Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Feb 1911, p. 1

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INDEPEDENT WAUKGANWEEKLY SUN No 9TWILVEPAGES UET ILE.JAE OJT.ILrOS RIDAY. FEUB1ARY 3, 1911 w À.~1 OBS08 lAIES SYATEIENT V»v*tea Celebrate Vioo' Iflo IndependontoiBe moan iLewia'Deleat. »Le a conquorhng hero at Ziotu City laS week onbils return, !olowlng the Muuemant tOat tiec daims of John 9 ..Lewis as Dewle's helr anti sucres-1 or bavé beesi deuletiiy Jutige Lan- -ils, 11184 Col>. & llrKlnnon are t0 couiplt their déni to buy Zion es- lat, witii a réduction o! $25000 lie- cause the Varialandis cannot lie In- -iel in lethe purchaîe, aud tbat just &s oon sas the estte Iol transferreti to Cu Gbe à& McKlnnon tiey viliitrants- fer i to Volas, conditions belng Ihat besilj pay them a preminin o! $200,- 000 oun1the denia athe rate of 810q.- 00 a year-for seven ycars, andi ail o! t". balance la the elgth vear. VOlive anaunceti lat veek tiat lie -bas alraady raiseti the tiret $100000 -tuaI Reelver Gas. D. Thoms w ould 4tr«»Iaer the estale Ut once in (aie L NeICunnon aud that tlie latter wouiti tranufer the etate t hlm about If arci 1, three a'eeks belng Mrer mate out an entire nov set of PA- jos 1e necetsty for whleh gr$fo Out Of lhe att het Park lands bY mtordor are fnt lucluded, liu the. - penser. Beltl Olvea Tdînge. Ivo-ton prayer bell, bang in the central tuver of ZMon Home cave the firt Intimuation 10ZDon %f iii new overloard at2:10 o'cloey Ieduca- day victi t rang for isîf an hour ~'lglal evening froin the returu 0fVoliva in tic city until lie ed of lie -ubilation aI Ziati Home., The cita' vas iceketi wlti aanul t ftage anti bunlituga, incandescente lite IiIumnallng tbr' scene, li-1 jomlptu proessions aud meetings 0 ! jubles e vee let. ant i Zon getîcral- l- -l'put on an air thaltunocibla' ne-0 e lle4 the gbost o! lie pasI, vicu Retunsof Voliva, Willithebielare o! tic Ziof% Baud. the clappina of hauts ut tionas «f bis aséemulleti tollovers. andthle abtouti o! men"and bo>-s onu tle street. maluged villi- lie lalîgiug o! -the bugi btwo ton bell lu tie ower o! Ziort Home, Wilbur Glenn Vajvae reaciiet ihleêçlmlnaion' ut bis crmeri ibensatloaial insucial ileals le the lis- *j - -tory o!f* Illinois Weiuneuîay nigil Gmeral Ovescer Vollia retunuedt l Z10» Cita' tronsChicago carIa' lu lie eveunug sud vas met eItich station by a iclegallan o! 4is tollovers beat- l b>'Captain Walker. le veut taight fs-Omea sicatîion ta bis ot- - -l ice ln tic Admnisratiotn building, aMid a as li te word sas passeti liat b. ba'iWved in tic cita'. lie bugh bull lu lhe lover nas put mha commisalox andi rang vîthouta aloP tia, iluthetiseugbt, utl tic meeting lu the auditorium of Zian Hunie vas «ded, B*ogred Dei. Scenrea. Word# cannot descrihe th. feeling vblcb vag rampartI In Zloii City'Weti- aeaday oves- tic saccesufthbbc ltiga- ti$i li e coart of Judas Àantils. Tic bod anl as bee» lu the procesa o1ralvoling for lie past tbrec a'cars 't, bai causa inuci - vos-yny uZlin, ni to teprobable fate o! lie city. Thlu at obstacle, nameti as a mole 1111 b> lie general overseer, vas the cetio! orGeneral Ovrseer Lewis Of Zon City, thi. mn vbo vas named th he levio f tii. late Dodtos-Alex- Mder Howle, ai the successos- la the as. tate of Suce said Dowlsa. lbe as o*raer and so forth. Lewis Loaes out. 1q&-Nlgbll0forxcreptoni vas th.o* -Z f Qti curt, andthet .appeal bond' $X &0e~rn 111,. thé' anount bing 81-, »Mo0. i8at lieri vas' 1111e bop& e, an apOAevieer beng tlien t0- d1md o iou <ety. lie people tarnoi ,"tlafmore la.WeIome baci lthma bud gudulther deetunle Nemw ail that i lait21 belore ZIOn fl City becwms ».the.actuaefl tYl01~ If OM MOvemaer Voltra ta 00 et oum0f the- ern»orn t hemort- P ad otutanliag boudé boi b r 1100*00sud the City l0 givenbu Immb ionl whbbtg uasie tble te bave enough moneY n. sdB h A Promnt t ta, 10maie the irat Pay- AL mout of $100.000>. mAsdexiocts to '. pela uile dlmlty-in ualgheb rUein&der pItheig acnoit u**mgl< is 1ollowers. in conversation with the. Oeneral Overseer Wedueiday, b. said: "I con-. aider the. victert which 1 bave gained orer the. people o! Zioa ,#1o would Workt force me out of My seat ln the City, as one of the greatestfat tse V& se- c conaplished'by any man. "Not only have 1 coufouaded the forces of my çnemies, but 1 bave sbow» U-Lat-. there lu a way In wbîli 80Smev the wea'k shalh prevail over the fmu .. S i.,AIl. mlgbtY. It In nul soornucb a question o! dollars anti cents ta, me pemmalsIY. ai 1 suppose 1I aiîlcontinue 1tetraw theinaime salant o! $150 a vea afler lie lait dollar o! deit on ZMon in paid. Il wiil ot rmake me sny the rier, nar do 1 care for riches o! Ibis king- donm. "I have carrieti my people, 111e lb. Mloses o! olti, out o! the landi of bond- age, anti ater lie vanderluga in tic viltiernena o! reclverahlpe, courts, and entles iigatioil, 1 vieig froin the top of the. mounlelio, as lb ivere, ciologlat element "laughlug Wlsconsi hé promiseti landi. "T, ton, hie Moses, may neyer bu allovedto l tiell in ths proiied landi,U but vbatéver befail. 1 bave lie inovl-1 'tige îbat 1 bave dons aIl 1 couli 10 îring lbe people o!fZVon Cita' Oui O! the land of boodage andtioba laid of treeiom wici tint bave neyert koovubutor." Independsflts Wail. Tiare voie a fev o! the members of thse otlr foli, esi leia depan- lents -are caileti. vo tbai liamat- ter la boas-t. 44d deep 'ras Lie nou of thetr vall. B e i aJosltP or, the lInependtiehlajuled i n vîti tic follpvers.o! Voliva.anti celebrat- cd lnuthir own maunen. A bell bati beau crecleti on ttio p o! lb. Cen- IraI Barber sliup, sud that bell vas kept ningina as long athe larger ou. lu lie lover on tic main street, To lie meinhers ofthIe Itiepen- dents lb. viclara' ot Voliva la ronsld- creti s victitry for theinselves as welI. it wilIi lteali, ticaclaim, liaI nov lIaI the cita' Is 0ont o! lie banda of thle recelvers, liaI oulsitie capital will came into tic city afler lie fasilout o! Ihe 1(look Electrirrotupsay, anti tie men brougit lu Ibrouali licle n- tiastnies vililie atidedti tuthein ranka. At present tleicInticîendcnta control a majorily of the votes an lb. dlby coundîllanti I lta cainuei- Ibea'arc pîlannngatu force Voliva, lu muve, tic huai tabernacle off o! tie grounis at tue rcIty I)arku, sui hcan oula' bc acuoinplisbed t a agreat deal, o! ex- lieuses atti trouible, In regardi lu the îlaea ut Mnr. Voli-a lu dçean nu i tciltwlilch exista ou tie praîucrly o!fZVon, Geucral Overseer Voilva gave ouItich stalemeut: Voliva In Statemnent. Il l b. -my plan i tarlan thle. sale o! properta' lu Zion as soon as Ite last detalla arc arraugeti. I bave ti, promises ot mana' ct My people Ibat tica' vill purchase landi an Zion, anti make thua cita' liair future home. Tien villi tie maney gaietin t Iis, and ti 11r vays, 1 vili try tb reallis ou properta' In the cily as fait as1 rau. plece lia plece. , Wben I have enougi 10 clea- jp a forta' acre tarin a blof utclty lots, os- soins publie building, I vilI bas-n oves- tbe monea' In that manuer 1 bopt 1 fini the psy- Ing o! the Immense sum vici nov asas over aur icatis an easy Mat- s1tr." - Will Be Harah With Theom. - Wben asicti as to bis attitude te- yard the Independetta, lMr. Volva asauti: "Tiere la litIle thaI 1I can a ay, onlie maller, wvici bui tal- Ë leady 1e.» tolti. Tbey vill be re- Sgardeti as luaers, uai nvaders luto the'-saitseti land 0f -Si»ù, sud 1 vi] -deal vli hem ai suri, lu so fer as LI bave 'the power-. The. feeling betveen the v1tSIOýEi Vol vans andti t Indepenients la In teile lu lie extremne snd -oubrab 'are frequent, uudèeaedeih -tu some csaes Cv.» ouderInS lis VolivauIntt -, keep ho îbth otiier aide of, t iI stroti and 110110 o es thies- be L ?lt lieztPz waax vha tkh. bd e1%bfes,àla' A , Wi O le * ae pâ OU çonrut» On iàequý8 WITU NuNEou8 mu niE&"S EIOH 0F LAND SIELERS ed lame Game at Our Dounty 8«at a IFew 'I'ears Ago. .liere. not far off, thc lu- John lieds, *king of land s5 anti never by crooketi phy- t, Who play@ on tic strongest Llu human nature, greed, la g his.liead off" at tic aleepy lin city of Racine. drawn up and sgued and tie deed on belug recoeded, Butler received ovrer $3,000. Worlced leMony Cotintîs. 'Tii. atbmtOO bave learned that Butler, allas liii. Hoover, %uber, aud many etber Allants bas vithin a veaT fa years avindleti people of lbe UJnited 91540 out of $140,000 DY tbe urne of forgeai warranty deeds to farma wblcb hoe aims to have par. cbaaied. n smre Instances be had awindled permons out of the savinga of a llfetllue, *tenrards are beïng offered for bis sftest and conviction 'but Butler wbo la betwee-6>ad 60 years 0r age;huanamea 10escape er- rent. IleIo aof German tiescent and la a ratier slo, smootli talker, un- assuming but 0 goo)d entertaincti. GEO. UBXLES 'GENE th Looka But Not in Habits When it GomeB to Work. You couid put a false nmustache on the face oîf>4George Edtmunti Fossuad he would b. the exact double of lis brother 'Gene, governur or 'Massaefi- ussetts, or you could piersuade broth- rer 'Gene to shave off the moustache aund lie ould lie a double of George, et and ha& as many names an Bal brotha' 'Gene les trenunus lu liée are stars over the thlIast iegree, anti heres the best firmament.basa within the. ttprou:- fow yeîrs wonlced the. self samne 6:30-Arises, drasmes andi shaves. gains et Rockford, BelOit, Joliet, and Waukegan, and yet Racine 70-Orga<hati on prune&sand egg faiisd 10 profit by the. extensive onltoast. NO coifes. publicitygivmn bis operationa, :15>--Lenvet honmeWalks to rail- This ls viat the Racine Nevsgasys' road station. "The Racine sulhorilles havelicen :55--ArrIve. t ate House elevator unable 10 obtain suy trace o! George anti greela Meseeger Taylor. L. Butler, alta Klne, Hoover, Flal>- 9:00-At dualt In consultation wîth er, Woaver anti many other allases, Blte offlbe and mdrutine work. vie lia'means o! a forgeti vasrenta' 12:30-Ltanh* in leoffice. Sand.- deeti avindleti a retireti farmer o! wch andginger ie. this city out of btveen $3,000 anti 12:45-At desk ln consultation with abte OffIcers, eeIrng collera and $4,000. Buier is vaulci at Delavau, routine woric, Portage, Pratrie du Chien ilý- WiScon- 2: 00--Un o»I n vibh finance sin os veilias ctiea lu MMlOuri, 111- of ibt. 1 acmav.couici. nous,, Iova, Mnnesota, Ohio anti Ne- 5:00-At dss-, outine work snd lraska vherc bais saintlea veie lien- study 0f budSt. oftien untill ilp.m tîcal wth tie one lie perpetrateti lu 1.0 -o Bain. ince Enigoue N. Pixastooti on tic Baller came tu Racine about Ivo: speakers rosIs-unset bbc State Moge, veeka ago anti locaci a farmn uar Januery --, anti vas duly sud formnally Burlington tiat suliti hlm. reluucdira iisrared eguveruor o! lie commun- veal', of OMassacliusetts for tiecocr- to Racine anti caliluata osetate -rciit iilitral ucar, liclas lied rer.son agent's office statedti laI lie as: tolie tliî,zkfiil for a long. soant ibîsl- about la purchase a tarin and liaI nestraiingtu. lu rase liectIi. vwoultilike lu liai-cFor %NoiX gooti bard vork-gues tic cal- calate man looIk over the 'iti lie offie o! governor andthti nev executive la just nov smashiug absîract anti sec that il n'as ail rgit aIU precedent foi- van anti la raîidly andt lat h. vantedthei abstract car-. makIng a retitation as "Massachu- niet frward to shov telic lte to hum sella lusest Guvernar."N IGeoge . Bitîrl.Ticrea esste Sîne. the date of lis Inaugural lie (Geoge L Buter) Thereales i as been ilu ils business office ouOlit- agent was wiiîiîg to art anti vas also ver treet in Boston bt once on Ivice. rcatiy 10 furnsi $3.000 uoa a Mourt- Lcaîing out the SundaJ-s thene lhave gage on the tarin, Batler sataiug tiet, beeu cxatlîy fouteen voriu dayî li e tiredt Ial amoant an Order lu ne- ince lie took office. Eacli day lias foîînd Goves-non lîoss mudel lie swm buildings anti pur- engaged inl close studa' o! maltent chas. ucv stock anti maciinery. Onrvililli bave lîretotore gone as rmii anme reason Butler titi nol eluru tine. Eîery day but oue lias hat lu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t tiaelcbaeactsofieti confercuce vithlthelicnlance commit- to te rsi stae agnt' ofice tee of tic exerative couneil. have htmlook i ver tic abstract but Tic stale budget, ln particaIar, liai lie iiett to another agent anti en- bec» gone loto muaI liorouglla, ai gaget ishaservices. - bils iraI pruninut'out$14,400 inticetea. Fores he ignturs. Goveruor Fusa lias determnedc Forgs Ie Sgnatres Ilat, havlug conee mb office as a ne. Baller iad diosentu he James A. vice, uothing shaîl leave tie cxecî Bienemaiun 13arni luitbe towtî ut. Bur- live office villu bis apprai-al untîl h- linglon 10 assist ii lui bis avintile'lias invcsttgaled it ta a point of lbuî TicfainisovutibyJaesA. Ough anderstfinding. 1 r Th faru ! ownd b Jams - His aclietile utofiotrs.' sufan, a Bicuemalun andtibis vite. Elizabeth. îeast, nave test liidtu earnest ci A varraula' dcci vas tisawu up lni torts In ibis direction. Ha avcragf bhila rity showiug Ihat 1h. prie îu lime cf arriving at the state bouse if li e liaiti for the tarnu as $12.800. 9 'clock; lie asualla' leavea licîve. 6 anti 7. but tuana' limes tic lîgi fBatlesr left Racine aud neturneti on have hureti intuhti executive cbant -Jan. 18 viti lhe warranta' dcci duly bers ountil 9:30, givng blim gn avenagi esignai anti execuleti. Tic naine O! vorking total day of ten baurs., James A, Bienemnanu appeareta on tic Anullier itica o! tic vworkhob.i dcci antibeen putting lunuuay lio gleaneti trot dedadalso bic naine o! Lena Bien-lbfallanufuo.hafiets eemaun, supposai 10 obthe le f out or! îiefoarteen vonîîng day James Bienemaun. Tiatla15 vene ias hie been aile to go out fora noot Baller matiebils mistake anti vilcb day lunch. Uqually he bas bai ne led tu lie dlscovcry ofthîe svîuîîe course 10 a sandwich sud a botileo bal gnger aIe. btnot unlîl after Baller bi de- The varionis departinents lu th partedti îl over $3,000. Wien the atate bouse anc also oetlie jump, fui - vkranly.deeti vas offereti for nec- nlshing Information anti atlstlda t uni ome erso vi mcvIlieBlee i.busa' governor anti bave been a odmefpor teaeton h liawthe -s.Bleu- gs-ast aid l hlm lu every waY. aannius gven naine vas. Elizabeth Met Violent Deth. andi not Lena. > Baller boat forgedth le nanes o! Christ Bail, a fariner of neas- Do SJaýs anti Lena Bienemanu ai vel isdec, Ill...Tbursisy momnig toundth 1 ai vitueossalatte aleged trgnsac- Sark body a! William RAtimeler, nflou. The deetibt lie entanY's seal fermes-, residing vîthia tour milesc sud signature anti al vas supposOd Barluabon, lhis couuty, beneali Ili to lie genulje. t la undarstood liat debris o! bis ovn wagon. i e bai obtalued su impresSIOn O! lie Tiiene vera no eye wltnesaes tu tt i] otàry'5 seal by, baving thc notas-y reie accident. but t la suppose le cknovlage su - instrument wbhcb lat lb.timeles-, setuidat hem La tr fi.vas a power o! attorney 10 tran#fes- 10 Dundoe, drove Ia ories fron t in s iroad stock, vhîols be olaumed W111190#traci îeaihng 8Up asIn lht ia1e owilied angui vihmte 10rasm wl'bai bcb vas th1 eom orfiebut a kr, l~tirlTObtahue<1 expirmatl lie wagon overt9x'Iaeian&i Roe of - obi"th*oum*lio s Wou méfr vas caugit 0,neaib. bbc mu as'tbm signa, ture.t vws net iflRont M v.9 eui 11 oç*u li- t te, have i,seelmadie an&i. st1or plu.- obQàk oie4d i o Sauge, the n'to I>OMr baves *- W44çw5 âe7 17 ugwac -dZlu vory *t#elyIldg#ýgýU A OnChe 9001- Md nibeg r rAiron4b a*duoot e0f bbcth Esnwïim out 1w- tbas*fat 0 fiighbthe .si b4 t* xmpt. Ne1$7. sg e w*O4 «bau ou« he)dÀý teMog1W14 Dags, dritn& ln tllsf AIES STILL NEA2BEST RELATIVES UN-' AWÂRE 0F HIS PRE- SENT LOCATION OFFICERS STILL SEARCHING. Relatives Are Reticent and: Wil Not Commit Them- selves Regarding the Missing Man. o! ae Bondemen Have Not S.ttled. Âmes honjsemen h ave flot yet Sp- peared before State's Attorney Dady snd Treasurer Carl Westerfield to set- tle the clam whach the county lins against thern for the alleged shortage, aithougli tley agreed long siuce to do no, wltli a week or ten days. Itl a probable that the state'. altorney's )office will force thema to "brlug ln tbe bacon" for Lake county ln a short tam. If they do flot toeo the mark.. It was at one time rumored Iliat al of tliem Intended 10 force frleudly suit from the county for the amounts 10 gain time. The SUN publishedt the spIai' gen- el-ally accpt"dth leory thtat the nus- siug exreasurer, Fred E. Amen. may returu and face trial at the Mardi terin o! court. ln ts lIsue o! Dec. 24 Chbristmnas cie, lpage oneC, rolunin four, Tue fart la of Interest' as showing how pîublir opinion twista andi turus, s thexi but kew accepteil. the theory andh manu s9(onffei st it. Christmuas thaI Fred E. Aines, ex lere is dteîx f i UNatC couinty treasurer lu wlîose officeautn1he Sute: of ecmber 24. C shortage of over $27000 la claimed ti l said by a few of Anues' triends s to have becîî foutut, matie bis ose htle lan 'sllrmyhv flcelng ibis clty lnt the n 'iL f ' a vanished , slmply for the lime belng, In autiomobile, fcarfîîl that the next day i ad aysîtrreutier hî lIhe oîîeîîng of or s0, vilci ivas 10 mark the meet- teMar1en tcor, tn til ing of the grand jury ant ish pose'i ant inake a liard flght for bis liberty. bs li, ldtrent. bivotblt nacan ail fo.Up tlthle at montent lie îrotextet ib bon d e t is n blty b g l bi s innocence or disho eBty andi would bond,:îlot admit a shortage of a cent oîcr Athougli over a month hlias $1lu0 elapsed aince hi* fliglit, accordlng I .-it la nowqîîte gencî-ally 0belleved 10 a statemnent tram relatives Mon- rnaong bis friendeIlial lie realizeti day, flot a worti han heen ne- 'thet followiîîg an indirîmtent aud-thie ceived tram hlm liy bis.vite, who !issuance of a captas carrylug a heavY i s Itill reslding hors ln retire- bond demauti, If lie ivere lu hi' arreat-m ment, lcd lie couldti nu pîîly the needectiw Ames' fears wcre juatifieti sud Ivo bonds anti wotid have lu goî lu Jail indictuients acere returîtet agaluat hlm: Rallier than face thie prospect ot be-w w.hile capiases, ecdi arrying a bond hiîg lu the Lake coîuîty jail, vlîiehi oft 110,000, vere forthith brouglil Out rau lbc accuriglit froni the windows l ud Pinkerton detertivea "Pub en, is o! lisa ofice, lie le!it, his fientis Bay. trait; Iliese thinga anti a feur o! Cap- TlieY also say lic probably wili direct tare sud relluru lir.arc believedtibishatatorneys liow to proc2eti afler liea have acted to maeluteihl chary Of la locateti sud thal bie affairs vill go. writing bli"uCor ayone ln Wauc- !on as ;hough i e were lier.. gan, and tin Islcleveti thal reaosiot I t Bo one bas any aIea vian. lie la or "Th. lsrger element scoBa aet thin, even viat direction lie took, beyond tory aud ssys tla a, ewM*l ever ro- the fart that lie vent souti lnluits bru, that lue vent vian the golng la automobile wîti une sud possible tva1 good and tiat lie vill reminu vere- accomplices, even lie la." Foira Sleuth Action,.________ lî la belicîcdti lat Aimes fents thal ILL; CONNITS SUICIDE lettera vritten lu auyoue hene voulti lie trareti, as lise oflen lappened hli- for, nt vuli evel y icn oa-Manager of Ice House Shoots mark or gencral direction, I!flot by Self 'While Delirouiî. B their contenta, viere lie le lu hidrug.i William Scheulug, manager of tic *Tieretea one theury that tie sup- tee boua. of Oeing Brothers ai Glist- poCi'd business visil of Attorney Alex-,- net Lake,.abi bimacîf Fritiey -mier-- i antier Beaublen, o! lie firm to! Orvis ning vilelu a fit o! delirium follow- & Deaubicu, Âmes attorneys, to New Ing a severe sitark o! typi lfever, 1York, City may lie for the piirpoae of wi las e confluet inl to bis honme for F ronumunicatîng viti Aimes from tiatabhunt thlrci' wecks, d city, but this ls deniet i rgiteously and ti îaStîeare liaI lie liai been liI for t- firmly. tlireu weeka anti waa delirloîts niost It ts alan poînletiOuat tiat wveofuthtilime. He vas lu neet of cou- satattention, antisinewetbers Amnes close frîcuis to lie sbadoved 10 0f a hucil vr rstî ti, p-îonts uliere tliey have gune. souae sitil ail the lime. Friay mornig, liuw- i ut them', for bbc purpose. of galuing a, ever, il Nvas uecessary for lie watrh- 3doubtul clie tubils viercabouts. -tic cýrs to leave ils suIe anti iardly haîl Scounty would lie baubrupt, >4 hey çloseti the door wlien the soîtnd - ~ ~ ~ ~ l lof ee ms. s4 u a shot vas heard. r- til Sek Ae. If They rîtaheti backlu the rojît, andi Every sieriff in the Unitedi States I ount I r. Srcning lYitug On tic flor and cvcry police dilef o! evcry lîrlu- lu a poolîout blooti. tone desti. Te 'e cipl icty nov îas twu goot icitures bult lad entereti ineksvrit uto Ainues, uneinluihs civllan attire, as Ithe jugîllar î'citu, at ial -si 'nestantaneous. Tic coroner vas noli- lie vas a public officiai hors, antinelid niîîîuctlately anti aS u qî-t was te lu hilsrougi andtiready incs, lieî%-hy blu Igle ia the atternoon, n- lie appeareti ln 1h. palmy isys aIt SMr. Rcbeng vas o! Germnande- leLatté Katierine, atliheaminer home, adent, anti liatibeen lultee ciPIipoy ut £~~~~~~~~~ vtrhi idtomo uta~ be Ocinig Brotliers sasmanilger Of n8 uhree oat oat autooils, antiu-ticir ie bouse at Channel Lak~e for in ret bothuse an auombils, ndsevenal years. Hia home vas next lu ,w vere lie entertaineti lavlsblY. tbictee bouse, anti as manager lie was a-The circuleas liar liesides a de- workîng lu 1he ire buts. moat o! tic s-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ab tait ecitotflibsssni ime. Tic cause ut hie Ilimes. vas talld, escrptin ofbin, bi eh supposei tu lie tic constant working Oflina valk.bils pectilarties, bis love o! lu tic cou o! tic retrîgeralor. he ease, o! varmîli, o! luxury, O! matOr At tiretItlb as reportedti tat tie r- boabing anti aubomobiBua, aud so- man liai been murdeneti. bat relatives to forth. Thugsville bthe Plnkertons are deny tlie stan', saying tiaIit nbils de- of liriumn, i eid onstantly raveti about saldt uhave ceaseti their active Putr*iilina bimself, anti a constant watcli suit oftAimes un artiers of State's At- vakept ta prevent bis lakinabils torney Dady, lie la not yet, by any lfte. He ta a mared mnu, viltvaw -na iiS, 545V irn nanire- a4U'.lthotur hle no man ijauva theclimiax vîli Folewed Besten Trsck. It ls saidte tahb.probable liat. ho follovedtihle healen Isaci o! bIs for- mer Isavel tripsan&ud-tiat ilvoalti ual lie ulikela' vOre ho 10 lie ouai ln Cuba or Porto Rira, os- lu soin. o! lie Central Ames-lean countries. Iflieo resclietiNew Tri lie coulti gaI a boat' vitiout tie "sleulhlug" vis-elesa, for almiot ana' part o! the . Relatives Rtcent, Relatives here and at Autioch are exceedjngla' t'ticent about Âmes ang ý Is5aDmra lu 100, agu ivli nDot tali k ai tlI concercnughbm. asaorting liaI 't e>'prefes- 10 1e lettI flue and 0quiet, trylng 10 bs-gel aome oxiremel>' Itroublmua lmas liat tliybave badi -Held Withýout Bail Fiila' mornil n bhe-court 0f jus- tice James Wlci Mrs. Albiertna Nel" san, licenseti mivafe, 'vas hoannioves- te tic grand jas-y vitiaut bail ou the charge o! mus-tics, gsotug out of lbe deati, !oll4wing au sileget Illegal ol- eratlon, o! Miss Anus Fauberg, an 18- a'ear-oîd girl.- The saae put but oue vîtness on the stand. Dr. Kalovsiy, vio vas calci 1te attend lie girl vie» ie la>' on lies- deafibai follov19g lie opel's- tien allegodte ho avt,4beau pesfarinet lia lira. Nelson sud>lse fatal develop- mante. Thie deteese, representeti lia Attorney Claire Etivards, dIA< net lu- troduce sa' testimony, Thie mattes- wilIlibe refes-redte tohle Mas-cl grand jura'.i Msrn, Nelson daIms liat lie ailegCéi operaion as prsmeil dd telagp sud liat sie me-l atteudtlieChic"e lits obes-g atlerit. ITmiTTl S i' MATTER 0P mGlING IL W. ELEVÂTERD A» 0. & M NERE lRuNOu FROST NAIN PROIOI'f Bondholders Holding Daily Conferences-Details of Deal. lt- may taire aIl the way between- a-o anti six moenths for the Nort- western Elevateti roati aud tic Chii- cago anti ?,lllwaukce Eleclrie Railroad cinîîany to setule wliat relation lbey shall occupy to eacli otlier. This la an authorltatfve astatemeni marie lu Chicago Mfonday stralglit from headquarters. Tic truth about the whole matter ithat so fer froin s îraffic agreement being conuutiteti. murh less a se oTa inerger, the malter la merely lie- Ig talketi over ant imay neyer reacb lie settienient stage at aIl, altsoh there is a united Éope that It will. Bond hoîtiers are nov- holding ffly conferences in Chicago, wliere'he-r Ings also are 1prugresslng befora Nlester lu <hancery Morris, sudý where varions intercala are etthle saine limue conferrlng wvili the North- western Elevateil and other ofinclais, o bring tb. affaire of the rosdi b close.- Details of the. Deal. As lic deal lias been suggealed a«d sa being tlketi over as regards.a I Northwester» Elevated and the, Chics- go sud Milwaukee.,Elettrl ie, the t lowing are tIe tertue. - .The bond holiers mqui aurieunIteiody on ----. L Thé. Chicago. and 0MlSos-- ka. Ef.ctrlc Railred cmpn>c gains ean dntrance for Ile cars oveF the. Nortiiwestern Elivatul elevation le the Chicago loop or ta the. spur at Watir noir Kin. zie street, Chicago. 1 3. In rstum the.Norýhwe*l:*rn Elevated gela a majority of new scurlties tb b. ésued and s hli .seof the common stock 0f tii electrio lina, together wllh the. management cf the eoecIrlo lins, whicii will ke.p ls narie. 4. Bond holders of the eleçtrio Une will gel securitioq of the e sw consolidation in lieu cf thsir s. curitles. -A. C. Frost, who lb regarded ais1the main promoter o! the agreement, th. former -owuer andi prealdent of 1the clectrie roati, as laandeeti nov it presBidenî, sud principal slockhldor. la now on a trip veut ant i vl not bu banl< for a couplle of weeks. Atteaupta deal wblle lic vas herebut uov Il lae- stateti that there le notbing ln sîgit for belvecia tva anti sIx moutia. .Mea4tim c -lie rosi la mnaking strides unie- thc ncceIverahip and. tbe latest liprovement a iBtaI lie Inter- iirbaÙ, whicli sceks ta taie a front,- s-aîk lu Illinois rMatieo! tte type, la seekina as ulanlya'sapossible to put mbt effecl lie standardibok of ýulo tisai by lie steamrailroads, the fauit o! lie luterurbans belng tli e lck t systetu aI present in evideuce. Joliet Republicaii ld The -lait vestige eo!tlb.101<1 pollica organisation ln WiII catnaIgve 11 tb. giost Friday sud pa=ejut c *3.- latence vien thé Snape masblue 5dm tie Joliet RePublicau tothelboliot Daly News mii' Joliet leiWl. Tiiene tva papera vill divide the Republlcan'a circulation listeanag, adveiing patronage. Anaucumie- ment o! tiIs=ans e iii be mage la lite -Republican tonittandthl t5 Isune of that pape- vili bu made 9$. - 3usda.-Elgin Courie- Hlghland ParkMMP The verdict oves- tbe 45&* e à slabe MassMoies aIlgIUblêPi ytant ulgit vas deAttmp' ote* - under meutl oàg$g$ioSVA aBrlgiit's diseage ami i >davu. lKsa. A,. obe, y baas hen iilâa a suWr t.vaukee, bis sou vW lreouti ,luA fa [twit VII a'mov# et dPa-k. hia e e-'bQ« aosalu-law, HerUsa bai bien luI. Tb* e over 70, -V" Ibol lite wwee valgbe to bave Pmeyffl c-I 1 ti a be b ti 0 t t t ONE TO BIGIIT $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCE.

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