Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Dec 1910, p. 9

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L t. CLY 'SUN norn's Jury Say$ TAit mot- rEstoorma. an Fald tTaks 8iU1tUrr lýitw ie"$TuatCmn*iatr R.. lw o ifIjosaip J Fiitsu1its bon VIews Otnogalde (Train Wedml"aYe SutN.)' VWa0kessla sBoOm te b. caileit mii> oroms Woeulnday'mi $UN.) cas 1101013 thlenational sgUtation for cee CeM Imite postage, audILitle bc At the Inquet over the laie Ne lleveasi Item niaolent W, H appe&mau enjMuamn oa, trolley /fc te Vukegau &tercesa at exen vietilm of Christmas evcie, the ou legoaue erPoo gemaup r's jury breuglit lu a verdicti lie ce entleUu rae li Wnk.Anre Robmg, cooduter cf the «M m .bssinrogadei U au M a er, anuitMtorman HognweeI ntrate*" - apossible condition, ad t blhimofor the weck, Roberg xmom kptit'al aboutLb.he inertieOnt hsvlug anariteitthe rear of alt$W[& t lnrea th potallinp car nd eu ogan for netliay '0cft il.a . eitu e nres1t toia xerciaei proper procautlos 11,is, g XMeie a naional bgnue has.fatLthefront endofbsrut . < boOm formit te urge tAie reoeaiup- Jî devela pet aileIt nquicut, f othe. golêtuimet., chieli Coroner J. L. Taylor liresl Formaelin Clevelanud. <#baitusithe,'car lanthebo lilsoun CeVml.nd la te ho the bedquartermauY fi i r nit. on lin.rond, af a MouniYclitagitation for tIbmIl" beig <hoe nmutrîucem tr'-dusii oet itrpotage trou î, loot for Itmef. and thb. iaa ilcts se au . - bêlitg mnextra Bot runng on ne Arn organisatiflc e i.utitroa that 1110, and cih ke Instructions.,I C4p anfil citi Clevelandt mmen a fii milntnî enF. p Bok o e ails, «»eMUib-in l prspsrlug ta mtr. testiei t tat cars- going meuh ai d01aetulutnres.IL bil provldiug for tibmemaise irack a iat ou clilcb as leVerra.WhObirtie bil ai ot. cregi tock place, furulh acimto, 00 e aie iiivteem session or a wlth a cloar vision of eleven bund PS iM bti lii depeat larglly silienreet. The only vitesase cera the. grosti irtheLie mcitiou. dutdu eYalur C. Walker, 141gb .O$UmMee Presîdent. Park. cf the paaieuger car. Cndi4 Cb«imW Bu"M b besa eh Andrev Roberg, Hghcood, eftIhei am e lisiaW.f th e Utmbai o n' car, sud Superlutendoul Bock. 00 5 imelentet ii.ougutalme. Tii. Jury by iii verdict'blamoi t cct oa uag Lie athnaus tLie living and ihe dead. Ator Ceut Uttmi P0ila000M iT. , M, Claire C. Edcarda w«in1attend& iawa sye Vesrésid0 eotre etih. inquest te proiect tLia110 -,à" Hardware empudtof ti II:Itereetas»d Ih la ilkeiy Liaiqunit, luissi Hardau quelsatin.nt»~Atbc Sied ag-ta thec oniiny. lud WU5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i latytas ee i aoi? iL s 101>bai more than eui 1 lbe .Ny Mtuom i ee Seied,.litle ciaireit. A largecrocd IU .bsOpUii t h" tetb 4i* ViûOefrtondedtéitmwihW ý,=01111111409ki"n, h lte spoctacular tenturea, exemptin * > miceleig cd t 6Atorney dwrdcan d Caim Agtela cf b"P- b ms n lDlng c ~erg sioulit ausacer qneeatlqasput . lace caeaMnci M o bu > bmthetrney. lRoberg ta '1 - iThd Pe #Mentalplanlas ta se- cd t<bt b. hait gone a« imaithie » ra le a'pati<in et nationeasl ecrL m ia vrot utt >1 O WMbgtiu., ehicii are "roU biscmrte rusbistvrctond oute 1soiug letter potage reducet. -AI-bi I»ýaintuiosnthr . MWY' the 'Natiomnal supl&maMOnd that beforo ha ba i tA eben> tii. Nbaoat uion ndMa-egel te tbe roar cf tue car and iasin flulary doeasociaon sai l. cmîna cars, tIbm cranshteck place. Nai11fléal ofudthe aaactou aveo e ailliroare mdoing vcmli. Ha UsMenaibsabean giflai, ase, by rna lth u Vtns i Qf ticleading bunkers, et Cleveland. The coronsers jury vas: John etore Moemnt Swanbrougb. foreman; Max Kiari moleveieom' Sroi Mlveoten îkIY, John Lukey, Jobn Tornpkina,. tiaca ,M.on thgecîl 15iSoitT. Parker, sud Cbaiss miH. Cbamp Hardwar11eaciOslt 1,14 tm annuel [ ' massue. Gorge- T. MeiSteeli cf NO BON4DS AGAINSi ai Melde that urne offereit a ras- , JuIJon tuai In vioc of ibe tact that C P D, GO ME! ,Ie D!Fuitsdit Pates goverumeut cWU les«plg aver> largo rufoeri 'UM O mil atter that a 10"itpo- ' ToP "Us Comnitte. hbcnipoinite tae wwmels toU. 01am* V the ti%àhJmci sud ccrk 'for î.ceuî osMeft WUt- f»M or ~sts ostage. up.esUChçgC coammitteas »appoiutedsu - MJtoab cas -maie Ills cuairmu. (Fromt WodiUmday's SUN.) ~,0lgthe Puti-four or Ove 7ars t "Hello! .! hLiiiyen, Centrai?1 «&uci chrkin lu ltoreaiiug otiier la Cbrley" qMI11ion Athe uMteir, as colA Oh, belle, Cbariie, 1 can*t, gt1 05mn be- etf rengrefi andipublic 1rAIedtonigut.", Film a AtlantiecAMY lu Ocicher t, sttmdnth ie convention oet ibm Iau". , ifariare 'association, a me cf ita ulutbors uggted to Igin at Liibe orgalzea a&na ai-cent letter potageisasacia- c, te e 0< the maagment et At Al d«et bis entire tlie ote b ft enliA IL bas. sccbopllbed lia &ite arufull> conaitrlng tice mai. for tiol pet tvo or thuem upsb Melutïetà b"s uderlsxm the eit sui t» e rgMulen- ba» ueo 00 omplete by -ibm eleetimof e ïe kieW, urrocu, orftherroc à >bAys hmst led. At 110 smd ai- êa. beuSoW,.ruponae b»a ", Oi m tt p&yrý of murIndlvduals ~Ife trouieu Im confity. b5 uagt Ae sa.0v f ma m meu». tu~ auçilld 18*1k ianu krllba"m n LIBEUTYVILLE, ILL., FU.flDAI, -l>EC(EMBER .10, 191î1. ?Oui How NeW Year's Day la' .Celcbrated In Varieous Parts of Our Country. n PGE $1.50 PER Y1fÂ1 1 ILUONAýIRE MAIL ORIIER KAN TO IMl.» §OUSE? R. siaksonht t emplatine Stop - wns Largo Am ofa Land and Livos as Simpie Far*or et Tho Dstdrl 1 lX RAY. i TOLO IN mi Newton E. Fiso And Yom" 0B08 Peouhar-i Swwwwei oS Meut brous 4 I (FOorn Weduesday's PUNi(rO ododa -* * . Richard W. Bears. umlii a year or Newton IL Plan. à Wei l 1 0c "0 '< ia isonhir % UM tut lic sat inier of Waukegan WhIl that~~~al 454«iéiieeE z' « m Sos géê ed as assistant Au th* U lino cM»n~y. Càiicma tie. icawgat bock clore. and w ho le sudg bah leWt d 1t hehtofrmàn- Fiti Preebytorian churci. la ~ b cli dd ib lt c reldnee uom, he ostpeen for 'Of Chicago captaiua of liutry ln rerd fthe é ' .- 1.nk coîanay and kte t 'mre lime os:- Tbursday nigbt -whie dlo vina %.~~~4 en Ui> a nec romidenlial erouniy hy 101cf.b irolo~ unt hiuildlng a roidente nfar Orayalake, cîtu dreamugî. Thcooral dremimng hb.lok eaus ovder . Whie ie has long ocned a farn inU utaiso iimom~b î b"11 <loir thA evillage, hi- lbas always aip tae d_ ilraapem4ie bis l î 1, the !is lime neeiipled lthe farta holie a om"Ilàif qAtiii> 1#J54 1 Atai cw#hich tandm en the Aand, a mroleel nd* ff yh lovdait . si At k ehod-more la keeping ci th bie cealîli. botioromi cliii teiora Slip- I rone lime Pout heb bo hlmnse.Phamil. 5Md4 *t *a ýpolui .alma quiring land about lits original pur.- apugua uAt" thé, M à theý chse I' no thebreeths laltlum W hit. oï Lie~~~~~~~~ halmmtil ail bld lhe I.ovi. eraasu<feg U %droit ocueo f about 400 acres, som. of tain a emaay bird ohm til cou- cfecliehopald for at the rate <of $Mltbe aeeident 10k P1An lanit n acrse. na îigh priee for Lai, «olny 1Today Dr. »oo .% mate th os tt m lino Hianplans are mai11 t0 ncndo L tmhe oUEH<aeh construction Of a home ibat îls is 8jou--tube, that 10sonoie, iltlasbelleved tis e tswq baili withany on ibmefaumons Oreen Ba imýdowntbiisobi )Mey 9t, . ~~~rond. veut of Lai.Porst, vierse dla~i M h 1< i4 lance "Muecf ibthe bA n laAm«ea, e Mdtic *db snce Nwos day bla astrenneus oee n t- ieoccupant of the, Wite lieues, for mémemlîot tcfe army an may ad 1Idenceeuing ie~ud Hc 1otieeîIIfe. , rqj"e 3teSi ilpicmattie corps eaui on the prqiiteut ta club hlm a bappy NewTon r. PiladelpieueojjyA ber New ap '~ tie ares, &boutithé, e rmsltemo- *W* M lie a psnuft hlcbtic marcber t m eeUral o»atlern CitoIela> a.tigtiim.aie$ upon cbinh wclii begin xt8n i al,-i - day-m . scà.gsrala os sud aNuarrcpie.e-mt.m>rdWil i eow abATs éhw*dti ac la isepeirted. S eiefadmYraifo ier hednt lu rMsvlnog ber geeets. et*Nrwd -M tares la t d cbaSeau, Rolichi 6 ýual es t, àu Wl Roac6n*any fer m$38. ml i d altm as1AWeouetmn A I L ' too c u m t l l. ti e c eew la. b ut a oa a #W t tieà salle% cottollingloiters«, retire. tic ieOI tmd lino lo [fnient ho basW led tile1f.of a fauneur i ébolEr 5MW tegtlpg eu, ver tanudemi lad uuamming Siiam is.ne110"Uta, le 5* ~ R REST*1$Y _Il ega:FII# LNIS ACCEP:COA<YURT INfrPM#LANINSCIRCUIT_ rkow- uamm*orm eme »1» hi iBplot . -&"Mt[ Os.lo Newamo F RE vcet~ ~sS sUA o. Thu. n~r. ..WhaL's ibe mater, bave yen given a boini tote ure yen agaînit cuarrtage cithîn sax menthe?" 'No, you'ren Chicago, net Spokane, Wamb.. but 1 have te relieve tAie up- erviser Lnîgbt. l'Il quit next ceeli, andt tieu cm can get marnit." , Aýitiou«gi" inMargaret PerkIe t a spoFano, Waeb., cas tercomi tegive n bond of 8M tu t bmteipiene oni- pauy tu lueurs aanat ber bolug mat. <'led lu ixmlxnnba, Lie iicagoTele- puons compan uy cenlit;net Uot tLii bandéits iteany roung comnu vu mlght tbereby bllgbt ber future pros- pects. This vumaide plain by TraMe Chit N. Anders of the Cbicsgg Tebspiiono compayyeoterday. ,marri«« sburtOu r es ou iliu "e uer tbing," b iim mut i day, "but ce are glait van ce lud that toeaorf ur girls are marrylng and gelng te heneokeplug.. Il dpss tort our forces to the «otem~ t t9 Deroumt. bât ou tie avorege tbo tals. Pio» ooPmatcr corlis ice and one. 4VI Year'.. * Ani de acis Thom. "Mi.Fiiw t lls. othe.Ua" 'Tes, u4 tiensA lstst te, heon zTmbwispt. Passed .Resolutiouis Last - Monday~ iLED YE8TEnDAY Mightt b AcceptLaonds so tDilcaml-. .A.I ted..While LiltefùiWas GOlog 0OW>iHof Cl'i. u. atridgo, Concernîng Theéji. Zion'. Mayor at*va DZ Walks loto IapIn' "ouùrt afid eis Of Rosiaade!Mm Made Subject of Reýstralnlîng Order The ietcof Coone Par-< (Prom Wednouduy'a SUN.) 1 Mayor ftlchey of Zion City calkot Ato a veritabie rui> chou he eiuiked tuiu tAiefedorai coure etf.Iudge Lau. dis lu Chcao-and inel a tacthent Waterloo today. Ai a resuli et his appearauce on tho aceneAtorney George IPlutoetWawu1 kegan, ropresentiug VoivansintereaLa, iiibtRenaed tle mayer cf Zion Clty, anud put hie> on Lhe tand lu court, n a bearlng of a motter wchbIo le itocite wdouer Voiva.shail bave Lieý park lands ln bia Ziort.deai or flot, uit wbeiber ho la te bave a reduction of $100,QOti Au prîce due Inte .allegedî elcudoi t itie ou tle park lands. Richoy Tot a^bout It. 'Undor a bot cross lie et quesions fron Lieateorney>asuithie court ide- veloped. by Myer Rlcbey'm tetmlny tiai at iast Monday ight'a meeting ot the >Son City counili thé lndepenitent BîdeTmnl pasamit a reseluntion accept- Ing.tbe lande ln ZDon City dedicateit ne prts by Docle, somelthing btier- te negiecimi. tn addition, tbaïe vory loada are nov under itgst1 ln tbe 4Brta, no that tbe guap. plaunmd au n cotup over Voiva. ta doorned by nmre Iniproper. Cityla llostralncd. TMe mayors cci ioattmony on iii. stand nem Ing or deg aîultod An a temponary reitrain- r tront the courte:n<lie mayor, êouncîl. police, <iremen, and al ciîY 1j 90ecileoetZion City terbldding ihoun1 te tuke ndvuntagýe of thm resclujiionî they paset aeccptlng tAie parkaeanui s.. a reajuit ofthie Inyrs testimony1 temorrow Voliva clii appiy. trougl Attorney Fleld. ch.> engièmeredthLiea Voliva coup and tLb.llehley contre- ýtemàps. for a permgnent re.tatniii1 enter. The whole action cas the sensiation et tbm day lu the bearlng. ehiéh may cenaumne eeverui days. A Wity Çhsf. Lady liorothy Nevililu ber remini-4 cceasgves tAla tioumot cf Aèleia Soemr, the great chef, choue pauaon bUth Le beautifuilalueverytblug cas siocu even lu Lie seiectlon ot the fe- maie amstanta 1ln hle ktebeu: 'iLord -Melbourne, hinmeit5an id- mirer of the. fair @et, cas on, day An- qmeotlg the kitcee arrangements ef t1is Retenu>club coder tie gulmsco. .f thesjgreai chef. -Attrictet by the bodaty ef the ipauy teiunalem ougaged An cooklrug opernites, the vgiernu Aier turieitround sand ompili -e uted Soyer upc: bie tai.e lii more senses tbh" eOU. "l'Ah, miy ltrd.' wu@ the cliet ro. joinder, it wo't do tlebanveplain ceeu Abore!' tunoge, wuio aen receuîuy l in .nju trom pneumonia, cas admitte oit epue-,1 hate lu county court ioitay. Tih. cor-9 iicate of deaili, and the. proaf of bail' slip wcea osiabloheittoitay, anuithibm remainder et the hearing viii tk, place op January 16. .. 11 The m iii cas drawnub ni>t:Docembsu 189 4. iaid (avea ail Lb. réal asiae, personai property andIt nsurance, ojoi ail securities tote b. coc, Jneà» trldge. Plie Io aieappoinue i yqtk4 trîx ofet ti l, ciii no ecurlty'ea* cepti the personal bond requireit le>' the couiuty Th Iii isposes ef an eiate ei sieiing ot $1000 n rosi etato, aud $2500 n pereonal properiy. Upen tic deatb ofthile cidcv, ibm cili tiplte tho reai ostate *hall go to the thue didren. Mo in 1<11.Hi# rbiher Me Charpt wih Saspplng Sister. Prescoti, Art.,Dec. 28.-Ou thuevey of hie ceititng, bocause, Ih le mlegemi, ho hait ilappedIdehlmator, George I. Hendricia vaishot and kîlîsit b Ise brthier, Willam HeudrIcis. The abeotîng accurred it aihLisstore oif the tather cf Lie Msn, At thie t<ue tbm eider Hendricks vas la mumuci e1 Wâ""t W*518 oiv.hbIs.ianirute (Prom wmdnominy's SUN.) The trouible0f Baumacii île nie- therln-law are b.lq mmmrdlan the ch,- cli. court Loday. Tbero oue tires distilci cases on i t eii, i thon m vog ihe muinsParties. iers ceca tee cases et Briggst lora va. J. Donabue. andt -oune ofHors vs. The tibume csmesarme,outt0fa soaa huaffl b> Mus. Hersa te ber mn-Au lac. Danabus. fer eb t la clalmeit hoe gave a lien On bis ftrnlture. Lai. or bo refummi t LegAve np tbe tumuture, sud thcenlia voes tauieit te recovor. Tue But anseresultem iAn a vrdct for ibe def*ndasi, ibm second cap dis- misse dthet bothird wdli bc umai-itot- lnorrow. Tii. case of L«»sas aana Tobin. fer damage ueaulting from tAie revlng or boulse wvasiven ta ibmejury thia ,;et b*4,asuithte verdict bus net an rnte u re d. OPJI ILLESD ueimcO FETES Manen Murui te Oeath, 011eCommash Suicide, Twe Die In Ammdent, oleAlDec. 8.- ont violpat diiths marruit Chistlmas eleiratlons lan and seq;rJoulet, à iodysuppeem to b haï o et akes lieMasa ca founi Alnteie ts <of a SookImere John -Chanîboru. a&Md «. unOn- 'Plopmd, comrnltted suicIe cti uMo- qiuais i i e. bit Jackson site jolm Beca. 10 lad"sutremifeu1 doca a otoen. sieu at' vamkilei. Clanree mythe. 111 psai aveuu6 ces kiBlasit»u i BiseW&M Ppr loins, Wb"seeiiab.cla al.ieil - Ml etmuiUnIp cA&ilr 55.* bu >1'.. (Prest Wedneadsy' 513K> lh,>as rewoýw dUic me- o' drugglta qof North Cieeew«, abouts ukuocu, -St îA"$ 05 bled byis cile. .11 qiMe.nAt lad beft eor<gent tus havfu t4Am. MWdho buamueth New II4 for, aàmout vaation 'eh. pou><fan uhat hb AqdNe~ sont.dtnie go. tllomg àe et. a suAitonerdiveree aterted l cite. douco Liai ume tr$ 8 mma bave boutnd otiint bd but the assrtion .fhilsîctIb .I on a vacuiolenaN ev or" tieugut te expla ublis s ee.. (Pom wedw Chrlatomses 1 sud 0»e of tlie Prime taiuiA'lu came to '*'Da V., C. PuIS11 Àtami vicew R1 UsA Ps tbe put Mota à bAs puple. o»a- futbti urne lMW bufure t mef cA tb. Pmin PiAI* »M -i

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