Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Feb 1911, p. 5

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Ir. k POIMABLE BATH lm WIOAL BATH lFOR 910 A UTULE SHAYRS etI.EV!tR*r INVENTION OF TIE A4. LEANSINO. FRICTION, MASSAGE SHOWER. 4FOR SAL.E DY W. 3. McCLAIN AGENT PHIONE 1302 =tmy require a short 'ceayaISU" et wwft aditag Io Sd the knd et w0,k yquretoiooing for. OU t i iqould requtre i LONG empaigli of igy ot1er sort of lookng." It t'.aà job for a want ad DON'T LIAVE IT TO À PLACARD! LAX~ QOUNTY INDUPtI0~*T, FEIDÂY, FEBRUARY a, i~u WE WILLI, =AMINE thut watch of yours and telo just ,wbat ta necesry to bedontl what ia will cost 10 put It in Perfect Runniflg Order then you enu leive it or not, layon plomBe. lu ail kinda of repeir workâ do 6.nly the vM erybt work and yen 'bave no heuitancy lu leaing tii. flut aftic1o lu ini Our car. fA. tnuS jI!LER LibertYVilo ]ai BLJCKWIEAT CAKE MADE FROM FOX kIERt MILLS BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR Pure Maple Syrup And HOME MADE SAUSAGE 0 FOR SALE [SV J. ELI TRIGGS Phone 25 Phoeo - - BiG REDUCTION SALE NOW ON TO LAST o TILL FEBRUARY 23 COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F SOME 0F THE BARGAINS * J. -B. MORSE, &CO. 1Everything fgrrIen LIBERTYVILLE,: ILL Umm IL'I1 ftMINATION FREE MF OUSER TRE OR IF YOU BEE LITTLE4 ,WHITE 8PEOKS AND AREJ~ SUBJECT TO HEADACHES UT la TIME vo UJWORE C LASSES OR IIAD A NEW PAIR -0F LENSES IF YOU ALREADY WEAR TIIEU DROP IN'AN* WE CAN, FIT You ou r -SATISF.. - - ACTORY. BROKEN LENSES OUPLICATED bl lOCAL A l No PrERSoNAL.«MIENTION 301 inc fChcgoa elu on Lhhrlyvillo finonde Tuesday. C. C. (larpeuter o! Channel Lake, was tràeascta business In our ctyTuosili. Dobert Wilson of ilWeukee, risithd relatives and frende bore the forepart of the wok. George Clveand and Misé Mabol HhaL4%s vislted lest Saturday et Broad- head, Win. lisd W. 8. MceCai's adrortisement ln anotber columu of thie issue. It mey Ineree jeu. 10 have a septie tank. Wo Undsetaud th cotreet le already lt for lia coaintiofl. Rory 8.1.1er bas purcbesed of M. B. Oohy iote 20 aud 21 inu0Overs' addition t o Libertyrllle, tbe couefderatlou heing "sa00 by Brumm Bros. purchaoed ten lots lu the Austin subdivisiou. ouideatiou le said 10 le 61,9Q0. Mr. and trs. John Welcb lef t Weduee. day for Citroneile, Aie., 10 lde -one indeflitoly, iaviug goue thore for the improrement of Mr@. Welch's health. U. L. Howo lfaft Tuesday for Iowa 10 b. gome sorne Urne in lhe fulerest- of an apparatue for printiug on rollers o! wrapptug paxier used in ratait stores. Fred Crobor Tueeday flied bis bond of $6I,WoOiuithe township colector maller and expoeu ts 1 ecire bis btokansd h. roady for the taxes lua ew dai. Dout fait tueiU on hlm and 1lMqidate yonr A couutry correspondent writen thst a mancla ils ueighborhood les ufering wth "remitting" lever. 1 ht t houid happen (o hocofile epidemie what a glorious lim lb. ewapapers wouid have vwleb thelr subscribere. Durlng tbe severai weekm that tbe Librar7 bas been openl there haveben 1036 boo istsributed or an average dally crclation of twenty-four. The eomuiteedf novwrmailing out a lust ot uow book@ wbicb liey vili puch». lu the Dowi future. irldagevoua 0 f lest veek Mr. and Mre. Mfcus Andrews gave e ferewoli perty att he 'I home lu bonor of Mr. and Mmrs obel rummitt, who left Satur. day eveniug for their home et Tyvan, Baskatchawan, Canada. The best wishes of hhir rnany frieuds accompany then to their home lu the far uorlh. woLu weth eavey Slt or bdrainage Disritna thSayB oh Durecitage Glenrcoe, s letu, ohcribrleboy,0 thecoetMin., aprering0. et er ch cnyapr eTs biuory9 fcnge thbe yrd.baThenmahipe fr llnoe the or.,as vili piedharo abot eo firel of net veekSwhen active operation viii bagin. To liquidate the Indobtedness of the Lake Couty Odd Fellows Picule Association au eutertainrnut lu the alpe o! a coucert o! ver songe wîliI held lu the Libertyvllle towu balOUI Weduesday evenlng, Feb. 8. Waukegau Y. M. C. A. male quartette o! forty voices amested hy ominent soloiste vili furnish tho oterteinent. . Lt orerybody turu out and heip a good cause. Tickets ou sale at both drug stores. Tii.e.ibrtyrille Bowling team veut ho Weukegau Suuday 10 roll the third of a sere of threo garnes wllh -the Grayiake t eam and defqat«kdthe -latter hy a mharin of 18pins. By wl.niug Ibise game lhe Librtyilile boys won tbe sertes and carried off the tropby vbich vas a pursesoi $25. An Individuel gae was also piayod by Paul Morris of Librlyvilie. sud Peter Murray of Chicago, lu wbich Morris defealed Mur. ray by tweuty-ono plus.. auspices of 1h. M. E. Sunday scbool yl b. held ah tb. cbureh on Monday ovon- lng, Feb. Gth ail 8 o'q!oek. A rare chance vili b. givuil 10th. peoplo of the riclulty 10 beur lie volces of the voridia greateet ingens. Buch as Caruso, Jobn Mdacorrnack, th.eimlg youug.Irisi tenor viiose marrelona voicesla startllng tho world, Madani BchLumannUKeiuk, Gypsy Soith, Barry L1ader, Evau Williams sud nieny otior rAre volces and heauti- lut selectlone. EBvery plec a work o! art. You muot.hoàrlt 10 h. convluced. Tickts 15e sud 25. To insure publication ln the Indepen- dent, cope muet be ln thie offic no later than Tuesday of esch week. Adver- ti»sr, especiaîly, are asked to take particular notice t0 tis effect. Mn. Mlman 1eotd e i t ber homne on Bchool street. Albert Licbtfeld took lu tihe automobile *how lu Chicago lest saturday. Mime Alice Fuller and nephew, Fred protino, were Waukegau paenger let Saturday. . J. M. Burke and two child ren of Chibago, rilted Lhh.rtyvilie bloends one day the latter part of luot woek. The Ladies'Aid Society 0f the M. E. rhurcb wili meet lu lb. churcb itarfor on Tueiday erening. February 7. The Lndies Aid SocletY. 0f tii Presby- teriMn clLurch wii mee t aIt ti. homo of .11ru. c. Kiepper Tburaday a! leruobu, Feb. 9. "ýTommy," lthe seboolma'am asked. "vrby are yon acratching jourgbho"?" -ý(;aumenubody else kuows juil where Th4niterlor of the old Cuion 'church. occpied by St. LawrenceEpà-cpel Mission, la belg redecorated. Barry Gilioway is doiug the wOrk. Mr. sud Ulrs. John La;re.c bistsd frmm TuWsay 1111 Bsturday of lutI week wilirM. Laerencel's brther Tho. Lof tus aud larily et Wilmot, Wis.- Windes and Mareho 01Wliuutka, III., have compiled a noV complets mai) of Uàbortyilie showlng aIl the. subdlvisiou' to date Mnd sane je on exhIbit forae short tlmo at the Lake County National Bank. There will b. serOicosdet St. Lawrence I gissIon Sunday. siternoon et 8:80, Rer. A, 0. Richards of Lake FonesI, offlitlg. Services wene postponed lnAsI uuday ou &ccount of redecortîna lb. luterfor of1 t'be building. As thoeneut of Injuries sumffered viien sie feil on a pair 01 scissorBsiathle nummer homeof Iber motier, Mr@. Malmie Andrews, Fox Lake, Margaret Andrews, 2 yearu old, daughter of Alfred Andrews. 629 Shermuan place. Chicago. died Baburday of brain fover. §lduey P. Ithelusîron left la t Baturday eveiug for Caifornia 10 remain for an indeliite lime. While therq eho ilii rIt rnany points e! lutenost sud w. expect thet upon bis rture home ho viiil e aPosition 10 relate to, bis mrnv finnde here nuoreroue interesting incidente o! his tnip. lu our lûcai colurnu lent week w. mentonPd Roy Herrick of Harvard, wboWbijbt undergone au oplation, va@ a son of M. and lirs. D. D. Herrick of Ibis place. We are pieasd tb note thet sucb vas Dot the case, tue fact being wc vers miinforrned as 10 the ldotty, the Roy Herrick known bore b.iug in the best o! heaitb and et preseut empioyed lu tie soutberu part of the stete. There wilii h but twa ecllpse lu 1911 and botb of these viii b. 0f the sun. t J@ a most unusuai yeer lu liaI thors willl h. no eclipse o! lb. moon wbetever. A total eclipse of the @un, visible bore only aspartiai eclipse, the sun setting oclipsed will take place ou April 28tb. Au ammilar eclpse of the sun viii occur ou Octoben 21st. This eclîpsie will not b. Invisible bene, but visible lu Ae, Austraia and portion of th. Pacifie sud indian Oceans adjacent thereto. lIer. W. L. WhIpPle vilI beglu a lecture course under tbe auspices of the Epworth anLgue. -The sertes vili conisb of m twelve lectures wblcb vili reprelet a t rp around tbe worlà vistlug the Iseverfil couutrioe and speudlng Ivo e eoiugs lu oaci country,. llltstnatfug I ith lb. stereopticon lb. krogremo f Icvilisation sud Chrltiauity. Tho Sirst leture 10 te gironneusaIFnlday evsnlug « d each Frlday ovemng Iberealior Isucceedlng leturem wili giron h. until lie course is complote. Tickets for tie course are soid at on dollar, Iwhie a single admission of ten cente vill b. cbarged for adulte sud tOve cents for é bildren undor filtnesn. The objeot of the iesis not for maklug mouey bulte Smaintain the coursé. Tickets wilii h. on salo at the door of the. church nexi Frlday ovoufng, Fob. 8rd et 8 P. ni. lII IvEaTo lu U IGIPAL, CITY -IMIRQVgfàgNTr. OR COR- ~IL~EODU hi SFÉBS? #HVS8TtENT& iY.Uf~1~NSTfflhR 8014» T$fROUGH suY~i# . UHaRE VOlt T M OUR OPVWIPme,TNE IL E. Churoh Service&. 10:00 a. rm. Claso Meeting, Rer. J. B.t MacQluifin. 10.80 a. m. Preaching, by the pautor, W. L. Whipple, subjeet, "A Father's Forglvenes." 12 m. Bible Sehool. 6:45 p. m. Epwortii league. 7:80 p. m. precbing by paistor, subi.1 "An Iuviting Invitation." Notice. A public meeting 01 the Meredithb Flower and Vegtable Company will b. beld on Tbursday night, February 2, et 8 p. m.rn. utbe Odd FeUlows Hall, Libertyville, tIl., at whieh lime .a ternporary Board of Offleers wili h. gieted by the stockhoidera on rewor et the close of the meeting. The. Meredith Fiowor and Vegetabie Company offers to the public 10,000 shWret a$1*.00 euhb. This stock bolng ait prelerrod stock an&i nonasssabi. niakes It a I .oand sud consrtativ@ investuient, ee Mr. Merediti la e prsonlly. going 10 guarsues 70.ou Ibis stock auWuliy, whcb willi b.e piaibed set lie mting Tbernerit o tie business yul aiso ho tàln10 <beau d wo wlU show you IaIs tifs le today lie bel ltnusmula Illinois. Ubertyillomon, thé labor ernployed oule of a. goural forenian yul h Ubertyvils mon, talmaterlal vM ý> bolght la IAh.tlyvOlt. Uf tii.prioseav* sahlsi .Oel. 'ltg 10 ., iuatn ry thal Lhberý fim" h. proud tb look Kt lu lie fature. 1 exhed 0&Haia tordg luvilahlou ho ateud 0 Iatuzso. i . Xou"ue'trl. SACRIFICE REDUCTION S 0F WIINTER GOODS abouit Ea.'s hig discount sale of ruIture on another page. Mr@. S. P. Eviloizor and daughtr-, idrod vfsltod lu Evaniton Bonday. Thue wator and sewer epociai ns. monta are due anud payable on or beforo Feb. 10, 1911. cl- J. B. MORSE, Viii ego Colloctor.. Woro you over tbrfiied by a great masterpece of Munie. Bld you ever riS. pou the wiugs of an engouie voice? Repent tho» experlence by atteudief tho Victrola Concert. Caruso, Scotti,Schnna BrHink. .foha Iacormack, Evan Wiliamis. Harr *audor, Nat Wlie, Gyspy Smith, Trinihy Èoy. Choir are among the mny whfeb wiii ontertaîn you et 'tVfotrola Concert Moudiy oveuing, Feb. 6. "18ee her osr," oeid the i!rate ueighhor. 1your dog ate up seven of nxy chiekene lut uight. Whît are you going 10 do about lt?" "Weil." repiod the owner of the. amunr canine, "Un, a peaceini man,. and iflfItdon*t mako tbe dog sick. 1 won't do auything about lt." Tuoodey eveuing Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Egor entertaluod about tbirty ionde et progressivvo euchre. The prizes were won by tho following: Firet prime,. mre. Carnie McDonald and H.enery Lawrence; consolation prizes, lire. Harrison Brown and Fred Suydam. Alt1er the prise, weo awarded a boun. teous enpaut was spresd 10 whichcill dld ample justice, departJng la tho wee @ma' houre of the moruing for their respoctivo home@ votlng Mn. and lIns. Egen royal ententaluers. on a rocent date a certain youug lady, a doiustic iu one of the mont hlghly respected famills, ,0f our citY tOok It upon horseîf 10 oau moome easy mOWo and ptraightwsy ote a chéeck for sven- dollars signing ber ernployer'e1 Bamethereto. Tuahobeiadone aie departed for one of our oldestestubllhed business bousesud bought a emali bill of goode amcuutfng tu somethlug lîke two dollars and bavifng but about one dollar and a ein l change lu ber pockot book presented the check as pay molI. The merciient accepted tbe 1 Check alter It had been properiy ondorsed1 aud gave the. youug lady bock ber change. 'A day or two late lie check worked le way around to the bank, (alter baving pessed tbrôugh the bande of two or tbree of our menchauts) where lb.. flrst b*aspiciou arose -as 10tii.h signature. One o! the caobiers of 'bi bank not boing satlied tbat the signa- ture vras bonaide took the check 10 the parti, whosesiguature appeared thero and leari;ed that it wsoa forgory. Il was thon placed lu the bande of Marehai Liitenny to: sbtraighten up. who took tiie cbeck and coul rontlug the youug lady Ini question aaked il ber employer gave it tô ber. lier anewer was lu the affirmative and the marebai repeated- the queetiou whereupon lieyouug lady eaid, "No. uol Wait a moment. Keep quiet aud l'Il gel the rnoney lot you.". So oaying, ebe ra upei)senud returned with the money, bandiug It over to Lliruerry, wbo together witb the lady of the boue, gave ber a strong talk explalu. !Dg the sorlouenea of 'tb. offense. The effair ended wlth ber diacharge from the position by ber mrpluyer, Maraia Limberry s4ipIçhtug ber npýt 1 repoat- the act as it certainly would meilu à trialin circuit court on charge of petit larceny and a probable sentence to a termilutho countyjall. Tho young lady lu queitfon fi about ttreuty-four years of age sud certainiy oidounougb to kuo w botter than to porpetrete such an offense, and howevor Iguorant >of lhe Wlserloueos of the crime obe was, it should bo'a good lesson lot ber lu the future. ONE CASE (3 DOZ.) 12 QUART GREY ENAMELED 01811 PANS, CIIEAPER THAN COMMON TEN ......... TRIPLE OOARED 8 QUAART STEW KETTLES IOLUE MOTTLED OUTSIDE, PURE WHITE INSIDE SIZE 10 I-Z 8V 4 1-2, ST11f4G LARS AMD WIRE BAIL, A 60Ç KSTTIS FOR HAVE Y U4E 51 80 ISARGAINS IN OP AND 1 0F WINTER 00008 IN OUIt NORTHl WINDOW WHMiOW WE CLOSE OUT AT lOc T THE F AliM.R' What we guarantee, by the proper mse- of Sharpies Separator in your dairy, li as follows: the. SiierDeuS eparater vili be a a emt sucIent te eaY 10 por ent intecesoun *il. b test of thi.eear&torÇCcb eàt. aud the. gain over meMet gfer sePàitur Witti c. 8o thau tiis.. 2d.,-, il vou,.t e te sent Uine, Uneoune ef the best eravitv oreamners.uder ths kook, able condtions. rour saiu lu rield ef butter by' the ni.o e i.Sharples Tobuisxe eatres tu excese ef ton pounud for everY udred Punds oreow1ouirmado. If trou are usingeoven 1the lest traviti cresmoer undor favorable cundiuions,. pltF&slu yery cood vater or tee, or gain vIl!be su excesse0uit reuiy eoudes. Il youu MsM croamer 8r pans.tru,>'gain vli ruu frum twentr-Ilve o te fty Pounude, devendiS ne c 2v Id lier are. ad. on the point et qllty et cream or bolier Ir1elmure didicuit tu maks a donnât r ÇA hardîr sur lieu darmn e th Ie soame amoont e1 rare about ineir dainesor ms» Usa qusilîrot buttr. bt. othor Ililuis bebug quat. we guarstee liat erbu thse fuM" fid au impruvemnt t the ii.qnslty ut his butter equirsieul l mSs hrées te Ru o cees. by mheoue ofutour ceparator. vwhitii.eaverage iOn caxefuldttrmsu viiseflau. a froui 5oper cent tu101) pavr cent more than vîtiont 1the aId Ofutheii.TglarW$0Msrt T1'ecklm-mkbllut wiS arn sndftreh. viii 1e muefi more vrsnsbile t g* gbe it I Wormh freni twentr-aeoconte 1totroWyfve cents par bundned ounaefor stock feedse. laoiron mo te as.eutm thetockgowblcbtla ted. 8aoug. o mid 5Worth "Mbou»4"etg amaunt. 411. Te savinginlubendiUng ut09 mt grDY har th12 e para" téo me ZrM abgi st&able, m%d knmUl ted rnltbt t10tme sock Voie il e li te saiag utu s «p etc.. andtme waablr ntsd artfoerne.,add a bondred and une ctbsr ItU@ svbgs, VI le esttmated, sit12 ugh mer amn o a Mrat &SI in lie egatel Kb. Tbere viii 1e a aing oftlee. H Msurla sOand tme lime sd oex s"oe_ the lee.. .t., luý a>lyiiiii. asd 12w Wbondn uClrcuSta10 conu1e beas ouoeemt. US vili une. $oId by H.B. EGf-E R, ibertyviII Juil .aoouud the corner on 8v~ etreet, nezi hîe Boehmni bu Ing sud opposite ths Peste biaekssolth shop. .13ERTYVILLE, IllLINOIS FURNITURE.,STO Mans Duck Coats....... ..............I ......... alfpdb, Mn's Feit Boots . .......... ............................ of Pri Mens Feit Foxed Shoesuworth 83.00, At.................... * Mens& " 2.00ýàt ....................... I %Mens Shoop-lined Shoes, Worth 61.S i e.................... M&ns Wooi Underwoar Worth, 81.50., t ..............................10 Men%Il.. Si.O At ........................I Mn'* Gloves andbMttens ........ ... ............. Onethird C dens WolP t.................... ....... . ...........~ Boys' suits ................................................ One4Sthid Ladie W ool Iar w eir, Worth SISO, et .............. ... Ladies' $ S1.00, e ..................... ... This is a Chance~ to Make a Great Savinj WIY .'My MORE? It - 1 lowk ý

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