Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jan 1911, p. 9

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wi'r GrAN' WEKLY SUN. L~~TVIL~1,ILLYRJ~YJAIKUARY 27, 1911. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER Y3AU. I.-L UUEJL Jue Lendl% s 1*Tlat Abàtenwtot of That Cýobe suE cKi nnon Fns »~Ie Deal et Once fIlANT DEAL U.Iùsa.. State That M se SuM.aor te 'lUI of Dwie W-1w tabo hoded flnally %aelLuilis Roturas F' rou Vaiation (PMU Wedaesday' SUD.) 1' tlig af the, prayer bell, t loy, baud claus, and genar- wMtmations groetsd the 'nevs *%y toiay that Wiluir Glenn1 nv tii. absolut, overlori Qi veilias tue logimale bonaud ltiret Voliva la th ov*.r. D5ouble Deciaien ln V"otot,.- VOUl4, gains bis victhry lu a tpo edgot dectlon lntthe court 0f JU46 Landis la Chîda«o. The firat came Monday viiea. Io juie ruled t at John A. Lewipeti' tiau fora bill of revlew of the. recel,- ersbip and of bill ' daim as Doviosi héir'ana succoasor vasdimeo O appeuil odé fixed at go10,00u statat lIntthe SUIN .xclualvely ymtr' day. Thon It boratne known todAy t4it Juige Lundis bas decided that,*Cobe & bleKinnon. eho oettlone t tra rodUetion, of $100,000 ln the, $70mwO prie for the estate becana. certalie park lands vere flot illdod, aboui b. iield to their deal, their pet1to t ttek back 850,000 ernest me~~i withdrmw hmvlng,,been deulel, eà" tbt they abouli get a reductIio $26,000 oniy on theo purciiase, pice, whicii la thug $626,000. 1 volloving tuis It seeu ht f 1mi paiers ver. igeed hetwoon V0'e and Cohe & McKineion today and aus betveen Recelver Tiiom andet,'Opbe & Mcinnon. Gobe & bcltlnnan are Volvm'w le kers, to vbom b, la to pay $»000, for the mat~2e, a permicai of 820000, paylug $100000 and interst evrw »«I wm tag more do. cts and tities oT for me. » wm .4 then the bah uder Dovie. vuie!'maan $600 a day for' big $700,000 demi jyears, countng -SunidaY$ 'a", Imy that It fairlYys. Lent forces îla-Mon Eds.aon F.h g tbem offtheir Id ogFsI mation beleg the, Anuouncemeiit of the vlctorn,,* a Qcoedlng to the caine to W&ukOignater unomnte IioItII go, tiiat onIdsthe longflght of Volft g r@ for the trafr iâlhconevsle oitaeOt Uto 'li I U1 aresgfled the liii -ie.T HO.16 0W tIi. -*W- mnd teei»oral lord Of Zios Cftt- ker 0tated thusai'an- mcii o*?m mymiabs Wý,rutgand fasOUP9Pt broeffatiaoré to eu, dqtaor =aVOUilm> - ~ ~ ~ ~~W «-%.beau noetI& i »wt. naWU04W a la Cam"&mdm m d im lcohsa" a dlacouraged. Ïlon Wild .Wth Joy. Zion Cty, viiere Voliva bu a sub- stantiai majorlty au a foiiowleg la viii with joy today, andtheii people mre uuconUled la thoir exp ressiona of ,approvai, evea,ý. Voliva'm oiaemtea be- leg la favor of hie gettIng tbe estate. Whet Cebe 4 Moiinnon Say. At the. foerai court la 0 Silep et simple meounicement lua mdcethat the. perchas. pile. or the. stat. la ah- sted $i5,000 on accouet of the. park lands. At the office of Gobe & MoeiCneon it ls statu tthflaipapera bave not bien iigneit ln the.trmmaer,- but vili tue ln about tvo veeka. when dotail vonk la fielahet. The court decision le cooflrmed. At the offie of Voliva le Zian City the simple statemont le madethbat Cleuiluen &Ave tii. signal tu bolet the. Olnsd ring the blhi for a straiglit bour sud ota. tuas means the, ostate ban chaugret hantasufally sud FAIR BLACK(MAILER M-AD À MALE PAL 1wo Aue Coutura uCbkao Yeterdsy d Wmm Prou, bac1W, Reiacm .W»s Han up mhe Sm . M (Fom Wetduesday'a SUN.) L Deteetvea yeserday bapturet l Chicago the fair blâclnaloer Wv( trtedto scàre tvo Wanktgan men 0 business prouilaince oct of Iang sumo of. monçy, and -vlth ber wvu tabou a mal. Dai viti vbom ah. bm bousm travelling. The men, vas takn lu Vls ecli when bo emmne, l la chaerge&, t col locthe tii leget tribut, front the wv jamas vlctjnîs The. tvo er. confronhtleinChicai br> the detechives. given stem lec tuies, proinuzetota h gond tearfuil a&0 ver. released. Thie tub inheudd victme #ereiau mot pulr over mu uMnerlut o*er yteruflèthi.mattge over t6-mj nthoney, wv idi plentf vork la aettling it. SThie vema inl the cas la saidtA ha' a Waukregau girl, born and bred vbo lwa' im.t to have gano t!i dowevard mth. Tiie attorny il fumeit ta revoinaines. DE WOLF OUT OF RACE FOR JUDOSII - .oncpd F<.mual That lit Wouii Met euter Race b Succeed Late Jue WulI (Fran, Wednesday'à SUN.i ltdckford, Ill., Jan..2-pca tbo. SUN.-uige W. C. De.Woli Dlvldere. Bonne couety, ta au iinounceitformaI!> hVa wlthdrawmi iro the judicial race oi tue district. -Waukegan - Thîso leaves the liel emia for tb, election of Attarne, 40aaes Whtney of Waukegan. VLEWIS ADMITS DEFEAT John P. White Eiected as Pretidenta * U. M.. W. of A. b> ..rge Vote. Columebus. 0. Jan. 25.7-After suffer % Ig three doents on the. floor ol ti eouvontlon, Preuldent T. L. Levis,0 thie Mine WOrkrs, throujjubia trIendi beically admittodt lut lbe ai b.,l deateul for ,elctîon. Tii, Levi Muen refenroi t o themselvçs au t]ý onlrty., -It la nov expetedt laIt the repor ofthé. %elers viilbe subWnttdtodau or tomonuov mmd vill shov PrestO.u Lewis defoated by loba P. White,. * Oialoïsa, lu. Tii. White mon claim habsbera elecled: by 40,000, viii la m umffcle report Baya that Lel bas bea betta iy 22,000. INSANE WMAN RUNS 'AWAI - u al Efieao. eqb mla 5.Saul '~ ~~~Jn av> ie nm. uimOmgtvi la the oileat le op of0 get aI ty t- go. bc- yte 113 VERDICT Only Twe WtesWer; Huard buî4g WkoI. Case,r Whloh StIrlod S*tur- day NWu Vrict That Mis. Notaisfr t-Grand (From Wodgauday'e SUN.) We, the. Jury,, Rat.tiiatMiss Anna Farsberg came to ber dath throught bIotd poison lnduoet b> a criminal op-1 eration performet b> lira. Ahiertian,d otiierwise Tina Netlof Waukegan, sud ve recasemenil that ah.b boite to tii, grand juy la the. charge afz murder. Tul lb.heverdict rturned bytheil coroner'm Jury vblSci vas empaneledt te Inquire Into ltb. uÎnor of ieath 0f Miss Anna lorslelg at lhe bospit- 1 al last P'ridmy. Tbere vas but one witness boari at hei second session lait nIght, the. vilueme ieing Dr. M. 3. Kalovsky. Ante.Mor4m", Statement. He toid of iieleq omled Into the. case on Thureda> <f 1It eek, mud that ho aivieei asapeoul> remaval ho the, hospital. lHo utsenhestiflet that priar to the. datbof Mies Forsb.rg on Saturday, Wba sho vas tald tuat tiiore vas no bope for ber lufe, Miss Pkrsberg gave aua morhom stat.- ment, sayieg that th. operation iiad been performed by MrM.Albertjnai Nelson at ber bhm»len onauth Utica1 streot about the mMe 0f Decombor and thnt nearly eors> day froua that1 time tiI the.midile.e! lisi.montb, ahe. vont te the home Of, *M. Nelso., ad r wau given treatinents similar tu tihe béhm ~hard a"Y ratsu beet t*0 iW fe operation, tl alg<, , ÇV1IA ruPO and an Blodgmt Seaoxlsura la The pertio, i la lleedwu uftz, flOm the b0ouiiy lime, ha performed with Intruments bTËiI vouit bayebeent OUM ne W>s hait fot baunsteri' ilzed and It vas due OFICE '5g UL UjVIU D F the body vas foulad. to thia fct that the blood poson aqt -e .1it la said that the %mIr" a. le. The operation, according to tii. J IRBi&9Slying by-the ide.0f9ith. Md sn anteêmortem -et .ement, wua perforin- Biodgtt Station, vblch 5 le t WW * ed »at the home of Mca. Nelson, and than a ntllk piat". eandt iIib* *M flot etatumeomce ln Chicago, as vwu evidently a straniff eh" i~WtU ciaîmed by M~rs. Nelson. si. Cimb la lmugh Rear Wlndow thiecountry. Detals ofte Alter the, conclusion of te etii m- AdtbIPut # ce o t e d aelai. m I l i any of Dr. M. J. Kaiowsky, the. jury < $00dopp eei r the bibI p f m! vas given the. roornln arder to rend- dopi ed rwskO n ,er tiieïr verdict. It tooli thon, nearly. body 'thrown htu he lde qf tbe'*4& au Itoar tea rrive et a decision, the, t l hi«Me ciderts et NlHIau» POf fiemi verudictt ilg as statedtht i uilsBody o conMon, .Iei1 la y.stoiar vue a doay« ýàî Poraberg cmne t» ber iotii througb *YStsy, f$084 ut 01«1#. lau buaham'Pukree *bm.,* b d îmlg ate yacrimin. Ott Station ta Ityea, Do gle WUel that the. Perpetrator be beld to the. vitOse0ftfCt0tu ii liS dt7 ub«f gad Throo Hurt Yestorday in loy g aboknl'tg""A vSwur dt Mri. Nelson la ai pressai;t ati iCM '- S]wIkXisnss iS e n » md ia reportotl nbottr ftned ln tth. county jal, bieng unabig, co.*ttfi wde$.s a to furnhsh the. $10,000 bonde requiroit. Hlghlmid 0"" it laexpected that in case the Io lisse_____M WB. a techr la tLim. dicted by the. grand jury, she viii en- ciae»eéoia.ihm à gage' counsel, 'and iight for a change <Prom Wedneadrem e m.) eue~U a ùOieaide vilu'W * froin he chrge o murdr to hat emuhe g. 1er»««Ma breken 11mub. Uba allas fron iyi c.hare erdrt ta f .post; office et Ravinie, lest- w tas lta I Ier iiem ai t tii. l manlagite. ii carge 0f murd- South of Highland Park vap enterait lured mefuier vau set. er came as a surprise to many, me tii, eriy yesterdmy mcl«ngniu monsey usuel verdict in a case of tuis kbli su stamps ta tii, vaine of iuarIy Jtuiiu Rouie. au ome 0!4 that the. doctor ho held on a charge 8100 vas taken, includtng a part 0fhov Higlau rkt. vsmtmk 6f amalaugter, but it vas the, ev- the mone> in the, cah draver of the, lient intention of the. tatéYiTtdiii4y tore 0f CiimiiesCoveli, le viiicb tiitu,. rsed*mý * f 10 push the case ta, the limit. and the PM oMfce la locatod. may haé fouid nocetmirte oevi'q,ôI verdict 1la tii. resuit. j0tHo vas celeIlpe a boss> ia<* ýi About a month mgo, a tir, wa tart- j Rvtàu- andla MM me e 9"ý ed by toea unkeovu ortig n l ieiudulngtbe Maatue. 14 G#o* part of the. store occolet iy the PM IsIlp, cateing thei. baut -op CHAUNCEYIH. R1CE e.Temngiatetac u m t mwi »yQ11ëd D)EAD AT jOuIET tepn es y gout aosi of tii. store. Thoerea «apparoaliyl,.0, <From Wednsiay's SUN.> na safe ln the. pIaceý snd thie meus> beri*Si tb. Noetlu bl*,g.* Chauncey R. Rîce, former m tabro van plcke frotrtii oel k e Rgoa . .3MCiy.-.. Waukegan, city marabal, dmauyoshr-0 davr.».M Mf constable mut hlier of ather of- man Foundet e BoigeIta .tmiu uil l..... Amire* LI lOlY. MnUap t.. Oicos, died limat niglit at Joliet, ]EU., Tt bat beitregarted iiat the body> of Amns A. Embo........... viiore ho bas beb makleg lits bousie1ae nknove mme, evid.atly S'a$torf- with hua grad daungliter, Mra. Rus- or vas fomd, Nonday afterorhW ur S«uie tuMOIlU l vià& betii Stevens. Ho bas many friende the aali station of nEloiet abgf & m" Otl(à q«- here, whovil grieve doeply at the. ft*o miles -eut of! Elb1adt4Wth 1 domth, Mi. iMie begextromoly wivo u Wiiea &t bout hiMe r keove atd hlisM.rçspecteuL Co0*er Tayflor bss&g& b SE'ven if' we dont make ýmuçh progl we imake 'somethlng lse .t . swt p. a, lot -of nds.Wereen le likethe7i'Iýart Schaffnèr arx c thIne at,,-,rices Mie these. it, ot for us; f- forp ofy your exnpe fne suit% overcoats at such a p i gl to -S It for, gets a value ha .youre. t grate0Itous for th prised. qtte saime time'Its afi goods qukkly di-sdof; so ho on that .scorc r-t Mt of il ne Here, are, Somei of the Speclal [Mens Stits endOèercats $23.00 grades for SL. 75 Meos saitsm IMens Suits aund Orc.t s$22.OOg9rade* for$1Sl67t4mns.sexeuit /. Broken Lots of Suit. (affl *d oe) for $IaS Our CIw, up Sbe S s t-, * ~1 JJLL f tui pau glu ta me, Il ion eaL ber MU."

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