Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Dec 1910, p. 6

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U, bit t & idi- Ie of $1260.85. and 1n5eIauidd té b. dir C ý 1 1*a 4Vmwnbu -Am" 0 $ ea onl t1% $, 51 b«* A gflo*les, $3%2740, r ion, dOt eces, ta4 WORD O TH« T iiWs«. - ma.y goS tthlisPRA@TICAI. golCATO for. raJPtCTICAL. bm*fgt S l@in fVed frm. It, ad -t wlth a vl*W5ftakln a positon. t1% st th* KSETIALEDUCATIONoM « g-d..à ipoi l.*~od. et ses nteod atei warrant pale shauid bh Siedf withe i -ÀC8500foUrVfotct, wflcW ei.lpriginttheii. b4hst W t W ~ È .1 a go due bil,,and warrant i., aVou, rsvso.," thug tfpel4f mauhocdýad womànhood. Bsns "AMuuoe00wd. A PRACTICAL LROUCATION with tamaa*a êyr 1 op hi fic ti tt rgpbt, aler hia etro ue.dlyn rtued cash Iloi to-rscard the *d«eatlon that propafI8 one 1teaucos.sfMliy coo More thoen2Mof asir ,tudbtpomrso, mpleyed as eongrapt4 ~t bi reirw o e t r#a, ove. .1 ail cah ivisptaand thi <iI the. practical affaiés oflife-aun oducatien for SIER lae tpw4 e pottr, ote snd ffithc agaI.>.E oakqw up each conu ux»t iuints. and .hould suboit àaP> taE. £<*y hU e City andl hae 1,,North________________________________ pair reconciiement ot the. bonlibalance. VICE.__Vary______________________have______-no ýt e . uas takea at. wlý hh tieibain.c fk 5SIO!.Y malter uhat h. Entends lis do. A88? bileteatewnebt ofl.oal.bokjo~hy *m .. a Yb* e rius lime.. ould each Ioo*j Thor...le s nt a a ii e al h yoa, ethopi>.. a bock ln whtoh eoudh reodedt liv:8hi he ity . on feSi.wéa,... »gp r o5Ë. 011114.thi.e rnnp offée. ln.nthltr and a5 et*Oe oI ra arnnary ofti th aid'feus should b. tion, wviat*ver youu $aaarJr or position, thtios e. uot of** 'Mm nnhy lic hii goaime Ci forthe useocf lis. PRACTICAL --RfDUOATlQN. ',t cunaty ln a ih iibln. sao i ti o. Ct It NOW, and at the, Watukegmn. Dueinsé coligg. ..0î Dcmer5 90, 814,-jtoiiang acceunt Of saçit orne.. 117.1t 1Waubtnitou St, Wglukegee% .Fer paymsnt eft tenOiip taxes by wedinStrieter supervi- 1h. C*ufty tre'R'turer Ita i. towuhipl esiietlosef tea. jtreasurer, etc.. a voucher cg*sau -elut .xPWDB#1W. Ii h at n aiy' houid ha used whicii aheulde ontain-- ~tit5 re loed bfor cateparticulars -of ach sttiement. *ttA, r. ccéd bfoe osV oura filtlfulle, NO CROOKED GAMM t badins dico" lic, e l advertied, along hob e AOta corne pris or blaak it ARTHUR YOUNG a Co. j vti 88k fer mirking carde. tmb-ifiicmao b.tuynei gitiier waY l Sarangu lfer ton ear, s, 8, - i - ý - na» rieba. mand "daubera" ,for "mark- vin or lose, lOe suapiclous mv:a. Ca (erre rm --jnb.LIEI . & W Bl tGp 'Bêe of. ag carda vRillala pigy"; «"rellectors Notiiiag unnatural. lvIii b.oallowed flo rt oiseod 5,26.5.Ca.rr j Leynus 10.corntfnI Gambllng Dilces made te fit oni ring"; "burra" for to rua anyviero and alwai'a viii »« et oüeted 1927675.viimm uiiuisCo.14-i G Mblng evie& rilitng dits, trlmining sieurs vltii get a play." PM Dont tncludod la cash ego - ____ m1crerneter otachmenta, te ont a£ "'h.bal apindis," howeve, . ta À b Lodddice, marksd carda, poker pgese Off a eaut no vider tboit tissue classed a. "ur lea*wi for 19 'Obi loet included ln cashi re- f5i l'or Y. UM. C. . Eot pa< ec icins ~ per la tiilck; corner roudndean ad "-The onirlade ht ndcta tie 0 teseIv lst olowng retI. raoi i roulette vbaels, crooke apindles, and instructitons loi uaig thoeesad allier vih Iite bal pcarrled by the arrav, of.thse woletbe bed of iarecte rs oti . M^c.electrlealir sud Ineciiànlely cati. devcs lac 010 01advortlsed bildly. vii!,the. arrev la molns," la tiie Il i Ittil Ie oauu&go var- thebod of director 20'te . 110 .trôled garnes et au kînde viiho- *ivig emlrThird frind, bal tollae ot 1and rang. bstvpen Plu A.,eaie, aucieam att22,,1910 ~d 'opauc estattorneys, tiret lItii.theboard ef directore <of Caes danserous gooda ta advei 0 "o elu 'maceal deslgned te and Ittapocket. Zntlrely anlonuotlc. ,â m ta hetensjee w tiot WaukegouTonng Moule Christian sMd oeiliif acmaa i*grtdreacii nlt rom, a gambiers aer, WiU net bbov. WiD neotgseut of a ot1 mak tl d iThe tAssocaton iiereby determinos ta jro, by Oanoral Jouie, .Susjel & - adf05li al.mi.divdr fno ihoplsi iiN filaelilld Te icutcoel. tireugi proper aveues., ta th eimeIa0ce a hcao a u It Up liiieev*.tgb.o 'icld out"util Aim ecao u h o stfir. joint. a deeMe d W ism ay stop procuremuat of a tutablestand oti.e md tof<4 catalognedoeil la great 'lA. the guisle sat Out by us Il C. Ove o om69a" adduring lb. lie construction ot a modem y. M. At pressoit and 'fer maay yoi-nuber anud mhy. Some vbrk by ia a 1040centgrlndling joint-for islm.. ar Tiera tliceconiion" e Dot C. A. buildngtii, totalcoll of site; thesegonds bave beon eold la yat Clint epaason. tmre by amrnproes-but ciai b. ra fer red, black aski] building.and equiprnt te b. at leaul qquiguitltlo viwtk ne protes"ef con- aur% »Uabiy lifting or strallitenlat star, cheuck lucli, roulette. etc., or fer A artalmfe"forouceaiment. Cftiairal bostag ths lhe lm, "à ihidoers la mysterlousa arep." bt t1«tawiuipspjoeiReosur= = "'-ced, tiola lhe judgmmnt 0fthie Engeuions crookofednhs etthe pvin4. oys nôtmm aid ler.-. Thos. tiiere a re ao kene layeuts, hie Et grould b. travelling la a cirei. board et directore of aMd corpora- lng devîceetf- vara lout =, have "You c000go sud corne viti yeuxro-boarde, ciitck teck outfltu, DIa,. lion tbretrpsu ~ eenelrclatd tirogb ie alb4..hatA 8M a' stho table wviii.your ni gauns, by=eonua tube, hasrd ondation, -'Tie recorda of 87,000 muat h raisel trous the >110 i umerOnS protesasfronCiti- opibOent le coUluS your bel'"'la lie tables ste., etc., euhb viii liepar- gui eiio 1hdleuoatlo 0fsar- cuurunly fr l. cmplt. ~aie sand a d 8portlcala, f ro pires oweam .mu for onueoft liu, vil ticulas- dovicea for cbeitlng, sviud- 0 palet sudnet ta ho coleeled muts of th building,.Oemrabv etrlo i i.andtis ebe la virrsi&t.d 1 v or lotOlely ling.aild tâtâck the aucers e a Thurd, lit a tuithejudainent of theOffars"d OrsId egraet ~ eL .ebe~~ The abomupCOffice. board of 41 rediora of aildoo 1hY a Orer od l-eardoien m0f el "i'rt. - w!:< r52-l dehalbed Ilat tih alwO e, mig le i6rplasfeoe for ten yea», $827.113. the.btsainurecsutiy euig [ hey.O ar &f0 te jprten o us- Pokeer tables Into whicii the: hald. the umalie te dfriud, 1hr customera, 1 pbe net egilscted& ml»-% 5, ncuy of M. c. A.compaigu moutcontinu icsfor an opinion as tleotheror o ut" listiit aise re advertined wulh ibut wve s gvingtii.. liS vIoller 10 1 610 o*MSlées,sud for like étesu, their eIrt, ta ralaiug fonds sud c te lrame 0014 sbIoipd os a aurance that heu iilli stand lhe advertifl ad aothilg. »IR b1 Osmalie utouî agit. e- muat reporait a a meting et lisheo ldIlma uaa#"seto wee Car Dakv Doiry an truck. But ~~tls b« thé . oril b. mure on January'9. 1910 ta hobe bld e At.. 01ra t mmnolb ho «iiort Card p anmud cold deÇki' -Ilaa.,Wd on eartii. LnuzavwvrLL Ose f'r l. c-apl4ae laber onnonaced.tevaaiat a ocdsdmaclns'rs .'UE .14f -e - .,1 board furtter cousideOiBe ta koait ganddJt,' b as 0f'M 11 ui CI. 4 e11 fumse eantethe on 8l8th jury J oneet.he ti5bglt aurseof fi ta ataisd blit se..toms areen-, air.iliig a ..5'W reni4g5f «f h ejE stock la, ' bguoat *lti àCmrRO CNSS «»denthe Cash boa% but mt an th band*aid apjoatediaObnuttee'-p os RIGSLCIWK.1 ortrs t' t *"utwr0O. au *iè ai Wd l<b sa lie l laia renias, Milwavoti ...... 23 Hi *U Oa o'fwteoMim1C *t tieut. Altr*l'alésa, Racbe.........l w0< kwM be «w o (it 0, MVi alN troot, Auaehin laeonuoed lna iociet,1»lrýedî <-»l s. .... .1vu ~ei~'g omuît.evoci ~ ~ j. bokvileb 14 oomu4ed U beWilliam Botteler, Chias»....... .uo fa, pveIta eU'tbisseftouiI . petoirlles. laid ça t" lii otsll er~ Blifeis, Clm ..... ..82lu att~oeundaim M age, fIr"ed t. ure i =,",W ~I be«t Ms4do................. $ 111111714. aitaiegus .1 thl sler amr..V i Je we"yfr iette baonm...............37 is t omtO. .1.M». sotvescrtiamft b mmli0f.â As AtelI p odic 1eerke-. ~ hlim......... ........9N due ho 00ai?. 7.BU8S. .1annr~r. ~ -Ws vialipueuily te a uyoiarbock, avOr asseosanthe meeb*eui'trlyiBgroi......3 "Pm orlà- »udauam 4?f thiso vork m'M tp ý te se& oy"t voit. .eu band t 1 0* 04 a'rosp Oiecard lvly inmt ........2 O5eamd tOO tme i 10 tii tastals iuabousutaryIbcittae, M ldl-ldel"MIwRauOimil B.eki.y, Milwauikee...'. .. . C meenna s Oe i oIs I *ortk, a*s*lu lond the lis en, Ate 1o»4ef th ie ula. lie fhé,iMBMyrtie Edvilde ..............9~ . 10*1.4bate. moSite Ibo e no paory bc.vsspt io.atctroftiulgthueysttu: R. W. EirkPflifcbTwm8k ,iiWO. l.4 b«# ao itla tee lengthy 1te usoigunot i laiuo a -1 Tuewak am etuone -sec z )riy Nbhihsg wspj.iu, unc umrîi atie . - iiaon...............19 1 p~ltca7 ~mie eeiuivos»olhie. tu hy *,d.,cloî.jw alayeu uc lrug nr obds àoeg.W. B, UciIuugS......... 23 wi .Sooedng tlak ct f h rs> The pseacnl eofthle boutIos w ov1 n deta t opuide Mbeksu aemalj.dvuu OrIRTylr......3 port. tie fcUwin5 la the 5umunaryof CouiluitM la IL1. J ébo, &' A. Kiodikoe, ar lce vbdreandtiilmlment A 0 adaid &IL aBMa" A i'« 1%10 ............ 20 i olouamty celsharecoipt»: HalaW.E.LSOrle.,U . H.90BsF- a.ti. misda ur éosi, s-yul are ceuid Ogersehile niallina apro- LotU ieaike ................223MI le rettre ... 128,U.Î js 1 iMa. A. Masss, . G. W.icb, P!*u L «mua t hm Opi et<>touefe-oaIg8w tot l ter0<iloa." in-i lAtrwiesla, uhrilli..22 bi ..... .4.ffl.49 PersOsu.C. W. fliver; , . E BIL n . 1 Ws " . m re»a choa, of 'PThe coutetihi@ e Looite la.1 l Md'1*ey. Wnheum... c......30 $ fmes .... 4.014 UBekttnmd.EEL 'PITurppe, IL B. Tom,!.bufl dtranopereat dieuee l iIg , ft te "Saqe ta i vn siaAaeag higg ......56062-347 J. 0. Arthsur, J. W. Banveli and Cfu qar IOus u t o A01 a 3U5111v5 l ve-! eis. e, ... .......2433 Zwo 00 4andtaru n1.. Psk. Ld"'eab ........ 4a lble 614020.97 Mof01 SOM t luver productionsna 1lehiat hua on a elgar edossir for cigare 414 trnaprent lias la oui adl.vedia..But Inotes. Mr. Avrage , J4ta lie loin. Kisker. Mtliwuke........22 s tegaton erti.mmuovnan a enbawlaiIs sy leahuboir e, 'viiiM OÊtand for lieu juideomrlpIon et ov aurn oeUmti-magnet *Ma*j. bBurdec..............261 ftfl*'Uoam" ferteImrvmnt D o li ht ate ou" ea iVfce." vesikavth transaparenit dia.c 0 o*- ... ... Pa orte-yti tAcou.etng and. oiosai (t tcol t e od Cooi), vIitaus i. -Al r .-the __WI___ isesglsacgar cage. Tii. maie loi Ille fer thse Se<squrdlng and Proger sunoyau.. »I soot al-,» oet. logO Scores o et ofdico ars listod.mande ta reprent tiie ordinary'ei- ,Veu Muet Rod ibis If Yeu Wanl hhe sui Contrai cfetlb.ePublic Funds. giya îLe' fire a ver, uitile air cm -top. ascii gchaut li a difterent vay. As gar m.u-tcuecnr touci nd u er BucliBesf As oui report le'lntem'persod wll ao. aisl lbld"ooo ae ssgsstendate mprv. mshod j )~i'ieboliIl> stre ip deupe tanapoal crap dico, regular con- "Pre.a 1h. Squcozs"-You Win. J. W. O1051, Groeuivol, La&, suffsrid1 ao la <Iho varicte»fflaoi, w shall u4al se icPyrolite Waalued Neut. You cavs spot, tic maker laya: pays the catalogue: 1 u ith a i a5vrsenao aiflumoi "Tb@. f. uguit obu'd euiline'cf lb. symtO aro .gel it trou lb.porno LumberCon,- "We'bouuuiy mas r.cmmend.-tie. m "rtV nake a ýL:.çtlîrove' p'rains ver, se intenses 1 vas oreed te on, ~~4o for reltle ol.a c tii.count -books, «.. 11,w. I bcocoelybuuiltyudfor bunkera' use and for the. protec- -YOS baVe 1te do lutIo preshsecret bypo.nle lan n ci 'i.. "O Wutthat A&ho-q*"tom loe 1 .T*9Mi>ii8iiair lspoce-'i.l 1ithï , Yourpaie nsud'tiiçw' Ji 410ueve liso nW a"ltipslitils m il idaoi .otabulent suralovor the. VArý liOmi l u..gaso. tblinI iroaîd theriWs alieg vtti. a paoi ai hs. 410E fr ~ on'-boit aiment sor tift t IâIt arlt rI)MYal.»Y ottenîlên va ,$ouï o<mi. , -le thit avdnt of yuu,'net maibi'soot ouid rab.. 16.U lthe simple nesson timt ley ouiose ouroppofnent 'mligit =iMe, sud Ibis atled fa«Voiey's .KlXdney lls.d y, appmtiinq a comptrolier, the. duites ofiruili wPbyl fe xct itiéte "Ma ieugghnge ie dianr a narf &M edticyano of e uiger a o.mptroiter, iould mout proporiy h hoiàte.Te b.e Cl lhu a'uidige h teo odote'ndde1afn ogr lmeit li. oueS>'clark', oflice. Un-A tOu minaute "aMuWige' ta writing msupcion. 'The vork la 'tiisre., but box. Tou put tbe dieu lto tahe 0box-botiterd lui ay rby Mny aid euemy der M" a sm $theb.tranactions 0f a v<lt ad-sund you'illoeil liaI prop- cannet bcedstected."' sud tose tbenu Ont la a carelos, a mn- Iurnb8ga." old by alIl Drugglto. oh al limtés, sud no eOre ou ose0 1y WEERKLY REAL.TY REPORT. differee vithlecorrlect .la on- 'Pie Lake Couaty-'bitlo mand Trust only lu tie se é,et iboidaitbrova. Thë arrnt l nethj «wâCompony'o veu>'report of rosi os- 'P. o r et i otir"e .iadtale trasnsr. 'Number of tercet. Ànon toit." l«r - gn t- ments'Illed, 113. eatlnsh rtese ro monoerl- Iu...ý... 1...........8159,899.00 ma rdien taleai ili da.Leans ............. ;f52,550.00j gaup eahobe0&"pd abo e h- tainable. Car faacy oarcorn oni truck. Lunguuryy B lo o d e '. "Dice tops"' orsfor iol ilci ulil ruas LtrtusCo. 14.11 on ternis to stitit ail luatwoe's twhenafOfl la aind>'l r jalviotyoaVu and inaw about Woui chuacea tatbutha Insecio t îoiîd f qantoyofpeigrodbrcdn¶ Ckwhch- otr directin. dolnlNewly i@t.O ii>' si-th swg.oeed ndconist ofBtwn ~is bulclve, BowaSw..yai- . -- 1ve, 4 la ted t uRa#*yorth ltbllSotoniyao bulé n Ei-mhrean Dr bu s. l ails o ardagwea prsn t X wabd. "Wuhncstabe * gaa~~ntrast40d toclo 1&» ~ l~ f thorn Farmn >.rtyville, IIiniois 'tdsPhcm. miboeoyv2 733 It F.P*D.N@o1mti;fV", uIL 'Tbu ouleaou h u"0-for a Odeat or Bolmvs hiew fs l priseg<rus *0 db mW "g iSm opina 'iwm*wed, eks a-w, '0 thé "Ovriiet p«aa- piway Maîi Olerita>4800 t0 #100. oand othon onrIiyýisaue to 6960à sasualv. lJni~ em ~' IO1 aglugexamai- tiffe uwml t he buatry forRaell ie"vWq *. Coato elp- m faSClens, S - hiiihe~ Depent- Any Sehoat 1, ~*I~ *. Doctora, :r-. V*» tJra 5flWVU7w lVI Imt XboooeU.' W.- Il , usnom a et i*soo. CQUwtom~f MWM04 M. or .4le & 06011»Word for h*u te ad#* arilUN th Motter wahr s e. MWady nk onynaw4080b hanrevu odý the, qsiue of Our -M*liuTov Tsw, aMW twprie iiaçtho ue lw vii l Woe 5h h.gns éur.>uet th epf4a J"a. 83,e In W.V ~p Oe . as pI PM!lU<EAS à".MOT*IM "0 y ar *,se j f« <09l y5WIs mouislogrls? -WIty -ft pettg88 à thero ototieauba we'Mti..tl1 asu lniiurftenlW yod «Cutle iOvu 5hdl-har for Mm Re=dJ ) Afrod 1.l'as61.lom 90. Groms vu addition ta LàaeForeat . W 11,; Lako Coitnty 'Pull. &Trust Co. > Jaob700.00.e M wfsr uutretu of Tinti.Titis. (uarant9ed T. If. Deeker 9muId ei(.ML8117, b88* laîùncTmpe Bdg Wakeanfi, 4, IUioud PSu,. W. »D., IIO TemPle ~ ~ T,uf maid vite taffernry 0*.. LOC1 J.G CYER 8ery.>ret fis toil. blocki 9. Loae»t ieigtot, W. Da.; 0750.00. - . J. eifl< te John Baractandui4 ite, AnaUM P. La~d m ad bsin X 21blOk 19 Dryer subivi . MV. -Pria., lo«W': sud 4, Lsfomet'u. i21t blCi"C a . D, il's.bdvlleui<iglo Park, 'W iM; g.ofl.ce xliiCilaaq,8. W D.,81.J"me -L. Mc.mnllm subsa lte Elaie MaYPOls and lhhubadto A.1, y, Pria., iot#-a-nd' m&t , A4gMevs,' SOM. Part Of lot 10 blOai 1, H :11lfl4andPari, W. lD.; 81500,1 , z4 Park, lu section 3, <Grant tovun C. Arno-et. R. IL ù*vé,' hip Q. C., 1,000. seth 60 tstet or1fer5, 1 - 0 -1, Antan DUdek and vite ta Joha Ko- pôweil's odtiue to - Waoltk«i, W. Ra, slrip »Mtofti ansd adfolàn lot 1 iD.;' 1,000.00. 400% 7. WoU3buuipriàm .Wanis- O.0. Ifansenunir vite tu UnNo iuCG W. 1) ., î. -- tls. block i3, plat "D-'. illghvod, ledvln Mfieml d vite ta 3p. A. W. o.; $32.094.00., lydam, lot 9 blaci 13, liit'u ad-. Y Ilty anstole ri ..lOuae, m» Uboi ta Uhertyrllo, W. D.; $S'm0. la thi e ntiihait Oe' uçarousn. ma MinM ai. mma id bane et ai oFred sud 13.tle J. 88401110, lot 2 to*vuabifW. D)., 8F000 ,"k M0 RigllialPark, W. 1D.. $1. Koetiln -.C7rg.ruS0 MMle .0 RugIt sud hlusbwud t le 1snt, .C Sttue Prani T. Puis. sd vitt, aet îoo jaelond, in lthenorti-lit' 0of autlm 2L5 tl 51 feel 09 lot 1 Douglas seOnd Shiiids towuhhlp, W. 1V.,.11.110. luaio. MNoi-lh Bide.,, 14W. 84.000.C. U flener Jr; tu, AL C. rWtm, »W W. M. Murphy sud vit* le zC. le. Of ts , si»é92; mIhru adea [«e«. lobst& 48 6 Mcci5U. Noitih .- - hicage., Q C.D.. 834.5. 1t[o Oew' D-.Pf. Mastte 8Ciauiury ta M. V. Prie*. Chas. Wliltiiy tu,' A.C. tiens,31 tae & muid6, Lo«dge.smubfrision, iglsumd Park, D., 5~,O. -jlots tur la]* ormait Q;., C'_If. Anal C. Iâviu te M. atIL Kd"ond @WMtaili a»W h oh-ai C. vi Mc umo"a.ruuadimes t ) if tmor dft. tetm7 04 a u. ro s. 4tc f 1011; .umrodivlaet 0< JonSrOu Dl 1vitte . J Boin, lx teti.D m - ob aeos, W " P..t8te80 . jJ! Bi kbYqlem, 1oi 3*57 1 et 21 bloci 1, ýDres uudâlio% a il C. W.' um4êSIW tO' et C. BOsu~ orlh i«O oeW. D.. 81., lie Vaut'- iliode cr rot #' idil tp< X«ary MeCrim "buaeh*IL LJamobsen. lot 9 0&U «mab60 f«O18tee le iffl t l 11* *IbOWeui' iflotS. hleek SI. Blgli aPrtw .s~ W. 1P.; 11.00. 1Busaa ML Parker te W W..UmhiMd <inuty CIri<t'u, P.W. Tiut0, vue. usaIU Nefoot MW138,Cotes A&- 2o lots lut.McrtU.SIimuw, T'à fl.<is Ilint wuoà4W. D.; 824600.00. _ ____ . W. NIdiloMsd it. 10- w. e lîyera. lots 41 aid 42, hioek 19, WS5U. Çr nuao iute.o bock. LUaaMv. mun Psu'.Noiti Chicsga. W. n:r ~~Luuuu Co. It R. J.'im GIbon. r. W. Crmi, lis "Me tu section la, IJIertyvIlistamis- AUCUIMIwo 130 tiOO om @iIdh l ad>, sud la -*Muoan18, BiloNS tois- tsldnethevin seeek bu iAsM, ddp, W. D.; 515.00.00. -renodrsUm Oaag ~ e aps' C., H. LAvisace, Jr.. etia NoGrace w ss i trsmls g. Pstt 0s Een. port et lot 22; LaisOetr t.ol sud lots 66and 7. Lg<wrntc. g«,l set 1 h sea subdlvlulomU. Lao Forest, Q. C. D.; -____ l.00. * If lte rit eht le a OSnt iu D. A . Ordy mnd vif, ta J. B9;04.te seeki peut preery,*maie phe soati 20 teet et lot 4 and acttii80 rel; of lot16. Oady &£ low"eieis Sec. P-raety moek 1hétoment i.U Dd Subdivision fa Wauisga, Wý .,a. cuapeig, a~ oslasd advarrlg 1500.00. Hennry ,Ocheler to .A=e-iMaLjf. Car foi .arcorn oatract. lmur't.- ladn bt13, Wuirn- addition Ot& ouuLsiw C V. That CoU <* en the lfde. ofthbhouge W violer blestaoeIkehardest*mi bas à lover £orptture hl - resi of the bouse. Thbçmam e wheu Sfi 16, Decesry go f811 temmpea4ture qukkly oir to k".., temporatur.é up fart àIong c S Thé, . 'lig bé donc by the moth 'Od o bcun wltliout troublo and o>eratiq the u tihe aie. -T tl

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