Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jan 1911, p. 9

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:UIN LFJLL ,WEEKLY SUN JANUAET 20, 191, 70171 PAGES W Orq aU u m*$et cmteuntv", K neeA.s- r i fi Irp sqeetr. med"Me pu ýýjar e lnoExe.pted en ant Day lu N foidbas, WiII Nover bie 'Fini Froni nubus ef Preetlon Hure <Prom Wednodar's SUN.) ~Ib wl h o srtest for Fred B. ýASfl, ln inluang ex treasuret- of LkeMwm .in lu o" - c on t t. 'Cuhlgsl a siortage 0f $27,314.56 bas bM ws eed and upon vhose bonda- mua tnanttomaibas bean mate -y Ue hoptmnt Ireaurer for tb.e %lm lu . - îestatuteo0f lialous la ruait te mIMes 0f is nature whioWh" Âmsit.charged, aid f M ~* camme u ek ltatht. sate u. mty ~MW Ilenti îaus fron nov ho eeb «~ snd brougt te trial. tescrptim ndaitptare tcl e eVor corer of lb. connlry ~l ie l» aksrt=&s nmbe hbSn hable té arrosl Mrum l a a»Ypart of the or of the vorl uere Iis ,.istbasbuextualltontreahtes Sn me 14e U tOn for Offne.. t-'.Uy ýw itrvde.that fs. t. ~ ut IlSIaon. iicitmeana *01 ?~Ijule moe caes vhea the Prise- urnost b. arrested aid bugh i'traL It alsoprovidies ha1 Iboro t. no neu talla. lime of effoctivenees o! M.n istuie t. sncbas le returmel aat Aâmes vltb !oryr4anr counts. la cet r ari.tlb.moment that ho .1 la Sel nter arreait If 1h le a score et jq aru euo.the machiuery of the 1«v &«à into eperatiliautomaticai- $.y sIif et a esit sic' bu te netel IM astiUgi ho ver. arrestel hoe tb &We aib~ t.cosvery. Hou Ne Might Escape. À gSUN reprter 1001<0 up the lau' S tio apeeu hueugi State'e Attor- bey Dt4 al others hecause g0 nani *«0 'reOampad-ng the Amui case vith -tbMoIf George. Fitagerail of Labo em- al*s int-ge'l th looting thé Uni- led gtatco sub-tXmaut-ior Chicago #11 PI3",1 vbo cames ho triali' ln ý,chà <lI6g et Mandai. lu ltsgenald'seue ho very nearir Smniuttibi the statut, 0f vicla t 1the offet 1*reuiia ve sho oaa ho i*âite cutodi 51air lyime and taliou 4ihn thre. rears hie treeoon bton atrsI evon guikltI. Etzgerai la t. alPt- eybat ah air rate he neariY 'uuga coup on theLake oFf-' WU & afut-lous oxistunco. fi~ e -euCefcealiself. -!WçW neveu mdaunr athenipi imaslf, aidel h federal l.their htuit aller lie Mau lie 8173,000. gave hIOnt =4 kel at aiolithi thelu S*rw i gmrI 10the tiefl, Miia srms distance iltbe the tire. yoars. v"tichi -ttc fedoral oMOMc MMn ou a tielan aMRii tp 4o hor et lh frotht o "m enF.airet lk l~l2.h have Inuit a paà4he c oq va ftbel viien tii.bars 09 1the-ootYi Mali a"id ousbli o0Jf 01lomodl p. goela therefore out t 0fjunisiitn"sd in bldiug, vbile papera agelut hlm toaien foroe. No papefs vOeuver isuned aganst fltzgereid uni)the lut dar and be coul bave slipped off ah air lime. .Whare la Anc.? The gaine of *"Wbure laAines?" conuses ta hetifaiorite oie tU Waukogsaaaid i LAaie 0uty aid vtU $50 revaut oMt fraSZSai- leged enibezzler chance. of oUtchlng lI ame cfeed rtshow *15.. t vor- Rte tiuorles are tint he pmtotenon- duras. Aliers, or sommesaï* *pot. aid tha be wlllt nover tra mte th" coutri. Ho bat diamicls la *»bS tbi contdeusilli de cs'eilotouI cash aid hait noey boWuIllt la claimet, thnt ho left Wa*kege early o»u nornig lu bis automiobile, b14ee OUi.e iRs mar, liko a MilivubcePolt.h soclely beat, reappesagalit ater 6 years 'b subinit te poleliluut. ra*ier thai standcithe gane of be<ag a iuilod Meaitime bondsmunar mn»au te Inhond t o make the couuty aMo for the, amouit of te le niteel horlagc ail tb. malter t. nt *Ms1 yet hy air nean, atbougb thie 1maireport 0f thc aiditla .ahiand ho OGnt braurr ooks ame beimg ajflls ho thie nov laices.- May Galoff eutbs. If the Plakertoué e a. u1crondi bom clleed offronxt h. Agae base Il Je likeir tbey vini 1, U a d&W for eaci mai barli auwaela te tzn- :yer and at air rates18 mcii pos- sible fuslag icourt. la" 1Conthy wl» robmbir gt ,bock te aneuit o! the siortage. TtIEFT 0F ME ý STIU..CONtIf4VES MlwvsTed heflegt e l oge i ireComuues g. pprs sd Thu s.ango thlogt tsoepbMe vir thiees here yesa day.&uscai, <Id wIe ut to iethe ta o ir mlt poloain lte ne-hi orde a t atons ovie e Lae BtoR mai Leth pt-oet price of 12 contesIa poi l net lie thieves a goal muni lt, ticir Tic metiod. of work of thie ifou >gang of tbieves le sU!!Uatbsu- s mis- ter te thie campaiY. '1bey agitai' ently vark in tbe dent 0f aSst aid thé lrge amount of vire stolq at var'- t ous Unmes voulud "te ltb.bllef tbat a horse ad vagon voe mplor.Y ed ln carting avai thie g000"'The Mai kuov the différenco etuéen hie vireu of the téléphone cepzpèy those a f-lie egotrit compami, aii4s care- 3fui te aoldt(ho' heavillr chaiâl'wtt- a! té latte? COMPaUY. il ilthie thhelarane on*altW yh F te o0ne gpng. the mon t Work *faSi, a.thofts of vire oeculalong -the I» o<f thie teleehoi n o#a"y, 0f- ton happening la Ivo Pècetf saie nighl. The CoMU o p e8 U WUst- goto, and moue arrels ate ik1)[017lt t oliov. aSunter Br etf Jolet lbas lairoduie- el belote tho egtalatim t-e àM5ture duce lie Qonilalon fcleirqqJI Peu' c, entage ho 36 per cent., Si*glsAt ,e toi yBurkee tl 'uun tr hm sa iendeu-ed ai opinion leat lt4'ecîitin ht atm torm bit! pesett he , oggthut te la a ca"ttiiutibta nante, @mater a 1fglir' Meas"r aiso proviIOs tint ol< . oiel or c ti the esot & iotse a ou et ogSwb vi no u aù unde 1k odmiu1so. St l* (*ceth i s 11« a gap.tbm* ext" <Prom WedOUi.e ySUN.) *Wasbington. D. é. Jan. 17.-An or- ganlsstiou of national batks-lu et- foee a centrai batik-to ho ealied tbe "eerve Assocaume",ea *mrta" gov. leici îfortySvu dlrectors«, vieb vUIi agratialu m bbe te pt-i Io ef iesuing currency, ,ntil Il hecone exclusive Mener for (bat purpoue. and bavlng =hhr large poweus, lathe plan of currencr refouin devlsod by guna- ter Nelson W. Aldrich, chairman of the national monetary c ommIssion, as made public Tueudar for Uic iret time. ALDRICHt BANK PLAN. Local orgac6ations' 0f repre-: sentatves of bonike, formol by not fower -thon ton banki4e, bank holding 'utoci ln th.eassocia- lion lit proportiontle ls cai.,' Diructorimelcofl by titous te.the botard 'of "b.-acch" associations, ont brandi for ech 0f ffft«n fi- nanoai districts 'loto whlch -the SUidlMte. veuli icclude aso.- taln proportion of mon cot back- ams but reprusuntaîlag -induetrial, commiccel, agriculture[ snd cli- sor Intercuts, ".-sanobe" ci d ci bthec-o serve asuoclstlon diructoru. forty- fic lail&U o, wbon m MUMt io bu a proportion of mon reprsinel. Ing intoestueéther than beniva. There would bu six ex-oUcte Bien- bars cf tlii.board--thoe soretâfy of lths traeury, the. uucrelsry of commerce aMW tuber, ftic cent-cl- 1cr cf the currofcy aid tihe gover- nor acd Suc deuaty governoru cfY The governer cMW i.gety govor. flore ofbbheammeiatv oeuldbo appoitatuid yi *' e uSdéift c the United Stase unidcburumovablo by hies fer cause., tory ei sme ev em d*5eu tut <secs ino te limu 1h.raté 61 lsu',geor ituunt Evunlully lma Nouum$ cuitt opîmo.thoe of the national bacicu. Prime con- «metoSipaper-, "sains up 'rom the bacirsthrouo he 0loalsun- ckoIgNeand buans s5W ols ae bunie et the. asic-ont, eeuid do weai m à boue feor unortue l'ale Anw, cdà,s- e t l oso hante or d*OàoWefl é Àbénie. ta reâsti avI** aîn elous" ho rosi eutate "d 'tebla sEul s matiesail ruWtooenpany. FQR-DEERRBLDu ILL, WgN Puat Up $13MO Bulding ied Park (Prom. Wedal"sSUN.) Henry Zisi Deerleil man vbo bat retiraI tram pork pacig tla hen a tanker, aid v4o Io nov hi Europe an a tour. ho refuS-n Su May, han bis plans for Dootflî. Beaides buildSing a 815000 building aud eatablldill vSthhluilt'àbaik ounciii of the omain corner. 0f the village vini also et-oct sfie pt-hale residenco ho coul $15.- M RS. LONGFELLOW OIEP AT iiSPITL WeIl Eoewn Wsukga id, Nee' Mnq L Cd>to, Sue cu«Mb., la esaghteof L. <Prom Weduesa's Sua.) lIra. in Longfellow, nae.. Mai -L. Caton. lie eider daughheu of L. i. - (ollon, voit kuovu citizen lied lut, - ulgt t laie Ec4iitet- Hospital a aid lie funerailvii ho beld fThuram g- lai, trou tie resîdonce on Conter e strt8ioThRe laIe us. Longeliow vw4 ,r brs Iu Waukogainlu1885 and bai 9rIff upsaiç . ooitt 0fehouUfe. - 8 h. Si * su*ived by ber- fathur, L. C. Colla.i *r ie u ,ml loinLoxteliovi a ai slter, Mms.Uiecq'Temple et Mleisan ant i bMtir, ILelo f Wb.ato l. D Limnon TO AMI "10S IAL et AdmnIstra- ko Repots o t rtu- Berlin Probably Hurt lbuot. -Patients tg 86 T*X ire*hHereefter (Frt W7m edadY's SUN.) te Saia a elalontoil markod the SUN form gprtngeli Dr. J. U . mno.ahontet ofthie elaho bod et admninstration, aid A. L. Boveu. xeuiivosuretary af the utatuearMtle. niîsion. icatorday made-eprttti ir respective boards 0f Uie rosuit -ef their invetlgatiqn of the allegel '$U of atientbaStewart Berlin t 1tUe Bigla lste bospîal. lu thotu remois, "tipplns" of attendait, vhlcb ws tinojie ln thIecase, vas vai-ned uasit. The tue reports agree lu ail ma terSai poSint.Contraryto10the pub llebed aèeegiacof the affair. il vau fouîd ltaI tic lnJury of wicb lhe complaint vas *sa of very sligbt charactol' Berli vwpasimIthed on lbe night of Dec. 31, 19>9. al ou January 2 the diecooio f ise e v as reporte lu the reRoù of Uic Institution anc to both. çtW o.sMrs. Boulin env ber bn8bbpdon ic heWcduesday foilowing blé d'sa*Wueonanad vat shocked &3 thei*'appeuasce of the oic ail obaqîg5Bl tint i. b.d boom hjeaiet, lpd ' of thémmn responsible » est. la heU lin butl not bhau 4 mekad or sra by civillane. Hoa$ WUNeWr KERN IS ELECTED i,, INDIANA SENATOIR Defets Bcveddgc I« Some Ssfoee the Inen. e uis. buteu rolut eeddue I. PuldY - Indianapolis» Jan. 1.-There aus s0w or oratory la the sonate andSe' nTrutesPm W udbe R m o Beeideweepacd n omi'tos e tte In tase Voliva Dem iFaO, TIoë for the. Unlted States snate and bath As It May. Athougli Ne Court N . candidate. vere, aiioglsod te thei~onu baven t te gratet ever.- Kefa rectived the. outre vote et bis Z_______ aepuii»caa vote vwu eut for Dov.r- idge. Reaft reeived 30 votes tIne lb.I A T« s»nte and 60 la tbe 'bouge, Wbile. Beveuidge receiyed 20 ln tlz< soulteI sud 40 In the bouse. Todsy the two o SýRT'F E bousse wll meet lointIy and de T STAR TE h E T Km ele.0d.AIES LOOBIE DEFEATS WHIPPLE:____ Na»»uuahettu Unsltor sy Sucoced ElOpowerSII, by the County VeRva hey fPq$o t Hinjuef ln aSemone.Sud f S etLmrviseaute a aks t e f e.N 4L Boston, Jan. 18. - Henry cabot Stops Ill#1tI 9Lodge faillaof re-electlon t0 tbe U. B. _______ sonte ln the maurgcbutts ieglcalature bait WflIp obabi continue on thec»b, lova_-Fore s A le IIDiIstury 'ma8h ffor the neit six yearsa ater the tvo - >ThWXW ý brancheof that body battis a jont uSCiftofR Wlý al sessioen today. FrIlv pidF is Mr.,Lodge was electod by the snnate baving a xpargin of ton votes aveu S. __-là____ U Wbipple, bis DemSmrtic oppontai, but foti tbreo short la the bouse. la Taes Lot ColleonTarsTk- s%4,,g the two bodies bo receIved a total etf lnq as etry alors Ibns 141 votes. vhlch la Just a majorlty of lsl the ebrs of the leulslature. If $IW00 i OU Nov , bo Coldre Ibis vote today Mr. Lodga ê wi l» bc re-eiocted. - (Prom Wednesday's SUN.)<Pm uisW I HITCHCOCK ELECTED Tbo state and the county bondsue If Jadge LaadlW <dcielm -f ot fred B. Âme. wili not.bave mucb Zlo' i qtaté ea<1ibu wb*b Nebussican Received 117 Out ofAU mr m i1b88a itl osc 4x m m-ot a Vots;for Ul. a.anstor. or oen ho aflowod Umne ta force thoe<t ta Vàitva la ta t» d1lincoin, Nob., Jan. 1S-Olibert bL counîte ta tot suit agalpit tliem for cube & IloKame nule vwf 3Hitchcock, Democratrocelvei 1l7 of lte monsy duo from tbom tas the ai' the &ellt thefr *"-A r th~e 133 votes lu. the Nebraska leglsla. Iegêd defalcatIins of, Ane. wblle b. money bénit UO.e 4hi. atur o lasuccoed Dimer J. Burkott, P&e.Wu& ln offce. At the meeting of the bar' Obons 'VcoW## pe ublican. au senator on March 4. For- hoard of county supervinos t- s.obtuai-n opI q a ty-Sive of liiese votes veroesat by, Re- lernoon. StaeWs Attorney fDedr vaa . l leteg puhilUe ,ln . ec ftbem carrYing .out inetrcelmta emplicyal M«n» vthin Vb theevoot 11 W- a vritton -piodge t10 suds hi the ebis pgwer ta ocot thi e rdeps ' wa X ofi 0fthe v M uotlaul Nvember.01 uofitV IL -roia ltelicnvotiavers cash loorth»cous"dty a te i.tate «Iet loloev.0 Que lx »dmu -st 1Wiesý*r nauial W. . iwbloaAmntes woihou t ffice, bo as têLbsi ~ a Bestrice tanker. 'VPor Répub"m nuThe. rp>QuetW"ns asft. atarted hy lidk fies 1# _er< abusai;. Everi' Demort,'siesup* yrvj C&"< nd &sp a tatim wu v ea s!cap fSd I@ osan absutte, !oted for illccli.drafled luy the shatea attornerasitl. "ottu d 1 0%lniextr li ilected. lilch thc board cousidois broui Nuess*o uy Tacouita. Wassb..Jan. 18.-Br a voie enough to cuver the case, It glues Tbcr e iuuNse, u»M et N ta 10 ini thc bouse and 40 to 1la the attorney tho rtbt teta lbe st ei luu«» lncaeteie , ut thc siate. Uic two branches of the ininediaQteI.coilOUtheb.monce. and to na'11th le # r.e$il&tahra Meeting soparastelr. es bring tlimaane'Jlite Court 12t tat 10 log tusa 6WP. tee_ à Mles Paindextor, InsurgenitDeplubi-l ecessayto costeut Uice, oer dus. la ta flavO e 0 01« B$ en, . V. Senato over George ottiu» Tuoattomny aMi t"b eduaae b saa ly Tuo two bosse meuif t aInoce toulu»te the,< « b;W aW B-coofIrni tsceluctlinlu joint assi oulras. " ascrti 5t %AWO-h Meo* flos e emmt sa. , io e Ub sbIers et ilord. flua4, im. n.28-Tic do.- Xhe et" bond., Mdiia ro- aseouubuimet la joint "one.Mdl =uftyboul iËica ait" ifelectu ex-Gftomor 00orgeP. llft-for. Tirei tichereport Cit"*0_ t ILean <et Sinaisbry' Untu satu. ma-tersand Uic books lu thc o«deet o epwu tg sot e e. saor tu succeed Sautor Motgai. e1üty treanurvr, here le uouhlugte «eoiv e j ar, et i'Uni la- Buhiiolor. Bath are Btepublcau&., bc utUi oe Maehrtegj ieoit '~Townugni $ es Il * e. taken. and it maw tabe a couru etcfof soiestretella, *dtà* - LanStàg, MlCb., Jan. 18.--Congress- aw ta detormlne, 'vbether th a.cuti etoi Ul.51$@fat$ém ff .g, byman C. B. Townsend of Jackson, was signersa hah hoc ompelied ta aigu aid lot tt go eit lat , wtt etlecled V.. senoter hi bath branches !lover for one-balt f 0fheb. orlage and ms rbbJ b et I.of the ichigan' lefisiature to succeetý' theo date signets onehaIf, or vhal hie citOiu Mc Ïuly ie g J. B. Burr.-u&proorinalait be.wuiTac f seWhmn" gam .Be' that as IÎMt hen .Uiptati'w attor. Now , lfuhcsale gpro» "Hou' long bave ion been hla u er la te slt ftproceedingu Inunediale- u, bi\hlhlgU dewith lmI' iwthptthn 1 B. "Ever sincs 1 rejected blm."l ly ta oompel the bonduntento.tut-n ov- tes.lai, and Ibis wil'tog re. or te Uiheouniy the moiay wih le~rfuuun oe550 n. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u uefroa them. The attitude of thi erheed.bibv on two occassiona gîvon attendants 15 hsds' o far bashomente emploisot* or se. bille. One attendant bad beom cn- .everi isoetio aspar for tli Me entIfcm i; at.cris. t$ ri- science strîken and hait roturnedUtceasaylug tbat hhey vffould. mot puyar à 20b aitol te moieyla oueal&fir mukng full cwn- cent unl lthar voue comumelll. e biia 4bried tic * veoUIUe M 88, fession voluntarily o! hie fauit. The couras of lau'. Nov thc couni hua Chooa by te-Ù. o m- other vas dlscovored and turned bis foretaiedanïy ,sttmitt 0fIbis. "et tim Win h1 ouua rt. hip-ovor tothe cuprlntendont. Who aid Tom lato ae nagt tSio thoir or ull ho na.ed* ,., in ptacod to the credit of tbe patient.ovn hads and ses that Uie monor la lBoth emploes admitttod that ther refunded ta Uic county aid the tate. WIUI V ew knev t vas agaluat the rotes and la regard te o » a- flood morail couduct ta accept tUit. W1.11Tallc te colleelra. May op e euxj ' ma moiey. but as t vas thoir trnt offense_ At the saine meeting a resoîption dirt-ok«5cthei Bre they were lot off wtb a' repriltiail. hiKennedy, Newport, that towu col- taie, a aeso l hie The reports uecommend thiat a~tec tors ho forced 10 keep thair cal- mýtontatt hospitals for the Insane the 1inonl* s ay vîthin $1500 aar 0iliitead «Scf 8 «»- âesttyeu4 sn patient ho notIfied at once of the char- ber cent exeods Shah .Naomt Wvas ai- nud««M!Sta ha Ibo41Il sa. acter of tbe place ho bas reached and 1"u, aassua ube renolutlon i C on-, ne* son Civ ty orits . Lee the rogason for bis presonce, lieue six- rad îeteuday, aid as thc recuit 0f ic 901tul 1er 8hel4ff 3d plained te im futlY. Emploiesaà"rad t- eortan ad as am uphboththert ivoei lpulbly -81, cd ta be afala varned of tho penalties unir, ou Motion of gugurvisor VWY» terc ti r "M1 et sadmc" for accepting tipi or fevora 0f ail supe-Yrvsver . tsIuaiffotel to 1Voivt o meqil old hWie u the sort froju patients or friend of va'- mouda teid colecten sut «w xeltidv oaboeaici ma dents. Thîsis 13somethîng ha la theUicle«Qai mt Mstm Ucldes'M bi thor the board 0f aaiistru4i, » Uio D ot hueviandiliiboa ,g chatIes commission nor Uic mais- * he i eleyenthbhesq4W_ -e gig officers of the stato IallttlonS 1%01 *MrUt e tum mdelauIbisLewis and bis t5sOMý lu vîli countouanco for & Minute sud oeuaw wtrY ,bmeoc4Mothe S~ ut, q<puesi «A ats sumamary action viii fotlow lie dis- Ul» toIA el, 24y-EH- Ilt. 180 « 118 m mtrU%** ba coîoriy of air violation oftho ruts.le. ,fi*b ueieteenth centwyI. Nin ol i ihl ater0 dis Ssoglh of Enlani a ieh tea de.s ifk, vE ilud 'i Mus. Bot-Un wai gven, t eprivilego e te a W expedition laxelat. oite fr0m5powrVM, ad of trasfert-ing ber huabani teaiDYpbgacetlhion4f.Iwln vhi c nald A ituai aid Lvevt iat othér bospitat aile igit-eiaoff, If, deted bilm toexplore a portion Of l t urand lb 4d i, lic Su ber Judgmenl. hoc otUnot, get t s ov vrld. The untnlWlanledlt aiue et 0 f trootlment aetEMgin Uiat'mot vîith ier at Kltteri Point- unm& two res 1 str lui " ic approvl. bu 4e sjd ~ Siebolsasoutud l inat te nov Ulot. a. p Wlllhi ut ha.b mlsthatille RieW calate t. sit ownemdhi bis lo-' " bUWU,,nt tese4ai bills toEOI Globou $1.50 PER rK la :kseep. I Chi- t Ul e Ibtat-, ictet tut-us g bis tates, four tour ' the. 0096.4- Attorneys Askc Noy Questîccu. The Investgaion eeplucted hr Dr Grsoe nad Mr. Does vas bel t qie préence of Mm. Dortn and Statet AtlomroîRapb 1. iueagt.4Lkocouât, vie. partlctphted fiýy vi <ue hSiuse Ail l vou" ieeplacec soler cill anat »et'tod hocon municate Wth eaIC or hofore e Auer the beariemur MatDotlia binail 'vas ua rospansible pa a vltuesa He vas eos hoo-&la bopcq1parae Thc cammon nialake 0f lecelving pu tionts as ho their dsultpaton and lb ,objeet of, their Iouruey vas mati vîthi Mr. Botlin. Ho VUe informed b: bis compaxtous aid lie sherir*thIb ho vas ou hie vay te boyaine uohotu Operating a hteli W4ùkcga bois hls'husiuess. the -Id" a&peaid la bit on at-iai at the licpl ho sav Ihi ho haut beon decelieààad' thatthb liberty hal heeon ti fuom hb= Ho et once hecamne o"bem aid r sistivo aid iisted o1 bise lîhoratlos lnaglned tic lai leàbes ,ohnomf. Havlnt a tew day.booro expèr ouced the dotualon tint sas thevhil Johnson fourtec e l ctom lie rope ho va. stI llnborlhg goder the in ipression that ho wm ïagtet fighhs A von physicitfl scceeo1 cplollng hMm thie 115ilght anid b vent tWrbcd. SurtW f =mIng. Ne vears dae, ho aine a * tedant lhree' dlffeuiiltisnes anil v tien rémovdto, maitcr parI, ubei le voiddho among pa*dte of h condition andidn&ul Il vas admtted is l hait bei 0 diffcult tb contrai vii won ho i - sanlol 1th. attendat. - andail vitum siu etled undue foê*àà e oa us or m ltahIe pattent boi en abusq qr ttt-uck i a i m er. Thé conclusion woi dravp thil bruisecomplaluol t *UMYlave ho g saeMA~l- cldntir . i soinie of b - vilent ntoode, eltubut li'mnti against au obstacleorceiSn b.heair I fof lfotIsmaie tlac uterol. tin or os obo kthiecoufileos VIOL Ocer pausa r Wbile tiere vwas the pmdabMhl boith0 benuviliftllr uum&l. t w ,emteaid both Mr.' tdy aid u îMrs. Berini .oned la th ico vov I tbo supetiltndent vas netJugtm à; là dlisrglng or dlsitplnlug air t il vas ubovu th"tus. Deuia Ii

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