IDPýEND EN' Wi rnn'GAN W TUEALY SUNI -4 PÂY. J1à yA U IK n'y 1ifi 1JLO* v. e% ..rn .a. aLUi BitSR VA T A DVANC~I L VOL. xix No. 18 Tw3 lVUA LjBERTYVIJ L, LÂ0 UTY, ILLNQM> 'M XORTE CHICÂGO W D1 AT NO- FR DIDERAM1t. US.Aibertina Nelsn, 14Wal- *10,000 Bonds 3 'i I A yeung veman, saidt!a hab MiSest A Is ogbiS ot Wauiegac, aeda je- dsdS ait te' Jane MeAlis;ten cg bouplul, vbiilinsfr. Abertina Nelson..l S-icsadMdillf fWaukegan, 1taP la tiem bk Couty Jail clarged viti living ponfrmeti an alleged cri-r l maleiloin upon the youug wvein. lin $1.000Sende. )ire. Melson *ho eldas os t I 98bhide, ivas laiton In charge tiII. mnening ly Depuly Sheniff Ai. Brry- * a contrenteti laere Justice James0 O.Wl b>' states Attarnaey Dady& Wi aller complalning vîtinaiseu vit IL No bearing tbei Place vîtaeve te'0 "ay, thc mater leing continuai ut t**2»id. but Mrs. Nelmn vas placed Unior bonda ot $10.00 anti taies tO il eounly all iudetauît ef bouda. gtal.i Attorney Dady la tha main, Z plaing vIinasa. Ha bas becin aJil yod aInus tepoomioiiain - M laes u 1oIlivi te have tic mater yepuiciup lin goo shape - araias NoMlen Aseft lsemmê #atuda la tie Justice c0001. 4 M. kýNOisesmm«"gaiteprqMefW i ceepsure but le a ali have broies 4»2' * w vcetaken ta tic ceunI>' jail 9" a t5 o vitheIl.alersatveof S sin>' Iere- Meor item> I. l imderstood, lIaI Ih. aBousd oversîlon wvs.pertarmoti la -. itego and lIat aIe mereiy attandeti ticegirt itlah sad Ilat Ibisleta eTrba- iasffl by an alegai sute mortem 1 tat.meal by île girl hersait at îhe On.etfthe,$adioci CaM*& Tino cm a saald le ene ltheut Ialtlce, die ta the extrama yeutb maeiaut>'orethîe girl and tle preml. noocetf ber tamli>', s.bich la an aid &m irospected oue lu hila t>. MIDU D&MM »a- eamiuallon hlId te eist thb In'1 J"i ru«" tetatic tupogllt t ad, nbtsniicedprevtonal>' b r, W. W, Wolcb. 'io Ulai t«wftoi Tuber- eleds vau touai la eof b0 00w#o Dbm01bai raac4- to.vlu »«-atrace Résolutions iaolaitus tihei.lty u«tb lituboreuliatomI. monu b>' ho aiy etfb aidr alate aïava*Prend n sian oet la man> hOrda aste nboaesthe osith aid uattuliou ot ray> umtlo ad la s&pmanace te tic futauredaln>' stsr>';l« wbe s rm mach exiini candi- tions the great dam>' brmodiing Inter- est& orthut l taetorIllinoisa mi e enlously injured aid damagit b>' flilure ta use pmcper pratiafls; 'iherefoe, il la ramolvoi. 'ibat va recommand Ibat sudh acioen h takes ns viii protect the Ireeders torn le- eemlng lb. vIcdima et sncb onditIOn and guarantee tlhIail&Untlibi- pon.teaiofr breading purpoueos .1a1l e en!>' recelved inta the SMats, vlan a- seompanla by a certificate trOsm a ne- liabla seutle. sheviiugsucd"imlte ha trac tram tuberculosis aller apply- ing the meat appravai m.tbod et gis- log the est.51 Inutoam scia eance lbe luberculîn test. Be Ilt urtbor rasolvai, Tbat v lac! lb. grat Importance te eybry oen , r ot dairy catlle lin t" SBale, ef basting his bard bealIl>' and iliong sud especlly frai tram tuboreuioabs and ve therefore rencemmenitt oacb InividxW diovpcr of dais>' catie. for W owen linisremls. aid ticInter- eas ethIse vîtI vwboni . e Mr don talc sncb notcamary action te eradi. cale e bsimeý if his bard leafoolcid; aid gise mach cars t6 Ils b«4 asvinI effactually praventis Inocula- zigla me" mm asSuit for 810000. Hery A. Pope, axecutor et tice et- Mie of thc laIe BIlai P. Test. f0,dm as mm«ercamp initmutrOOs, Who lm ru a dA amilfe 'a s d m e- trio car Augïiqt Stiaat. mu 11 caum, vIlla c« , o va>' to %Kola mtaff.or milu he iiprairile la a suitt fr 810»W00damag« O. gans tic C&ecue Mid lilvuaiduectic rosi on bebalf utftlb. ate, u'hich geai tau ne cli. Cool.. Pape sud Pop.,"d iPsul MacOuMa uame the atlïmneys lu île case. Paul 4nd las lied sait Ireusl Coo., Pffs and Pope. againatthîe mmaraoi ton $20,000 dtiages. & Oller suite filed:-Em a LUiHam- blaton va. Frederici C. EVldiing, bill tu foreclese., Mari U. Druse vs. Mary LU Wliox.bill te remase deeti Wblt-I ne>'. Dady aud Ruisysni- Widoiw Geta $1100. Wbes ffluacI Houghlea et Wau- ,-n,.. iaiS eam a. h. e rgtltu .Tl(, eaeatotrne>' on Salarday>'lliIs people about a paid up pelle>' tool aIteo hov the allegeti stren- ln île' Nrtbvestern MuultULte ot &tk oft its esa againet Ms. Abrtna îîlvaukae, anti is wvite esavonmbm- MNesn, midwîlfe, u lnte Fosbei-g cae.lad upon the valushle ps<er, vilch b>' chaigins the charge agaînal ber la> in s draver lu te l hobene.un. ta allegeti merder, anti.ttho bearlng 1t ifse stumblati upon oeaofthîe ns- Ia bacc Oued foi- Frîda>'. ln order celpta for premiems by sticidaul. The that'tbe coroners Inquest. vhicb is mualter vas leciod up andthle lalast résmned tamrrev eyeniug at tle le thal, expenszdetiucted. the vldov -Larsen and Cnai reofa, may ho gela 1100. t"rmted, sud ail ils mass et evid -________ The Nelson doreuse it la sali vil! Â ET 01>Â AW ta the lI actual operatten vas par- lmdtn Chicago, anti tha .%Iia.,Lake County's Oldeet lew»- MaIonmrely attenioti the eigbleeu paper0h.aniq. HandIS year aid irl patient. J. B. Huge . tCarel oa - la the nov evuar ef the Wauicga 'iel lqueal oser tle lady of Miss Dal>' andi Weekly Gazelle, laktag Ana Itasberg vas started lu île un-jpseso probahl>' saut Marci. artakling m ofetConra & Lasen M, Hungefani, vIe ms s mais et paterda, but asl>' ane vitnaia vas ripa axperlence in tle newopaper board. the remaindrof ethîe evidesle fili, anti vbo for a quarter of a con- bqlag laid oter, anti! Tuestia>'niglt. Inn>' has dictatd the poliYo>' theI 1ic eni>' vilses beard vas Eric Ft'5- Carrolli Dily Heralti. vas a tacter ln 7'berg, a Irtier oethIe girl, lIa poilica et lis district. Au ablle Ibti ttmoin> braugît tlte te lgît man, he a ta s ean lIiker and a luli ~Wl~direct lerns os tle case. Ha vriter. vloea omi bas attracted 'teutifid tiat tIa girl vas lia apparent videattieintion ln lis naùvd miate. %Oood- Saelb p le Tluaday vlan Dr. Editor Hungarford ba$sol# thîe 'gl k *i Wvas called ln. Ha rames- Cari-cii Heraiti anti oller proeri>', ad ber t te .bepili. sud vilh remeve ia thiB cli>' ta maie bu taipoina.ta a questin put te hlm fitlits berne. -ë, b>' thscoroner ho ati lIaI Annx Foi- >the Smith Brothars, Will. I., euit- ,_e boug btuai ee eping Company' itllbor, sud 'Prsei G., manager oet he & yqag maisnamêti Marinson. Who Gazette, ratine rtrm wnrailp oethle b" jsei dIb ticefsmly ton about a Waalegan paper, j«,up ta four menthe aga, vIes le wbjpdWy t tle cil>' vitheut an>'MI: Cote Bg Vrdict. îw lth aanle.'Thce tala et lIe la90T. (hIP) 011- 41pstiai lime net a vendlas beau vin, the milima nta vIcia wagon bqura4 itIm mb> an>' member o e ican eIoctXIccar crsamed atIMM otsract 4P to ni lIu e v heraaloot e tu aHghland Pari mas>' minUs goI) XMmain ae net kmaya. hai -recelveti & VcdOM« Of $,000 bonmaibatc en the îc earng et un' poil mortein Wu las for 80offlai the ug zb>'t»led wi r esc. lic.' wagondrivr lot Mei sP%> lolioIns amappod 111<5> eta aanb d 1# 11 1 l q1lp mIs! ONE O' ooummVSoLDES HEESIliCE IRE TEAR 1847 Lived on ilwaukes Road West o! Wankegan at Close 0! LUle Samuel Burnis, agad 85 years. sud s rasient ef Lnke county ince 1847, diad aI lia %bome an the Milwaukee roati at 8:40 1lontiay, death bing1 causeti freUInastrekaetfpanaiyais, is- duceti b> a faîl on lne lce lu the eaniyJ tai. Wblbe illias beeài eeec for1 sorea Ime that thleandtie beageti setler vas sean. tle -end came asea Obock ta lia many friands sud rela- tives in Laie caunty and In Wsuie- gan epechslly. ybare ha vas se, veli known. Wbalhn the mml t reezlng nain tel! ln I e early tait. Mr. Burris on leasIng lbe bouse, -slipped andti taîl trikîng on the back et hi. beati. Hie axtremo ehd age caueot a paralysie folleving île taai. but a litîle latar be appeared la racoser fronm îe Fheci anti vas apparintlyin lhils f rm- er gooeti atlaof beaitl and spirits up te asat'Saturtisy, at vîlcI ima vith- out waning le samlined anotber stroiaetfparahysls. Fram liat Urne ta is death. Mr. Brmis f a11e4rspidly, aSU Il seamai that aven>' day ticeoui veudcuen. flenîl Cain eta8: 40 at iight, tic anti Cominqiietiy tuîsi peeofully, as a fiing coc te an evenltul lite. ", Came teru>'Carmer. Samucli utla as bons la DrYdanin township, Nev Yenk, Jus. 15, 1826. Wbea Samual vas 2 yeams id hie ta- thon dIeti anti four yesms latar tbraegl the. seah et lia mther. le vas lotI au orphan. Upon the Jealb et lis mother le vs sont te lIse vith s rel- ative wvIe llrougb haral treatins tiiove lini trom the home at the aga etf 10 yeara. Upon leasing tle rofof bis rela- tive, he vent ta Cayega, Naw Yorn. where ha livati as beat ha miglI for tva yeara. Ha thi evnt te verk on the loy patb efthîe Erie canai,dtins- ing a mle 'vîlch pullad the boate lai- mcarkets. H. atayati lars tbreea7M ator vhiehahovas ,transani- ta t e s Northorn canal, sud angageti as a plI ni on s boat ovuet b>' Judge John tbould, ftler et John S. Gould et Chi- cage. The oeof thîe lest vas stîrsot- edta te syoutbful pilot, andi le teck hlm ln charge, sectiing young Burrna le acheol, anti givtcng Iirn vonlin oueao etlsstores. Ha stayad wyul bie benefacten cuti! 1847, vlan ho acbeel teachlng, thacks le the aduca- tien gises lins by hilsfrienti.> t Tbrae yanrs aler le contractedt lb. goli lever, and jeurneyati yul a pan- ty acrasa tle plains to Californie- Ha ongaga in gelti minlng for tIra. yoars wytl succasa, sud natuàuet by vs>' cf île Islmus of Panama. At- an tuming stha fruitsetflia mining Isto moneY, Mr. Burris bougli a tarin ln vInt la nov Sentes tovnship, sud residati there until 1867, vhan haie-e moned ta Wauiegan tavznahl), pr cdaims anether f arn on tle olti Mi- yaukee rend. He rsildeti an Ibis place up tot hlme cf his daath. vina Cenin o ew av orl and tbo couple cnjoed oser Ibid>' yesrs ef inarriei lite, until Ian decihl ln 1884. To lIe coupla vana borntes ehldren, saven et vhern arestili living. Mir. BarrIs la sarvivcd b>' sevas chIl. dien: Orlandoia. n.Harrieti Puni>' et ibis cil>', lre. *Sunerimi ef Liban>'-1 ville. Mure.Baces. Caille. Frank sud Jcrr>' U, al et Waulegan ieownship. lainthe deuIl af Mn. Berris Laie 0ceunI>' laies anae ofIls oudest anti 1- » lo taspecisi citisens. Hoecame ta the oeuin> vlanIl vas but a tract et buakvoeii mai bas vaicc e hepro- Oresu iimimiactian. AlvmyS tal- ln " a sttwi'otwli SffIm cf t tc - epu, the licol>' grevti etri* ouon, t ecbée sinsie u joY tée bo n WaxM B. TIc deaoglil on ri stok asturiathes «M"pagnet churt"el ri' cnt Jeise ta sgeod aI l. bnda f toyal sociati.Tins dotegi for tle PUiUoee«, Par Henry assoalitsa t el didacy ot Mr.Uigne oblts Ignalu -!W Baeora lha dejegat Woodatock tic bar a» nmady daclarai la taso ney, and île'members kegan attaorney» lu tbom about tle City. turned to Ilcîr hames cureti the signatures, tbe petîtionsi vhicb th Another detgatiqIs Rociford vasa accorde tien. The lavyers thb the station sud t1001t teentu influenial mens thene, tun, a largcnul vas addtid ta Uic liaIt ceenliai lb. oppouttlis nev in lb.elItm pa mrnnnk ansd t1e0 y tle mas in charge 0 vas quit. a surprise te neys. BOY SEIOMUB Pi-estosnCqlcu1*4 I Jobs Collen, se; Sant ouily InJueai viee Steip bill at tid V afteruoen. 'Flre v crovi of bo» Mdamuis devin thc UI, Wb sinooti tee, lgýir reachîi gtie 0 ai os tb. trip b l etier beas>' sJL-a 1510 him llmavtaw Iun sud carnying Itou a aha te le mi. Wlan.tle boy vis teund ltat bis facea badly eut, bis lot I Ibae e are cornerOns mui, parte cf bis bla. th5e siedti hc cnaa t ellov vas Ray Hagei g te rate et speeti Wl .traveling, Hager loi' tsidsuad lidte theol 3 ThIni-aed boy i boe. ybare a doctes bayondth îe breakingc vas ne morlous dam lUtIle tellov is repo rmach latter today. CorDelles Busu, an dent et Barringlos, 4 tevin collecter for the 1- edai the home n kLUzaie Bunu ln Blue1 gThe datalaofethîe de ebut hI I thoeght thal 1dealb vas old age.B yoars; ot age sud a vat var. Ha vas wvol ii itoc, having llved the bis lite ln thal vîlît4 jremoval 1e Biulàli SIN SERIOUSà Dell Lewin Suai Injuries Fr Ian miles norîbvesl tbrovu tron a vagoi Thursia>' anti susal yltcl il vas teareti ceai hlm. bis lIta. started tnrn the loi sud vas atanding lu the hersas alartet i tue an asont ltleth the vhelm of the w le>' road, le>' midd atrucion, anti Mn. L te lb. rosi. He vas picket in carnitiiee îlo te bo vas snmmoned.' mmnlsg, tletUma ol III laie Saturda>', lb lemerrbnges frein juntes cuainîned linst vas a gooi chance Mn. Levis las nei ors part ofthîe oul tire lit#. and lis vol brother et Mn,. AI] straci, and la relate WEEKLV REAI f lIe Lake Ceunty a2trafafors. à Nuibcr et ins l4ombe et loue >AI J~L ti a t t t t c Fi.bu irimit& T.Lae Lfq À",Vm IDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911 ORB TU XIMIT IMTAINEM ovFÂVOR $ 1,500 LU=I gnon Given J Supervisoru Discua Natter option of Oollectorm a iaary. 10 uum TPh The question as to wbtber the the Lake <c>oIII.U1f 1county board of supervisera had a went ta Wood- l JI1 11 juriedictlon over the matter of the luterect. of thea aaary of the town tllectors came up ,Whitney for cir- In the meetng of tbe auperviaors. YOUENG BUSINES ItM the lata lRobert 1HORÂCE ~leâ F]OUND INIweek. A resolutlononnvasrend el entertulnment ln, the meeting. similar te the 0F LMIETYVLLL II cHenalBS, ~ ILDS F NORT ERI4,one rend batore, vbicb vais laid on C IE O O gatea vent there W'TUW <NSIN the table, and the question cf adoption muading the Me: aroused a lively discussion. endOsO the Ca- The resolution read that the board te. andaisertaord as favoring the lUmting of IS SEM IT OFPvi de petition. ALIII E ABN l UJALV t h e -townablp collectr, tu the 511817 tion arrh4,:id et or $1,50f) as allowed by the law, and A pitet Nes ife soclation bad ai- that aIl exceas for commisions behpaltXOl Nes WU rot cf Mr. Whlt- Locates Youtb Through the turned over te the county. SuPervi- General ApprOval i I teck the Wau- aor.Clark declared that any supervi- tava and teck Ald of sor who t ailed te requIre the colecter the Coztnty Juetore they re- Âdvetim cuet et bis township te turn over te the ea tbey bad sq- countY ail excese tees, wouid be Il- of 200 men te able te a fine and aiso his office De Jay B. Morse, the most popUlar ey carried. Horace Hill, son ot Frederlck Hill. declar d vacant. Young business man, ln IàbartyvW$llai ,vbich went te a former keepçr of tbe royal game. Superviser Wynn opposed this res- hasbeau maft-deputy cenntY clas* br lad a fine recep- such as pheasants, partridges and efution, claiming that it was unfair Ceunty Clark Uàewelvn A. HeiMee4 are met tbem aet kindred fovi, fer the late King Ed te former coiiedÎlsra te compaI thora and viii undertake the datiez 0< tbc tbem te the dit. ward Vil. of England, bas beeu tound te turn oser baclt money, after lhey pont beginning Mari 1. k0f the citY. and in the viids et Wisconsin, le a village had spent thair own money te coilect The selectIon mente vltb gemlerai jaiber et Dames ef 2,000 several hundred miles trom a. t badl always been the custom, satisfaction, as there la neoain o s inl tbese two Milvaukee, andwhat bade fair te be he ali, and l vas net fair te tboa em popular ln tbe ccunty avay frams th* on te Mr. Whit- a perplexing mystsry la eolved by the o 1melthem te tuc, ail oser above north shbe than the nov depilty. * lin vas strougiy boy's rature te bis worried parents.,~ Merdh»nt ef LibertyvilI. ecoe extended Wanderlust Dragged im Off. Tbesvans censiderabie argument Mr. Mrse -la a marchant of Uber. of bis campaign Yeung Hill le a boy cf 16 years or] on tbe point and finalli' the board tyvîlie, a succeastul deaer lni S *: o tbe local atter-. se. Stralgbt, sturdy, used te an outi sent on record as tavoriDg ln tha fu- furuisblngs, and bas servod »Y"e decr lite aed tbe poasessor cf vod bure the iitlng cf tbe tovn collac- terme as seretS-rY cf the Lake Colaty -craft knevledge that vouid Put au bbay ail day taklng dapositlens tun tii Agricultural Asociation, tae WsgWth ILy HU]RT American boy te blusb, the hiue sky tor tae .sem et $1,500. The tact faction cf ail. - - sud the open air bave always appeai- la the board bas ne jurindiction ln the He hle radd. bas tva cbfldre, Md & Breaks Leg ed te hlm aind bofome bis dîsappoar- iratter, as vas ahovn lb. day previ- maies bis borne ln Ub.rtyriUs, suce tbree menthe ba wvasmetiesa eus, vben anetbar rasolutlen frain the vbere 'he la a membar et aunoeou acting. anud chafed under the close confine- South Sida Proparty Ownea' A2socis organisations and iodges. year eid son ot ment and restrictions of ZDon City. tien vas turnad devn at the Mnost- Clan, bonneat. aggreslv, mma iton, vas sari- wit lits bilde bouDd religions pro- îng. bustier, ha yull mai. au Id« Mai asls aiiding dovn a judIce, vhlcb ottentima talla ta con- AUl tbat tbe supervisera could do out la tb. ceunty clemi'a OecQ vila good szdaI der the bey and the girls as such. cf as te go en record as tavering the Oft.rmd tb. pont a menti «Vý Jr. ung mas liding Called by lb. vilda, possassed o change in the future, and aivi.agl Morse tank the appoIRtupat aaiieà& tv»a a heat of the vandarluat, lb. boy mllPPad awaY each superviser te mse. Iba i coleviseniant and t.aei cagiaeqtged MM 'COllR, Ou f rom home and parents lent Novambar tor dld net _keep out more ths& the Mis apvointinent. 8810- th 4m ett i UlAl saddmince lbat time notblng bas been arnut allowed by t»c stalts. et de~se eua#y oU4ufla4 #0 fhhlg du"n lb.seen of hlm. ________fpeet à4bMopMup fpod»& eab Tt -i I.belleved Ibat bis tatberle aid r i â flt m te the ureuad. vocation. tbatet gains.keeper for l.theSBUA XPr-i«> oi Qma t W e hshort distance iate King Edward, baiklin Englatid. t»,c cputy u'S"tI. pcked up, it vas iaugbt tbe boy the babit et living in .S r fSYnh msOld, ,Md balnda ver. tbe open and that ha imply suc- 53l1 Conduots u .u B ÂDQm N W PLAN leg broenan d cumbed te the Cali of tlb. vood. Waukegan'a aident living hammams ibruîmes onjari- streauus sud field and dc-amped ai- man, aise a waukagan and Lake ooun-a. dv, Th"e 01 xmâanumse*-t Il>, ie tinte thenttle mest jnvoiiintairily.tu Pioneer, vas 931 years o014 laturi U' r. and ol,« te Ad@ Fail To Fifld Hlm. and te calebrata lb. avent a number spire Ont" o T»"d .ich bis siad 'vas Hie mothen vas franudc as san as t friand, caliad and felicitated hlm it contrai ot the it vas keowu that ha bad indeed dis- on bis continued geod bealb ad re- EIgnlarent$ an t 4ld~ay uIUw wrrng aide et the appeared aud at once a natjon vide tention cf facultias. I 1 adopted a nov plan for »buinhlS as taken.te hi hunt fWrhlmt began, vbile tbe case He a lB . . Greenleat, Washington pic lin inby tevina Witlin a ,proclaimed tilat bade fair te assume tbe Importance etreet shoe dealera, 1111llin activebu- frj f wenly mile. ta.,traie ig t*'M%, et thi eg, lIera efthIat cf tbe lest Chale Ros. ines., altbeugb the store às managd piOlolOince ta Otther 0111.0, Tle,è mrai aos. eng Police vene communlcaled vltb and by hi. son, ff. F. Oroesleal. PlISà 1 ala i tetI sze 111M, ortd, s estngthe bue and cny ralentiin vain. Sauel 8. Greenleaf vas borain la Mla v10 riai 4Ott 9 m o ooe to , 40 nu oid lima rosi- Flnaliy*advertisameuts ver. insami. Massachusettîs ln*lais snd Caa 1 t sIioe towais il! lave tbiê it*I sund at ona time in the papars through tha sparaely Lake county lin 1837. He Iocto in retuadai, pirorgidlIthey buy &a ho? IovfeCuba,e Oý= daugbter. gettled districts o et b.contry vbere Wuea n14 n a e O.ti Mn ati iY Island last veeTe. a scout ie Young Hil! veuld ib. ik- tWukgayn lth1844 sud as e een c en- ew l lan le %bttisil 7, - tinouly n ha atI!ale gsi tra'im ov a n is Ia " qi [at are laclting ly te go, sud the searcb at lenght in tu ilety for lb. greater part efthte et tvesty miles vIl!- ,ôumfV4ýow tlte causaetfbis carrowed dovu tea apoint vbare Youngt Ure sînca. 0par oent retuni an theamenaI 9; M. Bns vas 75 EHillbad ban sean and vbare ha bad Ha cama ta Lake ce0ly before te purclase lin tIbsClY, pro '~~ tera ofetb.Civil talked et golng, up in Wisconsin. aurvey teckplacesdmc bfr lretund ldooanet Seeaith=psaW un inBnrring- y can uhbfrIlte, fr hept ýe Zeat pat f Moiher Love Appealed' To. became Laie counîl forrnally.-and eautrêa terre b. l1 o If UM age, prier te bis Adi sent eut te tbe papars Tnd: volf necalthbe aalest Iwbte man's lacughlal purcllmsed for thc péocsi 'W aud a short lime ".Hrse:-lf yeu wlmh t tese. Waukegan, vltb ils lpg cabTus, -Its pri-' ree the cartaie, tour per.-Mtst yaur mother, corne home et onlce. mtiie barber sud Ils buddlad streats. ihe puchase wilil e-gise., lut If fl ÂCIDENT Father, Mr. Greenleaf la baie hana.rty, inn!>' lb. am ne e nt ft4ic.b The boy's motber loea as thus andi takes a dally constItutional, gen- tare vUiha givet. and if net four p« appeaaed te in an evasion vblcb araily ta the Laie front and back fer cent efthl.entire purela. 8h18 Internlai migbt construe te mtas that bis me- hie beatha sase. Ha reains aIl bis Vp te Rach indivIduel rom fail ther vas 111 sud calling for hlm. tacultlas and bis mernery parfectly Il vii probably ha adopfflI MPUe et lb. merchanta. but tIce iga g1 er reeldlng about Noepoper Man fiera. andi can recal amas sud faces splen- MercIants, "alaledi G ot the city. vas TIen ebiiarad a nevipaper man et didly. . te maie lt up. It recta vith W"~i n I isbeneonthe city near vblcb Young Billvas IWilliam Sunderlin la perbapa tbe vIduil mecrant vie~le hoa *0 )naIi hm nadp LAt ealplace abie lnd injuriai froum founti. Put mb oposseslen ut the facta eldeat living Lake ceunty andi Wauie- vbere an eut eft t evu cuidet'fw fer a Urne voult inl the case, by mare accident. ha elant- gan sattier, because ho vas born beres slip evInS lb. amenaI t fuuagai Mr. Lewin bad ad out on the hunt for youug HIi, ln the thirtlas, but Mr. Greenleat came vl! la gises tate i eler, vu 'sn iUne vith lis teani inally lecaîing hlm on a fatam16 bere andi alartad buseiness I n rnturlty 15kO the slip te tiche Cretplm 0 Ibawaon vanmles tram cîvilizatien sud lu the vhan Mr. Sunderlin vas net yet ln vbare the tour pcrositW icget, wytl a joli. The viltis, amld the game sud the sports knickerbockers. ctiI. panbaburoed tbaIqplq hso ha rosi, and vhen of out deers. Mrs. Nellia Jankîsnnet Butriickthe traie caily M hpar cent. wagenstrucl tle He telegraphati the parents at ZIan street ila proall'lb.eounir ali lad, struck an eh- Cty sud lbey veut up atter the Wauiagan alier thse Mr. Greenleat. Levis vas trovin vanderer. Ha la nov back itulhis She la about 99 or pamsape a buindreti Aooideut&UIR7 Nanga parants and promiaes never again te years aid. Samuel MIller et Newport amaOlgoapr 1Ala ert » uta, U y.eru li.'m ip uncSsacleus sud lsuccumb te tbat tnntalizing, resistiesà in suother oethîe original aid timers, pla>'»g ligaI! Touift4S wvies b use,* aid a dtor ralentise anderluat. anti W. Whig4r cf Libertyville la the f.» & a ion ta hl,& ova nv Prom Tlursday Found At West Bond. lirsi white chili bers in 1115 ceunI>.', Ha Mdi Ivo youmierbroticrs vg f le acidntun. Young Hill *as teunti iear West vblcb moas hlm seoid timer, aise. pla7bthe tI scveme"Mwk lu.s vt as t.ared that Baud, Wisconsin, and a uevspapem ________-Iti='* ter oeS îl nenIî-man employed by the Neyao ta eret tiatW»M"ft te tInti Ir laceva l orMtay bn ln >Opien ,Terre CdliiWonka. end cf a bar.ot Mvu i et ~ pîsde.Due ta the dstrutwIon , .agroat ratier ai àl«t4 d M esided lin ticvomi- Frederici Hill, lIe ftler, 1i. o tliraeofthte TerraColla arouibis nk' ntyne~y is n- becbit orimenin ithîe aoibl> Company vomis, ta Citmoge Ic Do "te aO I kov. o _ rofthîe Rambler automobile plant Chicago Terr a Clta Company wyens, th. boy bc 41*4. Tb*MM lio a4rs «t A.l aet!ensa-Lured ta Ibis cousItrb>' absrbaimonelic40o00' b.Mnrti- peStaita tiec oam ed ta dir. Levin ert1h. )ovie teachinga ha bas aeltled ai western 00iSpmiy, vhlcb fp Çe.tnulConad 1.14 sa tleG BIen ii>' * ray ha opedm fun bI«et at Higilani Au eider htimmu Pari, as Chicago banrsed, penjW wviAlUset * ai * 13VY RUEVIEW. Ai.reniera luccome bome.OWnc asiea té rmbuild the Mortiveitem h anvan& tc »*o - a~~ materet oure-4t y vGiff M.-platnttaChicago. 'iTbismaina om- avoitotiaiu y Tit.M 4i»d gulty TU"STUDIM IN TRE PIROURT plovmcut fer mury mon lla Hghad report e Treal 00tPROPOII'iI N M eS XT, &id tiai LXARNtJ1Z4 8 inga a en rUnoae. T 0 tiId nev brick yardla mae On& tme t a .41 juat oer tic oenty lUne, rIat kilm la....$5U 1.00 Befling salaIRe propefty lh a 'marc terir fr ein icfnubm & ciimg om s aws .WMSIOO e Ot wat a4vrtiatt, brick yaria. haaMy>n mum taut. mti e