jrOrdro alé. fo ' * rs Advertieing Rt«sOn ApplIcation =*Ya 0=-1lb boplIaIove am 4. oves' LL 1Y ard l PennfOf heumatsm AAf:tw-.e yers « 0fvsryliad voilt a& ehumti . !b»V m in 'lls..- i.Dudhjl ai à0 Urt. " m lr.Robér1 Ha rem e thlb ibu %Ic ofi atasurprIse party oas lit BPB loel74ttb veddlng anverryJmm.4. * 4f Zusu Ime vas reportai by çpli tb. liystlc Warkers held thlir aunai PU'- imlallcn of oflelers lest Tburaday b veamag. M!<rgay Ricb le ick witb lagrippe aI lt s boue of ber daugbter, lirm John Ï Mores on Center Ave. for Mb ierMauHook eturned t10 ber sciooi dutte liundey afler à tva veoks lb ise Ela Doolittle je e.ek vltb rtlagrippe. '~TI hlm. uttiu Oeaion lies been excoPtionatly good thîs seasan. The tentu distule oflIlloo" Podeation of Wcmsas Uubo IltWodidar et Wilue, lt.. Ëirqort viii b. given sI lmu.WM. S~,lga sud daughtor recoutiy relurui om tbir vislt *lth Krt. 0p~9g amolle. lun-l>unylvaula. Kappph £& O.UittI. complt:1 lb. vank ôf'$Wll *le@ Iceousseabout tavu lI Wednoeiay. Thelie Iecrop ves «moptbonbây goad Ibis yesr rang- Ibo boas 12 tu 14 luchses o et miacor We bave jemo uved ie bongmeu ot Pure <Jmtla op, 50 lb.ta b. soldaet.. the «M cld rate. lwo 10e bars for 15c. Greyslake Pharnasg. The date utl for lhe Masonle bai lai Frlday evoalng, lmn. 20. Rouai Lake wilb. early compietod r frma se t Imiope On se. 30.910,L A Ibiss, Ba.bRuDolitie, ofiWarreulon, caltai on ~Oii ec. 0.191ofhiR Be. Wm. W- Neveu1, W. t. forunery offrime d zsjdoatvsçhere 'Fuqo ley., aseabou o*elIdaccu St. Tce, &dïz@en téGpepletekeh OsL .C. 10. Morue a citiasi f I rfldi dot ei lIe peopie t lb To vioiofgastk er. grleved end ma nidaoldier Co aLé gatiîu buc tstSndytoaterof lb. deatb of Ed Reneban ncea»y C. Mcrss va.botin 4 mo v nd-vni hlcb macrrei steolSeturdey night nt e i@ , à A.g5l i. 8». u.geved E. R. Maor, la e pending a few veeko his home veiof loubd Lake. lMr. oser four yesrs lunlbhe r cOflbe nTex. look g aler hie lutereet tbere.iRoue han hb oomla pour healttbsoersat ,ebeiion hebug amaore l fr»1 oIIs$Irvin -Kook J.f tWeduesdey tl aie up yoare, bat hie rouent illtues vo f short » ompay C. 87tb Regl.oaclt 0*010 hi e aool vo kut the M&liitary 5ecool datation. 'Tb. fub"sel vsbeldWodiies. TYoînteere, of vhlch b u i -fl*d et RacIne. Wli- day et the Catholle chutreb et Foi Lake .4SetumL la it I a brlavea B. J. Loflu. and wife @petit Suuday et sud berim et Fex Laie cemtery. bicà o186, vra nilIbt5SrtlgeOB*,The WoM-tk's Club viti meet vlîh to Neiary'An'nLewis l Md r h.5iil¼caotorbu~ Mrs. L. .obdeIi et tber lo regufliar 5Ova. Whoucedath oceuruoiab*1oMtsix Csuuieg Ca., 'h.înrted w[tb bie vite itosieiig, Tluiradas evealag, Jeu. 10. qili us. To tèsan v ous 1 tour weel lot e ,.%vw veka vieil vlthb ci Tho Modem Waodmou and Royal -~~~ ru;cuessud uos.finosrarcase, .Now York.. Nogibora viiloi a joint iustaUttou maiaà l&Bd ran. D,fa. Ir* %d PIb@HOmhnadet Canning Co., have ut offM esoiudsy eveniag. Jen. I& -~~~~ Mr, atin la 41 rentai lb C. 0. Smith faru for theTheo MoI)br m itirfmlsa ,#. rse lun hie eaxly degi (oO pIOecomlug ysar. , cordially Invitei. A banquet viti folov piscineof lsv andi vol gIât tim The amsny rionds ber. werg sorry <> the Imaniaà n téomed o asof lb. Mu#rinnt lta of the euddeu destb, Thureday Arthur Smith. of Boîter, Mo., le vieil- lavyera at tb. Laie cOul e ai ought. Jan;.ti, aiflUre. Elize Mdillet, vifs lng hie urcle, E. F. i3hank anid tmity ai *ae a e tnime a a 1vPsUMusij< C e ot Alderman Rcuben W. Milter et Laie llalnusrlté. Rejiseker. of Wankffl. R evusaiBluff. Thom w ho aetlended ber faneraIlMira« Chas.Lange sbipped a carload of semwber ut tI.. Mauni O:do ama" 0o hum wot. ier eousine: lira. JOhn ept h4oMnaeviig Ilbmoea Jdy u dnieu 01t Urayebý, Lo)abbW, Nrs. red, Kuebker, lir.aeptaCtuo ina8eoig ab. funosil vo bd inidaq,&e ,2, ni; Auguet il asn ad . it. ed re. Wm. Miles Winifred CcanrbP. of Oak-Park, la laaise.h beit. u'. cUble cilbai. L Wilmnamstiauxbler, of Zeuda, Vwia. the gueïbtffrieude bar.. durci oMWcatod; burlu "1018111fl ut Ormî$iLook, of hiaio, trauimeted Da't forot tlebihg mosk bail et la Omivooc5d entey, WaukMWL5ge. ininse bore à] ouda.. Round aie Solurday eveuing. - - urt nmittt lm aftlndt.a huaiti Sporting19,6M . ttoge ai waukegau. IAdreaders become bome-oîer o ThIs Grydako bawllg mmm W.. lire.L. Y. 11k. snd lire. John WeAsb a malte 0fNcTUBe-e lyGTXi toaaw ai liuim enlag ly (I. isrw*. bum a vas fetperteb theti. rgaeejPROPOSITON INS 'PRIS CI'Y, sad ,M taam. lb evo ta«» eare lb Wossme .41mb 1b t e Slluig oftheb.1 hey LEARN ties&bout resI ete. @mb"ola. id liI atoba tIUayIbo u e 'w lie coei* istaus«et ted"mo àa 0 ea*aAb~b Ilo,~msalag t î~WakUfer' *pwh mm.ilo M,,- r.d royenwal near -frontu m 1@Mbg rotureil£Aidresa AL VMTIRDICIL DISPEIUIT, $àMDerborn et. CIICAO. ~W4RRMO-r. seru ta -not aîravoliîng. u5d esu unilye conasnted eathie W5pIa.O.çs,.,A Iîerson s rpresent- 1U tIeiielVeSs asag.nts or ps.ttaers ams l*.aie*sud ahal be deait vitI s ach.r OU. orlers uearly stways se- cur their positions thraugb advertIs- .i4g or qpsverlug ada. For "busines $doos. Inout etvays, ln a "business if Il's a Job for a want ad DONT LO-JVE IT TO A PLACARD! t il iOIinOOt reseutMet .sao id.oe1 JAÉES L. ovAYgd~s Wsukssau. lu.. j"Usry .iiL Adjudication NotIce. Jesopi Douar.deceird. MU wjc mi. <3uuCmlt Lake Jounulu. a4 a ta e Iidenuu sthle cou rt Husela à 1 oa sai OgunIt on lMe inrsIli dyet e raiS1. wt.ven and wi.erso5.somm te o aah t idsaise M XIOKASL DOBZ;Z& A*"*=-Wot vagerten. JBMn*179. UiO. j *ÇVmuel l.de u i ovof- ie s Smvr faig à nuw. Nderfisi in ils "oi intho- !fdbut itlel tcosta e irifle m > add bit eau imImm. . ut Pl 's'y ini thebad »=-h. Mss I I L I$J.,YEOMAN. TI-SE WEE.R [~URNRE Tv. ebdMr. of Mr. A D molae vor m ilpnenniO. vel " dSs bis sbop lotsa1kW d"I& resles frc,C Dada lust vil. Bd reeman anid famlly 0f Wankegs ver. gues t L. vý. Bracher'a Sunado.y. Fermers are bu&, .v>îîrng ice wbich la of good quality. lMr. and lMre.-- ilock'wiii aecupy the chttendefl bouse formeuly owned by -C. .l. Brown. Rl. B. Disan il in T,,xas for a fov veeko. Leslie Mcl'.,Ire vent vth hiu vanuIewsyouni vîîited fieudsaet Libertyville o ver-*iiiideY. liMr. and Mr.To Ui ray, ai Wankegeu r'vers visItera ber. Sunday. There wasuno prabeiug ber. Suadai as lb. postar and li8 wife are vlltiug relatives lu Bt. Luia. They expet ta Le beenet Sunday lire. Cota Hegtart and daugbter. lira. (Iteunnieodger vlalted the poil * veek di lire. Haggurt'B parante. Mr. anm ia L. Mutaw. Tbey came-to Weulogau vbre \Ire,. Rodger hlped Istell theoilceràof !the Easteru Star, ab@ being lite Grand Onganltothte abt. of hlIlucs. AVON CENTE John Cssbmore I. înoviug frItuthe ee Beiru s ae to Banaesviîle.ý H. A. Behrens audj ilinily are recaver- ing trou lthe lagilp.. On accUnt af the okeeu 0of ine IFiiolttle. @lV'ee hlool vas ctoaed IbIs R.A. Behrens made~ a business tnip la Obleago ou. day tamt week. - Ond of Thanks. W. vIol lu.liuk the uelgbbore sud frMnaai otiie siuger@ for lIait cordeolMm'paIby ut tb. deaiL of aur )J unlas. Lio BÂnYSTABLE. TAYLoeOMVI. H. C. Am elmactod businessla Mr. ai Ulm GorgeIawla vel eMmi o Julssaoby lb d$«1et b laMait brotWs. Tbq' ismiapsi bak rdleves liais.- Ber. Sanus apen Sed"41; un Iidg Word vms recived bore- Thnradmy of lb. d.thb of J"al Tomkina. lira. R Sus vows viii iii. duins ths lut wesk. PueraI vas heu Saturdal- *Mie Joie Eddy begen ber ochoot el lbura Maniary ailer tva veu vacation on accouat cf ic"nos. Mir. aud lira W. H. ryer'returned trou tbeir visit lu LaFarge. Miss LaVeras Neweit le visltimg ber grauduiother. lire. Bsn Kagan, of Highland Park, 'a vlslllug t M.KA. loga. Warren Whlllaiuon la vislting -lu Waupa, Win. Th. Ladis'Aid and Mou nt Rut <Jouelery Sacle0m"sViii nmetl'vith lits. WIII Oliver, Wedeeiuy, Jen. 18. lira Spencer Crawtord la sick vith tagrrippe. Blanche Oliver la vlilltng triends la Kenasha. E. S. Faulkner and fauiiy, of ZMan Cty, &pent Sunday hb. RUSSEIL The Ladies' Aid Society vas veil atlended et Mmr. R. G. irile'.. Myrtie Corna ospent Snnday vîtb Barbare Obase. lir@. 6. A. Siver spent part of lest veek in Mlwaukee. J.*R. Corrîs and W. J. Melille veto Chicago viitor londey. Dr. Lowîn ettended the milk aueting ln Wenkegen latsaturfley nigil. Evuybcdy maeocalcuilan lacorne la Rusasil to the Fermet'. Insitut. la February. Announcement jeter. Jaes. Jecoaon, of itockford, vliod a tuvrday. vlîb Viclar Straug. Mise Etbetl McOuire spent several deys ln Chlcggo the putt vsek. Tii. bInsurace, meeting vos veit alloadod Saturday vith meuLera trou Gurno.. Lake Ville, Antocb and Liberty- vill. Missaeslean sd Ruby Hughes, of Gunues,visitai triondo IntaIbis ,lclitv Saturday. %ev. A. W. Sfford officlated at the tuerai 0f lira. Oser in Chicago lionday. Aloi Hughes left Monday for Urbana, Ilit., vhere b. viii attend sehoal for e fow vooko. Mir. snd lMra- Wu. Thom sud lMr. and lre. Deuman etteukded -tbe Poultry show lu Noaukoge Ibis week. Born laelMr. and lire. Oeo. Bafford ln Chicago, J«n. 6, a eau. 1Mr.* BaDord leaa sou of 1ev. A. W. Safford. The Ladies' Aid Society beid thelr meeting >Thureay. The, tollawlug ladieuseorved dinner: lire. J. B. Bonner, Misses Agnes Bonner and Carnie Bator., Liaten for weddlng bello la Ibis viinîty foan. FOX LAKE M r. and lir. John Baltey loft Tuesday for St. Petorshurgb, Fia., vheroe viii spend tho balance of the vluter.-' WuI. Peter" vae taken b Ithe Lakesîde bspii ut1ChicaOga, Friday vbere h. undprvent et operation. Mien Ada Spniing.i-oUbertyvîlie, spent Suncsy vlth ber ulster. lir. itcea. lire.E. 'W. Lauhug and sou, Rdgar, of Corraionvblo.Iowm, sud lire. C. Spriug 0f Libettyville, visiiued rotatives hore Thorsdmy. Mms. ea. Hall antertaiued bot alun., lim. H. L. Seotl, of Libertyvîlo el Tbursday. Robt. Lîlvîler, Whoalbas been sou- Ptuyed by idu Morue & Ca, for the. poil twu vesksretaned 1w his home et Libertyville, Salurday. e. SmithbBraonlaatteddtnglbeflremeu'o convention et Penn ibis 'reek. Douglas Wail, ai Cry@tai Lake, le speudlng a few veeka vitbhie parents ber.. Otto Muer.bke vallîd on friende boe thiâ viot. Jo. Adom nissd tamily and Mme. lMier viiti relatives st Sprlng Grave, Sun- d"y. lr.".Kîtehan visitai retative* et 'brti Las Lilso hvauhmo Mr% P. . Ç91o071% Wetlu YOM HM Mr-td aMi Litsndcob FertI lave Isa S mtlhe û 01 but sa lmproviqg. Mma.Jo.bDiam Mdi bRhy emol o hW dsys miel hWtmollet, lts.Bouse et Blameai LOis aotir., Ira Hokhdld l mgr »t sd Joe brookimaId 110817 M; sal udey aI Le. Eddy's ayolud HoUWrlg, wviehmbas a da* lor lbPm *WCvomoulus eu>l mil mit (oelMbu obooL -,qmmuIPrtim4,*h bu asusa. lor o lb phomo* »» mmv as b pipp& li e tànrstd 4-i' Rails si et ]svii Mima ssaeet. lia. oie, wut IM u nMissGres Wttoou's place <lad Salu#da.y mormlug of iropey and heutfahuas. Tbey came boe savetat yauro su md bougbb lhe Wllliam mitlaceM. Win. D"eoson eslled ou friende la lhie vicinity Sunday.- David Adamo and lir. 6. W. Wells vers caWdto Chicego lionday hy the. severe ilinees ai their brother, J. B. Adamo, vbo is et tbe Mercy hoapitai. Notice cf Application for Probrae Wili Sitîse fIlilinois40 Labo Couoty Ta Cunognada Welnnd, Robent Weaud, Julia Sebastien, Clarm Weiend, George Weiemd,itFrntx Weiaud, Margaret ]lesser, &Ur Scboeuberger, lIre. Kate Briest, Michael Scboeuberger, Peter Rotnald, Kate Becteuwald. lisry Humes, Kate Veneoitz, Williamx Reclen- vald, Louisa Itectenwa3d, Helena Taylor, Anea &hoenbersor, Margaret Fesiat, Thoeasue Lee Marie, Roeine WlIlkm mma e leua, John Onuber, Ftaml GantIer, Kate licCotu, Miagdalona Baunbeck. Kethorna Boinol, Crollne Wilson, John Weleud, lileisotWlsnd,lira. liary Gilidort, lits. Cathorine ODVonuotl, Wili Gunîbeit oui lbe "unukown' beira et 1ev ai Jacch Welaad. doéosod,"Ite f Lake Ooualty, Illinois. Ton are bereby natilied that epPlica. tiom ha. boom made ta tbe Coanty Court of Laie County Ilinois, for tb. probato cf tb. yul of .iscob Weiead deceand, oui tha lbhe erlug of the pvoat Of sl il hmi a beanutelby oald Court for tbe 28td day of Januner, A. D. 1911, aI iJe.iour cf 10 o'ciock la the forenacu. ah tb. Court Houes Iu Wanbegan, lu sai Connty, vbeu and cher. pan eau appeau, if pou see lit, and show cause, if anmy ou bave, why sald vîli obouli ont be admiltai ta probete. Lav A. Hbain.;, Couuty tCerk. Decembor 27, 1910. 14-8 What CLA8SIFICATION of the veut adInltoreste yen esxeclally TO., DAYT You cmntumt t tulaabout au lasant-or mau iustat.andivalf. Arn Awful ToN CoM«stedS bg Cooumprta. .MMg Un- necessro Deam. If people could ouly understand tha aYotemlc catarrb .Jo an internai ise ttisaI external applications cannot, cure, tber vould not need ta bc varued an oflea about IbIs matAdy,, hich vben ueglcto, Paves the vey attentimes for coneumption, at the cooltf 0fmilIlône of fi- . verYsyear. Yet caerrb may b. cured, 'If the rlgbt treatuent ja omuloyod.' Theeoniy vay -10 snccestflty treal cetarrh la by employlng eainediclue wbich le aboorbod and cariela by tbe btotSd 10 ail patta of the syslom. so0thet tb. mSunamembrane or Internat tiniag oi the. body le bondtup and made capable of teaietlng lb. iylecticuaiofcon-. sumptian and atier diseaes *. bave a reuedy prepared trom the proucriptoa of aphysicena vb for tbirty yearse tudled and medoe catarnhâ a opecislty, sud viorne record va. a patient restored ta beth inl evor cse vbere bie trealment vas fatlowâed prescribed. Thel remedy le Rfe~ilincuu-Tono. W. are ou pooitive that il viii camptetelyavercome cat.arrh in ail IWs varions forms, vhet o cte or chronie, thet v. promise t» ratura every penny paid us for the mediclus lu everY'case. vbera I faits or for suy reesan do.. ual satisty the uber. 'le vent you to try Rexlil Mucu. Toue on aur necomreudalian and gOurantee. W. are right bore vhere yon liv., sud yan do flot cantract auy obligation. or rk vhea you tny Itelait ItucuTne aou r gunreteé. We have Rezali AMuca-Tone In tva sirest" 50 conte sud $1.00.. Very Uftn th aking of Ous 50.cnt baIlle la sufficlont to maie a utarked impreosion upon the. case. Of cours lei5i l~e o lnger éncb InstancesiAstht.. 01.00 bottin. Remeuber yau can obtain Seirait Reinodiee la Libertyvitte caly et sur s;tor-The ItexatI Store. Docker d .n kt r. hi t 4 1 t mi DP, 0. -F, DLTTRELD, VETEEINAEY SU10801. LIsisANT @TATI VNU5IAUA. Ltberlyvllle. Illinois, DR. C. R. GALLOVAY, oFfice avIa LOveLL'S DauG mnea. moua-rom 1 te 3 and 6 la 8 p. m LIberlyvlo. Ufluols. PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTOINET AT LAW. lýlberty villa, Ilnols DE GOLbING DENTIBT i Heure 8 te 12 a.m.-l te6.p.m. vilb'Dr 3. L.Tlor-bne 19 lIes. Phone 1092 LIbertYville.inuois DIL E. H. S&M DENTIST. 3vE8 .,aaCoux-vt CATINAL sang. miss-S te 12 e. nM. »d 1-lth a P,. m DAIL!. Uhlàertyv.le. ijilmoh ML 1.LL TAYWYR OMM OVea 4. EU. TrUGeoa z.ue souas:-? te 10> m. nm. 2 la 4md la S p. ý. oesie&i on -Brcadvey. oppoSes Part. iourlyvùie, ilsiol. S£Oau 8p- etmuir W N d. m- Pari vu. . 'Hme Svuol romp, suug lu Ovudisih. IHkeOb ou-selsaI Usoer Bodm eu store, Saturdoy moruaiJeu. 141h. The 1111h Inatatiment cf spoclat0018Ms. ment No. 2. for constrtucllcofccnueoàM soer systein, la nov du.eamd pu&"]*t on otrLefore Feb. 10, 1911. cl16 Notice la botuby given le ail versons Iuterested tbae sa luotslmouî too port oI f lb e amomfle novw &0 for drainagapurpasa for thejear 1910. ln = tying v1"lu îe Vut 8roktu Drahuae Ditrict lu lb. e,ét of Lake Mmd Iote of Ilibola MW llb . snemutl b. poil t Frmig IL Kn troasarer cf mud iletulclait 0 the Laie Ceniy h l Uhbitrlvl, ililuola, oo r baai « _ lOtb iu cf Merci, A,.1D. 1Q11, u la damta.o1f sc peuehlbaing trace of lend uen %960 ~4Su. mutlofossoaomeml rsmlus fdvil- be aold aoarl to levI.Jsv l Dotai Ibis 2»d day of Jèm'try, À. ID. Fuéaxux S. Kex, Preurer aofIlthe West Sbokle Draiage oterice. - DO you knov thalte. ayle oboSg Mofum o (f î oo d mcolh. lbuBp giv. h te e a very Ià"tta o-o gp Doa'I cb.ck lhe stove pipe damU10é»' csûy. eo Pymolie ImalsiNlt Ege cen gel Ilfrcnt lb.o. (,.mb tuavus ncugi mli spom lata lw mole sem mid m.ois ye« rumbh lMo nai0 1 1 IR 1=1t. 7i X4Z ix U ym ouarpti" a I lq ba " lm t W -i beot. gambeof yen amIOflWup &round our ut6ey and wvo #a a,~( earry il ourwisl1 >' J. E. lieveditî uI blmepomw tw* propcositionle taouflandmm bustes«a, for lb. purposace wbls i%1Ji, -propossi taeun-&lwmtai emouai me 810,000 of capital stock 10 lca investora. Caudai 10"09«"M *Il courted and It la .bW tai 10 * Ils caDrera aistrlcllcail " amwpehpw k homeuffl aI lia beai aMdm di"twl and olllcers througbout l. 1wlnWeoffl meeting la to b. liii at *eh & fita expianetion viii Le giveailthepehIbai stock mubocrlpticuesodeils. John Scback, gouletempacys. 0( J.W. Butter la tu yod Mi» Josaphine, lavi.- the latter enpioyed st tbe Lib ,*og hôtel, on Wedunday, Jan. 2U, There le ta beegraxbd bal aits, T Bal, Fridow mog, Jan. 27. Msde b Hapbe'. Orelbeeva. The Ladien Aid Society autlbe iW. bhurch vill serve lsupper &0thé. .9, Cbnrch Purlim Doit Thuredog Ev.m(o Jan. 1 9. Supper trom 5 an. Admission 25e Dr. E. H. Smith bave. Suna"y for CInclanati, Q, tu> b. gare a weok. Regular nevices et the Levrnce missionglandey elternoon et 8:80aund euch Banday Ihereetter natif furtbier notice. gi Thers ld lo beoa m aichlà..bowling A et tii. Llbertyville aeye 1'lnrdy Mabtghe, b12thb btween Weuttsgandas Ubeflyvhll. boir. The LlhsrIjvllle Rmb o z t"Ms vou thlii rot ofoasebe e Mmeas bonsGroaab.Mondéa iUÏ the Uàberville slleysbye ato o P'Ine. 'I'besecond gae M ulb. ~I iu (iravsitie p riday nitg, Ja&.~ ex.ilo mOeulake wlls, the dss.iag, witt b. plaied là Wauk«mgen b.fov. tn Tbnrçdayigît. Next o'i *0 Courus Kart laïussa, tb@ Swodib bmlW and imperouator. la the.unaff Uslb on lhe Lyceéunsul»orlaàmt*u.mlmaow* lb. Town Batl, Wedaseday mIt, Jau. 18&bi. Tue nwtrtaier cumbfbl, recuum*awdnd, bl>em, bid tu ee j s«Pelâmes se e platlor. oe'ss- Enh sloy et 'Thuimniaoau,-- n i0xpsemxlhalku 01cfoielge et%* speeci es »d ecos, l@ mmgfus Uèukooe wo IeS!rreectly mbosc. blibesl qpse. W-Weil neMuU .pwr L Biasûpica et ow"i."4 wcsvoy, n'?bâmoaim ,,sm. FaitI L Qu"o ee..m fi.u ParI JXIL Isses bon UboWlte plage: Ih" hUX" 0~111 " 'E a vombeb" JUU o sae ix" maieh perlp t Y'. " Part I . l 8p ai Vi l&Ill-AS. i ý uves 1 Wlth the lee more than thirtecu lu- chen ln thicînes e tig bouses are heing fÉued an raply os possible e»4 hnndreds of car loads af le are heing sblpped ta Qhlego and other ctlig. nightly. In peut rears It bas becu the fplan of the coinpe us sip al af tbe early c.t of the barvest, . but this year 1tbas been found Impossible ta get the. cars ready for tbe bareost, and the hci"e are belag tllled flrst. The. (icaZo compaulco vhIcb began operetlons lnclude the Knickecrbock- er, Jefferson. Teves. Heagaes, Levier, Imiti, Dettins Brothers and Boyle les comnimnlée, and la addition la Ibis. tevo are Mxix ldependent concerne nMo Uatelgie et Twln Lakes. ThIe cniy bnudings oisUg P aree tPad- docks e v nl té e PevuBrotbMa ara eeeclag t» Iv» e 'ou. vhlit le eXpestaiviiib. miftai s 'oa. il ha*X ge li lait oeulx oftIbe tuîe upply of lIe cltyofCi ulmo. vin béla cet en tlb. KOmoslacu-nty tales thia usaae..-Ks.naNéya. F.eys Kldney Rsmedy 1 Anx Aferellt 1 L.li WsaI, oboaS., ia *11 Dssdy vlte 'fi bl ta, *Mtl voU m Mi ê Uut wai Yosibu- omi ioula tels ~ * lbmmlrliit jlamM d1 ' iak Forer oois bu un à A les agmue"lhe " l vrtlm a vint ai-sud = 11,1oa laiprep. ----5S ~ ~------- Ice Raryest on