AMEHIP AT FORT ]PoUmbility of, the Not Distant Future 0Î18crs of the pst ai Fort Sheri- 'du'vOuld bave chouteS witb Hais. utiti laugiter a opouth aga baSl uny so , M aggested eeriouely that sera. #Maue tests are ta be made at Part .Sheridan ta finS ot wbether tbey ar e 'lt for war. 1They don't even emle. naw-not miuc January eigheetb and thie gen- oraliImpression la that theres a wiishty good show for mlitsry aera- plane tectoe t lie fart vîthin the year. On .Ianuary eighteenth, at San Francisca, Aviator Ely mtade a fllgt tram the main land ta the decka ai the varahip Peunsylvania. That's vhy the elghteeth la elugficlant. Jut before tti the govermnt, *irough cangress, bad passed finally on appropriation cf $125,000 for test- ,4ug ont seropisues as ver machines. PrhatVs vhy the. offcerset Fart Sher- Idahave cbanged- the fora aitheir Interviews,, and Instead ai saylng "Absard" snd "Impossible sud "Rab. Uath",. as before, are vonderlng just viien they viii have ta clmb into the eaddle o a incklng seroplane lu on- der that Uncie Sam may find eut a lev thiaga mare. -. Adventagese o!the. Fort. 4ê,jrnCer ýated Monday tlaa ISUN repýorteÏr'that tÙe drS elaà , ie, Lreagé, charter 4t 9e0ihbuE country, convenlences, tj.atio, snd mon vas onu- 4Z 7 l ' 1 f rýpli tets ý > M# bfdacres recenlj added te M4jeme sud net jet beili up. t t U a e«cellent aviation field. ~~-he puti au ~~~.,sristtests aver vater f eap tis-e, o nover advant- rblus liend sud avay from the rie rat ietei hi* annagent IMeas, sud hie plans hi generel. .- Aecet condition mai at hei. Ause ioad tao haadoument PacIficalope as tfie ld cf ex- iaIaiIin-sud itheadoption ai «o Plort Sheridan, wvilchau s& ils f pgvi.tiiatroacherous i .0g014Lie Michuiga mitqnio ï,tiins .lier 1em1o. Ii*iitlqrmoât itroonetait' *aJer tbwm.rial raitamen sMd true !hie flit cf liy ýtc *sl oPenusmylvanie, se- laô viltiiperfétet eoasnsd la mubap motus» a viiele lot aiiy aMd navr' ,toant -Ta the army sud Na- ad tesous, SArmee and Nav-ee fobver, as eiSers for the. Red, Whte dige' vUiibave ta o b. iauged «rmy., sud the fdeete an sd, eery patriotie sang ÉMsY* te cuiegttc>vording a. rein houl-r. Woune" eyso'ïlonel O'Neil, 'hüt badins anoe nov sky- ahooting gun to blov the dayhights out o! the enemyl l'Wel ansvered liyansd Broakins and RadiçY, "we're 1&a Kun experts" ("bexperal." itadloy miglt eauil ). but we, are roady te tae a chance from five or six tbouIaUd foot up againat anything you produce lu thie way of a gun for potting us. 'Au ar- my rifle could't poaalbly do damege more tban a vindatorni. 1 The tory of Ely& llght. Witlî the savage svlftness of an eagle swoopIng down on a helpios. victim and the eccurecy of a, be lient on 'burgling" the honey store ai a swaying blossoni, Eugoue B. Eily pounced fram midaîr ta the quarter deck of the armored cruser Penn- sylvanla.,,~So realistlc waa the attack tmat tiiode wbo saw it lu bal! ex- pected taosee the monster of steel rear Wnd wrthe ln an effort ta dis- lodgo ls, enemy. The Pennsylvanie hovever pre- servej i is dignity. in thia respect It was alone. Prom Captain Pond to is Chinese cabin boy the crew of t»1 warablp dcvelopcd a sudden desire ta- dance and shout, and the gueste iét Lthyonged the cruiseras deci<s joined with the navy ln the Most enthusi- astic welcame that ever greeted vie- itor ta a ship of' the Une. As Eily tepped out af hie air crsi t hie wite threv bar arme arouid is neck and gave hlm a llug that vas lrérth 4,1* tirfr trm Tauforau. "l'au dear, brave boy!,, ehe saiS. *,Hurroo!" sbouted the buejack- C*pta In Pond already baS sald "Hurroo," sud belng more versatile ilia the- enioted mon, adopteS auoth- or nothaS af ixpressing bis dligit. Like Govonor Jahnson's poicy, 'tli skipper's pie u . Iniple âUddirect. Ho lusi gathrd lirs. lEly lu bic arma sud klasod hor. Eily dldn'i mmnd a bit, Mn. Pond cmled aPProval anS the iuelackes joined togtier ln su- Othe? HrO. it vaslEly vbo, si November lu Nortolk roads. made the navy it ap and take notice o! the airchip's 00e- sihlities as an agent o! naval van. taro. on a rslny day vt e gaie ai vlnd blaing i. mado a succesaful dîigit iran the boy Oi the Oceot cral. Ber Brmigham. Beiore tiat tume i fot baS beon pranounced IluPos- sible. liver since ho proved. 1he. propiiets vrong lEly bas vatciod for aL chance te shov tiat ho net aly éculU ast avay frinan sarsiip. but coud.lland au eue. Tva niantes b.- fore bf âm tfLis James Reffley. the Brtish birdman, vho vasi on tii. Peuncylvwmai. declared thal anden titi conditions thai prevailed, Ely coiS. net make the landlng. He vas aUli exprefing donhi viien' lly prov- Bd hlm mistalcen by comlng aven the stei>i a a 40 mUle sait sud 'bringins hic bilan. ta a full stop 25 teet tram vhere ho fint landeS. The teat vas a uev trIumph lu tihe art ar aviation, euS opeued a nov chapter lli e hltorY ai naval van- fane. Eily ahoved that the use o! aoroplanea vas net oly practIcal bai couparativeiy simple. Heo ioeil tho Ir" ut la roeai, liae 15 Mdot eU- ~ ~ i eumed ecadt0,3psi 5hlttuS.ver. Thio ~- "- mttfoulth@lfe duo"in ail. y~ ~ Inn, as may b. appropriate te .5011 Wý!th Isa mOWan $ O OWorth of ariny vfIile cimbiuod vti the Prue equlpment Saftery C, jIlolt smlilry "M ar m f e rexercises é- hattallon, ef Wauksgsnle o0» ef e ty tmg otu agis.ii sMd field trehul* aight batteries of artillery la ibis 11.110e. ]k tlaijstwitrqction specWe nation of 93.000,000people, _8%des one Iattention vIii be iven to the PtoIf of thhe oîtci heti.e sihty toould, th" shoot, adte ithe carse0ft the foot wfth the-rest, la ord9rW lout forac. under pioper medice supervision. al'ervceflrt f illIn as of acua During hbe poriode devoted te prao. wa eriereo!miUce.fatUeltcal Insucetion. troop, compsny sud For the nnetythree million In the battei7 commandera viii ho permiftik Unied tats tereartbutttirirlx d ta ihave their fouorganisationsa Unied tae. iar ae bit hlty.lxat Rossi one da y lu *acii veeli os regutar sony bstteries sud.forti.fourcptvinsracemril iiu miltîs batterie., whili jIpan iofth fo,,r. h rctc ac nb" V-3ve illon eope atualy as temado, for aucit practîcal trainiugM tyalar amllion epie eua4 ue16they maY vlsh te give in their ova .negulari Ofyth*ttrlel. -Amyad fdlscreatlon. ravideS bowevor, that thfmfi ec i.giar try afnd cf lettvao fUiese.days each moulu kegan the at oqulpped sud the beet al e evtit sc eerss disciplinea, wlth thé beet peisonnel, as are pnescribed. For a Hire objot, cf any bsttery they have ovon s»On. and wvl theti. cme restrictions and Three practice marChes a year, hi Provision, aQuadran sud battalon co. Company, battehlan sMd garrison, amimandere viii ho ,ii.rmltted ta bave ta be tiie auj raie ereftor, sud It their 4orifaulatlou ne uday lu oaci 18 Pobabe teat he sme ul Il .wek ai as ueai'ly full atreugth as laet h prbalibeat thecldna miecpractIcable. on the day. viien trooli wat ~i th ith vmntalludisattoriC ompany hatterY. equadron and bat- vhaflto itb th oeet bi Paomptalion commandlers are permîtteo tel cl ofeyth aitnath ensva bibranchInstruet thir organisations lu their ohs itina ionagl efens tofet.ovn discretion, they vyul he alloved oTh u e anreglttaSheian.ect tautilise the ontire day. but viiere bathw Waal<egainisudePativ S heidf. aMY Part of the. day la not usÉeS the thovUitrucSttesIoreave tbte aie.membere oi an organisation vii1 be thUeda UnîtShaes rm a veben s.avaiable for -their asual routine du. Horeafter the practical training af tles urlng that dey. Siifltitint of,-the battailona i O- of'TÂTO the mobile army wlll be divided inta, tva distinct phases. amely, gunison  XII. '~ ~ < iraining sud field traiuning. ninouh ]O Cn h )0 -%Q ot the year al iroope, com 4aules h tinDE laJSu an Mdbatteriies ill have uessevi l O U"& sou sud field training as pi» ho pro. acrlhed by the deparimeut comman- der, under the proilolous ai Pars, grapli 241, army regulatlons,. 1908. Garrison Training. Garison training wvitii nclude gymnntice sud autdoor athietica,1 bayolai, combat, avordmnthip., maunted sud dlsmounted; pecking,1 ,isuel iguallng, dirst aid, the. details of tout ptciiing, closeorder drilla, céremonles, guard duty, oquitation aud hrs. training, the. prelinary, training for l1ange diring, the' mecli. anism af extonded order drills, the bygloulc careofa the persan, of bull. dings and af grounds; awimming, te IncluSe savminîns iiiarme sud equlpmint- undez propen precautions as to safety; exercise lu leaving ithe pesa viti a part ora lthe. cmmaud oquipped for proonged service lu uthe field, sud generaiiy Pailsncii nosdful instructions s eBS ce liDpai'ed pro-- iltably oau1limiteS! groom nd unudo couditions Iuposed by garnison lite. Field training vili Include renge sud fiolS pr1tice dring. racile.mar- ches.. camping sud drlls nd exerel- sot of every lilaS clculatod ta Iu- struct sud preparo tii. soldier In paace for hie actuei dattes lu var. These wll embrace ptrolling hy day sud niglit, marches lu advance and retreat, leaSing ai advexce and rean guards, outpost daty hi day sud mgt attacli sud doience ai canvoya and »elaçii positions, recentres,igabî oDeans. sketsr.4hinz: of Tonds andu The active mediclual Ingredienta nt Bexai[ Orderline, vbluh ameodorPe., teetelois and goi3rlsb, lasuan nt( new dImeov9ey.' Combîued vitb otha extreinely valuabie logredioes, It a perfet bovel reculator, Inie.i invgorator, ad -a ueur. ,Pesai Orderlis e e steli 11k.candy and o&M noable for their agrseablese to iéi peiste aud gsiome o f action. They do not cause grplui or sny dlsagrsssbl et or Inconvenlence. Unli1ke ailier preparations for saliko urpom, tboey do ttcroate a habit, but natead îhey oveýoVCOIthe e canesof, habit aequired tirough tie.nueof ordnary laxatives, catbartim sud8 harhdi physie and permanently renèiw tii.. euue of! cotelptioii or Irregular bowel action. W. viii relu"& jour maney vithoul argument i0 tiey do nat do as- vouai beyf wii. ýTwo aise, 25e sud le« oaoniy ai aur ton.-The tissai FNWNANI 9thANNUAL MASQIJERADE BALI 'AT GRAYSLAKB OPERA Rou,,1v FRIDAY EVENING IFEBRUARY 10, 1911 Mwsc By Branstetters Six lece -orhestra w oY, sud navy men are bewilder "" w"' mat"an ira' l olabc*""---------gorrçu au 91flRT V -U*emo h a ir4abadlSiBdvth as, mach oase anS aroue, the rafling of 'betf rder, and ________________ em.»P&Iggtpaccte seo ic jane br accnracy as a varsilp, sud 1e gave a tie mincnsof reporte. the use of lu-- .~*iW1s ~atti seoPaneletfew thonsand seoctatare somuething trenchIug ls, Individuallfield couic- CHIECK ROOM AND STABLING ISTA "itbOÙ0rlu'i*cdane, at the Nati- b fl UI pslga btcealmn c logpva ImiiSacheel, or élse- uev lu te vay of nls. ng, asnofbtcl; wmig ul irle sfe .t n atter, outil ail lhe .hases, etc., as may be appropriate ta - EE- CIim milu p es n e ai ofu ar regain M a y fl n an ity' . oc i r . a chMNO O F L O W D O N T E 1 LiueatJlnWlcra ln Tiere ae togchances ta M. Thero vîli ho uhree practîce marci- .UNTILL APTIER T14E ORAf4D andS Framulco hale isened a wignedStcaie- Jh vn, asn bclc, fioiges ton the tromof a!eaci command MARC14 UNLESS MA8KED sOneaI a iurderous atiack byh er-fathen 'in __________________Villai peaitilbat army manoeavors must1>0 Cevelau eenyasmgash er d ae durlng tuat perlaS ai lie jean g reUeovt-beaa. i ieaoopau le 'ad scvenyearat î ele hea Ui, scgndespecially. ta prastica!ltu- Tues$.O Spcaos2cilo Chate PPod te uScameu sud kiet l a truCtion.'Tie .irai PracticO n'anh .vs ild"'Ctna rlesF. ondofth nnti bo om re adk lber,-bi viii ho made hy the compaules. sud hl mvîa h aepac a a4tewlIl be veaned irons ber Insane fear viii he for a lieriaS aif fom tîre eboe-O sen tinlglu regard to hie, arn ai aud sent back home trom the coUnu i dayýé, the second practice wili h ru , wwauii th. Serv'ice. ail a sane voman. naSe by battalions, sud i*111 i. ton a tl heSeett ,So thon. yap are. TIsas volsIdenS one of the nasl perlaS af tram lires ta six Sais. anS a, fen Nations Must Alter Plans. perplexlng Insane cases tua caunty the third yl ho maSdelly lie entîre lieni< Thie maneavers ahove Seiiidge bas even baSl, s case wbere a woman gaiiison, Seductlng lie minimum stali 'bel ai San Francisco ou January 18 bac lait ber caufty onlinely tiroagi nunher ai officera anS non neesaa- Ws lualiy drovo homne the !act Ihat tin bypuosis aven a tbreat hilc i ether rv for lie care o! the post, fen a e155. tie fture the progrees a! au ami'vas naSe lu aclualty on vbbcb cie - vuil kusi ho someviat lu lie nature of isuolebas been maSe. oeada itran in ta to heSPyst oaf bel. à lisit iron caver ta caver. lIii One officiai stahed iodai uhal t !Iee sStrindh i pa !h lsalng iran lhe air on tie cruiser tbougbîtt a namnthiin sone bas- comma ndre. s Fordroaexevin- aicre; Pennsylvanieand flylus awaY iaahupilai under caresaifIhyicaus anSd otcl hgoallfnin xcpio-eo' it iiivitoa lnurig incli r lS raîeS arsesvaud eauho, pppotuulttie.for comhlniug fielS Page Wovon Wire Fonace le nMark, tinu machii ie entbiabes thehipslano e trind uirersne tud eor sud exercises viit pi'cice marches de- ta withstarld th. ranghest Lhmm North tacine tblnigeon the ilases a.manervoîl er Isanetrr aaa nd malte panmeut *commandera may extend true o m ien offlce sudthe enval Pll d ounats in . the tliipteauthorised for practîce =sae il is possibI0 fof t tatMader- PrIBel o*c aie Wabgof uetndtah ie v l em rs Oin prelss u onmarches, provided thet t noaithese go. No enimal-bulI, teer or. stalI-a t oluge aik o asnsfomttn e e e an ul e rstatineriseln berkIUmairches viilhe ondeS s o as je lion-cun aucceoullYa g15 «PIainsd n ,bug falliof ranforingevey sorytha be faherfalingte inehorten tti ue shioted fon tic, tan- with ibis nemarkabiy stnon. Dr.t 3nm taio a rmarnent unîili here la soins ber seven years aileviil carry oui e rcieo h omu. fne hsi abS ftm t rh sure proection tram iýe ooaing lits threat nade ai lie lime, came bore Set irailerFeo Fild. Ifeu..hs e proed stateun0cut n eti. train Clevelqnd, and kluI ber. SueEupi e il.h a enpoe deda orta nnualCe onusian. ee raala l on aivls Ail practîce imarches oili ho mae ie es. *n» Washington ban tic slace aifouci are uet stnang enoagli la prevent bh ie d opi arcesippv or iabenc doiSn h-= tes a"eiti C ompany. At leuden, ait Berlin, at osecuing bis tîreat sud thatnothing u nalmrheiviigacne Hne u gatta i~ u -' Foenahuns, atTokilataI al te les- wbaîeven will5sve ber iran garison aven uait, thc consk- falicu on eletches of Page Pouce, Oui o« captale, van anS sdmlraliiy offi- No tnsanîly Trial, manS yuilmirah iviiti the taLO When they wemre mnovd,àt enon roia are broagt taCe te face wth the ifrl. Ovin lasualetyei heen trieS for hagsage end transportatIon, excepi -wes found ta beUn*.urd. . his <155 t ý,* r variere ai lite nov aviation, ber caniti, wlslch leada ta lhe tact the annanitian vagons, for eavairy v taisi eaoingtI. gal o!au ov lai ie ffcias a ul ausde beasd -Intantry reginentc, apiboried just thie sort of ie*ucoD want traditions,. aremxins sauce really Insane, but meelY u~<55 i.dt evc rsltos u ecysIglniao o! Pagead »w ganSer of ail owers. tion ai hysienia lraught an hi ber' lhe reqairomeuls -ai Pansgi'api 231, FenS in lu astylos-Stock Feoce sai le neot surprsn !liocecoubodnfielS service reguiations, viiih O<ul, olr Fnoec I o stars ou iietrèaioulders sud the Lettera bave ben wrîîîen al r l itiy complileSviii. s0i vîlli anjions upon thein land ta ventj ber tony a! lie attack Ail practîce uarchetsud fdlSexerci- 705U ned fenCe 96W y*h 58'0000slith Sa mot admijt ail ibis on lhe snd ta locale berisiaheè anS i. la ses yl ho maSoeuIti feultmeitst, net 1'tw whilâepsioqo m imw tu, T  lIIi lat ho eXi*ct- likely ta ho produced aili te triai. ecamnnissianenai itd.vtunu tW Ith reuc sstkud'lI"l 's hý. qicker bho1 - ____sncb exce i , * ropreilbeii i es t iit. iI.owa: beeltt h. I the camera begine lu 'slet la the nsusclihr 4 tuai he o adi- the.ý idniehus, .i t-t oed ae*il ery ta lb. de- Austin cim ent, V. p« 4 suy-&d fres inlteresl. À cmera le ai. e.e$ 4'oa" a are t - a oulseU lte l'O BE"bA IVANIIOE ATTItE - Menasacm Wlnter Cape* o3 c For ...................... ........ .............................. Meut $i.ôo Wiuter Cape' For ........................................................... 73c UasSoc Fleeced Undervear 10........................ .... 39c Mess Mitt en& and Glovee Diecountted 30 per cent makisg a $iSi mitten 7a cents, i so cent Mitten 3s cents etc. ble's Overas $ .4 Per Pair ................................. ........................... AUl other Wnter Pootwear at eqtaally low price Mens 50 Cent Neckties 5 UsSoc Pleeeed Underwear39 At ............... . .................................. ...............39 Childrens Undervear et greatly reduced prices 85 ent Milk pUse60 Nov . ............................-.................................. 6o cent Milk Pell 40 Now........ .......1......................................................40 $I.a lanterne7» No . -.......................................................75 Nov .....,..................................-...........................40 Bucksaws, Shovela, Parks, Etc. at Loy Price 5 gai. Bent Kerfflen c 6 For ... ........................ .....................6 5 5 gai. Pest Gasolene 7~ For.................................................................... 75 5 gai. Kerosene c For .............................. Pound Cana of Telmo and of Plejedes Eaking Powder i At ...................................................... .......... . ...- 1 WE HAVE EVERYT1ING-IN TH1E GROCERY LN THE, IVAI r ITE 0FP ILLINOIS. ' ISouth Ivo chaînsansd fiiy linis, uîy ~ ~ . 'leueeut tva chaîns anS tveuty ruit f iv88to Ilis; thonce soati four chalua nil Coùrt* fLait. Coanty aud tbirtj elgit links; theuce norti ,h Tom A. D. 1911, cighty tva degrees; West ldve ciains ubnoid Peiliat vs. Jane, .delkIfg. and tiinty ibree linkis; tience couti Tru niacn ovuens oa ied Per- iîghly tince degrees vesi, anec cain introaed n Lt O. () l tieand thhrty lires Illis; lieue norti lntresedln otOne(1- l teuoe Chainsudtoty linke; theuce *eeH If'Y içilaTown ai Véman, South olghtî nS-one hall -degrees ýConU, Illinois, anrveyed as veut, an. chiauanS iti-sîx links; ne;- Cammeueing nai the -oths- uience norli tva andi ano-hlf degreea Scorner ofai sailot, about oue saut. one ciai' anS iwenti-dive ilik; a norti af tie nartieru lino or tieuce South elghty suS one-haif de- oniieru bounds ot the Pori Cliu- groes wesi, tva chaîna, le lhé centon RoaS, ails eJonction viii lie Mil- of lie saiS Chicago anS Milvaukee ke liost so-calied;tbence r~iènS RotS, anS ta a point nonlitv wand thres chaine, elgitecu links ta one-hait dogrees et tires Chaîna ice pont sud atones for corner; andScevonty-one linkestram an Iran me narti oui chSh, ty linis ho bhan d Stones set aitie Intereection oe and atones for corner; thenceofairoaselu lie Village ai Hai! Day, no tire. chains anS sixteen links te called; tieuce nortierly an conter :e snd sanes ton corner ai Mi-lI neofa road,thbroe chalet sud eloven Aee . Rond; tiience Southi anc links la the place ai hoginuing. In n, thirty-seveu linkis la lie place CisuOOi'i. No. 5024. )egluningi contning about forty- The '-eqalaite allidavit havlngW oon. hudreiths 43400 o! an hotu biled, notice la 'thoretore here- aia iliatpat itu ~os y given tl e o alS ahove ofrb teasuuhoait quarter af Sec- S.tiereof, and 1111 s a nnons ifitteen lu Tovnsip Forî-hre liereaPon lsaned oui ai saiS Court la Waukogan lun. said Lake Caunty, baif Range leven eutl oi lie Third agaluat the ahovo narned Sefendanis, ~cpai Meridian, wbich la bounded namned sud anknovu defend-I follove, ta-vit: CoMmnunsai anis tint the ahove named Compleit- tic nean the middloet t h. road. tut beretoforefIlleSil bs Bih o! Con- noarly opiposite lie uortliess con- plaint lu si Court ou lie Chanesouj ofli bonne irnerW accupled hi retunalile on lie tirst day a! the 3. Bnfrrît, sud rnung theuce loitn o! lie Circuit Court et Labo th eighiî-tire degrees eadveCountj, te ho iota ai the Court fBouse s and elghtben inuo theuce on the Fluet Mandai ai Mareh A. D.' th sevos degreos vesi,-1 Chain sud 1911.neas laby lav requlued, sudwvici ety-threlinkehus.; iues soutl igi- Suit-las tll pouding. une degrese veet, pve ChaînautSndLzWIS O. BROCICWAT, teen liekstaetheumiddle ofai alaid don- roai; lieuce. South sevea de- Wsi4kegan, hIllnois, Januamy, 17th, A. cà St th iidsa middle o! maid D. 1911. d. cou. chain anS ulnety-tiueo Uinks, W. C. Uplon, Complainauta Soicitor. the place ef begunaing, sud& con-_______________ 115g oeeacre, sud hoîng the case luises aouvoyed hy Notes b.i> suandvifs taelidolpini Roce hi ea I SeSe Jul. 24, 1857, subleci teaIOEI!L IVNEAIIh tigtsetaithe public lu uiglivays 3fU IU I IL pàssins veu selS preies. Ak e 1 auothor *pauce) a! land ln the 3-9 it eot quarter of section Ifieik I her $ex octn ely esunss.ç Townsip ,!orti-lii'eo nenili, Of tae$M00 per dar aelig Our huI «e elleven csai o b.te'FuiS Pria. o Padp stock. >No e ebuo- ai MerlUlan, sud deseriied as foi-C«ta"l-. Uteadi mplormeut. e a: Cannencing lu tiececouer, of a Qutdiit re.. Psy yel îChicago aud. Milvaukee Ros4. : at. tbrenq Ciales ctuhio! titi : W. LO$S EY CO., s th Mao!fgald quslr. sctioni; 9 muu~vg, àce sait iMn liau hy BOOil»»0, mi-as 8eertil au. chalu* hiteuce t«M 'lsa iifa i ual tbhoagi è 10 Da"s Fm'.oT lm Taise Own me Th CossThutCa Ci .a& " We vaut to aup" ply one lady in every aeighborhood vwith a "Sep~~Vacuwn Cenrfor adier- liuing purpoes. Write Ioda>' for h meiliberai ci fer evermd. The. "Seplox" le guaraiteed to do ne good von seà electie mtachuines cmsnng $100.00 suMd over.I l light in weight (only 20 lbo) ripat extremely eaq . and eau be,7.refd Cam. the '3 vail lata iestun Ie Dernilers e t dAete aièd. eue band md electaeao*tMA Electric Cle*nor 4ce. Foley lCldney Pille i Aetonie le action, qulck lu A Sp2alal niedicine fo lkda bladder disorders. P. W.z Bison, Ill., Raye. "] gves u Plaetu OBy that I thl4kL ~ iueyPile rethe greatiesi mcv.tonc mde. For a Ioe felt veak snd exhauetod bu tqking Foley Kiduoey Pille 1 fie sud fuito Mi y unapolr eltali!y. 1 reco pend 3011? Puilej' Pille vy iubly." For' saW TPh. vater, sud séver -op",l 11men ti aru due msud pgyable 1 .