Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Dec 1910, p. 4

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~ir.n4tarn a aai e " . axoes ou, .ppLIoA11ra. 4-PRt ýS *.S0 PER YVEAIIISTRICTI.Y IN AOVANCEt tDÀY,'DËCMB.&R 80,. U410. A WOMAN4'3 EXTAHEMITY. W-I#*lie of Chritiu la tuai Mmaeicases of iatreas, unieaetd F iWrption,'ira *fted. Ottensith*y cOM o alight lni th@ pUy ln eonductlus. a Santa ClaÜs. .mpaign,-4pimd a woman tourC i~, th* .ght menthe i#îd, wth ne motiey, tItad'efut of braad. Her huabund wai 4ïi a hoapitai very otin. th liai appeaici toe bveral aources1qrya1d, and had Il fo. waa uttaily untibie te work herst. t o lits ltae ld 4L tIf, a l18118.Vimy, aven i otafpromprous towf', os of destitutio o ft ae ed. ,Thou. whe it down e atbe*cov. and flah frorn ilF ovar ithe world, wlio are warm, weil ted, sur- i utb art ad dains of beauty, miglit weil sait what can auch 2w ttslfig la lnfloitaly woai. by the. atigma mur civiliation put. Maity ai.jp1ewou&i et mon go to jalit se et the lread of pnb- etoi asic wtat udre ithe neighbors doleg in Isuch àa case. WO to codly.absorbed ln the goals of lits, that wa rcon rot spare * ~ us to noW how others fare ln thi. truggle. If wa« such c qu catiuves, surely thos ela a responalbillty to enlst she nover kn.w want can rmalle what sucli n extrhnity can ler. To tebi that ail her atength muet go té thi. lttle onea, vow of power for grasping the. good things ot lite around hcr a iâ*rnga 1k ctasc Tantaiua-wlio saw the waters torever h. tried té drink. AND THE PEOPLE PAY THE BILL.. tuthorlties have developed a anddon, If tardy, desire ta place Fred under arrast. Ater «his admitted peculations amounting to thons- adUra ho was ubpoenaed as a witneaa ta appear betare a specf ai 9i thie rand jury and, tell wiit lioknew of ahortagea ln hie affic*u, '-taat a.rvecd wrth notice deys iln advance that hio vould b. lndicted, 4 hi& boing promptiy laced ln custody. ets Amas telipped as jt a&bout everybady except the .utharltlea tbe wosld, and naw the Stâte'. Attorney appeals ta the taxpayera ta ftdea 10 locate hlm. H. la wanted by mon on hie bond. He. la by thtte' Attorney, and aur Supervisara have authorizeil a com- i etgage the. Pinkerton agency ta find and rotura hlm. That le go- peet aome more thausands of dollars.. ipinsa tg the SUN tlt tMr. bady and the. bondamien had amtple appor- ga.mvIde amint mt the exlgency that exista, and thàt it la unjust ta pé.ple with the burden of their fainure ta de &o. à c.lnty wil be'raliburaed tor oery dollar Mir. Amos tank tram l by %n t Mr. Anie proïençela net nscesary that aur authar- y affease 1hoir chagrin by plucng hlm behîni the* bars. The f'niia- qMttelln la ta h. depiored, but hardiy palil for by the. taxpayera. bre bas bien a "bungi.,» and there bias, il will nt heip matters for riors te &pendi connty monay li s tîuitiesaa aarch for Fred Amea. Ddsevsn ses fit ta purane hlmat thoir awn expense and with the alid ~ta Attorniey, that sa anothar matter. Lake couty taxpayera wlIl objection te that. But Laike county taxpayers willi net psy a big, kertt ill hwtii th gnod greca aur l"tardyl" authoritlsa seinta lmn- sy wiii. Wadavorth, operated by Isaac Warn and wtt., It in lameti. Warn, who vas finally captureil and arreated lal Detroit, vent te aluVlunitarlly ta =ae bis vite .aad her f îmtly troin m trule. V lTobmhu leaof pe ageucY la te get U together for a tee that varies la aie. Ute Osand iroluen vint vouldIM ie te1 1811go under the yoke matrlmoUtlai Uncle Sam abjects ta the plan and *bas ifi uncomfortable habit Of getting ' the INSPECT RS ARE cunctvrs of sncb agenda. undet arrest and sending titente Leaveit- VIMrn ANXIOus To <> LOCÂTE mx Bods Bot Wishes. Washingtoni. D. C.. Dec. 22, 1910. Tbpe Waukegan laly Sun, q S kM og i,,gCy Waukegan, Illinois. IkRBiÂGBGentlemen>1- tbarik yon heartîl>' for the. opportuniti whtch yen have glven me ta extend a merry Xniaa and a happy and proaperoua New Yeax tea al a!ofia'conttueuts lu Lakte mmr Baya Wanted Nafi 1à cOunty. Havlng enjoyed thbbr gener- aons favor se man years I shalen- Pbrorninnt CiUtie deavor te ahow by nty deèds a deeper isense of appreciation than I ea ex - presa. vý et rsysIale there la a man'I The comng year vli marke the Ithe toeral poseal nectracompletuon antd dedcatian of the Rk% -0Ze," î ,rrent rpots.reatet naval taIlning station lu lb. hueo. and the>' conte rellall>' vrld. 1 trust, alse, that fitil mark amb- -the completion and dedîcation of the la,eetnmon proprty for gosalp sIn Waukegan Fedri building. towards lIffffl that the. man oondict s vhIch 1 ai nov beudin.' every tusedal agency iliranglithe. energy. . Wth every gooati wlh for #14t lae lleged, and 1h51 lio dos, lecb and eh, i1 remoîn P hely that ha ha.âti ot yet been Faithily yours, %h w th the oode," sithougli GEO. EHUlND OSS0. ent taetra have had an eye on 'tiiman ninils..Rumor Waî Wroni. Mi the 1«good" cannot be obtala- Where, la a Llbertyville cuse, mur- on the. alleged coductur af the der wr. ,iiSi)eCted follovin.' a death la said ta couttute a atue>' lflday, a corners jury renilereil a itioli. It la clalmeil that the mai ) hads the. enterpri.. l. snch a verdict that nlgbt that the voman lu d peider, such a literal. hale tel- the case bail. coins to her deatb vel mt sort of a peraouage. tbrongb heart dîsease and that the ta prominent man andl aucb a'finger prînta found on her troait vere er t.gond soclet>'. a. vell as sncb causeti by the fforts af the. buaband mob of thve local posto0ice sud of to get ber ta bed wben the attack ov- local enterprises, that It vanlil ercame ber, the vomit belu.' a smni- &X thc heurt eoftthe vUfl e vesdiot. vith the "deal*aood." A corauner'e Ininet wva. calleil at Wht 1Nie systeni le Libertyvli. fflday ta luïquire mb L la olat.4 that h. rouda'adoublei 'the ntysterlaus deatb of, - àMre. Cun- tien to brine the. mail order mer- 1nlagbam, vbo reslded Jmt east of the l.10 hleseits together. one ls<itricdepot la t Cty. tes for the vome. and* al cor-I" appeara tht Mr, aid Ur. Cou- es lef5carrIedonI ilat Me ilatbarntbave bai cansciderabla trou- ole1esa Tiie otiier la for the hi% it i l iIegd, la ithei pat fev t.~a carrision ikevi5m-Tii. Maths. owli*taetaeQthat t i. la saum l fo te absla"d vlbed tae gockte hit for- 1 aper ertbaiwele lleailuts vuld re- f oluSilopare. ai" la LlbaI-ty-5111.. i.y have livai ut e *td*u g 5lla arg . are alOnte la their ltia hosue for averal pltg ceiougte au" 7ams.and as long &a. Lie subleet af SOMME PlDMi the 13c07109Yt wvuslef taRine they gai aJOUg - ia enerally the ai. 511 Wlht. Wheicirer thaï; aubJet vwu h.trt~ a1 gscy la aoob a broached. the, as Xvu la the houa. Diait aU the vay wtutch ateat real4dintIlublova. fo cb illae that la, Its fliday, rather lote lu the aveu- It la ratiier aider thé, vtug lng, one af the nilgb>vrs board , ho -vauld Daxt-fbu*k plercla; serea M for belp camilvg front stbilit teaXexose i~the lttle hanse. and ru*tn* tovard lit = head 404 Ov"ar. the bouse, he li the. Maiociefront - 50.1 Md chows. tbî place, and lmmeâdlately the loutI gq op.L,,rsé Tos. s«=eM5 ead. thât -# take. the ovier Th uetgiihor accoetheUi mai and or tUee estirphers aidaaked hlm vhat Uic trouble va. lu bis »MUOatu th &mernlite bieaid -Mr.,Cunnningham replie-i EWi ta vorld vide. ta i ilob ut i d.f Tii. tvo ta calmel e h,. z*eu et hm*aCti btthe houasaid le C MMto aveexU" penthe«Ou Inthe lIUSngroant AftSa.t.i Wb$asthe voma ilYlng ou the âor on Or*as& ie n I 1h.ber- handeanad knie5, atolne dai.It 1fW om -aateJee,î l aed tuMt tlire vere aurerai 1telb; t W tla a iieo f fiagera upi ber titreat. aid ca a the icPosture eft t e joman lad, ta the *'~~ ~béiletthat abs vas farcd to ber gC-ila4sÈb ad buses aid thea Cioked ta deatb. ti 'U ti v Many a Libertyyille Reader WilI Peel Gratefl for the information. Whoun 3anr back gives 'on; !s,,.il amp. veak or achîn.'; Wheu urinary troubles set in, Your kidneye are -ln a bad wvy lýoause Kidney Pillé vili cure yon. lHor. le iaooilevidence ta prove it. Mir@. W. H. Hamimond, 148 Pi'lilip St., Waukeoran, Ili., enys: "About tte yeas go 1 tiegan ta suifer front kiduiey complainte. Tbere were sharp, shoatin.' pains acras the aniali of niy back and ultra alter stoopin.' it vai alvuost l1, possible for nme ta atragliterî. 1 *a@ eulîiet touleadacbes andl dire>'sp*l and 1 feit co rmiserable tbat 1 could hardI>' attend ta my houaework. Doan,s Kidne>' Pilla vers fenally recommnded t>y a neigitdor wlio bail taken thora *Itb, satisfactory reaulta andi I pracnred a' suppi>'. Thia remedy droughl vue prompt relief andi alter 1 bail takea the. contenta of four boxes, 1 vas completely cured.l.Iailvia aiyonellnneed aI idnkey mnedicine ta Daanea Sidney Pilla a triai." For aale b>' ail dealers. Prit. 50 cert. Foatsr-Millburn Co., Buffalo, New York, eoie agent for thte Unitedi States. Itememtier t4 n an.e-Duan'-and take n uthler. 14-2 How to Make a Bled. ,,Every boy ean niake bis avu siedi or taita.'gq, Baiya the Woman'a Baoa. Covpanian for Jannar>'. "Por a leil, ey ont Sour runnera. matin.' thei fi ve luches deep andi tva feet long'. Ct ,Lrant ends the shape af arilinary rmn uer4,. ouuilng off tritit penktlfe. Screw two crtoes.piece.On runuera, nin.' large sceras. Use iran rail anti boit ta irace ruonera andt t esp Iviùm#aiio.. Tin cana witb solder melt.ei tram titeva anti eut iu tripe andl tackeil ou ma? be useil tonail an etige ai vanner,,'but roundeti iran @trips ahicla ean u e bailof an>' bilanitare better. Theeesboulil have hales i theintand shoulil it ereveil on anti.tthe acrew-headied1I~ ilovn ta exact level oh the iran. Have blactsntith henil runnere for yau, aliov. imgo 'oilarch exteniin.' beyonil lit "'Ta mars a toboggan, get two mapis boarda 4 test long., 5% luchs vide. lX indu thict.. Place te boardsasie b>' aldt andl jain bynteaus of round 2cr0,.s ticks Theas are futteied to bohhqnt boards by th"~ge pasesdthrough hala. bareti for1 thon. Ct groove. lu bottarnt boards. îinderieath, su that carda viii 001 vear. Fasteu tiro bars ai top af tb. croap braeas. Nov eurl fhe front end of ba.. tom boards. ToadoauI fl% 1výath-bolas vîit boilllg vater. Put lit It b. fronts soda and -allav la rentla. nutul sab ebnougi tabaud. Bu aia sîrl tu tb. ide plaea aied <aur toboggan when dry li.falasbed." The, ooner vas summed and t"ê Inqueat vau hel that nlght. Seni ment in thi. village aeemed to poit a.n accn lfiger at, the huibant se be liad béex kuownt v en a uthe bogt of =Otarovert teaten the liee et his vIf, hir,, unatugham la 50 ical of age and hie wtt. 50. They bave no chilrea reeldhisat hoie. oMfie vantera liesrly alvi] their poltioaa through aire auaverlntada.i Por but doue. Most alvîya. luaa A &&*Ad ul) itf l. &W Et iA Ua 'U0*1 Tins deuotattlQte la wie ail tsi thle Ai'sSimattn fur tht eae-eit otf'tatfY- nmen and breeder. é! dawry atue.Ir.t is eattIqly educatton&L' Tb@ tIaiàs aekýtsd fur alangbter yull b. AftImala thatt&vs heon aubjsL.teil tu tbo.tuber- enlie test &Mi they viilbe on exhibition with oltber animsal. durlng the daya of the convention, Jan. 16-19. COtapetant veterinarlang wyul make the. poat- inortemeg ou thea anlimais and thd parts ahil be dl.plsre au tiîat every Persan préqent il11w1baan opporturîli ta as e and study the whùle Situation, Wbileso mucb stress la hein.' plaeed on the d airymen'a part of the pregrave, the butter andl cues. utakera are not hein.' overlooked. Beides the eia... la u mt teatun.' and butter judaing antd the opî>ortnnlty 'a' "0 thebutter andI cheeffl acoruiland tuask ques3tions andl conouit v lth the judges wbile the "cring' prtkce, tîmere vi il be addreeae* for buttermakers by Nt. W. Hepburn, tu charge of da4lg manufacturer.. Univer. alty of illiuoi», J. C. Joêlin,N-govyern ment inspector nt Chicag.o and a. J. Credlcott. Both liesors. Jugiuî and Uredieiutt art former buttermaters vito reacheil the top in the butlermakhn.' work ail wltc ltad attideil marketing experieuee to thidi taetory experiexîce. A Mill; exhibit iki anotber feature, on' quart of uîilk coassetitutiu.' au entry IL eltmilLlk c@e andl one plut o f ceain li ealerpai:, i es. .'îMarket andcertifieè Luli:k ami îîarket and certified creaiù art tlt,. four classes and the nîilk l; ib seure:t acée.rdiuq to the goverment-eori card. GEO. CAVEN, Secretary. "IN4 A BAD WAY" Cigere and Tob:ccoHoe If the rlght tenant la flot incIIoed Lx) seck your property, inake your property seek the tenant tlirough a campalgo of classified advertlng. oie" m N. Oea....lh, WAUKW"AN4ILLS Sgood '4m altonof 8 sP1ys:c Dr &iL .-stern beaU or 4 St iemMedical Dlegeiaaw. *~~~~ ths ft n iWrite teoo.> :or i. î*1v ceat you nothua. e i * ili tell Yeu ts. dîcdua patient ta given the la- dlydua atenionof r.Stwai. : os experluertc f many yems *enablea hlm te eorractly Ilag- 0. poeaIet t bave b«Moi 0f ýédltry op r1aetloner. M , s R EICW AL DSU~!: Q SPUOS DOuf.ret, cP$iÀoAO Thle CgCorne >BARBE R SIIOP r Le.. Flang, Propriltor Just arounui the coaner on Spmgue e .Str.eet, net ta the uî ua- lu.'and opposa.. the Pester hlackauiitlîa§110p. LIBERTYVItLE. ILLINOIS i~icmis OODS NECKTIES SIR LSCARFS POCKET IIAND= xERCIIIEFS - MEN'S MIIFFIFRl ba. bi u ay~GENTLEMEN'S "WvGmî SLIPPERS 1 IFrr io neam POCRET BOOKS TO N~BL~AND AINE LuNEý Ibms.dnbleb1l! &baP.imdapla 0F 1p PIES CIGiARS E. W. PARKIIURST SCHANCK BLOCK (SEWRTUSOVES ARE GOOD A.conete stock, or Base Burmers, Mot BI.stp. O.k Ileatem ,So4s end Rauges. COMBINATION QAS AND CQAL' RANGES LET US, SHOW YOIJ SOHA NUL Me waat Geositors: wlth & Ust-of.-our iilhonhma stock- holders. Thmn,&>M me.n»to Ume, w, ubilmib of t)sue x@p"rt'arm kept on Iiand for those who wii to me the=. t*e£OUV faIh , loia* Capital $50,000.00, Surplus and Prottts 80,OOU.ÔÙ [ Stoekholder's Liabllity 50,000m0 i Total $180,000.00 .HAYE YOU SEEN 'EM Those Egyptian Tissues the finest Dreas Ging- hais mde n Aeriaabout 20 handsoxne styleg, 28 iuches wide. per yard ..................... 2 5c Special lot of Challiee, swell Persian patterns, new freslh good@, per yard 3 only ........................ * 5 (4enuint, handinade Riissia cra.4h, wliy pay more, per >yard.................1i6c ChIldren's White' Knitted Toqjues,ïvrf a)ao ..............c Burkland Shirts for babis, flne. sofi O wool, ahl sizes, each ..... ........... HANDSOIKE NEW BORIMS ÂAND. OTEE CUIRTAIN MÂTEBIALS W. W. Carroll' & Son POE47I LIBL3RTYVILLE LUMBER CO.I ai Down by the OId IDepot ALL KINDS 0F COAL:J FORKED AND SHIEDS NOTH.ING THE BEST. WAS1IED AT OUR BUT CLEAN COAL, lli * PURE, CLEAN, SWEET FEEDS g. HlOME 0F THE RED CM i POULTiRY SUPPLIES, 'F.-BMRSTOW DR. L veSR«TP SMANUIFAOTrUÀUA Ft GENERAI. PRACTICE lt012. àSto 4sd 7to a p. M. Omo" Marbie and Granite Hou: erLhUo.Sre MonimelsLISORTYVILtIL.. I Cemetery Work et Every D.srlplonW. Il. APPLEY ,respondcnce bollclted Auctionoer -11' FARII SALOS 0MB P13R CONT I Z6GursSt LI.'yI.,I. 218 Waahungton Street -Waukegaî 'Phone 2761 NMJINC. DECU office Opp. lOIn st. HEoctrie ste (tfoce Phone 5884 Ru.. Phob NQ3HCHGGO LLN is ii. fo4-m dicine that rot oUly nouriga he ii. fmst, but allé regu1ate vinir digestion. It îs a lomdtful *onic for chil- dren, of mauaged.They rapldy gain. weight and hmaith on snuil doses. POIL sALE DY A. D!XGC!tTtt send U0. ln,. of peptr Cnd i~ '.f- out beautikîl nligs i Ckt. Sloetcb-Dook. Euîch a. t GOi lAck Penny. & a UWNE.409 Pearl S* t Y à

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