,TiietOfI, *bec 1the ti lofr-ii. setteme*nt er tbe estalè ou"h up no, MÇXQÜW w tae'o t"bi.Ii lir Pattern'" baigirospoeeô xem-1 j (gly veit aas e l. aysIt la Jâm oe jmuch the. mouey b. vante,.an t la bis George pattorson, Weil KnowAî rigtste ti. Som*l wyer lae Sodad, So*I~nano~ CItyte Take là1*cleimed. wbobed thie ettllug of 3"tbà*oI)jCit teTa I the etat% bIas trled te lteep . Mr. Pat. Lengt tp Acrosa Océan tersaimmrbnila .riabtoa ad théetrip country who are nov reuidet ofe WVIU thl te Sotle -bis Rights L.ake county Il ie boped viii settle al Té oEstate Valsoo &t1$1500 litigation. la ldCoutr fFILLY 11REAKS RACE RECORDý (Froid Weduesday's SUN.) IColls. Clips Throu-Fifthe00fseconld George Patterson, one of MWauke- 01fR ReordI for 8!/ Furlenu. gans bet kuown Scotchmen, will juaree. Men., Jan. 18. -Couisue, a leave for thie old ,comtry wlth a Perty 2-er4ld Illly, by Gode l"rank-Caddil frou, Lake county. viien Scoteaimen Grimuai. and ened by B. A. Truiemeli,. cetd.nov world's record for 3% from ail parts of thie coufty 'ii trav- tuenons, vh maieemally von thie el te the e014 Country snd review' thie eaadfn o qro tTr inconu et tlioir yeuth. .B.pr'~ Btpe But Mr., Patterson viii bate other 'f ibudlstan<d lu 39 '14.whihlebIla9-5 matis?,en blé minAbbaide senea of a second fater than the Uie «made et bis nati"e lac&. There awalts hm Ibyu A. J. fimali sand oran et Santa là Seotlszi< a fortune of about £ 3,000 JAit Park, CaUforlilla,4ui 1909. or about 815000 lu Ainerican money.1 vhlie If hb& édaims prove te bc true RAIL STRIKE IN MEXICO âne viin bave »o dillculty ln colîecting. Thie et%e telbwhici he la an bir, 1, Engnesers on Seuthern Pabltio Strike taie olO bamesteal or hi& father snd la for Wace Increaso. oce of theai. det tracts of land ilu Et i'aTex..,.J<m. l8.-Eveye e-. Uotlaed. ThOre ver. orlgioapyAe. ne r l 1.Sot-nPsIlriyi Otul obidmi teo hare lun the estats. Mexico heu struck fur a vage iucreaae. but mot of theui have <ied, and taie Thie engWueru preaeuted deman, nmhaer er be" nov lau Blsl. . soine Ule ago tet he uflcalu of the hlS3< of thie ematef waa suppo»d ed I oad asking. for taie saute wagon sa MWbe el«fe VAthie rjiglsnu Ial o«theom Paciflenbonera lutai ~.<. ~ Tllted Sttes sud met Jan. 17 fer thi 'w1fiuai answer. Taie Increase. net br Pattenea.Taie ; lut aigea grsted thie str" ~took piace tbu . *!& nt sirea hie. sarse, ________ «M la t.h ae resit orf apacul-. bur * â& b r reeve 1by bis . »Ike a Nmu. .b -WedJeulluceet*ily br i éhI0orty tethe mlgrâ MaiV5isfortune lUke e.jmau.1 sald bis friand. 43< ~ ~ ~ -h 1k.outtamo tAmeuc. andali thutsort M1t'prs<ouis te this country, Mr et tbla.whair uald the m«an waie did "d thiduiatuuie ta 1>. n it kuewJeukias vta 3icb vsu vr.eeais< ln the* «WelI. dt »e much thai," uid bis ri Y*. PattSwn oes>ap.frild. '*As a mattçr o!ftaiehomade irib& jj i a gy -.ebonrather a tumaseout it. ,wbet 1 niesut *qtUo; "th epM w us met wvutlit bblamed h iii ae bis wlfe.' IýWowtf4mew -. ther e! Louis B., Percy C.asd John il. GIbson. and wldow of thie 'lato Dr. John G. (liason or Chleagq. <ied MaIS noon et thé. home et l536 uortb County atreet of phee<ponla and complies- tions. Taie uerai aunouucenxent la te conie jeter. Mm . liaion wa, r.- sidleg ber. temporarfly haylug e510 -,4 ber furuiture lu Caicoago. but was te have removed bore later ue voon as. thie Gbon Brothiers Ceiupany befuu operatious. ber sous owulng and op- eratîng that company. She llad heen ill bot *Ince Baturday 'and tai ensd renie rataier soddeuiy. Taie Glisons are eztre:noly hugaly yespected lu this eity. Mm. <iaion caufior au nid andi banerei Ne* York famlly. proper Brething. To breatbe properly tek.ea deep. slow breutai. another and suother. Put botai tahe nde on your ribsain<d se how they expan4 aud contract as yen breetiie lu and out. Put ou. hud oe taie low riais lu front end the otbiA '. opposite I ou taie bacai. Feel how UW * back airells as yot breetbe. There la e poirerful muscle caliud taie dia. pagui 4hat <ivides taie chot trou .tbe abdômeu. Asuti. e it ad ui are lu the cheet. taie dlapbragiu-&y aie called taie , oor eftaeienet. If la5 fastene tu t the. baekaien. taeieeandi tue steru, or bre*utheue. And vilsa people speuk of diaphiumtebmrota-. bit they mean juMt irlai vs orsdolug now-dllu* taie lup vitai air and emptyibg theni by thé. expansion and coutrectlen.-lfmoo Ierffiti Tho JoltdI ragmeaitè. Water-What mil Younhaveu-, ar? Customer looknj over the restau- rani bi of farei-permit me te eogi- tae nte errehutlon oet terces It la a rcognizted property ot atomietnuig. meute, iviutever their ege, te jli.. anîd- Walter (abouts Seronsataie hal-fEshut for One!-London TIt-Bits. n e urge you to t&1Xe .dvanrtage of tIhip'oeand t*nity. No telling when another sch ch.iceW sent it3elf.- ISTISRFON -We have the La,- CA~R FARE RZMNUD TO ALL OUT OF MWN -CUSTOIMI ON PURVHAffl OF, $5.00OR OVERl 'ijoc. S/.eet ic eParlmnent in Waj ouRS TIMAT SAVES y0U PMONEY z or you. s,-Semil,-annual,- Sale oùf tfart,'Schaffner and Marx C lothesan? Our r(iood Shoes -and Furnishings in ye lu m 1vword., tue hoe tbory ta tiopponmiltyOf the, sêsoa for buylug the klnd cl clothes you ought to have, at prices so advautageous that it's no wonder thous- vkeu wtt or blimal, ad4icIl tk. dvatag ein * gii&tly ovoestook "wer.ebot tiaMy "isru"fwevoaa't soUourgoods; , ô ot ploadlu orbeggi-ng you to help us inisome vay. 1*'.a avery simple, sraghtfowar w~ t> ye; ai 1*' you adaptaai vli a our. Wev.gt hue soie c ourU-* 8 O .U . NU *>LX sut.sud overcoat. that are not sold yet; we epcehv à clou. 0f «Vs7* D Wen 'egolng tte ll them,ikaid fi *M oder *6do 1*, we "raedte, te t*a quick-clearaice bas.. 10 tan an i ntr good; Uaeyre Hat Scbaer h xMar jay, style, tailonng; aid they're mighty 10'w priced. It wili b. an accommodation to us if you buy thsm; aid a pro- HERE ARE OUR PRICES -AM) ýYOtl KNOW THE (àOODS 1 S1IOES ,g t' bi nepS ....2*95 làdW- uli eU and vici-kld Smr- Mu g t ivcs r go attIre prli éf..195 A -PA~NTS OurmýMb helPdby sales s*ieon «ç an in Ou st*'t riWrgùg from $3.95 t. 79e for dru.an work Paut.. MENS' SOES Ourilsn u>p rim CM*.u's Fine sbo wusumal vg t. YOU Of Mm a sdouble »le boX SXcaifEa B'IluchorBals, worth35 out , ont ...... 3o9 Mn.patent cotHanDr. Bbc.. w9rth $6.00, 3*905 owr maie price ....... Mm'. patent colt Drese Shos inu Babs or button, former-2.95 prico $5, sale prtie... Mcm'. bro- ke lo0t s ld re sus and ca If shotis, fat. mer prices 3.0tocI tan S up stock,alI. - szesand, knuwlI ~at uto etu'. pca0.0..ut 1%* M elegant $2&.00 and 005*......'ýàt 19,75 H', S. é; M. lepunt.$ Bu oàlk vercats go atl 99 our binious i o1ù Iresa Shit., ialldlughlf cir plat.4 aid neg- 1I" Shrt kau hélaten coloa a"d Styles, fo r icos $2»0 aid $1.50, ow go at $1.19; 3 for ................ 3.5<) Oure*qually weil kùown IMonarch Shirt., Afl tated or ng% o bZomnhit, al g at 'g~,o 'i'gM; lèîr. . ..2,3,5ý 1 q"n h Nuis H. .hM. splendid $22 6. its and v ugoat 6.5 H.,S. M.spcla Sut.and Ovor- céats $18 gradesut got ,...I.,...... 12.75 lothcraft all wool Suite and Over- moats, $15.0O grades, 110075 cloAlic:aft. ail wool SuiA and Over- coat., $18.50 grades, 9 7 go at ........... Broce lots. of splenq.id ail wool SuitKaid Overcoats , 79,5 $12.00 grades, -go at ... Young meulse legant Suit. and 0v. ercoat., $20.00 grades, go at..............1l4.75 "0ngme'selegat *1&.00 Suit. aid vooota, $18.00 .12*.5 grades, go sit....... Young men'à splendid $15.00 Suit. and -Ovorcats 1 .7 go at .......... Young mon'.splendid *12.50 Suit. and Overcoata -97 go at . . ... . . .. 0 Boys Koe Pants Suits and Boys,,Overcoats -Our lainous 1"Extra- Good" 1brand, so wel and favorab)y kUgiewn. B" gy uit a good onae and you oau gave,$2.00 and $1.0.on every on. Bmys' l¶ntSuit. aid Overeoats, Boy' eogat Sit.and Overooato, = ýelllI .....4435 vu two ýprs f trouu nE ya'lt spiiendid$Suifs aud Ov uo ..... - - . Boys' special value Siis a now go ,2 at.. . .. 41......... W. iput, on sale 100 boys' 0 kickerbocker Suitea ad-89 pênta, former pnices $5.00 a juit to cloan Up our stock à &U sixes at ..