r, J. ou'cU. Mime i.'- WsndnAbud sli* ys1oBrow, *W, e ta fou"Of#%wW Je IghWA5 ttb Ar. snd AiMm bu ~I10rtarsel 0 beohot. l o- dues Ravblnsiboisane o iPbOns -* ~~ .IWstuUIi~botber, Joie Prni ~U< ~~I.V tm lbot lb. pelt ve c ~ -srsii5*rido. vbo bas . , *ti péeuffl O.hb, la e oaa ~ Ai~u4'AiMm P. lYar., Mt. anmc. job brceboma brotei ipad h,* tie v wd mê l. raBoldrudgovWstoI nfoSr i lt AMr. sud lMr&. cmml #.grueabbe, of Gurai.. ohm.a Jobn Capmas ndu sileissHases Waoa violelutsi eket ai b. 4o:00 «f Aira.0. W. Wlls ansu d th'd.m. esumed home Prida aflter speiiaa I- u .*eskviber altee, lira. illa Bacon. o. W#elle mmd Dkvld Ad&-amiqu ~~ Pil~la aOleo Mm.as lra. AtUM Mrphy vistod laudsàw vthb r parste, AM. Qah àk&-a. vi. Fla. liasse vam 80 adisa'Ai notia<bs isêsUt os 5 s05oso moa ishsa. S Ailes wm a eon ts sMot M&s * (se. Se, of Racin, vistsd bis dot - lin.Vernullatis est uvSI 0 aal"de t u"I09f"uai baril émestesLoy MunI Tbur&da n vithberIoa , Ailes Formmes Gm ab i iy. Tb*. hueri 0f Itai oBrrisv to m is om leslTiUaday a à oooe.Ala"rges'ncourme ocf ii 00 e a py tie WblaI peel laoas i b" owlvd szaon< ne «0long *ad ç eqtd iF ail. Boy. R. T. Roi1 pastort oY orkBRoua., preecliod av v teshlos.tmDasd tb.eagag[Uru ed b in nG omeus, cotralio D.Kalb; Georpe DolisI, Isor, Aire Yonmg plai$4 of Gueuse, va. smic . @csatW55wu toid boanhfl lvos M* * aovel [5.1 eoei,wonvmu amng bis lit de vm flllo routla tbe famlly i0 av ommmyta. SPIRIT FRUIT FARM FOR SAL Tb* S.saul Nom*e 1 pi Soclety la Of.ted fo;ri .1.1 Seat Offer. Tbl fam conti» 23a&e@of î lmproved tand, botderig the de vooded Wouater Lake, vithin one of Foi Lake. Buildinge@aie of emi jsud stueL The main dvelllug coiq tv.alg4lght roomo. font bath ic sud ciost, laundry, bot and vUta, steshis besi. acetyllu s a TiIe. dbard vood hloara ibrougl Complele hat'd wood flisla. Tise &lmo conains au elg4t rout cottugo vith bath rooni; -uitatl ewDhier cottage or managers reald Risctmie power lino Iustallation ce made Iis jear. For gentienae summuer tesldene lsncy stock tarm vitb poiiltmy,d etc., or counry lob vith overy tise "ileal counr*' provide. itesi localon a péciilistrly ftt)ed. Nq eumbrance. No agete Inquiteà tari et adcims. SpîiT FRUIT 8S1 Inglesle, III lm. MM'&. . W_ sS »Wiaiwad -home roway w settion lis. Willam r. l u anierye b4, but etsffenot vWUbDie mproivfng. Mie Nfflu. io of W6dsvorlb, le »Pv. Jssnl .#bd 4éaaAiet ver. coning boras itaiiiofag .1gbinlaa bssvy log, vw i u Ulbuohide aseon. eraultolee. Ii.borae toit And, lb. bW tlW00"th-wrovng bot mouath@lie goUnd.Tisedoolor vas. csldeoabrbulesI0" Mri. Affe lbs a broke. ib. oB ath VOgofilng - ellrdghi. L. l, Eae, UnsW MI"adI .1.1 Ais itugbe.yeuilm ualag. jaies i iuetAi sle o 0Attend ichoclin lu Ciago. Wautnbloca0M le11 vl ut meonia. Re le @orne better. Mir@. Edmod erry ol Gary, uilai., And berIo~ur i t lsglonddhbabtei', tir. Campbell, for a fer v velks aiber Ar. T. Auderooo» eormid fros Lake TmèrI sodi vin iisil ber brotais and T'hé follovlng 101h.yvd diflhoë T!bray, for lb [M I d lsoclels: AiUrs. A.K. Dall, M i~ imBoanetsud Mr@. C. E.LPeuse. Dr. Volir0f Wa.begaa psad on litte Poril e mbloa sa VIIa%. 0.0. avkle ci u,, wu s b Mlllbotn callertlant rldsgla tb. latersol a of silos Ur. and Uli. 1. L. els. v'ili 500 a *ove 10 haoit aw boce, vo mllas fut 1 o Wsdiworth, wvicà her pwomd< & 4"9 fai. 0 Oeo. Cabsuore bas isgmas niail 1 carier oftis route mal lj. Cam w ill d SUi bis O- Mareli-la i r. Pielmon 'bâau..vryoblinlng 1 fablm r» bs odatiund vwau eowW ta bea. lmi i.Dr. VUS Mra. FUI Uby le 4Iidk. -Lla &ami» ba ud@W. >1 la DeUlà,Iiu iable te bu out ge». uwbiS. omtsPDoyle iswtissives Li bere BidW. Xeîlit. Wordm Wlb vllied friands frrwîitfe ét Ok. to Mr. snd mmts. . AOeborueMu Sstuitda5in aWaukegao. Dr.Oinîlibas bsa quit. buny be.ol ,gbsly laie; &Ibo Dr. Young.c bo9Pli Louis Gilllug vas a Wankegsn ealler e mile Monday. ICrte Eart Leé bas b..» worklng at Loon taiflo Lake rnsm B. C. Arn.. brougbl nome oaveral ciaut.preumr from ts poulfr show. nati. iURAtO!1i AkRM ENTý vwma Ne. il1 roua..Talgen foc swi g -'WOVI Ad 1110»3s on APPllcatl ru im. isbas î.0éqedTuilaila e. A.Loflus iansaclod balmesaI Anlkm* Aonday.'1 1 1 Zma nMo rs. rasat.d bumuemsta Cblefgo Mondai. JeopMoril, vho bai b..» sstously 111, le ahi. tu bu. up and atonalaMain. B. J. Loi tus ahppel s carloal 0f aine potalos. from is (atm la Wisconsiln Gra3'sake Mondar. Mia.Clata Keyes, of Waubegan. vs. ab guest of Mr. sud lMas. Henry Kuebkot and faiiy Tbarslay. Aima.DelleAllen toraed Ftlday .veeIg front ai .ztended iretern trip. Olfomd Ibanke, of Raineevlle, pet Sondar wi» Imm&doos the Labe "ore. Vraàk Lawioa bai- purcasd lb. George Thapir ProprlyonW lumer Ji. lial wai out vltb bis bggIlS bons Sonday sud Mondai. âr. aod AiraiW.. Blle, of Chicago, spenl Sondai aitliseir cottage on the west aboie. Mr. andâter. Eneet Wald aid famlly apeut Thurodai sod Friday vltb lir. sud lies. C. Ale. nad famlly. Alle Kapple. of Lake Villa, vslled bis Parents herm sundaî. lira. Wbimore, botter knownau- lira. Cha. Hock, 0f Ollmva, lowa. cafls on fnbnds and relatives be. Thursday. dwuglier LuchA, epltandai vt ut. and ira. E. YF. fsaktand aa te of Ralmvills. Itis la loodh"ba sslow frfgbI train tus lole a bobo flautday evsing sud kuooked liai offlb.etacb. Ho@v-- 01 burt bettlb. train vas abopped. AIls. Edllb Rlch, of Wakgu pl »vernil deys oflefat veek vltb relative. Mr. Wilnol, o! Wauksesun, pent Thotsday ultIhie daugh~tr, Vmr.'Renry Kuohker. riussa sicMtouevu.. s.oc. - W laid fitwel, ol Chicago, tran.- saetWdbmso*bêe.laut waek. 1 1 i. Mu auleDr. , ofChcago, &Peut Bond"g wMU ber motber ber.. TI. GassWbke bowling tm» ver. deëbsée bybe Llbertyville tesm onhte WmbkeS slbys laut Soday. This bing lia. tffl gaine gave Lbertyvîlis id thb t.porm of $95. la a bfgbl lait Friday 10 a snWrleo part, ulRlance eDoolittie, vbicb provol ta h. a complele sompris.. Ail bad a. .»ealleO unis. Gaines wve plaiclui in the b.eveniag uben a lunetb.. va a.ved. Leeter Shanko, pf Hslailed«,t ob lb. load in a big.bue drSYSag out bons». Lr ae4Sts-iay êîeaiug tbe bora., bolongg gla0Barri Gearm becani nmsah.pble ai lb. tailroad .crosinq »eW Beuil Lobe on the Milwaukee tracbs sal ted'up the iracka. The lgva pe ansd Geaniy vastrova ont on « bi besi sud bouideri, tb. boras 70IMU niig mbCmyua Cleyal5iid'a iigord wsncil vs topped. The bo-s vas nô~nt, but the buggy vas broken -uo some and lit. Geary, vIa stonnel for, s tique iy the bail tat he got. TWs rmaiuluIoa abadlonoen"4tbh le 51 ts 1ot accident 'ibat bal A Isp ov W1'Wof Vlentin". aI lbe Cjmb Plrarmuci, soniething enlite- Wy ast-& ma p.iodate. Dou't fall te suo lis.PFie.,range traooe an! lbes.PsmWlgbtman ntemtind alei friande boSaieveulng aI dinner sum 1 v@ InnOvaIla bouo! oftercousin, Mis t It 1R1eh, n! Wanbegan. Pomes U l 10attend the fititua' nimsêbl fit.. 10h. The blgget evesi ml.w4tts.Book, oft (mmee, Visite ib-rpaiouao4. Mr. and Airs. L. A. Brm JÈeeLogabaugh transacted buelue. t 1lu (hOagoT.odai log et Long 'Labo at Grabat» Brou., flnndayr. ',,4 01 Thaaks. floveral trosersm atteded tle roUier We w"situ> ezpraasaur beauifel e"999agpUart a LogeBalRound tban* t%iIi. uai friands sud nelgi 1mb. Ushtdaievaang.borslééO tuladuO5Msd ftiadly au Il, durloti ibe alcknosa sud dealb 0f Adjudicatiln Notie j P.ulicnotice la iembi giron usai teSuis- scmted Execuiot ettee la"It WsudTOsenti> .1 .iscot vslassddee*easod VM éiidocbbth ceuir Cùouliof et a.Oumni. ai a te»» tiseeo tu e teioldon ai tbeeCourt HMIns te aSen, tu aadCout, ou t" e ril Mondai 0f APn] nexi. 1e11. vWheu *Pd baboe 11pesona isvln clis uaanet s, isis te nbtledad Zâuested tu presentij M usmoteaad 0Cou r udicaton. .1 iRAi K WElAND, Execntôr. vauteesu. IIl- jassaMi 11911. o-19-3 Adjudication Ntice. Public ot tu.lie 1 elu giUtttteeubis sctter Ezecuter 0otiels IsaiTetarjn et Fed Kiseger, d.eod *Miitted te Ijuni out tLs. Cotyt&te nuais c.theeo thé Court ROm ln Sa kegA tu. laid Oounty. onath ciauasta a pet th Lsd:PAIlForos Of RhOumStislD dealn-,. Now Curable Diseasest Waukesau, lu.,-j. - Afle t leiO e effAdjudica o e ynhard vo% and cheii081 IttL e- Pbi Ntc a vldlt.SOtu ~ uciser. deceaied. i -,Idl. Sem acos fetLake00uti. et at and mivsl thé tis M r yi ondf probleili visi sud sliri >ue9aberai rm b&an he albgsks f atiLie à:: ftl" h test phyMOIciU ts 55 in Europe0 andi AI. ae Sdead diseiio DIRdjid - ,belea. tait nov iii PablIcNobel S - sucteatllY iroaS. ».lter. Executr. ne.D. . vESi. d bh ba a»W rseIaunt cf iMW «,jod 1téfhstli aurdOtis 4. ss o4Oour ased r thutle etiite lei t rtsnihêOftoob Abny 8ý- ltihe paset la niae vuess.1n515 ,M«rtp, OM he trt Éalof IMrcet Ramisnmu.t t« théa tneatimeht. Ait téexpiraitione =. sd . 75IIMY« lb.thepalet ta otitly,ýIW 041 court or4 fth aga* esut la obtaiied t itnfrma vaàsao.Jsnna et isuuabin.Dr. Strn bas maft8A' iâsmmw et mati of Btood. S551h. X' a. W. a voaiti Mo cisonie Visasses toi lise"usaI -~ ~~~ô thrraewat.c icIé Wtvenll4lPoPblictes la yèrs wut. set lu prsotioela CIOs. 505 bus "Maroua0patienta tisr. 0 w5. Uilith su ait? sud strict. bons--5f M peg set inut coma to bu e1e hOrta uin ole ation Noticc. »Meby I ntisaI teE or the liaiVII etofsivi sOl atioad thse0Cony C trnitbw*ritobeisom Tsun eb. fu.n e-1aci katiesi Notice. un. Exet» - o les-s. «2M for Chas. Kue Iker, vho leatatending îuueas eolloge a Wb@su bai les» absent tbe,-pait Wvmk On acconol 0f ilines& > Oea. Bofinn of Farmer City, called eu frisudo ber. ihetiret .! th. week. Lin» Harvey, Who bas been employsd st tise Court Hanuse the past six veebe, la borne for a lev dais. FIREMANS 9th ANNUAL MASQUERADE LBAU. AT GRAYSLAKE OPERA BOUSEý der eanbUer R eddsh0 Ida ND lins. T. J. BEraIN AND VAmu our LY. It lu aiieged lIaI Geo. Reneissu lb. genlal propieleýr af lb. Round Lake hatl iha. purcbeed the AMaryland isotl, formerly'ovned bylir. Ailnulch. t le ssid Ibat b. vîil make rnany lmprovemets ou the pnoperly iiid ru» th place lu connec"itiuvtb the Round, Lake botel, vhich la buovu fer- sud vide for firet-elm board and enrtain. ment. ROUN LIC ]l *FRIDAY EvfNING' Th M(J LWoibers sud oe Snb FEBRUJARY 10# 1911 new hall Thuraday cv.»lug, e.9. AirG.. ..Richardson la ey e lk ltb Pneumonie. whe Music By Bransttters SIX Place Frank F TYlansd vif. returueti Tues - Orchstraday veing sitr apeding a fw days Orchstra *vtb tb. formei'pstcatsa&t ernont,in. _______________ Aimer Rendu le vwon again aller1 a fev CHIECK ROOM AND STABLINÇOduraie. Suis-0 0fhe. mlet skating rlnk be.Saltuday i. N O ONEAI-LOWED ON TH4E FLOOR Oea. Cobentsansd vif. ielnmned froin Ul .NTII. A STER T H4E G RA N D M AR CII LeafRiver ia r & w wveobe vieil. CiUNLE08 COSTUMED. Ar.HnyAel"trudobry mt®r _____________ ville aller slaxglir a hv laya aI Franb ~"Tikets$100 Spctatort ncsvwIatî'ooi., lins.Cha.s, àmdae ad BIOSawhite IT WILL PAY YOPJ MUU5 7lira. Midrtot tii lihutuol lion ha *k Z . **~e01gflo oSUISAie M r flou of il Mr her a ch Nl ai r. ai *1'~ id nt ed 99 308 Th ais IdSeIiyvL= .e v MTh. Lbari so hurodaî, F.b. 9. A UrilEnHarrison Tle etded Fbl. corud vtaion Creeoker l.rd r. and Mv . weJsohen wtrolartv a bot Pauoel. svutwt eltvs eti. aul. eIv.aCbcg lo ou SMtnrday sd suday. lira. fibeldon, of Aven Couler. bai rened lb. fart» v4ca1.d bY J. Nevaller, vhQ bai moved to Zion CtY. School wus dimisabid01 our@tdaî and Frday' f lait week on accouai of the iium..f lteaomer. isa B30s. From Sooglal No. 2. Lait Frlday evenlng while lir. Haw- home wosted lu bis bhume radlng 'h lb.IDBPT.?<DEi(T and looklng up and dov. tbs coin.». for lt.eGages Lakeo ltomq soverai of bis freuds and nelghbors. v.r*Ïahbering la bis yard and soon a rap it lb. door ad abouts of laughter mule bit» r.aae 1ha51lh. waithe victit» of a surprise psrty. Tbe folk" kepI ondug iiiabot forty bad arrlved. tbon progresive .ucbre vas Iodnlaed lu, eveis tables belug plaied. AI mldnigbi a amnelancbeon won erved, Iben orn su aiierl!one on lb. Vcor grapho. phono, alter vlch tbe Compay departsi for Ibir hot»es havlno Pent'a mo.1 dellgËtful eveulng. But Ar. Rawihorn asdlsappolnted. Be vas Ûot shaved nom dileh. md anY Gage.ý Labounoe. Well, nov theïe ougl to b.q ondietemsi ewcb wvek for tb.rs la always -oimldolagWlu ine"laid of .1k aid .oiey, vb.re tb. covo have ail heen teéted and th. crase»i tblck ai bôaey, etc., etc. And bi tb. wy, thons conditions ie bound tu a onainos if youll ooly buy a slo, for H a w t o r e , B a r i s a M d A ,t« h a v e Dyou boy a Wisconsin alle Ite .olOf r t aime. To lb. our. vo do'I kuow Jusl when or or wvb. r. ltfearevIli bildi bis i anson or wvh allarhob.le golng 10 a buy ooi but vre do kfo w, Ibat b. 10 maling many lmpvovomuon b is % Glmore (atm; lIaI Ibro. carloada o01 it ab.ep ver. relolly Put-ontb. Place; bal the vork of dlfrblug vblcb e. ,d ployed somt.le or twelv. me. bas been e9 dicontinued for the preosul sud lbaI M. Oldo wlll soon give nP bis poiltiol thorganad move to the Dr. Foley farm unla tbis township. Tbe beautlfnl borne of1ire. Allen 00 lb. la" o laollered for sal. R, j. Osrmlcbaelspent >sevral day. ln Di Ubana. ;- MeurHatroueand Jo. Beochei id won. Chicago vlstori lionday. M Tbe milst producea bada local mut- lng sit th. plstiowniTnesday moruinS Iand appolnted Anis., president; Nelsot sictetary; aid Barils delegale tu Il county meeting aI UbertErville. i.. W. Taylor, 0f Hickory, waa la libi Bd rteacb of Cbicago, 'rllld T. C. Vrouch ud farnllî ber. Sod&y. lit. aid Mli.ta Ray ,alortauod a unber of reattes f rom Wankegau eundai. Mdr@. Sponenberg r.turned fr01» Canada Satnrdsy. Skie wv salied Ihere by lbe dealki of ber latber, wbo von 98 yeara old. Mis. Vers lietcf s. borne froni Rusell Saturday aid Snnday. A largo crowd attended th. r.openlug of tb. Christian chureb ber. Sunday. Mr@. Thom&@ Griffin of Waukegaii, #pont the latter part of lait week at Park Smith'o. A reptIon vas held for Bei. R. L. Hlandley aid wle Frlday eveulng ai the home 0f Ellswortb Metcait. 11%e nilk obippema beld a meeting ai the bail lait Priday atiernoon. The Guru.. W. C. T. U. viii hold an orPbaaage meeing wlth lira. LouIs. aid lise Loia&fibepard, Wednesday, Feb. 8.' Plculc dînner. LAKCE VILLA In MXemoriam In loving remembranteq0f Our 11111e son Henry J. Hanse», bora S.ptçmb4t 4, 1910 sud died November 21, 1910, seed two montho and elghteen "sy@: Thos l le isse et te tmu Ama closed torever uow. Ai ho.. P&rilng e7ea tba*iboun io bight. Nebeath %bat eearly brow; s bat Ue besit test test .. tic» lr.e fr0. s&U cave end gineni. Are bldle n ,Iw to U, tea, loed Beneatiiteentsai omb. r Ti e W s an s el bnd in beaven eTisai wu boat quite complets; r U1 0 0d4tocS cOur damOn Henry .To M 1tise vacanfflet gocd. Wlelber YOD bey os not gel nMy figuas PREPAILDWHT A8 r.S ZA. rp m THE RAY bFURNITURE STOR LI LIBERTYVILLE ILL. b-i TWO COST LS r. nd irs. Da d G utafeon, ote Regular P r$4c . 00o a V a BOTIl PAPERS ONE b ore, are euterlaiulng rieud froin T.. INDEP!NDENT Yr ONLY $3.50 , iy. eglrPie$.oaVa r. H. J. Wrght wmitee tbat be la RgirPi.$.osVn wplessaully localed et Sanford, The regular subcrlptlon prieet THE DAILY INTER OCK&(l k.vher. he yull pend lb. emaluder er ycst, l'a avalie he vlnter. Bîîm ecial arranement wvltb the pubIlsbens ve ofer ion for a 1 tlmeoneyea's sbeMUonteoaur psper and THE U ALY INTER Ir. ert Bracher la I11 ai the borne o! for $3.50, les.uththie pries f onc vhs» taken sepsatueli. ileter lu <jura.. etier ait youm.tf cetai offer ai once.,ai THE INTER OC M serves the rlght to vlihdrav Il on a dsy's uotte. LaGrîppe Coughs rsinnd vaieubeilet»ndltoî SVEN RUASONS WIIY YOU SIIOULO RBAD b.ed mai develo .0 topueurnonla. 1E 1 Y 1NTE anger o! Ibis v e n Foley'a HuueyTI E DA l _ N T RC i dTan la tes prornptly. Il la a________ tbe fsrnily medclue for ail congba NEWS SERViCE-TIIE INTER OCAN nevs ervce reges syY dColdsund act quckly ad effectîvely 0f t.e orld. Specl correipoudenis, togct . ith priva:.iv Cm of croup. Refuse substitutea. cable ervce, t» addition ta te Aaaociated 3'rcsi.nd Nev ork Wî Id bi i Dmngglale. porta, gve us facIliidunaurpased lin gaherlug pews. OurW ton service la unequall. MARKET REPOTS-THE INTER OCEAN'S Uv. Stock, Grain a" l reportaste anlbeistic and unquaed. Bpecla r se ad at i » Pr1esina arde Ciao.mre.TEITROCIIAN lathe an 0fteadvance Iformaion ad profit lrnreaaurably tbroual tce Ivea" ngw d advice pninted lu TIM INTER OCEAN. FINAIICIAL NEW&a-Fluaucial uevs j. beut vbeu boîled 40w». Thal DR. O. F. PU'I"1ERFILD. you gel ln THEINTER OCEAri eveny day. Yon get, evety m VETERIÂR! SUGEON.est ta the linajial ad commiercal vold prescnted lunthev.a*901 V M B NA Y UIGE N.qulckly ad cîearty graiped ai ia tru, value. T HO INT R C &iaiiAii'iTATZ vTaaMNAuiA. he ouiy Chicago nevapaper bavlng acces. b te Pro#f iI UberyvIU. IUnol&Street Journal and la lit te ead ai eveni point of financoil è Llbetyvilo. llinls.TE INTER OCEAN la t.e officiai medium cf tb. natonal baI ___________________ cago sud la t.e Flnaitclal Authomlty of the )glddlc Wesi . DL C, . GALOVAY, FOR THiE PARMER-To iou THE INTER OCEAN particuWsly asoetàa DIL . 1 ALLO AYsolully autheullo sud posilivcly ducquaiel Markol Reprti& r inca ovin LVBLL'à DnUiGO «13. Foecus t Utgive youprofitable litretient oppotuntisé. A iue-*t 1 toa ansd S tue8 P. m. nevîpaper le as great su educator ai tb. schooi sud college.. great coleges andd einarle. la- t.h iddle Weet eusS 1W Uberlyville. Ilinos. OCEAN Editatiat Page a smodIet0 18bilaI "id bteeigs atudenti. Wat fi, le doing for teux i ceado for yo. ">re voman sud child TEE INTER OCEAN offrsa betia uoUl PAUL MAC GUFFIN cal, Fluancil, Religions Ad OcamsJ SPORTS-lu addition ta lb. ouine nmollet vblol newMPsDMPar' ATTORNEY AT LAW. giv. opinions, articles and neya reporta by cebrafl enauiglbh Ltbenly'es, Mlios - ver. ,Esseball. hoxlng. vtreelig. ns.en"-vffltUg f aIY~ paoUU s ly reportait. THE INTER 0CEAN<1 aportln pages are lu th e daly pr se f h e U iIte dl B u tes. £DiToRIAi. PAGEl-TEINTERl OCAN le natal forche atreng1 sud Cootn ise f lia .diterlsl eeaonlng-evudln othlUq DR. GOLDING nd unapologell ortoi mavtottaa.TEINTER 008*1<le Se - DENTISTcuss nyhlni l t m l t vilbout lf r or tarer. Il tla bo g eU DENTIST tacHit or oilga*stlon. Nobody but le ovn e 00018Mie Rois"file 12s.i.-1 t 5 .m. The subjecis tre wled lave a vide rang -l U e , J.ftTngsBilding nance andi abie policy.Touas fpsnswiet iWIt Dr. J. L aioPhOne 19 oCmxever««Year 10 Mi lIai lis t ltonW l r te .bch i o. . F lott 1 00Caton. la u arctifar .C « -»are 8s"dltera y t 1 UbOftT1115 'AboI. th e s t in lte Unitedl &M«at es;su viii n aY oui o t t r ~m. . x un.. RgLigbUI M 'FUINTER 008*24 assume& that r$eII¶ 14 » Dit & S $X[là t mlaton lge » 5olîks. ociety and eaandail l» .aioris U mmlr 15 p s t ue "ciy 3133 UAP. Oum pSi Ba m et t ' ma. e bwao picachers give.»th* 40 à te e . MdI- b. Sapas. arc ecpmi 1d. Fresi, vital, ompelln-1l5 bét t1. la " M ~t Mau trodls.r oe Tn faucile wui _________________ 1051C~ noflirytopa«cufor blatIu» l0e MmSet 'oerpIM eor ~« PU*WbtIa os soa LOUISJ. YEOMAN THE JEWELER m i - 1 ý --=f 1 Tbi. Var.ics ue sS th. RUMBi ehuburnieA 161, one day onui. Crtit.Bron., ame puttbulaaww Walker sud Lamed ai Sin C dolng lb. vork. Tbey mae SOb mcbine for Ibal vorn. Mrg.a.bleon lad gdW~ d'y îomnig. f8lh" ba b 0s*- some lime. Mir. Tenus, of Chlcago. ta opea4k lime at E. là. Buis.'. R.. bMutile Wou a 1on0é t i* flaiurday. Air. andigre. A. C. Cota w.e lW" gan visilor. SalurdaY. Speedy Rerleffrom KidiWy Tfl* ,11 had an acute atIsel dimss.with lnflaumtuiii il a n d b la d d e r , a d d la aln ese'. ~ Cors Thorp. ackoon, MiOL. nf Foley'o Ktd noey Reinedi oe0i attack, reduced lbhelnflaIS5Udg avay tbe pain and madO = 1 l action norma. 1 wiob eovetm' '02 know 0f Ibis voaderfal -i.ufI . by a&l Drngglti. Read tce turubsh*d rOOfl the paper iodai-d à$*1i ,WTURon. leu11 884 ou SEC RUSSELL, FOr Figura. on BUILD ING MATERIAL Volai Kidnéy Pilleaie a reîhable ramdy for bu*acbe., ibumatisia sud urtnary Irrelartlse. Tbeî m aienoue inaetion, qulckinreulti sud siford a prmp reliai frot» alilkldy dieorilera. ldbya&l DraMits. nitjy luý IMturdoi. hie 1 %itýt rtàilý; iNiýpù irlpÀbi -