Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jan 1911, p. 5

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I"B O0UTY iNqDup*JJ puitOÂy, J.&NUARY 20, L911 $. oil, is, air, e"d '00 -sore 1.Our rive"m, Iakee &Bd Wollo, la stocéidoes] b> man>' uboriles tise gisatesl.Xlstlug menace ta istusan 111e; la ft, ise gravaè- yard bas cause to be oue ofiuma deadi '0a. Marly citlseand] toans ai Iiluai, are nuw provided i tis isetful coniUCIti Maumaleume ans] bibertyvîia Be sOan Ise Iortunatt. lu savîng one bar ber Own people tisat wcli hi, ae eveliaetiueg monument t t b. surgy ans] i uterprise QI ber owu citeue. 'A trip cas mail , tmsethse Kankakie Nauusoleusu ana cals]ans] clondy day and foUowlng aasek, aI9wet ceatser cas >IwuUo ci Ibiffai bas perpiexeil pabhl.inld for agie, as ILte a iii owatetbt tise preseut custam of ri fageOintaSaiS ot uneatleeitoî7 la»ÏoI taadpolut; ase lble uof7sanl. la keplsg ctis tise imes and fabupàna. ï7Lbeuf. ettsitbtssnt, hîcetofone ,P4ouij b>' tisacrowued headioeus] 1 E Of h.ànotes saddi. la now ~ l. rh.1aipeopl ai ver>' late mme ans] Ibewstatel>' ptsay plan ar beag constcueted 0'ury Sitati hietise Union and tise pulàr tavortiIs mnthos] ai buclal la mblnog wîtis, ansong tbiuktng and] ptseV eople. bide fair ta elege#to e arw.o"eustum we ntsc fise toaa ýot7 0f tisapat. Mie *,*boy@ grouns'!idea LA i dposiug Our deas] was lu vague picir ta tise e ulur>', *Bd et tisat ime' lu man>' WW lt won unleectul toj'fsury tise des] ise isrtis; binceb. tLe~iu'ssleunnsla baaw, batmodernizes] ussl Improvis] Met tbe advanoe of ivilizatian. 96Mi bu"a, resultisse lun posndiug FOR BREAKFAST, BùcKwtiEAI CAKES-MADE FROM FOX 0' RIVER~MILIS BIJCKWIIEAT FLOUR Pure Maple Syrup And,. i HOME MADE SAUSAGE 0 0 fOR SALE BY E JELI TRIGGS Phne 25-Phone 3 PUE INENIORI SALE EVERWEAR HOSE, regular 25c a par goods, untili February 1, 2 pair for 25 A iot of Negligse shirts. 14 to 18 size, regular $1.00 ta $1.50 kind, your cholce white they tast A lot of Triangle, five ply Linon Collacs; the 15c ta for 26c kinti oely they are slighily soiied. white they lait they go at 5ic each OVERUOATS.* LINED SMORT COATS, CAPS, and Sweater coas et ireatly reducod prices Ab W pair of Boys Sh5Ii, toselI as hlhhas $2,50, during this-bale lioy ail go for II1.75 About four doz. pair menis'etorit shoot, good heavy stock, ta clos 01.76 Thê'îe are ail bargains and will be dlspoiea of at the prices quoted. Besides these we have aur regular stock of mon Fur- nshings t pricel thet are as tow as cquality will permit. WE COURT INVESTIGATION.,.7(OUR MONEY BACK IF NOT J. B. MORSE & CO. Everythi'ng for tien liBERTYVILLE, ILL Piano Tuning Why psy 82.50 and 83.00 for Piano Tuning ta incompetent or lrasponaible parties, ahen you cen gtaà firat-ciama job-guaranteed- for orsly 82.00. Drap me a postai. Cen furniah efèrences from Libortyville, Oenfse.idl, Shermerville, Glenview, Edgbraak and ail of Irving Park. 0. W. HAINES 4134 N.- 48th Ave. lira. Rey L. Hubbard spent Monaday lu Chicago. L I BERTY V IlL LE B RI E FS Abert Efiger, of Prairie View, tran. Mre. Obed Kercr, af Brantford, Ont., le 0OOAL. AND PERSONAL. M E-NIQN vieiting ber oison.Mr@. LncolnLuek. Mie@ Mary O'Mehboncy ai Boekford, To ineure publication in thse Indepen- J. B. Morse wes lu Wankeen viuted Wedueedey atternoon witb Mec9 dent, copy must'be in the office no later Baudy mii>' Bush. thon Tussday of aach week. Adver- Jan. H. Swan traneacted butspiueee ln' L Gibert Wèdnedeiv tak thse Chicago Taiee>. contraet ta letis Fred Busse's new tisern, espechaily, are asked t takie Dl Ae,.' okfllr a $15000 reeldence eit Fui Lake. partîcular notice ta this affect. coller iu Libertyville Tueedsuy. Thse weter sud eewer opecial assea _________________________mente are due and payable on or bre Harry MecDonald ie elowiy recover- FeL. 10,. 1911. H. I0. Eger wee a Waukegan vietor lng tront an attack of pleuriey. J.1.0. MoisiE, Village Collector. Tuenday. Tise W. C.. T. U. will nieet wltb ie. Haviug aeld rny paper route to B. W. T. P. Durkiu, of Waskegin, wae a Auna Cooklngham on Tueeqday. Jeu. 2,&. Smith, all:ecrounte due ta January 1,, Lbertyville vietor Tuesdéiy. Corne. 1911, are payable ta sue. 1 Geo. A. Frtds'rtrke l8ecoufineil to the Reguier services eit tise Lawrence FuED J ELLEY. baisse aiti an atluck of tIhe grippe. msision Stnda>' aftrnoon etr3:30. Alil A large crovrd wae jis attendance eit 1iee aI 1b. wist linse toenuferlug lire cordiali>' inviteil. the masquertàde given i*>' Aeme Camp Ir,ta'lood paiiniff, la reps'rts.d on tise Thse Ladies' Society of thée lresbyterlan M. W. A. lait Friday eveuiug, about gain. church 'cdli hold a baker>' cale Saturda>' tiree bundred hoeinrpremect. George Dean. the youngeeit @on of lfr. aftrroon, Jen. 21, at thse Oa4 office. E. Wayne Colbits>' fua seek saisi ta a ausi Mc. J J.Poreou, l qiiteelc Fre Jele> baeol bipapr beluseChicago parti atilve sacre tract ofiwabat ws eun.J.Jsossia. l ta H. rd ele assldhe aerbsiesle known as thse Daniel Lee foai, on wit pnumuia taH.W. Sith, wha will do hie utusost Prairie avenue. Thse purcisager expecte ou lat finnday J. W. 1 jncb orgeuizeil to bondi up the brsIness aud plesse ie ta erect a fine dwelling tisero ln tbe and installed et Hartianil, !sltlenry patrons. Caneileration *-100. eprlog. ctsusty, tise [artiand C. 0. F. W. C. Sanbom ascompaiiips'Il'y ire IL B. Eger return*el Monday Irons Mr. afsud Mre. J. %V. Lynchsseeo alled FI. J. Sanbacu. of Huriey, S. If., Mcc. Fr y Ilw ele attendeil the tss Chicago ttuudssy lsy the. death ob ai. re.Emna Hoakur, of Eelsvidere and J. I) ue l0 i ftr Ia e L.% usL'u unsie, NM. Lawerence tCarroll. lichenl of Lberty flstt Tuesduy for ' MlerHe ryouinL e stsr, M .Ua rt TI.r ladies' ai St. .Joeeph Uatbsslici t %,aweeks' eajoura lunFisrida. 1Mci. Eger ahere le will suake hie Lbosse chui-ch will gire n yard parti tsnd dance After completing ofir losire wcSund Ifosr a time. lu thse Lîtertyvilie Town Lien on Mon- ive are tsvsertocked auns r fssu kýtterne ai d.>s iigbit, Jas,.23. riskece, huffetp, Ifablseaud led roosu t'rnce tse ssreeow'.< b f.i.rfituru swhicb durlug thse uext thlcty A.warded $40 Damages. 4* tio",thehoro ownd b> W.W. dvoiwe weuh oelivery cebers fosr cash ta ftssii.Is'v.dies] Jan. 130à. He 'vould make rootu toc r e' tuck. (0. 1tLucE Sam Charbonneau of AiLbertyvîlle haves' bs hrlty four yrare uls thse 2et '& C., Lbertyvhlle. c-17.21 bas icen awarded $40 damages iu the Wi.~,i [lie Ma o su r id s on thi e Wlile workng on a hou-.' st itoeke. I Court of Jtistice Welcis, followlng a facfsf. fellerTueday Ecnet MsssllounaluI iil e; collision. at Libertyvllle grevel pit in Mre Iamilon ai eu, a She dondstance of twenty tes t rons a lailder whlch a team lu charge of Jim Ell. .%Ir@. ans] litnMnsonr.of! hatel, la. praiuiug bath 1auklo. TIse accident, 18, started etàrtled et a cave lnataItre vIoad herat e l'rt f ai ylà.mi healie quibse veàlum), o iii îrubabiy uait pit, bolted down a 16 fot roadwaly îsrs*d thpartaibserkpart o fst and ltre prove stin«..and craslsed mb the Charbonneau C t. Oaloway. A report lea mrrent ta tise effeet thatt eta, standing lu tise mddle rittise tise Iniil Isih commiesion ai inetail a road, thse shaft oa tbe Eline wagon Thse Librar>' le bevlu« a gaod lieslth etate and Ioderai ils culture etation eit badly hurting one af tise Charbsonneau growtis Itfilt illing a long fet ttiid. 1Ln ekî rerta LeIa iLrses Tise animal watt valued et Tîsece seuow a circulat ion ai 600 ai tLje lk.epcalyts1iitihad$175. vsIumes ,,Jist drap lota Decks.r & Bond!tro te,' iepecaod hewie.ih n siruit ets.e ausf ave cour asise eu1 ld ulu L ala or Dmean BCharîgseKeirileat week adsls.dtwo flna New Catholie (Jharch For he.t i mo teugon tsdiwr- or i ie rown lbaru cockerele ta bis alreedyNe pr It mëýni ofthl irctoa f heexcellent fhock aiofsloaoddcîickerne. Be Nepor i ais" C'auuty Aoeiltural ffoeilty bel!issug.t Lieus aI the Fay Pouitry tenus, sas Tscsdsay the Ifollowiug dates were set ai De@NMoinea, la., and L aile le pais] a Viiii Reynolds Las dceded to the f,,r thpeftalc tiseyec: Sept. 5, il. 7 goad prie for tisesa ye Le le osatiashes] Catholie Bishop ai Chicago, land] and il. The dipetore promuise thii yeac aitis Lis bargain. valued et $1,100, ta5Lbe ueed for a a tiirc.rendbêter airtha evr. ttoneyB. . Mlle haa prchsednew Catholic church in luthe town ot a sosrcos ee actsa vr ttreB.[.bilrbspehe] Newport. A t lise la-t csgulbnc inetisg toiLi.eti- ossitise Lynchs estate thse Jo.hns Lyneb __________ ville Ladge No. 492 A. F. & A. M1. hbus]1fartin tita m e uortb-west aof On*. akFr- eri in tiseir bail Seturda>' nigtist l was Conoideation le sot tated or rathier l1.k 'rDeril rssfc'1 ta r01-0eAo ficmeting nlmhie tatesi as 81.0010 elroietsue tr-arissere,. i r',Ti tbe second aud outb Satturssar.;;lu the transaction Lise Lynches crelve ai Deerfiefd, fil., weatt ot tighland ta thse s.coud and fourbis Monday nigiste bouse andslot on Broawayi and Pirerai Park, la ta Lave ta first bauk. of escîshontis . vacant lots. 1 enry Zies, a weaitby man of tise A beau aches] bis Libertyville girl thse Tise oeil; tated communication aI. clby. ahu Ie now on a tour of Europe, tslowing quetion: "lWhy Re your Libertyville Lodge bio. 492, A. F. & bas Puisucases] one of thse main Cor- ciscseilile asPan ai bons, Mlaiy?" A. M. wiliL e hscld au Monda>' eveniug, ner lots lu tise village ot. Matt Harets- glie iluldn't anewer tise questi~on ard Jan. 23, 1911, commencîng eit 7 o'clock, berger. and anaouncesbist on hie rb. tise Toung mari made tise tllowlug iu accordauce witic tise amendaient a; burut ta thîs, couutry lu May hoeWi auuaer: "Beocauâe thece le one on Pcditise iy-iawe adopted atet îleantet tateil iopen a banik ln Deerfiets]. Ho le a FlIL ai a wageein' tangue." Now e Iol communicat ion. H. H Fîeg. W. M. fermer. merchaut of Deerfieîd who nso longerca beau ai tisat girl. CoEAS. SNIALE, Jr. We. deule lu lumber, ire. coal. uoodao nd Jsshn Kacth oiCcytai Lake, bas twenty Foliowsing sare tise offlsee electes] et a ike commodities. bonsse tatsade a record durlng tise pont reccut meeting ai tise Firet National ý yerc ard tai béat. Tise Iawie laid a Bank:1B. BH. Miler, Pres.; J. L. Taylor, Notice. tssssai f2,710 cggm lu365 days. Thie le Vice Pros.; J. S. 91idlay, (aiLier; Carrai' Tise fltIslutalîsuenl ai epecial assise- an aversage ai about 7Y, eggs tramttise (iidley, Ae'tCasshir; Board ofDirectorai 'usent No. 2, for construction a! connected t"eu ty beuls evcrY day lu tise year and B. El. Miler, J. L. Taylor, J. S. Orkdney, sewer system, le now due anti payable au average total oi avec 185 egge Ircm George Quentin. W. M. Walrond, 0i. ou or belare Feb. 10, 1911. . c16-3 iach lieu durifsg thse yeir. -Crystal Lake licbreck and] Chas. Phillip!. J. B. MassE, Vinage Coletor. H?êralsl. p;__ -0.. . At a meeting buslest et ktise bake Cousty National [tank elecbed tise .olauiug 041cere Pros., F. P. D mond; Vice Pres., Oea. A. Wright; Cabler, C. F. IWright; Ae&'t Casiieroe <. S. Keru ans] F t. J. Wright. Boars] 0f tirectars le as lhowo: H. C. W. Meyer, A. il. Scisser I useuPaul %Iaca.utfln. Oea A. Wrighst. Dr. 1.. R. Gallaetay, F. P. Dymoud and C. F. Wright.. Os1,i) 18, 1910 Luites] State Postai Msfsey Order Biants Na. 47085 ta 4-d200 inclusiv-e together with moue>' Sords.r taup see stsleu irom u SoL station No. 50. Chicago,: Ili. Thise lianke are being filed out for diffirent aturuntii raugiug irons $25 ta $75 esuci and are being passeed on mîrchaute near Chicago. Ouiy jeaelcy and elotiing stores Laire bien vislbed lu E caneton Ly tise forgera. Tise woman whso operateil iere is described ae biug an American, abaust orty.lfi yearsaIs].five Iet lire luches teli, weigit 160 Ib., dark Laîr uns] sark complexion; ehe seore a black drees, turban bat trimmed With broan velvet. In Jouiet tc 'Yaung nmen olaie' cits the saine stolon maney ardere. Marehall Llmberry read the aisove letter and] aoked ta Le utise lookout for tise partie ae tise>' are - - - I uppoped ta hi working Un Ibis localFt>'. carde tripping and conclusion. 1 oio [Red Head-Trippiug meane runlng Ts sbs ,,, n1i pcliseea and conclusion means tise end oai tiinge. ment Na. 1, for construction orcaunected Teacier-Nose. gîve me a sentence catir eystim, lenow due ans] payable witis tse wosýds. tipplng and] coniclusion on or tuefore FoL: 10, 1911. c-16-3 lu i. J. B. MonmF, Village Colector. lRed Head-Au lephaut came tripping oynko ht teeg ebr down tise il uitis a cau tied tae DolkosLt tsesyt u conclusion. sait caaI, (11 l's gaod coal), witisaut tise ,ennoyane oi'eoot and emake. Just Lync Broher thi. wek @ld teirgive 11e ice a véry litJe air un top. incuture ans] uusertatelug Lusineco e ta îsut chîeck tise stssepiipe danpcr too Paul(;. Iay. Mir. Ray, comingariglnaihy ciosely. Ueo Pyroite Wasised Nut. You frotu Diamoud Lake Lut wisa bas receuti>' enu get IL Iron tise Home Lumber Cons ises engaged ls tise @&me klad of business pauy. it Lods clouely, but lisrhtly, and lu Rosckefeller, hsuluol kuocu bereabaute, leas e eugis air spacnt h, u f lire t and ile a young man ai goodsieisses urn aIl tse gase that would othetalse decides] acquisition fac Lisovbyvilie and certain ta matke a succegs of hie You me>' learn just wisit yan cent venture iere. Helea liceneS] undertakrer te know about Yaur chances ta bu>' 8 land bas a goos] knowieuge ai tise home by- StudYlng todey's ada. inculture business. Mc. John Lyncis for _________________ tisepresent ailaseociale himaecîf itis 7b thbusinesLe bas juet cols], and bal uat decideil abat 'i future plans wcli- iengagle hhm l. . Mr. George Lynch If ho kdoee nal get au extreordiuary palitical' rappaînlment.iram the Demarattce ciets i elu Cook county cli about bers for eome ime, but ce are Informes]tiser. is5 sometiig in store for M in tisej democcelic camp lu Cheigo. I OfeOUR UNE __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LACES, AND EMBRO*ERIES MIAS JUIT SEEN REOIEVED FOR OU R SPRING TRADEB 1D DIRECT FROM IMPORTERS VALENCIENA LACES lie PER- VO. AND UP INVESTORS IN MUN~CIPAL. CITY IMI'ROVEMENT, OR COR- TORCHIN LACES bc PER '<c PORATIO N BONDS WILL!SECURE THE 8AFEST INVESTMENTS AND*UP ANU SAVE MONEY DY PUROMASING THEIR BONDS THROUCH ALL WIDTH EMBROIDERI ES OUR BONDS DEPARTEMENT. BEFORE BUYING ESSWIERE bc AND Up CALL AND SUE US OR WRITE FOR OUR OFFE«tN4, THEY ARE 0F THE BEST AND MOST REMUNIRATIVE TO ÏNVPTORS a es PAI. ADISHoa£ m10.LlaiAND ext Do« eth olthi hs4- cps alStud" WB WILL EXAMINE tisat catch a! yaure end titil>ou just chat ln necessary ta b. douadcati cdli coet ta put It lu, Perfect Rlunning Order titen yon cen igave il or not, as you plie. Iu ail kinda o! cepaîr orit, ce do ocsi> thti ver> beet coritasd you ues] have no hittcy lu leaviug thse ineet artIcl, la A. lIISS I AFTER INVENTORY Great 'Bargains, IN TifIS 0DDS AND ENDS, SALIE Ladies' wool underwear, $1.50 ktud, tlow 8.0 $1.00 kind. now .... ......... Wrappere, $1.50 kind, now.............................. ******* .00 $100 kind. now........................ y Mien's wool underwear, $1.50 kind, now ...............................19 Boy@' wool undetweur, '. off. M«'o and boys, Caps, j off., Meu's and boys' clothing, Y. off. Baye' and tuismees' plain rubberei wortb f60c, no w.....................4 Ali l ik thiq saie Up t'. 40e at .................................... ' '40c to 50ecat.................1....................8 JIJST RECEIVED Spring LUne of New Ginghams and P"in CAIL AND SEE TIIEM 25c,.GRANITE WARE. 10e Ifyeu wuld:tee suh lage ph«.sofGraewm Advevo bsdue, even if the poor devil is only your local m.thmti hintseconds 6 qt shallow MiIlk Fans, 6 qt enaumelëd Eldng Pam l-Oc ~ Libertyville, I11. What we guarantee, by tkce proper use of ou Sharpies Separator in your dairy,' iS. as folows: ft tIf Compired wt b su otiser mite of ef'icîtor, the ililulin Yieid Of butter lu laV*r et the Starpieus Separîfor ai l'e e it sufsiciient g0 psy 10 per cent lntereà1; OU the whole fill cost of the sessrîtor ech veir, and tie gain over muet offset sepîr&turs ailtDe mutins Uo» thifs tls. 2d. i yuu if tc 5.C st (me o f the best sravityc seauers. m555,rtt eoetCir evuoi abiceonditiou. oue gaisIn luyeid uof buter bY the use of tfhe Shîrpies TUussis Sepacator wffiilm- lu exces uft eu poundu* forevery hundred Psufuds; prevousiy made,' fI you ire usine evefu the l'est srivity creamer under favorable conditions. thst la. Isot e1 iey Od watcr or lce. youu gain ahli be an excesso0f toety, Poudu. If you use au lsfets*i ceasuer or pins. rour gain ail i cun from twcsty-tve f0u5f fty pouuuds, depeusing ou boa lulnus they are. ilf. Ou the point of suaity Oûîqcram or fbutter IL b mure dtflcult mu flue a defllte ggua, as hardiy muy f.u dairymen une the same susuust uf race about fiseir dailee or usîkee ute sa quality ut butter. l'utosher thOUSebeing esissif.we euirautee tisit evhm the lebet daltyga8 54 find an Imsruvement lu fte quafitY ut bis butter equivaicuf f0etjsree Cents gti veceinte, tar tci by thse ou eofour sepafifur, while the, sverage feue raretu] dafryman aile"curea sbutte, 'et trous 50 per cent gu 10Q per cent usure thén wittout the aid outhte Tubufar Bepsestr. Tlse'skim-milk. beingwarus sud icesh. uiil be mort mure vafuible for stock food.1$ IlsWbt uorttsImtro LestY-tve cents Lu iurty-ff ece rufs Per tundred pounds for fstok if""«,sade~p lsrteiy ou fltc se orutltc stock Lu waibl f ed. Sour, culd mi k ls worfthabout ou"fttk 01 asufft. 4tb. Tte savinu in, tandlilu of the miik ul berlue the ReePtraion midi rîrhe bflie 0w stable,.îasd the skim-milk ted rlghst te tbe stock wie If lu wscm. te savntu camft p& aisgls etc., sud the wagstiug sud carlue for siffle, add s tundred and une otter littie eavilge. neesi seS, be esilusted. silhaugt (bey amount f0 A ereat des] lu tl'e seecegate îtht. There wiiil be asaisue01f ie. If amv ls uscd. sud'tt, fUme aud capons. ot h" 4WUý the Ire. if IR neceussry Only tuencunu the eusrsxsteed-loresse ilUnie ield of butter aid the nuis sutecd lmpruvenieut lunsuaiity Le coabie you tf0tee bOa absousteir ueromuaasc e s mi sée oto ausdarymau. m la nd wcrer ou Clromustaurlecau t l e b m sucees tuff loui e SoId hy lé.EGEKI Ubertyvilte. ýl .Law Plag, Propristor Juet arouas] the corner on 8pu BSet, neît ta ltae Boeitsu bl inàg aMd o0 ethelb.poster biachpeit* @bop. WIare and Tobace everytblssg but' favorable; lu Ict thLie ver>' caret conditions exIstes]. Tise balolig Llbertyviile people wece memicreaioftise part': lire W. M. Hleaths, Mm .Frank Dynson], Mm rs. c Taylor, Mca. Dr. Craue, Idre. L. B. Ranby>, aMr. aud tirs. Blgla»suans]Mrs. Warren. tirs. Prien af Wankegau, cas altio a smmser aitishe Part>'. What CLASSIFICATION ai tise w&ad s] ltrezti you eaipeclali>' TO. DAY? Tou cen tura to ItluI about ani nstant--or an Intst5d-a-isalf. fi o o o o -e 1~ UR @ e IR nu n E aUytV4SLS 0F AIL BONDS, OHILoRtmNS 11.1 lWs VAMMYsoê UEI . 1 Irving 1-aric, Ili. d 4. d le il

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