mmi at liii.Mssttis*, M 4ý &Il Trade »0"&TR.v.ei la tbe ovecthimag W fta"Agrdinri0là s à isom ure tl -0taqivl ' silo o h n*,~ ~~wuvi baadd»m of - reepoos, tbs me"a Pildet LU K. Wigglaa prof« . W. Ji;raro. cils 'b, lay. B. abulllog, -a- »@4&y itterooa,"Pucba .51...;" au edir4se by Ê. gbvnmutht sCimcgoon "noouastj of eratu rai *ensr*' IM lta sfim Mid di altersoospragrau.l. . » àsuntbority-on ith. daim , 61'q"s a n *uilm sanimais feaju, pittls0o ilstrate bis addrees. '.p.dymormiug la tg,)t,. gîves - t àoa leture by lon. petes ofe tis Rosrd of livestoeet Coumisiîn.ns r Iluio.. lie,. Peter. viii disesi olfthe. ndaen" and viii presenS ý-Wstrats. eta empisastie hie miof et 11hproducton te, elud W. W. Marpie. "'of Mdul, e ~5a veniug prognaus silil ho MW~sgDea Daeupntof 5-tbe i~gkOohieso1 Agricltue iilecte ~~asss ofthe. coilege. Thon Miii ,u~ leedreees 'yHou. C. J. Lindiey utvevillMe, ii.and otheis. fi$aker wkr iul vllte Iuvited ho attend the oesveston -sud nisk totthse membone Ou ?huroday mornnlngthe £ubecuiael# dostaomaIticn Wii be the @vent thet- siomid attreet the. datrymen. Thune- dey etsvncco, J. P. lMason andi athers vwffeak andi s business Esesionvilii don il. cvention. S alèe exhiit space tun cttJeie l ed à"am lfS on macblneny aud suppj'ee ise promaise. afor the Ibîggut îid bo ooavsoition in the is tony of "WA BAD WÂI" the nImormauon. à our h" Siva .out; 4u. lama veor aecitg; uri@M troubla Sets iu. jotdiaemrock to#iM>aa. W gSWo&ai)d Minutlasmhave retomin. Mtsm IL S OmsPent part oflst eekilu Wmwgm ltitlier wbo go lii at Chstlawkins "ati aabter luth y'istod reltives hem genase mIbet BestaI Re t O" dty -ad * 00Lvers adies'*4M ^Ut mut vitb Mis WilliaOliver, J"s 18. RUSSCU. LilixherY For Flgureeou BUILDING AATERIAL t, My Prcis aie zlgt MUd grade oco& WMw « b o 040 rissMamie Lewis. Of 9Wsubsgam, spont the bhaUdaya St J. D, Mriaji. UmnGrams Welch, oaim*aleo, avlsit. lux the.bome faits. Bler"h Faulkner. a Zian City. spent Sund" vlth Jenci. W"li. lirîM. -O'Connor, 09 Ni Jersey, attended the. fanerai of bar brothe!, Ben Tbel our-year aid son ai Baud Pollen swalLowed a e.lvei lait dollar fast MaoMaur ,a4 1 s aw 22in. 'b2 1 sOýte MU-i0a or' éi dl mus orabou'u iom tro hremse . 0105t10i s tootilir ilu wa lmant lm ing. the tu'eatnIent. At Iealiouc it'ielve ay. the patient l isetire«e PenSai. for Me ta t*btg. 'l i v&RIoftdanger.- suj&tea lA&che. anudtizzi apoilaI'nie se Bsrêtult Ia obaiuoi 5. aIfoàr mmbuscof,0 1uatWxn. Dr. ltera -usase hardîj atteito in v liuoswano ll,,,e'C P"jer- Klduj Pls 'ier",enaiy reoluen.2'I 'J- er, ,','qe'ntisna-dtlse lysObeaghdlor wvisallattaken theju vus , tla hie c-w-upatientsu Ai ee adlsaetov reimît ~"md I îrs'red iî' te in ila:biiity and et lt - 's t'ilJ~'S'~tlist hi Seay& -.sp .This reiuW ed relroîsist file l'>.ry pai- ti'nlmust comae te tté quis iVQnlpt'reiel eud arter1 i ldtaLer.l,' hi, It Isisl'm,.li4 asce mto e s x't"sI. Allerohce dia#- .Dtiit a!&ftour i.'u.e. i tva u.,t)letétlv' IJ"itff a rasf nt hix ousicenDr. $tera& cas- cmrô. avis- ns .u",, n""lol i i fltri-ai tise patient ises aWX,.ies iigIadiy seuillieu free a biohîlet. Wsite .medleine to ii s',Iidiiey iJis a trial.- ,it etl aionce. State yoIW rtobles ta For Mie b.Valdeal.'e->. l'ae5t1'et". i>r ett'n aid yeu vlll'hear tmpmthse Foue.lN.Muluiuacg., IBaffalos , et'York, Doton by roturn mail. Adiraes sole agen'tfor- thiji" ihe Sa'tee. DR. STEPR'S NEDICAL DIÙPISil!T, itememIser the e--X '-anti 26-269 Dearborn St., CitCAoO tae nmuo oher. .14-2 WAitNING-Dr. Stirs ltg nt a traveling doctor sud consii oly bc consult h ii - of~lelis InChicago. Ail persan rer.suj If -it's s job fan a vaut ai DON'T iinE themerives as agents or partlasej i LAUVE IT TO A PLACARD! $raud d e choasa ho d'it vitua ua .Famnous. Don. Not Sfrn'd Don'î suc a iaconcert over ee oulder. It puti miain ou your rycs. Use a diq mellov liglithuIt camnot filckeri lues thé w.k of thee yeo, such0 Lsmpgvés and 'svoid oye si OO deuigned te te hùS4, strong, durable ai the, la1~I tclr*Miand true. A r~ ~4~d imength. Maci bmtiflnsbed lu nickl r i ed. The Raye laf Iaâ ýt imp gime a bet 1 y Ua" uk Muaý Nemý Y , ée sVth bis parents bore. N~Lilie 'Meade, of Çhlosefft - yu wish relatives qnd friends bore peut week. a4con ToIl deiiverod a ver able .d*r t the mision sundeby eVolug. Iun wae a tie scare Monday mor. ,4g vri ee i.hmuey et the home 01 V" eJ n Hook caugb One. Tii. tOr given and theiliOn depsrtment in siiont time tu avold auj n àhodld it develope. 100pbusn bai tise mifortâune tu tbuoih whiie working at tbe Hloqk returued tu bils echool de 4*Wodi eveniug after a tva IUie. A#*Oe Whltmore, Who bas tdlýu » oeb ifs lu Coloradle us@pend- lu~.slUwvth ber mather. an sd Mns. C. B. MacCellaud ratnua Bd )Monday fram a trip ta Williarceville, vlare tbry speut the balidays witii Uri and Miru. W m. Whtmore Ïet tme wsskà fur their ranch lu Colorado viiere they wili maire tbeir home. %gr. and tirs. 'Wm. Doolittla enter- talned relatives at a Nv Tours dinuer. Mr. asnd Mnm Edflfieraud $on, Edvia 1iàm siveo New W"uk gsn. PF.C 43. UWor cebratet' ie bihrthdow ýmosday b4 entRrtainiug the folavins, et & disait Paty: tir. and àUns. N.' Neisoa, Mn. antiMue. T. Neson, Evenet Wilbur, ailofiWbut.gan; Mr. and Mns. Fleyd Vhbir, ai Chicago. [t vas &lsm th@. bir"idY of his nephev, Eventi W ilur. Ever«tu llande., of Waukegan. "isiteti tîiendslsrsthe fi rat af thse eek. Mr. 'and Mn.. Henry mvwards anda EBenvy Wnri9bt lett for Florida, Tuesday vise. toy sI send several *veets. l)o't let eenrythug go au aur bangain coauer bdms you bhLy. Came lu soon or tbey vil aà h. gone. Grajsiake Pharaubq. Col. ansre dieti t bis homme lu t4lhi y eveniug. Dec. 30. Tho lamerai bd st ti.ho me Maudsy aud Waukegau comete y. Leot Frlday evsnlng oceurs a joint luettla of tih Iso sud Esitoru Stan ailcere. Thee lustaillinc afficens voeof. W. Churchil and RB. oadfry, tii. work vas eli doue by aUl vbo tout: part. ,At the. clous afInstallation of tii. Nasoma Ki. Oburchi the. rotiricq Pest Worshlpiml Master wus proesto wlisha a eautif mi ievei; tho e etatiln speech vas made 1 Chas. Wlghtman. Mns. Chas. Wlgh;inuthe retlrimg Pest Worthy. Matron of the.RemSrn Stars vas proed with a jevel aS the close of the instalation; Mn. Rd Book mablng the. preeNtatian sope"c. Wm. Studon vas aoeted test Worthy Patron of the lissons for thi.euslung jour aud1 Mnr. 'taules Tiiomeon, Past Wantbu Eastern Star. Ai9or tii. election ai offcers dis grand umatch vas formai and, the moes wi llh thoir guelte, retlre.d ïtheii diaing room viiere as elegant banquet had been prepared le vbk.h auil dj justice. The entertalument, ai the. eventig onisted ai vocal sud instrumentai and several readings': VOLO Athur Dillon bai beeu qulte slck but la sornewhat botter at preseut. Miess 'Launa HOon ls alsa ou the ulck flot. Phil'lewry afRound Lake vas in toien Mauday. Mit& Percy Gray ai Chicago wva gussi t eh.9Eaymaond home lu asIrune1 C. 0.Huson sud family an re m lge tram Luhertyvîle to thein tarin barviiere tbej wHiimake thein homnefor eamo time. Rd eCormlet. salesman ai Franklin Mac Vagb & C., tnangacted busines lare Weduesday. Miss Mary Ranght ùt Lilartyville1 in vlsltlgreltie..lres aev veekie. Misses Elie Walton and Heleu, Raymond vere Wauconda calien lait Tuesday Mm. Chsity Raught bas retuvued to ber bomne bare aiter a sevea-vtetsViSl vitb lin. &bd Mn@. Ambre.. Raught at Lubetyville. A.d-nadors aceme haineevuoera as a matter or course-for tiioy OBI Di1 TERUSTUMD IN THE PROPETT PROPOSITON, I TElSCm. aud teiy LUÂIIN th§-in about rosi ettate. IS Je YEOIMAN LE JEWELER. d ter vbobas beem qulte etet jew days io èuî ietter. Tbi i ' '.T. U. viii hoid. an ,ork au eooriajty învited ta attend. Un. hligeti-eAta Elletige anti Mi.BvPantilsdren ai Waakegan Ppeut 09ev Viii'8 St 1h1 ll Iedge'e. Mrs.Schaaberand tii.. tabel&bhauber vIsa beioems iitin g finnd e be,. leave aturday fi'r thseiIhonme lu Mllis Emma s tiul' r sua te atteutiug scisool 'lu DeKaît. .j'ent tise hoidays Mns. Sarui Hoffl1111111 ho Was taken IKa thblagohooîsisssd ton an operstion inrepcrtsd au phtinsr uoug nieiely. Mr. sud Mm. Chanls' Barustaisie are spending a a 1ev inluChisiago. RUSSELL, The Ladin, idSs-i~ymet iitisMn, R-.G. Mmir, Tbarmlziv.1 Th»bt al ngbt nsyting ini tise cisreh vas uOatteudec im-11 emjoyed lîY the Young ne*pe. Mn. 'eO, A. Bluesr i ýentertaittiiig bei brother',.Ir. Tyre1s ssf iowa. Btbei oùpsusiil',nda.v alter a veeka Vacations. Vem'a0mve, osf s.ulkrgan la visitii)g hor anat, mn . ,sivrr. E.A. dse iis5lli ah,'Now 'er dinner wltb Xmi.Fssrissii. 1Alce ijim ente. tJllli'd a nurîuîser tsf hon fried sta sparts iuLt Weduemday. Tii. Pa4oe e .t~i tiien t lits a n îe rnlin s'e~rdlsg - Jriers, registerel luSter'Wbliehtaot. ýi-tn .nuuary l1t.' Inuisth t' suir informaîction. ws ind Siiff 9Coid t'y .VfllTar. 1h gîtes -the cold tram siii'no opiate. us v ail Druggiota. Thé [adw Ad - * ýmmse W* Mir& John Claphm n on ?aaa, ,des. l2th. A cordial invitation le ext4eOs toa&L. MUr. and Mr». Duffy, of Cinciannti, le" ïa*èrence sud tâW*ý. - M"r. chas. sn.vài' -im %riflous!; w.iW et ber honne ber.. Chestern Craker %vas a Waukewsn vsitar Tuesday. ? PàrarrVaiZandt, ai' Chicaga. visited rtelatives herte duning the holidaye,. 6eo. Kapple attendied! the meeting of the Mlihunu Insunane Co. edueeday at Viliburn." The severe coid weather and alippcry noads are keeping many trom attending the evaugeitic services beid- at the. churchthi. veek. Mr. Hamlil, who live, u thse eo. Nicholas farni had the miefortune to have hie hanse lip nid break lite eg the. tirat ai the veek. FR05! ANOTIIEI CORRESP'ONDENT. Mn. and Mns. Duniap @petit New Year'a wlth Mr. H.%wthorne. W. A. Cannon and iamily, of Zian City, spent Sunday wlth relatives ber,. Jamnes.NMgg is naw employed on the. Sean, farm. Mr. and Mrs. Sfge and twoA byas pent- New Year's ieith Mr. and Mrg. Cari Selbreek in Libertyvilie. Rev. Townley returned ta Evanston Wedîse@day morning. The meeting et tis.echureis are djscontlnued aving ta thse cold weather. Mi@@ Emmha Dix, af Wauksgaa, la mpeuding a few weeks at Chas. Snyder's. Harold Arnes returued ta sehool at Wauk egan TuesdFy morning havlng [@Iset thse holiday vacatiou at bone.. Cieter Croker and mseter Gram, spent 'Now Year'e in thse city. ,Mis@ Edua Kappie, oa iHghlud'Park, epent the holidays vith ber parente bere. Car Buffalo Gluten Ôftra'k. IIIERËTY. VILLE LuBEntu Co. . 1-4tf 6, 1911 J- --~- RUVIE'W or 6i" wIb On account of UtIllm et cf hl Eddy, WOrmer Lake Oounty Udlor' the.teacber, Hockadav athol vili Dot New Play intierillting. apen Bntil Mionday, Jans. 9. Mnr. A. E. Martin, vIs bus been slck The. Judas ai the Gospel&' for tbrme e ees ig covsls.lug. John sa: "Suppsr being end- Uir. sud Mn,. Whietonand sounoteurn- md, the. devil iiaving now put late ai ta their borne St Wseaton, MIonday. 'the. heart of Judas Iscaniot, siow tMie Helen Safford aise> reto,.ned taon$ son, to betray him."-Joiin Wheatou viiere she attends callege. 13:2. Fred Brown and Min EsisielaCi, ai Bristol, and Miss Margery Hucken, of Ie Ville, vistai bere Sunday. Mm. Matilda, 8pafford ban ber son, Sauner aud family, af Deuver, Cola.. for a mnetbs vlsit. Miss rsenie mieson in visitlng ber nephew, Mn. Robert@ and son in Chicago, thls veet. Tii. Masans af Antioch iodge 127 and Eaitern Star Chapter iseld installatfan Friday oesnlmg, Dec. 30. ÀA§ gram vas reudered and supper senved ta over ane bundred. Leslie Banner spent Baturday and Sunday wvltb elatives at LaIs Faret. Wan. Flley Occam pan iedhm lack for ashbortsetay. Misses Lulu and Margaret Glbeit ývlslted theit ancle and auist, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Banner, Tuesday and attend. sd !ha wedding af their cousin.,(iladys Stewart. Mir. sud BMnr. J. .Bonrand famiy, Mr, and Mr@. W. . Stewart, Wn. MeCredie, Mins Fllesud AnnleIs tredis and Iss eEthel Âmes ttended the. wvailai fMi" (ladys Stewart and Simeon A~eTaueday, Dec. 27 et (ornes. W. exteud congratulation. **4s &wg»dugis Mn, 1.bas ÀdameZ of ClombUoletr Nev Trt . TheIiiLme'.Aid Saciety wilU bold their regniar nsontbly meeting st the. church Jais.12. Elctian af ofioers for the. enaulug year. Dinner vili be oerved. The annunal meeting of the. Millburu Cemetery -AseSIation vil la laid at E. A. Matin'a #tore an Manday evesina, Jasn. 9, st 8 P. lm. The. MilIbujrn Mutual Inesuca., wili boid ti, anuel meeting Jan. 7 st 10 a. ns. la the Mason hall.Tii. ladies digner. Word reacbed bers Wduesday eoftthe death of W. F. Westworth at Wiumtka Sasitarumn, aged eevety.Oe jyears. Fanerai Friday at 2.80 p. m. at. Bone- MIL He m"debis home ila Milburs -'for a nualan of jearu previona tthelb.d.atb of Mn. Wentverth a ev jesie8ago elnla bsé madie bis ham. wlth bis son Mud daoghter la Chicago. Mr. went- Wortha vas a promlot mas la chlcagao la the s.rly' time.. 3e w«e cty Vtres uner there ln 1867, bien mniaagetat tthe BriggsHane s ud BDrerout hote]. »a vws bor in tLIsted, N. H., sud came ta, Chicagltu 1851. Hoeanarrled Miss M9. A. Wàrren lu 1800, vhoss fatiier wue thon manager of b iclcieretheatre. Tva children survive. Mr@. Anehbaid Browm and F.ssuk Warren Wentwartb. Eie "~j a grand eodatsd -taler lu tii Ella sud a 8uddegreeVaon. Ha va a conusinai "Long Johns" Wetwo-tii. inSt Mayor of Chicago. nakBrooks lest Wk; tisey~ voe .ouit hisr vay te on Plu thé Niagara district tu @pend the balldays Mr. sud MM. GO ie rudeio Wlthbrap HRàtiar, &peutBanudai Bt Îhe hoeR . 4,~Wlsn FIOrence brooks aud France Pandy, Whoa vér, guota O! Mn@. Eliot Bacona have rettirneti home.' -1 A. P. WeUs sund famlly, Mnr. Cannle1 Levison sud Eifford Ifeart, ai Chicago.1 viiteti Mouday at G. W. Wslo. t George Panison, ai Chicago, bas heeu sPeuaing a iew daya vltb frienda inu tua vleuity.'1', 1 Mr. sud Mn@. Friàt Brook, atteudeti the fanerai of Orlando, Brown at Ziah 'Uty ast Tuesday. Clans Pundy, of Waukegan, le visitiug et the home. af J. L. Bunnia. Rev. R. T. Holiaud spent- New Vean'a1 day at thé. home of Mr. sud Mis@ Chas.1 Pavera. Littie Evolvu Graham has Ieen qulte sick but te lmproving. Mr. sud UMe& O'Rare, Mn. sut Mn@. Eti Clark, af Guruse, speus Sshurday night viih Mn. sud Mrs. Wil Ryen and fansiiy. Tbey ail viaited ti hMn. Dietmeyernsaet Wadswontb, Sundsy. 'Most 01 thse Young People Who are' avay epeut thse hoidaje at home. Foey's Kidney Remedy An Appreciationi Me lcCouull. Catherine St., Elmina, N. Y'., writes: 'Il vish ta express 'In apprecistion of thse reat goad i dentve& irons loley's Kiduey llenedjy, vbtcb I useti fora aiu a8e af kîdney trouble. Five boutles ,lid the work most eOfec. tiveiy sud îsroyed ta me heyoad daubt lu te the most reliaiuie kidneý' ms4ltue I have ev,'n taken." For oi. eby ail l)ruggi@t. What CLASSIFICATION of thse vent adi lîtereate you eapeciaiy TO- DAY? Yan can turu ho it lu &bouit su instant--or su Instantagi.a.h»tf Luke puiste thesam* thing in this way: "'Then sntered Satan holng of the numbar of the. Twolve. "'And ho vent hie vsy, and cons- manod vlth the. ciief prieutsand Captains, iiov ho mîgut botray Hlm uhto thsn."-Luks 22:&.4. lhere la mot a particles0or leubt but thit: John W. De Kay, former Wau. kegan editar and- nov a playwrigiit snd the. head ofthte. Mexican National i'acking - Company, bas in '.Judas" written a romankable. sud even a »en- national play, offeiiug 'ta the. vorld a uev and a rather stantllng conception of Judas Isacariat, wblch Madame ab- ra Bernaat, vonlds greateet, di tbeý authon tihe uat rtao resent te, the World lu Sew York City December twenty-nlntls. CopIes af "Judas" ln Englis, tiie original,.'andi French, the: Bernhant tranislation, reached Waukegan New Year day andi were read wlth' elger- nets, due ta the, local luteneet ln the, author: Thse authon Baye "l matin noaspolo. gies lu that my Judas differe froin the, Judas af the, sacred hocha of thse est" Tiiplay late daicated ta"Ouo af, thse Un-Naým Ssus0«Meli" and la ýa brIef WSk,,4gt UaC800 of w1 ou 0f etslomé adbet#t*i.&h.b einon. and &ee"i fealty constimo. tiens l i t nua ci $Pit mIultwee Judas.,ithe nole talon by» Sarol Benniiart. lea anovel snd oves ses- sational conception, as stated. Juas ta pictunod, flot as the. vonlda greateat traltor. flot éas'theembodi- ment aofnsaliguancy, flot as the. bai- legs vlctim of predlstlnaILIon. créated ta evil sud te vork an -svilidestlny, but ase a frleud ofThe Cl'lta lover, a droamen. a vould la nouions leader himeof. STORY 0F THIL PIECE. lu the play Mary Magdslee le ropreseeted au the mistresof Pou- tiua lilate. snd the. prologue opens witis Pilato cutting the. tien that ind hlm ta Magdailue, making a cholce. betv.en hen, a Joewlsh womai, snd bis ambitions. Mary thon hecames a voman cf the streots. Young Judas, a mas et thurtY-live. fi meaistime n foikv'.i of-'the. lov Nasoron,sud la attracting attention ta hlmsoif iiy utterafcoe, strafge te the, tinssnd Place, la regad -tu 4 ligous doctrine, sdrootlsg sMu es r sistauce, love instead, cf bote, Mdt the, rest of the principale that bal since become universaL ýAltbomgh ho soeins mot ta reallso it, b, te but a reflectlon cf the. Christ aud hua téaing&, au 0010 11151 bqý Ileves fbimgau o othe ti.origaslVolt Amomi thonseattract abs'ut. lis and prechma astea 7 M. fUe, nov'w, bI oWU wdofie eme, a: gatnersI uur Judqat u5csloyne iii ed He aannot, roui. fiat ce love et PilotesndUlater tbë'We '-iushave .-s"- ' -' J- » purifiai hon ot the ,locf meu. ,He proceed d ecar fl'evefr bar, vison aise tele.biii atuta tythât aie cannoa sjr ýore love mens. B$hopro- villa- upn lim tpa aceéph atrace durini vlàth tey aie ta e. e Beus ioving each otiser as teilow Chistiaus -'ouly. -$FES THIE GREATEXR LIGI-T. Judas masstlme le, tiie aitbtul efol- lover, disciple,- sud frieni aof the Christ. reilecfung bis I.ght. dreamlg ilmaeif tliat hso le a great leader and redeemer. It lasbMar)' who avakens i m te the neai trutb, that ho Is buttise »ec- ion. Meeting ber ln a ionoly spot, ho agalu declare.,s hlove,,lnsistlng that ho laves her asuinsu loves vein and tisat sho must lave hlm. Mary crises lupaluoti surprise that thîs canuot b.. Tiien' JudssatrIppei, i the limer cloak ai imýnsginiîs itis vbicb ho hai sarrouuied_'himMeit. bocoss l ,.AYSL A K18 DEPARTMI3NT P. J. mt'u, iE oPh..No. il dors Takon for Job Wori Adverteing Ratesa On Application MMW@ter fe beft bock et tbcs. vIn c etluct, vbicb spqm 1 FUI te Blb Tisis euhlme Phu UmIt. W 'ork.1 ciosei vItà, a tahlos lu uhiel itItoisewl trayer orf-th. obh* voman. lovu Mi sud the mqb, Iu' aditiosm Il; ssni a tao aht P Judas. Thé »edbt "Mi. o ety nord t, k bevard lua m rends s w*eul u P dnosby 11 ý i d As the Pl" b.ORMua are Do doubt houss'w not vlaoroa*tisyad este Mr. Deicay, huaiponkug tud ta agree, eoalini Novontboleg, Mir. De"a plishai a vont er ait; asw a plty te o msuck'a sonv» expnoaod.lit se omd a P ont beiolia *15 fier wv York. Notice of ApplleutIonfa0i luere Mau.s, lnslug the venen sd Iléloo sbowib9 ail -thse vlteiiy humeur char- Ib actenlattca. Rie hurla a verbal Javelluah Mary fi Maîtalene. - am ",You hlave muichtie Nuasrone," ho Yeu cries. "Y-ou love hlmi. He la bad i. nh semer thas I." of the .Stssng by tise charge sud ail ita n*oud t iuability 0f Judas ho s ise eat1 ea the 29 0f bils owu master sud thse Master ofaSt the the. vonîi, Mark then barei, tise. oul sli C of Judas tohinseif. appeai Shnklngly the telle Judas tsat 'h. I Any: le flot the leader of bis raetiepo sud seer that ha thaugbth bineif, but DoM tihe relecttou et a Gret t l4t, the lgbt et the Chinst; tiiet ho le not 80 binseit a vaic,, but tise reio«coe a Volce; tIsat ho ta sot mae te fatlàm - ' bîtterbees, ae , have nOMAS ta act018 clos hi for the Mépte#4 seemInt te r~ xmeelv tb humble fcllover*ofj b, absolute puity *Mr, association. To, binacoin. fMead* "O tbat as b. bas boenioiisg Nazarene snd bis mm ýW daja, tuée.lea ILsiie. littl i cie about thIO. ban stolan r(nsej ttamn1 Othesand qite Ro ,ns'ueê bMt fot haft bhl or lt arO. hlm trona btiilmsaob Judos â i. loerJdst" taien athued u«das »th us, cleeriy anlte tUint ubd Juds ites bothe rist la; tisemo frolicthe m fIe vhssr telo 5veJuas he il ----- ---------