LAKE GOUSITY IND PD~T. IWY Mt News of, Waukega-n and filhe N ~Shoré Womun Driven by Pather'. Action- tras cf lherfatier in tbu holewould seei ber at waet s.vfft 1ars sud Mi lier, baeh orte.. e.pless ulgis *>' bus artifh usband, vli under iii. trals, la nov la theIl us$, a ravisa manisc. Mns.. Ju et mofWauiegauas Prida>' isien hIle custeit> <pli..f et iccil>' te prevent bMIhisb«r tvo cidhen snd T" etor>' f thgWnear traitegy stant-1 9»,Fm yersâge, ln CIvelad.Tii,1 * ewtofMrs. Oven, viiese ua, la %M uovu in Waukegan, ebJectedtot i$ftumurageta Mr. Ovens. and wvien diled hiels vsies, lie ven utito bme eue day, sud vitli an axe, ur eb>'thetimel>' tii se ven >eae. sud kilI bier lu of lUioe mgit do. Slnd. that th badov etfiter fatiiens tureat 4ariened an otueryla, cleai' sky. abusbaud devotedt t her, vitii Utlgirls, ag.d tram tires sud bartome. vasan Eden vti ouI>' e" t the serpent in the. aiape -m pposedim rpeudlug 'desti t a 0f pbdso hrausrclilstic fatlier'ta mer athr, N'w ore. theonuli siloteti hr U.up, sud the fear tliat day ,gh oseberfatiier valilu the dou and kli er, bas prayed '« idever ainethe, New eterted Ever tie e rat day ,k,«»Ouy, e, b reusete retire t ad wuldaitln lier chasir, &MtlIgte herself and of flbecarne cross ad sectly. sud tioe citcl tr o he i«t sudwve. Omr* by usbud lia be h za etberaide anid bled »gl sot elaybaftsas. At 1»tst ýîtemaatici aviava>' sder tue oànw. ssàhe.toe, became a raving Huben etrckenFrida>'. ILt cfhaiwt or 1 lite no4 bwUý l iie fMugiit ga nSt icaer OUi desTa r a er, roecr oi e-iplati. utandcuffstuan d l '-itMe ral Iad liiin 1511. he. 1 PoltJuiicete otiiem nrerng l 'ýtMiiv anuLititusula ne St tm 'ilbiseln oI villi spaciud dry ibou ,i vi* t el. rvn bu i l WomkU esn Quihn et Nwsfn ,, 0 catre, uy ffifofdolicetiCovit qIuYi4et ud tranctae btifon Uk a f tiio. Tomeneglb rs, i vasde. edj la the a uertela s veiasd tbsab Ino, cl t i.lit tisa snbi s cf tluge ay tmuiaet ni meo WOtg outvitea bu it i.a bgut uAstnt Re luabail, feint tete n tl e bnnen c nvcmne- 1hi quiet and tatbebt rsi id GMttstake r tt> iltu. ils -ý àsý bob& - at mone ect at se tia '"*b4 i te a Ie qe ftii. eder gou p he e» ains , ctre saif igm hMairtii. cle vb - aber ale ln he u TO AUDIT CITY BOOZ5 WaùkegMa Ooundill etains Arthur Young'Oo. Whtlo the surface of the ciy coua- ci] meeting Monday vas as cslm as a mnlt ses lnjoune, novertiilesa tuer. vas-scmetbtng doing ai the Umesud tvo ver>'Important misas- ores ver, psad. In degre. or lin- portance te the cil>' at large, tue sud- it of thie etybooks rmba rsi. £rQlir Young 01vn Conîrat. W'thbno debste snd viti ucof uror. at an> tisse th.eontract for tihe audit of tA. at>' books' for tie ton >ear lut psssed vps. avardeil te lhe .Bm of Arthur Tonus & Compny uô t Ciif- cago, thesasse Brin vIe auditel the, books ot Lake count>' viti suci stsrt- lu>' diacoveres. Tiier, ver. six bide sulimitteit, but part eft ties ver, on' a per dien baeds of's0 nuci per daY ot work, sud tuese ver. not cousider- .4 b>' the finance conmittee. Thi reason for this stand la that vile the amaunt of (lie audit on the pçr tien nilglit posaubi>' le-a itlavloer tlisu on a contract buits. atili the, cît> Wffld bave te psy ailtlietel biseaud atluer inur exponea., vlicit ater the, cotraci liai bees let, the cit>' could not bock dovn on. Six Bide Offered. Tii. bide offred ver. as flowas Nev York Audit Comnpauy, $1500. Wallace-Butten Company', Inianap- olis, reJected as per diem basis.. 'William Mason Company', Chicago. rejecteti as per diem basîs. James Jarks Company', Nevý Yenk, vhicli compan>' ls the saie asu(lie Mason Company', rejected ou accunut of per dieni basis. Marvîck, Mtchiell Company', af Ciii- cago, 82,250. Arthtur Young & Comanyu>, Chicago, $1,900. Frein ties. figures t veuld seem that the New Yri Âudtlng Company' I aliulit have beeu ale.thtei con- tract for tii. vont, but there ver. var- louastMatnres of tiieir île, inciuding hotel. expenses, extia pa>' for extra vork on tii. book sud tii. fact uliat the compauy was net considereit r,- spousibi, wiicii persuaded the, coin- mitte, te vej.ct tueir bld. So, as peacetuhl> as The. Bagne tribunait tue cotract vas allovei tot go to tue Young Company'andithtie viole coma- cil breatbed a algb of relieftllsat tic matter vas al over anti sU express- ed tue hope that the. audit voulit pas as qluIeti>' as tue alloyiug oethte con- tract HisIor> of Movemeut. Thss;tere ofthityci>' qtbtue audit of tue bokscf lthe City., vs finistarteis bs-ougaia afsei"s etarti- cies prited .l the SUN somn.two or tuse. Ymsam a"sudftzmi the itart the grojse et n twulassediate fagor. Il aggesredu th le peogle of the Cit>' vanwte 101mevjut wisre tue cit>' got off -etlliste Matter et lis finances. sud flualir>'tise tida vave reaciied tue isat o e i.coueailisd the. ordînane ws passeit. During the Une tntervenlng betveenIi. passe ot tise ordinance andt the allovins ot thie lujalt niglit tue speclal eoi- nittee-àppolenei for tise »nrpose l&b- ored, bard tiese. tht the cit>' got tiie right eut ef the tirecracker, andd iu Do01 get burneit lu the. argain. Tiie vork le te start unt gosS 101as. tie detalis et the vork cou le arraugeti, snd Uasson as thi e or aithte it>' offices ls lu sucli shape as te aliov tue auditora le gain acea te the books. New Purnple Acc.pfle Next lu Importance htetthe audit of the cit>' books dame tii. acceptatice b>' the Cit>'o e i.nev Prescott pump visicli vas instsiied ln tise plant-ot the. vatervorlasmeUne go. -At the fi test, ovins, It la clalmeti, te a leakage airoun thtie cylinders or tue pumip, il f811,4 te meet tiseeutred test, but open a subeequent tst umade b>' H. W..Peitersen fer tue compan>' and J. W. Bv.srlnger of,,tlie vire milliefer thiy, l>.the pump rose ot et tise mire' ute visicis it -hladI fhle Suad Perferinei ln mn acceptable Minu ur.. Èi wil ii e noecbilds pis>' audit lise CRt> beOka S.trec felve ai theeisande 0f Arthiur Teunu & ColSpaiy b>' au- (boi>' of tue it>' counci l s.t nigit. OuB the centras-. It' tu e .al busI- ness, sud n hiorougis that nôt a City' ilepartimnt or activit> Vini escape the &tDkeen e>'.' of tue experte. The neitt (un>'te brins it about la that tu, finance committesesteaddb>' Alderman Helisu, notît>' (ho auditors 10tben in tonce. N o To Credit of Dive.. Now that .theseudit Ji net te le sioppeil due te the couacil vote, a&. auins Ilb>' letting the contact tu Astisi Touu & *Company', Itla18re. teffledft ite suBit- muet ladue te Alcerisau lasesc. Diver et tisé ~4Vatm v iaemelsolve aMd --.-.u....ID ,Jtue olwwa IUighty gond --go"- . e '"ue """'.uI4 thblgs, amon>' others: whbcli faces soutb on Maison streeti A uev fystem ef kePbng bioks sud I etweeu ClUUten sud Canai atrOect la accouta.-1 openeit. 290 trains viti a capadit>' for -A pew systezu et reports on matrs carviig 85,000 peope dail>', vîi lsesn fiuancisi, reporta tht vii net hlnlansd eut Oflils cspacious lratnulied. mer, bluffs but tuat the. people &n -Prom "Tven>' Minions for a Sts- undenstand lnl ever>' detaii. tion," lu Februar>' Tecunical Worid Recomnenations fer- ecooomy luagzi~5xne. varins iepÉrtmnts vlre nov an>'- tiuig go. Winl I'iht for Fortune. &Tieanrlula g tsstuephe roots- *LGeorge Patterso., a yl kuowu sud about tse taiWsu> >' e iti na U prorinent Wauiegalae la ensafe4 siisittu cl>' Buincslconiton, ila àluisisefig or a fortune inSenit. AudIt Uphili Worm. il& ail ecausetr silegoitUuust II bas beenuiuhi v on te get tue Irhhlment accorded ilm lis'-icirs et audit 1Bual>' ontthie Bars Path tue0co- husfatiier, suit las eugaged local et- Pietiou, asitleev"evycPFi,,OPeni>' fav torucys te take up the, battle vîtii eoi It tier. are Indications that 8se,-hum. erai carnieul bilg inives up their It seens that his fatiier îett anue.- sieevea, but 414 Dot gel a chance te tata cf aii size that the. Waukegan- malte nis. or!tiny - -- te'a share vauid net a bout 300 .The-audt'yul begin as soon a Ar- pounits, or $1500. Tii. Waukegsnlte thur 'Young & Compatiy are netiedi as the. edest son bu t lte vii seenil that tlieir o01er has been acceptait.i te bave eut hlm off yltli otiier bersi Il vili net tale as mucli time as-tii g, ise sd lett the, enture fortune tei count>' audit and4no resu>' sensationai a second son. resuit.. are expete4 S ail, .beyoend 3,r. Patterson La màklug a elrong great god lu better metuaits on (lie and vigorous protest tliroiigb lie local veopie's lebuit.f attorneys tu Attorney Walter Gerrard et Ciagrnanc>', Scotisuil, sud Oerrsda Brunkie-Hornlng NUptiallucoe baci vîth a dental tuait th. ffludayeveingat--be anwf Wsuiegsn ian liasan>' interest lu 0f St. Msr>'le ciurcli at 6:30 occurred âaeihsha ruf h oa the. narriage Of Miss'Ana bmue man'$Ire andt le promises tht lie viii sait George Horniug, the Rev. Vstier Yet mals. tbe BritIsiier attorney' step GavIn »ecltig. Tiseliide ls tue iey daugliter etMN-. à- Bruabis. sud luaa youug 11%434 Of nan> Peroomialcrme Hold Aimiuill [o Netlng aud a g9--Ma favorite aaOng bar Tii, ChiSaO Hardware IPountr>' large cii-ce 0f friendi. Compan> beiti their aunaimeetng aI Tii. goot la tie son 0f Mrs, Helen. thelr oM« asat Il Oclec& -thi.e vemia "Miung, sud bas a large number 0of et the 7 inst. The qutio f ha. varin frien"in uthei. il>'.amouat; 0f thse dîvideni toi. hodeciaro IMMediatel>' atter tise ceremos> the biso nt yet been dittrMnii but la couple loft on a vedilng trip froin uikal> In le 7 parcent.Tise buainuat viaistue>' viii relus-n teuaiscil>'lufl b. tecozapsa>during ti* ppt>Yser about a moatu 10 mate tlier ise-bai bEon ntirlsatiafts'>. à-fIer Notic la b.reby given to a&lpmSeus lntereteil ltaIan mlmaUhinst of te .*rrIng pefor ti'a >'ear 1910 upoulai lla wIt«dolb.eWet gkolle ruisses 6*4 Itea tb.comatig o Lake SMud o5 f Iinlolsaà" ua sain muet ho peudt10FrltU B. Cern,, Inrrrcf seuildiic tkb bu0 e lb. loi. e Cm>'Natkonal9aa4 hbuty>vlts libiol, on or Isor m s lu ~ tracté of land spos iloli esidabe be seidseeohdlsste ]av M»apli emount cf sua nob leàsuateDeOeIs pae bs2"41&7 of Jnur, A. 1D. Fauxia. .sTreeureof 0*dlu Plt tse . vlcena tuer. *111 DOa subtatiai aumleft tw go lt. lb. tresaur>'. Flic propss aue that Ibis COnPan>' viit bld as ocebuildIng duriug Ithe comat yen vliiho e-W atel Alucot ou Coinmmes ve- nue at IL point aluicot oppooltëe ue t eft (le naval station. This viiib. convenient for Ibe feundu>'Ma lie> viii U thu ia tiduimtead of tue «0 th"> nov u»..Tb bebuldng viii lie a substantiel tve ste,->'~a;urnaad vii be "etirely adequate for tue neoils of lbuovlt u lnlasg-Iortb Obloag UelU bslb. bu uep a "mers mattas'et ivaut %w4*ug * John A lw5W s ofiU5 LCiL tyadi Floldlng H. Willi le of Cie. exsc - utors of tise etate of tue lai.te ohnA. Dewle, beignu a tisai figitlalutiseUnit- o4 Statecircuit court monda>' te bave Oub D. Tiimas, reoever 0f the* estate, onateit Md tu recover puses- Sion of the. pvoperty of tue foonuder et filo Cilty,. . - Tise bill questions the nit of Wil. ia B. Homes la baving a recelver Appolâted for the. ouate. ViTe Peil- tIlcers lelieve tiihesmate la about t0 be ol oit Wllur Glenn Voles, self appointeit suceesor te Dovue, for $700.000, id l ia te defeat thus tisat thse Suit la hrougist. Votive, Alexander Oranger, A. 3. Gatosne Dovle, Jans Dowie. Ira M. Oeo suitd J. W. Meinnon are cher defendante cf tle suit. Monda>'-vas the tast dey upou vialcithe bil tlev lmia could have le ieusd eêacordint tute-ieMt" of UMUM» & louOI>'voll av h. dut Mqe.tubouoAe a -Vollva napping andit tisahi, toc, bai garce schiee p is leove, Re ai- vays iias huit. - PinluaiDecislouSoon. It la ciaimed tiat final decisien lu tise matter etfieonsase viiil e made elulien toits> or Mouds>'. Disposeof Liquor Came A viole rafttof liquor cases lave been dlaposed et In the count>' court b>' the. simple proceas ef nolle pros,- sîng tuern, or l.ttiag thetaiend, vitis. ont proeecullon, 'lue>' arefor mcii- lng liquor uIlegalI>', or for ke.piug open on Bunda', s"d net ciarged viti offenses Sud oitiier flned or dis- niaseilanares. tolcys: A. Alleabacli. uol.d. Bd Hlorcu, continuel. Chiarles Prisecis4iarles Siserritt, IPred B. J a. arrl, AI Eanscuii Joo. Preussu, PrtaiDopie anil Pau A- Blaalile>0on o1 cme t Md4 gSmmetIel ta1 J x ver>' tranS anucemnut cf bis plat- amlf¶'Eu mu torm-te the SUN at the Une h vas a candidate for alderman. d.clared w sPete±oie,. N. W. tbst lie veuii make it hts business te ofo. li..d s ver>' popular crY sud- asktfor Rfr . ý1 0r«l an aiudit of the, rit>' books. «"Nov lot me see if I bave thus story MUe efferta have been crovu.d vltli tratçýt, it vas a Yo>ung scliooî mis. viierefere lie vas toits>' ide. troue*hwu aspoauing. "ion say 17' couavatulisi. hoBtetSthtei.train d1spatciies boy- Audit 10 lhe a Wide One.. board fote'tiox boursglie person- No audit coutle le made ou vider all di'ected the transportation of grounds uban tiiese provlded lun thetons thousauds 0f troups, then Jmat erdînace passed b>' the cil>' counciL. as the viiole ain>' bail arvl et lits -The eftilnanc. provides for a destination, au ordercame toicarry>'lit ton Yser audit .ofS lihe fcounts lisck; and tulos me Youngsminu 41 andfInancisi records 0f the cit>' Dot give op untiltthe jobi vas fluisied. of Wauicegsn. llo ngdltdyott Say>'hb. as .aItbis Ths meaus tht no departint et the pot? B.venty-tvo bourg? cit' la toe ape tii, vigilance oet tii."Yes," repl.d the -inuoetaffairs anditors sud tiiiZ te thons e sav vise uad been telitg tue stor>', tist tht suae, diplomastic, tiorougi, sud >'ouin asu s a division supernute. relet,.. expert,,Mv., Bmley. and lis etfrte'Ie. aîotidru *li forcaetfmon at verk ou tii. court onWfr the, a«1. ti.'talr> ad uiivlu bouse booka for Arthiur Young & Con- the midat ef s bilg rusi et buiness bis pan>' are aatisfied tliat mhen the. au. division gat orders tronm Wasinlgton dit . lnlaiet thee vii , n citot 'transport tliaee troops at once.' Thie clam fer lack of groanfi covereci. weer Poite o c Tke Up !verworkel train dlspatier weut Peint te ie Tbou p. Iail ta pieces sud the. reat oethtle train- Pointa tu lie taken vp luclude the, men had a paulc. ThIuga loked.prel- foiiavlng aad otiiera: t>'bine. Builtgqfelev k.ppt bis hliami Tiie matter of rehates te vhIhlcithe -the division snperluteudent. He people are enttrIed vililihe ftoileesat dovu at the. dispatchieralie', irol- ta thte endl. .4 off the. trains on. b>'on ansd no-' Cesueter>' funda viilb. proveti. ver gave up, (lie>' a>, unt! ever>' Yan- The speciaiasasesomeuts' accounts keeeiler vas peut theuaist cii. sud records vii lieoauditeti sud It Tien, 1k. ightnlng eut àM a cieux sky viii lie tound vitether tuntia are lu- camne lie order 'Ma,, troops bacli St tact and not tranaferreti. - once' Was that feliov dlooreti' Net Transfers of tunda, allegeti ta the. mach! H. did net Jet up utllieo got point of inanicl juggllng in tlie pat, those Yaults on free sou Maain and wiii lie uucovered aud matie kuowu. ever>' englue back lu the. round liues- Vouchers viii lie checked for ever>' Nov thtla asvst I caîl nerve! paymeut of tuntis. 'Il do't knev liov long lie slept af- Warranta yl lie compared vitii the ter the, tlree days job vas over," tite recordasonthat eacit payment la ver- man concludeit, 'but viu lie veke illet b>' warrant. -up lie teunti liolad been made super- It yl b. tound viietiier the cit>- Inteudent of tii. entire roati. Hia gets ail It lias paid for or net lu ever>' naneas uMNarvln Hugiiltt, Sud for the. lins. past tvuty vears hlielise. presi. Oit material sol itviili e ciiecked dent etftth. Chicago & Nortlivestern up. roati. Thie thr day li e rtired et A hoat of apecfiel matters viciithe age of 73 years ta lecome chair- have camte ta the. attention 'of aider- inuof the board oftdrectors.." men sud otiiers vii lieh loeked Inte, The lirains, perserversue and Bat- sucii as thie saut total oftthtIi llegal ural terce comîlueit lu ti..persen of board oft-lacalIimprovemeuis pay giv- Marvin Hugiitt of Lak, Foret isVe en out, the. exteut te vilc l>' oMa- beau the. chie fafctor lu thi e ogie- tlisare Interestet in luit>' vor sud gel succsi cf titi Syst*In v ihIWba8 ceutracil, sud th.eluylng of supplies, spread over the. uoitiiuiest. Witiiout aud al snobi natters. ,j'lsncb succees t vomit flotlie allq tg> What Audit Wliu Accomplish.ilia>' toaspend 824.000.000 lu p.rfectin lu return the audit ls expéet ite 1De terminal tacilities lu thie Cil>'of Brick'op KoAJ"iuter Âvenuile Emafid OW SVIWcOf uncle .In Deplorable Oondution. mm for Thirw Vearu The rusistance vliich thie Soqtii Brgeant à-nias Zimumanà, the. Bide proporty Ovuers protective Ase chdent voteran of thie Uulted States »Ociatigil wviiiteffr viieutihe iitter amy at Port BIirda4 snd the. Ort et the. pannent for the. MeAlist ave* Isergeat of Troop M. iflteeuti Cav- nue pavlng jobi cornes up, recellved sir>', la on the. verge of retirepeut anotiier point of content Iu the. matter afttr iiavIng served Unele Dlu athe. manner lua blii the bricks, vers laid. y«er. OlBolalI>' II; la sld tlist bis One eftih. merniers of thie loague, teri expires .IsuusrY thirteonîli buti viio owns bis bhuié on McAltster ave. hII;l possible ho ina>'afot retire for nue sing the. lne of the pavlng sayp somteIltre >ut. tita la the front of bis place thé bricks Zierman bas bea avffatrymn bave already sgtarted to'force their a&l buis teb'bag seen thlty*ee vay> out of thoir beniaenacount of yesrsoetactive servie. Befor. b. t h. frost lu the. grouni. XItla slid 1engted viti Unele Sanm lie rvd tiat the. front at presient le about seven years as s gorgeant ln tbe lin. tiiree and a haif test deep, sud the perlai Germn a ry. Tiienlie came contraclIon oe iground lias forcedito tuis country and 'elisted au &or- the, bricks t6 -'ride oui of thie led of the geaut' Troep 1D, second Cavalry. In rosd andi stand Up lu aný unlevel 'UaY. 1904, July 9tb, lie became a part ot At titis on, place, ItIsaalleg.d, th..ier iftteentli cavaîr>', vhiblas over are many blricks viiicl stand ul),stuce treasur.d lilm as tiie apple of about tva laches above the. plana af itse yé. Zimmerinan took part Ilý Ip- the, paving, renderlng the. surface un- dian campaigna against the. Mokis In aven and rougi. Just wiiat the, cause Niexic0 and Arîzana. H. vas- first oftlils tact lavaries In reports. Boule gosrgeat et a troop Iu the Flfteenth dlaim tliat In s=ie places tasetiirt et Bantago DeCuve sud serveti in Cu- yals dumpet Iipto, the street sud tii. lia sud thei.Pliplues ailthe, Us> aand ad brick pisced upon the. dirt thlrougli the. panish Arnerîcan Us:. wtbout being pounded dowu te à Zimxnornmw, who la 54 aud a native liard firrn levai. ot Cologne, German', lias service This detect afthtei pavement la te! metiais snd bgdgel galr, and bears lie uset Iif the, matter ever cames ta 1thie reputation of liavlng been a brave a figlit ln thecourts. Tii, Board at iodier. lie la beldved taelie ou. af Local Improvements refusei te go tii. longent servlng nmen lu the. amy. witi tlie Praperty Ovuers Of tleis brother ilinry Zimmerman 1s a street, and tear up tlie pavement ta sergeaut In tii. Eigthl cavalry, and ses If detects which are allegeti reallylbaa been on ii hlppine service far existd. Tii, Board, It la sald vas elght years. perfectir satisfled tiiat the, work was5Zlmmerman vas seute turne aga lu-I airiglit sud retused, tea show the, Prap., jured Inl an accident, wlien the. auto-1 erty Ovuers ta point out the. detecta, molilieof Ruasell tD. HIi 0fr Latein lu the. paving. As a result ot this net na(Chicago reslty man, crash- the. Praperty OwnerBSsa>' tii.>' ul'edtuItoulilm while -bc vas rnotnted fglit the paint te an issue aven If it on a valuable liera,. Tii, animais lias te go te the. iigliest courts. iîeg vas iiroken and It liad te lie shot. Thle raising o! the. brick lsa 4uev Zininermn u as laid up for somue fMature lu the. battle, Sas tuisdef.ct ti. elasauing for $10.000 dam- vas net unoed until the rainaeofthti eesgo. Iat couple of dayé tsri.d the, frost _ briks I te hot pel0f nslld w zi, onFilling With FIoj>tera tiier wbicisores provalent et tuis Urne Thot Zmon City sa fluing sp with so- of tise year yull bala te rais. the, cslieu 'floatere ," Mvis el live in eta bricks, It la féar.d tiis± vb.n the icit>' over nînety, Usys, or jiast long heavy raineasnd varm veatiror f'* Bprlng corne, the.rond illiinet hontenflhtu esiabulih he riht to vote for use. et heaprlng dole taInApril, snd te &isd In the pisnn.d doeof0 Voilysle Importing Votera ii.ssrints amd uZo i> Repart -bas again reaclied this cîty ' today'. trom-ZMou City' that the. lace vorks are1 As It cornes tram the. serond hest gaîu teimpot mn tetha cît'. j police effIcer In Lake county Thiomas pareuti>' te rnake repaire ltii. s bep. I Tyrreli of Waukegan beiug the. best sud try, te kesp thorma ewrk until and CSitaiu Walker etfZMon City' pro- the. City' election cornes off, et vblcb babl> the, next, It bears the, stsrnp et 'lime tie>' bope te doenot thé ticket eft tiitb. Wlihur Glenn, Voliva. .and.ei5blsb i leis*94dtust tvent>Slvoet lti oa- Indepeudent risla î tii. City. ters, celthte "iuky-Dlnk" gang, This report cornes as au aft.rmstii Came te ZiOu City lit veek sud II la saiorted, by Vlivaus tbat the. indepen- ef the alleged Importations b> the. Cook dents liave s carefull>' planned sud Electricai Comupany' etf300men, te ca utieuzl>' executeit colonisation 'plan start wark on that plant hirnorrev. te tip ever Vollva's City' votlug ms- Wben the. tiret feU Mon caisse into lenit>', uhicl wauld naturally, tii.> as,- Zion C'ity frein thie eutslde voa-iti tie ort. give unm a victer>'. cry> aras,, tiiat It vas iiierel>J a plan' Scores Mort Expecteti. fet tIildependents te liing In the' It la ssid tliat 154) more of the, allog- Im-n ta doenet the. cburcli ticket at .4 loaters wyul arrive lunZMan City' tii. election. This iaver, la e dnied . hiugt sud be domiciletInlu.vacant 1 D It lInlaid thtth(le Cook Electnical lieusseor Ilu'the. lomes a! allegd Iu- (oise>' v er. Citer contraet te em., depentints, aud tiat tiie 200 total viii ploy' tii men et thba tume, sud the lhe considereti .uaugb. meis..vli le put te verk tornorrow. , "Dovu Voliva" la the vatciivord, It The, lace venus nov under the con, le ssid. and it Io clalmeit that thie trel of the Marsliall Fieldi Company,' figete"s sleset Ofnlghitu MiOU City,. of Chicago, have unitertaken exten. te kesp tlielr uluet>' day requtreti ras- nive repsirs on the. buiings, 5and the IdOnce thie-, liat tii,>' ns> vote, sud addition otfmcl mzeblnery et the. hike off te Chicago eariy 1lu nthe, nm- pant and mail>'mn viliiho us"et 1in#. that s'ork, thie plan belug te coni This la tii. Voliva stor>'. Anetiier piste the. vork Sas ne ari' nthig pring asseortist Vlilva may hliedetl; the, as posible. . colonisation, aithougli tus la ratiier iteubteti. Want To Ouât Lewîa At n>' rate, It leua pretty safe bot -,oàjýa A i. Athat the, Independenta vilI net Élus Large rowd hIê vices ln WauksP itopresetatlve W&ukugsg tiu"&L out Sundy' strum t~ aMy to the mem«or> ft i 154. PartrdgeTi. nirit Opgp ~ Cburoii wbere the. services were ie, wu* pâeked tu the doors,'t1 e section or the -churci bdg w* for thie members or the*U. Aý iL B the. W. R. C. Who tqesbuhr *"*fkè voterans or theo Upanub - Amaoà&St War atteladed th* e onle à, b* t On$eait teiieme of0 the. service.s outhe th» LadmieCutepia qwwato" *U< up of singera of ithe CougrgétboW, Cburoii. Tiie ladies worm tbi.&X enumber on the. prograrng cf ýbe fibr. .noon. opeulng the services"viii -a isang, "Into the Bilent Lafnd.0 Voe- [lusg the sang. J. D. Pope gave a tailt on (li.e haracter Of (Nuarles A. Part, rldge as &n Amertcau Citizen. metoid of thiiitilcate Acquolutance vilcit lie had the' houer of baving viii Mr. Partridge Uiîom lie extoiled s ion. of the, nohiest mon wbo iisd ever been ln the, service of thie City gf Waekega'n and gise sas u oecultto. -, olficer of the. Nafioni 0. A. A. Wou deun City officiel. Attorney J. D). Pope gas followed b>' ex-Judge D). L. Joues, wb.o told of tii. services whlcl I r. Partridge bsd Peiîdered the City'. wile lieva.sacting ln the capacit>' 0f Nayor aof*lie ci$y. and alsooin the couineil. *lsrecord vas (tean, sald Judgo. Jones. "lua &H the time tiiat .ha uln the higliest office whlcli the people of Waukegaiî coutl give hlm tiiere w"a never so înuch ast a breatli raisod galnt the inu Iuait dealinra vitb the. city he vas abaeiutely above board. andl nhoverc r, Byron A. Dun"z, vithout wliose talk rio niemoriai or service for au aid soidier a nuld lie comploe, next aroe snutd 0?oftilthe f ofharle@ A. Part- ridge una so dier ot the. Clvil War. "INIr. Partridge enlist.d ut the. tendqr age of 17 and wu on.eto the yeungest, men lu the. arrny st the beuinnu. Altliougb a moe.yautli, lho seed the. coutry sà ehi se an>' nu even thougi jiey vere mores dvaaood la years,' said Mr. Dunn. Mr, luu» asoo toir! of the. part Ubicl tb. regimnt lu Ubich MSr. Partridge served, the. 96th lilluela, took ln the battl, of Cilcarnaug., This blte vas ou, of the vorst-oft theviiole var, sand drev as it toit tlie bigest nugiler of liu. mon lives of auy batie of the Usi'. The regimniet coûtaining %Ir. part. tridge was on. whicii distiagnisiiec it. self rnost lithiy la the. engsgement. t Tii. next numbler vsu a talk by the - R.,. Hlgginbotian < tCo te f vX Partriltgo as a soidior c« Christ 4 >tale «.f the omasttet Christian Ho ~j~ viiic* Mr. Partridge bad live rh b1s lire tm., andi beid hlm ase à&a eltaile for ail to Mtop. The. service. closed viti another number troni tii ladies quartot, en- _tIted "I1 Am' a Stranger ifore," Sues For. Divorce. Anotiier dlvorr,? w. i( v,- a day. Mrs. Addie Simmons 'a'ldngte ha relessed tram Artlkur SiImm*n'î.. twii a isaiieged nov. to ho a boaakeep. e. r ln one of thie larger stores in Clii- Icag. Ti.he sets fortli thnt tii couple vere married ln Milwaukeein tJune, 1894, sud that ever silice that atirne Mr. Simmona lias beeni addicted ta the, excessive use of Intoxicants, sud viien undter tireir Influence turne 1 tt a brute, striking and kickiug hW vite and abuslng the clildren. For several years, theibll status, rthe Uit. han been compelled to ern alber evu living sud that of tii. four rcldren, Uonking for tliree or four dollars a veek, wvit, ber liusbsnd Ws%, t naking $75 or $100 a month at bMs ir ork ln Chicago. a An luJunction la ssked aise ros- training the husband frorn ioiestim lier or theii, ludren. Upon seveasi occasion, Iltlis id. the.buebend bas' ~ àtried ta oeil tiie louseliold furnitur% prt of wiicliuttolast beogs to Iter, snd sisoelias tliroatened to rotutu and' beut lier of s&ho appiies *f«' 'ý divorce, Tii. court ln skod t» luane au ooedern ko.plng hi &avY frain b1an sd thte ciIdren, vue cuistody she, sek. WEEKLV REALTV.REVIEW.' rFieLake Countir Titi. BýTiu Company'& veekl>' reort oft'Wloe& tate tranafers fer the veek ênhlU SêDt- 3k urday, Janusary 14. Number of Instruments Sied.... 11~ Consîderation etfde0..- 4t. Loans .. .. ......... -à UZN dvlW