Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Dec 1910, p. 5

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BUCKWHEAT. CAKES MADE RIVER MILIS BIJCKWHEAT FLOLIR Pure Maple Syrup H -OME M ADE SAUSI F. R011FOX And MOE FOR SALE BY JELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phone 3 Wbelieve WC have th1e best We bave for yotr i 'c).-tion F uîir-in.'sund, Te4ko, BowoandiStrîngo. Fou -îu.batidJs in %v.ide andinarrî,a tyle@, lultone ends or padilet efleeta. Tiw,,e are pure silk Ctand' have thom in Moraines. Permiane and S8p-ialo. mades up ta our Order. They are bound t t) le&.e yoIi; put up li it o! af ur i-perlal Xma boles they mateS very neat preaent. we aigu avSe comibnatlau Box. ,întaliuini a Nectie. RHantikerehlef- and Paiçrof Sockoi r a Necktie, riepn andi Pair of Cul[ Linkm, eitlwr olle of rhr'urî will juste a TverBNei y ii îrêbent. H4ANOKERCI4EFS as bave inril1k andi Linen witlî voilInitial fleaîly don.. i n uecorner. Then-weliave SUSPENUERS inlu îdffidual boe, or wthout as you ehoome. BRADLEY MUFFSERS In ail eaolors andi lu tlîr.e styleâ. MENG HOSE In .11k udt', wool and cottou. DRESS GLOVES and Nlitt», fine(]andi uclineil. £AR PROTECTORS, Cap., Hat@, Shirto, Underwetàr. tverohoën, Artica andi sloe, u tltampthe, mont particular but r,. A fine in he 0 SLPPERS iii eeral tyle., tan' 'andilriei A full ii, ofa PANTS lu ail wool. part m-ool and ctton. OVER- COATS lun eteraI tylîe anti patterni. CoueInluantd e our stoek beeure h uy and if Sou dciîît fln ur aigtod* to your liking there wlll b.110olbartl'folingi§andian(] ,,,u vili at kleutknow owliere ai. are wheu-yon want ta Iuv. I - J.B., MORSE & CO. Everything for Mien ULBERTYVILLE, ILL FAiM CIIEAP. -IT'S A IREAT DAREIN 00 acres near LiberlyvIlle. Gooti buildings; plenty of waer, deep rlch soit inaà hgh*tstt of cutiva;on and i lt draineti; no low or waste land; 46 acres flqw in cultivation. This farm hos, a fine river frontage. and th. sof, location, etc., moa eit an ideat place for a dah'y andt ruck farm. Better sa us about this NOW. Ifs. a rosa- anap. SC1INAEBELE & WIIEELER UAÀL ESTAT, INSUÈÀNCE AND BROKEIWE Office In Luce Building. Phoné l8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. VOUR EYES BY TH£ LATEST METHODS NO USELESS ^NO DANGEROUS ORUW- Nb.- ging of the ayez before exafm- Lballon is necesry by these mothods. Spectacles ,and Eyegflasses are fttted with a positive anti substantial guarante. la give immediate relief. Exsmination free antiaur- prcsfor both Spectacles anti Eyeglasses are reasonaible k-GRADUATE OPTICIAN- BULKLEYBL KLSRTVLE git- Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Ubeftyville,, Illinois Machine Shop RUFPAIR WORK W]3 WILL EXAMINEAU OM BIE *bat >wateh oai onrsanti tellIyou just wbt la = to ho doesanawhil t W R% PCAT wl UlnbacW RK SPCILw Pelrfect flunntng Order Engines Ov erhanled. A Ful Alen yezuîanleaveitornot. asyen pîe. Lin. of Sundries. Tire. Re- lu a&l kintia o repair work, wc do ouly paired. Wh on in Trouble "the vey bet*ark sud yoa necti ave Do ,:ltayn nleaving t4e liieat artice a TRLPPHONE- A. nuss JEWeLR USeieÈvlUe iieats.'go 661or1262 Àrigbteedan tdetilng the avenut dont cov met ainthooffce o tter~ IcAhate hopitt a Wakegu dauin o claee aeanue.Minu hou threle 10Wroualeclu raidl madr t ac ie evhin fongt ot ti.ra ocl 0All1,ae'Aket0-I 0 t N sd As lit- retuL N r hoeNShack Ba, stoetuntihe vral me partcula notco 1 thi afect. lier au nesdy. haeeercaepotte re ce h Bey. atherW. J.Kinseta wa lu oug ladd acaed with othe a verue To isurepublcaton l, th IndpenChicasBebo o Apntiy, Whbeuleteude t rapd w. h ht. ay n W. FtE. MilleKnoesawas l aong adyagaaedvîth nlaarovon Saturday. e liai Kohuer matie a buf nes, trip ta Chicaga an Monday. Miss Mabet Bodoîpli spent Chrstmas Witt: home folîte at Rivervew. Mime Gertrude'Evlsizor epet Chript- mas with relative@ lu Evanstan. Earl Dymon4,tlo iq atteuding oeboal lu Iowa, le home for the liolitisys. J.J. Corbett ie apeuding the holitisys with relatives at Gladistane, Mich. George Fairbanks, a hect ola a goeet of lii, aunt, Mmrs,,Ie Davis. Ar, anti Mir. Paul Ray, ai Rackeeler, spent Christtaiswitli reativee@lers.. Mir, antiMmAirs. mBIohir speul Christ- ruas with relative, in Whitiffl., md. lic,, Carnie Suiley. oi APtakinii, Io vî.iting lier mster. AMr@. Heury Baker.: MisA. Alice Davis, of Genos, Ili., te visit'rg lier sliter, Nirs. M. A. Pratine. miss Angle >l.4ecr, ai Mauîstee, Mich., i. visting lier mster, firs. F. B. Loveli.l Mr. anti Ars. IL. I.(Coie §Pent Chit- it.with reativ(eý t Mltion Junction, É! CRaed. af iiîiauî. va. ageo o --p lîritmas of M r. and Mmr. Chas. S. W. E. Deker spet Christmtas lu E~îrnwith hi, sitter. Air. B. F. N. cden Wtll§ anti ianily of Elgn, Ill.t C~i liitmas with their parent. ai 'Lsplaie. .. anti lire. Park Bartlett anti .:.î;Àiî spent Christmtas witli relativesi a- ItiutionLaite. T I. HÉkmpel. ai Janemvilie. Wl.., Ia ii'- g iu ou? City, a gne.t aifAMr. andi IL .LH Pritchîard. P .lugh, a merchant oi Wanchese, S .. vlsting Our City, a guest of hie, - r. Prof CIL Pitgh. P ; andi Mrr. C. R. Pugh bave re- it.j I-rmTayiorvile, III., where <bey <r rist1nas wîtli relatives. j.'ûIlmm.. L. A. Bewick returneti >.r- a ram Janeeville, Wié., whiere iiý[tcnuriëtmna8 with relatives. -- ae Potfiey, af Norway, Aieb.. l a ,jaew wvees witli her uncle anti r. %Ir. anti Air. Chas. S. Hoag oi :..-ity. 1 li -rge Lynch was taken seriouaiy iii 4,,',a' vly nglt. but bis ueny fines 1'. edta lies? that he is now it, ildaniger. 1 M u-andi Mr@. Wll KDIgge anti son anti1 %11 l.iepe o. f IRackefeller, weref 1'liî!zaS anets of Ars. Emma1 Hl1 -)bergerr. mr. andi Airs J. Emnil JohuBan antiE iuciirvr, Rtuth Irene, ot WaukeganD, o. zI'hriéétmas guets afilAranti Ar,. llîuîy Lawrence. Mi . anti Ars. A. E. Bisliap have itiirjià~ froni Frankfort, md , wbere t4rv .ipeut Christmas week wtli Ars. ll.îlsparents.. s :îayv as Marelial Dennîti Limblerry'5 hitîîrhay anniversgary. Be wasg remem- Ihori-il tiy fis utany frlends *vith a mass "f bvaîîtilnl carnations. . ,Mi'.undt ýrs. E. P. 'Ellsworth anti ,ions,. Mark anti Lucian, Spent Chrismas at WViluntte agguestsoiAirsi. Ellsworth@s sisti-?. Mrs. S. P. Stevens. (raee anti Ethel Wheeler anti Blesie Butler who are attendlng seboal t ieKslh are spentiiug their holiday vacntibln at their haomes here. The, Ladies Al ai the M. E. churcb wili mneet on Tueeday, Jan. 8, ln the chureli parlors. Ail members are re quetedt t coins early, a. there wll be sewîng. Ar. and Mre..tisa. Uuth'enstack, Bs, r, sud AMr. iso. Ucbtenalack, Jr., anti Mise Mltreti Kruegfr, af Long Grave, were Christmas guet& 01Ar,anti Ars. Wm. Schiey. Somethlng whlch yon NEED.but. whlcli yen do nt feel ablelta bur "new," may b. ativertisei any day now lu the "FOR BALE" colu. Ithe ueraI aof tbe Iamented lOre ehief, James Heas, belng one af tb. many priet. wha accompanied the romaine from the Bl? !Naine cathederal ta the icemetery. E. Et. Wela. af Pipe3tou, Min., @pent several day. litre at week a goet af is brother, Fi Wels andi family. The viit va. epeclally enlayabte lu vlew ai the fact that the. brother. bai nat seen escli aller for a period of tweuty years. The Amerctu Strs of Equity gave on. of their very ejoyable dances at the tawn hall oun ,nday night ai whlch tii. attendance was large, the mu.ic af lieanusal fine quality and inl consequence the lover,, of dancing @pont a very pleamaut eveniug. Ali fthe churches oaserveti Christmas wlth soute form ai .pecial services suit- ab. ta the.occaeLon. A very lntereatiiig praigraut wa. rentereti at tlîe Metliotist churcli u Friday niglt anti on Sunday evening achrietnascuîîvrt ut exception- aîiy splendid, vocal anti iiaëtrumental num4ers wa. given.I By a ve.ry fortunate trai of cireum- otencî.. there W'ere no Libertyville îwaple on tht, car w bicli wa. lu colliion ou electrie road lat 1aurday, lu which the motorman, Beuny Hogan, bat i lie. There weie a amber af people tram horeslhoppîing lu Waukegau that ai ternoon, bt nt l suhappeneti that they returueti on au eatlier or later car than that whîch was luutLe wreck. Twa oi aur wel-kuown cItIzens be- came engageti- lu a rather serionus aitertation one day recently, the, ont- came Leiug that a sitate warrant was sworu out by one of thym. Marahal Llmberr.v, witb .oîninendable discretion retusedt ta ' bis tiuty ln the preomises natif lis hai lrnught îtetwo disputants togetiier, as the resuit 0i whicli their differenceu were adjuiateti auicably anti the warrant wua duapeusei witli. shippeti sretainer of water trom their pond ta t4te Uutfersity dt Urbana en Tneoeay for atsiais. There la no quention a.ta the ptrlty oi the water, but as the analysis will detemitne ite unsurpa..ed pulty, the Company wisheti toa ineitnmateienlu rder that patran ai the, Company wlll know boy abolîne ly pure the lotis that tliey will turnlsb The local lauuJry Ia ou. at aur uew stivertners th!s week, and ti l Wlhli noticet that tbey have atiapteti a uew usine tar thcir estalIllshmeut, It heure. forth heing kuawn as the-ideal Lauudry. Air. Cancan., the praprietor, ie au experienced launtiryman a. 1. auply evitienceti by the quality of work they are turning out, anti as the Increaseti patroniagejitities !.It jeinbis intention tu inake sucli furiber Impraveutents as tu maka the local iaundry one of th. loien in Ibis section oi the country. With very few exceptions, aIl of tLe Litîerty tille bu@iuess establishment@ are proeeting tlîelr custamers anti irientis wlth calentiaro for the caoming vear ai 1911. Nlany oi thein are 0i snrpas.lng lieauty, reproduction@sf celeliraieti paintings or Iaiîuliar scenes ni couptrv flte -tîat hate a speeial charni, auil 0I them wll not ouly b.oio practical use, but wili serve a, a canstant reminder ai thîçtifferent business bouses whlch atiopt this popular motiiot ot keeping their names anti wsres before the eyes ai their customners. W. W. *Jileroan, 0f Tyra, Canada, le vlaitiîîg liers on 'bis way home trom Pensacola, FIa., lu the vlcioity of whlch city he parchaset sume landi. Re leatthe gnest ai R..W. Grummitt, whooo neigh- bar Le Is in Tyro. Air. ileroas ys Abat Canada offere ouany appartunltee ta any yaung man wblawllIng la take Up homeeteati landti Aer, sud do Ahe amaunt ai work uDeceesry ta Inuprove it, anti bat hoLeantiMr. GrummîlA relate nomerona Iustances wbere yauognieu bave gobe loto Abat section wllh comparatlvely Do mouns anti by perserverance aud bard WOrk, accululateti conulderalile VWati.- SANIS IMT~EST 1Interest on Savîngs Account ln OURPANK III 11b. crodîtoti on Jlan. 8. 1911. Deposits receivoti un or before Jan, 10, wIll recelve six fuit months Interelit on Juiy A Savings Account In OUR JBANX permit&alisaowner te deosît end wthdraw nl amount t any Urne. at h- out attention or rsut, paye 3 par X ýcent Jntereaf, compounded.semt. annuatty. Woutdn't such an account b.ý a good ilnvestmnent for you?' W. invite new business. ne . ifst BtOi Ii fLbeftyvie M.]t Doue to be Post-Oifice >Opmn Saturday HveaLai ,,Thie township helti a calDel meeting on Montiay for the purpase Dl palIng %upon thosmatter of a petitiou for a new roati rnnning eaterly iram the Bradley ochool liouse ta tbe Slileld's ine. The matier wa. carrieti over ta a meeting wblch wlI h. lielti next Aienday. The commisslonesnmIet &galuaunTuesday andi grautedth îe petition lor a road ta lie coustructed tram a point an the eastern limite ai the Village, ronuing thence ln au eauterli directiou ta Bpellman'e Corners ou the. Etirlng rotd. Iti.naw up ta ti.villag ta graut the extension, wliicn wilil mate s conuectiou with Second street. .1 One ai the mas! plestiaut event. ai the, holiday seation wa. the iamily reinion anud dinner helti at the home of Air.,anti Ars. Oco. C. ecker at thelr -bospitable home ou Second street au Cliristmas day. There wam a buse roaet lurkey, witti ail tîhe vceeories needint to niake a delectall feat, anti thla Scorubinet i wth the congenial opy af relatives, servedt taulae the occasion one long ta be remembereti. lu addition ta the hoastand hastes. there were present Ars. Sarahi Berrington, AMr, anti Ar@. E. W. Glenn, Cicaga. AMr, anti Ar, Bert Swan,Ars. fSwan, Nlr, ant Chao. Wbitney. C. Herringtan anti Harvey Hewitt. CommecingJanuary lot. 1911, the, Liberty vile pantaffiee, in coutuoü wlth ail athers throghont the United States, wili commence usinae the, new fara! money order. dolng away wlth h. une of a lettor ofai tvice tyhich heretafave wag sent ta the payiug office. The newi forai of monsy arder has a coupon attacheti andté; mare lu the forai ai s liant draft. The use ai the regisiereti package anti tag envelopes wlll lie dis- continued un Ibat date, tins effecting a large saving lu labor anti a great expense lu the matter ai materlal. Rtura carde for registereti mail are na langer useti expept id sucli Instances wheore the party sendlng a regatereti letter or pareel makt a opeclie request to that effect. The Salvation Armry. At this se&@sou of theyear there in mare or Issutense suffertng aunong the por. [he casi-afi garînentà that yau have no further uae for eau ha utilizeti in aur wark, aIea magazines, boots, papers, ete. If yau have aDy ai the above ta' lanateecqbmunIste wjth the, Indunstrial, )ept, Il118 W. Harrison Street, Chitago, PROPOSII FOR' 1910 A CHANCE FOR LATE BUYM, Oddk and Ends Sale -of Broken. [o 1300KO "AT ONE-HÂLFPRICE. ALL'TOYS, DOLLs, ETC, ONE-THIRD Ovi- LADIES' WOOL UNDERWUÂEB, 81 MENTS 81.0; 81.00 CARIRXEM 75 Ct&. MMSES' UNDERWEÂBL, $1.40GÂ ENt 66 1 $1.00 6 BOY'S UNION SUIT NOW 37 Cts. KEN'S and BOYB CAMS 500 KIND, N0w o NEN'5 82.00 HATS $1-50; $1.50 RATS *10 ODDS ÂNLPifIN iiBOYrS SUITS-18 OTZý 64ISSET DUOR COATS 184 mÂNy OTHER BARGAINS TOO NUMREROUS TOO MENON... $1.00 anid $1.25 Ilandkerchi, FOR Wmae50C W maea fortunate. purchase o 10 dozeu extra fine Embroidered Handkerchiefe early Ini I)ecember. They ae as different, f om t.he regular run as day la from night. For a dainty and destrable, Christmas4 present you conld u ot. select anything better. The regular wholesale prie of thes goods ifrom $4.50 to $12.00 a dozen, We marked the cheaper grades 25c and35c SE! TUE Dis Anmuai Insurance Meeting T F The antal meeting ai Ahe Ailliurn Mutulai Ineurance Comtpany w il lie belti lu the. lawer roam ai the Maeiasabchall at Ailiburu, Illinois, an Saturday, Jannary 7th, 1911 at 10:30 a. M. ta receive Alie afficiai report9oi the campany, ta attendti t any ather biuninsen that may praperly lie branglit befar.. the meeting, for the electian af aIl offlicers. N A fuIl attendante le deaireti. 14-2 Joux TIJAiN, Secretary. Adjudication Notice. Publie Native ls bereby gIven Chiat the Su1' scruter, Admtalstratnrs wtth the Wiii atnexed o!f -Y the estate of iHenry Ferry. deceased. witi attena tieoiunty Court of Lake Connvta en ere- inexi 191, on iiaers ahPensonsy -i-uvnu ueaims1911, uht and weti re e ntis b ain clame g&mt lLitate t arit otfora lAMe t escri. eR inY t i d urtfors JAESAIH. FERRY.fAmnsrtr Waukegan, Deember 12, IftO. 12-4 In Igemoriam. AllierA Maxey wa. baru Jan. 80, 1874, st Moorlbucli, Sameteetsbire, Eniglanti anti came te Amerîca, Sept. 18, 1888. Dieti at bis home In LthertYvlle, Dec. 14 1910. Be bave, ta mouru his bose a wle, two daugbtero, a istier andti wo brothers, Frank Dyer, of LIbertyvllle sud Fred Dyer, ai Englanti. The romaine were laid to rutainuth. Lakesîde cerne- tory, wbsre a nmaiber, sister andi uephew preceied i hm ho Ah. botter baud. ISPLÀY 0F TmEIN OUR NOM 1U l-E FAl Libertyville, lM. lEW YEAR'8 (LIBERTYVIL.E, .ILL) MONDAVI JAN. 29 I SPECIAL IF!ATURE !tITERTAINEINTr. !rirst show -et Zit30 and contînuinq durlnogte u5b nools. Change of progranm-et night. USUAL PRICES Oi ADMISiON. J. T. RQPERXSON & CO. Notice a he rgveotisamrL *tu h etqsI Nbotle sd tappnt SUpo allange wuti- liyth une.gne ati f,long'l CHIRISTMtAS sin ae pott tonAatelet Troea. hu Àoarei reward o=6500wll 1» Voila. Ieaaafs and Ladies Furn. î>ald fo uomto aist i.ihnfor or hoolday trade. .rrst nd f e suad every FIJRS and SWEATER . F.BELDON, .E.HouawmB. W. alto bave about two dozon Ladies, W. ýiiviNti OsepuRNE. Misses and Obtîdrens Coota a" c-7.8 Jackets. Soma of tho enti n.. ia we wil 1 soit et Ont.haif theooet A feature show wltbIllnstratei souge sud a beantifltsouvenir for th ladies, t. suC OUfs alilfor an-ordlnary price. ofadmission, maks the Lyrlc a place 01 attractive M.A UPO INE~ IVit'.ý "f or sale," WANT-ADVER- 1!! IT ITEs-rI ý. ABeswi . verY ei l ai Yeu glean ioSornIi wbich yen ive titre Iswerlnt tripes iii b 1-perbapa l Bt Mexpe A litdaeW4 wi mâmmommmadim Fi 01 -Ali 0 1 fi 0' L si p tq

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