Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Jan 1911, p. 5

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l'LQIJR psu' Mapl Syrup hOME NMADE SAlI UýORsALIDav- 4.J. EUI TRIGGS lhm 25 Pho. M istg.shirts, #4 tptié icreglai SI1.0 tao ým"ebiew%1Jè they leît A of Triangle, <v plyUinen CoIlars: the15e to fo r $se il o* site, um lighlly eoiled. White they lest theq go et s *b ,OVFRUOATS, LINFO SH4ORT COATS, CAPS,.-aId Swselt00 et gneatly redetied prUe Afew pair oor noya Shoot, to tellmes high as S2,60Ordurlng 0" èqi thay il go for $1.76 About four'tûüz. pair mens %worlc eloés. itood heavy stock. te det 01.76. Those aretaMl barjins and wili be dispose d of et 1h. price quoted. Cetides thés* w. have aur reSular stockt of mneFu« sishingaset prices Ihat as low as qualtyv.i permit. WE COURT IftVESTIGATriori. YouR moNEY SeACK IF No BATISFIEO c c, ILI BERTYVILLE BRIEFS1 8-L.OA^.NO PIERSONAL. MENTION Te In«» epubtàWon ln the Indepen- denté nom? muet b. tn the offiee no Inte, thon Tuesdsy of ».ch wo.k. Adver- igaon. espieialy. are aeked to, take partîcular notice te this efieçI. Ceu lose 1. exit tu, lpea, ut Il tabou inu>godly people a loua turne tO fol Doit. Mir&. Henry Steble was cll.d ta (ileuroe, linhs week bytbe serions tlîles, of ber father, Mr. John Dooscb. The moarsehueet a moan in, the lms he affecte the air oainlt. The affectation 91 sanctty lesa Mot on the f ace aofxlty. W. E. Davis wae lu Sprngfield this week la atteudunce upou the auuu nl imeeting of Ib. State Board of Ag- culture. Benil. K. Bell died Wdnseday ai *drapos. Re vus elgbl.y-throes jors od. But al was ouLakeaidecemetery Frite>', * Jas.Oh lns. Emagene Hall undt son Lowesî *aubeua, Ws e. are guesteaof Mr. aud Mire. Edward Bayesnta ther rélatives boeubauts. The Royal Neigliburs are ta iustsl ut their usaI regular meeting, Jan. 18 Sienîhere urgedtuw give lîctot this and Ie nbnIdt-itnutSes lie. ron au. itnàl8hàr wthili fn.c:als of the lMetbodist ehnvcb WteInesdayight intlîetiret quaerty> ean!ermnceoaithe year. 'I bae sle somethlbX thut ai l themoMe> lu ilia wrslîl me powèriees ta cbeck. eud d that le the- auward nareh i a gret moral pineiple. Ob Reudes-Ever met wlîb un>' serions accident wihle.traveliug? Heupeck-Did 1? 1 met My wiie whld l traveirg abrout. 'n. C:3 ~Dand viii old its unauni 's 17 J. Be MORSE & CO. teveiythlog for lion UBERTYVIL£, Ulf = sy mS«JO M4d«.00.f« r t ssteW ffefSe e prd"tIesuts.cacmm gea fis-aee job-guaséml* a me a apéata. Ca. urthsfworesOmeafmeit lbeiw Il ieedwSasnmiilaOi.swla, £sdnffk Mastef IsvW4 9W m** 0. iSh W. AINES inatlmolenoges" bylb metlsede Spectadts and are fifted with a poémuet substantiel guarsntee to id iminediale roflet. Exemninatlon froc andi prices for bath Spectlol and Eyeglasses are neaserm >C. A. Beswick, BUL-LE? LOIBRYI Report of the Condition ofiThe l'iret Natouel B"14 Libertgville, Ilmis., At the clos. of Business îlenuary 7, 1911. dwaunts ..... ..... ... 6. .8 Sonda....itio........00 'Itls. tc..........30.74.4t, I tlîhusi...... ...1.O.70 80tl.e -wue........... 08.W3.90 100.W ... ... 1iý ýi- 22.0 .S?"-. 12. 2.2m ul.0 T ea 016.0 .... ... ... ... LALrrtxe. obaita stock siod lu.............. a tait s~dNoes onltedqu, . CW 1w dvmitésubleet ta dbaok.I Daadceetloates ai depol .. tte5erffd tor taes................. TOMa................. MJIPais. OOUNTI asLAg, - .141erY, Oêle. ai hie st.oyoeamed .hsuk du olemnuli sues Ibo - C . A. B. 5OHNAECBELE, Nets"P Io 1'âa' Ba:,l lrday nîgilt. 17P.b.10h. lit 1'ýIV tnilo;n. e~.nd tise baud boys are tedate in iuiud usudj ý pa. ta le ee.I Tise tin li>have moved [raom itui,:agü itto the home 1purebnsed b>. Stltem anl £î.wvuuîee avenue acowu bel-,j t1 e tlUtPs .opIus-. r. L.ittner formerl>' Mis. Dueuhaster, sud llved et ivaubee. Tue lot jpuvcbused b>' SI. jasepL'o PMatI M - -a la ti eka ziarN î«I& -levem es useuosutriou samoteldossibl. ovat l O.W. Relue bu»eobun oem Shf *UoIb II bl betyvübi q ia - tr ou daisb #Mwt.g. Has tmàelfor 82-00. AI n guramtssL DIf pumeS eira" elanrences tramu ldbesviye, Derlsd, <lsvle, Park Tam coflscor PredCrola I«x"dla la rndrsie bis bonite lueaveekaad bdie a wsek aiter fia I vi h e parel Sa ruslvejour marne>. Tou amar, yWhu nt hieplaim fb»Sam orlt0molho WU be alle os aM X49 M* have tej %iUws7 iews 'iodet mi jos eos'ê aveU l. PaSionla t Min osa s- genege bulit ounlthe lot of vhleb bis Machine sEop acuples a pan, su unde gnound gasalle tank sud a power air pnmup. 'Otherof lbe zmodern conveun." ta b. faunaInluailfiret cl"magvaasMr. ,Laieocb m'il bave lu bis, and Librtptlbe car avuen vwill b. vel 'provîded fer lb. tauig eeo, as Weil "ste trausient Libertyville Io experiencing the ils. in milk values, lu fat keeplng pao. wlth île larger and mare casiuapolitan ueighbare pi the laitéebshrs. For a lime the indîvîdual dealers hrs Iguared the advauce price as Indicated iun oepaper Item@ but now the>' are «boestiug" the price. At tijat, we gt botter mlik lu Libertyville thau the average cit>' bore- aboute. A cylinder head on a mouter frelgbt engua blew out rigbt apposite the depot t Rockefeller Sturda>' uigbt and the report brouglot reidouts ai tbat village ta the street lu a burry. It wus ut liret presumed a baller bad explodod and lues ofaife wus auticlpated b>' Ihose wba burried ta the cene. It laelalmed the exploiou cau Id ho hourd lu Liberty'- vile., BOP INVESTORS IN MUNCIPAL, CI PORATION BONDS WILL SECURE ANU SAVE MONEY BY PURCHAS OUR BONDS DEPARTEMENT. CALL AND SEE US OR WRITE ARE 0F THE 8EST AND MOST RE [lie hrst !latlqmal Next Daor ta 1h. Post-Ofilc Aussi Loduskil. ling au Milwautkee avenue eu et fLIhettyvîlle le luaa precanlome ondliou as'the rMelt a1 a silghi senteh on ase of bis erme sud whlch daveloped bluait poisouneg. His lite wae despolrsd ai the firet 01 the wesk smd bis cnditto%,.@M tiis ime ls moetel emus. He les Weil knwui fariner Who écys tesptofa slarge lnd.e ai acqtIaiItaliOes. Mise Dutceher. Who bas conucted a ImIlUgSr>' sore lu Weueoudafor tise past jtwo'jeere, bas decidsd ta returu ta IChicago, sud vili bave au Suctlau sale uet Saturda>', Jeu. 14, et 1 o'clack p. mn. ta oeilIbor satire stock ai mllliner>', Saitures sud houscbald goods. Al gaads vill b. sold regerdlees of cat and tbis will b. s rare appurtuuît>' ta mate ch.ap purchamsu.C-6. 1 SMr. gay EHubbard, nov lu chargeoa the plet aif tUhsAutioeb Neya uext wsek assumas tho e sition ailocal eator ansd foremaof the INDEPENIIENT. Mr. Rnbbard Ion a number ai ysure llved inl bertyville and with bis wifo le WeilI kuowuber@. He le a most capub'e frinten and considerablo ai a ne e rpappr in. We are golug ta give Lbertyville just a lttiJe btLer paper that i ee belore nter Mor. ERulbrd's arrivai. onu Monda>', Juar>' 2.lire. .John Toebaîspe was Ws~ied at the Freinant cemeter>'.. Rer eged bnsbnud atteudet ber fijera anditIlis beieved there con- j treetet tbreold wlich rvulntet lu is j dealh vita w eek irain pustiiailb.1 Maay Local lieu AreLook- ing West and South. iiow a malet Unnfllns tterUt la land luvstmeut lu distant states, perbape more parilcularlrilu th. ti west. TPemt bau hean &Il but consummetod a sifflée de. wheraby local men aad a leur ont. aidera purebamse lme 11,000 acru la Yellowstone county, gonIuans. Thts praetieaily amounts ta a synd"cte whlcb le ta dispose ai the land Ici tu' lu quarter hall and full sections. The luvesttueutb>'the syudlcats le nid te ho. lu the nslghborbood ai $200,000. The land in deeclbd s rich and avalt- able for aIllkMode ai farmlng wlth a climats that la doalrable. Then there Je wbut ie ternsed the Judith Baîlu lu Montana, oai h territan>' Ray' Kimberl>', of Waucouda, le thelocal represeutative. lie hue eld ta Lîbortyvîlle minuand the>' are laud lu thelr pralseeai that cotutry. Mati> are gaing ahitau look15 aver. TihFornda Evergla>les'attraet others llrst mais are bolng built la the Evergiades whicb reclaim thausaudu ai acres af land wbicb will doubtless b. tie richest lu the wanld. Anather local cantingent le interesed In M, land ln Floridtàlbut nut luthe Everglade t-rri- tory, and assert@ the>' have the ver>' beet inventaient Possible ta flid an>'- where. . do0 It gos.. Llbert,'ville capital la îlaoklng westward and to the sauth 4an igvestmeunt. Fortuuateiy lew of thuse Whoba ue buying or lnvestlgatlng cau-j tempiato remoal. Their id#a seSins te be eimply ta bold the land and tairethe profit bound ta roent b>' Ite Iucreesela , ù»mmdimuw oie. e ..w t 'aine su sater 7m"e. deatb. lie vms burlet ou Mandai. Jan. 9, jsur Obesk ute h aid hie wlfe toi test. r. Tebampe'was a retlred Cô7un PrendIlg fariner living wth hle nau. Adjourued meeting Jau. 8, presîdeut The loca l odge ai Waodmen give a Exer inthe chair. Daolleumaîr aoeout. grand moisit bail ab the Townu Rail Reports wtre heurd front Stîner an Fride>' igbt, the 1.'Lb.rhwe t%, i jte the ecaier and aewier manlou bone a costumer ut the bal lu ample time ta eub-dîvidiou sud ?.lKlnley Avg., aller a ,am for your wantie. Gjaîl yuseeand Idic"u l t waamovsd b>' Bayes and 4 ail ;inail au@sof the Tory Mt fiimes you LY cu tO aa> ohn M. liealy Co, e89M.46 vver lia']lain u! ur I !.C l Proiuised by out c.l %water servie mc I.ving a Il14 c...îuiîtee inlulrge. Yo au nvi, aluuee of $100 due J. M. Usoai> Ca., for Offurd t0 mien thiseent i you Inctine ta final settîsinent iu the spriug. Motion dunces. cavried nil voliug aNe. àlaveJ bas Lvucb anýd Bayes toas Wu E lward Rtens. living a mile Wm. Whiguu î$32.06 tbe village @have çvest of Round Lake.died et seur faliire ater main on MîcKinley' Ave. enot of Sunda.v igit, iliued doubtiesa b>' Stewart Ave. Motion ewri d ail votlng le,îgeriug attacb ai grippe. wia to oiy-sx-eans i e andprInou Treusurer'e and evis lreport wier lu ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r" Àh IesMdylewbsihedve. .mdted bl he usfinancescoin. wite and tour chldisa survive. 1--al mitte. undtac-.pted oa motion af weIIe Wus ai lb. boue WeduesdAan sd hurlai aidlyuhile euvle. in et marr. ernouse>' Fox l". Georgeouas. proprielar of te M>vsd b>'Lyamad Scb»U.s lbsta burnous IgouadtLke gemmer nesartin il 0111111i fJlie ~ ~Lter? tfor lis. brtau n » orn auh floue b bu rsite l 1 TOtbitlaliseuse ommltres for lvoiala Ubori>",llIrlgbimU poma»wu uo Iulu.Mle ars. e.; sdvl.bilhai 55C1a1 5 ntsoless Thf. oflowleugbilewer. sudlisd b>' wllh cea<iay for soins two or lbrues &Oum. comeulîls udo hl bundred eipts. Tii. la omoaul.dbvsiensoi.s loed on mtlomr b cam esf dsirte oi eme " of ai rtwma"edo moio e ou iatai sàd proi-liét on ys:M wis he e.hpelssai sebl. aopsrlg lsortitSbout ecs. Coa.........1 91 aUbrtyveand la'sr MM"g ofai ut r . ouear:.....69 10 0 epei. "aas inluaussed 'a g«WaB. ».LYong, 8wri ...................650 ousie wal eis allosdilitu talesoaa- D. ussi..>' m ............ 65<0 un 0esfosstleola Md , q. as smi of 1»7. 'eli. , noai4éalg eeiDetot.doPbI ~ IL &0 O la ....... a 1 S«IIto* Md bsmm* w pr. wwg..l1 1 peoislu ispmpiU'Volo. * C oirrlsd. & Tisy tell aur »ws gatherr thet Itlal E. a. CaL, Village Clerk. 'aSwiuldui" 'lu ltberi.vle. in lact_______ tsae emallesuu nduse pprebenstk n o tisepartoaisne of aur busin* einn. IReport of Condition Ws It la I.'awful duII' ail over Lako of the a CanDi>' rlbt Dao, gentlemen. Ile îelewi s o ail aven tb. country. w. W T attrIbute bilât mare ta cesation of that awaye ames u the AI lbe. 8i50OIfllnois, et the &etlvtlu ta &6coe nteclose of busness, Jaast* , ly2. wlntor maruthe. Whou slaugl arrives It RESOU=8ES la of coures goi ng ta ha difféent. t Lmis Sud Discounts ....... ........ al2s.085 alwys a, hy lotill Oerdafta, s.Curel!d udtungcUed. . 240.5 nlways lewbîUotS.l Boug@ Aoiu "cuue.circulation ...40.000.ot Lihortyvîlle. wlll eja f fret sd jt Bauklug hanse. =cuturc and Stures 1t8..o prasperit>', as eootare t ir Defrm8t&te sudffPnIe Bail, sud -akes Trust (omrauies sud uelgbbors.. I le boua be that way sevings Bank .................... 507»2 boeuasesai the dlversllied lutermsu wblch ,PP vd eireAent... go toailske np the ctt>. What Wulh aur Notls. o her Nationi als . 11b.00t "genleme" famere ourmureeno trscdangPaliaer Curency. Nickels "getimo" arner, ursue ugb 01111nt............................ 1.0 agrlcultulicammuulty sud tho factorise Lawfui Maier Begerve la Bank, vii: 8peCle........... ......... $28,878.50 that blisu us lu lItote no meen vy fa>' lender note$s.......... 1,4W.00 2).&58.W whathav wetu far a Lberyvilé Rd=Pon tmilVýà U.S. Treasirer ubl ao o afer uLIeryîle (5 Par cet of circulation ..... Toal.. t..............5 Notice. ISLTE' capital stock paldid .....l ..... 505,0000 Tho slxtb lustallmout of spoclal asese- Vrae fond .. ..........uses..sud meut No. 1, for canstructionuolconuected ta is, Prits...............9,and ate sysatein, le Dow dus sud payable Nalou .,nkuNotes anistaui.... 4010.00 livIdadepsilte subjeet ta check ... l1e5&5l.12 a on rte lo b. 10, 1911. c.1-S uaand certfclsu eaî ,J J. B. Motes, Village Collector. Tal a 1BU153 .... i!ýL70 stateof f inaois. CauatY 01 Lake, se. 1. 01.Ir. Wright. cashier nifte abave-nan.ed bsa, do sotemuîî swsar t051 the abars sîste- meut l rs atebelit Outpnr kuwledgeeSud belef. C. r. WRIGIHT, Cashier. Suhscribed and ,wara lu betare me 1h10 Ilta, d y a wn 9r.101 Y D S LaAA. STAPLES, Ntary Publie. Crret-Atte0t: t. P. DYMOND. B. C. W.METER. ITY IMIPROVMlENT. OR COR-.O.A.WIiGHT. fairctors, E TitI SAFTEST INVESTMENTS: iING TI4RRE BONDS TI'ROUGâH BEFORE BUVING ELBEWI4ERE M. I. Church services. rE FOR OUR OFFERINOS, THýEY 10:00 a.iM. Clues Meeting, Rey. J. B. [EMUNERATIVE TO iINVESTORS maconGufi. 10.80 M. iM. Prsachlngb> the pastar, W. L. Wlpple, subjoci, W lt. 12im. Bible BIchoalsubject, l"Asa Leaigue, subjact, Open Satuzday Eveunug "Our Railonablp wlth One Anothe.", 7:80 P. iM. pneachlug b>' pastor. subi. VYULtle Laver thaa Godl" i 0 OUR~ IROP4 IFoF A CHANCE FOR LATE BUYMI~ Odds and Ends Sale or Broken Itê BOOKS AT ONEHALF pu=O Â.LL TOYS, 1DOLLS ETC, ONETHIE» , 6LADIEV WOOL, UmnaUWxax *.0 GAI NUITS, *$1.00; $1.00 OKI0 1 MISSES, UNDERWEA.E *.4 GBÈ ,À $1.00 7 Boris UNON au i NW a7t& MMENSad BO" COAPSMM0X= NOWI*SU loé M$2'S0 LO 1411 *1.0; Pj N4l11a le ODDS A NDS IN MBOTS X SV 1-8 0". - 64 si 66MISSE'? DucICMATS 1-8 01 11A"Y OTHER BÂRGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TOO umNTO... WIDE'RIE 10e a yard, We have 1 I p 0 lestN. 40 Tai t& XUU.s 3 incheu ide wblh vO béave bsn s»hýjQr 15o a yard., It in a good hemvy, grade ci ail il ribbon in the iollowino >%1or: Two .badn t01 green, 8 shades col tan, b wn, 2uhades eo! pi,, black, yellow and blU Mru. dMe bave smen mac a THt F as (foIIows: lit. If compzad ailla Sur ahmr mt ietearsior, Ihe »as iesI e of bose, t the. ahartiese Separator ail>b. si lesatsulficimn toe »Ylà vert «mé Ie me it* cent oi the senarator Caca jea, sud tO£U 7 Megaus OU er MM l.. 2d. c l rau, et the pssent tUes m e nfaithe bail ra&viW -erasauee, UBW Miemm, able conditions. ian: gain lu yl of bi uIter hi ta Sapies Tubutarnoewowis ln sacs., ai tan paunds for everi huudred nada iscsviouusy maes. If rau are usint even Itie hast gravitcreémer unden favoreale ecudfios,,00aet ceci clqwater oaieIe, roui ai lO£hün wUoi& eeeof ai liety pou"d. Ilyoq mses M citaer ,or pans, rani gain wouIinn tra.s twenty-Sve 10 Sfty pée. d.pgidlag eou 5ev Ii.Oy ars. ad, On te paint of OliSIofiaies, oi buttarIl la more dMeWnlte10 UsAs abMea as fiaridli Sur tiradairymnanéue the sasse smounu ofcars &bout thein défrshe oa, mat U quallîr af butter. but, alter Ils eins equsat s eisu»hieMatevbaMiebeet dd*î. fiud as Improvemient ln the qulîr ai9 bis butter eqa vsent l Mrs e u vee éspu bY the use o arus.vs&raan.a he eaverage lms.cansisildalrymm WaIl m fiam 50 per cet ta 100 par cent moret tsu viitout the &id ofMi.the lnsseie Theoskim.mik. haing Wasta sued iis.l. oui uh emare vlnW on s0e o.&Ii l worth hum twentr-live cents 1t e oty-Sve cents paehnudied pomennsfon @Ma esitd Iaigey asnte &ses of testock tla aJh tlai. ed. 1SIOui. Cote iMUlla VoiMi abue 5wÀ &Mount. 4th. Thesvine lun hsndling of the milk Oi havinu thé seti5.isUun mUs riteu eob stable, sud the stit-mflt ied ride latetestock ahite il 1 tu Mis saoslti u . sk etc., and the washing sud catoneionrsun.. s&M a undred and Mm ~'-Mile *avnas. a ha estlouted. stlh O ssiamanitoat 05ssadealil t ssgnsgst. àtlî. There walOi ha s aving of les. If sn isteued. mad M i liand 4speet b the lee. I is, necesari asdytu10counut UV tle. uarsuteed inressele lbe ioId ai butter 010d' auteed mproveoseut lu Qualil>' 1te eukblo rou la me bow oabtiy noseffe a e sqd toe Io darme.sud boa under à. eIreuîula ". a b.eb. ss nefa lSl SoId ,y il .EEy brwk TheCqCro BARf IO L.sw Flsgg, Propnistor Jaît raunud the comron an pragne street, neslta othe. Bohm bond- lug and OPposth. ester blseksmllib aop. LIBERTYVILI.E, lLY..NOl8 t'i Cegrs icd Toasais Laundny Agency --- tem eecU*m ove, 2 lbh 1104 'l. 4.OF & d,% ý U-R

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