'Z' LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEL SUN _ ____ 4 ~XI N. 7 WEVEPAES LIBIRTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, UVRIDAY. JANUARY 2t), 1911 ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.I wnaybet iitan any other religi- RAISE 8300 DOLLA flNDM TlUI fernoon, Berlin stated that soine one FOUND DEAD IN BED n . oueos . i te ILE I U bit hlm Iln the eye with a lagt'-winter's IU I 8 be bkfll nowball and titat là bow it was dis-! dU 1li Hia nairelaect t the loo tu th isyGrS Reiet1n colored. Another one of bis dilusions Zon City Painter Dieu prom dethwa te aue !grief ail over Lbrlyt Rle Ulla that bch as whIpped Jack Jolinson. Efecte of Asthma.- Leatit cothe causetoghwtbhm I0I I~ He Imagines ha foughtbt hlmaftifty- 111' I queer henisand teachisigflho g0 The tact tbat tiere le a Warin spot round go and knoeked him twenty JmeB.Dv,65yasfae ing farmera tiat a rad onhl& coionY hown ln the tact that already ln- There wss no atailling testimnouy dead ln bis blai et week by one of would have been met with au relOuneaon hr9a urbe vrgven hy ayoy f the ivitlesses. Ail l egior.wobid oticed that- x0 'X OE L&K rositance. $300 for the relief oft he farnly ofLGIN ATTDANT8 ARE of the évidence tended to prove.'ilc- ne blinda ln the émail bouse lu wbich, SXÂJL eUM o]p]plllMn Wy' io OALIPOR-- Maly tam men have pabulvisite Mir. De Loue, wbo wms burned to corIX TE 1P edhng te Mr. Bowen, tbat Berlin i 'Davis residait bad not been openeil, tthe colony, andl «III psy tileulto deatia ln that village whiteeelle was EXD 0 oai repnii îtet Br o a.LARE COUNTY FOR Z'M study the communlty lite. Elbert Preparing a liniment for ber two 111 CEAE» S 0F lin la a paretlc and 1 belive la uow, For serail ye'crs Davis bail heen xsia,~ss Huhbard la sai to he qute an admlr- children. past the violent stage,' amta'Ir. suffering fr010 extrenhe asthula and at 1IRSIGT gLU M of heBeihat ysemandtahae1The iubcrption ist was started lu CRUfTY Bi3wen. He bas been qule4 for the limies it %vas feared that lie wiî 'vi~"~ sited aiat the coloroy.- Ji la ciaimedl Gurnee FIriday by a commnittee at - ast week sttd ln exceedingly subii- L"iIte 1e sexere cnhn el tm'tliJACOB abo R'eot tere enemy of wiehh l M. .G. H NJRI6 EL IFIGTD X?;e. 'l 0tc h, bt j'~tbe attend- t o 'vllelt lie wa,; iubjected. He 1 aidDIINLSOTG -eertlelacaesa devoteins of that village. Temen o h iv11!!av n ior roîibie wllh !ue thbe police Ihat if they! frienil. cimttee, cailed upon the fermersablniw.î. Io lu 'hilîîf- bs,-.ltsat ~.1.uy l ~espectd One' Wmeu Workd, Toc. tliat slection of the cointy andl the men -j'enial;it ic) l,'îteïînu uestlgate looklbil, , uiilie feared lie would. uios i Fnl Rpi .of23 Aces 1tn ioen ea weliea icrr.abot$lieddcî r oleld einsneHabn wsNo - ale iOfittIis.' liate die ei l lîs u ,e '-ncîn. Tese (-lines do flt liSte sî*i îîe roiii uaiil le!ewr o 2,5.5 At gSpedd am itheesabomut thpable, twch ýii ie fcausai oe et tue otheras Kcetr~tuk i made dcft patin tclelstaie ai\slied(ý,Wo Slhowsl lietaoso sd Be UItOB ht th w~i.er teertu aI, e rlewastltt o isuor ao-outlie250lu.itedellbav ect e fer, earlug in fils(itier,-reltîs t mîe ,Iliv, r ify teioite hie poncehel 0~~ve colonista et th-e. rinigu b5- o-thsuers l bi cat. nl eb a i rcouastaInsen. Tbere arc seen ..4~,fonnded by the ite Jacoi Bll- liatties were here foîtght ou(. Tht i ltîren in thie fam)ily, %%lie sere (le-, ital were Frday, saïs the 'Elgin ,as iîorotighly lnve-tiga - edl s;if l-iileietîle-sdevlisaieenItalien TheLake ctntv iboard of stnlrvîs- ~g onr lc iWour c h latold %asd rilliea, e t atbalhours, sud itu.e falier la nerely a day t preferrd by Mss. StFwarid IBerli lu *j'i(,It la gît. n ail charges of nughti n,,!tal l led lu the ttta~ek. -bas efered tbe munificent glial or $50_ ttcutypaea osen a apoin t and 1were 001 xîerely flthY, ishorer amiong te fartîtersnai; c ~ aieao uouciumin-i (iîiî,tîeliîuient of lnîuatîýs of ail abate 1 tJ'iy Coroner Edward ('ourad w ficbsulbcioau apeenbn [C gLake. Lake couty, lit as 55 5000mhbt eld, white tenuse of tabac-, abat tne i anauu snegi l'gduitetmu fle iubuusîîîiu liseltcls ,îlCbttc uia'inun v (a u Tcofe siaeiuw bog 'v tth.y oseil th-Ir lroad arres. (a--ceansd liqîuor, whie unitrecommcnded, licr.,. 'b'h clhidren range lisn a ot 'î umte atarainb: stgaio f îîjiîî.-sd a icte trile iiThindi, îl i-rlut îiu descriptioany irîuaeddecrpt ofo -'Kma la I.te le bcte eca, lut sere ta 0 totbte bnBila t 2u2yea , and his asald tbat uthe,,re ltaie boardl of admnîstration aand aiiutiou --a-iiuîa. the uislng ex-treasurer in whoa 1lalfoa Io letuîui luown tts yet. the' dcveioiied s rage lie %voltid retire t10',as net enougli foodi aud cilitt l S.'clartemccotssoî.Wilgn'm luStatement. Very lilfle le; k-uowu ofthlie Icf ice l la climeil a aortage of $27,- ..#is.lta nerely offeriug tl.eir colony 'h,île oItramte sîtaci.l'uat ias the rg te alu s e t ilttie ofrte idatliof Cail Inhjuriemsself Inflicte6l. tir. NWilglis today expreeged sabi8s 1)a 14, Ie lia(] len a reaident of -1.85 bas ieeu roud.e landfor aie. imai Ilinosl b'iue oth le ioiony. strail- tii" î'oîber. !Aîer a grilling exarauln' of tut ltaîtirît oer the 'state Inury, whiih Zion ('î> foi- se.eral yeasa, colning Te ifla rintlinheC- "Yes,1 i an sune Jacot) woid it- die isciii baruessi takers l-anch and, _The iUN bas arrauged te houdie ailt tir tt.'.attendantis sud pilciestiwas t1he irst lu lie beld aluce bis ap-t- here. Iila oîgliît.freonPhiladelphie. .cago offie Of the Pierton iletectIve ,"pov, malti figesVirgiffla Moore. work off i14 anger ut retineeuet. re ~ l ~Wauicel..i and thu !Li end-'îliih lasteil forlilve bout,uRr. DJ. L.! pointaiîenti a,;suuernteuîeut of ftie it la laid tlItbna swlfe snd chIld- sgency, lu charge ut William Piuker- ~I»p*zaas «'Bob," a-heu askcd abo)ut turnlng mwieît le feu licter. c1ut ni uiiir i'whi-lî l ie(e nofteSaeor fxuti ear- bouselîalolait surne. whaei ni0ft- eu l luiscanteu-lteso t Hebttisdiesleflongdcr- t'he planneil hegire. !i itiel in for-tic relief of lhq needy tiiL and tlA. L. Bowau, execuieseeiccrie onttoics lt itl.le tve aet inCt elin of the missing man: "T1rIsisnorthern Illinos linîste la Tie TribueFrlîlav mrigP i- ail.Teinrymyb ei et ftheat t es omissiootsue-'ino! tbe state officlais wiilic ,btitt earcei bis living liv bing saisit jobs Naru-"Fred E. Amom. mcf exactiy suiteil te the. khud et tarin ed the foilowutîg, 'huid Lake ceuti i(1- casher sud a rcceiPt wiiliebcgiv-c duel ha tetestilmony di nttub 1 flsaîlsfiel lrt-ithe testltnor tpainting lu the city. RsdneWuealt -i~ge lb e o sd ieîes'c re loews to le unîrtie aérgards Jacolin'-andthie mîîuey trneil over te te iYaiastechxe.Abtg iyI ven Iliat Berlinu w-,nl teteNatlvty-Whlte.- tu-ews edan eldsw id net make a formai report of the: lt ttuatî.hgey1 V bIlly hit witb the western fecet-. ('ailtiilliardt aud bis coiotty. co.iittet G i .urutee. theatendnt." WRIGHT MEbIORIAL ft eig_ Sx eteu n.ahi tas la vha cth e cfavereulspot."* Further reveiatiouts of the teacb- There a witbiu saurgaeastn- fndg tthlnur.ie sttd_________ SClony Respected One. iuîý s et Eveiyn Arthtur See'a "*Abso- Cc î,ho needa assistance, and ail are aîîght Injuries tIiat Berlin sciferedi HILLESCAPE TRIA Nit re Ilchen. 4.~ Spiri Fruit Fe'rm centaine 2,11 lue Life" pileseî-by camte 3esterday vsaked ta rally ta their aide sud help "ers self iatl 'd', " Weght-190. at'sa o choice Laite cotity Iland and;.Wth the conifession of two littie tieitIluthis their heur of greateatl Besides tbe testlony î,rtainiung di-; 1 i'he Will be Held kemorial Har-Blacit, coarse and wavy. la Piittld on beautiful Wooter Lake, girls. tollowsrs of the iraphet," ad nesil. rci eteagedl charges, an li-' iU o aeTili for Late Judge. Dark brown ayez. within a mle of Fox Lak-e andl Lnng hteudeil b>' hum tabect)use inmbers HUsato ît ~ ~ ~ oUtYCur ~. itsmwaggsr ln hle walk. ot the "uer thought circie' of the llhota !to~ednaacpt- -Nexi Monda>' lu the court bouse ut; The circular telle bow Amllea et thse Luke. - COLLISION INJURES i x 1. lg gt tes froth' item otes- Rsel .Hl fBat oea, 'lonne cou"ty will lie heli a public me- tle of ssdspernevt a cuit. Wrlgheotcnces;cutIggrtuis rm eltveho hel"iliedlD Hllo LkeFtet, Mercy fr'telos uboRbets ispîtalaane S 'v demI ooaimt f ib mai colny Te chldre-14 ud 1 yssa ol, -mates. Tva of the atteudants ex- mllionaIre réeal entaisoperator 0o î nif orthChti-ieRbetW able iliaonil tud and a dlamn ,* tal onttoftemancloy hecidrn1 ad1 yasol, am grTrains Corne auined Lu connection vitis the cruel-!'ago.Wrrgke, ilovu in aeaMtbcyla an bis ring, witb Koigistè;Templar charm ilid bgln. U rooms, 4 bath rooiiti. clos- tolul how BeSac hail redthe, for jTw<> - cage, to en ot f eralnl lof ierau *W, ausdry ho vaer.stein eal E!geter i N rtbestrfl i g bae dte 5 n fonsaet i vices wil l b eld lu tic circuit couret ho ha a member, andleven of bis fond- Uityaii gas tie sd badwad1"lgbe lie."The girls vîll aphicar ne alg cetel$5ec rm m est'nthe, and il l not bave te filée te! o h o ~iiSOSssi hrdeodlllm lhouh--aghnt1 ecwbeu ii; trial cone upi nnxSaturd.ay. lit-ln tu.10ghvelher busbaul juit a Lake county courte as defentiarrt lu reone h on otl'cir otsns e ahs oo otat seore andbardood fnIghthrOgh_ýgaIns Béelittc-, bttercprethatthe oher a-, wo an wil bc pensudaillii islee oluen ttoréailsatwhbsinishaii n and an sîglul roatu, brick cottage: Tueaday. as Wit Hazel Danuer, wbo- -oncliinbtv I uîîie" siîîecraniatrge abr s îodamnagte sustie, b liyUtt. IligI ils teaettsatebnde.,siI bath reoi1 'as toundl lu Lafayette, lud.. yes- ;utna bead-ncliin i 1 u lîSteiil t'i btMPrcadhurst oil.hl':f'entli Cavaîr>', atn.forth. ïýw th ene seuger tan nteanstex o i h rt isb o-F- -ýrdýl otet.tho 'The barasociation o! tic four TternifaimIstaeRe wthlu rpacli et terda>'. N- hestrdepot Satunda>' six lier-: huai alcte'danîlc lu net tae ctaie foro.tuties comprlalug the circuit over 1 ttesietm tbcm nw itiee, for w ýl'c: iroadhurst daims ce""What the Superviser* Dhd. *W4Oeity thîs fuar. getie- that Ses bildbeenasssoclated whlt le ers lnjtured. 200 vers severe- 1raîed;*' stat-d Nir. Bowen. "Neitber $1,bC9.sind suotlien iî »mî anal Immc>' wbich Judge Wright preailel -wiil 1. Tabied resoluthon of South jitlaogeèreil parthculariy for agl ysakn . ocmt v erets taenon hessevcewIlh elect two minufrein eth mtt rny ao eiarwoatie noter- suitb lought h>' Sengb . Ani.onZimmer- a irmkà aidePor>O es rtcie gem mer résidence or for finyJaasBciai.wo tanel I aiekd4n, ltI lcomotivlaes a:, rtenSate ILit Ciif srve vi lartrteetnday- temmrîi ePopryOnem rtetv » 4"Siri Fui" furi narluin, tircop , Filleenil for lhirty, erpee- h oyaitemmr al. cItInthiet alary et town *e %uor counstry club, fer hch'151>' vith i SîriFui"trmnerwclAussotaciaasteaioanncuuescel. obcfieated as.ElIzabeth, Oh1o. The police helieve'tt i snts bave neurned the moue>' and il eas a varyman under tîncîSam, Fromt Laite count>' ex-County Juile cletr.b lîel e*,0 u theb ig.foId concrets clony rl goy-Hienry P. Ebrlluier, Park Rdg, belng their iraI offense, (thetatîne sD. L.t aonutseandyBeanramire.wbo yer " llffiUte. Sccnlutd rcutigcasher t 1 itate street hond and:lno0 uniler oastI) bbc>' viiinet bedit eeatHIi$.0erosa njuy vli go te Belyilere as représenta-, . ur la eotc en Wil ang Togther. for is fellow "praithet" Begaliat bs<it(15 t. Lukes soaof-'ilarge10,000reprirasdsd tiun se-tiveû. The bar assoclalto! ofWin- 2..Ccmpsfnalourt of t oue denî& omany nJt« adicof th mi" Moore. vas asiteilif members'Patterson and binacla suhe;-oitvend>' fen acceliting the mooey sudddanages. Hill Wit ot bave te ap- inebago, Boone andl NcHenry countles conybkrcilgsdtnl .tb oSpirit Fruit ainntl îîie- - taiIit ear >et icts@h a etbslv-vî I smetIsIi vsS t b-hrtmge of 8371 in th. 'roirur tk trcemo b ei en ade ltsed .te have ometlng ta aa. An I A. C. Linea, Barrington, Ill., tort Ise net only tbey butt every attendan u e-iwith pajîcrs lu the case. andl tisaI etsm iet ekt Ummsi fthe alewe.md bricecut an hcad Sud body; tat- ýthte instituthon kuows wbat It meanalc hi rpéettvs go apai. Se se- other girl, Vernie Wallace, bas dis-i otvseupuiaedle- fIe'aercine cebîga> elas not ueo serveil witb Itapelae ha ioftitheirarepresentatives. er No àlo thetr'ivay sport.osf, ee teauultwaftShn rlifteîmesPereeif thT erserviceseinexceMonda>'nyviiieheine servicessudxtMocdmm will lie i WMiu Ijat the colouitsaare te .remalu appearcil front ber borne 3611 Fleur- mr ntte10ito flifEle Gený h cueîl charge of the bar ot Paons 3. Accelated new W.mterflmid teIgtblbr and te adhere stili tet ier1,0>'street.1. iHunt, Park Ridge, cut on heailI - 0f Berlinetînt' aul ils epîttiesabathebondms ofunty areasurer Mebod of commuilfu litre. Tiere are aabc>' crlaeor.'Wbeuuth ilestgtonlatbal vas in Beidere. Judge Wright vas - Ilieslaon bt tîsî t tey' ere inalle oa srve Sensation falel ta levelop t thse »X tvev lntheorloY Ai - hW'AIT PASSAGE 0F LA'W PtrShaBarringtou. Ill.,mu-;- couclulel, fura. Berlin , Mra. Conte$blni. beld in îtniversai estesin tlneugltoiutre sed.,&Dd tvo cihidren. ili o A) urel onbeail and body blruiseil; bal-: SIoltîsu, asisster of Berlin and States thZiuîmenmanisveraandonti 'i aga W55 &Campadnyf hefialuretor!tieYoung &M "an4 ester. bsth cbmlreuioa' su bonis. i Attorney ftaip>iJ. Dail>'oetLaitse t; 'lîon t al l oa eogn-t bers vitili belarge ftr ailnt0 teh &Copnadog-fte k, .tIofhart.and bothbea Oiti nc, toc. ,Waukegland Lake Cut l l. nue ony ttd.ta hywr ait, lihalal os eogntcut oka h pca etn Thse colon'lcae u o5ir lake: Dry Forces Lying Low 'A.îC.îîjotesu eue ledlarrinr Belitibaleul iecu t rodhrt he I a essîâ cria.f the board of supervisora today. ony alt cas dnaln ouoflit -' Intral;t ken boule. b lie a rBrlsm irs Sd ebe sBt-tisatI his autuomobiles collilelwii-- - The report aboveil, as foreabdw- i#MBs i atîws resîs outfeLl- Pslàiug the action efthIe Illiiois-1 Sautuncer John Kan. Ijrd ne-kicitel oý tuc.N- - rinsst-mailSud bors. The homne ladt te THREE PIONEERS DIE ed lt the SUN o! Mouds>', tiat the 0q. ., wvl t rnsof iac n fnl.nai>laîu tak eMeonoe hauliltal. nieut vas readi mb tle .testimnn>os -gu midlynchuuta. elhart dihuil wo lei;lsiatuire ln regard te a measare for' A toerntan'a imisunderstandhug of- that Ibere couil blie uahearsa>' about lie abo1 and i Zîr.ueriau bail la go ta aditional shortage in the treasuneris s~t ist Noveuber.couint> local option. the WnegnOrdens causeil the wreccî according te - er bcng saified wîîh the învestlga- lsbsha.HnenI u.. OsMs eo tagfilun afc ael'$11,vii as~ti in brie!, eslhiart <docrues, w'bl d Lsud >' tdry frces are te ns- tle rairoal officiais. tien. S. Gaocb et Higlivoal representa Zll- Mrs. Ira Webb ofAntioci total that the miaslog ex-tresaurea' ~'.iigll acetel >'th mniisaof utain quiescent andl tImre vii le no . A crovileilsuburlisu train came States Attoruney Dail>, visebrougît iemnalBoiltrtalWhlu and Achen of Hickory Fe .Ans utacutfrt ~4i~ist, ie hateac inu sd 'a-thlng "doing Iis spring at the fovn troam the Barrngteuî divisien n tete pe faaeutsegei l mitreatunent lie-P. W'eiss atf aukegan Mr.1Hill. __$27,314.56. w»» isalilaoas he picases, hut accept sud db>' élections. conutcor -*adgis su tle signal te run tare tle Stals charitablle organîza- j Sheriff Grip en ak e oestin5d5 furs. George Strang. uofuMllburu, ho- The report recommendeil that qtepe tlàpenalty tiserefar. that sschI ueuî :The local organizatîcu, tise Local hetrain bta the auinex avec tracktieons ln a letten lu Dr. Frank it llinga.nmeneamps1 aI ee t wîecu 70 and 80 years oM Vanil a Lake lbstaken te coleet a total o! .$10,- -boTof b. cuit muat wank ho sisîshuOpin onuevhicl Ia 100 tong, No. 6. presdent oethîe boaril of administra- 1t t'taserve Hill but le urovei le lbeccul>' piOôncer. diel Cunda> and 958.76 uncoliecteil tees, ail te b. teviol. fabrh, tIal lrolerl>' l beilcir>'meunIer a vanter, in planning Standing on the sains track 'cas a lieu, alatel betere the Investigation au lusive persenalîl'. ITc Suit iffte funeral 'caa bell Tîesda>', at mestl> lu tise couuty clsrt's otites. '11emmon. tlat the Individuel la lie le seul a couot>' option booster t aegregn ed elaewt ea-atrh otetendBri addpteýale eetrteHl :01.m oitersiec.Oe Tewageoe hteh o» es1 igent o lirte aldnet tle ho stitl-tu-eiblig états ral>' ai Springfield Fe- pasingrnHgleradyPr uta ac il a bebgauafe l e l eainIjes Be éi ndecpute al st uer iteIho is- se,,t.in fréein Irencue On, e Tîs vrageevn ster theisole c ouz ~o ieognialn l rettelitar'>'14, and ibat 'clîl be about ai ue hvnHl as ntethme!and aller surivors are William. cof or net consurnel lb. gretport et t Ok% i cldt3 aims It 1neyer isas bail sae e oue untîl the fatsetfcaunot>' A d ense tog visich long aver the lu ail, onsn attendants. ail viso have IThen le>' laid ln vait for linuat the ibhurn, Johnu, Mss. William Stewart, tise time, endsln nou e dsoi. , a alioug is t bas aut ambosma-opion le decidel. aainblpeeieiltieconductoal a uthhug te do vitis Berlin ine Lake Forest depot andl St the pestsud Mss. Coa Anderson, tise lut Tise reportsas vers the two pa'ev 4bmté10 1e ontsile venld, fial Boi.j Tien, If tle count>' option o! tisnaed noo iagtahita hogIs acmîtnn ots ssbs v office, theshéifevsen sigobtg tlie nami !Kass oua anas. vam voiumioosandetilli ofImhelMoore; ttisaIromouI>'g hetbisture becomea theaolava tvisatd ofiansae fit abol'sars>' sudMansrebeu>'ileena lon wtise pr ons <i1 otoigtto oco adcil>' at six lu tise marnhug sud vatcb- MRS. JANE VEBB DEAD. el. MI« oor; tat nIYengine aissal untilfit vas ttejiage. veeka ugo tlnigai,.tva iodonsoa o!tî ueal f entotin Feg and Smoke Blamed. ten Inintas vers caileil as vîtoesmesbiugever>ab' ndtrai ovin. Flahle'e M$ r -udoer conditions l'fren oraire-yorcchomenngrsJ.np tf thetDroptoraoitornbiteeP Ja cal andsuperîvîugfotathl InietusetoMr Dr.SFaaneIssuadeAntndoth rimeraiSun-heAc illtam.8Weelfle d d ,onb. froin d- la P OBnien su crn- befre invetigatos. - Ide>-masdffreiuerIowas.bel Wlliim Setethek. 0"d' Cba tisaI1the race soullie propa- can lie put te a vote bers -t once il tenent efthtie Galeos idivision, tise Rc- H. Jenita, ashistant superlateodent eetvr iI~isutonlv.sc t 11.00 a. m. Welnesday. Bilevau Webb ver. releamlA is w e 'wti tiseMmne care as stocismen viiiliehodoue, IlaImstated. culent visicis occunel in tise - moru- adlDr. Olive Hogies vers tise staffug a laud deal, vas outaiba ho the' the mother af Charles and George' quest froli tise bond of Cousit>'Trocs- ettle; that tise convenUionai Meoanime oui>' tiseorganzation 1a Ing coul have been prevented- but Physiciens via lookel alter Berlin. cabi. The trickt talhei 10 vokntdailWebb and Mrs. WilliapiBadge o! tirer Carl P. Westerflell, and tise me ol& alran htamnbi gpoevi.fer ho beai>' fogsud s ctaudof The attendants vers: J. G. tnley. yard vas brougît that Hil vas net Antiocli. bond vas smre limeatervard rofi- bae Sy on. mate at a Urne, but A .tre ac hr ou eail é ve nocital daonandl tiose H. H. Henard, Herbent Sisake. H. B.fr bttlon. aIos apu lnvein. Ilad BNAHNSCUU e ef otbte ame tissaone ho succesion- ine leva testhrldene t u ning 't1he-wsuburban train ln charge o! Narris, Walter Flevett, John Coit, ft bu e iy.ali au ts Ben Actisona Weil Snovo frter To AId PoulIn> Rlins ~S1are. b>'stages te Part;c-'las this vam tried on tast, pnsg, but Engineer M. Pamer aldConductor A. Fred Hawkins, Stanley' Bradley, Bol sald tht ia ihsbealtis moas iSas trip o! Hickory Corners lied Bunla'. Tise Waukegan obillkens» hw baned lb. heroelalua-tate ade there couil le a Cty test, M- Tiesseis, enterel tise trainsiiedMelvin Cary. Berlhn, Mrs. Berlin Bol necessar>',asd Ihat visen le relurum_________askeil of lie boas na Pgnoogst0gs adnsteNivla tat e agv e éteeeermaitnyatio of t lse> 'la erna aot al mlsan isoir. Mts. Holatien vers also piaffl au tiehe lv ili accept service ln the tIvo saretdo Srin Ch g.1fr r yalsownd ide ur- wuhesun Plngasimile esats los tn.Ala ievîeuuandl appear volutarl>'ln court, ubut s@ o elusC r e fr e t e ar'co anl tte wom t a--- . . w fa l ÉL bdire te eep eerlasinglyat Itunti thetisaldtar..athe anes stad.oAl'of te vitsse.