PfiN'SM ~Ifl i as &. nM. aj limaru sotyIntO, tihou.s auj. rem«e î6 bioc. as behot~ i p tbh b> Dy M. QUAO. ome of tii.trenauaea juiera ~OsTi5Wd.I&e~ D AsocitulUtcas "la tbat pou. jaillir demande i %1 prea.. j Blklno froin abum neing se bami Denver qua rrieti. and is, . "No, My love." repfled lilikina. 'Jt's Icg oe .bad reaceti t1b. uge or forty. the__________Ir o8sX.amatif t het tbe village a!il mlIvîile spuiie of Ml" i tpoulier Aunt Xiiu. andthe ~ri...d IloO1Pjec, Se-Sbort litorqineemouqute the ii.. Sbe ba! an u le and itt ts tbng luit ucoiw . t-i iliotli Uiy5m Stid clone. Il . veas suiiof ber that ?Nearly erery feilow 1 ne t ape .Md 'abc wos a dlisapinted womn. ib. tells me how short b. le.-DoSton Trgn- won. but flot lu the cases.thâittae bud script. libredandtint. lSo tir as n one ~ ct.~n khe sh bai nYerlovi 't al. "Miss Cbitter hla a ort Of. tailing thougb severni w idowers bli!ed clutet t iait at,,? tiair mudddp teet on ber doormat anti '.No. flot a perfect machin.. Ou tril ti b htwte r inluaffaire matri. jacks tii. exhaust.' "-BaltlmrAmer. Monil. Jjist viii wauthe. mtter tenu. with Miln Spooner wu l iat sbc wui a wontan vith a mission. and i ddunot Agond nias doea gonol tirb know .xactly viat tbnt mission vas.. lvlng.-Boiver. Up tu the. âge of tirtp ah.bcid tbougbt fiwtvao conurt the beathen Of China and Africa. but tii. returas Whoe Oh* sDilYmred Prom PauL ver. e ancertalu that ah bo itinally À Scotch clergyman calletilapon a ddedthutibe i. as on tbm vrong ýparlahioner. aunObidwontan vbo va track. Titan It dawueti on ber te, taire Dot poolsssai viii min, virtnem. but av, the.teimperanc qousion, but ber. wvo pomsmais avery vatrima mset- Mm . as bandlcapped. 011 SOI Prtal. meut of vicra. He took the. l*l.ra Md Vuithe. ony one lu the villasg a tort for a sealrmon amdsi lleta bar. 'tInt gottdrat. and bis vit, saiat conaldarabWle iegtii ripou tle .Ub- tbat @bc enui ritier bave lm comae Ject, comciuditig vitb nome extrac4s hom dmunk thau coler. atbe brute trom on. of St. Pauil eplaistilaitlc lever dtube.bc tait to -b. ipropo.. Tiiere is notblng more discouragtng Sihe didn't speak for several minute. tais feeling that pou bave a mission mlter hbedsdnIuiheti. andb. tiougiit andi iavlng that mission dodiging pou that bc bad made an Impression upoS sudt keeping you lu suspense. The ber at lait. He vas mistakten., boni. eslp tilng-that eas bedon.. bovever, *ver, for abc sttdienlp turnedti mua lte.p aî. Mins Spoconer valted, id 5. 'th thte remarrk: 1Bmpbil That'. at iagtii ber sismionlbve Into vev. 1mut vierbsNul and 1 bave d<lierai lit vw» lat thfor t«a-tramp. It tbielléton yurs." eaflsi t.ber bous.e tocsomethlng te Tbé,argument woin otcuStlnuci. uat. Ohsut t iovsat th.-table.m ,MIIWiUi WbItlfvudotagmeo me. 011L às MuelbbeVees elec If tbat 4Wifý teroel lst aré -au .14 e * 05 mos tbaic off te s.vfng circie et e wi w ies ale etubO 1 ths tramp> bal tbl ht lurb," sali tepstrettl dqub* bi 81ber Waieb snd châie coocluon or ts murnag servie . ,"I &Mal~ellellagL [b-aete to tbank the. congregatiffl m Mats IloGie iSIspiiger -J"t. W-L'Sft1-»m buttons pimemi Sm iis aou. Me gave tii. 4larm, thce lllov vustiuinbxdrn hatmnh everbnuled. aui lefore nigit b.c rbtinbx uvuib patmu tla jai et the ScotjsMt, siu mies If nov the. pbuantbropially Incel & a titrese men' ateom d-onr0f teuse objecta viliiput a. but ne .justiceof lb. pai e il«OMble jd-ienunderabiti andt Urea pairs of m&abiliairs appiuis4 ber sedan. sudother un ctlip séculîr garuteutu on the. for ivo or thm eys abc elftoit ~Pate ne;I Sontiay mOrnn go tuat the hbail donc ber iuty. TIen teeti,,'we fiflP bave aomptlilg tg, sewillîoie lfiti voie., begn ta. wvisper to ber.1 buttons ou, w. ishali b. aditiinalil Vu bi t emptel ith. ayfsrer. jegael'Hre r'sWPekly. lmtliwobabli beeu drivec 10 trampismi W, rusniforme, g. mgbt bave bout A Que Nsme. a% hbonet Manuni>to bis titille. I Aions thie booksin lu m nailliubrary (ft, ~abc, madeiladSoe otiier excuses la Bradie's -Curloaltles ut k'uriann toit lia, ami ail ai once It doawned on Nomencie, w. ' .il al l inter- 1er tbat -ker. vwu ber long sangât leaved Inl portions andtheii margina an- mission. There vrouli ie Imore j7 o tae.Oe0ym ietiutasl ove salg eetramp than la sending ntti .On __Itatadiiosl a u%1lHas traite to tie beathen. Ob8h. titis curouspciOatuBemeè."n. hleon a brai eaisit thte Masnitoked, ionely andID ti. cburcb Of UaUgattotkulgh.Uskc. iovnet. as If b. reaisedt titth»lMonmnouththe ml. nnory of ziropho.- w*Mw as aginat hlm. ami ne.nasat leie, taugbter of WlliIam matilew. tillesure lat h. dldn't bave teaLrg,' i.edieti la 16M. This can oniy b. a la bisa epes n b. nidown taotics l'arist Of the. vonuan mentionidlu attie"., ;Maut vitl, 2w ho vas Greek. a Syra- 700 p pebIy kuovboy conscele.Phicieniclan bY nutlou.-IundinNotes *crbw *bes' It Ses out of îeadlng, ami Quertes. »41u9P. sam itIlàleuselese ho relate taiJ - vitt4i *week AouI Nn vms atkins Christmnine th. Twins. 'adWsajon tthe county jslL. be bai 1lu go Engiliab village a miner'. vit a-llta t l Ovn ant iebaidriven over Pregent#d hliu vtth twis. At tac teo te" 4"o811icaot li ami tastop tufoga ntie the twhns bai to b. ciris -A foei' iaps h. began vltb the tramp teneti. antiGeorge, bis wtt.andtilak 1111 b.giug bisPardon. IH. vouui friends proceede ta tothe ecburch toaf99 'laive beau 0o tramp aiilif bc bâlaitb fienaines ot thei. hltren. The minis. Sakeb Il$ cuqfe rai bis. H.pleaimi tr asked tfaituer the nome, of Ils !qpffleut Impulse ani iIoutly sesetel twla. anti dbc quîtie proutiy repliai: lIàthall b ei m chiaout t0 restera tti. "Steakanti Kliney, irr I -p» v bcn arreued.II. wt»vasitss Cam. cornep!" rel heieminahtus ,e*I tbt iha"0 eft'ceusittisi. 1H.'"'aSucare mii mmesfor, our chU. 1100e, bu Mftmt, treb!r Y wu sa eliSdvmiIa ada h'd. ' Wht ,d'ya 'asss. 1 Geomr l?"e 'Wtapgev murs uleftov Ît very bas vifte.-'%e at.avis o&w.i, m 'FcXL vagwuréédp te.»d ii iSfmfusa- "Ay It Ile. o.:Autout it vas Mo à» teertiung&adeti0f hlm. ucluil«ng uirait ta e«t!» ahoted Obtu tratt obm tj usr.ecommy, *i- erooepUj.tire venit bainsanti enlite the ai 0Of ber Ool Luek le the Degeisi mloato l ti, issonTbew orkaj A former consul geîîers rit SbangWs for a Pardon, but tallaita gel ht. Nol tlle ofthle Inlerest evlcSd by a Ci.i ou. èce seemedi.10 ohave a spart of aman or0f tt ith le vetiing car- vatai dte Clmb Dp. Theu came m At ithe concimalon 0of he»uuil vim. Mentai truÇgai. lu vi h lminsier. evu rii ndiN upmnthéedevire dui Pet parfli,,'îîme. l wa$s811ibilaceOf bhi ppy <ouple for ibeir boî,ev- apooèr'i secret.' Bbe vaulet thot muocuthe CeIOuai aougt bb bbm cuu tramtp oui of joîllut be migit loue vlith thus-question:0 Do tieb.glnnlmig à newIlife. *"Wby do orccieîuis tbrov uqct:a ter Wbten Mise Spooner vislted tii, laU the. teportlng couple, igain @he carnet à couple of Éle.n"-I uni fOt avare of the, precla. cri. vlth ber. and tiiey uer, le& tbere. ginor siguilIlance.of_ he eilatut"- Site0 bd convîncet berseit Wat ber bauîerlugly replidhie oflill. "Ail I Mission vas greaiter thonte hie. It knov i. titat It'i meanttfor guoti mci." tOok the. Iramnp tvo nlgbt, to i lc"Thon why." demînde the lb.Cies. thirougithte.bars. but on 'iii. uhl.d trlumpinly. *do flt yoo vesiternees ftlgbt ithe spîmter set 8ato.eîlaher tbrow rl.e alter the. borse vien thora. btou. vlth swrIlog beart, be êeterai la a unueral?"-New york Tribiun.. 41 the bac'kdoor. Sibe was ezpecting hLm. Bie vata give hlm $Io fo go &a a Bad Way. ft Iaf ay sd nmts amcv start. In r. V. Lucas"'volume os leUIe Ile vas to keep ber la bis linugitîs un vrlting au nian babn le q»Ulic, 'ho ellmbed up andi wite lier Once a "iisaffet: 'Honorable bIr-"i<liy un- fortulguit îI'b. money vos ready for eautiis pour tIi1 servant trou ai- bilm, as velu as a packnge ot pro- tenidimg On pour Honors ac ide Visiona. 8h. vas glvlnz hle' ssteriy day ai i am snfldrng trom tevwon ivie. ai to bis futur condtc sen kuovu tiseauS cmaWoole<8Ud 1ache'à ain et a antidenibe vas tirovm tu, the utte litelor economr, aM4 i MIs Çiot. efore lie coli acores mi a ec- sivenprap. jours W ovrintln*i am oietirestehiere wonai as-ag'iber Chunder. p.,0-Oh. bahb. wviie m anI, sud thon bhabauds andtacft tp stlug?' We Ve, ied, Midisa»evu botphie. - b the lb.tramp> baumuia Cheerfai tjtivrteliy Titi. Imié asmi eeta a eeh oun b.bouse. Ournt okesniarerosi Iumer. lbm -Be tbotti P th e .tha! elvu 51ee I M. ïa Sureau Iraver; hecgPt hbeinuge. âwee. $cW i o »»e e tn0, oilat, m le draukubrc by Pb«abâi mlest ae j-, 1 ~~ z tq* fglaoe saock.mNeW Q à à. «,s -o" ATTACTVeTRIFLE& AtllillQe Tho f M*.es title I" -' Tie mission iboomrot al 1. esiriqi ot luabeavy green thne rik Vbe colora usai lu embr"itthe Il MpemtU LuateLie cmov.ittlonal Sn are thi erk" mti"d es éoan eriitemeet Wetie wvan Pi'itty op- &be ae aluss vt.l .a ase iat Oms.8M en sd huit a yardet biudk 4* drgnlfp. Ec vue0 moad»»lv'11 goâeg ibounvIS mike nop lutot amt b.houio s 6.lie-ailleecf I1vamdei ibtabic receptfe te f isss. aiummchetty.. I'l te17Cbw 1:01=i Candie s. esr.d wvu pell eu Id ai' trombli blov sbd bl g004 pla itp bj ribon lab tile crinkiy icopeWIf. u«àitac tt ual hw ep b 0 aMe attractive end as preient. vouI s.»pii.Wv et 'eiv Whevo v»s0' pteue mest iousevivea. a ou ng e nme o»uit udbât-i 1.1 1parfumeai cetIauni m ibaua3 'are wim jpi>p au. a nd be554 S e. sm . Sd Weular. andi se are -lhe Motion tom u! 'oa bre.deif luit contais the gisu tube batpla ut nrrmi thm.dp h eier. .1 .protetaet Wu viovai nîoîber. boi HiPAily besutîfai utillly cases tbg atcuh. cs5ie ove. 10 llltverton sud- aporîa le baung upon a van or ruli for tIers. Tbe deuo ttugiei au*awý« travelng are maie trurIbbon. To giedti vi bSut Il dit s.ep0e4 mals sncb an ticle gel hit a yard uRb vonlidrink ooeîalis. oud he v"nid ut tbes tbat lu sixiches luavidIl. speetibis taut, around tlb. l uvi aos ToM dov u anloch vide hemjat tIele bls itigve. 1ed am ity alph. vax or. top ani along th. 'btiom Semier a" b t b ecu' om u »Wy on a tIhIn place et allk theb. e atroM ue te tue. eu rsbnneo«ne is.. This le tien dlvîdeti loto pochets odnvrt ae» entesor sud te upper eug. stüret. flumers ponth bagn tuindy boy to pet cran. oelnl f tie cae, d4 lvflng il Isto o lw. liii ifl atd a veknees for ssCtlOtti. soui han behaput en ils u. woet el eder. bouti b. dioli't gn tek. tàdflg Iiroi. wbem ceier niukingitr 1 1reugii fhsse artiles o f the t181 I came ho ctrtet aPPleu tu lb. mlii und sscI sa smibuotu. button hook. mani- baiOne barrqol of eiter mate-ove. eut.Impements. etc.. antia seving mor. Th id ier voult i elain Ira otit wtipockets for useilis.spoola uveetiesu for about i montb. Wie et titreatianti slik. scissors sud ait It began l et ui etige On lb. 1h vas sncb necimaarles are pet. A litti. n providet vilb "Mnother" and tolwi Cushion t. bat irmip nt one ent. Thb* letobcmc rngr poclett reeelve bolts of baby rbion, Of course Ibis litile one harrelfeta buttons and ail tIc IriSies tint go t. fair vis kitiôyiit. hOe neph.v. sudý turnlma ka ok aftes- a 11111. thouahî b. sev hle vay Cardboard bo«es natly' overed i th clear. .Wieuî lie alple -ami lbe barrai aIbiion and furtiied vîti tbre. spools bu 1beeki takren t1theil, lioliwvi «t bahj, ribion lu aitty oorngi are resdy viti bis plot. Perbapo bli " lk oftywlmwthe ski» « the «»lm u-tuI*aid of tIN-ov, «ofet lb'#ML' I 5aimWigs.. Aloup Beuiq huoSuS. iati l b noyer b..a tltafeastm ewde 5taiàà Ivelgo hberna.el. 5eMt 1j 0»0" t et fou i*a. vent imb tIe b a nI bu a t 7« bisoso ved Ip » «W , lmer vInthe I mber. Wb.n flb. *80soon ent after bis bai. te s areadyfor b1dm. and nover tilt a eider barrefl ok-moreinnocent. t vrae roisi iovn'ceilar to coolami va$ nuo:taipped until te aflermoos of tht neuIt up. Tien the deacon'a vite vaut out 10 visit. a neighbor, #nd h. Put a -spîgot lu the, barril ami irev g' glass ho drink., He bWjiboomdinkiig eie or nt-tireyears. lut noverý di eiertsnte liii t bat befor,. ithal, a peOnAnt tait.Il blidan agreesltl iaifte. The palae just citd ont for one cmai ues dof. mo-re. i.deaoougave il more. ne. M M60" tâ&1vas a lîttis bit frlgitoned vIes b.' icst f uI d* m bon zutait lauginlg. for lb. lad sot ~ o' 5&I*lausgite for slxteen 'Ymrs by the -a#, TM lW voMi Of 88" ipevis. 1 manac, but b.atirev aitother giasa MW tunul bave ïmlieu a leo ut lio Fu ir'. aoeu 'uosnsias veam touir appfflu la Wtb tic ppiins. At- halde the. cuver tu boita copal foa~rte, b.vas', op egs s bedki« end apairttrVfoeboahkç.-taU:jiik.b-W, Wo eau A tubboncoeveted glove aM4e ua-.. mersa » rametvq b simple of cosmtrnclon.i t lit Uéli éoudibo' ocnt v gesi le Interilne ti vfperftmi oteS w"îuui7. x èG *te., ubsomt. mai ltte vi> a 0tt 11kllbg. : 'fromuthe. colla r lits epes ver shintog pi'tty ftIni a ete tutu bho& one en*'andi is balr curling. ne put ou his 1ot. holding down vtb A 1ev of il> liat ant i vaîkedt ote 0 lite gate. von. - terlun vbb i 1. ,s ipet qu prlnp." Auother acceptable prient tbue cau antideva ubte poshifle, ho e asd, le te ardtie, girlle a estauto. lit ias hie it ieogi g b lihW et usim, carda, bandti lted. Toist sporty nepbev. lce "alitit towns ler, ane sure to-give pîeaure If given te a 10 give ibm youumg umn4 blasî: but. mo vomsn vWho outertalus argelp. imdiîug i. lie vas seizedti no&su- Tiow la t orin tflqa 1s-th' -4eitedexre to ake ilrid~e a1i hbl eut oui no timy %sl i ou' er tie etiga îIoone. lie bai busen suovu iuv 10 et the tumbler are new4 aii0 daitgt tarI and stp the machine. ilefors igure.of voues copWedIroumanme -Iupbga lulie vboope* E W < t, Md palitin. sud providinspat* Méin tu vboep. Nutlties1'vloop sMter -er êb utw ié&iu se ~'Irbo I inlt Thb e bog ~-4 go" »tabO Mrw io. M ti bns l 1110 'mii *hg'*.* bb TW', , nof tlverton ul l eveu, for. aintthe, 15'ibgi.UIi5trotiktbu*s gai ibat divp. 1lu- fact Il le ohtmervd as mklng lieu 'evaitabia inter fi* ftai a m of h0l1t Ot b limi ner ta.enmme ls vies pirst e t srfc ai, 7ao na. lHeput thet auto nh soarmuii b a 11 aI.lis fantest é sutndvent up ant i v thefMurts- a ve ove THE GUARDWAS ANGRY. fveryhtioy wlb!iidpoO. Heltitio- But the Prutty Girl Didn't Noeet iii. boopefi at t:e cormrandaieh. boopet *'Protocetiou. l n thét muile otfte bloeks. Bomelluiqs trou Brookipu tu New York on Sua.sis i» daje aftenaiiri d salexperince toit Wbea.tbis bappenedthefI.machine el-. lier grazeti o Ire. or. obte tii, sldd fint Ca ns-ilrovus anti tien i leugli. vl nicent f eoeebr .The car vas crou4eti.but ail b!, ra ndfront eote grerlses. 0ar vomen bai seat s. on the plelforu 1eotioeeitvasoplaintihfe greitin va Ia a miltile ageti man. appirentlytunitpa li beimbn a respectsable. Un . aide tat vas a 1vreng. aut a iuniredpeop. vouiti girlif tu otrose, wLtb cie oate oxten.led belip If iley céld, but Tbe unu on tlb.aplatforin vauglil bar tb. trouble vas.tiem oldnt. oye for a tumeut andt ti-e a trantie BuEt tboy )stoppeti »ai deacoet antmi kiss. Tic ginl fs inl iulet th u Th.Y Pliai' dry tiode boxaes on th. ai furlenaly. 'j treel a andMhlm lt. a millinery Hé tbrev another. a"ime r.i'soami capturai Uni. Se vws stil avway a crttnaoneui face. w hooplng. but holie u't figil beck "rniat wvi a shunt do$o vii wen fbey carrimi 1dm boniS ami put Ils b. ~revbonel guri "Go baehlminâtebud. 0fcours. tbere vaxsmre. te rour t 8 osOe'about SL ' NO dancon cati teb pour eflit, thee. ap pa..i wefoeIlOtatvYp~tt0r'any reste - antI repacaba un.. &caulcsingt Iob tletut bu t ebmandiftoi- a $Mlt * true b.grlse.,ho thr.vlhe evi t e'i o.l a rk»VXbefore. a»ohidl kisa. Ul uei bs fte te , , urct. e a tepcomselous. ê1tdrca;efuyA etipi tualhoblai druulÏto Surdeider, au4ý attdyeartulpa ' hiacutm.~Isl Itendei 10ovsap nté ca -tau, R04, '?At th*. i»twdt» «det teîl , iris.. aaku thle contkinet àlb lnrl'e. tp 4Mrsa te lus..,the ca. Th tv«Wae Be va anititro *1e, lm as Vasi. ywst M ittà liai ovver. A h.otIl ae n smusbs 8100 1Mai tiicmlimdoeu. Po Sel tbateMul iIs helêfoi met e"- .imeUailes u vtc on tSe upltt tie atuaui1i05Mllé h Ummtm "'sML b. tout wu a i -* adaI&Mved. 1A dapler * t lis boiqm tmo, e of aseoselid dagroue lakc'b'let Ot qmS.too&A as -1u*i a ee r4oe L bo* Mre. 2h I lfenla en oétotes. te a suf1m l.te etSo!'Il~ Mus - a ~ p I~V4 eNussSoc WlaterCep. Pm ...... .............. ...... ..............73 Mià soc PleccetiUndewrr Mme Maitens antiGioea DlscoWtedS0pet %«m uklge $immitto, Fer Pair .......................................1 Al 011er Wlnler Foolvear at cqutijy loy prlooe Mous s5ocent Necîlies 1.45 lAdie.oc 1l'eeWedUnderwear At..................... ...................... Clitiran Underwesr at grctly reduced prie Ss «eni Milk pella ie mot Eilk pale . ............ ............. ....... - 35 cent Lantern iqS .......,....... ........................ .. ...w. - -75C BcaaShovela, Porke, Etc. et Low Prime y gai. E-»m eromena par..... .............. ........................... 5 gai. Béat' Ehiolcue TPor ........ ...........1.................................................. - 5 se gel. Icew For ........................................- o Pound Cane ofTelmo and ai Pletades Esklng Powier At . .......... ... ............... ........... WE, RAVf EY-EERYI1ING IN THE -GROCERY LN THE xfplrIsd. to Newspape Eai Who InveUgme. F'or more titan a vcek patrons 0*of t.e Chicagoe ~Milwaukee Ratiroa" vito lave hat oeccasion rIde on.,thSv Milvaukee. division havehesu mysti. la a pssturé nam t.e trçk 3ustnort0. ef Grand Avenue. Part' 'honse; A314 part cov, nnmtnniul',9fthibmfuret 11* prosonceI'ecneatlug. lt.. ltb munoimi -peacefully a t te *p sas lu the posture. gatan;day the. my*tqpy surroufi- los the strange animai vas cleareil' up ip a .dgrlng reporter. lieroules dii sot go In quoat- Cer- beneu vltb ilghnr hearti is liiithe reporter lauuch fortî on: the expe- dIlion lu search of the i. mfktiatL. Bttu.g atores have dàMsto t lat. muipea vortit7 of aix antod*lb- vlan mwX-ia&, lerm vitol vaed bout juseue obroai-j iy a* *oveglwhots t Ia véelx elus. Othon *e u ii te~ ilsff km.tbrme.Met- qi fUt S ote arousi t»9 peamu* Tienovn'o has* tict»animal. @MU - %Matdo, uhMailn ae story. Yb"t vii le r Ils M - bormes 1eb tvlé %M ansI ftetis à %MM at t oà PMm on t g'ldm îi un W*ts tmt »0 a hmlfl bu 14 luale £Mmi vMas Sv.» le seUiquusqt. PAi mgi là-aut a oe». a oolt le met. a Iota.; ia migît b.e llier a calt or a colt."1 BUt b. dlsgie he icdoUbt. "I i.g pour pardon madani." ssidi the. reporter, vies lte door 10 a houa. sean tb. pmc-akiopsture Vas *Peamd."but, 1imaulooklg toc a "l'am looklng for a umonettp vlleb 1 am bu llvep iee-"' 1e reporter caugît iluseitbut teS )aie. The bot of tebouse clmda vuh a -bang and a frgitenc<'face, »U" i ntet t.e viniov as hIeqdo Wm vay np the st-oct. Pokc' Pua. Ai the statiox ai Golf P.ouRu vattlsg ton a outbonuMdecar,' a Mas laugiet aI tie emulaar 0f Bu.f cote; lauunei riShti ounitrigil lii. as could bi.. "A iruaken man lionglt, he velua Ifala& aif a outinlu Il. puite allier nlgt. Thai'sta». nearetbliea 194,ve ymi me Nutinw tan sml- MWl, paftlors. a~t t Mu9e,Usbaon.u bees patiSu la ot 4 'cqyb" bt a, veol?" agm* lauegp.nt.f a Pluk mime* W opuq 'vii "moi thb lltu a q»e lt Hr ettaqs. SSe Ilook4 W*fg& agd~*s av" onet ofth*, edoer 1»d s": ,. *Wua%%vi le ubto Heluebore, bt Iw mb" .eSSsi* Je*Unt a i, fl tu àura vu 00 aimail uied lté a a ; * N WéCe. ,frasils cald 4&"s I9Ue VWr mach a"iea iemusNe 14p strap, »uhbîtW att» s~,êatbe tuop pard cf a itl" ïo8*ilS Tie. moe i. oi i cuu-iso-aure.."ate th e l~Wpwl1 th. questionu smll& te%, bu as afrait-%maille Ébatureugapi ti porter-to continus. *"Yec' Il vavesîle beMd Iy on île-hint felet aveap Q Th** womf lti' édI TIvouas lugleOt tl Yeu boys cois. bercit 1Be.' v yoe>,e dnse.-ame saitWv'es bnp. cagne. -So Be it iea=M ycsive o a eporter Bier peu.' «Wby, goodtles.anacee@ho ah. agedte 10ya babvun Iésajj,'d tiiome boys giftel op à pair «o ISiru. aoune.beeMusétbey bmie v playlng Éiat HOb uIbt's tbe l --la & budte. Wlhonll I4 thounIt il <.81 bave cann ai t «eiemesl?". tCreulfafleathe reporter le&i,)W bat «M»ugeenomgb mter I2 wueolsumi 10 pleo ua, râ hesie Il aI dear old moily ia, thoe ln.. mytumata mon rlvatc pupEs' ,, ** lueb - 1 ........... , .......................................................... 1; 40C