tiitva asuu Wfleiinw e th* blat ton. TvafAyemen ta AoerdInt pi unt'p4m wb"i It er$ $bore Nt 1baven beeu aensWelrd 1ý as BP.tam- 'et O.apletsring, pr«Id.nt of tetii 1 vatmd aSlWa. cy. w Ubethe. eai of tebe "wttnu portatlon corporation, l'h, Iucao r e i. W bele Ut Tnafic diructors 01 the levatftî ,.S ,<ad snt Part àleom- - mt in asiunilar cupacity in ttei-làew IN Certaluty ofthe Chicago & Milwaukle.el.ctric __________ Ue, laonoui.aLtbe nberemcf the, pro- Weftdafs. IBNý.) jeet. À arçtitý n uCmb i.l ut Fr1 Wednedui'sSUN.) day or Saturday may declde thé, que.. ore ;ubunban deuidentso are' tion of the traction comfpêby forma. la tle dovu tevu (lileago if plýana waitder wmar acurred eut. Ad- IiuleSth&t a cembinatlon of (rau- blWe fith. NorthwestaruiElevated aroiAandithe ***cgo and Milvan- ggmp~te lf»e aI the prnpoaed l*5e Oçmldiaticn vus prepamai a wah a m d, wvh.un e dfint. Plana Oi , bemOnaSaited by latenastà lu p. t»O tiVetim oia anlaestha Ides 0 çwaO hib e oei eut lu every Air. Starrlng said todn*Vr: '-Negetiatiens bave been Soing on frontturne te Urne btue. the two compaulas vltb a. vlev tf arrange bet. ter tranprtatIen facitittes betwean, tihe uortia shore and thiei". The li-. terestaeoft he two oOmngeie rM =- tuai, Mad a plan adatleh vajuibttar situation that existe et Prenant would obtain tor gead. 1 dont reproent the. electnle lUna and annai diseuse the mubjet." Attorne JIaceb Newman counot for clients; holding bondslunthie electrle ines mud: "The projeot bas been, under disus- sien for thirty day.., Many Ides. have been advanced, but nothng hba ret ben decidei. 'niere wili bc a meeting of the pensons Intenastea ln th tia alet, aat Friiay er Saturday. -â vu tfurbr demie vill b edjialier- 7U ihtSwbailin, la adcpe vth thrpe unrigage, cevering.bonds ami otetba& inebtednaa etalmig $16, 0009..1A.plan for flmallgthe. mer: Pr. WMvu rbaiiy b. tbrougbhé,ie la sus, Of sddtiisaabonds. Bendiiold. ers ta tWae eleCtri. traction line.hvu homame dlssatnm levtb the , manage- mnt m foea a receivermhip ara ,expected toeaxchange their holdings for stock andl sacurtles ln the. new euPunY. Morger i. Fellew. Wltlth absorpton ortthe Conual- Idatai Traction eempany propuortion bY the Chmaoe. ltUllvays ceunpsay. -the. ru ept a jererof ail surface ani elevateat railway limas bas beaur revived. Saiel ml, preeGMent Or, the. Oum. omiek IUota e ay. la téb. n te the, pouemus arer of the, aie- vatsd lUnes, accoing te the , Msr, -amd liery A. Blair latate nglsae the. kmofr theii.mrace limes. )Ir- Blairibu mt beau ln bis OUaa -fer Waher al a, ni It lualuhievi UIaiotam u Mf.race as j3iioao irel. . MWbu * a : qirhem là u xatr Irqrk . J.P. iMorgas £ "Pa ny, a.muid lte ho favorable te tbq PIUL a . -.9 bqhrgt 1Enter te sFine le.!. du" f et em T#apw Puari Neolace W.rth$1700 " MIAAueeg w tliklke. jewssRaret Pittaburd, Pa.. Juta. 5.-The rosi, daia.sof William Thaw Jr. wa. 4rauhd et jaels valuei at 136,)(0 white the q tanuliy vas at dinner. included ln thue1 valuables 'lua apeari neeklace warth $17,000, the. prerty cf ?Mrm.Tbuw. Mmra.Tiaw halbeau iluthae lowet whoieabar lewela vans kept. halt an heur betore dinner viti a view ho se- iecit thoue uta veui, war. Qnly her mald vas lai the.recula d54attar loeking the 40cr as usuailiMra. Tha* Wed the faully ln the dining rcem. Qiie vas absent atout tirty.tpnnts and upon bar returu nwent te the lcat for the peti neckiace. The door.was lecked, but whçn ah. cohed fer th. neckiace, It vais gane. HuîtiUy oean- ing the other casesabcaie scovered ail hadl been ernptied et their contents. NEIiRO'S VIGTileESCUED Baund and Oaggd Girl and Tri.d tho Smother Her n'Chest. Cncinnati, .Jan. 25-Two theausand polcemen are aearciang for a negro, who atter bindlng and uggMin Ama lammée, a rut ntcboe et ber employer, atuffed ber int au coder chest. lampd on the lad and left ber te amtier te deati. Tiiet the i.14ddd et & ttlgbîly and thlt paaiar*ly noticad the. open dor and au overturned vater hucket. cuused ber regcea n Urne te lave bota lite. Thc girl la lu a bosptad un CIllES VOTE ýON Qulocy mmd NM esaDefet Flm ou I 14mW CuR .Overo. .el MW Kewens.ei. coma a ssth ops Arn. Pom laVoles Toda (Prom Wedneuday 's SUN.) Kenavua.., lu., Jan. 34.-,Xeane. adapted the commision torm of gev. ermn auit a speclal ewetien tedsy ýby a majority.of 505 out of a total votae Of11736. Quiîncy, 111, Jan. 24-At ted&aîspa. Cut elaction ti. prepomitea te sdopt 133 N. Genesce St.,Wabkegan, Ili. ~310ftPfalaaSt , Ratase, WlS. 281t ~3. OsiY s>eht 0 per mot PeUM&it î , 1.--couaty isige lthe«M et~.gt u1e> Iac Rh. coruiuI"o ouLtrai t, fteuit. The. dati le thkt of thie spahi prtMuRyM Advetes et Wý& con- tend a vote et that thie vlJ b. un. fair. 1 VIII o&Cu Abomt WÇO,4 peauulj cgga ne Kath. ered fMm enmanby lai aud an&>ofr food lu Cape Celony each yeor. Oi'aeo #or ' ft*u»le ta p a ulà uuwqpl U 'x (ProM IWedWMYadm SBUN. i " The. folevin a pe!, ruad at he The aer le. appadsi. u ",mo Joint nftaig of the toe brphi-lr " Wb" dis na~ #iau ad L*ko o uty Tu ' aoaa u mmus 5 rahemit S* mp*100 limtituité, held t Hiblaiud Parn irq dut a ~ u~5s Quewi = = SUP 1 iOsla astu eluilKY iutnde4tan for aatuad lu, Initatos thO' e nse gI*a *t tombhera and jauaîtouslu melis viere j b=0t au Ottogl a muap àearah. teS s'om*S liter the unernhigopng lu 41090 neathtei.dtWist 'Ptbd tru*Miius ba#1*the the. iputill aner.ure.tu ait ait dà'y. thelongs, uuakwlg portion.s'0f thun SOM. »0 Y ai breathe the dust ahIcit lm throwji blak ed Unobl. ii. te *wdl up fute thaq air. Iftbi du'bttbd CW , beumalg. Digt haa beau n n ofr yemste "germaetftubeulagla sor eoustimptien lb t uli b. the. greateet, factera in the stireuil -tuber baclli-whlcb comne trous, par- lfeauii40 M of dlseasb. Thelg4*eus of anY dis- sens wiio luýve puhnosany tubiiaueuaie-tif. edoe 0 ctase wblh se;tle te the 'guer are 1 lia îDIttng as the ÉDM era irir s4 rmassi, eau rim.k Litte Dfts uspecwa $.98 --- Ma&l of French -gin g. SWool Serge and Pana=a rome $1 5.00 va-lueàs, specla rhi Clearing .... .... ... Ladies'and -Msiùes)' Coats, full i gtspecdal 3 for tis tale .... .5 Chiffon bjoidçcthjôatu, splen- did lmodclsji-$25 val.. 8 5 ues, W rclearance... .7 Caracul Coats at.... S Plush Coa.t.....il.0 Beauiful Serge, and" Wors Suits la ail cmon,*ili. ain b4 aspecial for c aanc : E sale ...... .........6,. You can chwioe from the Ru suts ln Our stock, wo4$25,. $3000Md $3500,14. your ceolès for... lor r wilqren it, ! é ,e ' hlas 450 secal. ~1~............. 4.~ #.......i.ts .59 O0" lot of voile, serge, and païna- ma skirts, Worth &00, .................9 Ailour 1.00 waists .29c.. ,4.0, %weaters, for, clear. R. and G. Cowuets, guaranted 79 1.00 vatue, special ...... 9 5C orsets, apti! .......... ... 29c WArr' Rustproof Corust 50e Spbotoix Mofflrs 19C. -onn*s.and children'S 4 Black pettIcoats,36 ..... ..... ... . . Ifolnts crlb-blankets Fiece ined underwear vests or ~8 drawers for .......... s Ficee limed union swits, 50C VNaw3 7 Ail wool underwear,, .50 val%'ue,89 for clearance............... 4,n agerneas of our customecrs -to take advantage of the. rerarkabli bargains wc'* e no* ffnig i uto mcii from20 to 40 pva cent chéaper than any other retail market ini the state of Illinois. SPECIAI FOR SATU RDAY, JANUARY 28,-1911 loin 89eak............. ji =Md tuk ..............lic ...a.........10e. 1 .........icç . .. . .. . . cl .1m2ïÉjý Bugar Oured Ham.........3ec Hma ..... lu ' ?~~rskfat Bcon 170 Sai Pork ......... 1.....M Back ft ............. ec Gal Lvr............. SELECT PALLLAM. K1nd ' lM P m .... ..e... a-.- .Town ors os --j Popuiero tet On salIe At 10e MIRDA SPECEL rimUb RB ou.t ...... e and 7ôc 7AaY lX.UVO Pot Boust..9e and go ~eoW Éoli........ 12%c 7rmbork Bould.r....i Va. Dr.e Iékuuai W40musse Prims c <rom 'North aboe jd .l s.- me i', cents