sautloseilg, and 9 jato lii.. treet, emt'.illa au hls - us- Hie vas tbleu h lie rount>' Joli, -wiera t ln salA he la In ratier a se'.- Ious condiion owîelg tthle cradu exPasure. - The. Acdiar vho va. suin- mou.d ln lie statuonafi baed lie mai a botta aifvihile>', anA ah tthe alght oi the, stimulant lia mai sioveil the unir sign, ai bumn Iintelligence slnd. he vas -faud. Ife Puried up ils IluIs anA eli-ahnhed ont bil.hema for a drin. îl Pom liaI )fn. on be maidleno maya na'. uttar- airehe ' îni ould show b, vas a hu- mai balng, st ug badractures of Te mou la about 35 yeai-m aid. wsieed ta, bis homanad Rasîrained tram in lIlng hinsoît hy D0A.IOuu untl next morn îhrowing humaIt on lithîts ko t ta camus tle i ensu. Itla1 Chicago & Milwaukcee elect'.ic lino, i VIll aur 41é.- Moîday mrius villa fait of '.ell&6 lis ireiz>', Augu&t Guitafson of Chi- *sgid vithiThe.Weeli g oallempted la commit suicide lu M4rme liaI ao'. hlm ce,, lu tiié caunt>' izil saie lime "Ceu*st &te'llg pape'.. late NMndai nîgit. I et di *tso.jg ÜustaIsoi vu fauîd on 'tie I'.acl *#1.74 Jas' u. icar.This at Edison court b>'thie cre ai thie pftelq tÎand sbould b .5 Iîc»-nrtbi ad car >eslrArnî lyuis viih is hlmieadfull on the. ralsematd w"u vt a itibe lubils band. The crev w, guaraulse ïo ihm lulo lie station aid su..- ~C ilP oifed the, poile. Wien Office, One thînguUw to do. let ave'.>'viaga aid ave'.>' a'.. ovoar begin ai Imme- dialeanad cairarted mave ta'. good rade. , tirougiaul the atire caunt>'. la lieraonie vho vîli a>' tiat goad bard roasin Lale rouit>' vauld nat1 pa>' grealer ralurîs on tha Investnut Ihan a stmniuar investinent.made an>' cli.'. va>'? Cive out retiabie figu'.es a. la rost aid tien urge gaad '.oad organizatis Lu ave'.>'neghboriaod la the enA tbat bail, rouit>' vhlIgo aiead faste'. and tartie'. ln tira. yea'.m lia In he1h.ast teu. FRANK< T. POWLER. fay iat aSm- oins ere? Sait nate itiy ase girls The Lake Bluff orâbîtae lu lu sa« need of belp 81tu litme. Tii. matI- tuhlan lm c'.owded-totahl, lmit, tiare beiug nov ave'. 150 baye'andiAgirlam i-rm ever>' part of lie stale aI lie bain.. Oieoa!thie deacaiesses tram th, home vas asked viiat vas aapec-1 ll>' needed iy lie hîmates ladmie repled: Whul O'.phanag, Noeds. 'The neads ai the chiudren tiere are so varleil and many tiat il la bard ta sa>' mat vial ve ueed lie worat. Wieî you stai> ota lilul liaIit re- quires tire. barrais of flou'. avery P. B.-Il . ver. veamier 1 vouli vasA tf'. bread for the. cbld'en, yau prapose 'bake Coul>' Day', ta cea.- cmisee liaI y. are hi ieed ai tiat. brate thie dvanceinant and v. vould "Oine and aie-hall busheli ai pola- have a parade lan mlles long. loes vIlI mai. but ana mffl; fa'. breakfast va vull us, four packlageu Two ulerwaukga, cf. atmamlor SIX boxai of Creoin oI TwoOthr WaukgUS. Whetii, or tventy-îour -boxes oi pre- There's no use ln Waukagan I.ylng pared breaktast foodl. - ta gel lls nom. ropy'.lghhed. "Shoes are aisa a murA lneeded a'. Basidee Ibis,Alia original Waulegai tirie ah the home. W. a re ve'.y sho l anid anothe'. dovn ihTeas that toal mast nov ou ahoas ai ail aizes, tramI ls iameta ram a paol of Amariran 1baby siza up teo 1w.fto' 15 year aid Steel & Wu'., Campai>' ba'.bed viraenhilAren. Clothung o ait mi lîds, tonds thiit vas sbiiuped hier., Iî cames ta 1 ol ai>' ind, *toys, bocks a'. auything] Jight liaitiahre ls aisea hhrd Waule- thlaI ion vould expert ion'. boy onr gai, lii tume luinjUta, and. of ail 1,grl te rarelve wilil hé acceptable at. liugs, 'ight nexi la lie tovi cof Brlg- the home." harn-narted fer B'lgbam Younîg, un Muke Orphan. Joyful. lia Moamn talte. Runînage lu yau'. atc, ald on>'. ~'%rites Attorney' Carat T. Heydark-thhlug yOon u linA lat ha. beau dia- e'. , a tormer Waukagaî boy, wîa ca'.Aad by ion'. nhildren, ora'. i'big wlt bihsm vie, ne. lMhs Editi Doua- that tha>' bave tii-ad of or autgrovi lin, la making bis home ah Halle>', vilI ha n'y tetaheb.uutrtuiate cuil. Idahio: ran at heb.orphmaae., Tics. cii "I wnat ta rail ion'.attenthinleaa drai vîuhout tati,'. or mtie'. ta cars stahament made lu lh. SUN In regard ta'. hem viiirecalve vithtaboutsai ta te nama Waukegmn. TQU salA Jo>' an>' prasent wvildi lu Mai seid liera ver. anyt tva Wuiegaus iu lhe 4> tient. Cames oaial IdpA. viliir'.- Unitd Sttesone n Miois nd ha lve lte manoton>'eai thAr'.ilveà aid otier ln Taxas, Tiare tis sili antier'bPteps wytelogwnr lu Utah, a ornaIltolavu o'thvegt < a ve s he oaetyng Sait bale, lavande B'.hgham, proaml ebves s allt e'. coal heura. named bb>' cme o!fte fo'rmer Rentai SUN ho Recoive Dontions. people via elîled in th& vidilly--i The SUN aid Indepatidant houna'.- terDowe bugh thlle- lnd nd s.nangeil, as ha tii. custali. ta ýre. te able ougt ide-ceive al donations ta tbdll- ta ornsey ZHou. cerlado'gwe dren's home, apA ail prenants, aup- Ant'.eYOfHiaîdotionhaduavet. puaisa'. money whlig 1tubrouget in te cl>'ai i. dapiaiandha te tbls office vîll be5 foxl&pd.d ht« the lîs a poleiai r aamndc@endtbe management ot the homâêet aI Li thia yugpeapte are veil aiedeul'Bluff. Tiese chiudren $minlu mollia liti'.regrd toaIllie'.f'.end ai diloilîg aid O*e'suppuose Atterney' eyd.cler »has.tlu oan- vicit you vilI i.' aIble lve, wd triblîteil l a magasineasu article on, themanakement vîli hat »nkfol for- Halle>, vilcinIs altrsctlng muci 8t., aiythIng tual ian'. eart vU init to1 tention.. give. Ad-r«do eSme home-ovi.'.u as EveryIitem oaInfuormatlionvwilc a huatteofaicoure-for. lie>'OICT 114. iotagleau coicernIngh e t.b, lnhi TERUSTU» ITHE MPOPU8TY wiilch Yau lirethirougi y7ou' ad-a- PRI"1IN IN TRIS Cl?>', and- wering trips vilii be uSWULta roi tiieyLUA 14 hhun$s about r*eemate. -pernis .ln unexpectei vais. DU RAY 19 ?ANOU& P]acautiOns a lvetg the t"i w a. 14.,Ton Yomritlater.ho vasth.- - paperm tii.'tot;ave'.. il eveiop.d aviOte ui qttea ituihe'.of- neye- lp1 n. owimWM imit ks tiat the tWo a 13>., W.''.eiy cat. papersand. no), £At3 ho la a roll- 8UCOOffl p1le.rlght île braîd paPera. - Uiaiare. A gecital Oi bistsaventure* JohnW. D*aKy, a.'utlar >a Barait Mr. DeKy,1 ga.ette-Reiluter vas a hlie iottest aid subaoqueutly in Berabardte's Judas," i. recafled er lltarary .3>83>e'.thal pald more atton- Mexico vauld lii iaiy b" »s. and as the forma'. ediha'. of lhe Dolly reg. tbeo'.. o minc ateitma negl paeltolme day ho hoffea Ca Sud lime tu put ister firel, aid aflerwardse, c li- tiie newe atureçe - bi'.rminiceices intcab"00. But for blued Rislter aiGazette. Vuptuli e'. Industi>'. . tii.'moment bis attention la VOinO>- WhBorn ave'. il'licHei'.>'cauity, Aller Ieavig bere 1Mr-.. IeKa>' Or- trateâ upon tii. theater, viere it lg vience vile lier, h. brought bis ganlged liie North Amricai Baai bis ambition to'malce a reeuuatlio for tatie. a lypical aId larme'., ta ilie Campaiy,',désigi!d tu rival the -béat hlmsalt. wlibhim hlm.h. ent weat ta g'.ow -uptrust, and imli launcited basflia -______ Vilh lie couuhîy, aid Snatty becoarna dabarkln luMexico. hb>' rgaiizig lthe ovie'. af the Whitevaod Plain Demler. Mexican National l>acklÎng Campany '?- e ier irsl aid lte Belle Faurche Bae ln Saouli aidit'oduclîg Atnerîcan méthodue<of Re,. Wade af lie Sycamore Unîver- Dakoata. -.nical pacliîg aid hlpllngi a trop. 501111 ciiurch, viia vu.arresteci and Horseln 1897. ical country. He la rated maiî lImes talion 1tuKeutudil'b>' Iéderal adicara Hecame ta Waaigaminh 189-., iav- a mîtuonatre, mati is.mon.>' iavîîg sObrtl>'amter accepigbis bout, an isg traded isiSouth Dakota papoesbeen mode an lthe eleeai briet îeara chag.. OfmlSOPP'oP'.ria of utchurci tu B- À- Diii mad sensfor tii. Wau- ince bo îeft îbîs cIl>', fuSA5 -lu the s1011h. aftle-r ohartng 11111 ileg" ag hal>'eglter, vIla hepee- He bas issued,-,wvilelen London.ol OIf othlichargea, has rêturaied te l>' canialldated vih t lii,<imt te, adt- several vatumnes ai poemi aid wv' t IlàmorOaid tenderedis résigna- log the nov papa'. the Gas.tto-Regim- Iug., notable anug vblcii la a 'ath lPonuli". wvee. Tic remlnattoi ha. le'.. H. va. ite r .tva sta.mY or baund volume Ot poame. ail ai beei accepleil. Years, vlth bils iratiera moking pot- vhlnb are modela of diction, lie han The. casa against Rev. Wade ah- Mesc iium and btterly, arnaed beeu'humer'.alY intervieved wvile tracted -vIde hulerest bere ovig ta agalîst.tii. SUN: vhici aI ithat lime living lu London aid basucceeded tie tact liaI vhillapastar ai tii. Cou- va. awîed hi' A. K. Stean. He lnu Basting about $25,000,000 warthai gregýatlogtal chtidcb lu tua ctty he vas Purciamed thie Gasette aiflFrank Hall. galA houAs for thie 1hîteiau packlug accused ai saud ng abJfctlioable mal- toriperl>' of lie aid Kanamba Courier. couîpaîy autng tie Engllsb people. ter. tiraughtheii.rhlletu amali boys. Mr. Hall la nov at lte bead ot tii. H. la Lait, avarthy and plain af aid later WIeA ha 1111 himeelil b u j>l11 Rogers-Hall printig firn lu Chicago. appearaure, but lorcetut aid dynamnelc g ng hraint of a train, DalCaY fnluaIt' iolif outlnlu 8b9 ta Fils London oMfces araeimodeasoailux- Prad Whitneh sud au Incorporation -ur>' ailA a corps of affiçe attendauts HOW He Botallated. kîawî as lie Gazele Pubilhlug grothf>' bis voril veuis. Au editar ln a amaItli t tells hie CompanySimys the. Trlbuni's dramatie re- tailowlîg tale: "A hôtel Mdan came Durlugbils edîtaraii>oaitiie Gm- vievar: ita the offIce one day and piaukcd zetta-Raglaler, the starlt vl.lted hlm- "JoiirrïW. lieKaywhoi bau vrillai Aawn a box 01 eivelopeu aid a miL-ih iamlly, aid toa igialîze lthe avent bW tihexîevJudas play lf'. SarahiBarn- of pape'. <pu'.niased of Mîotgamery publngéd a Pnom, "Snc, Baby hardt, le about tu lormoka businems WarA and aid be waited iorne print- Came'" vhlcb Frankl Radecile aoflthefor lhe tiamter and vîilcrama tie At- lng done. W. hîformed blu, that se rival SUN dlaIms tu hava dîscovereil lantic earty lu Decembe'. ln arA.' tu kept tallouery for saste, but ho saJd va. a plaglarisu>t ramn a veil knyn vtuess lie lirai performance lu Nev ha <ouid gel Il chempar. About nacu pc.m ai publîihd ln a magazine. York cf bils nharisied draina, fie»as 1 %-antp&a luneh no 1 figureil avay ta Damnage Suit Sesutional. liat ie hi about ta éaoit a îav dait>' sale ou IL. t bled myseftulathb.col'- Ona ai the. sensaioiar' teatures of pape'. luLodon of a ratier uarel de- uer grocer>' snd bougit an egg aid bis uewspaper carcr here vas a suit scrription. Il la la be prlotail aihîrelt an cuide of butter. and a'buî at, the for $25.000 damages for alleged mis- lu Fr.ench and sanieoallie mont bru-. baker:-. Tien i veut to the botl repraeeiathon iraugit against bhm liant Parii'iaii rîters have' sguîfled mai, bsîîded hlm bi>' grocerias aid b>' B. A. Dunu aid mai. on tie basi their villigesl tu catiirbute la l.I otA umn a ual me an egg gandwich of the alleged rnhrep'esented cani- Among thaeeare. ior example, Marcel anA charge nieI. 0ly f onrt'.> liathe tian ai the tva South Dakota nev. Prevoat oand Anatole Fraire. The saf, egg. Ha taînted. pape'.. vilci ha Irsiail la tiem. course, vilil Irlude a certain mn-________ tiret trial, halA boe,.vas a disagré.b(r îglhjunîlî ioecp'jOffice 'iorkers nemi-t> alwa> i a.- meut, aidtli e acond resulted lia a viI ho translalcd hulo Freicli'. Mr. zure their lpostions îii'ougb mdî ertis- 1 log or anaverlîg ad&. Far 'btlieu" verdict aificI guhîh>, Ibrough allageil Deay ls an « lite'.eatlug folIoS..He ladoue, manl slwaYs, lu a 'business tailuire ai lie Dunuui tause pro>.'. va. a compoillo'ssi.ustant. vien ho vay.,, tei Wauîegulle 1 ass liaI ho lu t, thI te. dath or i A fi~oca. rluonm, wviataI aga ce Waubuuýta twordltatIdaMsta 04 PlaUad, huAdiei PlWed teve id pi. 0e vital of te f r MP4. e.imated s MA aflY. ooer a.45.4 Off>'eti lita Fathe IL, b MOb'other of1 4 Yfflug tmai, hai e h tbis aiti y' y- the maiattaias 0 ffl of 18, andî 00iNA tad te pr. Mm. and disose ai go vua a udent a toamed bis facuiblo> m*Sce. of the "8e. 0 Drumt er. iii êwA ram lie unil " Asee 4. M. YbdanA, «ae vho meu o l" thli graquate rak a dooou*ry. Ailes 04 l0awot» lie1 0p 9u ls chiofa M upecpttl orIù UOiOaaIIhubruth ýa l pib los cao grow 25 ýTO 40 TONS or CANIZ to the acre, worth $4 a t on. The demand for-cane cannot be satisfied. Sugar mills want -more. SPLENDID CLIMATIE NO MALARIA CIIEAP LIVING NO BUiZiADâNG EASY TERMS===You can bug * this land at ribicu= louslg low prices--.$55 to $70 per acreu=oneaeufth cash,,balance ten yjears, 6 per cent., and y-ou Can pag for the land in cane. t is worth trging. Ask for descriptive advertising. Goand see the country.- test ts productive powers, Excursion Tuesdag, Deceniber 20,1910 PAYNE INVESTMENT COM OMAHIA# NEBO Wu B. SMITH, WAUKGAN, ILL. ASSOCIAI! AO!PMT. "aIlf SIWJLOAVERAC-E I-OO BISIIELS e Putesident funk, of the National Corn Growers' As-. sociation, says the alluvial soif of Louisiana should average a corn crop of 100 bushels to the acre. We are selling land there -au $60 to. $7 5 per acre scarcey -the value of a good coroco. Adto Pr" Att Wal day fui i tue, ~drua a" "set a api musl la Ken PMi Ck3 p b h

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